The Straits Budget, 2 July 1920

Total Pages: 26
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget Br.INO THI WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES* VOL. LXXIV NO. 3255 Sinppore, Friday. JULY 2. 1920. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 397 1 uHADbirts—- btilltuitni U lbd-UtOlJ M M L bout R m r R6* b A •^p *ne 1> D Uiw0l« B wf UC| UliliOkui 1U 14 HOiMluiy»gfc nud Ft rnoua) 1 *2 ho. I bj-lu Ij A-fc'lc»D C> DBlllto 4 H D»y o »«>! K ruitgrt.1114 8
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  • 3703 1 Mr. G. G. Seth is appointed to act temporarily as puisne judge. Mr. G. Smith is to act as district judge and first magistrate, Penang. We hear that Capt. Thompson Robinson died at the General Hospital yesterday. Mr. Laville, who has returned from home, is sitting as
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  • 638 2 Mr. F. A. S. McClelland pointed president of the aPon Tuesday presided over a full Who of members, had a veritable (iur.h nce o unravel at his first meeting in the'^ 01 of the application of M r H r came to the
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  • 87 2 The American Consul-General, Mr. Ed' win Gunsaulus, accompanied by Mrs. Gunsaulus and daughter, left for America on furlough by the United States Army transport Sheridan on Saturday, via Manna, where the party will break journey on route. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gunsaulus wm be much missed in
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  • 83 2 At Tuesday’s meeting of tho P<’ r Municipal Commissioners Mr. '> Thorne moved as follows :—That the missioners are in favour cf daylight (of not less than twenty minutes an j more than half an hour and that the n the Clock Tower be altered to syn with
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    • 303 3 Reuter Telegrams. London, June 23. Xi‘\v York The public service commishas telegraphed to Mr. Wilson askir. for priority in the supply for the j, services in New York, otherwise [V,. ’street car, railway, gas and electric s*i* r vices will shortly close down or be s r
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  303 words
    • 167 3 London, June 23. Britain has requested the Council of] the hoagia of Nations to deal with the I-inn*!.-Swedish dispute with regard to the sovereignty of the Aaiand islands.) The Council will meet soon to consider the matter. London, June 24. The League of Nations has appealed to
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    • 52 3 London, June 22. Hie House of Lords, after a protest tv. 1e Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord .master’s divorce bill passed its third r a 10T. It extends the for divorce to include habitual ‘‘‘“nness, insanity, and desertion for xr N rs The Bill now goes to the ious e
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    • 50 3 London, June 23. V, n .\ho House of Commons the Duke of h\ V 8 soa t after being introduced u r'.. V kes Connaught and NorthrJ. n vv ‘lh the usual ceremonial. p cor v ctn Princess Mary and many ba,,\ Wcrc spectators in the Peeresses’
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    • 21 3 y, London, June 23. Cl*?* roceived Lieut.-Colonel H. B. Bui,■ cr “Pon his appointment as :r attache in Pekin*.
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    • 781 3 Reuter Telegram. London, June 23. In the House of Commons, on the vote of 1' 10,000,000,1)00 on account for the army, Mr. Asquith moved the reduction by £1,000,000, and complained that of the standing army of 338,000
      Reuter Telegram.  -  781 words
    • 188 3 London, June 22. Tho miners' delegates attending the labour conference at Scarborough considered the Government’s statistics explaining the increase of Ids. per ton in the retail price of coal. They challenged the accuracy of the Government’s figures and declared that the increase was unjust if
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    • 360 3 (Havas.) J London, June 23. f Berlin After protracted negotiations, the new Fehrenbach cabinet is practical- ly formed, but a serious hitch has arisen r at the last moment, the Social Democrats > refusing to vote confidence in any Gov- ernment in which the* Peoples’ Party is represented.
      (Havas.)  -  360 words
    • 70 3 London, June 24. The report of the departmental committee with reference to merchandise marks shows that, in the absence of agreement between the bulk of the traders concerned, tl c< mniitteu .sees grave objection to the >n ef a British national or c.,.; r<* maid;. '1 lie
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    • 42 3 tB London, June 23. Bsydney The fetes in connection with visit of the I’rinco of Wales were hiMglit to a climax with a performance atjBie theatre which was packed with a brBant throng who gave tho Prince u welcome.
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    • 301 3 London, June 2d. Correspondents in Londonderry state that the buttle continued during the night and morning, the military remaining onlookers. The principal scene of disturbance was Bishop Street. Sniping was incessant. London, June 2d. In the House of
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    • 70 3 London, Juno 24. Tho report of the Board of Trade I’mpin* Flux-growing (’ommittoc on llax substitutes concludes None of 11m* substitutes such as jun, ramie or hemp can satisfactorily replace llax in tho manufacture of fine linens, damasks and similar articles, though probably further investigation will enable a
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    • 55 3 London, Juno 23. Tn tho House of Commons, roplying to Mr. Roes, Mr. Montagu stated that it was intended that India should he represented at the next International Labour Conference. Membership of the League of Na- ions necessarily entailed expenditure by the participating countries hut membership would
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    • 52 3 London, June 23. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Wedgwood Henri, Mr. Leslie Wilson .stated that the Nauru agreement was not submitted to the recent meeting of tho Council of the League of Nations. Government was of opinion that the agreement did not require to be
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    • 59 3 London, July 24. Genoa The conference commission adopted by 17 votes to 13 the proposal for a 48 hour week on hoard ship. Tho British Government representatives opposed it. They nade a statem-lit welcoming the principle as a standard to ho aimed at but were unable to agree
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    • 36 3 London, Juno 23. In the House of Commons Mr. Lenar Law announced that Government intended to proceed with the Anti Humping Hill, hut it would not he possible to introduce it before the recess.
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    • 204 4 Reiter Telegrams. London, .Juno 24. Th<* official weekly military roviow states that 11 1« Nji'ihi i tft r o.s readied Lupsaki in flu* lar iaiifllos. On tlu* Upper K ip! rates we have withdrawn to Anah,
      Reiter Telegrams.  -  204 words
    • 190 4 London, June 24. Paris L<* Journal states that the note presente I to the German delegation yesterday retails tliat the German army must be reduced to 100,000 before July 10 an 1 the security police abolished, but allows an in< reuse of local police from 70,000 to 150,000. A
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    • 144 4 London, June 24. Rome In the Chamber Signor Giolitti announced the composition of the Cabinet. He said Government did not favour a protectorate for Albania but desired her independence, lie explained the bill modifying the constitution by which it is' proposed that Parliamentary sanction will be necessary in future
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    • 149 4 London, June 24. A Polish review of the situation states that after regrouping the Poles remain in jio c: ,i< n of the i\ie.V-O lessa railway. Pturborn fighting is proceeding 4h miles north and of Kie.L The Poles and l.krainiMi dl occupy Podoliet and Volh.vnin, while M
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    • 497 4 London, June 21. New York Ad 'ressing a crow led meeting f tlu* Irish progressive league, McCnrtan, tie* so-called Irish ambassador, dec lari* 1 that Cohalan was the keystone of a ci nspiraey to force Valera from the* covnt ry. A > r i« *:-1 declared that
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    • 129 4 London, June 24. In the Hous" of Commons, replying to Mr. Bellairs, Mr. Lloyd George said the question of the renewal of the AngloJapanese alliance was being considered. Government was not aware of a feeling tint tlie alliance should not be renewed until the Government knew the views
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    • 37 4 London, June 22J The sale of Capt. Fryatt’s ship the sds has been cancelled by the Shipping, it is understood in deferenc«L‘ the sentiment in favour of the presef tion of the ship. i
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    • 425 4 London, June 24. Official The Derry city magistrates bine again urgently telegraphed the Chief Secretary expressing alarm at Government inacti* n and stating that they consider the situation desperate and fear that it will become worse. The food
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    • 197 4 (Havas.) Paris. June 24. Mr. Andre Lefevre, French Minister for War, accompanied by Marshal Petain and M. Poincare, France’s war president, yesterday laid the first stone of the monument to be erected to the soldiers who fell in the battles of Verdun on the outskirts of the
      (Havas.)  -  197 words
    • 73 4 i London, June 20. 4 A remarkable scene was witnessed in •London to-dnv, when some <}oo winners of the Victoria Cross in this and former wars marched from Wellington Barrack l to Buckingham Palace to attend the K’ng’s rnr'en nartv in their honour. A huge crow 1
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    • 222 4 London, June 24. The Labour Conference re*ol.,n adopted. A Socialist addendum deman? mgr an immediate general strike S view to “ending the open -mi h 1 participation of the British Gov.. ri.° Vert n attacks on the Soviet KenubliV^ 11 overwhelmingly defeated. The card
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    • 136 4 London, June 27. Rome Following revolutionary propaganda a battalion of Bersaglicri mutinied at Ancona, and arrested its officers. The men then entrenched themselves in the barrack grounds with armoured cars. The loyal garrison surrounded the barracks, counter-entrenching. The town is in a panic. Horses are barricaded and martial
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    • 83 4 London, June 24. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Seddon, Mr. McCurdy said the financial reserves were reduced in 1918 to approximately £4,000,000 owing to Britain’s maintenance of the retail price of sugar below ti e level of the world’s sugar price. The total production in
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    • 52 4 London, June 25. The Times states that owing to the rise in working costs the passage rates oi British companies to India, Australia ana the Far East are being increased to A40 to Port Said, £78 Bombay, £90 Kara 0 £108 Penang, £114 Singapore, £114 Hongkong and
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    • 30 4 London, June 24. It is announced that Baron D’Abernon is appointed British Ambassador Berlin, M. Charles Laurant F re nt in Ambassador and Sr. Dimarcmo Ran Ambassador.
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    • 51 4 London, June 20. Melbourne The situation in the electricians and gasworkers strike is very hopeful, employers and workers ing arrived at a compromise. London, June 21. Tho wireless operators strike has 1 c ponding negotiations on the basis i men’s original demands. London, June The printing trades dispute has
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    • 289 5 London, June 25. p. fn the Chamber in the course jJ < iv on foreign affairs, M. Millen‘j -I any ehange in tin* govern‘nj\ nuliey in Syria, hut said action IJS t I i roportionate to
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    • 109 5 Lomlon, Juno 25. P«'r i! The now cabinet is form.: v f >ws :—Chancellor, Fehrcnbach t ancellor, Neinze Minister for K- r< sirs, Dr. Simons Minister of I' :.i. W.rth Minister for Defence. Ge#Mcr. London, June 25. noteworthy that Pabemon and I-atir* r: f are both financial experts. The
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    • 262 5 London, Juno 2i)« apotown In the Assembly, speaking a* support of the League of Nations, leiicral Smuts, dealing with the position [y the British Empire, said he hoped that tin- constitutional conference, if held in LtJl, would frame a scheme solving the probli ni of how to
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    • 299 5 London, July 28. Sinn L einors have captured BrigadierGeneral Lucas and two officers at Fermoy. I lie other officers have returned to Fermoy, but the whereabouts of Brig.-General Lucas are unknown. Latoi Brig.-General Lucas’s companions were Colonel Panford an<l Colon.
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    • 271 5 London. June, 26. San Francisco The representatives of the organisation Friends of Lush Freedom, which intended to urge a plank in the Democratic platform regarding Ireland, have decided to abandon the idea in view of the activities of Valera and Irish sympathisers. The announcement is regarded as
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    • 69 5 London, June The Daily Express publishes th«* ouDB; (>f an elaborate •henu* to cstaldisf^ft King’s Hou e a m rial 11 who died in the war. The scheme c<B sists of the establishment »i a va bare11 in one of the new Government buildin;* a.t Westminster to assist
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    • 432 5 Reuter Telegrams. London, June 2K. San Francisco, later The Wets and the Drys at the Democratic Conven-| tion outlined their planks. Mr. Bryan for! the Drys vigorously advocated a declara- 1 tion demanding the enforcement of the prohibition law. Mr. Burleson for the Wets urged the granting
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  432 words
    • 165 5 London, June 28. Constantinople The Turkish counterproposals to the treaty suggest the establishment of a neutral zone in Thrace, an immediate plebiscite in Smyrna, the creation of a corridor from Brussa through the international zones enabling the Sultan to reach his dominions without crossing foreign ground, and also
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    • 54 5 London, June* 2*. Replying to a deputation heaelcd by Sir Edward Carson re-garding the* likeddm* .1 of trouble in Belfa t M r. Lloyd G stated that a battalion had just arrive in ille'dfa;■ t, another was going imi "<iiat V ILnd a third had been ordered to leave
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    • 203 5 Reuter Telegrams. London, June 28. Berlin At the first inerting of the now lieirhstng, i t lirenba'h, speaking on foreign policy, said (Ik* Germans scarcely recognised (he heavy burden of the Versailles Treaty. The German Government bad no alternative but to try to fulfil
      Reuter Telegrams.  -  203 words
    • 147 5 London, June 2H. In the House of Commons, replying to Viscount Curzon, Mr. Lloyd George stated that the Allied committee was considering steps to ensure that the trial of war criminals at Leipzig was not unduly delayed. Replying to Mr. Bottom ley, Mr. Lloyd George said that failure
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    • 268 5 London, Juno 2S. The* report of the imperial wireless tele-* graphy oomniittoe, published to-night, recommends a selieme for connecting tho various parts of the Lmpirc !>y wireless, the links not exceeding 2,000 miles. Tho committee believes that by this procedure ollii ial. commercial and press trafhc wouhl ho
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    • 101 5 London, July -7, The report of the advisory committee n civil aviation says tint as regards tho development of imperial air routes conrent rat ion must ho nude on orm route, iiamely Ivrypt to India. It re.-ommonda ijireet state irs'Htntv’" > compnni< oneratin«r over foreign r utei, lie ited
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    • 340 6 London, Jura* 2*. Now 5 ork Tl v* •ornment has purehas *d a furtlu .00, o ni ouiaes of silver at a dollar an ounce. London, June 2ft. San I ran i la Jo*-- spe *ch at the Democratic < in i .n the chairman, Mr. Cummings,
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    • 205 6 Lon*Ion, June 20. A W liit'- Paper has been issued contain* the proposals of the Ministry «»f Transport will: fcrcnco to tlu* future organisation of rai! vays in Britain. It is suggested that the railways should bo formed in five or six gr< **ps for England and Wales
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    • 142 6 London, Juno 23. Bagdad It is officially stated that the Imperial authorities anticipate that the British mandate fur Mesopotamia will lay on them r» possibility for the mamtenance of internal peace and external security and require th :n t<» formulate organic law framed in consultation with the people of
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    • 110 6 London, June 20. In tin House of Commons in the Home Kule Mr. Lloyd Ceorge emphasised at ,n 11 I"' 1 nt condition of mind there was no proposal acceptable to Hritam wh wm a • to the Irish peothe speaker did not iles1,1provenunt in Irish opinion, >u
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    • 341 6 i London, June 2s. The D an of tminster in a letter 1j the Press earnestly appeals to 11.• Kngli.'-h-sp< aking world to subscribe i'U- i.onil t*.r the Upkeep of Westminster Abbey, Win *h, he says, is in danger of entering o:i a phase of st< ady structural
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    • 83 6 London, June 2S. The Hague The jurists advisory committee urged that provision be made so that purely legal ease* will go automatically before the court of international justice. It suggested that an immediate international conference should be recommended to the council of the League of Nations in
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    • 81 6 London, June 26. Sydney The Prince of Wales’ visit to New South Wales concluded yesterday. A noticeable feature of the tour was the enthusiasm of workmen, who, on the Prince’s departure for Western Australia, shouted, Good-bye, Ted. Have a good time.” Prior to his departure the Prince
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    • 58 6 London, June 20. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir J. (i. Butcher, Mr. Bonar Law sai*i th« Government had decided that if apt. Fryatt’s ship the Brussels was sold th< proc cds would be used to establish a memorial or endow a seamen’s institution with which
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  • 163 6 The following objects and reasons are appended to a bill about to be introduced into the Federal Council to further amend the Pensions Knaetments :—Under the existing law a public onicer (other than a police officer below the rank of 'Probationer) canPot retire on pension, before attaining the
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  • 196 6 An interesting welding was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Catlu* Iral on Tuesday afternoon, the* contracting parties being Mr. S. S. Turner, e*f Messrs. Boustoad and Co., fourth son of Mr. C. J. Turner, of Crayfe rd, Kent, and Dorothy lieatricP,
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  • 296 6 The* following wore the guests at a dinner given at Government House on unt* 23., Rear-admiral K. Yoshida, C.B., Captain Eguehi, I.J.X., Captain Tsunematsu, I.J.X., Flag Lieut. Kagaya, I.J.N., Captain W. M. James, C.B., R.X., Eng.-Comdr. Cock, R.N., Surgeon-Connlr. Davidson, R.X., Lieutenant-Comdr. Jackson, D.S.O., R.X., Pay-Licut.-Comdr. Woolerton, R.X.,
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  • 297 6 A correspondent informs us that members of the Klang Chinese Young Men’s Society celebrated the sworn! anniversary of the society on June 2<». The premises of the society were decorated with flags, flowers and Chinese inscriptions suitable for the occasion. The Rev. W. E.
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  • 46 6 (From Our Own Correspond Mr. Justice Dinsmorc J nt 25. $4,OUO general damages liniU-f» pl f*'ntia suit of Clioy (loon Yen v. McOorrn. 'J .njuries sustained in a c»m s b„' 2ft'? defendants motor ear, in i.l.iit th special damages up!!^ 1 to
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  • 249 6 A Government Gazette* Fvtr« jwas issued Wednesday aftermmi, ’raS ing regulations regarding f„„d rue distributing board is appoint Singapore in place of the riV,. for board, the first members of which w 'I i) h!lrrcr i Chairman), and W.H.Lee Warner (official), Dr S r y ice-Chairman), Mr. Yeoh
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  • 139 6 The committee* of the First Malawi Trewp Boy Scouts begs to acknowledp with thanks the* sum of $100 from Major W. M. Sinu* towards the* Malacca Bof Scouts Fund, and is grateful to Mr. Tm Peng Khoon and Dr. Tan Seng Toe it hav ing kindly col!e*cted
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  • 105 6 V Eckhardt, acting Brit’sh h r *V ,vi ser Perl is, in his report to tlie Perl is Government for the year Octo* ar IflIS to September 25, says: At a time of world food-shorttg* it is satisfactory to be able to record .at there has been
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  • 115 6 We are informed by the secretaries of Pa pan Tin, Limited, that the negotiations nr the purchase of the plant and equip* of Kota mine have been concluded, j i he plant consists of a modern 12 inch suction dredge in practically new condition und capable of
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  • 47 6 The Secretary of State for the Col-mie* I has approved of the salaries of As.Surgeons being fixed on the follow .basis :—$250 per month for the firs! 'years, then rising by $10 per mold $490 per month. Prize appointment will draw $500 per month.
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  • 65 7 TThe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Corre•nondents should bear in mind that letters U't l’ 1 short and to the -point. Long rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or rilthlessiy cut down. Correspondents must Inclo'C t,u>ir numc8 not necessarily for Publication but
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  • 110 7 To ff.n BcHIo* ot the Si**iis Times, g,, —I weald bko to cr^ v v tha utietBi n of t l! ssctK in Malaya to tbo bc 1 f. oruiuiday to he known rg D c«ser’ Uai 't: cf MM*ya, cud A is ptepomd te b
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  • 337 7 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir. Your article in the Straits Times *f June 21, 1920, headed “Some Local points." will no doubt attract considerable attention. Are you aware of the autocraticrule of the general manager of Railways #ver t In* lives not only of
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  • 1022 7 T. tbo Blitcw ol kbe Slir.ita Tinm 8:»,—-Some time %yi yon sjpprTHcd tetter of mir o com moaning od a 1 ‘Hdiag triiole wl.icit ».p: oai o ir tho Strain T-'ct fend which j 0'.m*idsi;*d a mitre pvasentaYcr •I Ihe LUb praiticn. Yuat bole reason wet Ibat you ai
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  • 1129 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to your appeal for signatures to the petition against the Defence Force Ordinance, and Compulsory Service in this Colony, inaugurated at the instance of Mr. W. Darbishire, and in response to his letter from London, it seems to me
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  • 661 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -May I crave the courtesy of your, columns to make a few observations on* >our leader of May ‘21 last. Y ou doubt whether France has much pleasure' in the acquisiti >n of Cilicia, for •she has plenty on her hands
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  • 271 7 To the Editor of tlu* Straits Til. s. Sir, In a rcent i. nio v >o prin I tho now of the ofli.-'al a.' of I ho I'h’ojvK (’ounoi! f Port:-mon'!> i I 1 n > 1 of 'n ruH i n r tlioir Modi* r
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  • 303 8 T i the of the S'raits Times. Sir. f I! wilier dialovue between Master i at will ir;i«• i* I'lantcrs’ Associatim Master to S •**vnnt I am goirg from ncvt month tip to to work on Estat* Will you follow Us i. ,j to M. t(
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  • 418 8 To thi* i’ditor f th Straits Times. Sir,- I have i>•;»«» it h interest the many letters which have r« I in your paper from time t«> time on i ncial l<ad conditions of .Malacca. j I think it highly tine ,'iat attention was called to what is,
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  • 516 8 Macphail and Co., Ltd., Weekly Report. From .1 ii ru* 21 to .June "T Sliari* Miirkit. Thr stagriution conti* nui-s. 11 is dm* not to weakness iti the linaneial position of reirular operators, hut t«» the uncertainty the trend «>f tiling's, (iiven a dear indication that prices
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  • 166 8 A deputation of t* society for the I'n-vention <f Yeticivul Disease consisting of Lind Willoughby do Broke, Sir W. A rbuthnot Lane, Sir Janies ChristonBrevvne, Mr. Athelstan Kendall, M.P., Mr. \Y. VYansey Bayly, Miss Norah March, Dr. Jane L. Hawthorne, Dr. A. Mearns I
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  • 123 8 At the special request of the United Mohommedans of Kinta, nays the Malayan Leader, His Highness the Sultan of !Vr;ik arrived at Ipoh on June 17 and on the Friday the leading Mohommedans paid their respects. His Highness and his whole suit proceed to a special
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  • 1047 8 Mv. H. W. Thomson, the Acting British A v i-rr. K Untan, has ispaed bis admiaistra* n rtpo't for the year 1919 l ha 1919 paai crop waa net expected to be i paHtcnlevJy Ri'od cne taken all over tbe State,
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  • 273 8 Wo htva vceeived tbe following corcir amq 6 (or publication s-Hia <be Salta t. ot Kclaman, K O.fcl.G ml!!!?* »c«d Ih ta i»' moving o« J.M1I4, on u tffin.f J* lo His Excellency <*ho Governor. H o Hi!5r neoa was accompanied by Mr A. F. Wotih
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  • 205 8 Hircra. Ssrrurl M ’etsun and Co is their r< p :r» tor 2O, stalehave* r. c «ved she follow ia,inlorrr alien from s zniiicg in lh>' Dai;b Hast ladies. TU fl-n»e* are trnoh iu .xo* sn if those gives ii offlrifcl riposte, w r ci indJostod
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  • 114 8 Tho rate of mortality in the 8nttlem»»t of SiapnpofP for the week ended Jaae ws* 88.88. The total number of deaths w*J 276 of which 192 were male subject? at. i H4 f etude. Convulsions olaimc ti 27, phthisis r 4 m*lw;a fever 88. typhoid fever 1,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 Property Sale. The properties were sc’d by aictnn •>T Meters. Cbi'*»K 3 iK C.?. at iLcir sa’oiocm, N > £0 Klir# Street ou Jnnr 23 :—Tea piuci.-i of frceti* 1*1 Imd rl 29, rff Road, area 17 829 ft. boagbt bf Mr Wen K rg Y o* rl 9 cents
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1820 9 th'cn»lou« »he »boi« *1 tt JoD. *4 n th. 8CC H 0 A IDO Bp*»»» 1* fiuu n point of *e«, ibouti son. 1 l.u.irf br*ved it oabonttJK I uh Hi »no**M v »o*oty 'or ib« 0»nb b L n Tbe Holdie»» K"* »**> 1 Jt,M hl nrre l0
      1,820 words
    • 693 9 An enjoyable time was spent by the, members and friends of the Singapore Recreation Club on Monday when the final' 1 of the Spring Tennis Tournament; championship was played between A. E. Coelho and W. A. Balhetchet, the Medical School Champion the game ending in favour of
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    • 1915 9 The following is contributed On Sunday a most enjoyable same wa» witnessed between a Malacca Club team brought to Tampin and captained by Mr. P. F. S. Godolphin, and a Tampin District team organised by Mr. G. M. O'Hara. Godolphin won the toss, and sent in Oakeshott
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    • 215 10 An At Home was given by the Garden Club to their members and friends on Saturday June 26, at which the interclub billiard championship tournament was played for the second year between the representatives of the Straits Chinese Literary Association, Mr. Oon Ee Tiam, and the Straits Chinese
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    • 86 10 A Reuter message from Cleveland Ohio, states that Battling Levinsky beat k'ndh in a ten round bout. It has been stated that Levinsky is to meet Carpentier sometime in July. It is! iw! 1 iL°?I w Smith may be unless] i th e iF nff ,sh l nan Dick
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    • 262 10 On Sunday morning eleven boats competod in the final race for the Viee-Com-modore’s Cup. The start was made in a light breeze, Eve and Florence getting twav in good style. Joyce in the beating to the C. S. Recorder was skilfully handled by her skipper and rounded
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    • 158 10 The result of the tie for the ladies I spoon for June at the Keppel Club was as I follows Mrs. Peiniger 46—5 equal 41 Mrs. Noble 61—6 45 The Empire Dock cup at the Keppel Club was won on Saturday by Mr. H. B. Salmond with a score
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    • 37 10 savs ReU T t k e !'j re i. fr0 P 1 aris ot J "ne 27 wa» Th r uIt of the Gra "<> Pri* 1. Comrade v 2. Embry 8*-*.Sourbier Fifteen v ran.
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    • 37 10 R e ter message from Newport, Rhode Island, states that the defence committee has chosen Resolute to defend the America Cup against Shamrock IV. ihe first race has been fixed for July 15.
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    • 62 10 A Reuter message from New York states that the Polo Association has decided to challenge England for the international cup match played in June 1921. Penang RacesniP?nang c rres P<>ndent wires The J n UI u C Ub c m mit tee has decided to open a cash sweepstake
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  • 160 10 The Krungdeb Daily Mail savs it w». StraRs thC arran E eme nts made by the Straits Government that the telegrams or some telegrams-were able g7 t k 0 r k 0U in h Z C<,d y from Singapore to Bangkok in the anxious days when the
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  • 253 10 The Malayan Leader h*« jng We understand tha? follow has been a marked increase ta uS thcT ber of lunacy cases admitted V? nur jonp Rambutan Lunatic Asv the Ta n* it is the opinion of well ki“, m and men
    253 words
  • 221 10 Mrs. Lazaro, living temporarily ij Singapore, on her way to Penang fro* Bangkok, charged her Siamese amah before the second magistrate on Monday for leaving her service without giving a month’s notice. The facts, according to the prosecution, are that Mrs. Lazaro engaged the amah at
    221 words
  • 136 10 The eleventh report of the directors of Kemaman, Ltd., for presentation to the shareholders, states :—Your directors beg to submit a duly audited statement of accounts for the twelve months ended December 31, 1919. Mining operations have been carried on by the sub-lessees of Tebak Tin Fields, Limited,
    136 words
  • 122 10 The Straits Echo says :—A number of changes in the personnel of the local police will be effected in the near future as the result of a good many European Inspectors proceeding home on leave which in most cases is long overdue. CourtInspector Nicol, Mrs. Nicol and family
    122 words

  • 1359 11 R J Farrer presided on Friday over ordinary monthly meeting of the S C «ii-ii»al Commission, the others present Mun Messrs. E. Tessensohn, J. A. Elias, 3 c n Ti*rur Wah, G. R. K. Mugliston, J. M. 1 11 A Low, E. S.
    1,359 words
  • 284 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Fenang, June 28. A number of Chinese dealers have intimated to European firms their ability to meet only a proportion of current accounts until trade improves. The Kamunting Tin Dredging dividend is a shilling on fully paid and sixpence
    284 words
  • 336 11 The Bangkok Times of June 18 gives news of a fatality which attended the flight of two French military aviators from Battambong on the previous day. The aviators, Capt. Guyomar and Adjutant Lacosto, were compelled to land some distance from where they
    336 words
  • 409 11 A well-known resident of Hongkong at Home on a holiday has furnished a friend with the following impressions of life at home Sports Club, S.W., April ID, 1920. Dear D —1 arrived in this dreadful country about three weeks ago and have
    409 words
  • 60 11 Mr Tan Boon Liat, in whose house, in Singapore, the Siamese Heir Presumptive passed away, was received in audience by H.M. the King of Siam, and promoted to < Phra Anukul Siamkitch, and decorated L with the Third Class Crown of Siam. I When in Bangkok
    60 words
  • 298 11 l,'lu Pahang was c*n fete to bid fll»* well to the Hon. the British Resident, Major C. W. C. Parr, O. B. E., who went home, on leave by the Delta. At R*ub, Major l'arr was entertained to dinner
    298 words
  • 296 11 Two motor cyclists were returning to Rengam after a run to Johorc Bahru, on JtIDC 20 about 7 p.m. When the leading motorist, who was some hundreds of yards in front of his companion, had reached a spot between the 44th und 45th miles, his intense
    296 words
  • 234 11 The Perak Nursing Association met under the presidency of Mr. J. C. Cooper at t he I poll Club. Mr. Cooper said since the Nursing Association was founded, it had proved of very real benefit to every employer of European labour by making life healthy for the
    234 words

  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1042 12 —Straits Times, June 25. The Boulogne Conferenseenis to have carried matters a few short stops farther towards settlement. Little has Icen allowed to transpire as to what was actually done, and we seem to ho a long way yet from that open diplomacy which was talked of at one
      —Straits Times, June 25.  -  1,042 words
    • 1077 12 —Straits Times, June 20. The papers to hand by the last mail have a good deal to say about the great question of the war indemnity. This much has been settled—that Germany shall be required to pay a minimum sum which shall at once be acceptable to the Allies
      .—Straits Times, June 20.  -  1,077 words
    • 1125 12 h lV( done for thorn.—Straits Times, June 28. Mr. Asquith docs not appear to be the man he was. Ilis effort in the House of Commons to produce a feeling of discontent with British policy in Mesopotamia, Palestine and Turkey, savours greatly of the Little Englandism which Mr. Lloyd
      h.lV(. done for thorn.—Straits Times, June 28.  -  1,125 words
    • 1147 13 most serious menace.—Straits Times, June 20. I T!vr' has been a Labour Conference at <j ar bnroutrh an«l it has done some strange t h The miners section of it noted the increase of 14/- in the price of coal per ton a n l promptly refused $o
      most serious menace.—Straits Times, June 20.  -  1,147 words
    • 1124 13 wuii lo liU II CIIU -Straits Times, June oO. Singapore is the possessor of an aeroplane, one of the fastest, we believe, in the world. It has been bought by Mr. C. F. F. Wearne from owners who hoped that the population would tumble over each other to
      wuii lo liU II CIIU -Straits Times, June oO.  -  1,124 words
    • 1115 13 never be wholly undone.—Straits Times, July 1. Gradually the lines of the great presidential campaign are being unfolded in the United States. The Republicans have chosen their man, and his greatest merit seems to be that he is comparatively unknown. Strange to say it is a merit,
      never be wholly undone.—Straits Times, July 1.  -  1,115 words

  • 366 14 In the House of Commons on May 19 the folk wing questions w re put and the answers given have a very direct bearing on our local protest Colonel Yate asked the Secretary of State for India whether, considering that the Govornn ent of India has insisled on the
    366 words
  • 169 14 In the appeal brought in the Supreme Court on Satur lay before Mr. Justice Lennar*! by Tham Ch**ok, who was Vin’nn y i in M<) snia Her fine than v hy Mr. Lan -ham Carter for beine com erne*| in the importation of opium an I
    169 words
  • 456 14 1 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s Weekly Report. i In their weekly share circular, dated June ;>u, Messrs. Fraser an 1 Co. state The oft expecte I slump in rubber shares lias so tar not eventuate i an I although the prue of rubber continues to i.eciine there
    456 words
  • 159 14 Ganapathypillai, the fugitive P.W.D. overseer from Kedah, was before the Colombo Police Magistrate on June 16. The police officers from Kedah who arrived there on January 22 were present in Court. The magistrate pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Court remanded the accused to the
    159 words
  • 129 14 Before a crowded audience of buyers on Tuesday afternoon Messrs. Powell and Co., Ltd., sold by public auction at their auction rooms, Radios Place, 12 valuable Crown building sites on Robinson Road, each lot comprising 2,160 square feet Lots 1, 2 and 3 were purchased by
    129 words
  • 66 14 It is notified in the Government Gazettq Hint *2n I Lieut. G. U. Earrant goes on he S.V.C. Reserve of Officers, Lieut] D. M. Noyes-Lewis is appointed Adjutant! Singapore and Malacca Volunteers, Cap* C. Lazed has resigned from the S. V. B| Lieut. W. VV. Martin from
    66 words
  • 163 14 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden. June 24. Fire broke out on the K BM. steamer Maetsuycker, en route from Sunda Islands to Sourabaya, and the whole upper structure was burnt out. A hundred and seventy horses on board were burnt to (lent h.
    (Aneta Service.)  -  163 words
  • 288 14 During the fasting month this year, there was an abnormal crowd of, mcstly from Java, in Singapore. The explanation is that this is the first year of free pilgrimage to Mecca, and many thousands were eager to take advantage of it.
    288 words
  • 265 14 Imitation has become a fine art nowa* days and not even the favourite products of J. and E. Atkinson, the famous British house of perfumers have been spared, an illustration of which was shown in the course of a case which came up before Mr.
    265 words
  • 244 14 AN AERIAL MAIL. Kuala Lumpur to S ingapore In 2 Hours. The first aerial mail between Lumpur and Singapore w !ls f" on luesday afternoon r-mt. trans ‘t flying the Nighthawk t now been purchased b\ Mr r< 't ha Wearne, left the federal cum/l" p and landed on the
    244 words
  • 311 14 A marine court of enquiry, composed of Commander C. D. Beckwith, R.N., Marini Magistrate (President), Lieut.-Commdr, R.N., Stopford, D.S.C., H.M.S. Titanin, Mr. W. Davison, of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., Mr. W. J. Barkui, master of the British steamer Sinkiang,
    311 words
  • 90 14 The F.M.S. Government has decided to send a small observation party to reside on Gunong Tahan, the site of the suggested Hill Station, to take continuous observations over a prolonged perio I oi the climatic conditions, rainfall, temperature, visibility, etc., of the locality. Ibe provision of the Hill
    90 words
  • 94 14 During the recent visit to Smgapo l of the Penang Mutual Improvement sociation’s Chinese amateur drama, party $16,000 was realised at the Vic-t*> Theatre and $35,000 at the Chinost Theatre. Two-thirds of the former s and half the latter were given t > Raffles College
    94 words

  • 1688 15 ta ke the following from the Malay we published in our issue of June op y of a communication which we 10 U told was being prepared and would d to all the larger customers of the if.iivan Collieries. It was
    1,688 words
  • 1309 15 At the British Consular Court yesterday, says the Central China Post of June 9, before his honour Mr. C. A. Kirke, 1 acting Provincial Judge, and the Assessors, Messrs. Banning and Cooper, Mr. 1 Wilfrid Norman Haigh, tormer se. i tary
    1,309 words
  • 263 15 A wedding of considerable local interest was quitely solemnised at St. Andrew’* Cathedral on Thursday, June 24, at noon when Mr. J. E. Kempe of the F.M.S. Civil Service, at present District Officer at Pekan in Pahang was married to Mis* Francis Brown, sister
    263 words
  • 143 15 It is officially notified that, in order that the Government may know th® amount of power likely to be required for the proposed electric supply schem® for Ipoh town, owners of house property who wish to have electricity installed. «houl notify at once to the Assistant
    143 words

  • 1143 16 Tbfl oiublh innail nHinr? opiiI nue in* of tbe Sti**«b olden <f the M »oo% El ot*'r Litfhtiorf Con>p%uy Lid,, wvh h* Id 5, B *«-r? Ri»d, Sintf»p re, on Tliarndy, J ju 24 D' nn Thh Cbti'nain. %lr. V V L°a)berger.
    1,143 words
  • 302 16 Returned Empties A planter of our acquaintance, says the Straits Echo, who was on friendly terms with the head of the Church of England in Malaya and did not quite know how to address him epistolarily solved the pro* blein to his own eatire satisfaction by I starting his letters
    302 words
  • 59 16 A distressing motor-cvcle aeeidnnf Stamfor.l Roa.l.'hv McssrS wiSto 57 y SI? ‘T'* *Ji£ priotor* of Mo ssr f rR ‘^iv‘ an. Mo Schomillor’i. hoarl hit against one of too lol'ars Of f 1,0 oh' Whitoawav Loi I aw Mr. Schoiwillor foil nnMr S takln'b" tke (mneral Hospital,
    59 words
  • 351 16 slJr^l <, venth annual general mooting cf Mar of the Dispensary (Penang) ;V I’ was hc,d at the registered offices of the company, 3, Weld Quay. Penang, t r Saturday, reports the Straits Echo. TheY .were present Messrs. G. N. Saye (ehairnf n l* J* M. Chalmers,
    351 words
  • 472 16 The visit of Kin# Alexander of Greece, who arrived in ‘Paris on May 22, is of a purely personal character, but it has excited far more interest than if decisions of weighty political nature depended ujHin it. It was to
    472 words
  • 42 16 DOVE. On June 27, 1020, at One Tree Hill, Singapore Marjorie, wife of A. W. D. Dove, of a daughter. V'A NET!. At Dalydeno, Singapore, on June 2o,l;i20, the wife of Captain R. J. G. C. yner, R.G.A., of a daughter.
    42 words
  • 92 16 BINNIE- LOCKF'RRIE.—On June 28, 1920, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. J. Hutterworth. Thomas Reginald Binnie, second M*n of Thomas Binnie, of Seton Mains, Longniddry, East Lothian, to Ethel, daughter of tho late John Mann Lockerbie, of Birmingham, and Mrs. Lockerbie, of Sutton Surrey. KEMI’E—BROWN.— On Juno
    92 words
  • 120 16 Singapore, June 30. exchangb On London, Bank 4 m/s o/4 Demand 9/0 o? 2 Private 3 m/s 2/3 On New York Demand Private 90 days 1° On France Bank On India, Bank T. T. On Hongkong, Bank d/d fii u n On Shanghai, Bank d/d P ,c
    120 words
  • 436 16 Singapore, June 30. i MINING. Iss. V al Pd Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 J J t yeT en 4 100 I SO nom to E* 1 K muntin g 2.16.0 2.18.0 xd. lnta Assoc. 7.00 8.00 tl 41 8 »nt* V'T) o 1 1 Hitam
    436 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 87 16 NOTICE The po«t free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countrie> is a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subseiptions for shorter
      87 words
  • 92 16 k DEATHS IimORICKS. —On June 27, 1920, at tho ■jiernl Hospital, Singapor**, Christian ff.ndricks. Remains will he moved from fl, (Jaecn Street, to Bidadari Cemetery, at 1 flp.m. to-day. fl)!.-- On Saturday. June 20, 1920, n t liisidenee, No. 7."> Roehore Road, Nah Hqcnn the beloved father of Mr. Nah
    92 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 175 1 General Crimping in the Province 1 Rubber Auctions 3 p rU v <»f Rubber 4 Rubber Contract Case 5 Planter/ Salaries 6 or Returns 6 i" f r>* Loans Fund 7 1 *;itt in Kelantan 7 iYlctf rami' \..M. Me ting 1 Mrctinc and Reports—l; n; >• Development 1
      175 words
    • 110 1 o p- Own Correspondent. > IVnanir, Juru* HO. d meeting of tin.' Planters’ < f Mnluya, Mr. Bruce presid- 'taro for home of Mr. Kenne l.' K letter was read from Mr. aining that Ik* had intended pivscnt at the nuvtimr, hut the '-r virlier than was expected
      110 words
    • 195 1 At. Rutterworth Police Court on June says before Mr. A. V. Aston, Magisthe manager of Ayer Melintas ate. Province Wellesley, was charged ai'lt r the Crimping Ordinance of 1SP0 ,V:: 1 retaining in his service three Indian ‘Sos belonging to Malakoff Estate after 1 had received
      195 words
    • 1430 1 The 21st annus! general mooting of the British Borneo Development Company, Limited, was held on May 20 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, K.C., Mr. William James Cotterell chairman of the company) presiding. The* Chairman said Ladies and gentlemen, with your permission
      1,430 words
    • 522 1 Tin* fourth annual general meeting of Siudai, Ltd., was hold at 64, 65 and 66, Market Stroot, Singapore on Monday at n* on and the following official arcounl has boon received There wore present Messrs. .1. M. Si me* (in the- chair)
      522 words
    • 141 1 I lx- report of the Hidden Streams Rubber Syndicate for 1919 states that the proceeds of rubber amounted to £27,097 and expenditure was HO,KOI, leaving a surplus of £1 1,210, less commission to directors and stall, £1,003. The balance available after adjustment amounts to i!13,0.'!2. The directors
      141 words
    • 3765 2 The nn > ul Ireficg of lbi3 st mc<i -idirs t 1 Company, Liuji" >, >’• A 1 *-f--|bo r* g ti- «ri i flia* *2 t "l •>* oi, (jUf-Ku S r K. A Sv. li-ou i. li J M.G., pvt
      3,765 words
    • 231 2 The report of the Java I Rabbdi Bsiate-i for 1919 ebsws a pnfit oi I XJ8.478, and £16,765 was bmagV? toward. I masiog £54,288. Tuo dirootors have dacided I ti write dr*s tho 1 rnc‘ incry I •ccaunt by £9,738, of which £6 783 »iw)bt!i I L.keu
      231 words
    • 225 2 Tba report of the Toerangie Saucatf* Rabo «r uni Eatatoa lot tbe y? |r enrcd Owiofie* 81,1919 Bta*es that too raboei b&fve-'ti'd ftm ou»od to 898,217 lb p an estimate of 876,000 its. »*d *b* precioo? yew’s total of 240,402 lbs. i:he average oe price, iuoluduig tba
      225 words
    • 1186 3 TIjp elevontb ordinary gonrril meeting of 0 Kitnpocg Kuant*u Knbtitr Coo piay, mug ltd, was beld on May 17 at 5, F.xohurob S*iat E-C., Mr. J. M. Boualtad (ahairmau t die ccmp»»y) p-osiding. Tue rr protea talive (t Ibe secretaries Boosiwjl fivop.)
      1,186 words
    • 583 3 The report of the oi.*o:t:ra of Balgownie Rather E'latrs n b> ,/jaV d *1 the annual to* i ting oa J jlj 2 e... .t.t Yore directots tuv-.* in submitting their fifteenth tcnuul import ud tLe state ment cf aecean ss
      583 words
    • 790 3 The 452nd aueticn of tbe 8 Chamber of Commerce Rubber A.asociMioa was held on Juno 28 and *24,1920, wuo t».e»f' was eatalogued 1,871,741 »ba., t ns. Offered 1,489,622 lbs., 642.84 hold 1 081,164 lbs., 483.84 tons. Pnions Rialisid. 0* nto per lb
      790 words
    • 875 3 Tbo fi'lh ordinary general meeting of the Padang Ojj >h Itubber Company, L*d., waa lo ba Leid al British ladia House, ‘2B, Btaoh Strut, Peon g, on Jono 14. Tbo directors’ report for the year ended Deo meet 81, 1010,
      875 words
    • 2094 4 Seafield Rubber. Pros pects of the New Company. Tim rt%lo*ory V Mf.' '< rftKo S f. Arid K'lbbok Cjair .V’ t-* t»* 1 U ol May 1H at the c i ip% r g* offiotf** l 1 Limn Street, K.< Mr. .Iihn McK -van i presiding. XLo Ouairraan *&i i:
      2,094 words
    • 1048 4 Tbs annual general n:r<tin« of tb'' r are boUc-rs m S nawa»2 Eituten Co., L*id., was Utid cn June 9 Shanghai wbeu Mr. G Gr-iyrigg' p*r-i>ided, prippO'tofl by Mi v-rw. E. T. llyine, A. K Craddock, auo HI. IS, Kadoorie, Uireotcrn, ned M/,
      1,048 words
    • 484 4 The eleventh o»r?«cary gnrerr-1 t the Aljr P.Mgrn R>bbir Ei-sti, I. t held oa M»y 19, 3 4, Goeat WucbeKa Strait, E.C. Mi. E E, Morgan, who crcHdcd, «t j in the balarco-sLect capital vi mftiuc'Tj T40.000, altbcugh tbo capital exoe*.
      484 words
    • 146 4 The report by the directors of Malay an Rubber Factories, Ltd., to the h-* annual general meeting of shareholder* to be held within the registered t nut. Chartered Rank Chambers, on Satu" :i > July M, states Gentlemen, your dhv-'b’r* beg to submit herewith duly audited
      146 words
    • 45 4 With reference to Notificati published in the F.M.S. Govern: ette of January 3, 11)lb, it is fl the price of first grade ruble 1 period June 25 to July 1, lb'-’ 1 is 7 iJVa cents per pound, equiw $100 per picul.
      45 words
    • 2165 5 rha tooth annual gHueral m'eliugofth 1 9 »*h (F M 8) E late*, Ltd. «n huh \1 y 7 »*it) oua tu ere*-* H. iel, M JT.j'r.oiiei htoou.i mao) pte* d eg. J u A wa.r uk '••a<u-K tto ,.fl«»UfW* rti0 4, B
      2,165 words
    • 220 5 At the Court of Mr. William Wadsworth, District Judtfe of Colombo, on June IS, Mr. M. K. Foster was examined as a witness do bene esse in connection with a case in which Messrs. Graham MePhillips, Ltd., of Laidlaw Building Singapore, is The General Rubber Company for
      220 words
    • 1169 5 Tbe foarteonth ordinary general meeting if ibj Uiooer Bsia.ea ot Jubure, Ltd., wail Id on May 20 io tbe C.uuo 1 Hiorn ot %bt Kibber Qfj-ifcrs A sjoiaii u 89, Lfitnl.b ap QiO. Sir Fratk A Stvelleuba u, (i.O
      1,169 words
    • 777 5 The t- nth ordinary K**noral mooting of the Sang i K nit R bo«r Kiah, L*d.. was b«ll u M*y 18 at ib regihlend ffi a of the j irup ny, fcO, Hi toiog *aoe, B U., Mr W. A.
      777 words
    • 215 5 The report t( the Malaysia Babb''* Com* piny for 1919 out'8 that inboer harvested 4 ifi 867 ibH *v*ioB* a itsiriotcd crop of 1 66,74U top. i« 19)8 Atlt v alio*iDg for iosa W"i«ht id lito-ii ibt rrjp realised (irking Oil* quhoM portion in at cost prnst) 94.
      215 words
    • 2136 6 Tho ftatntory gru rsl meo'iofl of the B»t C»v 8 Robb* f Cow pur y, Licoiled, w»h Ink on Mit J 8 *t Ibe o tupsot'** n wo*te»i d «tFic 10 Lime Street, KJ. M*. J-bo MoK^a pie-idir#. Tin Cnftirmm ®%i I:
      2,136 words
    • 224 6 Tho report of thi D rud Da» on Rnbb v lv. i* i f k 1919 h*. t rh»t il. rjU’.r luiu c o our «d 7,2 278 H.ognu t r.a crti ii o; 750 0 (J .'t*. Cor i tits Liirv r t 19 675. ii
      224 words
    • 990 6 The sixth ordinary general meeting, of the Teluk l'iah Rubber Estate (1914), Ltd., was held on May 11 at the Rubber Growers Association, oS, Eastcheap, E.G., j Mr. J. L. Loudoun-Slmnd, chairman of the company, presiding. The hainnau said
      990 words
    • 726 6 t The Times cf Ceylon of J uno I 1 Some apprehension 1 i :iys -1 With regard to the decision of",'!„ r Us tl Ay-onts Assooiation K ’-at,■ salaries, that the matter will bicmso some firms have air i, iv dB r'-ht
      726 words
    • 38 6 Bnkit Timah.—15,136 lb3. Holland American. —902,000 lbs. Indragiri.—29,133 lbs. Kunla Sawali.—10,84.*! lbs. n Manchester North Borneo. —3o,9o( Malaka Pinda.—115,145 lbs. Netherlands Lanjrkat.—27,424 lbs. Si Pare Pare.—34,999 lbs.. Siak Sumatra.—20,001 lbs. Taiping Rubber Estates. —10,511 lbs.
      38 words
    • 2556 7 a special general meeting of the Johore ©l nti*rs' Association was held at the Civil Club. Johore Bahru, on Sunday. ,r V. s the Malay Mail. Mr. C. Brndbory reJl .and others present wore Messrs ffvoun-. R. Clarke. C. A^ m j. \v VH.
      2,556 words
    • 97 7 A Hill is to be introduced into the I'CjU*ra l Council to extend the powers of the' Loan lSnur.l by it t» make loans to Co-operative Socn-t es f r agricultural purposes as wo.I as to pla LtVs It author mas tl e Hoard to m.i
      97 words
    • 193 7 Mr. II. W. Thomson, acting I»rit di Adviser, Kelantan, in his report for sc-,vs The tour of inspection made by tlm writer with tho Acting io.sidoncy Surgeon (Dr. Genie) at the end of May and beginning of June gave ample proof of the k -en interest taken
      193 words
    • 556 7 The *v elfib iu i t» ii t ir g cf it J>v« < eb t P *tiuiii ii a* l e <> to V! > 4 Vfi cog Laue 11 a M' be b n pti s din 4 i dj»r
      556 words
    • 435 7 nfc th« rofi«t>e cf *hn Bujoug Rubber Esiaic. Lia.ilod, o.» A *y IB, V*. C, tt W. lldon naid »b I ftl'O h r/rt w> »i not anions icgavdiiK tin future r hM r ,up- ny, but the hin&ll ncream cf Buj
      435 words
    • 1399 8 Mr. C. V. Miles presided over the sixteenth ordinary general meeting of the Sandycroft Rubber Company, held in the board room of Messrs, barker and Co., Chartered Hank Chambers, on Wednesday. Others present were the Hon. Mr. R. J. Addie, Messrs. I*. I*'.
      1,399 words
    • 121 8 A general meeting of the Kedah Planters’ Association was held in Penang Chamber of Commerce on Saturday. Mr. tl. D. F. Sinclair, Bukit Slarong Estate, presided, and about twenty others attended, with Mr. V. R. Conolly, hon. secretary. A number of subjects was liscuss“d including the rice
      121 words
    • 1000 8 Stock Par Exchange Par v p Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company X( han^t Prices, May 26. May 26. 2/- Anglo-Malay ..2 3/18 £1 Linggi 3 £1 Bakap Plantations 31/6 £1 Lumut £1 Batu Caves
      1,000 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 384 9 BE IN THE DARK .the mo mnrreiloaa o »re for hbeo-v.-3sjstj«russ '.To Hi.fcNi«nlwl pro 4* tba» tio’o O'lOTta! Balm will our® Rhaomatlami unijq csi'ooabiy the greeleel eore lo» pai» e. P* M ■implf can’t Jbeo the Balm to *all roobod into tbt njoscl an* join*. ruBov y»ara ibto woodartol remedy
      384 words
    • 289 9 *< When I was in the East nothing brought mo grantor pleasure than THE TIMES’ WEEKLY EDITION ILLUSTRATED. It won •uch n strong link with Homo. Tho Letter from London, covering nil tho matter* of interest, might hero been written personally to me. The news was so complete in important
      289 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 UPTON'S TEA Nothing can satisfy the millions of people all over the world* if it is Qot the Best. Nothing can make them buy it again and again unless it is the Best. Upton’s Teas have the largest sale in the worio, and can therefore justly be called The World’s
      79 words