The Straits Budget, 23 July 1920

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEINO THE s£> WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES* VOL. LXXIV NO. 3258 Singapore. Friday. JULY 23. 1920. ESTABLISHED OVKR HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 380 1 r. ckD«» Speculation H fb» P*ice R,oe 10 L%b« o» rod G iVPiBinfcOl 13 11 Ke Mat:r*e Germany Cbin<* Language Co Oblation ...iol4 OlNIXAb Local and Personal I 2 Renter Tt-li ttrtma #7 M of P« fc'Dg N. w H s itai for iin*apo»e 7 Mder 1
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  • 4366 1 Dr. J. P. Masters is leaving for home next month. Mr. J. Johnston, is appointed Librarian. 1 Raffles Library Singapore. Mr. R. Bird. Cadet, is appointed to act as District Officer, Alor Gajah. Mr. E. D. Kemp, manager of Roneo, Ltd., has returned from leave. Mr. F.
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    • 434 3 Rkliter Telegrams. I London, July 12. I Spa The conference this morning deI .Hit to continue as it was impossible to V h to-day. It also was decided to refer German reparation proposals to the rations commission and German
      Rkliter Telegrams.  -  434 words
    • 184 3 London, July 14. British Empire forestry conVi'*?. Claude Hill, member of the of f,°‘ V Council, introduced the subject said ti! Stry ®ducation and research. He w u lfK re was general agreement that Ceiiri Ver .Practicable these should be proDnrfi ?*de h y side, both in various Empire
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    • 305 3 XT London, July 13. Tlle American Railway Ex!Z has asked the nuer state RoHdation c f mn ,V f s ,n to authorise the eonpr“ e s r, ee 8 mp^‘ S FarR<) an<1 Southern Ex-' London, July 13. Santiago de Chile The Chilean Gov eminent has
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    • 134 3 London, July 13. In the House of Commons, replying to Col. Ormsby-Gore, Mr. Churchill stated that Arabs on July 2 attacked the government buildings at Rumaila on the Euphrates, killed the Arab guard and cut the railway. Reinforcements sent from Basra and a small column sent out to
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    • 106 3 London, July 13. Striking tributes to the memory of Lord Fisher were paid at the funeral ceremony to-day and the metropolis has seldom witnessed a more impressive spectacle than the full naval honours accorded. The route to the Abbey was densely crowded by reverent spectators. The coffin
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    • 80 3 London, July 12. The council of the League of Nations has decided to refer the Finnish-Swodish dispute with regard to the sovereignty of the Aaland Islands to a commission composed of three international jurists, to h* nominated by the president of the League for advisory opinion. The
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    • 33 3 London, July 14. In the House of Commons the Corporation Tax underwent prolonged debate in committee. It was considerably criticised but was finally carried by only 145 votes to DLL
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    • 133 3 London, July 12. Warsaw A communique states that the Poles have abandoned the line of the river ilna. The Bolshevists have reached the fortifications outside Minsk. The Polish army in the Pripet region, advancing in rear of the enemy, occupied Oarucz and
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    • 114 3 London, July 13. A police motor was ambushed between (dogbane and Dingle and two constables were shot dead and a district inspector an I the driver dangerously wounded. The Sinn Fein finance department, announcing the impending closing of the Sinn Fein loan, says £205,000 has so far been sinscribed.
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    • 69 3 London, July 12. Berlin According to the returns the East and West Prussia plebiscites ur er the peace treaty, to decide the nationality of certain districts, have been in the nature of a landslide in favour of Germany and against Poland. The West Prussian results so far
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    • 42 3 London, July 13. Paris M. Deschanel has written to the Minister of War, regretting that his health did not permit his attending the National Fete review on July 14. Tonight’s papers freely suggest the advisability of handling the presidential situation.
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    • 36 3 London, July 13. The Daily Mail states that the British and Japanese governments have informed I lie League of Nations of the prolongation of the Anglo-Japancsc Alliance for a year and henceforth renewable yearly.
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    • 34 3 London, July 12. Adelaide The Prince of Wales arrived and received a very enthusiastic reception, in which the workers joined most heartily, lespite the labour newspapers’ recommendation of a passive attitude.
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    • 91 3 London, July 14, The London County Council has adopted a standing order not to employ aliens, except teachers of foreign languages or those who have served with the British forces. London, July 12. Official Sir Matthew Nathan (formerly Governor of Hongkong) is appoint** Governor of Queensland in succession to
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    • 628 4 London, July 14. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Asquith, Mr. Bonar Law read a telegram sent by the British Government to wbe Soviet Government on July 11 proposing an immediate Russo-Polish armistice, under which the Polish armies would
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    • 433 4 London, July 14. Chicago Tin Third I'arty Convention as so tar W. i i.ipletc its^lat*orm. < 'a i'olleite objecting to lie foreign r!a;ik wh.i. h endorses the ,e:ig'ue "i N:. > a.- i favours recognition f Soviet Hu- ia. r;.-!i independence and he raising of the
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    • 540 3 Ku tlr Telegrams. London, July 13. Spa It is authoritatively asserted that Mr. Lloyd George has received a message ii'om tin* iiolsiievisis accepting the Allied proposals for an armistice. The statenient lacks confirmation. London, July 13. Baris Le IVtit Rarisien’s
      Ku tlr Telegrams.  -  540 words
    • 114 3 London, July 14. Th? I/ord Mayor of London is appealing >n behalf of the Imperial War Relief Fund for to combat disease and distresa n th** war stricken areas of Europe and \siu. The appeal says £1,000,000 is re;nired immediately and points out that for the first
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    • 411 4 London, July 13. The special trade union congress at the Central Hall, Westminster, overwhelmingly rejected an addendum by the Locomotive Engineers' Society in favour of an ini mediate ballot on the questien of a g* m
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    • 149 4 London, July 15. The British Empire Forest Conference has unanimously approved of the suggested standardisation and verification of forest terminology throughout the Empire. Mr. Mackay, of the Forests Commission of Victoria, introduced the subject of Empire resources and consumption and presented an interesting tabulated statement on the suhje t..
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    • 70 4 London, July 13. I Representatives of Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and other countries nr alien ling the conference of the international fe !oration of university women in London. Vi,-' count Grey, addre sing the preliminary 1 gathering, said the only sure basis of
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    • 35 4 London, July 14. j A fresh wireless crisis has arisen. It 0,1 lhi ll, negotiations of June. _4 have broken down. The recent rsettlement° f contl ‘tionnl on within a month ending July
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    • 62 4 London, July 14. •Tnkio: Disorderly scenes followed the tlu> House of Representatives’ rejection of the Universal Suffrage Bill. Thousands oi students attempted to demonstrate against the* government and were dispersed I y the police. There were a number ol c ilisions between the police and public, in
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    • 59 4 London, July 13. S:r Frank Barnes is designing a national war memorial for Hyde Park Corner con- >■ ing of a igat Ion > th two fiankmg temples. r I he style of the design is Eg;, pi ian with great has reliefs symbolical <if the ed’orts
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    • 13 4 London, July 14. Melbourne The striking gasworkers nave accepted a compromise.
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    • 137 4 London, July 14. The League of Nations has published a I communication from the governments of 1 Grrat l!r ain and Japan, dated Spa July N and signed by Viscount Chinda and is a.t i n <:on, sta.tin j: that the wni- meats tf Great Britain and
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    • 123 4 London, July 14. Peking Except for a skirmish 12 miles south of Peking in which the Anfu outposts were driven back, so far no fighting has occurred between the rival military factions. Tuan-Chi Jui’s men are not eager to fight and their moral is bad. Accordingly on'aion
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    • 41 4 London, July 1.5. Santiago, Chile Revolution has broken out :n Bolivia and overthr >wn the government. r i h- revolutionary leader Saavedra has assumed the power of the ex-president. Members of the Government have taken rtfuge in the American Legation.
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    • 400 4 Keuter Tellgrams. t, London, July 15 Bul.n After conference w tl, ti workers at Bochum. Hue u 1 he l oal smums at Spa declaring til f W:red Jisim lmation of the coa.inineri 0Wln 8 die number of extra shifts V 1
      Keuter Tellgrams.  -  400 words
    • 171 4 London, July 1(>. A Fuel R ’•search Foard memorandum has oecn issue i r *‘-arding the employment of i.c'd 1 ol as fuel. After referring to it? great suitability for certain classes of met or v: incles. Sir Frederick Nathan, a men.tar of the board, states that
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    • 109 4 London, July P’Lloyd’s merchant shipping statistic: show that 3,578,153 tons are bein'' bum n the United Kingdom and in -l ine t.| increase was 184,000 compared with 3..n 1 ’nd 1,054,000 compared with last The ships begun in the quarter m many large vessels of which 223 of
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    • 247 5 I London, July 15. ■in the House of Commons, replying to U Hquestion regard the rising in Rumeita, Hr Churchill said military operations were Kjrrcs.-mg but were hampered by shortage stock, as six trains were capn*led or derailed. Detachments
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    • 141 5 London, July 15. c.ty Tin thousand workers Jt :v "I’m fields in Tampico have Bu.k meg a 75 per cent, increase London, July 15. d.* Chile It is reported from Hpluz that the new government has c r nt Gutierrez and all cabinuni>ti r> Six leaders of the late
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    • 84 5 Londop. July 16. peaking at a banquet at the Mansion ■loiise attended by bankers and merchants, Hr amberlain optimistically reviewed e country s financial position, and said vve K if r Passed the peak of our financial K f l, lBes and begun the downward path ni high
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    • 118 5 Anglo- Japanese Treaty. I London, July 15. IfinW A nnc bester Guardian, commenting lin r A agio-, Japanese note on July 14, Ithe t*. be Alliance, declares that I of h. r< at -V has always been entirely out I ant r it U tbe s P* r *f °f
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    • 55 5 p London, July 1G. P r<?s >dents of the SeI'nitfj c* 1(; Chamber proceeded to the BranH embassy and handed Mr. xil’-i a Presentation bust of °f frrnHf, i 1 b y parliament as a token in a srw.r .u* bc President of the Senate ,r *end of
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    • 238 5 London, July 16. tJ~, Gr o7- ,r \rzr of if The rst resolution inviting Germany to U h?™ m US member, but the attitude of the Germans Spa thu impression on his mind that 1a d gone there to discover and
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    • 367 5 London, July 14. Now York July cotton shot up 105 points, August 1(52 and other futures between 15 and SO. The jump is due to covering by dealers of a short new crop for delivery. London, July 14. Washington: Arrangements have been completed to re-open the former
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    • 90 5 London, July 15. In tl<* House of Common renlyin r to Viscount Curzon with r •■••nr I to the we *ning up of mines, Mr. IJonar Law said that Great Britain and the United States had cleared the areas al.ottcd to tlvm an I France had nearly done
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    • 302 5 London, July 16. In the House of Commons debate on the finance Bill, ('apt. Wedgwood Benn proposed the repeal of the Imperial prelerence duties and declared that tlu-y were trifling anel absurel. The policy of Imperial preference had le<I to economic friction adverse
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    • 81 5 Lonelem, July 15. 1* ifty me n raided the post ofliec at Rotunda Rink, Dublin, uml se*curi*el anel removed in nieitor cars all the* mails for Dublin Castle anel Viceregal Lodge. London. July 17. Eighty soldiers accompanying policemen entercel Bc*llylanele*rs in Limerick at three in the morning intending to
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    • 76 5 Lonelon, July 15. I)r. Morrison le*ft .1*27,515 in England. He requested that his chilelre*n should receive the* best educatiem procurable at, a preparatory school, an Knglish public se*hoe)l, the nce* to Oxford, completing it at Harvard or MacGill ami a farther e ourse at a European university
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    • 48 5 Leindon, July 16. 1 he King and Queen have* completoel a tour eif Scotland, whe*re* the*y stayeel at Holyroeid Castle, anel the Isle of Man, returning through Wales. The*y had a very corelial reception everywlie*ro. London, July 17. Adelaide The I’rince) of Wales has departed for Tasmania.
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    • 61 5 I’aris, July 17. The latest reports from Rambouille>t state that M. I)e*schane l’s he*alth is elaily s*i f;.n• improven lent It is hclieveei that the I•p-side-nt. intends te» return to I’aris on Me>nelay m*xt. The? French authorities are preparing to withdraw the decree of April 2d which prohibiten!
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    • 34 5 Londe»n, July 15. The* House* of Commons confirmee! hy 191 to SO the* clause e»f the* Finance Bill provieling for the* re*pe*al of land value elutie*s and tin* cessation of valuation.
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    • 862 5 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 15. S f« At V I v M tbis morning von Simons nt to Mr. Lloyd George a note intimating Mo (.ormans’ acceptance of the Allied terms with regard to the delivery of coni lhe note was
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  862 words
    • 156 6 London, July 15. Poland declares that she cannot recognise the result of the plebiscite in East Prussia. The Poles allege that the plebiscite was hold at a time unfavourable to Poland, and the Germans terrorised the voters, who voted publicly. London, July lfi. It is reliably reported
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    • 190 6 London, July 15. Berlin The police are offering a reward of 10,000 marks for the capture of the man who cut down the tricolour over the French Embassy. Policemen who did not attempt to prevent the cutting down have been suspended. London, July 10. Berlin Tin* reparation
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    • 198 6 London, July 17. fios Angeles Three severe earthquake shocks have occurred. The people are panic-stricken, but no serious damage has been caused. London July 17. The American Soviet Bureau states that, in the event of the deportation of the Bolshevist agitator Nuorteva from England the Canadian contract
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    • 476 6 RlUTEB TELXr.HAMS. London, July 18. The Munster police commissioner, Col. Smyth, Y.C., has been assassinated in the County Club, Cork. Fourteen armed men forced their way in and tired on the commissioner, who fell riddled with bullets and died
      RlUTEB TELXr.HAMS.  -  476 words
    • 217 6 London, July 20. In the House of Lords there was a large attendance of members and peeresses when Lord Finlay brought up a motion deploring the conduct of General Dyer’s case as unjust to him and establishing a precedent dangerous to the preservation of order in the
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    • 208 6 London, July 20. In the House of Commons, moving the adjournment to discuss “the immediate danger to British interests arising from threatened hostilities in Syria, C apt. Ormsby Gore vigorously criticised the government. He declared that the supreme British interest in
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    • 130 6 London, July 18. Peking, July lfi Fighting has occurred at Kwanhun and wounded are arriving in Peking. The city is quiet, but •elegraphic and railway communication with Tientsin is interrupted. Mediators who w-ere despatched to reconcile the opponents have returned unsuccessful. Tientsin It is reported that the Japanese
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    • 169 6 London, July 19. In the House of Commons, replying to a question, Mr. Bonar Law said it was the Government policy to hand back the railways to the companies at the expiration of the present agreement. Mr. Bonar Law assented to the suggestion of Mr. Hogge that the
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    • 117 6 London, July 18. New York A sensation has been caused in the hamlet of Boylston, Massachusetts, by the discovery that a local farm labourer named David Cant is one of the heirs to a million dollar estate in Dundee for whom lawyers have searched for years. r
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    • 31 6 London, July 18. Berlin Prince Joachim, who has been suffering from great mental depression, has shot himself. f Prince Joachim wa« the youngest son of the ex-Kaiser.]
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    • 215 6 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 19 B The latest news on the situation in rv B states that all telegraph, telophon<PaU1 rai way communication between lvk? fl hHS u° on the fighting on the Peking-Tientsin f,? fl lhc
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  215 words
    • 224 6 London, July 19. I A serious riot occurred in Cork on Sun- I lay night. A crowd of ex-soldiers, in. I furiated by the bayonetting of a comraJt I who did not answer a challenge, I uniformed soldiers. An armoured m I lired on the crowd and it is
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    • 66 6 London, July 17* Allahabad from Bagdad Operations os the lower Euphrates are continuing. brigade under Brig.-General Congham concentrated in the Diwaniyah area. Communication has been restored between Basrah and Samawa by means of armour-ed-trains, which cooperate with the defence vessels. Troops in the Samawa defence vessels recently sharply engaged
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    • 42 6 London, July 18An Order-in-Council states, in order remove misapprehension, that the date the termination of war with Germany January 10. The termination of war a whole will be when the last of the pe treaties is signed and ratified.
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    • 39 6 London, July Inofficial The expenditure on the sian operations from Nove ™Lj n’ 0 o of to March 31, 1920, was £55-9 7 3,0fu which £31,244,000 was on the forces and £24,535,000 on assistance to Russians.
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    • 121 7 I London, July 10. f rom Teheran Following on the Bf.f'of the Armenian government to u>a rl ultimatum of the Moscow governBVthe eleventh Bolshevik army is adB inc has occupied Karabagh and is BJinuing its march on Zangemiour. London. July 19. B, communique,
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    • 46 7 London, July 20. K„ official list has been published of K wonun Justices of the Peace in Krent parts of the country. It includes ■umber of Peeresses, wives of Bishops, ,f o\ Ministers M iss Mary MacarKr Miss Adler and Mrs. Bramwell Booth. Salvationist.
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    • 26 7 London. July IP. Hiobart The Prince of Wales has aran<i had a tremendous welcome K a large crowd in the gaily decorated He«u
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    • 17 7 London, July 18. rim: Prince Joachim of Prussia, tin* youngest son. committed at Potsdam.
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  • 397 7 Alfred Kdmomls, formerly eorreto the Pall Mall in the Far East, to the Times as follows Sir.— I read with infinite regret of the of George Ernest Morrison. 1 was Peking when he arrived there to take the position of Correspondent
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  • 523 7 Macphail and Co., Ltd., Weekly Report. From July 15 to 21. Share market.—An improved tone has prevailed over the market during the past week. suggesting, what has been generally believed, the existence of a considerable body of investors ready to operate at the auspicious moment. Industrials tempted them
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  • 140 7 That the General Hospital in Singapore is an anachronism from the building point of view is a truism that the merest tyro in the medical work! would not deny. Both in the big cities in India and also in Colombo the hospitals have been brought into
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  • 101 7 A court of appeal composed of Sir John Bucknill, Chief Justice, and Justices Bar-rett-Lennard and A. B. Voules sat on Wednesday, 14th instant, to hear the appeal of Nagurdas Purshotomdas against the decision of Mr. Justice Woodward in the sugar case. This came up before the
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  • 241 7 In the course of his report on the F.M.S. for 1919, the Chief Secretary, Sir K. L. Brockman, K.C.M.G., writes on the Malaria Bureau as follow’s The work done by the Malaria Bureau was severely handicapped by the sickness which is the unavoidable
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  • 164 7 It is evident that we shall have to institute a motor casualty column, so umerous are the accidents becoming. The latest report to hand concerns a collision which occurred at the junction of (lentle Road and Gilstead Road shortly after 5 p.m. on Wednesday. From what we
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  • 63 7 The Government of Madras have published the passport regulations (*****) of the Government of the Straits Settlements, and have authorised the Deputy or Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants at Penang and the Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants at Singapore, respectively, to exercise the powers of competent authorities for
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  • 85 7 A breakdown of the main engine, driving the hydraulicing plant at the Titi Tin Company’s mine at Jelebu has been reported. This breakdown has stopped all hydraulicing work for two weeks, but repairs are now completed, and it is hoped that the mine will commence work
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  • 124 7 From information gathered it would appear that a certain bar in the Kallang district was the scene of drunken revelry on the evening of the I2th instant. During a “dispute” a Eurasian, name C. Johnson, who lived at Cuppagc Hoad, was, it is alleged, hit or
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  • 436 7 The fourth Assizes for the year commenced at the Supreme Court on Tuesday morning before his Lordship, Sir John Hucknill, K.C., Chief Justice. The most serious case on the calendar is the capital charge to be preferred against Tang Tong Seng who is
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  • 221 7 A European named John Grant, a former boiler maker employ*.| in the United Engineers, was charged before the second magistrate, at the instance of hr. Taylor, medical officer in charge of tlie Tang Took Seng hospital, with wilful trespass and being drunk and disorderly on the
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  • 203 7 The following is taken from the Malay Mail of July 21 We wish, on the occasion of the retirement of the Hon. Mr. F. G.* Harvey, one of the oldest residents of Selangor, to pay a small tribute to his public services. With his work as
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  • 67 8 n h»* fltraits Times rot raapooaib!* for th? opinions of it« corrvapondontn. Corra* l> rhould hoar in ni.ud t'nai letter* oi’iH be short and to the point Long iraaihlirnf epiatlaa arc liable to be rejected or rutiiteuaty cut down. Correspondent* mod •DC out n«ir names, not nacataarllj fo< Rablfca'icn
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  • 2236 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In an address of welcome to Ilis Excellency, presented on his urrival in he Colony, the Straits Settlements Association, if I am not very badly mistaken, ciuimed to represent the British community in the Straits 1 Later on
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  • 175 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. correspondent of the 12th inst is really too modest. Why not stop a other traffic vehicular and pedestrian along this thoroughfare for the whole twenty-four hours of the day and for three-hundred-and-sixty-five days in the year m order that
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  • 894 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Fm\- Ihe able summary of vour t-orre-tTd ui t fT, 1 T, n,u ,,f voicing rhl OIMM wary ,M of West ......< ahn growing in the East, or-ird' N MM I in,, to nten-sT'lT 1, y0ar s npo *hen I
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  • 587 9 < From Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent.) House of Commons, June 8. Mr. Houston, the great Liverpool shipowner. has performed a public service by ventilating some of the grievances from win.h passengers to the Far East have vjtfrreil. The totally insufficient accommodation provided for
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  • 226 9 It will be remembered that some time hack, in the early morning, a car was found in the ditch on the left hand side of Orchard Road by Mount Elizabeth, with its number plate wrenched off and the driver non est. On Monday mystery was
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  • 686 9 Mr. C. Cirant, a British subject born in C anada, appeared before the International Borispah Court in Bangkok on July 'J (says the Bangkok Times) charged by the police with having sent, on the 4th inst., a letter of insult and threat
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  • 154 9 At the Shanghai Mixed Court, on June 28, there was heard a case that is of vital interests to the shipping fraternity. Capt. Foyno who was Master of the unirshin, of the Ningshao S. N. was dismissed by the company, it is claimed, without notice an*! they
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  • 1145 9 Tbe following is taken ft9m tbe Briibxno Drier of Jane 9:— Afu r hx years of hard and, for tbe most •art, fot'le endeavour rs a piospictor in tbe dairy Peninsula, Mr. T. W. Orton, a young Australian mining
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  • 796 9 r< pr* of It e Malay Mail a* ootttlj p« d tihii ,to tbo al Port Sw« Ur a ham and aeoorob Lis iuipateaiona M (ol* r »ws: A vi i t t j X\ o Pock 8 votteoham Q iat antine 8
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  • 1073 10 A Literary Guide. Mr. C. W. Harrison’s Account Of The F.M.S. A guide book is not as a rule a produc tion which can he described as literary, ff it gives accurate information it generally accomplishes all that it claims to do. and the reader looks for not him* more.
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  • 157 10 I be following return for the nionih ot Fc i nary, iq:o. is issued by the Currency iff unmissioiiers of the Straits Settlements:— i.l) Whole amount of Currency Notes m Circulation on 29th February, 1920 183,208,222.6c Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the mi nih
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  • 168 10 We much regret to announce that tlngku Ahmad bin Mohamed Khalid, 1).K., D.I’.M.J., State Commissioner of H i Rabat, died in Johoro Bahru on Saturday. llis end came with painful suddenness, f<-r he was sitting, apparently in his usual health, after tiffin and collapsed and died
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  • 173 10 B< fore Mr. Justice Sproule, acting C. J.C., at the Pahang at Bentong. how Ah Sow, alias Sap Pah Chew, wa i charged with gang-robbery and voluntarily can ing hurt. It was alleged by the pro secution that accused and five other Chine <•.
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  • 1388 10 My Dear Madge.— As the stockbroker said* "after the boom the slump After ti.e st rm the calm I So it is in B.N.B. After th** alarm s I excursions which rcnise.1 ns all t«' e .rgv for about six weeks, we
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  • 298 10 Tm re passed away on Thursday tnoming t’l la.'* week .Mr. Moses Catchick M *<*>, who. with the exception of a dough*or. Mr> t arunii't, was the solo remaining link in Singapore with this historic Armenia:; fami y.
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  • 135 10 Mr. George E. Anderson, U. S. ConsulGeneral at Hongkong, in a report on H" kong trade at the close of PHD, sa j >s Men of British nationality who arc c <>*“ up their affairs with a view of retirmu in an immensely large proportion <>
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  • 618 11 Mr. T. Efford, secretary of the North Horneo Chamber of Commerce, forwards us a copy of the minutes of a committee meeting held on June 2(1 over which Mr. lames Morton presided. From it we take the following A letter
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  • 108 11 f 1 L Pearson tenders his thanks i", Sl n t by Mr. Ko Wan Kam of BangA. an, J £1 from Mr. Lim Cheng Swee of 'ngupore in response to hi* appeal, 'rough the Straits Times, on behalf of !ii res Air fund. It is a
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  • 474 11 (I* vom Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent.) House of Commons, June 22. Two questions of widely differing interests have been raised in which the StraiU Settlements are directly concerned. Mr. Jesson, a National Democratic larty Member, representing Walthamstowr, put a question to
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  • 201 11 On Monday, a Chinese, name I Leo Van Swn, was fined si no by Captain Row* hotham. third magistrate, at the instance of Mr. Benge, Traffic Inspector, for driving a ear without a licence. The case is the sequel to an accident which occurred to
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  • 104 11 The Malay Mail learns that IJ.M.S. Malaya will be <>ut here about November. \nether report says, it is announced, that hr Malaya leaves England op October 22 md reaches Singapore e»ri December I. I'lie vessel will remain in Malayan waters '’or about four weeks, 'i’lie L.
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  • 1019 11 It may be interesting to mention that Mr. J. J. irgo, C.8.E., Honorary World’s Representative of the Y.M.C.A., reference to whose arrival has already been made, is l on his third visit to Malaya and has come 1 here
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  • 476 11 Viscount Milner (Secretary for the oionies i, who presided on June 22 at the annual dinner of the (‘orona Club, referred to the progress and development of the rown Colonies during the last few years. Tin* Prince of Wales’s tour was, he
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  • 175 11 H.R.H. Prince Nakhom of Siam has piven tlie experience of bis voyage to Knitland to a reporter. Instead of booking a passage.” be said. I left it to the last moment. We just managed to get into a French steamer in the third class, though
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  • 90 11 The rate «>f mortality in the Settlement "f Singapore for the week ended July ,‘J was ::i,07. The total numher of deaths was !!.')."> of which 177 were male subjects and 7- female, ('emulsions claimed 2H, I»11 1 i: is malaria fever .”.p. typhoid fever ’>, dysentery
    90 words

  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1271 12 —Straits Times, July 16. The* financial position in England is bewildering. In the last half of 11»11 > new companies with an aggregate capital of £252,754,U0(> were floated, and in the first half of the present year 0.11 > companies have been registered with a capital of £44H,75H£)00.
      —Straits Times, July 16.  -  1,271 words
    • 1194 12 nan is nips oi tru* situation.—Strain t July IT. 1 rinu R We note that the Chinese in Penang are app, aling to the Government to reduce the pri,e of rice. It seemed to us that the rare was stated very fairly in the communique issued
      nan is nips oi tru* situation.—Strain t July IT. 1 rinu'R-  -  1,194 words
    • 1128 12 ro pnvaii against as. -Straits Turn's, uiy ly. No country can live at peace under tu-« Governments. In England some time U g. the Labour Party endeavoured to introduce what was called "direct action.” ]> essence this meant that whenever th« harbouring classes did not approve of
      ro pnvaii against as. -Straits Turn's, uiy ly.  -  1,128 words
    • 1242 13 smashed up militarism. Straits Times, July ‘JO. I The mails just to hand g'vo a good deal f additional information about the General Flection in Germany, and the situation created thereby. Comments vary widely —from th** pro-Germanism of the Nation. I which has already forgotten the war, to
      smashed up militarism. Straits Times, July ‘JO.  -  1,242 words
    • 1165 13 —Straits Times, July 21. We regret to observe that there is a great deal of very mischievous agitation in the Straits Settlements just now over an Education Bill which is before tin* Legislative Council. Very briefly indeed the objects of that bill are to prevent parents wasting their
      —Straits Times, July 21.  -  1,165 words
    • 1266 13 —Straits Times, July JJ. We offer our congratulations to the gentlemen in the Federated States, mow particularly in Kuala Lumpur, who have just formally inaugurated a co-operative building society. Something of the kind was proposed in the report made by the Housing ('ommission over which Mr. George Maxwell presided,
      . —Straits Times, July JJ.  -  1,266 words

  • 255 14 We regret to have to record tlie death of Mr. Edward Faithful Thomas, which occurred at Jersey on the 10th lilt., says the I’inang Gazette. Mr. Thomas was unknown to the present generation, for he came East as long ago as 1S70, and after
    255 words
  • 188 14 The Englishman, Calcutta, has received the following cable from Mr. Gwynne Norton. Morning Post.—“ The Morning Post has to-day opened a subscription for (General Dyer in order to show approval of his action at Amritsar. General Dyer is a poor man an.l has been put to great
    188 words
  • 152 14 Iho members of Lloyd’s have* presented their Si Ivor Modal for Meritorious Services to Captain William Kllis Jones, master of the British steamer (’ardium. With the '"‘‘dal went ii ehe(|iie for I*9oo, and a further I*l.loo is to he divided among the officers and crew.
    152 words
  • 786 14 Scvi ral new Bills, about to be introjduccd in the Federal Council, are published in a supplement to the F.M.S. Government I Gazette A Bill to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Police Force consoliI dates as a Federal Enactment the State
    786 words
  • 704 14 Aneta Service. I.ieutenants Parer and Mclnt„,h s I to adhere to their oriirinul d «i'i«M and Itet away to ria n K e mPn l« withstanding the slight mishap on m' 4 which prevented them f r „m l on,|
    Aneta Service.  -  704 words
  • 26 14 Ipoh Tin Drcdginir.—ISO P; c ls ;iS Pahung Consolidate. 1 Co Tronoh Mines.—1,799. piculs Middleton Tin Mines.- Mu.cmpr 158.09, tribute pels. 41.01— total
    26 words

  • 1816 15 A special meeting of the Co-operative Building Society was held in the i'.M.S, Chamber of Commerce on July 14. The Hon. Mr. H. P. Clodd presided, and others present were Messrs. Hampshire, Gordon Wong, Charter, C. H. Thurstan, \V. J. Trengrove, E. Challen, J.
    1,816 words
  • 76 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 16. At a meeting of Chinese it was resolved petition 11. E. the Governor for a roluction in the price of rice alternatively, to lift the control as early as possible. It was also resolved to forward a telegram to
    76 words
  • 42 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 19. The Kinta Europeans meet at the I poh Club on Saturday to deeide the scope of the Perak War Memorial, its form, limitations of subscriptions and where it is to be erected.
    42 words
  • 47 15 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, July It*. apt. Poulct started aerial demonstra*ietis yesterday at the raceground. There was very great enthusiasm, thousands of people admiring his acrobatic evolutions in the air. A great number of people made aerial trips. The demonstrations were a groat financial success.
    (Aneta Service.)  -  47 words
  • 51 15 Weltevrdon, July 16. The eighteen persons who were still missing from the K.P.M. steamer Maetsjycker, on which fire broke out during a voyage on June 24, have now arrived at Soombawa, so that now everybody has turne I up. Those people originally landed ori the island of
    51 words
  • 283 15 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette:- Mr. 1*. C. M. Kindersley to be an IJnofiicial Member of the FeiN'ral Council Mr. C. R Mills to In* an Ollicer of (hass II in the F.M.S. Civil Service Mr. K. A. Ross to h< a
    283 words
  • 97 15 Reform Mr. Justice Rarrott f.cnnard on Mon''av an appeal was h<*ard in tlic case :n vhi'h t'liua llont? Jian was charit*'*! hy li. pector Kenny under the Food Con- rol rt ft* inns nl wa firifl hy f'ap’an II. \V. Rowhotl am fT'io, or in default four
    97 words
  • 720 15 R*ro>t f f th« T* D/ii M s, Limit?*!, n itu■ m i *< ci inbe* 81 I,til tt n* ef tin r*’ colupared b i,66 r 4 t un I ite* v it iU-8, befog to looieRM' o’ 484 tons la
    720 words
  • 97 15 The Indian Sugar Committee has arrived in Madras after a most successful tour in Java. Arrangements for the tour were placed hy the Government of the Netherlands Mast Indies in the hands of Java, The committee visited various factories and throughout its stay in Java tha committee was
    97 words
  • 94 15 We are informed t»y tho acting Thief Polic(> Officer that as an experiment in traffic c( ntrol it has been decid 'd f 1 > that no vehicle will be all wed to < nter R a flics I a e or omm r ia 1 S<pi.\r fpin
    94 words

  • 1486 16 The following has been sent to us for publication Sir, —It is not our intention to continue the publication of our private correspondence with the Railway Administration on the subject of coal output and truck shortage hut as we hail no
    1,486 words
  • 94 16 The Installation ceremonies and banquet in connection with Lodgq Johor* Royal took place on Saturday at Johore Bahru. The District Grand Master, Hon. W. F. Nutt, acting as Installing Master, placed Wor. Bro. Shelley-Thompson in the chair, and an important feature of the proceedings was the investiture
    94 words
  • 55 16 A breakdown of the main engine, driving the hydraulicing plant at the Titi Tin Company’s mine at Jelebu has been reported. This breakdown has stopped all hydraulicing work for two weeks, but repairs are now completed, and it is hoped that the mine will commence work
    55 words
  • 1547 16 The following extracts are made from the report on the Straits Settlements for :he year 1919, prepared by the lion. Mr. F. S. James, C.M.G. The year was memorable. It was the Anniversary of the founding of Singapore u y Sir Stamford Rallies,
    1,547 words
  • 102 16 The prospectus of a new company un< the above name is being circulated. Palm growing is an entirely new bus» in Malaya, and everyone who feeis importance of broadening the basis o industrial prosperity will hope or ts v cess. We had a long letter the
    102 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 712 17 Hu* S.C.C. won by .'l—o in their match Minst the U.K.’s on July 15. All the .."oring was in the first half, and at t j, m it looked as if the Club were going pile them on. but in the second half the liters well held their own
      712 words
    • 101 17 Mr. H. M. Mohamed Ghous, President "f the Malaya Football Association and f the Persenangan Stia Club is present•ricr two cups for competition under the auspices of the Malaya Football Association. This Cup Competition which will l, e known as the “H. M. Moh.n.ied Ghr its tip
      101 words
    • 716 17 It speaks much for the present vitality of cricket at the club which has cricket for its middle name that the S.C.C. was able to put out three elevens on Saturday afternoon, which certainly sounds like a record. In the tournament, which promises to be an interesting struggle, Merchants
      716 words
    • 331 17 Opening Day of the Race Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 20. There was a record attendance at tho opening of the race meeting to-day. The going was hard. Results are us follows— George Town Plate.—Five furlongs Gay Lad (Houseman) 9.2 l Wester VVatten (Billet) 8.8
      331 words
    • 399 17 A Reuter message from New York states that Tex Rickard has leased the Madison Square Gardens for ter* years, and will hold leading boxing contest s when the new boxing law is effective. A Reuter message of the 10th states that at the Albert Hall in a contest
      399 words
    • 674 17 A match between Seremban and Malacca took place on Saturday and Sunday at Seremban and resulted in a draw. Tha following were the results, Seremban play* ers being mentioned first V. Hill 0, J. A. St. C. Stewart 1. J. <\ Kinlock 1, A. K. Mullaly 0 S. I).
      674 words
    • 330 17 A meeting <>f members of the Negri f'emhilan I urf Club has been called fur Saturday, duly .'51.. at the Sungoi Ujong Club to consider the possibility of reviving racing at Seremban. It i r* ported that Mr. Oliver Marks, at tic* invitation of the comm'ttee ef
      330 words
    • 182 18 The time since the spring tennis tournament at the S.C.C. has slipped away quickly, and now the sheets for the autumn tournament are waiting to be filled. It begins on September 1, the qualifying rounds starting on August 18, and entries close on August 7. There
      182 words
    • 51 18 A good start was made in th*- Yacht ,Vi s race on Sunday morning throughout the sailing the wind r< mained strong and steady and tin* course was covered in less than an hour. Helen cross<‘«l the t,n. bine lim* first, Wendy second Bet.y third and Horence
      51 words
    • 28 18 loU. 7 w,r V l York dated Mi Bleibtry broke n.\r V" M for 300 ni tr* h*-r time being 1 min. 13 3/5 secs
      28 words
    • 1005 18 Wins Re-sailed Second Race. A Reuter message from Sandy Hook, date- the lath inst., states In the America (’up race Resolute turned tin* outer mark five minutes ahead of Sliai rock IV, when she met with an accident to her rigging und withdrew. Shamrock continued and
      1,005 words
    • 313 18 A meeting of delegates from various Settlements anil States of British Malaya was livid in the Selangor Club on Sunday morning, th* Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks presiding (says the Malay Mail). It was unanimously agreed to resuscitate the Athletic Sports, which were held at Ipoh from 11*0(5
      313 words
    • 58 18 A me-sage of July 1 states :—ln the final of tin polo champion cup at Hurlingham to-day the Old Cantabs. Captain Heesltinc, Major Buxton. Mr. Buckmast' i and Lor.! Wodehouse, beat a team consisting of Lord Dalmeny, the Hon. Clive Pearson, Lt.-Col. Mathew Lannowe atul Commander Magrath by
      58 words
    • 47 18 A Reuter message from Boston, dated the 19th, states :—Over 100 leading athletes, mostly college stars, have been finally chosen to represent the United States in the Olympic Games at Antwerp. They include Meredith, winner of the 800 metre race at Stockholm in 1912.
      47 words
    • 45 18 Wednesday’s hockey match between the S.C.C. and the S.R.C. resulted in a win for the former by 4—o. It was a very fast game with the S.C.C. doing most of the pressing, and they gave a better all round display than in previous matches.
      45 words
    • 681 18 The annual meeting of the Swimming Club, he! I on Sunday morning, passed off satisfactorily. Members raised no objection t<> the proposed small increase in the monthly subscription—realising that the improx en.onts which are necessary require H e raising of more money— and the proceo Hr-»-s
      681 words

  • 240 18 It appears to have become the fashio* to disparage the work of the Medical Department, writes Sir .E. L. Brockman »rhis report on the F.M.S. in 1919, though most of the adverse criticism can hardly be regarded as either well-informed <>i disinterested. The work of the department
    240 words

  • 520 19 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s Weekly Report. In their weekly share circular, dated i iv *M Messrs. Fraser and Co., state Money has undoubtedly been freer in n arket from a point of view of share lea ling. but lt is di, l ,cult to assign any Vncuiar
    520 words
  • 196 19 The Federal Treasurer (Mr. W. A. Watt) has been entertained at luncheon Ht the City Carlton Club, in London. In responding to the toast of his health, he explained the position of Australian finances, and said that, apart from the war, Australian indebtedness was due principally to reproductive
    196 words
  • 111 19 n e T Scranton Republican reports on. James T. Dußois, author and diplo'•‘t, native of Ha.lstead, I’a., died I'eunionia was the cause °f his death, 1,1 h followed an illness of one week, hor l> o re than thirty years of his life Mr.
    111 words
  • 482 19 July 16 being the 55th Anniversary of the Collar Day (Hari Kalong) of the Joliore Orders of the Darjah Krabat, or Family Orders and the Crown of Johore, a ceremony was held at the lstana Besar, Johore, where H. 11.
    482 words
  • 297 19 The Chief Secretary, F.M.S., has a few observations in his annual report on the cost of fish and the reason for its being so high. Catches during 1910, he writes, may be described generally as poor in Krian, Lower I’erak,
    297 words
  • 231 19 The u«nul weekly meeting of the Rent Assessment Hoard was held on Tuesday under ttie presidency of Mr. McClelland who, at the outset of proceedings, ref« rred to Mr. Robinson’s questions put at the previous meeting with regard to tin* building of
    231 words
  • 179 19 Having completed their new factory in Bangkok and the extensions to their factory in Penang, this Company have now turned their thoughts to matters nearer home. Some months ago they acquired a large tract of land on the outskirts of the town and they are now
    179 words
  • 123 19 FISHER. At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore. on July 17, 1920, the wife of Julius S. Fisher, of u daughter (Dorothy Rose). FROST. On the 21st instant, at the Mater nity Hospital, Singapore, to M-. and Mrs. YV. T. Frost, of Straits Trading Co., I’ulo Krani, a son. HUGHES.- On
    123 words
  • 53 19 FOWLER GRAVES. On June 18, at St. Mary Abbots, Kensington, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Singapore, assisted by the Rev. E. M. Roberta, Vicar of the parish, Major E. K. Fowler, M.C., 57th Wilde’s Rifles, F.F., to Dorothy Somerset, only daughter of Colonel S. 11. I*. Graves,
    53 words
  • 127 19 Singapore, July 22. BXCHANGB On London. Rank 1 m/s 2/4 I/I* Demand 2/3 13/1* Private 3 m/s 2/4 23/32 On New York Demand 43% Private 90 days 47 On France Hank 620 On India. Hank T. T. 120 On Hongkong, Hand d/d 66% p.c. pm. On Shanghai,
    127 words
  • 417 19 Singapore, July 22. MINING. Im. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. IQ 10 Amparitf 1* 00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1.60 boss. £1 fl Kam. Kamunting 2.10.0 2.18.6 10 10 Kinta Amkoc. 7.25 8.00 t'l A1 Kinta Tin f 7 8 »n*^ 1 1 11 i tiiin Tin
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 87 19 NOTICE The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom nnd foreign countries is $38 a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The suhsciptions for
      87 words
  • 134 19 DEATHS AN NAM A LAI. H n July 22. 1920, at 4 am., at his residence No. 51, King’s Road, Singapore, A. Annamalai, surv -yor and land owner and a younger brother of late A. 1. Irakiirmtha Mudaliur Maniagar, Vali gatno West Jaffna, Ceylon, Muilaliar of the Governor’s (iate aged
    134 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 110 20 General— June Rubber Returns I Local Rubber Auction* Price of Rubber Bagan Serai Company 3 Tai Tak Rubber Estates 4 Correspondence— Rubber Estate Assistants I Meeting and Reports— The Kemayan Extension I Sungei Reyla Rubber I Lubok Rubber Estates I Mentakab Rubber Company I Perak River Valley Third Mile
      110 words
    • 169 20 Tin following is forwarded by the S( rotaries :—At the statutory meeting of the Kemayan Extension, Ltd., held at Chartered Bank Chambers, on Tuesday Mr. C. Y. Miles presided. The others present were Messrs P. V. Wise, M.B.E., E. J. Heherr. C. M. Collenettc* and W. Spiers
      169 words
    • 270 20 The report of the Sj* jmi Reyla (K M s Robber Bstate for 1919 sUt- m v tbe > b:« r obtained aiLoactf dto 215,1f,6 its ,as e 18b 767 lbs. for ltiiH. The HVi?ft»o net prioes Its all w. y». hH 1g1Io*h:-Fo» delivery in Errand, 118,746
      270 words
    • 1260 20 The third ordinary general meeting of the Lubok Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on May 31 in the Council Room of the Rubber Browers’ Association, 38, Eastcheap. E.C., Mr. Joseph Uumsucn (chairman of the company> presiding. The Chairman, in the course of
      1,260 words
    • 151 20 The statutory report of the Mentakab Rubber Co. Ltd., for presentation at the general meeting shows that the total number of shares alb tted is 1,000,000 and upon ea di of the shares the sum of $1 has been paid in cash, except the allotment money of
      151 words
    • 64 20 The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that lettermust be short and to the point. p on rambling epistles nre liable to he rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but as
      64 words
    • 318 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Mr. A. B. Milne’s remark about “weeding out” in his letter relating tc rubber assistants is very true and most people will agree with him, but the root of the trouble should be mentioned and remedied first. If the
      318 words
    • 116 20 Ampat (Sumatra). —24.000 lbs. Anglo-Johore.—20.775 lbs. Bintung.—13,000 lbs. Burma Development Synte.—4.007 lbs. Brusoli Tin and Rubber.—10,780 lbs, Bukit (K.B.). —5,550 lbs. Bandar Sumatra. —17,250 lbs. Clovelley.—12,000 lbs. 1 >jasinga.—83,206 lbs. Eastern Sumatra. —12.120 lbs. Elen Bervie.—25.980 lbs. Hay tor.—12.885 lbs. .limah.—25.114 lbs. Kwaloe.—25,846 lbs. Kasintoc.—18,230 lbs. Kota
      116 words
    • 1346 21 An extraordinary genral rf tbe .hurt held?** of the Pirak Rm Va*lej 5f nbblf Crtrpaey Ltmied, leptrtR th f C;» 11 wa-t h»id at tbo *1 ite cimro-*?' Ptr.'fp, or Smnrday ri» V I It’ r*»B tt \s D rrr.n (cliir
      1,346 words
    • 1244 21 Tbo procra’ of the Ti'iTd Mile K ob.t <J. m nty, L d., w sb at Id bi BdioLarkh oj May rl, M, jjv J rn r 8. ir, of a:r<otoiB, p*-Lt i>ni». Tbe Ci'*!TLi;fjc, I" n:»jV p. atu*
      1,244 words
    • 998 21 Tbo 4581b anoti'in cf the Siavarore C taculmr of Comn RobViir AftMicrMica buid 0 u July 14 and l‘<, wi t 3 thive was cai»lov n> 1 2,*****3 lbs 9 4.46 tma. ulf n i l.;74,r43 lb*., 712.39 lose. Sold 91.137 it*.,
      998 words
    • 326 21 Tbe repr.rt of Soat.’i Malay Robber PJanta’tiona lot 1919 nt*u a th*»* the *•> tijiatCH for f*u year wtrn i sored* d, and tho crop amoaoti-d lo 18 5,477 b ai .ipaii t 77,710 lbs. in 1918 an i 6 J07olbn in 1917. Tbo iucioBH j (b.aim
      326 words
    • 283 21 T'io »epor 4 r.t 41« I’lrj ilintan Rubber K-tates for 1914 i i!)j capit-t waa i r'o*» aard to 416 3,003 by hr orrat'oc i 88,030 jfurt«r r aba* 1 h or ill < <v.') ranking pa: i pm-u vit-i the o?ig rial -htrr r .su 1
      283 words
    • 3019 22 Tie tw.ncy f mi uJ g'Ctr*' raeitiog of t uj mn r* of L u R -o »s. L• 1 w* h t e d u J in 8 .v W- niii- slot d a<» ,0* Bn n .mi, K C. M*
      3,019 words
    • 326 22 The report cf th•* Rx‘tern Prodaoa and Eiift«*s (..*n*T)p«cy f*r 1919 si*! s thav fhe •<* fit ii XO4 B'Jl, which airftd to balanct ir* m I*, t t ao 1 nc'aiiiv 11 ti d t *xc 88 p efi h oa y, available XBli 9o
      326 words
    • 106 22 With reference to Notification No. 28, published in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of January 1919, it is notified that the price of first grade rubber for the period July 1*5 to July 22, 1920, inclusive, is TGVa cents per pound, equivalent to $102 per picul. The East
      106 words
    • 992 22 The following oiica'at han be sbaveholdti* 0 m 0 B?o»° n ita:? —s.°a •SaeSSOSSSSaStti^ liftb-l.iies of ton old 1 wbioti bad a paid apc.piui of £i 0 CO -btrebldev in th* new ODU)p aa b f ve, ».o iv d three shares
      992 words
    • 1973 23 I An cxivaordinavy gem ral meeting ot th* I b -roans Porak Ribb-r Plantations, LunittO, I w ,s nt Id in mail week at tbu registi r*.id ciii I of ibj oyuip»ny,4, Lloy-’e Avtua B0, In I lit) pa-'pJtm of considering extraordinary I
      1,973 words
    • 338 23 The fi itl ot she Sinq f i R'ccVdp Rubber Company (in volrutwrv 1 q i '*i, f r 19 9 8‘Ate** ha*. th"»e in a pr fi-c(Xt5l51 wh'Ch l0tf p, h“f wi'h ttj** »ti■■*) uto ig'O f r **am1 ot XI 2 0 f.m lints tn
      338 words
    • 1094 23 Tho rr pntt tf t) e aiyi i Choh Hnbb.» R date Ci in pat y (to vclnrtavy I qoida*b f r 1-19 statos that the c«op hccu»o i 5 d 8 8 819 lbs. dry tobb r, as con.pared vit»
      1,094 words
    • 445 23 Tin ordinal*/ f'n< ral meeting of tho IVtoong Juva Rubber Estate, Limited, wan hold on May 2* a' il.e I. in Inn < hamher of < oninicrcc, Mr. II. .s'. (< llim/ley (tin chairman), who presided, said tin crop harvestcl (luring
      445 words
    • 293 23 The Tai T»k (Inhere) Robber E dates, Limited, Imp bu n t wmi wi:h the obj ots P'Otfi d in th*< to« ui t-i'dam cf fisMooiation, a* d >d 4r< t*k v**r ah eon/ o*w-*r-n a* frr» r K h*n*fx 1 two mi'i v rattles, kni»n
      293 words
    • 297 23 The report t f the >i urn UibVf Synl'oalo tit 1919 f.( fc‘>. M at tin* ‘oV-i cultivated a?ca f)2 47 ft :t‘ p, inn r/'ri.'.; ir. be* fine b itg 474 87 *c*r h. it;- bal'.nn »(f rrcfii an 1 Ires m X*,'sS, ko v.hi»j mil b
      297 words
    • 625 24 Following is the report of the directors of the Ulu Pandan (Singapore) Rubber Estates Ltd., for presentation at the annual meeting Gentlemen, your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of the accounts of the company for the year
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    • 753 24 The statutory meeting of the members of the Craigielea Plantations was held at Gresham House, Battery Road, on Friday, under the presidency of Mr. J. M. Sime. Others present were Messrs. J. A. Elias, Tan Kheani Hock, and I). Ward. The hairman made
      753 words
    • 305 24 Preaidiag oa May 18 ai the meeting of the Soagei Porno (F.ttS) Rabbet Company limited, Mr B, L, Hamilton said mat to* tcooanta were io every wiy i>iH«Uotoiy The pir fi was £.7 888, against £11,411 i (he ptevioa* year, and with the iatevim tivideod cf
      305 words
    • 961 24 Stock Par Exchange Par Stock Value. Company. Prices, Value. Company. Price** June 23 June 21 2/- Anglo-Malay 2 3/16 i'l Linggi 215/i6xd 11 Bakap Plantns 31/6 £1 Lumut 58/3 X £1 Batu Caves 38/-
      961 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 365 25 JON r BE M THE DARK lAbool tea m»% marrallans out lot Rbemdo pain teal tea wadi baa am known. Jl wo on esporftDMMag with worthless iatotB, blood pariflara and kindred tutu* When tea small sun at Ba. 1 will yoo sobaUntlal proof teal [Litt la's Ortontal Balm will Bhaiimmttew.
      365 words
    • 163 25 ij m vr, THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING GO LID. (Mm tad f«ta i HONQKOHO. •nt MANUFACTURERS OF PURE MANILA HEMP CORDAGE N* Inferior flbre Of adulteration of iiy kind It m4t b| tki Bops MusfietuiHg Oo, •mm4 la strength end WMiriag fuelity, and mn Att tiMt mi Boft» Hawsers' and
      163 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 61 26 Wherevantha Bi»tiah Flag ffllM th4p« you will find Million* of people drink and enjoy It, millions of people buy it again and again, therefore it oan correctly be designated THE THRU STANDARD BLEKDS Extra quality GREEN LABEL No. 1 YELLOW LABEL No. 2 RED LABEL incorporated in Sir gape re)
      61 words