The Straits Budget, 30 July 1920

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget -i BEING THE w* WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES" VOL. LXXIV NO. 3259 Singapore. Friday, JULY 30. 1920. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
    30 words
  • 346 1 MaDKUS— Piogrp re Traffio Poland Poland Tfct- K 'region B 'I ••.12 18 Tbe n riean Navy 18 Indt 1‘ ;inoa Iottfvvese 18 PoI»dj aad the Powe»a ...18 14 3lNBiUl Local and Personal l 2 Mo>-iPH»al V' 2 p«M «cd MtlniObb 2 Realcr TJ'gram* 8 8 Sub
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  • 3885 1 ITostol, near the famous Botanic 1 n I’eraddeniya, Ceylon, and the t,. nt appertaining to it have been re-ihr-n r based by the Ceylon GoternKrm. s for the purnoso of a tur n n J Tro P»eal School’ of Agricul-v-m, laboratory. Yv'ork in connection lliQrt’ v n<jW
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    • 280 3 Reuter Telegrams. 9 London, July 20. r j The troops of General Chang vsiu) maintained order in Peking J;,.'.' iw anti-Manchu scare of I‘Jll, J 1 Eungehow for Peking. It is tlu*y are coming as neutrals UI v rve
      Reuter Telegrams. 9  -  280 words
    • 157 3 London, July HI. In the 11 o.i o of Lords the Dyer debate c I. Lord Finlay's t.-.oti r.. called r. ing carried by V2'J to v, Lord M... r <;dared that action like Dyer’s at ebsar tended to uivler.nm rather than to strengthen authority. The firing
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    • 158 3 London, July 20. The War Office states that the operands of the column sent from Bagdad to eiieve Rumeita were hampered by Arabs ontiry.iaHy cutting the railway. British °r«>p!ani*a effectively bombed Rumeita p[ k. :n hcav Y casualties were in. by troops in aeroplanes. The rebelfn appears to have
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    • 354 3 London, July 20. The Times says the Bolshevik reply to the British in to on the Polish armistice practically rejects the British proposals. The Bolshevists decline to attend u conference in London on the ground that England is not
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    • 308 3 Lor.ion, July 20. A telegram from an authoritative French source t *s that war exists with i-YRul, King of Syria, from the loth in con. of Feisul's temporising attitude in connection with the French endeavour to arrange t-» use the BeyroutVloppo line via Royak, which latter
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    • 245 3 London, July 20. Official military reports of last night’s fighting at Cork say that unarmed soldiers out walking were llltreatod and fired ut. Patrols sent into the city were fired at from houses and pavements and returned the lire, using altogether I*lH rounds.
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    • 165 3 London, July 20. Akron, Ohio The United States Naval dirigible 1)1 was destroyed in the hangar by fire with two other balloons. London, July 20. Philadelphia The Pennsylvanian railroad announces a ten per cent, reduction :n tin* working of the force, the reduction being due to the
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    • 59 3 London, July 21. Lloyd’s report that British merchant bottoms building were II.aTS.OOO tons in the quarter ending Juno Ml), an increase of H 1,00(1. American figures show a decline of 407,000 in the same period. British shipbuilding has increase i sixty p' r cent, in the last fifteen months
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    • 46 3 London, July 21. The Board of Trade has decided against the miners’ demands for increase of wages of two shillings a day and reduction of the nrice of household coal. It is expected that the miners will ballot on the question of a strike.
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    • 52 3 London, July 21. The Ind‘a Office announces that a Brirj, h force on the 10th bombarded a hostile Mvh. 1 stronghold in Wa/.iristan and met weh liitle opposition, but the tribesmen ively followed up the force ns it. reamed" to camp kiliing 27 and wounding >[). The enemy’s
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    • 32 3 London, July 21. ITobart Tin? Prince of Wales’s reception in Tasmania was the climax of bis Australasian tour. It was a continuous •riumpb with unbounded enthusiasm at all functions.
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    • 323 3 Rei tkk Tklkckam. London, July 21. In the II oust? of (’ominous, on the motion for adjournment, Mr. Lloyd lieorge made a statement with regard to the Spa conference. He paid high tribute to the (•reek troops for clearing
      Rei tkk Tklkckam.  -  323 words
    • 245 3 Mr. Lloyd George de scribed the Soviet government’s reply ns ambiguous and largely propaganda. As far as he could understand, the Soviet said they were wiling to negotiate wth Poland dirc'dly. They illogel that the All treat'd Poland badly .n fixing the boundary. They wanted to give m
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    • 256 3 Referring to (Icrmany, the Premier thought I'ehrenhaeh and Simons were honourable, upright m»*n who were doing th**ir best to cope with gigantic difTiculties and had had clearly made up their minds to do their utmost to carry out the treaty, hut the Allies were not confident they could
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    • 293 4 Arrangements wire also made at Spa tie «|i’ tarn "f war criminals to be <l>alt with tivcly at an early date. Mr. j.lnyd Gnu e marked incidentally that it wa not the lea t clear that the delav in thi ;;m* of criminal r< ted with the
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    • 304 4 Mr. Asquith, while regretting that the powers had not succeeded in preventing Poland from embarking on a foolish adventure, agreed that Poland must not be j overrun by the llolshevdsts. The Allies should take steps, on the initiative of the: League of Nations. i Mr. Lloyd (merge.
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    • 204 4 London, July 21. Marion, July 22 Mr. Harding, replying to the official notification of Ins nomination 1 for the presidency, said the Republican party meant to hold tin* heritage of American nationality unimpaired an 1 unsurrendered. lie described the League Covenant as “conceived for world super-government and
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    • 483 4 Sinn Feinors and TnionistsHolly Engaged. London, July 22. Serious rioting broke nut in Belfast late on We hi* day night. Police and military wen* called out. Sinn Fe.n* rs. attack.nI he police with n.< and bottles, were dispel-- by baton charges, the military
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    • 106 4 London, July 21 Delegates of the Empire Forestry Commission attended at Buckingham Palace to-day. Mr. Mackay, of Victoria, presented an address to His Majesty, who, replying, specially welcomed the oversea delegates and congratulated the home forest authority for joining hands with the Empire forest workers so soon after the
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    • 68 4 London, July 22. Launceston. Tasmania. July 21 'flic Prince of Wales had arrived and was vociferously welcomed. He is suffering from ’a slight attack of laryngitis and is unable to use his voice. London, July 23. Hobart, July 22 The Prince of Wales has returned from Launceston,
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    • 487 4 More About the Uusso-Polish Position. London, July 21 I: is reported from Warsaw that in piti* of re} ented Bolshevist attacks the i ijihcian frontier i- sulli -iontl.v protected lt th. Polos securely hohl tlu* approaches to Pro ;!itov>k and Lvofff ami also the ntral Pripet. The telegram
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    • 111 4 London, July 22. Interesting experiments in wireless telephoning are proceeding in connection %vith the voyage of the liner Victorian conveying the Empire Press Conference delegates to Canada. Continuous telephonic communication has been established between the Victorian and the wireless station at Chelmsford. A wireless concert was given from
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    • 40 4 London, July 2.'. i ™< in s; armistice between the hull) and Anfu factions is now effective but attempts to negotiate pence have hitherto been unsuccessful. Meanwhile the military organisations of the Anfu I club are falling to pieces.
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    • 145 4 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 22. The situation in Ireland was dismissed n the House of Commons on the Chief Secretary’s salary. 1 Mr. T. B. O’Connor said that Ireland was steadily descending into an abyss of anarchy and
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  145 words
    • 193 4 Sir Hamar Greenwood, replying, paid that 57 arrests had been made in Belfast and more would be necessary. He would ask the House to pass certain legislation as soon as possible. The Government had introduced a Criminal Injuries Bill which would enable them to intercept every grant
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    • 221 4 i In the meantime any decision <>f a Sina Fein court and any transfer of title there- under was illegal and woul 1 be upset as j soon ns possible. He denied that there was j any coercion in Ireland. No soldier was j there except to preserve
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    • 207 4 In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Devlin in regard to tr.e trouble in I Belfast, which Mr. Devlin described ns due to an organised attack on (.jdmiic workers of Quens Island, Sir Hama Greenwood stated that there ha been a good deal of looting and
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    • 279 5 London, July 22. i j.,, House of Commons at quest ion Sir Hamar llreenwood stated that it w r .■-timated that .L'2.oou,oou worth property had been destroyed by Sinn iVVo in Ireland in 1 iM!♦ and *****, includin'..' over a million in Munster. \\i (hiv-ihle steps were
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    • 344 5 London, July -2. Milwaukee The State Democratic onferriut* ha> nominated Mr. Reinsch, ex-Min:-ter t«> China, as candidate for the Jsr.utc. London, July 2.’>. Cha ■at' All except one «*f tiie sixteen Hailway I'nions have decided to accept, under protest, tie* Railway Labour Hoard’s wage award. London. July
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    • 297 5 London. July 2d. BolshevistS have now invaded Poland proper and the War Office reports that tlu; Bolshevist right wing has occupied Semy. a town north-west of (I rod no, and 'W miles east of the Berman ji oniier. Ihe
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    • 238 5 London. July 2.‘». It is now confirmed beyond doubt that Knur Fcisul has accepted the French ultimatum. It is understood that although French troops are en route to Aleppo, a march towards Damascus is no part of the programme. There is no news hitherto of any conflict.
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    • 21 5 London, July 22. An Ordor-in-Couneil fixes July 1»> as the date of the termination of war with Austria.
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    • 26 5 London, July 20. Sydney IT.M.S. Renown with the Prince (if Wale aboard has arrived. The prince is now -farting on his Queensland tour.
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    • 157 5 London, July 22. In tlie Hou-'i' of Commons Mr. Chur, lull announced that a relief column rcai lied Kumeita on tlie aft< rnoon of July 20 and serious anxiety in regard to the garrison is thus relieved. The column was composed of an infantry
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    • 194 5 London. July 22. In tin* House of Lords, replying to an enquiry by Lord Parmoor as to bow far tlie covenant of tlie League of Nations had become operative, Lord Curzon referr ed to the painful crippling the League had sustained in the defection of the United
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    • 136 5 London. July 22.. A Franco-British oil agreement has been published. It provides that in Rumania the two Governments will support their respective nationals with a view to the acquisition of former Herman oil interests and other concessions, all shares in the former being half French and half
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    • 119 5 London, July 24. The fifth aerial Derby took place from Hendon this afternoon. The course was two circuits of outer London, making 2<t > miles. The weather was tine but gusty, a north wind blowing. Visibility was good. Flying a Mart in-; de Semi Quaver, the pilot Courtney
      119 words
    • 119 5 London, July 22. In the House of Cormnons, replying to a question by Mr. Aneurm WilI liams, Mr. Harmsworth stated that tin I Government at the time of the Japanese annexation of Korea aecepted the annul merit -of the Amrlo Korean treaty of l*s;; and Japan’' rij'ht
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    • 397 5 Rei ter Tki.kurams. 1.0n.f.m, -July 21. 'I iir ofticial report of tin* .Imputation of the I rade l nu n ('ong r* '>s t.» the Brine Minis t r t present tie t’oiirregg resolu turns on the
      Rei ter Tki.kurams.  -  397 words
    • 120 5 Lomlem, .1 u!y 24. After r»*ceivini; the* freedeim of Hudelerstiedd, Viseount 15* atty in a h stated •hat to day’s navy, tenth in cor i mission ami '•l'scrvr, was the minimum eompatihle with the* safely of tin* Kmpire. The Navy’s noliry recoil-trinlinn had beer fo investigate* the*
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    • 99 5 London, July 25. Melbourne: Mr. Hughes at Bendigo vigorously denounced Archbishop Mannix’s utterances in America. He said, 1 want to tell the American people that Australia repudiates him. (Loud Cheers.) Australians look to America f•.r a continuance of cordial relations. We intend to remain part of tlie British
      99 words
    • 46 5 \.< n<! ii, July L’tJ. lVkim.,, 'J'dnd I l’r< ddent I t <1 I lan Uhl .lui’s n 'i i ion, I. 1; h <1 the frontirr d» fence T and placed the troops under the War dm -Ur;.. thereby nullifying the Sirio '.'piirn military pact.
      46 words

    • 536 6 Kci TKU TkLFGMAMS. London, July 1 25. ionna iuii diplomatic relations between (irent Britain and Austria have been formally renewed. Tin- lion. Mr. Francis J.indlO'V lias presented bis credentials as British Minister. London, July Jo. Athens .Italy 21
      Kci TKU TkLFGMAMS.  -  536 words
    • 337 6 London, July 20. Mr. Li< vd tiei.rge and M. M illeraml arc to conf< r at Boulogne to-niorrow. Their decision arc anxiously awaited. It is Imvouiui; I id nt that the Bolshevists hope cuiiic London on an equal footing w dh thi \M:• .Meanwhile they are k
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    • 334 6 London. July J**. Replying to Lord Cavendish-Bentinch. Mr. Lloyd (leorge said lie greatly regretted that it was impossible to carry the Irish Bill before tin* adjournment but it would be pressed forward with all possible despatch when the Hou-e reassembled. London. July 2»». In tlie House of Commons, replying
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    • 104 6 London. July 20. In tlu* House of onunon.s, replying to Mr. Inskip regarding the violent antiBritish speeches of the Homan Catholic Archbishop Mannix of Melbourne in the Lnitcd States, Mr. Lloyd (Jeorge said the Government had now decided that Mannix will not he allowed to land in Kngland
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    • 25 6 London, July 2.7. cilice A disastrous fire has occurred ot the arsenal, followed by explosions. Several million lire of damage was caus-
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    • 21 6 London, July 2'5. Chicago: lhe railway unions have decided to bring their case before the labour board again.
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    • 210 6 Rcutkk Tei.lgkams. London, July 27. The Turkish Government’s decision to sign the peace treaty is unanimously approved by the newspapers in Constantinople. which declare that Turkey is determined loyally to abide by the terms. London, July 27. A Moscow wireless states that the
      Rcutkk Tei.lgkams.  -  210 words
    • 95 6 London. Jul.v 27. Sir Michael O’Dwyer, late Lieut.-Gover-nor of the Punjab, writes lengthily to the Morning Post regarding the Amritsar riots. He complains of harsh treatment of officers administering martial law in India and the persecution of officials and loyal Indians by extremists. He justifies hi* action
      95 words
    • 110 6 London. July 2t*. As anticipated, the report of the advisory committee on railway rates recommends from August 5 the increase of ordinary passenger tickets, which are now .>0 per cent, above pre-war fares, to 75 per cent., and the increase of season tickets varying from 10 to 2<>
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    • 88 6 London. July 20. St. John's: The wireless telephone experiments on hoard the Victorian continue. Mr. it. A. Squires, Prime Minister of Newfoundland, and Sir Patrick McGrath conversed without difficulty with the Victorian when she was 000 miles off Cape Race, cordially welcoming Lord Burnham and his co-delegates to
      88 words
    • 102 6 London, July 20. The Government to-night informed a deputation of the Minors' Federation of its unquuiified rejection of the domund for increase of wages by two shillings a week •"id re,uc t„ of the price of household ,'oal by a ton. Tlu* claim was formulated with the object
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    • 132 6 I‘'union, .1 ui l Apparently a wire not vet nyumed that Resolute Won Mth race for the America’s < sa:|^ si-t-int? Hi'solut,'. win, l| ™ar7| <• sorry, l.ut tho U-st l,„ at w„J done our damnedest.” Trih.o; sportsmanship of the Americans l!*
      132 words
    • 119 6 London, Juiy 27 Mexico ity A Government bulled states that ilia telegraphed to Hu«J ottering to surrender unconditionally. (jovernment instructed him to report d General Martinez and repair tlu r.i ,mj* ViUa replie'l that the railway is repu> signing the reply atfectinnately Krar J Villa.” All trains are
      119 words
    • 90 6 London, July 27 Simla The British-Afghan ference, which has been sitting at M* soorie since April, has concluded, tb Afghans returning t<* Kabul to subm:t tin results of the discussions w ith a t:c» U signing a treaty of friendship The d:s cussions. inter a da. dealt
      90 words
    • 35 6 London. July I Brisbane The Prince of Walei arrived. I I/O talon. July fl The Morninp Post states that tlelr.*B of Wales* visit to India has been polled owimr to ill-health. H
      35 words
    • 18 6 London. July Mr. Kvan Davies Labourite. turned unopposed for Kbbw Vale. vlt e Richards, resipned. H
      18 words
  • 194 6 A correspondent writes to the Mail 44 As to what becomes of the that is unsold, I have been told (a believe it) that the butchers soak water and so pet rid of the blood*-"* thinp that hastens decomposition. must be some truth in this becauM beef
    194 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 676 7 IVnang correspondent wires that 1 M wire excellent for the races on There was a very large attendJlll > ‘“ihe results were as fo.lows |vi l Service Plate.— Six furlongs. ci.ivlaH 10.7 Housiman 1 Nankin 7.4 Connor 2 8.8 (ilrnnon .t hv a length, two between second
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    • 310 7 The S.C.C. won easily in the match against the S.R.C. on Saturday. When the S.C.C., who batted tirst, had a total of 149 for seven, Griffin declared and the visitors were all disposed of for 62, the win thus being by three wickets and 87 runs. The S.C.C. runs
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    • 92 7 Reuter wires on the 20th Essex v. Middlesex was drawn. Somersetshire beat Derbyshire by five wickets. Notts beat Hampshire by four wickets. Kent beat Yorkshire by 121 runs. Sussex beat Lancashire by an innings and 42 runs. Keif made 225. A Reuter wire of July 2d states Surrey
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    • 142 7 A Reuter wire of July 20 states The last two singles in the Davis (’up tie resulted in American Johnston beating Kingscote 6-3, 4-6, 3-6, 0-4, j-o and Tilden beating Parke 6-2, 6-3, 7-5. Kingscote played probably the finest game of his career and fully held his
      142 words
    • 660 7 Friday's match between the S.C.C. Reserves and United Banks ended in victory for the club by 4—0. It was not exactly a second S.C.C. team as Moss turned out at centre-forward, but the game was good practice for all concerned, which after all was what the players were lout
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    • 139 7 The distribution of prizes in connection with the Selangor Club Lawn Tennis Tournament took place on Monday afternoon at the Selangor Club, the awards being presented by Mrs. Oliver Marks. The results of the tournament were as follows Championship Singles E. N. W. Oliver (winner) K. K.
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    • 242 7 Mr. It. H. Law, hon. secretary of the Singapore Football Association, supplies the following account of the meeting held on the 22ml to consider the proposed cup competition Those present were the president, Mr. W. Langham-Tarter, and representatives of the following: clubs: S.S.C.F.A., I Straits Trading;, National
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    • 230 7 The final race for the Elizabeth Challenge Cup, which was probably one of the* most exciting yet witnessed in Singapore, was sailed off on Sunday morning. An excellent start was made in an uncertain breeze with Kve, Gertrude, Stelia and Marion crossing a few seconds behind time.
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    • 189 7 A Reuter win* of the 23rd states that Mr. B. Coehran has offered Dempsey £50,000 to fight (’arpentier in London at the end of the year. Fifty thousand pounds for a fight, and this Dempsey’s end only Who can wonder at champion boxers being swelled headed and
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    • 77 7 The July monthly Medal at the Keppel Club was won by Mr. 11. H. Salmond, tho four best scores being 11. B. Salmond Hd 7 equal 79 A. S. Gardner H 4 4 HO S. 11. Moss in—l 2 HI W. S. Barrett in-12 HI Mr. S. 11. Moss
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    • 42 7 A Reuter wire of the 21st states that tho Wingfield Sculls, from Putney to Mortlake, the first race since 1914, was won by Heresford Junior, the time being 23 mins. 1 1 secs. Heresford will represent Britain in the Olympic prilling.
      42 words
    • 952 8 Reuter wires on t! 1.• 2 1st that 15 -ol'.t' won the third race t<• 1 the Amerua 1 1 The fir-1 two races Acre won hy Shu n rock IV. A I U me- age says Shamrock finish* 1 ,u* 11
      952 words
    • 197 8 (|u> S.< < lit w 1 1 an t »ti .J-ilv 22 \m tv ns hninpion'hip. \>iit:<• hi lit I »>l ill'. I I,i>\vir beat Mair. 21 S. Main heat Van Cuylcnburg. -1 Single** Handicap. Black (plus tit beat II<»>rart h (plus ill, 21 7. Tin-
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    • 107 8 The hockey served up on the S.O.C. ground every Wednesday seems to improve all the time. On July 2*. when the Club had another match with the Staffords, the game proved the fastest of good many fast games. The Club reversed the onler of things of a few week*
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  • 1153 8 A Bridgetown message of July 2, gives details of the mishap on the railway to the Prince of Wales. It says the astonishing occurrence took place a few minutes after the royal train had left the Jarnadup station, on route to
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  • 595 8 Ihe Court of A ppcul f tlu appeal of the Bat* v. i' 1 “"•I Plantations Trust f,„ j, I( n* a trial of the libel action. tS *n A-si/. in March, brougl b \j Ji i ~aVK‘ -'Hd-lihondda inm,-, lonypundy. Ihe
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  • 67 8 The Malayan Leader understands that the miners of Perak are submitting a pc 1 tion to the Federal Council at meeting against an order made by Resident of Perak that on the expira of the present mining leases, new lea* would be granted to the men actua working
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  • 55 8 Sir Aubrey Goodman has been three months’ extension to his that if he is permitted by J 118 nl S >‘ )t adviser to return to the East he sho back in Singapore in December ne■ take up his appointment as C hief of the Straits Settlements
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  • 33 8 The Treasury formally announce thuM* has been decided to close the 9 F.M.S. five per cent. Victory Lo*n or on August 31 next. No apphf* be received after that date.
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  • 2031 9 n i*Ji» with tv** ficttsern tf tbo Sltaitp i L t i ih m 1019 tbo c'oioji»1 bic.'tu») r „n 0*1 pen sa?p 1D T f i, v "to t r die )<»» 19 9 "iii xnt f u 1 «< 405
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  • 110 9 The growing tendency of the business town to expand in the direction of tin* wharves is daily in evidence. One of the latest firms to move its headquarters in that direction is h raser and Lnalmeis, Ltd., wiio vacate W inchesti r Hnu. and enter the
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  • 1138 9 In his annual report in the Straits Settlements fer the year 131'.) the Colonial S» notary .-dates: The tra le of tin Cob ny in 1313 was highly satisfactory, being a great improvement on tho year 1318 and the four previous year The
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  • 380 9 Following is tin* report of tin* director* of Ting Kil Tin Mines, Ltd., to he presented to the shareholders at the annual meetmi; of the company (ientlemen, your directors have p.ensure in submitting herewith the company’s balance sheet, mining account and profit and loss acc
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  • 142 9 It will he recalled that in September last year, the Straits Steamship Co.'a steamer Kuala was tied up alongside godown No. 3 at Tanjong I’attar, and the Hung Wan I, which was leaving port for I'enang failed to ke< j> her course and collided with the
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  • 81 9 IIis Excellency the (inventor of the Straits Settlements and High Commis-si-n< r for the Malay State- having left Singapore on July for t!ie Ft lerated and I nfederated Mai i States and tho Settlement of I’• mm an in Trumcnt, pa ed mi h-r tl I’ i
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  • 1291 10 My dear Madge, 1 had almost made up my mind, instead of writing you a letter'by tliis mai to send you a picture post-card with “Sleepy Hollow. Nothing do in if. Maud,'* inscribed on the left half which the Postal
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  • 405 10 Following is the thirty-third report of the directors of the Kinta Association, Ltd., to the shareholders at the annual meeting Gentlemen, your directors beg to submit ji duly audited statements of accounts for the twelve months ended March 151, iy20. After charging depreciation upon the jis.-,ots of
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  • 1312 10 The following is taken from the Malavan Leader of July 10 The most important subject discussed at vesU rday’s meeting of the Flu Selangor D at Kuala Kubu, not taking into account the discussion on the Labour question (which was in camera) was
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  • 258 10 IS i k xoe Hency the Governor, accompanied by Lady Guillemard, and attended hy Ins stair, left at 11 n.m. on Monday by the Sea Belle for Port Swettenhnm, from where His Excellency will i u .t on h‘ s tour, the programme |of which has already been
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  • 127 10 The following has been tabled at t Colombo Secretariat :—With reference the communique issued on June J. rt garding a gift of quinine to the t <*\ o Government for distribution amongschools and fever-sticken villages, it hereby notified that the gift which to the value of
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  • 664 11 Reporting on the F.M.S. in 1919, the Thief Secretary refers to education in the following terms The expenditure on education, exclusive •f the cost of buildings and their maintenance, amounted to $787,212 as compared irith $819,258 in 1918. In addition to this
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  • 152 11 A London message of July 2 states Respite Ministerial assurances that the increase of unemployment is mainly con* nned to the boot and shoe trade, sectiom °i Labour are much alarmed and an Ur tfing Government to provide State work 9 r State maintenance. The trade slumi
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  • 744 11 Dr. Gilbert E. Brooke, Port Health Officer, Singapore, has produced several most useful books on tropical medicine and matters relating to the sanitation of ships and ports. In Marine Hygiene and Sanitation A Manual for Ships’ Surgeons and Port Health Officers” (London,
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  • 94 11 Wearne Bros., Ltd., have received front the Sopwith Aviation and Kngineoring 0., London, a resume showing the in reuse in price since the 1014 period of materials entering into the construction <f motor vehicles which is certainly illuminating. The percentage: increases tre given thus :—Aluminium (sheet and
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  • 356 11 The usual weekly meeting of the Kent Board was he.d on Tuesday under the prosidoncey of Mr. McClelland. In the ease of 217, (laylong Komi, Mr. Swoo Teow said he appeared for the landowner who wished to eject the tenant, who was
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  • 370 11 The coroner’s inquest into the death of the late Mr. C. W. Johnson who, it is alleged, died as the result of a blow he received during a diipute at the Lavender Bar, in Lavender Street on the night of July 12 last, was held on
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  • 116 11 The Chief Secretary, K.M.S. Cioverri* merit, in his report for 11*10 The departmental fireweioel uepots at I orl Wedd and Taiping we*re maintained and 178,043 terns passed through the; elepot accounts. The positie.n with regard to •be* supply of filed for the* min.-s, rubber factories and railways
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  • 381 11 Information was received in Colombo ob July 11, says tin* Ceylon Observer, that a shipping disaster had occurred io the Maldivt's. A representative of this paper called at tin* olliee of the M. M. Cumpaoj, when the Agent informed him
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  • 238 11 News i.f a sad tragedy which took placo at Nuvvaia Eliya on July Itt is to hand. .Mr. J. Moir, of Medarumhra, Watagodn, .Mrs. Moir, his mother, and his uncle, Mr. A. C. T. Meyer, of Bogawantalawa, who have been staying at tin* Carlton Hotel, Nuwara Eliya,
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  • 167 11 It wuh not possible to carry out much new road -construction during the year, writes the Chief Secretary in his report on the K.M.S. for l'Jl'J, and maintenance of n.;o!s was subject to great difficulty in maintaining an Adequate labour force. The condition of roads in
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  • 33 11 It was thought that a special meeting of the Legislative Council would be held in Penang during H. K. the Governor's visit in August. The meeting, however, will not be held
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1180 12 —Straits Times, July 23. Traffic in the streets of Singapore i i becoming n serious problem. To wall* or the five foot way is impossible it is in variably blocked. To walk in the road way is a shock to the strongest nerves, are is dangerous. To ride
      .—Straits Times, July 23.  -  1,180 words
    • 1218 12 J wivuyw •Mraits Times, July 24. The mere suggestion of war with Russia is distressing, yet that and no less was broadly hinted at in the Router messages vu printed yesterday. A reply from Russia to the Allied, or rather the British suggestion of an armistice with
      ; J wivuyw •Mraits Times, July 24.  -  1,218 words
    • 1153 12 Become tools in their hands.—Straits Biines, July 2d. Correspondence, supplanted h one hoars, does produce a v'v What impression that there has h..»- Strr "'s trrave misrepresentation on “r ,c v «7 rcf y nco •»<> the Kdueatioa T ia said that, in translating the i II
      Become tools in their hands.—Straits Biines, July 2d.  -  1,153 words
    • 1258 13 .—Straits Times, July 27. It is estimate-! that before the end of P’-M the American navy will be more owtrful than the British. This subject 1 dealt with by that very able writer on a Mr. Archibald Hurd in The ortnight.v Review. He shews that in America
      .—Straits Times, July 27.  -  1,258 words
    • 1171 13 —Straits Times, July 2H. The deputation of Trade Unionists to Mr. Lloyd George cannot have derived much satisfaction from the interview. The Prime Minister does not reject any kind of help that any kind of body is capable of giving towards the pacification of Ireland. But ho
      .—Straits Times, July 2H.  -  1,171 words
    • 1111 13 Straits Times, July 29. Thor** is to lio another conference botwcon tbo heads of tin* British and Prench Covernments, and no doubt is entertained that it bas reference to tbo Polish situation. Tin* prospect is somewhat lightened b.v the fact that Russian representative's .tre to meet
      – Straits Times, July 29.  -  1,111 words

  • 1064 14 On the conclusion on July -1 of the case in which a Chinese named Ling Tit Tit was sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment on a charge of being in possession of forged currency notes, his lordship the Chief Justin/* was engaged in
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  • 103 14 Before Mr. Pepys, second magistrate, on Monday a Chinese named Ho Ha Lung was charged with inciting some at T> n J° n Road to continue 1 rom the evidence given a strike or painters commenced on the 23rd inst and lasted for three days. The
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  • 59 14 tor of Uiltal Hirer. by Uniteers u f a Profit started the Shares ear y°“i n J thl o,e i r d awn? ttnr tain r tErs last, and until the ils Branch™ porated S next Sent nr< h < ompletc <l an l '"<•<»■- to Pt „7r
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  • 339 14 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s W tek Keport. During the last two U v s i... been considerably reduced and iT general absence of buyers of niV l lhe certainly looks as if lower valued 11 soon be reckened with. Mini. still look attractive and in tho 1
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  • 310 14 In view of Mr. Farrer’s proposed "black list the following taken from the Madras Mail of July 8 is as appropriate to Singapore as it is to towns in India "Mr. .1. Molony, 1.C.5., when he was President of the Madras Corporation, once gave us a tersely
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  • 178 14 From the report on St. Mary’s Horn* during 1919 it is learned that the most importnat changes possible in such an institution as that took place last year. T f r were many changes in the staff and on t committees including the loss of ‘a' Evelyn
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 350 14 Property Sales. The following Singapore properties were sold by public auction by Messrs Lstate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., successors to Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co., at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, on Monday afternoon Freehold building site at Holland Road (Clu Pandan) area 71,874 sq. ft., bought by Mr. F.
      350 words

  • 944 16 The hicf Secret;iry in hi.- annual report <»n the I'.M S, for la I year stales The following table rive the firm.-ia' results for 11*1!*. together with the figure, for the preceding three yra> lwe g!xc the preceding year only IT. S.T.) f>u
    944 words
  • 540 16 'lda* Madras Mail of July 7 says The Indian Sugar Committee has arrived 111 Madras after a most successful and inti iv tmg tour in Java. The arrangements for the tour were placed by the Government "f the Netherlands Fast
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  • 85 16 r Vin r f ;V‘ ty ln 11,0 Suttlemont ii 1 t, V' 1 wcl k July to u'n ■>-!■ Ji "/V-" umlK r "f Jraths Mi, f W( r nialc subjects i..:: f f.i, mnlnnu f c V or ,J4, tvnhoid fovor b<T i‘ b( ri
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  • 706 16 Messrs. Baker. Fearon and Co.’s import. Messrs. Baker, I d r«n and Co, Kuala 1. unipur, report d a> at f> on Friday The feature of the xvec-k under reviewlias been the attention paid to tins in 'xxliich a large business has been done, the I
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  • 122 16 Au incident of the typhoon which visitcd August last was recalled at on July 12 when throe Chinese stamen, who had saved several lives at erent n. < to themselves; wer- -wirtK-n a°r!w-T H raV by thl Vr Mtl ‘tion of a K< >.d Humane Society medal
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  • 832 16 Tho follow,„(• questions by Mr \t I ton were put and answered t m.ttee moetin K of Municipal ConT"" sinners hotel on Friday, July 2 t i No. I.—For the beneHt of the Si n pub.u- Will you kindly verify tbefe facts
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  • 65 17 str»it» Timy« is not for iie ou» yf itd Corr«»{hf ehouid b<**r in rmod *n*t l*Uer:* P r Jt ahort auu to the point Lcn* inn ep'Bties Are liable to be reject or r u «ir cot down. Correßiiunaerni. nuat ruth ‘ai, their mmei, not necMtaril/ for n hHc*tiou
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  • 1162 17 I the Editor of the Straits Times. c- Your leader of last evening gives i view of the state of affairs exist1 Singapore amongst the majority of .'■ifiim-born and perhaps a minority of the i* 1 have*'heard' people talking about the the attack on our Chinese reprebllI.!5ve
    1,162 words
  • 632 17 To the Editor of the Straits Timet. Sir,—1 sec that in y»uv issue of Tuesday the enemies of conscription alter their lino of attack. The argument now runt ‘‘If England cares anything for this outpost, let her defend it.” This is a change indeed from What has England to
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  • 273 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A correspondent signing himself Pioneer—though of what he omit- to <av —refers to the large profits of hotel and boarding-house keepers, few of whom, he says, have good, honest British names.” I, for my part, do not grudge the
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  • 447 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—It was interesting to see in your last night’s issue a reference to Mr. C. T. Studd, the famous and perhaps the greatest gentleman bowler in England, and the captain of the Cambridge cricket eleven in the early
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  • 361 17 J'o tli** Kditor ff tin* Straits Times. Sir, Vmii correspondent Mining, in his letter isln*«J m >i»ur i-^u«• < f July make many misleading ami loose statements. ir tly. One of tin- many !<►«!•• worked by tin* Pahang < ’mmol i« |;i t d to,,, not one
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  • 257 17 To tho Editor of the Straits Time**. Sir, —At present there seems to he a lot of commotion about salaries of teachers. The Class I teachers seem to he of the notion that they are qualified to teach higher classes than the Class 111 teachers, simply because they
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  • 198 17 Old Boys Association —High School Malacca. To the* Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-There is a rumour that an Old Hoys’ Association of the High School Malacca. is going to he formed. It is an excellent idea, and it is hoped that our elders, most of whom are ex-pupils of
    198 words

  • 1351 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The opening sentence of your leader of >'*sUrday was indeed a distinct departure from tin* tra«ii»it o of your paper. Instead <>f writing about facts founded on vi rilied facts, you chose to quote tile statements of your correspondents, supported
    1,351 words
  • 289 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—About the alleged deputation to the captain of the Pilsna to complain of the food on the ship which appeared in your paper early last May, the facts of the case are that the deputation as such fell through, because
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  • 329 18 To tli* E< 1 1 i* of the Straits Times. Sir.— I am writing to thank you on behalf of my friends and myself for publishing that jolly letter yesterday by Skcllater <'s that his name: or what does it mean It is indeed seldom that
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  • 175 18 The Pinang Gazette understands that the E. and O. Hotel property has changed hands, and Messrs. Sarkies Brothers are arranging to have a three storey building in place of the present main building, which will consist of a dining room to seat 300 people, private
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  • 79 18 BO.sTOCK. At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, on July 26, 1920. to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Bostock, a son. c AMPBKL L .-On JuJy 22. 1920, in Tjandie. tht* wife of E. T. Campbell, nee Warren, of a son- Gillian Lome, KEK. On Saturday, July 24, 1920 to Mr
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  • 56 18 H rnO I a7.? ETC i!.* JONKS At st Andrew’s m e A rn I J n the 23r<1 inst hv the Venerable Archdeacon F. G. Swindell, M.A., Geo Acton Harris, I).C M. late 3rd Dragoon FdSh d P°r W fty EstaU Selangor, to Lilith letch-Jones. late British Red
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  • 114 18 Singapore. July 29 excrangi On London, Bank 4 m s Demand 24 Private 3 m/s 2/3 s, 4 On New York Demand 2/4 S Private 90 days On France Bank 4; On India, Bank T.T. On Hongkong, Bank d, d On Shanghai, Bank d/d t,,v ‘*Pm. On
    114 words
  • 409 18 Singapore. July 29. MINING. IsS. Val. Pd. Buyers. Seilers 1C 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Wen* 1.00 1.60 boo. £1 i'l Ram Kamuatmg 2.16.6 2.18.1 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7226 8.00 11 fl Kinta Tin f.7.6Boa. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.II 1 1 Jelantoh 1.80
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 88 18 NOTICE. The post free price of the Strait* Time* to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $38 a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is rot necessary to subscribe for a year. The subsciptions for
      88 words
  • 58 18 DEATHS CIIRISTIF William 1.0,1 im.-l, am Chriatio. imri,', I li d Julv 1920. And WAS 'uriid at sen. in the Gulf of Sue/,. MACKENZIE. At the C-rural Hospital WaKT'm. w°" Jul t 2f V Malcolm Ag“d 2d yoai, lUt Bor C.a Ltd.), Mra. TAN HUP NKO. wife of Mr. Son
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 138 1 General June Rubber Returns i Planters’ Loans 1 Heavy Loss of Rubber l Xy r Molek Rubber l Rubber and the War 3 I.«»<;*I Rubber Auctions 5 Correspondence— Rubber Industry 4 Public Schools and Planters 4 Meeting and Reports—lutnadron Rubber Kstutes 1 Suinrei Huloh Rubber 2 Madimrley (Malay) Rubber
      138 words
    • 51 1,— 8,010 U>€. Rujong.-20.a35 lbs. I'utf Development.—loB,ooo lbs. Hevea <Johore).— 20,784 lbs. Henrietta.— 42.000 lbs. Holland American Plants.- 1.022.000 lbs. Kuala Pergau.—.32,osB lbs. Laras (Sumatra). 35,840 lbs. Lenggeng.— 10,000 lbs. Netherlands Langkat.—27,222 lbs. S' Para Pare.— 4l.o4o lbs. Sungei Matang.— 31,500 lbs. Trafalgar. Ltd.- 3.050 lbs., 13.500
      51 words
    • 180 1 Bill about to be introduced in the federal Council is published in the supplement to the F.M.S. Government Gazette for general information, intituled An enactment to amend The Planters Loans und Enactment. P.Hfi. This Bill provides r the increase of the capital of the fund a resolution of
      180 words
    • 55 1 s a result of a squall and heavy sea ,ri the outer roads on Friday four ton.’ ’iii; I loaded with rubber lying along tearnors were wrecked and it is reported [hat about $1,000,000 worth of rubber has n lost. The harbour on Friday was practically
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    • 2035 1 The twelfth ordinary general meeting of Lanadron Kuhben Kstate*s, Ltel., was held on June 11 at the registe*re*d office of the company, 11. Great lower Street, K.C., Mr. Frank Wilson Barker (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentleman, —Wo
      2,035 words
    • 77 1 We are olVicially inform d that the Ayer Molek Lubber Company. Ltd., ha ju-t ncI !a' u A nan:. in 11 di«d ru’t of .ue.g, about Pl.> acr« s of land, of which "•Ml a or. uru plant d uHi rubber Id, and about > acres
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    • 1244 2 Th‘» fif nlft "'din .ry »,-*>Lral n.ectic! ol the Bung* iJolwh Itoob-r I- Lu;iai'j, !j; was held on June 1 a. W.Lrhe*** H ■<*•• Old B«o»i b itet. I vJ. Mr o A i'albjt, MP. of e ootJp n p»e“fd.ij.o The Cl
      1,244 words
    • 267 2 Tii.r •’■port of ibr M'dingley (Mulaj) Hobb r I italcs for tbe a' *Mon ended February t'J, i'.'Jl i.aus that tti crop amounted to 223*„‘9if 's landtd we g-.*, against eelimate j| ‘2I^,CIO bti. and t n if 107.170 lbs. for •lie p ua sit son Of
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    • 187 2 The vepert ot tbe Kuala Pcrgau Rubber I lantationß for tbe year ended February v 9, 1920, otates health conditions ii»e oeeu very fair, but the mainte ctEce of a spfficirr.t labour toroe has »*bid been ad ffiouliy throughout the year. 7he product** n amot uted to 480,669
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    • 225 2 Tlio report of the Qadek Rubber Estate Jo iftla "tates that the output amounted to Vh2 014 ibR., Rgainrt an estimate of 270.003 lbs.; j 76.821 ibs. w* re sold at Singapore at an of 1h. 10.lid. per pound ex godown, n**d iO»989 Ike. wrve sold in London
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    • 971 2 Tbo trnih 'veu"! tmt-i'H 0! sharrholdess j n iii.. PcrigK d.n llaiiau K tate, L.tJ w**i ueldtin Jnly'2 att..Mcfli 1s of the seeretarifa 1 AUtl Ak' «J i hlßßtt ACvl Cj Shanghai Mr L. K.Causing suepov.ul M E. W Njtl and
      971 words
    • 719 2 Thu (levonth aornal gon.rsl mr.ti Ji Salak Ralbur s/ul x lB 1 1 I8, l cl held Nt tbo registtred clli:o, Uiasuiiw Wl J>»* 22, M*. Xtoe.A. Q».U, ,,,:,rr. 0 tuo of directors) prt sidio*., ai y Tbo Chairman said
      719 words
    • 101 2 Tho etatutoi; report of tho B-oct I.J ;i Baiatoe, Ltd., elate* toet 101. »l»m allc’hd i. 1.082 MO, all of ailcited as foi«y pno np« otbt-rw.r-- f j. cash, to irn< exv*ut o! 2a per deration of toe trnr it F' n ,p 0 Of >t C ElCut
      101 words
    • 2811 3 p porritt, writing in tla* Journal ''',j Society of Chemical Industry, considering the share which this rv contributed to the final down-1 f the (lerman-Austrian cause, it is j 5 1,j e not to include reference to the section of the
      2,811 words
    • 793 3 >N.<\viii■ i i ular has been issued ;>i <*• i "f tli Kurau Rubber 1 l ltd., it 'til'd by Mr. 1*!. L. llumil1011. ii.iirnwin > wa. formed with a cai*1 *I Vl'2..*;)<• to lake over, as from hue. ary la t,
      793 words
    • 72 4 (Th<* StriiitH Times is not r<- p‘<n i*»lo for the opinions of its correspor.«l« nts. pondents should boar in mind that lottfi must be short and to tin* point. **<<ng rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. < >»rre pond«-nt mu .t enclose their name
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    • 445 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- I n ad with much interest the reprint puhli h i in .'.our ol Juiy re Mr. S. J. Peachey’s invention of a new process of vulcanising ru liber without the application of heat. I his news should jjive a
      445 words
    • 555 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A letter appears in your paper, sign" 1 I’ortia, under tlu* heading 1; .liber Estate A.'sistaiits, will you pi n\> to reply and publish my letter in it. entirety piease 7 Portia’s personality in very evident hy
      555 words
    • 861 4 An extraordinary meeting of the In loChii e Ilevea Rubber E lat< s, Ltd., was n June 11 at (’annon-street Hote. > consider a proposed to wind up the ,nv voluntarily. Mr. T. t\ Owen i,!cd. 'I 1 Chairman, in
      861 words
    • 808 4 Tin* Lrdh a; nual general meeting of the Chota Kuld>; r ii tales, Ltd., was held on June 1*‘. at tlie legisleicd otllce, 7, Martin’slane. Cai n n istr.vt, F.(\. Mr. \V. Arthur Addinsell (iha rmitn of the company) presi.ling. The h; irn
      808 words
    • 1435 4 The tenth aocual geoeral mretinpniu Bfdwsll iF.M 8 Kobbti EiUte L&“ ,lh e d on J no !6 at u« »eai-Me1 iffi. f '.*5* *oiop*rv, 49 *cd 61. ian, Ke f 6 •»aht H >o. Cdsrles Pdei Aliiu, Fo hf 6 v'bftivman)
      1,435 words
    • 177 5 Th* report of tbe Elpbil Robber Ccmpiny tot 1919 i-tate* tbat the ctrp amcouei tr SH'ViO b* cost of prodcc ioa fob, itetud ioy ihiveeiaticn. h. 6 1 d. per p and, ag**t»p’ Is 6 891 average net selling pnee. ioeladin* e«vn ►t-e vi an of onrraHw d
      177 words
    • 148 5 The report of J ig** Bsfatr, Lfd for tb»* yatnndid March HI IC2'\»‘ate*tb*s ib^rn 1 b«?» crop totalled (10 6*6 bi, rgbioit lbs. t v ae previem yea*. The f.o b ia'be* P*w for all eeta-e ot. a»g* is 8 18i. po* or with the rd
      148 words
    • 186 5 The directors of the Sia'ang Ralb Kstitog tecommend a fiaal dividend for tor etdnl January 81 last at th*» rate of 1* per ci ui, Use tax at 6-t in the ro*hi: g 26 oent, for tho year. Tho directors L*v< waived to submit renolatioo« for tb* parpo-»
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    • 823 5 Tbe 4? 6th auoti n of the Hiigaport Otamb* l cf Rohh r A >ucih(i(<* ♦an beld on Jaly 21 22, 19 0, w» o« ther ■van oatnlo»Q*ri 2,4212*8 0 lor 1.85 t'nff rrri 2C‘22,f88 bt-,, 9 2,wl tons. Sol i
      823 words
    • 757 5 Tko annua) general m.. ti g of tho S >D k c R&yla (F M >.) hubb> r ai, Lt 1., wu i>ti<) c n Juno 1 »t the re«ipt»»*d *Hi *m jt ti.* 0 rnpauy, 65, Loud u W»ll, 8
      757 words
    • 389 5 7h ri p »t '*t‘ e Kobb r E tsl* hi f Koac f r i :t- y %r 19.9 t-»*> h tiia« iLo n p«odt, ,ft. r \w tog <ll XI, 5 I f Mjpf :etv i i iq bnilurt-, n h'*.. n »y. <to
      389 words
    • 477 5 A subcommittee on planters’ salaries, etc., met on July at the Victoria Comniemoration Building, Kandy, and resolved 'that l: ul'-con niu*rt* is in favour of improving the pros nt position of planters, as regards salari* pensions, furl nigh and
      477 words
    • 208 5 The report f the II ir*'* o (Diteli Borneo) It ibb r Etakre n Jv-N n.«k<a that the output amounted *•> 40 P 6 I**, •paiont «o ta im rf 4V\OCO t- L T >o nvcfsgo a* k pri~o j; r pd j rbi'.iiiri «mb 2s.
      208 words
    • 180 5 Tho report rf ll>o Mxk.ior Hobbit Piaafta* Mods for 1919 «*ta( s i»>r* the profit for the rear tvm £B2 7!11, wh wi*.n jC:B,7M ''rnnnbt fnivtat'l, r kra £2 9 484, Tbo diMo'er* riC'intneril p. di’ >d< r.d rf RO ro» "tit ftr o > f t x.
      180 words
    • 1581 6 The annual general meeting of the Ulu Pandan (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at the registered offices «>f the company, French Bank Puddings, Singapore, on Saturday, Mr. Koh San Hin presiding. The others present were Messrs. Tan ('hong Khee, ('hew Woon
      1,581 words
    • 179 6 The statutory meeting of the Mentakab Rubber Estates was held under the presi. oncy of the Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt, 0.8 E„ in .registered officeof the company, Chartere 1 Bank Buildings, on Wednesday. The others present were the hon. Mr. Lowther hemp and Messrs. A. P.
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    • 976 6 Stock Far Exchange Par Value. Company. Prices, Value. ComDanv Lxchanj, June 30. Prfcfiy 2/- Anglo-Malay 43/9 £1 Linggi W. £1 Bakap Plantns 31/6 £1 Lumut 2? £1 Batu Caves 38/3 2/- London Asiatic £1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 363 7 n I BE IN THE BARK the most manwiloae euro for Rbea sat tbe most hi. nun tuettbo worli bHim knows. Vo on eiperimewtfog with worthless mnl*, blood purifiers and kindred r n 0180,1 wUi tlo'0 Orlditol Bohn will our® on.pestiooabhr tbe greetoet oure lor nfttic paire. Tbe pains simply
      363 words
    • 76 7 IIHic •mmiiitiiiiitiMIliiiiillimiiliiliiiliiKiiiillililllllllllll 'S'.ZIS'OH uo ;?is-u/ 3DN3TI3DX3 P« JUMU HOJ (IHVaNVlS 3H1 •jBSns pauyaj )S3uu aip pue aomj" auir] amcf uiojj Xpjos pajBdajy 33inr 3wn S3S0U OFFICER’S MESS (VIRGINIA CIGARETTES) Thy clouds all other clouds dispel And lap me in delight. Stocked by all dealers. Agents F. JL BARTHOLOMEUSZ AND COMPANY
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 UPTON’S TEA Nothing can satisfy the millions of people all over the world, if it is not the Best. Nothing can make them buy it again and again unless it is the Best. Upton’s Teas have the largest sale in the worn, end can therefore justly be called The World’s
      83 words