The Straits Budget, 4 May 1923

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES VOL. LXXVII No. 3403 Singapore, Friday, May 4, 1923 ESTABLISHFI> OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 232 1 U-APEUS-Bri a and Germany Jjj Thr Suite and the Law V fl!*h Value Centn f Empire Jk ‘iS-lJ it'-'" ';r< Central I and Pereonnle Tito tt«a: Wave 7 i: iter’s- S rvice i; i ,i. Prohibition 1 Ni ar Canton 8 Ti Near Taiping Municipal Commission Ipuh IV trie
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  • 3913 1 o hoit in the Journal of the Royal l al Society comments on the j 4 f, < 1 at(.,] service of through trains beBangkok and Chiengmai. It goes 'hat in the Malay’ Peninsula n i n '•'■nt years, Penang and Pattani have made considerable proan,l have
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    • 750 3 REUTER’* SERVICE London. April 20. Th nuke of York and Elizabeth lh i eon the daughter of the ?°'of. Karl of Strathmore, were married S rw tm.n»ter Abbey at noon to-day, at it it i shuns of
      REUTER’* SERVICE  -  750 words
    • 301 3 London, April 20. Cape Town There has been a sensa iona: sequel to *.he stranding of the Portuguese mail steamer, Mossamedes, at ('ape Frio. When the Commonwealth dominion I ner, Port Victor, was summoned by wireless, she found the Mossamedes abandoned and no sign cf the 237 souls
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    • 109 3 London, April 26. A New York message s ates that the invent on of a new method of sending telegraphic signals, which is calculated ‘o increase the speed of transmission by 150 per cent., was announced to the annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences -at Washington
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    • 110 3 London, April 25. In the House of Commons, replying to Col. Fremantle, Mr. Ormsby-Gore said that there was no serious difficulty' in securing suitable candidates for vacanciein the Colonial medical services, exeep for West Africa and a few other posts for which it was only possible to
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    • 73 3 London, April 2d. The Hague In the First Chamber lu? ing the debate on the foreign estimates, the anti-revolutionary leud r Anema, requested the Minister foi Foreign Affairs to try and secure the cooperation of the smaller powers, espenally Scandinavia and Switzerland, with a view to encouraging the
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    • 31 3 London, April 2d. Berlin At the meeting of the Norildeutscher Lloyd at Bremen on May 1», an increase of the capital from (500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 marks will be proposed.
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    • 389 3 London, April 20. The abduction and rescue of Miss Mollie Ellis furnish a story full of thrillng particula/s and resplendent with examples of English pluck and Indian ga' la ntry. A mes age from Simla narrates
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    • 80 3 London, April 26. Replying to Mr. F. C. Linfield, Capt Jrmshy-Gore .-aid that general instruciens had not been given governing the distribution of official advertisements to newspapers of Crown Colonies. He said that the Secretary of State would naturalIv leave such a subject to the discretion of
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    • 43 3 London, April 26. A Simla message states that the murders committed in certain Punjab districts by Sikhs, are believed to be the work of the so-called Babar Akalis numbering about 200 composed of the returned emigrants of Komagata Maru fame.
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    • 43 3 m London, April 25. An Amsterdam message says the Prime Minister states that the Government is considering the emigration of unemployed to Canada. On" hundred men are leaving shortly and the Government are granting 60,000 gui'ders to the Dutch Emigration League.
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    • 64 3 London, A pri 1 25. New York: The Marine Transport Workirs’ strike has up till now had small effect on New York where the employers •stiina e that the immediate shortage loes not amount to over 500 men. Som< of the other Eastern ports are somewhat inconvenienqed, while
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    • 246 3 Reiter's Service London, April 27. A nu sage from Duesseldorf states that recent recrudescence of sabotage coincides with the rumours of the forthcoming German reparation ofFers, but according to Reuter’s Paris corespondent it is confirmed that a high authority in the French Government
      Reiter's Service  -  246 words
    • 155 3 London, April 25. The belief that the Anglo-American debt-fund ng agreement will lead to a final settlment of the reparations problem is expressed by Mr. F. C. Goodi enough, chairman of Barclay’s Bank, addressing the American Bankers' Association. He was confident that negotiations with regard to German reparations would
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    • 80 3 London, April 27. The Hague Replying to the debate the Minister for Foreign Affairs said his policy of independence did not imply the isolation of the Netherlands, for ever since he war the Netherlands had been co>perating with Scandinavian and other countries, but she could not afford
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    • 59 3 London, April 27. Simla The King has approved the award of the Kaiser-i-Hind gold medal to Mrs. Starr for helping in the rescue of Miss Ellis. The Viceroy has received a elegram from the Secretary of State for India expressing Their Majesties’ horror at the brutal crime
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    • 53 3 London, April 25. New York A message from Vancouver s ates that a Canadian patrol boat Hred »n an American fishing schooner in Solander Bay as she was a suspected noacher. The schooner’s crew scuttjnd ind abandoned tin* vessel leaving bob” 1 one of their number wounded, who
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    • 279 4 London, April 27. Wji hington Mr. Fliliu Root ha' on dor.-cd President Harding’s pl< a for the Fnitid States participation in tie PernnMerit Court of International .lustier*. London, April 27. Washington Mr. Hughes, a ldre.->ini; tlu* American Intermit.onal Law Society, vigorously upported President
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    • 73 4 London, April 27. A eonft fence between the miners’ executive and the mineow tiers in London has failed to produ e a* agreement. The mineowners rejected the demand for the revision of the national agreement in order to provide a higher minimum wage and the miners declined to
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    • 73 4 I .<*ll lon, April 27. Mr. Buckley, of the Overs, as Trade l>« |,ar>nieiil, peakin at Birmingham, su'd tlial we iiiit t concent r:.t c our attention o*l tin Pacific Coa.-t a.- an important link in the chain of Fuipirc, and the depirtmeni \v..s consequently sending a
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    • 68 4 London, April 17. Messrs. Reiss brothers, Limited, of Manchester, who are trading with China, principally in cotton Roods, have announced that the Official Receiver has appoint'd a liquidator pending the hearing of a |M*tition for compulsory winding up. The po.-ition is attributed entirely to the fall
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    • 53 4 London, April 2<5. Melbourne Replying to a deputation of 1 usine-s men, the Minister for Customs said that the (Jovernment were prepared to subsidise -hips for the purpose of dovelopinr trade with Fa.-tcrn ports like Bombay, Madras, < aleutta and Shanghai, if it could ‘be shown that trade
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    • 61 4 London, April 2(5. In the llou-o of Commons, Sir C. A. M. Harlow, explaining tl’.e estimates of the Mini try of Labour, pointed out that the unemployed had fallen to 1,2.»0,000, the low st Hire t he* high peak in June*, 1‘.t21. when the* figure was 2,000,000.
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    • 104 4 London, April 27. The lii'li Republican general headjuarters have to-nijrht ordered a general u p'-nsi* n of 1 o. ti 1 it n Headquarters have ordered the suspenii n of offensive oper. lions from April but have instructed the troops to remain on the
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    • 52 4 London, April 27. Lau. antic M. Vorowskyd, the Russian Soviet representative at Rome, one of the delegates in the former Russian delegation t" Lausanne, has arrived. He notified the Secretary-General that he was prepared to receive communications with regard to the conference. M. Vorowsky is calling on
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    • 69 4 London, April 27. 'i hi Hady .News Lobby correspondent -tali- that the Government is considering the pr.po a I to cancel the Anglo-Russian find* Agreement s a result of Ministerialist rote-ts against the religious persecution;, in Russia. Tin; Government have appi inted a medical committee to nvc tig;
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    • 66 4 London, April 27. lie Postma-ter-Generul announces that «In* Kus-inn postollice now accepts letters nd pi steards destined for the Far Fast, except damn, for tran-Siherian transmisi n. Mails would be despatcheil from London on Saturdays and should reach Reking in about 22 days and Shanghai in about
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    • 79 4 London, April 27. In the 11 erase* of Commons, questioned iclative to the relief of tin* remnants of (Jcneral Koltch.ik’s army scattered in '"•rlli Manchuria, Mr. R. McNeill saiel that while the* (Jovernment sympathise ,v Lli the piiu ht of political refuße.*es the*y e.iniiot undertake a fre-h financial
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    • 206 4 London, April 27. N* v hoik Lord Robert Cecil, concluding' In- address on his American tour, said that I:;* hoped that some great power would i k tln* League of Nations to intervene in the Ruhr. London, April 27. Suva, 1* iji A meeting of Colonists has P sm
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    • 221 4 Rei ter’s Service London, April 28. (’api* Town All 1 hi* Mossamedes’ 'mats except one have been picked up. Iwn hundred and twenty-seven were saved out of 2.>8. London, April 28. (’ape Town Details of the .Mossamedes l>a.tir, as given by survivors, show
      Rei ter’s Service  -  221 words
    • 119 4 London, April 28. Calcutta The closing of the Alliance Bank of Simla is due to heavy losses and customers’ withdrawals. The Imperial Bank of India is prepared forthwith to repay 50 per cent, of all classes of deposits, subject to liquidation under its surveillance. Further dividends will
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    • 106 4 London, April 29. Park- The newspapers state that General Weygand will embark, at Toulon on Thursday, on the warship Lorraine for Beirut to visit the North Syrian frontier where the Turks are reported to be concentrating. It is pointed out that General Weygand disposes 20,000 troops in
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    • 108 4 London, April 29. onstanLnople It is reported that the police have discovered a Bolshevik plot, in which the Bolshevik Commercial Delegation is said to be involved, to «)i ganise a demonstration of workers on May Bay. Leaflets have been seized eiilling on the proletariat to rise against
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    • 78 4 London, April 2X. A successful experiment has been made the Plymou h Chamber of Commerce to demonstrate the possibility of saving 1 11l 'N the delivery of American mails. A launch intercepted an incoming liner •C Plymou'h and conveyed test mails h,,r whence an aeroplane continued the •oiirncy
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    • 221 4 London, April 28. Washington Mr. Hughes, referring t criticism, said the British Empire had votes to America's one in the selection f judges. Mr. Hughes declared that th United States ought not to object to C increase in the voting strength of peonl? which had developed under
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    • 126 4 London, April 28. The so-called terms of settlement laid down by the De Valera proclamation are high-sounding, but in essence they appear to deal with formulae rather than facts. It is expected that the Free State Government will reply immediately. Meanwhile, it is pointed out that no mention
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    • 31 4 London, April 29. Santiago de Chile The Pan-American < onferenee armaments committee have approved of adherence to the Washington Treaty and lixing the limit of capital sh ps at 000 tons.
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    • 43 4 London, April 27. Mexico City The Chamber has approved the oil law* designed to meet foreign protests against the alleged confiscatory interpretation of the constitution. The most important provision of the law’ confirms the petroleum concessions lawfully secured before June, 1917.
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    • 50 4 London, April ‘27. Mr. Bonar Law with the King' approval leaves immediately for a short sea voyage and will return for the meeting of Parliament after the Whitsuntide recess, when the medical advisers assure him that there is every prospect that his voice will be completely restored.
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    • 57 4 London, April 28. Lausanne Progress has been made lithe Third Committee, w’hich has settle* practically all the economic clauses in tn«Treaty, the Turks displaying goodwill-/* discussion of the articles dealing with economic concessions was suspendc'j pending the negotiations of interested parties with the Turkish GovernmentTherefore, the Chester
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    • 47 4 London, April 2> Sixteen hundred men in the G I Refineries at Skewen, near Swar-^- 1, have struck in sympathy with the tit‘«' v who have been striking during the r ,r Dree weeks against a reduction v\ iges. The strike is now complete.
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    • 138 5 London, April 28. Koine Signor Mussolini's acceptance ~f the Popular Party Ministers' resignaJ llin has surprised and disappointed Catholic* throughout Italy and caused not little consternation in the Vatican it- If Signor Mussolini thus has shown j'j. displeasure at the vote of the Catholic Popular Party Congress at
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    • 96 5 London, April 29. Lt.-Col. Sir E. W. M. Grigg, secretary to the Rhodes' Trustees, in an interview with the Observer, hails the Davison scholarship fund as a most important <;up forward in the path marked by Cecil Rhodes’ will. He particularises the exivllcni American results obtained by the Rhodes
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    • 56 5 London, April 28. Paris The newspapers report that Madon, commander of the Bapt expedition. which was to tour the world by air. has di>appoared between Pisa and Rome. It is believed that he has fallen into the sea. London, April 28. Rome Madon has arrived ami reports he made
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    • 37 5 London, April 29. The new Hamburg-Amerika twin-screw 'teamer Deutschland has been launched at the Blohm and Voss shipyards, Hamburg, President Ebert performing the christening ceremony. The ship will be placed on the Hamburg-New York service.
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    • 39 5 London, April 28. Thy old-established Royal Hospital School at Greenwich is to be removed to Holbrook. Suffolk, to a site given by Mr. (1. S. Reade as a token of admiration for ihe Navy’s services in wartime.
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    • 48 5 London, April 28. I.ahore Twelve hundred Sikh prisooiHr-. convicted in connection with the *urukabagh incidents, are being released '‘‘cognition of the assistance render'u the Punjab Government by the a kal is pending the arrival of troops at •\mntsar on the occaision of the recent mdu-Moslem disturbances.
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    • 56 5 London, April 29. <|n tin. t .ye f the lock-out the Boiler J ,,s Society has decided to fall into l• ii e two other unions and a t i‘ "f the members will be held during coming week. It is anticipated that i < ,n Pjoyers will
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    • 47 5 London, April 28. |...V i I,i ,1 M*’* Bonar Law’s absence, Mr. >• '"mi, whose handling of the Budget i 'Miiously increased his repu'ation, will he House. He has virtually clone r »?mc days and has enhanced the oiip t °J ,lnions as to his Parliamentary
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    • 63 5 London, April 28. In l Magistrate who is examining a k r ainst ex-dlrectors of the t V hdustrielle de Chine, has ani.v, M 1 a committee of three financial iiionm, V ascertain the course of l, a ,j r ancs which Andre Berthelot 1 ■la V..« ",l
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    • 228 5 Reuter’s Service London, April 30. Washington The Supremo Court has decided that toiegn and American steamships are prohibited from bringing to American ports intoxicating liquors under seal intended for the use of passengers on outward voyages. It has ntld, however, that American steamships
      Reuter’s Service  -  228 words
    • 153 5 London, April 30. The centre of interest in the Kenya question, in which British settlers are bitterly opposing the demand of Indians for unrestricted admission and the conferment of equal rights of citizenship, has shifted to London. The Governor, Sir Robert Coryndon, also white and Indian deputations,
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    • 147 5 London, April JO. The report of the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee, presided over by Sir Norman Hill, on life-saving at sea. gives the opinion that in view of the circumstances of the loss of the Empress of Ireland, the Egypt and the Lusitania, it is impossible
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    • 72 5 London, April 110. C* pe Town: The latest news indicates that it is practically certain that the Mos-amedes’ missing boat, containing ten to thirteen passengers and crew, including two Englishmen, is lost. Survivors, declare that the boat was the last of a straggling line and a man was
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    • 36 5 London, April 110. A regular weekly London-Berlin air service has been inaugurated by the departure of a British machine from Croydon this morning. It calls at Amst< rdam, Bremen and Hamburg en route.
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    • 171 5 London, April 30. A nine-day trial at the Old Bailey his resulted in Enever being sentenced to three years penal servitude, Bennett to fifteen months in the second division and Haynes to six mon hs in the second division. Inspector Gillard
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    • 159 5 London, April 30. In accordance with the provisions of the Rubber Exports Restriction scheme for Ceylon and Malaya, the Secretary for the Colonies has approved, for the quarter beginning May j, a relaxation in the percentage of restriction to 65 per cent, in view of the price of
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    • 67 5 London, April 110. Despite the fact that the Japanese Ambassador has informed them that he does not think the deputation would serve a useful purpose, the Labour M y y Day demonstrators are planning to march to the Embassy with the object of presenting a resolution, which
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    • 85 5 London, April JO. The lock-out of 10,000 boiler-makers was enforced to-day. Work in the shipyards is jeopardised and some yards are at a standstill. A good deal of repair work has been diverted to the Continent. The employers are doing their utmost to minimise the disorganisation by continuing
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    • 59 5 London, April JO. Lloyds List publishes the statistics compiled by the Chamber of Shipping which show that the shipping laid up in the United Kingdom on April 1 was 540,000 tons compared with 7J2.000 on January 1 and 1,112,000 tons in July 1922. This is the lowest since
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    • 37 5 London, April JO. Lausanne M. Vorowsky states that the Soviet Government have sent, a not< to the Italian Government protesting against the exclusion of Russia from the conference unless she signs the Straits Convention.
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    • 142 5 London, April 30. Washington The Federal Reserve Board has issued a statement in which it calls attention to the rapid expansion >f the credit demand and industrial expansion and it warns that continuance of :his credit must soon result in increased borrowings by the banks who are members
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    • 93 5 London, April 30. Lublin There is an absence of news of acts of violence and disorder since the Irregulars’ cease fire order began to operate, though Dublin is not yet very confident regarding this one-sided truce. London, April 30. Sydney Two Irish Republican envoys, Father U’Flannagun and O’Kelly,
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    • 122 5 London, May 1. Allahabad The judgment of the High Court, which took five hours to road, has been delivered in the case of 170 appeals by persons convicted and sentenced to death in connection with the Chauri Chaura murders. The death sentences of the 19 ringleaders were
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    • 72 5 London, April 30. in the House of Commons, Mr. H. McNeill, replying to Mr. Trevelyan, said that the United States authorities had seized and still detained a British vessel on the ground that her small boats had entered the three mile limit illegally, although the ves*el herself
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    • 60 5 London, April 30. Paris The Japanese Charge d’Affairs lias written to M. Poincare stating that the Japanese Government are providing u special credit for the proposed exhibition of French art in Tokyo. He asks M. Poincare to approach the French Minister of Instruction, in order that
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    • 39 5 London, April 30. Simla The agitation against the certification of the salt tax continues. Two communal representatives in the Legislative Assembly have resigned in obedience to the resolution passed at Karachi piotesting against the Viceroy’s action.
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    • 28 5 London, April 30. Dussehlorf The French have seized four more mines at Gladbeck, Recklinghausen and Gelsenkirchen London, April 30. Marks depreciated to I 18,000-151,000 under Continental influences.
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    • 30 5 London, April 30. Geneva Mr. Hsia Chi Feng, the wellknown Chinese publicist, has been appointed a member of the Information Sect »n of the League of Nations.
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    • 1328 6 Ri:t TKIt’.S Skicvic k London, May 1. 1,, tlt«- llo'i cof Common!', in inti .due ing tin* vole for naval w#»ik.-, t i.miuandoi it. ,M. My n Monsell emphasise#! tin* view that as v\e wore now on
      Ri:t TKIt’.S Skicvic k  -  1,328 words
    • 125 6 London, May 1. May Day was celebrated in London by a Labourite procession from the Em--1 a’lkment to Hyde Park where speeches c delivered from nine platforms. Resohriony were passed expressing sympathy with the Herman Ruhr workers and calling on the Government to <lemv.mce '*l.e Versailles Treaty,
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    • 60 6 London, April .‘lO. The State Department, before Mr Wadsworth left Paris, filed with the vnyriran-German Claims Commission a •!a;m for L’af) million dollars for the cost I ma ntaining the army of occupation as i precautionary measure in the event of .a l lur»* o, the present negotiations
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    • 36 6 London, April .‘lO. < ■»::> lam inople Colonel Clayton Ken- ly, on behalf of Admiral Chest or, ex»'K»uturc*s in the convention 1 dyinir the Chester concession with i Ley the Commissar of Public at Anyora, yesterday.
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    • 291 6 London, May 1. IYilin: Tlu? Government, last night l.ridcd on the terms of the new reparations oiler, which will he communicated o the party leaders this morning and to 'he state premiers this afternoon. The note will be despatched simultaneously
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    • 133 6 London, May 1. British manufacturers should make a strong hid for the trade in the Far East, especially China, urged Mr. Godfrey C hoes man, secretary of the National Union of Manufacturers, in an interview to-day. He quoted the managing director of a British firm, who was touring
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    • 59 6 London, May 1. Mr. Bonar Law lias sailed from Southampton for Genoa on board the Dutch liner Princess Juliana. London, May 1. It is understood that Karl Curzon is acting for the Prime Minister during the absence of Mr. Bonar Law, who has nepai ted from London,
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    • 62 6 London, May 1. Colombo: The increase in the exportr 1 maximum for rubber to 65 per cent. ">r the quarter beginning May 1 was not .•l.ogether expected in Ceylon, where it vva thought that the fall in London prices n I the big exports from Ceylon and
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    • 38 6 London, May 1. c n T British aeroplane from Londijn for Berlin, which started at 10.,50 a.m., with five passengers, landed at its destination at <.45 p.m. The trip was entirely successful despite unfavourable weather.
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    • 31 6 London, May 1. airo The electoral law promulgated p-ovules for universal suffrage with an •u.< limit of J, with, however, a system of indirect election through the so-called lector Delegates.
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    • 279 6 London, May l. New York The Supreme Court’ liquor decision is considered evervwh* as a momentous ruling and u of prolific diplomatic exchanges. The fessiona! prohibitionists have avidly the court’s ruling that Congress'is powered to extend the dry law tV American slips and they
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    • 219 6 London. May 1. In the House of Commons, replying Viscount Sandon, Lt.-Col. A. Buckley sad that the question as to whether the British Government should exhibit at the F.mpin Exhibition was being at present considtrcd and he would gladly bear in mind the suggestion that some general representation should
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    • 47 6 London, May L Melbourne The Federal Navigation Department’s steamer, Leitrim, lifted the last bales of the British Imperial woo. purchase scheme to-day. This represent: the termination of the biggest wool dca; in history involving over 7,000,000 balefor which the Imperial Government P atl £160,500,000.
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    • 44 6 London, May L Ottawa: The report of the Canadian einment Merchant Marine for 1922 >ho\' a total deficit of .$9,650,000. The directoradvise a reduction of the fleet from Jo 37 vessels and a reduction of capita cost to $5O per dead-weight ton.
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    • 36 6 London, May A triumphal reception was aecor I'd Larkin, on his arrival at Dublin America, by thousands of workers a score* of Red flags and bands, was a noteworthy absence of trad' ll! leaders.
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    • 456 7 Km titAs Service London, May 2. T s the German note confirms th cabled forecast, it may be taken for th tVt the French Government re£r,lV ;he proposals as entirely unacceptShK* *as a basis for <fi scusslon London, May 2.
      Km titAs Service  -  456 words
    • 154 7 London, May 2. 1 the House of Commons Viscount r, 'ked for information regarding J e "levation and range of heavy guns u> British and American fleets ir. !< u ‘he recent remarks regarding ls j\' a tter made by the Secretary of t n ted States
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    • 31 7 London, May 2. I ,,^u! ra w ho were executed nt kin r Clare, were convicted of a free State soldier and also of ss i n >r revolvers.
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    • 160 7 London, May 2. Constantinople The French Charge d’Affaires has handed a note to the Turkish Government declaring that unless the concentrations of Turkish troops on the Syrian frontier are immediately withdrawn France will abandon the Lausanne Conference. London, May 2. The Franco-TurkPh relations
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    • 102 7 London, May 2. In the House of Commons Mr. Hope Simpson declared that dried eggs importti from China were liable to contain zinc oxide derived from the zinc plates on which the eggs were dried. He said that large quantities of th» so eggs were excluded from the
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    • 85 7 London, May 2. in the House of Commons replying to Mr. Gershom Stewart, Mr. Amery said that after careful consideration by tne Admiralty and a committee on the amalgamation of the services common to the Navy, Army and Air Force, it was concluded that there would not a
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    • 96 7 London, May 2. Gorlin ICrupp Von Cochlcn has been lodged in Wonien military prison. It is rated that lu* insuflioienily explained the crious shooting incident at Essen on Easter Saturday, in which his respond'd dty is involved. He will probably be f ad on May 4 with
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    • 75 7 London, May 2. In the House of Commons at question time, Lt.-Col. A. Buckley stated that, the Government had just received a voluminous document comprising the whole of the Chester concessions in Anatolia. The acting British High Commissioner at Constantinople* had been instructed to protest emphatically against the
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    • 77 7 London, May 2. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha announce reduced passage fares to Ceylon, the Straits, China and Japan by £lO 10s first-class and £0 10s. second-class beginning with the sailing of the Kashima Maru from London on May 12 London, May 2. Tin* new Holt liner. Menelaus, wa
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    • 282 7 London, May 2. A procession of May Pay demonstrators visited the Japanese Embassy where i the deputation preseated a copy of a resolution adopted in Hyde Park. Subsequently *he men’s leader announced that the Ambassador wa« not present, but the Embassy promised
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    • 97 7 London, May 2. Santiago de Chile A plenary session of the Pan-American conference has approved a compromise in the method of constituting a governing board for the Pan-American Union by which every American country will be represented. The scheme provides that any country not represented diplomatically at Washington
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    • 62 7 London, May 2. In ihe House of Commons Viscount Wolmer, replying to Viscount Curzon, said that the President of the Board of i rade was prepare I to accept in princi p!e the report on life-saving. Steps would be taken to make the necessary alterations in
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    • 55 7 London, May 2. In the bankruptcy court, Cecil Shrager, merchant, in his statement of affairs showed liabilities a* £2f>B,o()o and assets £1.’54,000 a- a result of losses in the differences on rubber contracts since January 1. 1022. He attributed hifailure to his illness ami the fall in
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    • 44 7 London, May 2. Cairo There were a number of arrests made this morning of person:believed to be concerned in the murdei campaign. Much importance is attache* to the step and it is understood tha well-known persons, associated with tie VVafd, are involved.
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    • 32 7 London. May 2. Ih** Hague The Second Chambe has approved the convention iodui .villi the League of Nations in ennne* ■ion with the traffic in women and chi. Iren.
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    • 159 7 London, May 2. Washington Every ag« ntry at n»y command will be to enforce the law without favour, partiality or distinction/* With this firm declaration, Mr. Dougherty announces the Government intention in 2 > days to begin vigorously to enforce the Prohibition L'.w against
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    • 68 7 London. May 2. A White Paper containing the correspondence with regard to slavery in Abyssinia, contains tin* report of the British Legation at Adisabeha on March 20. 1022, which denies tho statement that the slave trade in Abyssinia is increasing. It points out that the slav<f producing
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    • 44 7 London, April 2. Washington It is learned that President Harding does not intend to carry on the campaign in favour of American participation in the Court of International Justice, but is willing to let ‘‘deliberate public opinion assert itself on the issue.**
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    • 43 7 London. May 2. Mr. Chao Ilsin Clm gave a farewell luncheon to I*hya Sanp K'teh, Siamese Charge d’AlFaires in London, who is taking up the oust of Siamese .Minister to Rome. The* llal'.m Ambassador and Mr. Fan Yuan Lion were pri sent.
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    • 34 7 London, May 2. Paris Princess Kitashirakawa was moved from Bern ay this morning to Professor Harmanns iner home in Paris, where she will undergo an operation in a few days time.
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  • 108 7 The Kuala Lumpur correspondent of the Times of Malaya writes Mr. J. D. Dailey, Assistant Commissioner, Intelligence Branch, in the course of his invest igations concerning four men who are wanted by the police alighted upon a veritable den of thieves in the neighbourhood <-f Slim River.
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  • 121 7 l’re.'i<lintf at a meeting’ of the Straniv, Home for Asiatics held at LimeMouse, Lari Wmterton commented upon :he admirable work of the Home, where nearly 1,000 Indians were cared for during the past year. He said that on Vis•oiint I'eel’s direction he, Sir Cyril Cobh, Lord Kdnain and
    121 words

  • 1414 8 A Bishop on Prohibition. Decapitation of the Poisonous Python.” During the recent session of the (Yn'.ral Methodist Conference at Wesley Church, Singapore, Bishop C. E. Locke, of Manila, gave un official address in the course of which he referred to prohibition in the following terms The Methodist Church stands like
    1,414 words
  • 195 8 Messrs. Harrisons and Crosfield (Borneo) Ltd., as agents for the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., have informed the Borneo (Government that they have received a letter from their principals in Singapore in which they are advised that an order for the first new steamer for the Borneo
    195 words
  • 21 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, April 27. The Hongkong Chinese-owned steamer Saichow has been pirated on the Canton River.
    21 words
  • 26 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, April 2S. The Kwungsi forces are taking the offensive and are moving towards anton. Heavy fighting is reported.
    26 words
  • 405 8 At the Supremo Court, on Wednesday, bt fere the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, Aldens’ Successors (Eastern), Ltd., brought an action against Chop Buan Joo Long to recover damages for non-delivery of rubber. Mr. H. 1'. Mundell, who appeared for the plaintiffs, stated that
    405 words
  • 213 8 A correspondent writes to the Times of Malaya On the night of April 17, a tiger came to the lines of Norseman Estate and took away an adult coolie who was at the time talking wth his wife underneath the lines, with
    213 words
  • 459 8 The hearing of the case in which Tamil Mohanicdan landlord named ai o i,. u med Ismail M Jricar, is charged wi\h an alleged breach of the Premiums (Leases* Ordinance No. 4 ot 1922, came to a con elusion before Mr.
    459 words
  • 314 8 The matters coming on before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, presiding in the Bankruptcy Court last Friday are petitions for receiving orders respecting Ismail bin Hadge Mansoor, Ong Ng Wan* Tan Kim Wah and Wee Geok ’iem Neo (female) also in the bankruptcy of Chop
    314 words

  • 226 10 At the annual meeting of the Ipoh hr .rich of the ex-Sorvice Association, Sir .John Campbell made a suggestion that exService men should pu>h themselves, as Ex-Service men, more to the fore. At present they were very much in tlv* minority on
    226 words
  • 106 10 At the monthly meeting of Ipoh Sanitary Hoard on April 2. r >, whilst the question of electric lighting was being discussed, the Chairman said that, the delay was probably due to certain tests proving unsatisfactory. That was the information l.e had on enquiry from an authoritative
    106 words
  • 3395 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kua.a Lumpur, April 27. The* ninth annual general meeting of shareholders in Malayan Collieries, Ltd., was held at the* offices of the secretaries, Messrs. J. A. Russell and Co., Hongkong and Shanghai I<ank hjildings, Kuala Lumpur, at noon
    3,395 words

  • 209 11 The fir-1 meetin.r of the newly formed mittce of the Singapore bianeh of the F''-Services Association of Malaya was I'citJ in the private room of the Europe yjnte! on Monday evening, the Oh: irman, Mr, Justice Hamtt-Lennard, presiding. In crnne?tion with the benevolent fund, trustees and a sub-committee
    209 words
  • 1105 11 i: Mr. F. G. Bourne, the City Coroner, need his enquiry on Wednesday i.' ict tiling !he circumstances attending the death of he late Mr. John La Salle at his residence in Adam ltoad, near im* Cluny ltoad! railway station.
    1,105 words
  • 479 11 I Lalh Singh, a cattle dealer, of Singa[pore, appealed against a conviction in the District Court for Assaulting Santa Miigh, a motor driver. Mr. N. H. P. Whitley appeared on behalf of the Crown, -nd Mr. S. T. Thompson for the appellant, j
    479 words
  • 151 11 A Chinese* woman who goes about I'enani? collect inf? shells and oysters found a shell with a pearl in it about the size of the glass marble used as bottlo stoppers. It has been purchased by a Chinese for $4,200. t I i Medical Bulle in No.
    151 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1146 12 \vi‘h our own in the view we take.— Straits Times, April 27. It would appear that Germany has drawn too larg" an inference from Karl Curzon’s recent speech. It has assumed that Britain was prepared to act as mediator, hut there is no such intention. Thai is
      \vi‘h our own in the view we take.— Straits Times, April 27.  -  1,146 words
    • 1208 12 guides our policy.—Straits Thiu 28. We had two items of news the other Way, which ought, perhaps, to have been put side by side. The one was a notice of motion condemning criticism of, an expressing confidence in Col. Pearson, Kngincer-in-Chief, Singapore Municipality. The other was a minute, setting
      guides our policy.—Straits Thiu ., \ | 28.  -  1,208 words
    • 1091 12 ih r r o' toe p “try of law i> here.— y, V- 't’im. r, April 510. i We have had an opportunity of r nothe full judgment of Mr.* Justice Barrttr. Lennard in the matter of Pang Ah Ye* and the Attorney-General. It is
      ih r r o' toe p “try of law i> here.— y, V-: – 't’im. r, April 510.  -  1,091 words
    • 1155 13 .—Straits Times, May 2. Tito v-.-ond quarter under restriction has on<!o i for the rubber industry, and, on averaging the price, we find that for first gra-’e it was 62 cents in February, 59 certs' in March and 56 cents in April. The average f r the
      .—Straits Times, May 2.  -  1,155 words
    • 1201 13 t we cease to be Impeml.—Straits Times, May 2. It would have been more than passing strange if the proposal to make Singapore a great naval base at a cost of £11,000,000 had passed without criticism. And criticism there is both in Parliament and in the press,
      t we cease to be Impeml.—Straits Times, May 2.  -  1,201 words
    • 1329 13 tea unable foreign opinion.—Straits Times, May 3. The Dry” system in the United States is a groat social and moral experiment, and, though we have doubts about it, we hope that the benign effect:! anticipated will be realised. The doubts arise from a question in our minds whether any
      tea unable foreign opinion.—Straits Times, May 3.  -  1,329 words

  • 1875 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April I The annual general meeting of the F.M.S. number of Commerce w-.s held •,t the oMi of the .ocrctaries, Messrs. t N o < M< rci nt le U »nk Building-), to-day, Mr.
    1,875 words
  • 319 14 As a result of the London Chamber of Commerce Junior Examination held ii December last the following pupils of Raffles Institution were awarded Certificates. The asterisk denotes that :h*» r. mlidates passed with distinction Handwriting.—Md Ariffln, Chan Wan Seng, Chia Cheow Eng, Chua
    319 words
  • 121 14 The designs submitted to the committee of the Singapore Golf Club for 3 club house to be erected on the J'-ew course are on exhibition in the room <* the Malayan branch of the Royal Asiaic Society, at Raffles Museum. The two prize designs have been
    121 words
  • 62 14 The following telegram was sent H. R. H. The Duke of York on »n« occasion of his wedding:—“H. Duke of York, Buckingham London All ranks troops in .Valu'■ ioin in sending you respectful congr;- tu Lotions and good wishes. Malcolm.” The reply was:—“Cn-m™ 1 Singapore. *****.
    62 words

  • 109 15 Struts Times is not responsible for. .1 1«. *'f its correspondents. Corrennoi id bear in mind that letters s lv bl ,ort und to the point. Long ,a g cspiatlcs me liable to be rejected or 1 i" „lv cut down. Correspondents mutt r l i. their names, not
    109 words
  • 447 15 he Editor of the Straits Times, c: r i n tilt* good old days, when the wa» called Twa On*" or v.'aat (first king) and the i! Secretary “Jee Ong” or “Jee v oc nd king) by the Hockiens .1 j 1','iK'hews, respectively, in Singapore, vu ii and
    447 words
  • 1254 15 lo the Editor of the Straits Times. Letters by G.B. and others and ur rt hy and capable support have r m "kown the existing democratic spirit H u k-cal public which has hitherto >( dormant and if inarticulation 11 dcudetl the authority into construing I am of opinion
    1,254 words
  • 393 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Answering recent criticisms that have appeared in your paper, the Director oi Education •enipared the Strait Settleo cut's with Ceylon to establish the fact that more pupils were being taught English in the Colony for every hundred of its population than in
    393 words
  • 481 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Those who have read the proceedings of the meeting of the Commissioners as appeared in your Saturday’s issue must be gratified to find that, after a heated debate, the motion of cotifilencc. etc. in the Engineer-in-Chief by Mr.
    481 words
  • 389 15 In llu Supreme Court on Monday before* the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Sh: \v, Mr. It. M. Donati, the solo distributor of Pa the films in the l ar hast, appealed against a convet ion and tine of $250
    389 words
  • 155 15 Thi* Muncipal health statement for the week ending April 21, gives the total number of deaths as 201 representing a death rate of 27.98 per mille, per annum compared with .'10.91 in the precedin'.: week, and with 5o in the corresponding* week of last year. The chief
    155 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 141 18 Merchants v. Ktceteras. The- Merchants, by a most decisive victory on Saturday, have placed themHelves second on the list of the S. C. C. Tournament and, if they have the good fortune to meet another team as weak as their opponents on Saturday, they should take some dislodging from
      141 words
    • 210 18 Middlesex beat K.(>.A. The meeting between the Middlesex and the K.G.A. on the S.K.C. ground, on Friday, as usual produced a gcry evenly toiileshd game which the Middleaex won Ly the odd point in three. Whatever the failings of the K.ti.A., and unreliability is the most conspicuous, they
      210 words
    • 358 18 The 1 ir>t meeting of the rival pudaug clubs, <»n tin ,s.< ground. on Monday, was productive of a poor exhibition by both .sides, and though the S.( were io> ietors by four goals to nil, considering tin* fact that the S.K.C.
      358 words
    • 29 18 [Reuter’s Service.] London, April 28. At Wembley Stadium, in the \.s SO cl a t»on l-ootball Cup Final, Holton Wander l Han United *>y t»o itoais
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  29 words
    • 32 18 PLAY ON APRIL 26. Double Handicap. Hammond und MeKean beat Rev. G. H. Douglas and Main, 21—13. McKean and Hammond beat Doig and Kinloch by 21- 10.
      32 words
    • 204 18 MONDAYS PLAY. Championship Single*. Miss Fawcett beat Mrs. DufT, 6—2, 6 -2. l adies’ Double Open. Mrs Brooke and Mrs. Saunders heat .Miss Richardson and Miss Chappel, 0 -5, 6 5. Championship Pairs. Miss Stephenson and Mr. Hall beat Mrs. Salzmunn and Mr. Linton, 6—2,
      204 words
    • 114 18 •The Scoular Cup was won by Mr. E. A. Stevens with a nett score of 141. The details of the cards returned were as follows K. A. Si, v.ns 81 +7B —20=141 !y V u, er H 7 Ml :io 14 i W l- U r, ey
      114 words
    • 88 18 [Reuter’s Service]. London, April 28. ~'Wiila.Mpl„u Oxfurd won the sprint v r W "°a the lirst mun ninn -110 yards the second and thud 220 and each University 1 i B *i ht ph '!»delphia i mi." tin™ Th time was London, April 2li Philadelphia Oxford
      [Reuter’s Service].  -  88 words
    • 28 18 [Reuter’s Service]. London, April 28. At the I lot horn Hall, in the semi-final >f the professional billiards championship Smith final US mcets Newman in thj
      [Reuter’s Service].  -  28 words
    • 32 18 Reuter’s Service London, May 2. The following is the result of the Thousand Guineas run at Newmarket yesterday. w Ell«an (lowan Knockando Dorsav 7, rsf sK SWwwis: 10 D rsa >'
      Reuter’s Service  -  32 words
    • 715 18 Monday’s Inter-Service Bouts. The Navy and Army boxing tournament between men of li.M.S. Hawkins and the Middlesex Regiment was won by the Regment by four events to two, both championship events also going to the sol<M( i’s. Tin re was a huge audience on Monday in the old Stadium,
      715 words
  • 26 18 Anril"”? V ,P :it,)Ut or month of •'l>i 1 do as follows run 20° ya,f s trt atl ‘‘l 17,000, piculs obtained 300.
    26 words
  • 119 18 The case of M. Mover v rhit. SL n,t h f ri lh- Chi,.f .iMstir,'., SiAv^w" 'Mr Fbl r f hC ?fc p me r° urt Tuosd.iv. Mr. Lboi, for the plaintiff, said this was a ,a n for Possession and arrears of n n* Judgment
    119 words
  • 828 18 Mr. Justice Barrctt-Lennard gaged in the Supreme Court the wia.i ,fv last Friday in hearing the of v. ii ch came to a conclusion in the'-if. 108 noon, in w hich their former ston l Wee Yam Meng, claimed front M,. Ill’ i Meyer
    828 words
  • 47 18 Goodwood Hall was tastefully rail'd on Tuesday when the I'n. Club ball took place under patronage of Sir Laurence Cui Sir Neill Malcolm, Sir Arthur I- n Captain A. H. Alinjjton and Cm' C. F. Watkins. The band of II Hawkins was in attendance.
    47 words

  • 1217 20 (I'i oin Our Own Corrc.-pondrnC) Bangkok April Hi. A vt'iy if fat' ory start lias beet made in litis country w.t.h the Junior Bed ('ro s movement. The position of tin* lb d Cross lu re i- lather peculiar. In ian;e
    1,217 words
  • 191 20 (to I'Tiday. the members and friends of Boys' t* ricndly Band met at the V..M.C.A. Hi ll ,'itl spent a mo-t convivial time in the celebration of the Band's fifth an.v. i ary. A fine programme, consisting "1 S’ ngs. cluh-swinging, conjuring am! sketches was rendered very
    191 words
  • 191 20 A <-a<e caipe up before Mr. I*. A. F. David. District Judga-and First Magistrate, 1 *y in which Messrs. Ifooglandt and "i.;pany are the complainants and a him sc tvvakow steersman named Teo Kim Seng, the accused. The accused is alleged to have made a false
    191 words
  • 149 20 Ads of piracy, committed by Chinese* uv increasing in frc(|ucncy on (he East < ast »f Sumatra. Papers recently to l«»rt the loot injr „f a prauw which i< i: mred to some Chinese living at Tand- ur l.rinefin, and again the looting of quarters at Pulau
    149 words
  • 269 20 ARRIVAL OF FLAGSHIP. Admiral Leveson’ s Official Landing. Admir. I Sir Arthur C. Leveson, K.C.B.. ai livid in Singapore on Saturday on board *li:* light rruier li.M.S. Hawkins. This was in- lu.t official visit here as Commanderin-< hief of the China Station, and the event was marked by a brief
    269 words
  • 189 20 Preparation for the Malaya pavilion at the British Empire Exhibition, which is t° he held in London next year from April to October, are now well advanced. 1 be various sections are actively engaged in preparing exhibits. Special pamphlets will be published dealing with technical
    189 words
  • 100 20 (•KAN 1 HAM. On April 23, 1023, at tie at harm a Hospital. Tanah iiadjn, to Mr Mrs. J. (.rantham of Kisaran, East ,,a s t ol Sumatra, a son. LoWICK. On April 20. 1023, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to the wife of Aaldwyii I.owiek, a son.
    100 words
  • 163 20 EXCHANGE. Singapore, May 3. On London, Bank 4 m/s Demand 2/4 ni Private 3 m. credits o/4 On New York, Demand 17/ Private DO d/s .5 On France, Bank ,jt f On India, Bank T.T. 'j On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1\ „<■ On Shanghai, Bank d/d On
    163 words
  • 448 20 MINING. Singapore, May 3. Iaeo» VaL Pd. Bay era. Selim, 1 1 Batang Padang 0.40 0.15 1 1 Hitani Tin 1.40 1.45 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 bob 1 1 Johan Tin 0.45 0.50 1‘1 11 Kam. Ivamunting 2.2.0 2.3.0 10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.25
    448 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 85 20 NOTICE All communications for both the Straitf find the Straits Budget should bt addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Manley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlenents. The P;>M free price of the Straits Times tc fhe United Kingdom and foreign countrie> a o ye 1 ar T he Post price
      85 words
  • 89 20 DEATHS DLK.'-AKII. At 20, Lorong 1, Ead Coast b-Md. on April 27. 1023, Emilio Mary Dei nurd (nee (orbeti. Aged 68. W EE. On April 27, 1023, at Onyx. 81, Devonaw ir, Ht 10 Pm Wci Hong Van. If 0 f ,i :l ,tt23 Kan dang u- r V ii
    89 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 73 1 General Rubber Results 1 America and Rubber 1 Rubber Estates 2 London Rubber Stoeks 2 1,oc-al Rubber Auctions 3 Important Court Ruling 4 Rubber Store Gutted 4 Local Share Market 4 Kxpoit of Rubber 4 Correspondence Rubber Dealers and Law 2 Rubber Nerves 2 Meetings and Reports— Sandyeroft Rubber
      73 words
    • 377 1 Selaba.—Divd. 7*-s per cent. profit, 114.605, against £564 in 1921. Selangor.—Divd. 4d. per share, 16 2/3 per cent., for 1922, £1,000 depreciation, 1*6,000 to taxation reserve £18,688 forward. Sunjrei Way.—Divd. 2s. per share, 10 per cent., for 1922 £1,000 depreciation, and £6.000 to
      377 words
    • 1037 1 We made a reference in a leader the other day to a letter received in Singapore from a Prominent Rubber Dealer in New York. Some fuller extracts will be of interest. The present state of the market, says the writer, can be
      1,037 words
    • 864 1 The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the Sandycroft Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on April 27, at the company’s registered office, Chartered Bank Buildings. The Hon. Mr. V. Gibbons presided and others present included the Hon. Mr. W. Lowther Kemp, Messrs. W.
      864 words
    • 67 2 [Th'* Straits Times is not responsible >• the opinions of its correspondents. Corn h| ontU-nts siiould bear in mind that l' tt •nuit be short and to the P dnt i..inltllng epistles .are liable to be rejected 01 lutldessly cut down. Correspondents inwV enclose their names, not necessarily.
      67 words
    • 112 2 To the Eel.tor of the Straits Times. Sir. Several rubber ele.tiers have been fined for not acting in accordance with the Rubber Ordinance. Whe n application is marie* to tin* (iovernment Printing Office* erne i* t* Id there are m,ne. Prope rly -pinking e very
      112 words
    • 759 2 Rubber Nerves. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to your stimul.Ping editorial Rubber Nt rve> you have apparently missed a few salient points winch ought to make the Stevenson selunic tin- pivot of salvation for the rubber industry. M. The (iovernment is not doin'* anythin*; to
      759 words
    • 729 2 Tin House of Lords on Thursday, I March 22, dismissed the appeal of the Merlimau Kubbcr Kstates (Limited) a:nsi an a -e.iiuent to excess profits Uiy. Kroadly speaking the question at >.'Ue was whether in the ease of a j i iliiu
      729 words
    • 672 2 The fifteenth annual general .meeting of the Kuala Sulim Rubber was held at the registered office, 1. Weld Penang, on April 14, Mr* 9* Saye, chairman, presiding, says the I inang A representative of the Secretaries (Messrs. Boustead and Co.,
      672 words
    • 96 2 Messrs. Lewis and Peat report that liitest advises from him state that the stocks on the London market at the week ending- Saturday, April 28 had been reduced by 1,793 tons. The present visible total is 58,514. Whittall and (to. have received cable from the secretaries of
      96 words
    • 820 2 The sixteenth annual general nucii,, of the I-aim (K.M.S.) Rubber I'omS Ltd., was held on March 28 at 5 \\hit’ tington-avenue, E.C., Mr. Charles’ Knur ion presiding in the absence of k p General the Hon. Charles Lamhi'., ihrough indisposition. M The Chairman,
      820 words
    • 1161 3 Th** thirteenth ordimiy general mi et,f Cromlix Rubber Estate and I’roi.ntr, syndicate, Limits, was told on U h lit, at 3G, Basinghad Street, E.C., Y J L. Anatruther, chairman of ino the coum* of moving .1 idoDtion of the report and account:,
      1,161 words
    • 767 3 i Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, April 27. The tone f the market has been- soim*- what irregular, and values close a shade I better on the week after being lower. /mines.- has pr.-sed in spot 53%-54% cents, M.i.v-June 54%-55
      767 words
    • 740 3 Thu 14th annual general meeting of the Kapayang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd., waheld yesterday in the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. Beck and Swann, Shanghai. Mr. E. T. Byrne presided and was supported by Mr. E. L. Hunter and I)r. R. J.
      740 words
    • 524 3 The fourteenth ordinary general meetin of the Balu Village Kuhbur Estates, .uf.. was held at the office of the company, (’haltered Bank Chambers, on Munua>, Mr. 11. D. .Mundell presided and olio rs present were the linn. Mr. \V. Lowther Kemp, Mr.
      524 words
    • 638 4 An important point was raised in the* Supreme Court on Wednesday, when Mr. Justice B.»n*ett-Le*niuiid held that the penulty provided by clause 13 of the rules of the Singapore Chamber of Coramere* Rubber Association in the case of failure of a party
      638 words
    • 184 4 TIm* amount of rubber from Province VVHN'I'.y, Dimliiigs and Malacca which 1 'ust-mis in April was >£/< 1..-1 1 i|, s. Since tin* commencement of nvlr.rtion the monthly exports have ly-n Vovember 2 150,020 ||,s. f December .*,70.),. <;;{ M .lamtary 1900,280 lbs eehrun ry .‘{,080.520 lbs.,
      184 words
    • 655 4 Messrs. Feast r and Co.’s weekly report, dated May 2, states With rubbtr and tin both practically unchanged on balance during the week there is very little business to record in either section of the share market, and quotation* have remained for
      655 words
    • 124 4 At 0.20 p.m. on Tuesday, a Chineseowned rubber store at lorong 2, East t oast Road, was completely gutted In fm> and several tons of rubber destroyed Kooltes employed on the premises formed a hue and passed buckets of water along m the hope of quenching the
      124 words
      • 366 4 Stock p ar Cxebanfr** Company* Prlca«. £1 Anglo-Malay 24/6 ill Ayer Kuning. 40/ 1.1 Bakap Plantations 17/6 ill Banteng (Selangor) 27/6 i'l Batu Caves 10/ il Bi.tu Tiga *>3/9 2/ Bertam Consol. 8/ Cl Bidor Estates 40/ 2/ Brooklands 3/7 Cl Bukit Kajang 36/
        366 words
      • 711 4 apital Issue Cloning Price# Paid Up Value Dividends Fr.isvr I valid Company Co. F.vatt. 312.500 l nil year 28-2*22 Allenby New($1) 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 160.000 1 nil year "0-9-22 Alor Gajah ($1) 1.15 1.30 1.20 1.20 727,214 2 5 p.c. for year 30-6-20
        711 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 191 5 FouRWErs iYaan«OE MIXTURE (POE LADIES) fiflfl HO TDCB T«aUd ul Pm*4 for Toor*. po« oottoo mop dioordor of tko rft4ni toko Pourniort Hpgooiquo Mixture. I: quickly miom oil aufferlet. kerf it bo tain* to equal it. Anythin* oo Wido’jr Knows. H la jootl? dooeried m tho FINEST REMEDY Of THE
      191 words
    • 26 5 NOW READY SCUBIUM MBS 100 aheeta (10H in. by 8V4 in.) for 20 CENTS Postage 14 cts. each extra. Apply Manager, STRAITS TIMES, Singapore. I ————i
      26 words
    • 23 5 i it 1 LINE OB HALF-TONE MADE BY The Straits limes Press, SINGAPORE. Prices Quoted on Application I j) J Sr. t 'A
      23 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 WEARNE BROS. LtdJ ENGINEERS BOAT BUILDERS 20 H P Ford Marine Engines Complete with Propeller, Shaft and Conpling, Water and Oil Pumps and Reverse gear. $1,000 1. f a N, Gray Marine Engines i Complete with PropeDor, Shaft and Couplings, Salt water outfit, Oil pump,. Magneto, Controls and Reverse gear
      135 words