The Straits Budget, 9 July 1920

Total Pages: 22
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BCINO THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES VOL. LXXIV NO. 3256 Singapore. Friday. JULY 9. 1920. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 169 1 LK*DBR»Ntitonalifed jq Saving jq K:>uud ...10 11 Cbici’i Fatnre n Rec‘8 11 Mr. C i3»< bill and Ha tin 1*.12 3ikibal— Loral sni Personal |.2 Remtr Telegram* 8 0 Lc-ji fllative Ucnneil 7.8 Darmark *nd Slesvig y A*»ieaijn*e in Malaya 8 is'.ricac Independence Day 8 Tnreateoed
    169 words
  • 4746 1 ■^vvnth-H.iv 11 Was so,e mnised at the lay when Air M V r nt C hapel on Wednes- Miss s pi u aswam y was married Klder [w tzabeth of Kuala Lumpur. r« n,ony [iTnL ffic, > ted After the Seraiiini a, d ut sts adjourned *as
    4,746 words

    • 506 3 Reuter Telegrams. London, June 29. In the House of Lords, in a debate on ho -ituation m Palestine and India, Lord Sydenham, Lord Lamington and Lord n criticised the Government’s policy. specially in appointing a Jew as (l.'.Ji <
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  506 words
    • 70 3 London, June 30. sorr.mi Iou e Commons passed the Bill rea(^,n ff of the Overseas Trade £2fiW» cre<^^3 to British traders of countri« or( er to enable shattered TUp s ln Lurope to rehabilitate trade. co U ra f rii aSl lT e Particularly aims at entries
      70 words
    • 61 3 T London, June 30. On-ini Use k° rds has adopted the aniomin/T re s ct embodying certain rlisci'iV n s '.ntroduccd as the result of rrttviilir° n Wlt,b P ross representatives, authorifv ,r n >: bod y retaining without r-««n V ud documents for any purW( ej i(
      61 words
    • 118 3 London, June 29. Tho extreme limit of the v,m k e„'i? nco Pr esl nt is the line bekT., t "I" 1Akh,ssar Alasehr and Of the consolidation of this potion. P 1 London, Juno 30. The Times reports that Creek troops hiuo occupied Cl,anal! ia the Hunlanclles. d'l™
      118 words
    • 157 3 London, July 1. In the House of Commons, movin ,r the second reading of the Mines Bill, sir K. Horne pointed out that the Ministry of lines would not be an independent ministry but a branch of the Board of trade. He emphasised that there would be
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    • 80 3 London, June 29. Ottawa After an all-night sitting, the House of Commons rejected by 55 to 31 votes an Opposition amendment reducing the naval estimates of two million dollars necessitated by Canada’s acceptance of Britain’s offer of five warships. The Liberal argument was that the expenditure was
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    • 82 3 London, June 29. So fnr there is no news of Brig.-General Lucas, who was captured by Sinn Fe’ners. The troops at Fermoy broke barracks on Sunday night and wrecked a number of shops in retaliation before patrols arrived. There were similar occurrences at Lismore. where rifle firing broke
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    • 61 3 London, June 30. Revenue in the past quarter was £311,080,152 compared with £185,705,762 in the corresponding quarter of 1010. Expenditure was £284,728,238 compared with £401,100,080 in the corresponding quarter of 1010. The surplus of revenue over expenditure was thus £30,258,214 compared with a deficit last year of £215,403,318.
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    • 49 3 London, June 20. Genoa The International Seamen’s Conference has passed a draft convention providing that nobody und *r fourteen shall be emp.oyed on any vessel except on school <hips or training ships, or when oth M r members of the family are working on the same ship.
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    • 28 3 London, Juno 30. The bye-election at Nelson Colne result- I as follows Mr. Graham, Labour, 14,134. Mr. Wainwright, Coalition Unionist, 8,577. Mr. Rea, Independent Liberal, 5,805.
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    • 362 3 Reuter Telegrams. London, June 30. San Francisco Senator Class has been appointed chairman of the rules committee an i Mr. Robinson permanent chairman. Both are strong supporters of tho administration. Senator Glass subsequently appointed a sub-committee to draft a
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  362 words
    • 74 3 London. July 1. In the House of Commons the second ending of the Coal Bill was affirmed by 217 votes to 91. Mr. Starne, rep.ying on the abate, stated that the control of the export of coal would cease when things became normal, but he could not
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    • 41 3 London, June 29. An industrial court has been opened for the hearing of a general wages application on behalf of over forty engineering and shipbuilding unions. An increase of sixpence an hour is demanded, involving an additional £20,000,000 a year.
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    • 41 3 London, June 29. Paris M. Millerand, at the closing session of the congress of international Chambers of Commerce, congratulate I the congress on establishing a permanent org; nisation acting as a commercial liaison between the countries of the world.
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    • 45 3 London, July 1. mTrs. Snowden, who lias returned from RBssia, says there is no socialism or comnanism. It is all a matter of labels. The SAriet did not make any pretence of being dcajocratic. Dictatorship of the prolemcans dictatorship by about six
      45 words
    • 750 3 Kr.t tkr TKi.rr.RAMS. London, July 1. Paris The Turkish reply to the draft i>‘ arc treaty recognises the independence t Armenia and licdjuz and the French protectorate of Tunis and Morocco, and renounces all claims to Libya,
      Kr.t tkr TKi.rr.RAMS.  -  750 words
    • 179 4 London .July 2. Horne Agricultural statistics issued by the International Institute of agriculture show that on April 1 there were still 105,000,000 quintals of wheat and rye available in the exporting countries, namely 00,000,0(10 in North America, 112,000,000 in South America and 12,000,000 in Australia. The requirements
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    • 164 4 London, July 1. General Willis has arrived at Fermoy to replace Brig.-General Lucas, who was captured by Sinn Feiners. The police barracks in one of the main streets of Cork were severely damaged by a bomb explosion yesterday evening. A jjirl was injured. Sinn Feiners had previously warned passers-by.
      164 words
    • 40 4 Ixmdon, July 1. The revenue for the past quarter shows the following increases compared with the name quarter of 1010. Kxei.-e l*17,7*', t.OOO, ntamps 12,017,000, Income Tax li t,001,000. The decreases are Customs 12,014,000 and excess profits i'7,1‘2.'1,000.
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    • 47 4 London, July 1. Albany, West Australia The Prince of Wales arrived on the Renown, and was welcomed by the Governor, the Prime Minister of West Australia, the Mayor of Albany and leading citizens. There was n fine gathering of ex-soldiers, nurses and Hchool children.
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    • 36 4 London, July 1. In the House of Commons, replying to a question, Mr. Kellaway said the depart nient.s corn-erned were carefully considering the possible cherts of the American Merrhant Marine Dill on Dritish shipping.
      36 words
    • 35 4 London, June 30. rJn i lloU v* Con,r nona, replying to Commander Kenworthy, Mr. Bonar Law SmiM? t< r f that ll wus °ntemplnted to ti.m this“Jr’" 8 arm StlCe com,m m °ra-
      35 words
    • 1116 4 London, June 1)0. San Francisco The supporters of Mr. McAdoo have announced that an organiati iu is staking to enlist the support of delegates fur a number of dark l or es, including Vice-President Marshal, Ambassador
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    • 180 4 Lon lon, July 2. I eking As a result of conferences between the leaders of the rival factions, ne new cabinet has been practically settled. < hou Shu-mou, the Premier, will attempt to conclude peace with the South and represent popular opinion more strongly than hitherto. It will
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    • 52 4 London, July 2. Genoa Mr\ Barlow, reporter of the unemployment eommittee of the Seamen’s ■ongress, presented a draft convention abolishing private employment agencies It suggests the substitution of f-ee state agencies and that seamen she dd have a roe choice of ships. The convention like‘nSUranc° of cm Pl
      52 words
    • 45 4 f London, July 2. \iv tin a Owing to friction between the USSjTfe h<l saf,, ‘y of Pnsspnfrors B anil 'ti Government has suspended tho C il un«a W ri u V n Sl S n C t k b r < ?twec n Vien
      45 words

    • 1032 4 AMERICA'S CONTEST Democrat Party Pl atform Adopted. Struggles of the Contending Factions. RtLTE TELK.RAMS. San Francisco The of the Democratic C-me„(io™ h C n,,n l ittc od a plank reeomnu udin of the Treaty of tl i Of Nations covenant without' r’'' impairmir their essential inuiruy!" 1 1 Lomloll, July
      RtLTE» TELK.RAMS.  -  1,032 words
    • 342 5 London July 2. I Washington Following a conference Krith Mr. Harding, Mr. Clement, GoverKor of Vermont, indicated that he would Km mediately call u special session of the K’orniont legislature to consider the Koman suf rage amendment to the federal Constitution, which requires the ratification of only
      342 words
    • 418 5 London July 2. A Brussels communique states that the conference held its first meeting this morning. Military and naval experts, including Marshal Foeh, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson and Admiral Charlton, reported on the German fulfilment of the military and naval clauses of the treaty, and were instructed
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    • 64 5 London, July 3. The King has approved of naval clasps to the war medal for general actions at sea, single ship actions, actions with enemy land troops, etc. Single ship actions include the fights with the Emden and Koenigsberg. Mesopotamia, the Re Sea, the African Lakes, German East Africa,
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    • 61 5 London, July 2. Receiving a deputation of the Federation of British Industries, Mr. Chamb< "lain declared that the Government’s efforts to grapple with debt had been benefi dal. He counselled great prudence on the part of business men, but lie declined to give relief from the excess profits
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    • 97 5 London, July 1. Tho Gorman super-Zeppelin L7l, built specially to bomb New York and surrendered under the peace treaty, has arrived in England. It is the largest airship in the world. London, July 3. The House of Commons rejected by KIN to -Ifi the amen Iment to the I
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    • 707 5 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 3. San Francisco The Convention substitute plank recognising an independent Irish republic was defeated, after which the onvention adopted the platform as submitted. London, July 3. San Francisco The first ballot resulted as
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  707 words
    • 174 5 London, July 3. The* Daily Nows publishes a remarkable document alleged to have boon discovered by Soviet supporters at Archangel. A copy was also found among Koltehak’s papers. The document, which was handed to the British labour delegation recently in Russia, purports to deal with negotiations between Mr.
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    • 135 5 London, July 2. New York A meeting of the associated railway executives appointed an advisory •omniitt *o of nine executives to dial with transport emergencies through cooperative action of all railroads with the inter-state commerce commission. It is announced that the step is taken as a result
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    • 130 5 London, July 4. Simla On the arrival of the last mail from England the Connaught Hangers got much excited over the accounts which reached them of recent events in Ireland. One fourth of the battalion remained entirely loyal to the Colonel, but the remainder laid down
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    • 91 5 London, July 5. Viscount French, landing at Queenstown from a destroyer, had a hostile reception. I he crowd which followed hooted him in spite of the military guard. Two Sinn Foiners were killed in an attack on the police barracks at llolycross Thurles. Mr. Thomas, M.l\, speaking at Belfast,
      91 words
    • 77 5 London, July ,'h Genoa The plenary sitting of the Seamen’s Congress approved of the unemp.oyment suggestions. London, July 4. Genoa The commission of the Seamen’s Conference decided to recommend a three watch system on large vessels on deck and in the engine-room, including oflicers, regulations for this to
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    • 1003 6 London, July 3. Paris, from Brussels The work of the conference has been delayed unexpectedly owing to a hitch in connection with Belgium’s percentage of the indemnity. The incident is believed to be due to the action
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    • 102 6 London, July 1. Perth The Prince of Wales had a warm-hearted reception in West Australia while travelling to Perth. An immense gathering gave him an ovation at Perth. London, July 2. Perth The Prince of Wales had a wonderful reception from two miles of •heering crowds. He
      102 words
    • 67 6 London, July 4. The Weekly Dispatch states that Sii Charles Macara is of opinion that the work )osition in the cotton industry offers nc lopeof a slump or even of any marked lowerng of prices. The only thing that wouit. ause a marked decline in prices would bt
      67 words
    • 51 6 London, July 5. The biggest blast furnace in the world has been successfully inaugurated at Ebbw Vale. The weekly output is estimated at 3,000 tons. The new works, it is hoped, will create a revolution in the steel making industry and produce the cheapest steel in the
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    • 62 6 London, July 2. The National Federation of Trade Unions at a meeting at Leamington passed a resolution in favour of a fortyfour hour week for all industries, in spite of the advice of the labour member Colonel John Ward, who urged that it would be far better to
      62 words
    • 32 6 London, July j Cairo Abdel Rahman, secretary oflhe local committee of the Egyptian delJ.ation in London, has been arrested. M.midernblo importance is attached yfr.he arrest and important developments pecled. a
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    • 292 6 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 5. The Spa conference agenda has been prepared in the fo.lowing order Disarmament, reparation, war criminals. Herr Fehrenbach declared that the Germans met the Allies on a basis of absolute loyal acceptance by Germany of
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  292 words
    • 208 6 London, July 5. At Spa Herr Fehrenbach, the German Chancellor, in a speech to journalists, dodared that Germany was ready loyally t< work at the task of the economic recon’onstruction of the world and the carryng out of the Treaty of Versailles within he limits of their possibilities,
      208 words
    • 190 6 London, July 5. Lord Inverforth’s report on his worldwide dealings in raw materials on behalf of Government has been issued. It shows a total expenditure to March 31, J 919 of £277,000,000. The total sales were 1*225,000,000, making a turnover of 1*502,000,000. The cost of administration amounted
      190 words
    • 171 6 In the House of Comn'T' 0 J ly 5 I Mr. Lestrange, Mr M.,| lons re PWing J Wed (-wood ifonn with u>% of a conversation between pIN and the Russian anti B„,"hiv s t Golovin in May last war in f m r M Churchill was alleged
      171 words
    • 141 6 London, July 6. In the House of Commons, replying fc Mr. Lestrange and Mr. Malone, Mr. Bon« Law said the British naval and military support to the Greeks against the Turks would be confined to what was neussuy to ensure the freedom of the straits ail fulfilment
      141 words
    • 108 6 London, July 5 Replying to Capt. Wedgwood Benn and Mr. Kiley. who complained of the reinienture of Chinese labourers in Samoi K'fore the issue of a mandate, Col. Aniery mphasised that the matter was entirely vithin the control of the New Zealand Jovernment. The Imperial Government .vas never
      108 words
    • 48 6 London, July On the occasion of July 4, the America! Vmbassador laid a wreath on the grave o .afayette and presided over a march pa* >f 20,000 w’ar-orphans at the Tuileries receiving relief from American organisations. General Joffre, M. Poincare an! several ministers were present.
      48 words
    • 32 6 London, July In the House of Commons, replying to* juestion, Mr. Bonar Law stated that tn suggestion to establish an Allied cour Holland to try the ex-Kaiser was i practicable.
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  • 120 6 The Banque Industrielle de Chine. Singapore, has been informed by a from their head office that the ann general meeting of shareholders i ot tn bank was held at Paris on June 2j> The net profit for the year francs 16,240,000, out of which a tow
    120 words

  • 366 8 The fourth report of the directors of Tebak Tin Fields, Ltd., states Your directors hi g to submit a duly audited statement of accounts for the thirteen months ended December 31, 1919. Mining operations have been carried on hy the sublessees at the following watersheds, viz., Sungei
    366 words
  • 79 8 Mr. A. Hvalsoe, (’onsul f>*r Denmark informs us that Ik* has to-day received a telegram from tli»- Foreign Minister a' Copenhagen that the treaty between Dei, mark and the Allied Powi rs, hy which tin Sovereignty of Slesvig has been transfered to Denmark, has been sign- d
    79 words
  • 693 8 The following report is officially supplied The third annual general n:eetn: of Murai Tin i -1.. was held in the t*. i t» r«-r| office 1 Old Market S'jiiarc, Kuala Lumpur, < n Ju!.. Mr. A. A. llenggeier presiding, others present were Mi
    693 words
  • 84 8 Kn him pang Tin, No Liability. )T!*.D7, yards 09,480, yields pis. 239.20 lr in Hentong, No Liability.— Hours n •■2 4, piculs recovered 074, cubic yart n treated 83,000. s Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging.— iDkhs run 1,187, cubic yards treated 1 < •>,' •<*<>, total piculs 957,
    84 words
  • 1027 8 Tfcc ninct ecth rncu.1 gen r rat u rrtrnpj o. •be MuUt PeD.D-ala Aw»»caltura* A*«*roia lion, eft hd for »dp> .o c ar3 J j A Cctnaj?»ce, vsi be) Id* b»fcO/d.*. nexl, ti 1*2 near, fer w*al ot a rtpirt*- the
    1,027 words
  • 232 8 Tbe acting Aaser con C-a f a!G;8«l Mr. U. J D.ckinsur, was ca Swl day at Home to all (riecds *cd J wishers in honour of ItJf pendent fw| which 1(11 aotually cn Sunday, kSI number ol visitors, incluamg the etal Consular Body, heads cf limn io
    232 words
  • 60 8 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden. Iuiy 1. Nogotiations-between tin* Sugar Factflj Syndicate ami the Sugar Employe? In;# regarding the demand for a hundred p# cent, increase in saUiries have been >aodenly broken oil', tin* union sending a* ultimatum granting a fortnight in whichu arrant the increase, otherwise a penerti
    (Aneta Service.)  -  60 words
  • 44 8 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, July 2. It is learnt from Shanghai that labour disorders and looting of foodshops are curring owing to the mounting P r, e rice. It is estimated that a supply 't 1 for only four days is available.
    (Aneta Service.)  -  44 words
  • 33 8 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden. July Fire broke out last night at Fandan, capital of the island of 1 and destroyed a number of buml 111^-.. ilamage is estimated at b
    (Aneta Service.)  -  33 words
  • 85 8 The rate of mortality in tin* pi. of Singapore for the week c ,1,ll j was M.54. The total number ilft was Hal of which 172 were nia > j and 79 f(*male. Convulsions y i f.-ver phthisis 4a, malaria fever 29, 1 > F\ d lV
    85 words

  • 67 9 if he Straits Times is not responsible for opinions of its correspondents. Corres■den'* should bear in mind that letters Pj j > .short and to the point. Long fcbline epistles are liable to be rejected or Kilossly cut down. Correspondents must fcl 0 <e their names, not necessarily for
    67 words
  • 295 9 I To the Editor of the Straits Times. L r When last we wrote, our attention b drawn to this subject at the time of lj m >sc New Year. Now we have just M tin big Malay Festival—Hari Raya a*.rain the gambling, and its
    295 words
  • 1239 9 "’'Bo the Editor of the Straits Times. ||||B,- Have the S.V.C. authorities power BHautbrity to refuse applications for from the Corps, at the present |||Biat is the position, legally, of men now Corps you of the opinion that the present against militarism will be successYours, etc., Cl VIS. July
    1,239 words
  • 550 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I shall thank you for a little space in your columns for a reply to the letter from An Obesrver. An Observer seems to think that the telegram he partly quotes belies your correspondent An Armenian from Java. The telegram he
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  • 428 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In reading through Patient’s complaint it strikes the patients at present m hospital that in certain instances he has been either misinformed or lacks the power of perception. In the first place we would point out. that there are eleven beds
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  • 570 9 A correspondent writes An interesting wedding took place on St. Peters Day, June 29, at Christ Church, Malacca, when the Rev. E. N. Greenhow, M.A., Chaplain, Negri Sembilan and Malacca, was married to Miss K. C. Cumber, of the
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1070 10 —Straits Times, July 2 It wntiM «i T»T>r*.*i r thnt th'* Railways in England are to ho practically nationalise! on a n<*w and very peculiar basis. The railways are to be formed into groups—five in England and Wales, one in Scotland and each group is to be managed by
      —Straits Times, July 2  -  1,070 words
    • 1241 10 -Straits Times, A Daylight Saving Bill is among the measures that will come before the Legislative Council on Monday. We have had opportunities recently of hearing some opinions on this subject, and, to tell the truth, they were rather pathetic. One gentleman was haunted by a dreadful fear
      -Straits Times,  -  1,241 words
    • 1215 10 —Straits Times, July 5. It has been a pleasure recentt. eome the Sultan of Kelantan to Si„ nnd equally it is n pleasure to J, the Administration report reecrdK that the state continues to prosper t1 M4 B have been inereases in revenue f r B from customs, licenses
      —Straits Times, July 5.  -  1,215 words
    • 1239 11 —Straits Times, July 6. Ono sentence or two in the letters Mr. J. 0. I*. Bland has been addressing to The Times ought to make a strong appeal to a practical people like the British, though they are notoriously careless in regard to foreign affairs. After a reference
      —Straits Times, July 6.  -  1,239 words
    • 1165 11 a crushing burden on business.— Straits Times, July 7. We are afraid that the first action taken by what is known as the Profiteering Commission will give no satisfaction either to tenants or to the owners of house property. The former naturally wish rents to remain at their present
      a crushing burden on business.—Straits Times, July 7.  -  1,165 words
    • 1126 11 falsehoods as by any other means.—Straits Times, July 8. During the war the British Cabinet system went to pieces. It was the creation f many years, and in principle it amounted to this—that the head of every department was responsible to the Cabinet for ths doings
      falsehoods as by any other means.—Straits Times, July 8.  -  1,126 words

  • 177 12 The Johore correspondent of the Malayan Leader writes Mr. Cyril Cooper, the popular Barrister of Johore, entertained a large party of friends from Johore ami Singapore on the occasion of the opening of the new ball room in the Civil Service Club. This was also a
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  • 170 12 The Madras Mail writes that the news that the King is disposed to consider favourably the proposal that the Prince of Wales should include Ceylon in his forthcoming Indian tour, if it can be arranged, will be hailed with satisfaction in Ceylon. It was only
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  • 132 12 An echo of the collision which took place in lxcppel Harbour, near the West wharf, and opposite godown No. 3, between the Straits Steamship Company’s steamer Kuala and the Ho Ilong company’s vessel the Hong Wan I, was heard in the Supremo Court on Tuesday. It will
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  • 121 12 At the Penang Drill Hall, on Friday, Colour-Sergeant G. B. F. Southam and Sergeant W. A. Ward were presented with the Lung Service Medal. Colour-Sergeant Southam and Sergeant Ward are the first recipients of this honour who have served the whole period of their service with the Penang
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  • 1353 12 At a meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council on June 24, Hon. Mr. A. R Lowe asked the following questions in accordance with notice given by him at the previous meeting of the Council :—In view of the fact that a strong
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  • 310 12 Tin* following appeared in the Straits Times of July 2 In yesterday’s issue brief reference was made to the death at the General Hospital of Capt. Thompson Robinson. The deceased, who was a familiar figure in these parts, was 55
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 344 13 A Reuter win* of June 2!> states At Wimbledon in the world’s tennis (.Vji’tt: ‘.nship singles semi-finals Shimizu. the .Japanese, beat Mavrogordato, 4,G —G— 2. Tilden America, beat •ti America. G—4, 8—G, (}—2. !'i the ladies’ singles semi-finals Miss R\m. neat Mrs.
      344 words
    • 123 13 I r to present some interesting n nr future in the form of a irul. r c-mtest between players repren r r! Vi V: d'»‘re. IVnang and Kuala Luni- suggestion comes from Penang, Imposed that Singapore should u, Piny. Such a tournament n J.'. t decidedly interesting.
      123 words
    • 266 13 S.ri’a 10 one score <l in the game the tli* c r score< l a well earned win over a(1( i on July 1 on the Padang v_v are to he complimented on a ermurrKff P erform ance. It was an even a i.,ii a
      266 words
    • 349 13 A’tLocfch Bftet the heavy rvnthe ground al Saturdsy’a S. C. C. l< 9 aud Civil Service and Law took pace asarraiped The resnlt was a draw Law to c ii Imlbo ih! decl&rod With 185 for four, hzu Ml ip nioh to mtko tho ruae, and when
      349 words
    • 34 13 P. W. D. L. Fie. Eico.rr&s 1 1 3 C. 3. tnd Law 2 2 2 Merchants L to X 1 1 1 Sudani* l 1 1 Mercfcfftft AloK 1 1 u
      34 words
    • 108 13 A R-at it wire of June 20 states Latcwhlre beat Warwickshire bj 167 voar. Nottinghamshire beat Northamptonshire by three wickets. K nt beat Sussex by seven wiokeis. Hampshire be%t Yorkshire by an innings 'n i 72 rans. Hampshire made 466 for two and declared. Brown made 2b2 nos
      108 words
    • 80 13 The July medal competition at the Singapore Golf Club which was played on the third and 4th instant, resulted in a tie between Messrs. L. R. Macphailand T.B. Norrie. The following cards wore returned L. R. Macphail 2 down T. B. Norrie 2 down I). J. Ward 4 down
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    • 49 13 CVC| A Reuter wire of .July r< > to tl J open golf champions!!*** goner:] ed in showery weathtf before mi! win for (jeorge Ih ass ,.ts i. dOd, Herd, Coombe y purchase! 1 dO5, and Ray, Oxl<* .p any whicl juired the lar* arms, buying ty
      49 words
    • 397 13 1 hi* annual meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club is to he* held on Sunday, July IS. 'liu* report for the year ended* January 31. says The working account for the year under review shews a loss of SMH).b3. Allowances have been made of $252.70 for prizes
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    • 160 13 Wednesday’s hockey match between the S.C.C'. and the Staffords was a very even affair, and the one goal scored came in tho soldiers’ favour just on time. The teams were S.< H. S. Burgess, A. N. Layhourne, W. S. Black, N. A. M. Griffin, Capt.’ll. K. S. Law. R.
      160 words
    • 88 13 Reuter wired on June JO Henley Regatta has been resumed after an interval of five years. The course was thronged with spectators, and hundreds of pdnts helped to form a kaleidoscopic scene. A Reuter wire of July 3 states The Henley Regatta finals took place in wretched weather.
      88 words
    • 166 13 Tbe first mac of the season for the .Jackscn Millar cap was contested nt thj CInb on Sunday. This trephy in awacdtd i\ r a onrnbor of raoos over vmiodh di wt ancep, being given recording to tho Oim placing i n each evrut. The distance war, 100 yards,
      166 words
  • 329 13 SINGAPORE SHARE MARKET. Messrs. Fraser and Co 's Weekly Report. In their weekly .-hare c i ular, dated •July 7, Messrs. Fraser and e. state:— business continue on row .m* lines with tlnet nations scarcely pens »til>le m any section orders either way are difficult to i ulli I. lin
    329 words
  • 278 13 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette :—Mr. L. 11. layton to he Otlicial Assignee, KM.S. Mr. A. .1. Weller to be Chief Inspector of English Schools, F.M S and JVS-S F- <’»bb to be a Medical Officer, KM S. Mrs. E. M. M.
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  • 247 13 His Highness tin* Sultan of Trengganu arrived on board the F.M.S. Government Yacht Sea Belle in Singapore on Tuesday on an oflicial visit to His Kxcellency the Governor. His Highness was accompanied Mr. J. L. L. Humphreys, British Adviser, Trengganu in attendance on His
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  • 215 14 Tli prop rius of J uni's is is■ '.!<*<I iii Kuala Kun ;>ur, and s.d'• edition v. il (‘lost* on I'm* l.'uh ’i 'ii* o!> <■< l of tin romimny i to M|ii.r< ;m <i '!<»!* tl* cm ifin' Ii i-im of James < r;i:, Kid.,
    215 words
  • 126 14 In tin* Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Juno 121*, before Mr. Justice Sproule, acting Chief Judicial Commissioner, with Messrs, it. M. Skinner and J. V. Booth as Assessors, the trial was concluded of Thambiuh, a draftsman, employed in the Government Survey OMiee, who was charged with the
    126 words
  • 82 14 The actinp Consul for Italy, Mr. G. M. 1 erzano, is in receipt of the following telegram from his Government Rome, July 4 The general situation in Italy is not worse than that of other countries in Europe. Loral disturbances that may at first look serious are
    82 words
  • 122 14 I' 1 v,, v "f 'ho increased traffic on thi* r ederut* I Malay States Railways, two 1ue> ha. e 1 *en purchased from Hongkong for cargo purposes at the ports in the I eninsulni (hie of these, the ’l ing Hing, is at pie I
    122 words
  • 289 14 The fol'.i\vinir not ideal ion in the (Vyhiti I C<>\ *i mm ot (ia/.otto will he of int«*rest to 1 ollieei in the r.M.S. and S.S. service I Ii. K. the Ollieer Administ- ring the (io, eminent ha lx en p!*
    289 words
  • 162 14 The following return for the month of January, 1920, is issued by the Currency Commissioners of the Straits Settlements:— r. (A) Whole amount of Currency Notes in Circulation on 31st January, 1920 183,208,301 70 Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the month of January, 1920
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  • 203 14 The following were present at a dinner party given at Government House on Friday His Highness the Sultan of Kelantan, Raja Kelantan, Tengku Sri Indera Mahkota, Tengku Yusuf, Dato Sri Paduka Raja, Megat Osman, the Hon. Sir John Buck nil I, K.C., Mr. R. J. Farrer, Dr. R.
    203 words
  • 281 14 We have reason to believe that the Commission on Profiteering have recommended 'that the Increase of Kent (War) Restriction Ordinance ID 17 In* amended so as to I allow tl) an immediate increase of 20 per (cent, in rent more than the rent
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  • 173 14 1 lie new torpedo boat Radiant which has been purchased for Siam by the Prince of Jumbara in England is a Thomycroft built vessel, 205 feet long with a beam of 27 ft. 3 ins. fitted with four water-tube boilers, burning oil fuel, turbine engines, twin
    173 words
  • 101 14 DARKL.- Un July 3, at 2f>, Woodstock Road, Bolder* Green, London. N., the wife of F. H. Darke of a so*. HENCE.- On July fi, at Malacca, Olivo, the wife of A. L. Bence, Caring Estate. Malacca, a girl. THOROUGOOD. On July 5. at Calham, Rochulie Drive, the wife
    101 words
  • 115 14 Singapore, J*j|« exchange On London, Bank 4 m, Demand "/$2 Private 8 m/s l/32 On New York Demand 2l 474 Private 90 days On France Bank _49)4 On India, Bank T. T ®35 On Hongkong, Bank d/d s*v. 120 On Shanghai, Bank d/d P* c P-m. On
    115 words
  • 404 14 Singapore, July 8 MINING. Isa. Val Buyer*. Seller*. 1C 10 Ampang 16.00 cfv yer y en 1 00 1>50 hob. Ti ti Kamunting 2.16.0 2.18.6 xd. 10 10 Kmta Assoc. 7.00 8 00 SI il Kinta Tin i re™*, l 1 Hitam Tin 3.00 3.20 td 1
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 274 14 Sii’w* of Property. The following Singapore properties were sold by auction by Messrs. heon*; Knon Sen;? ami (’«>., at their saleroom, No. do KlihK Street on June dO Freehold lan I and house Is, Id oil (iuylanj: Koi.d, area 10.140 sip.are feet, bouirht by Mr. Tan Tiantr Chye fer $1,800
      274 words
    • 87 14 NOTICE. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $38 a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subsciptions for
      87 words
  • 135 14 DEATHS n t Sir Theodore Thomas Old, late Inef Justice Straits Settlements, m his 90th year. GANG ANG CHUA NEO. Wife of Mr. Yeo u ng Hai at her residence, No. 88, BalesKmu.?T °n Iuly 1 V 2(K 43 years. I uacral will be announced later. E-m-fnpy.’ IV,U ntr mi
    135 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 97 1 General— June Rubber Returns 1 Local Rubber Auctions 3 Meeting and Reports— Beaufort Borneo Rubber 1 F.M.S. Rubber Planters 2 Serdang Central 2 Karan Rubber Estate 2 Bangawan Rubber 3 Ayer Kuning Rubber 3 Kombok i F.M.S.) Rubber 3 Ulu Piah Co., Ltd. 4 F.M.S. Rubber Planters 4 Bukit
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    • 205 1 Alor Gajah.—14,247 lbs. Australia.—7,500 lbs. Ayer Panas.— 48,580 lbs. Ayer Kuning. —80,000 lbs. Bagan Serai.—31,500 lbs. Batak Rabit.—30,000 lbs. Rangoon Poerba.—45,000 lbs. Batu Rata.—39,388 lbs. Balgownie.—20,890 lbs. Bukit Kubu.— 16.400 lbs. Brad wall (F.M.S.).—49,438 lbs.. Bukit Lintang. —28,500 lbs.. Chonibong. —30,361 lbs. Craigielea. —8,929 lbs. Hive.— 4,300
      205 words
    • 2133 1 An extraordinary general meeting of the Beaufort Borneo Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, 37, Threadneedle Street, E.C., on May 11, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following resolutions 1. That
      2,133 words
    • 1638 2 The seventh o»dn*ry general metmg o' FU 8. Kubfcir IM-n e»H Bhi-iih, Liumd was hi Id O’J M»y 21 f*s« at thu rigi8(*.e rffi;e ol the o >U'f any 16 Pnlpjl L»n E Mr J A Vlavngi (c aum&u of »1j
      1,638 words
    • 1596 2 Tbe elev'ftth annual ordinary general rrftt.ngcf the eharebcld ra cf tbo Serdarg Cor;rs» llaktatitLs Limited, was held o* VIsy 25, a. tbe iffia** of the compary, Mitcog Lane Hon**e, 69, E-stcbiap, BC. v»r W, F. dc Buis Mcciaitn (tbe chairman, presiding. The Chairman ta
      1,596 words
    • 832 2 The tenth ordinary annual general m«rti B r if HharsholderB of the K ,r*a Rvbb r K Oo, Ltd, w*b held a; tbo offi'-s rt nir*t msoagrrs (Me« .p. A. K B .9. i S 2 Kick'ing t 0I j ift
      832 words
    • 1651 3 msth orafn.»y mettiog t» Tlfl L»mi«e4, was teldoc l» w W ict»a »r Honss, 01 i Bxo*' lij*",, M ri Wiii'sm J*iro»B Cji.cioI i,, t n U0 C3E0*1H-J) P'* 8 1,D K Bb» ,in 0 FtrRO f a'd: Ladies aod gent U Tl
      1,651 words
    • 795 3 The 458/d anot. n ol ile Siagajo Chauib 4 of Commmie Kabfctr Aa oo Leid ou Jun 8J a 3 Jal i,’, w: «li. rc c»>j»io»,Ut <J 2 471,431 c 1 03.<3S VJU8 c£f rod 2,076,814 it-., lu*r. Soia
      795 words
    • 665 3 Tno rpv| rf the dr ertto s ol tho Ay;t Kauiug hutibi r E <i*ti, L to be r oOmiui d Mi too ten h anuu i geotra* to* tu g i.eid a; tho uflijauf th comply. 9 13, pc S.r ot,
      665 words
    • 581 3 Tbe ninth annual general meeting of tbe Kornbok (F.M.S) Rub»> a Company, Ltd., wan be>d on May 7, at 88, Eaatobeap. Mr, K W. Qibhn. who paeaidtd, aaid that, after tbe disappointments of tbe laat tew yeara, it waa a pleasure to
      581 words
    • 1563 4 Th o Hfvonth au.u»l g».c/-ral meeting of the Ua Pi%'i C ujd y Li uiteJ, *-c« hei it lu'i r< gi«to*e 1 fli L> i*o o|< S r> P,-uai g, ou J.iao 26 -vneo Mr W, H Thorn**, chairman of dir-ictor-.,
      1,563 words
    • 185 4 The report of tbe F.M.3. Robber PlanWt E ta’et for 1919 states th it 'he net o*o6 am ants to £34 869 wb ob w«th £3 7 6 brought forwar 1 gtvm a total of £89 714 1 is proposed to oay a final divided ot ’*0
      185 words
    • 236 4 The report of the B ikit Sembawsng Rabb< r Gimpany for 1919 rat< r that the outout ot dry tubbe* was 1060 000 lbs, as compared with 6,-0,289 lbs. in 1918; 2C6 887 lb*, were Slid in L mdon at an average gro>-s price of Is 11.7*
      236 words
    • 577 4 T io 1vHfth an iu*l g mera! me t'Otf of the L,*ugfc Sa-natc* Knboe' Comov y, v k e n li 3u .M j 20 i» ihe t git 3 offi ie« t tno a lipnfi L .ad U i3«*d. 69
      577 words
    • 462 4 Tbe seventh annual ordinary general meet «og of toe B.ath Perak Ribbct SyoMcati, uimitf d, was he;d on May 20 at the rtg sser j a iflic cf tee oompaay, Mmoiug Lsui djate 69, Bshtohisp, E C., Mr. M S.doey (oeaivaidn of
      462 words
    • 956 4 Batu Tiga Rubb er Development of th e Selangor Estates. Tbe loar ojoth .o«o»l R60et ibe B.ta l'g. (3 Uncoil Kebbcr c,u>,w., bJd ou M 20, et 95a a.!.’"’'! ,-r, L ~'~3| tbe 0)*i.mui, i. K tho loplloo I Ibi report and aoaoaais, sstd: Q nti eaic -Tbi.
      956 words
    • 987 5 ;t! -iiiiil general meeting of the* (VV Rubber Estates, Limited was Hf, tin registered offices of the comH h<v 'Virshain House, Battery Load, on Hf!t t!»e Hon. Mr. IL M. Kindersley H^ f The others present include i r.'ll Mr- W. F. Nutt.
      987 words
    • 1187 5 The first annual general meeting of the Malayan Rubber Factories, Ltd., was held at the registered oilice of the company, 1 bartered Bank Chambers, on Saturday, Mr. F. S. Goodall presiding. The others present were Messrs. K. E. Smith (director), L. (lattey
      1,187 words
    • 849 5 The following report is officially supplied The statutory nicotine of Sungci Tukang llubber Company, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company, Penang, <>n July 11)20, Mr. I’. N. Mitford presiding' The notice convening the meeting and the directors’
      849 words
    • 269 5 Ti o rep rt of tbe I ijunulcr ft the Anglo'S slay iiu’ob* r Crujf6 )7 (in voluntary i\j'ii(JUiVd or OH) »M-s that the orio uuonutrd to 1 flflJ.OOl 'b<\. rgMost a restricted viijici in tii*: piemus jtai o' 1,880 204 lbs, n.o avenge i*it k*.Im p* o'),
      269 words
    • 257 5 The report of the Tangga Bata Robber Company for 1919 Kates that tb< net profit, after allowirg £288 for drpviciation cn bmldinps and maohisery and £601 for ineomotax, and taking credit for £800 of excess profits doty repayable, was £8 3, to wbieh falls to be added
      257 words
    • 1248 6 Tub teitb u o ral r'ctiuK of tb* Muslim \u Fubbr E dates, Limitel, L-jid oj May rfl i»i Wiuoiimhir Old Broad Sireu», tt Mr A 11. B guM. (obiii* rata of ftheocmf id>) p* s.aio*. The Cbaumvu, in situ ooucsu of
      1,248 words
    • 629 6 The twelfth anneal m of the Java Kubb t Piantatious, L’m.'tJ, was LeU ou May 4 at Miocing Lito H.u t, Mr hurb.rl Aright prtsiUmg. Thu Gbairuiar, in morirg iho Mfopticu cf (he report and e. il l ho was takiog
      629 words
    • 945 6 Stock j Par Exchange Par Value. Company. Prices, Value. C ompany «*nn Price*, j June 9. J une 9 I 2/t- Anglo-Malay 4.»/9 £1 Linggt 1 il Bakap Plantations 81/6 Lumut Lil Batu
      945 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 307 7 r BE IN THE DMK the most morreUow em lot Rhea tfj»l 4b# wests kMWH known. «o on eipefimanllag with wntihlm blood paHfiets ud kindred when the ranll mb ot Be, l will BobeUntUl prool Ibal. odental Balm will oun Rhaymattom* j.onqot'stlonnblY Ibe gaM sore lot ruftbc pains. The F*na
      307 words
    • 66 7 niiNiErt numuE ■muiE (FOR LADIES) WASTE NO TIME Tested end Pro Ted for Ye ere Immediately you notice any disorder of the '£U?2** H y? eniqu Mixture, u quickly removes ull suffering. i» Nothing to equal it. Anything eo Widely Known. It, is justly described as the FINEST REMEDY IN
      66 words
    • 289 7 V ‘When I was in the East nothin* brought mo greater plomauro than 4 THE TIMES’ WEEKLY EDITION H&USSBATED. It woo •oeh n strong link with Homo. Tho from London, eororing all the mutton of internet, might hum boon written personally to mo. Tho nowo wns oo oompUto In Important
      289 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 61 8 Wharam tha Bril iah Flag ffllM thara you will find 9 Millions of people drink and enjoy it, millions of people buy it again and again, therefore it can correctly be designated THE THRU STANDARD BLENDS Extra quality GREEN LABEL No. i yellow label No. 2 RED LABEL ■I (incorporated
      61 words