The Straits Budget, 21 June 1918

Total Pages: 24
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget •UNO THR WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXXII No. 3149 Singapore, Friday, June 21, 1918. ESTAILItHER OVER HALF A CEHTUSV Price 25 cents.
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  • 288 1 LEADERS— Oar War Aims Can France Hold Out. After War Trade 12 Franoe and Italy Hongkong Patriotism Austria’s Attempt 14 Local and Ginsral— Local and Personal The War King George’s Fand for Sailors 10 Java Engineering Congross 10 Oar Air Servioe in France 11 The Mary Fowlie
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  • 4689 1 Mnrai Tin ore output for May was 114.51 pionls. A new Chinese bank is being started in Koala Lumpur. Mr. L. H. Clayton, secretary for Chinese affairs, Koala Lumpur, has returned from leave. Mr. F. Matson, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, has arrived from Penang. Negotiations
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  • 18176 3 French Battle. the german forces firmly HELD. Paris, Jane 12, 7.45 p.m. While the of'the P oSe a brillfant It along tl,e ffensive threw them baok Freccb ccjiDte J hQOCeiB considerably on tht,r u .line of the German progression rednCtB mv centre Las the shape of a point
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  • 4547 8 Italian Battle. STRUGGLE ON THE PIAVE Rived RnUTSR'g TlLtORAMs, London, Jane 18, 5 35 Italian evening communion*. Th on Jane 17 did not renew J h eoeiD l attacks on the mountainous and I? fantr J ,r nt Oat troops made sarcesglufr 110 and oooapied a number of
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  • 190 10 Amount already acknowledged... 956,082 Singapore Cold Storage Co. 260 Mr. F. R. Heron I°° W. E. Hooper P. C. Russell The Orient Co., Ltd. ‘260 Hon. Mr. F. 8. James, C.M.G.... 100 Mrs. A. Daly (Ipob), per Capt. W. S. Fawcus 10 Mr. C. W.
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  • 209 10 The Court of Appeal, consisting of Jastioes Woodward, Ebden and Sproale, has sat for the last four days hearing the appeal against the decision of the Chief Justioe in the Alsagoff will case, the hearing only ooming to an end on Monday, judgment being reserved. On
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  • 213 10 The directors’ report to the shareholders, for presentation at the forthcoming meeting, says: Gentlemen, your directors have pleasure in submitting herewith a duly aadited statement of the company’s accounts for the year ended Daoember 81, 1917. After providing for the usual depreciation, wiping off bad debts
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  • 402 10 The following is the directors' report tq be submitted to the shareholders at the fourth annnal general meeting of the Jesselton Ice and Power Go. to beheld at the registered offices, Market Street, Singapore, on Jane 26: Gentlemen,—Yoar
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  • 390 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In their Singapore share ciroular, dated yesterday, Messrs. Fraser and Go. state The past has just been a dull week for whioh race week was partially responsible, but as in addition movements in both oommodities tin and rubber have been soaroely
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  • 335 10 In his report on the Pont cm-. Colony daring 1917, Mr F. M?B V h muter Ronenl, writing on Jaoua» Im 0 says: last, The effect of the war on the disarm ment of mail service made itself and more daring
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  • 212 10 The usual weekly meeting of the Rent Board was held on Jane 18 st the Municipal Offioe under the presidency ol the Hon. Mr. G. J. Saunders, the ethers preeent being Messrs. S. Tomlinson, E. A. Blits, B. Tessensohn, M. Meyer, Gtw Kbek Kiam, A. M. S.
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  • 235 10 Particulars concerning the General Engineering Congress to be held at Batavia, m Java, in 1919, have been received by the consul General for the Netherlands in Melbourne (Mr. W. W. Bosschart), in a circular from the committee of management, says a Melbo message of April 7to the
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  • 1772 11 France, March I*2. ;a deal written by press T i6 r nndcnV*boot oor Air Servioe which at the front would probably io hh "eye-wash.” There is a great dIM T' nttm in magazines by airmen dtAl V <>H w |,ich presume on the
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  • 169 11 Ad entrance scholarship of 910 per month will be awarded on the result of an examina tion in English composition and general knowledge, which will be held at the Y. W.C. A 8, Fort Canning Road, on Satarday, Jane 19, at 4p m. Candidates for the
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  • 1543 11 The thirty-first ordinary general meeting of tbe Kinta Association, Ltd., wan held oi> Jane 11, at the registered offices of the Asso oiation, Chartered Bank Chambers. There were present Messrs. W. F. Nntt ichairman H. B. Egmont Hake (for
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  • 134 11 Under tbq provision* of the War Tax Ordinanoe, 1918, tbe Governor in Connoil baa appointed the following gentlemen to be tbe Commissioners of Taxes within tbe Settlements of Singapore, Penang and Malacca, respectivelySingapore: don. Mr. C. J. Slanders (tbe District Judge and First Magistrate), Lieutenant Colonel G.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1146 12 force, shall cease to exist.—Straits Times, Jane 14. Mach talk will take place at the Imperial War Conference, aod we would like nothing bettor than that full reports of it should go broadcast over Germany. It would do that country good to learn that we are still
      force, shall cease to exist.—Straits Times, Jane 14.  -  1,146 words
    • 1158 12 —Straits Times, Jane 15, Germany baa been a boaster all the days cf her life, and abe ia boasting now that the great battle ia really won, that Fooh’a reserves are exhausted and, apparently, that all abe has to do is to maroh on to Paris.
      —Straits Times, Jane 15,  -  1,158 words
    • 1151 12 —Straits Times, J one 17. We had an article the other day on wbat we oallcd Scientific Conscription and wo have reason to believe that it has deqly grieved and shocked quite a number of estimable persons who are quite convinced that nothing will Bait their pockets
      —Straits Times, J one 17.  -  1,151 words
    • 1180 13 —Straits Times, Jane 18. DO of the messages published in oar yraterday'B iaaae gives the first clear bint of is thought about the great r 1 QS,voin France. “The outlook is now •K-Rarded,” the mes-ago says, with more in r C ia arip at anxiety is expressed
      .—Straits Times, Jane 18.  -  1,180 words
    • 1093 13 Strait* Times, J .do Id, We have been reading the final debate on the Hongkong Conscription Bill with a mixture of amusement and disgust. Let os state why. The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce went to the Government and asked for oonsoription. The Government promptly oonsulted the Imperial authorities,
      .— Strait* Times, J .do Id,  -  1,093 words
    • 1171 14 changing greatly (or the worse-—Straits Times, Jane 20. Ik is pretty evident now that practically ibo whole of the Austrian army, numbering about 1,8J0,000 men with 7,600 gnus r engaged in tbe attack on Italy. It is a fcr midable force, but thcro can be no doubt that
      changing greatly (or the worse-—Straits Times, Jane 20.  -  1,171 words

  • 305 14 We very gratefully acknowledge the follow ing addition to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokos for ou» soldiers and sailors: Per the Hon. Secretary, Batu Anam (Johore) Club, being amount subscribed by members of the Club daring May and voted
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  • 862 14 The sixth annnal ordinary general meeting of the Malacca Electrio Lighting Company, Limited, was held in the registered office of the company, 6, Battery Road, Singapore, at 4.15 p m on Wednesday, Juoe 12- Mr. P. M Robinson presided and the others
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  • 585 14 After lapse ol Home time v gang robbery was committed I y ,S near Kampar, the viotiui bein B To“kiS“l“ i° Yew, of Kampar, reports th«, t y Loke Malaya. V lbe of The Towkay was coming from Ipoh for the
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  • 247 14 The British Medical Journal of March 16 has the following A correspondent who has been both a Government offioer and a private medical pract in the Straits Settlements and Federate Malay States writes to warn any practi >ooer who may be thinking of selecting V 4
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  • 1032 15 T be following is taken from tbe Sarawak Oswtto of tinK ftn d historical event A most QB M a y 16 when the 00 0 k Hpa *0* His H ‘K hne88 Sultan Mahomed McArthur, representing His »iu» Hiidi
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  • 133 15 (From Oor Own Corrrspondbnt.) Penang, June 18. Tbe Eastern Shipping Company’s report issued by tbe directors show that after writing off 884,918.16 to depreciation of fleet and water boats, 810,850.75 to depreciation of slipways, docks and buildings at Sungei Nyob, 88,420 28
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  • 357 15 Mr. Andrew Robertson, who left Messrs. John Little and Co. to go on active servioe writes to a friend in Singapore. He got home on Christmas eve, later on had a bright holiday for a fortnight in London, and then settled down to serious work as
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  • 119 15 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week endod June 8 was 46.67 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths was 331, of wbiob 248 were male subjects and 88 female Convulsions claimed 46, phthisis 40, malaria fever 58, bori-bori
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  • 1438 15 Lieut.-Colonel Reping ten, writing in the Morning Post on General Gough’s army, says: I notioe that the Government Press is doing its best to unload the responsibilities of its masters upon the soldiers, and especially to blame our Command in Franoe
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  • 329 15 Many of yoar readers, writes a correspondent, doubtless mast have notioed the announcement in the Renter’s telegram dated Jane 9, of the appearance of a new star in the constellation of Aqaila of the first magnitude. This remarkable objeot oan be seen rising in the
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  • 40 16 [The Straits Timea ia cot responsible lot Ibe opiniona of ike correspondents. Correspondents ahoold beat in miad that letters moat be abort and to tbe point. Loaf rambling epiatlea are liable to be rejected o* v ithleesly oat down.l
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  • 645 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—When in 1682 the Gregorian-Calendar was introduced and fourteen days’ arrear in the solar time bad aotnally to be settled, Ibis was done by bavins Thursday, September 80, immediately followed by Friday, October 15. At the same time
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  • 258 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. yi*i-—I folly endorse the opinions expressed by yonr correspondent *'C. N." of yesterday’s date. The oorrespondcnoe is a tonio whioh not only invigorates hot prompts one to action. I say that the condition here in so far
    258 words
  • 519 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Recently you were good enough to Sublish a letter from me on the subject of ances at hotels during this great war, and I was much gratified to learn that suoh ill*, timed amusements have since oeased. I was informed that
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  • 93 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Yonr leader of Saturday last, and its references to depleted staffs, makes one think when one sees, for instanoe, a wellknown, easily-ran mine at its pre war European staff. The mine in question (I enclose its name for yonr information) has
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  • 107 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. ®i r '"“Tbe idea of oelebrating the centenary of the foundation of Singapore is an excellent one. I would suggest as a memorial-that a Urge Ub!et be affixed to the outside of the Cricket Club—in the view of all with the names
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  • 110 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Prinoe Lichoowsky, whose name has lately oome very mooh before the pablio by the publication of his memoirs, was in June, 1914, given the honorary degree of Doctor at Oxford University. Of this honour—in common with all honours conferred on
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  • 577 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. 8ir,— In your last evening’s issue I see I that the Rev. Dexter Allen has banned the races, and undoubtedly all thinking people are of that opinion and agree that this is not the time for racing. He oalls the
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  • 127 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Allow me a short space in your valuable paper to lay down the following I have several times been to the Malhooa Library to look at the Straits Times, bat to my disappointment have always found the paper
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  • 551 16 To the Editor of the Strut. T, me Sir,—A time like the present f hardly one for us to argueo verraci Ppo as everyone knows that raeing at the present time j, k charities. If we are goiog to raLT* we might as well an in a
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  • 193 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Hearing a rnmoar in the air that a circular is in circulation regarding toe decrease of money order on India only tor the Government officers, and as I ani not a Government employee I beg to state my complaints
    193 words

  • 122 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times, .nitfl new to this island, whioh sir '"]‘“i was“ tool*' 0b you said o am residing at Bras Basali v,0UHly t the Malay Volunteer J u r?n P H P paciou8 ground adjoining is Corf* 1 for physical exercise, such as being
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  • 367 17 To the Editor of the 8traits Times. tfir-Tbe Chief Secretary expresses an- .Kniit the employment of coolies that thrown out of work by the 20 per m y reduction and the leader writer in the that labour wilMor a cent., work overtime raising food. I t
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  • 86 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. r, ~T regret that in my last letter, rough a mistake, money collected in enacg and Perak was returned as having Been collected in Singapore; and I should orefore bt much obliged if you would kindJ allow me now to
    86 words
  • 409 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. ‘eDt r,^M ll n Ilrlo !J oar lon K ftndconsisto HtanH L man 11 the Rons, as well as last man y v 6m tl n laHt shot and he the preHH for Y th n y at 0Wn record
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  • 647 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I read and re-read those splendid speeches Mr. C. F. Craig and Colonel Adams made at the Chamber of Commerce meeting in Penang the other day and reported in your issue of June 12 and the more
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  • 765 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A derailment oocurred noar the signal oabin at Kuang railway station on Saturday, 16th inst., at 2 80 p.m. The derailed engine had torn off some lengths of rails and the engine lay on its side. One of the subordinate
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  • 301 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—It appears to many singalarly inappropriate that in this present awfal oonfliot money should be wasted on celebrating a oentenary. Sorely the world-wide appeals for war funds and war oharities deserve recognition before such mundane and selfish considerations as beaotifying oar
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  • 748 17 Tho Rev. Father T. Vander Scbueren, the well-known Calcutta priest, wboreoentiy left India on a voyage for his health, sends to the Catholio Herald an interesting description of the wreck of the Andre Lebou daring the cyclone at Singapore. In
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  • 1648 18 SINGAPORE SPRING MEETING. Successful Ending to Three Days Races. There was another large gathering at tbe races on Jane 18. The weather wan fine and with good mnsio, excellent arrangements, and no aooidents to mar the even tenour of the proceeding*, the second day of the meeting passed off most
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  • 448 18 A Public Reception was held at the Y.M.C.A, Hall, on Monday, June 10, and attended by a large repreeentative audienoe to weloome Miss Strout, the Organising Secretary of tbe World’s Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the largest women’s organisation in existence, having as its president the
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  • 170 18 The following oommaniqae regarding the passports for women and ohildren to travel through the dinger zones, ie, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and waters ronnd the United Kingdom, was notified on May 81 at the Secretariat, Colombo It is hereby notified for general information
    170 words
  • 691 18 Singapore Harbour Board* signs Jh the the Board for the half year tidina n eport 81 last. From it we take facts:- the following The credit balanoe of income diture account for the half vear nn? d expenis •1,612,585 82.
    691 words

  • 404 21 RgUTiB'S TBL.OBAM. INDIA. Ridtsb's Telbqbam, London, Jane 16, 7.20 p.m. rtinle in tbo New Statesman, review- l larioas publications npon tbe new In* th t government for India, remarks goheme of g Nftt j 0 oaliste, no more than f not yet adtqaately gr»p C‘ V il
    RgUTiB'S TBL.OBAM.  -  404 words
  • 87 21 Riutbb's Tblbokam. London, Jane 16, 8.25 pm, Peking: An agreement baa been signed by wbiobtbe Government purchases 1,700 chests, the bilanoti of tbe Shanghai combine's stock of lodian opinm, at 6 200 taels per cheat and Bells 8 200 i?) to a Chinese syndicate with oeadi] jurtetß at Nanking.
    Riutbb's Tblbokam.  -  87 words
  • 61 21 Hkutkb’s Tklbgram. London, June 14, 12 5 p m. ThpWhitlpy committee ban presented a r r report id whioti it disapproves of any jyhtem of compulsory arbitration id labour ►putts it alßo disapproves of aoy scheme D l l4l,on oompulsorily bust. f htrikta or lock-outs, pending ioqairy. cil
    Hkutkb’s Tklbgram.  -  61 words
  • 28 21 Bkdtks's Tklbgbam. London, Jane 12, 7.80 p.m. f C^r r k° r< Justice of Appeal, Sir PWxaiie. l>l lw,re b b *»n raised to tilt
    Bkdtks's Tklbgbam.  -  28 words
  • 106 21 u» n»ieni*»Bd th*t me »rp .iu ir"" ,b the P° lio r Of ezoladiDK policy p r* P° rtp Dor d <> we agree with that SniSiai oT rt,portB are b 7 sed it iu rnn l nfc and cabled to ns, tb.y ,8 Pf rltol, y known that
    106 words
  • 399 21 To tbe ornamental and the aesthetio attractions of tbe Waterfall Gardens, says the Pinang Gazette, aro now added an appeal to the practical spirit of tbe times in the shape of tbe vegetable experimental and demonstration plot that has been established
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  • 334 21 Jane 18-19, 1918. Tbe past week opened very dally owing to raoee, etc, bat olosed with an improved tendenoy. Auction Results—Jane 12 to 18. Total Total Top prioes. London, offered. sold. Per picul. equivalents. Tons. Tons. Crepe, Sheet. Crepe. Sheet 947 818
    334 words
    • 57 21 Resalts of tbe men's medal for Jane were: J. Binnie 81—8=78 nett. 8. M Dalgety 80 4 78 H. T. White 79 2 77 Jl R. George 86 8 78 H.Jaokson 88 8 80 Resalts of ladies' spoon for Jane: Mrs. Binnie 63—2=50 nett. Mrs. Peiniger 69
      57 words
    • 116 21 Following were the resalts of Wednesday’s play Newcomers’ Handicap. Van Alkemade 4 baat MoPhillips plus 4, 8-0, 0-6, 6-0. Robertson pins 8 best Donaldson sor., o—7, 6—2. Belford 2 beat Lynott sor., 6—2, 6—2. Hargrave 16.4 beat Straohan sor., 6—2, 6—4. Godwin 8 beat M. B. King
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  • 282 21 Particulars gleaned regarding a collision which took plaoe between a motor oar and a goods train, on Tuesday afternoon, show that the down goods train from Woodlands, arriving at Holland Road station about 1.45 p ra., collided with an A. G. two-seater oar, S. 82, the property
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  • 34 21 Rodbiouss —Oa Jane 14, at Jennie Villa, Malacca, to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel O. Rodrigues, a son. Gow—At Chatsworth, Singapore, on Jane 19, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gjw, a daughter (stillborn).
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  • 48 21 Fobshtsow—Westiake— At Ootacsmnnd, India, on Juoe 1, Capt. Henry Evertou Robertson, 107th Pioneer*, Indian Army, Bangalore, 2nd son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. E. Robertson, of Batavia, to Dorothy Vera, eldest daughter of the late Mr. E. T. Wtst* lake, and of Mrs. Westlake, Southampton England,
    48 words
  • 203 21 Hinaaroas, Junb 20, 1010. BXCHANOB On Lennon...-.Bank 4 m/s M |/4*| Demand w 1/4/, Private 0 m/s m, l/4|| On Faerus m 017 On Ihdu Bank T, T. M 147 On Honaaona aaa Bank d/d M 4C|%pm On Snanenai ...Bank d/d M 60 On Jm •aaasaaaaaa Bank
    203 words
  • 356 21 Butoaronn, Junb 20, lllli MINING. Sy.* *»T«" BaUan. IB IB Ampnag 9.fO 9.00 1 1 Ayo» Weag 3 95 810 B 6 Kerling 6.50 7.(0 IB 10 Kioto ▲•loolottoo 18 00 14 00 xd B1 41 Kioto Tio 1.8.0 1.124 41 41 Lohoi Kioto BJO 7 35
    356 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 87 21 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Strain Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries I* a year. T ic mo«i fre pric« oi dm Sir 'tits budget it $14 7«*ar to any part of the world. It i« not necessary to subscribe tor a year. Tne subscriptions for
      87 words
  • 38 21 DEATH Ekmrrbon.— On Saturday, Jane 15, at the General Hoiptal, Singapore, Alice, Ideal daughter of the late C. Emmjrson, ol biugt*pore. Moss—On Jane 19, at 22, Vernon V»lla, I’uHi g Lane, Agnes, daughter of the late Milk OiOkB.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 70 1 Ginsral Rubber Items 1 F M.S. Rubber Export Daty 2 Singapore Rubber Auctions 2 Malacca Planter’s Death 2 May Rubber Returns 8 Penang Rubber Sales 8 Tilkorams— Rubber Restriction 1 London Rubber Specials 1 Mrbtinos and Reports— Sandycroft Rubber Co. 1 Stiawao Rubber, Ltd. 1 Labu (F M S.i
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    • 279 1 Mr. St. J. Robertson, of Batang Benar Estate, who has been indisposed for some time, was admitted to Koala Lumpur hospi tal on Saturday. A special London cable to tbe Ceylon Observer states that at the Linggi meeting on May 28 Mr. Noel Trotter said the American import
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    • 204 1 An extraordinary meeting of Saodyorof* Rubber Go. (Mr. A. W, Sims presidingi was held at noon on Monday in the registered office, Chartered Bank Chambers, to confirm tbe following resolution proposed at tbe extraordinary meeting held on June 1, v>z that tbe Articles ot Association be altered
      204 words
    • 1628 1 The eighth annual general meeting of the shareholders of tbe Stiawao Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was held at tbe Regiatered Office of the company, 21, Beaoh Street, Penang, last week, Mr. James Sellar, presiding. Other directors present were Messrs.
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    • 121 1 (From Ocm Own Correspondent.) Ipob, Jane 10 The Central Perak Planters’ Association held an important discnssion and passed a resolution in favour of some scheme of compulsory restriction of outputs and Got* eminent oontrol. They also passed resolotions that in view of the serious spread of rubber disease
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    • 150 1 (FROM OUB OWB COHRKBPONDBNT.) London, Jane 12. The following final dividends bawbee® declared: Selangor 874 per 0 \y ftV 35; ttalaka 10; Nordanal 6; Sungei* J o oh London Asiatic 25; Straits 20, s, g Kraitlo; :0; Consolidated Malay 2j Su g IQ Saogei KaparßO; Henrietta 16
      150 words
    • 1667 2 fh annual general meeting of Tbe “e Labu (F.M.S.) Bobber the members o at the tl ffl C es Co Ud Association, #8. Eaat 0 (,be Bobber Orower p T Leather, cheap, he, presiding F.C.I.S., representing Mr. J- H- Je
      1,667 words
    • 108 2 For the period from June 21 to 27,1918, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in aooordanoe with Notification No. 764, published in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of March 16, 1918, under the Customs Datiea Enactment,
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    • 661 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Associations' 860th auotion, was held on Jane 12 and 18, when there were offered for sale piculs 11,996.88 or 1,699,677 lbs. (tons 714.09). Prices realised Smoked Sheet:— Fine ribbed 978 to 181 Good ribbed
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    • 295 2 The directors ol Lanadron Robber Estates, Ltd, announoe that they bare arranged with the commercial agents of the company, Messrs Harrisons and OrosfiaMK that the agents sboold offer a loan to tbn oompany ot £65,000 at 6 pet cent, repayable six
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    • 205 2 For the year ended August 81 last the profit of Djapoera (Sumatra) Rabber was £18,020, making, with £12,188 brought forward, a total of £80,064. It is proposed to write £2,002 off depredation on buildings and machinery, leaving, subject to exoeas profits duty, £28,062, wbioh the directors, after
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    • 289 2 The Ceylon Observer, of May 80, says: Planters in Malaooa and bis many friends in Ceylon will learn with much regret of the death at the General Hospital, Colombo, at 10 last night, of Chas. Mitchell, manager of Ayer Molek and Diamond Jubilee estates, Jasin, Malaooa. Accompanied
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    • 465 3 The directors of Punggor Robber Estates in tbeiv eighth annual report state: Gentlemen,—Yoor directors beg to submit herewith the duly audited aooounts and their report for the year ended March 81, 1018. Nett profit for the year after deducting directors’fees 118,081.71 Lees— F.M.B.
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    • 410 3 Ayer Molek.—12,000 lbs. Alma.—82,000 lbs. Atbara.—18,767 lbs. Ayer Tawah.—24 827 lbs. Batang Benar.—22,646 lbs. Batu An am.—21,199 lbs. Batu Village.—1,941 lbs. Batu Lintang.—4,808 lbs. Bute.—14,848 lbs. Bukit Toh Alang.—10,282 lbs. Cheng.—16,622 lbs. Chemor United.—18,811 lbs. Cluny.—14.708 lbs. Dominion.- 40,244 lbs. Jeram Kuantan.—10,408 lbs. Kapala.—9,811 lbs. Kinta Kellas.—84
      410 words
    • 139 3 Messrs. Cunningham, Clark and Co., Penang, advise that the undermentioned prioes were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender on Wednesday Diamond smoked sheet 960 971 Plain smoked sheet 55 53 Diamond unsmoked sheet 68 68 Plain unsmoked sheet 45 52 8orap crepe
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    • 990 3 Stock oIssued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange u ain R&pore Capital Value Comp anibs. Prices* r, ra8er 4 Co.'s WX7. m 0h sa^ 160,000 2/. 80% 86% Anglo-Malay 14/11 ln/ft 80,000 £l 80% Bakap Plantations
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