The Straits Budget, 23 November 1917

Total Pages: 26
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXXI No. 3119 Singapore, Friday, November 23.1917. ESTABLISH! 0 OVCB NAIF A CCNIWV Price 25 cents.
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  • 224 1 LEADERS Critical Moments 12 High Commissioner’s Speech 12 Lord Northcliffe’a Views ...12-13 Considerations 18 General Staff Debate 13-14 Help and Yet More Help 14 Local and Gbnbral— Local and Personal 1-2 Powers and China 2 The War 3-9 Our Day" Fund, 1917... 9 War Week by Week
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  • 3458 1 Trooper Albert Stannett, of the Life Guards, whose homo is in Windsor, has boon recommended for a very heroic action. He was wounded by a shell, and while in hospital in France v ilnutoerod that blood should be taken from his own b dy in order that
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  • 553 2 The Court o f Appeal opened in the Supreme Court on Monday. The Chief JuHtico (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) presided, and was accompanied by Mr. Justice Woodward, Mr. Justice Ebden and Mr. Justice Edmonds. It transpired that several cases on the
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  • 158 2 Riutkk’s Tblkgrams. London. November 14, 2 80 p.m. Washington The Government regards the Chinese protest against the JapanAmerican agreement in the nature of a declaration of principle not necessitating a reply from the United States as China has merely declared that she does not regard as binding
    Riutkk’s Tblkgrams.  -  158 words
  • 36 2 A donation of Guilders 470 to tbe Red Cross Fund in Medan has been generously contributed by Sewa Singh, of Patoembah Estate, Medan. He further intimates his intention of contributing half his pay month-
    36 words
  • 675 2 AMPANG (KINTA) TIN. Additions to Company's Area M ade Last Year. The fifth report of the dirr.»* Rbaroholders in the Amnan! to the Mining Company, Ltd., «uto8 T added *711.08 brongb forward I account. This showe a baL C0 5°“!, standing to tbe credit of profit III 4 46 account,
    675 words

  • 15933 3 Rbutkr’s Thlborams. Italian Position. CHECKS TO THE ENEMY ADVANCE. Surprise Attacks Fail. Rbctkr’s Tblburams. London, November 14, 10.25 p.m. As regards General Fayolle’s appointment, mentioned on November 12, the War Office states that the British forces will operate under their own commanders. London, November 14, 6.50 p.m. A
    Rbutkr’s Thlborams.  -  15,933 words

  • 2408 8 Western Front. THE HINDENBURG LINE BROKEN. London, November 21, 3 p.m. Field-Marshal Haig reports: Between St. Quentin and the Scarpe the Tanks broke through successive belts of wire of great depth and strength. The infantry followed and stormed the first defensive system of the Hindenburg line. The Tanks
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  • 226 9 Tho Berliner Tageblatt publishes details of an t xtraordinary attempt to nrra theautborities with new powers for the punishment of ttiiuors who hold Socialist views. A workman at Elberfeld, who is under aye, estAbiifhed a sort of debating society, which combined amusement and politics. Ho
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  • 1642 9 Singapore. Tho Committee Rcknowledgo with thanks fund 0W,U K subscriptions to tho above Proceeds of tho Boxing Exhibition given at tho Uuion .Jack Club, on November 9 284 "MEN.” 5Q Per Chinese Chamber of Commerce, collect* d by Hokiun Community, 12th list 300 Captain T. H.
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  • 120 9 Kkutkk's Tklkokamh. 1 4 '>n< 1 f)n, N ivernber 1 >, p.m. NVw York: Miko O’Dowd kt „chi, i out* 4| M -Coy in tin) flth round, wmbiU)| thlf world’* middleweight chfttupiiu-hip. London, November 17, ll.Ill) Munch*nter Nov»mbi r llundican: 1. Pla-int,-tin 1, 2 (Jo On, 20
    Kkutkk's Tklkokamh.  -  120 words

  • 119 10 [The Strait* Times if. not responsible for the opinions of its concspor'fc CoircHp' r 'T'H( rtn should bcu 1 »n mind th.u letters inust bo short and to ti point Dong, rambling ej»:stlt.H n't if haole to bi rejft- cd or rnlhlt: c'.y nut it»wn.| Day ok Pkayhk.— His
    119 words
  • 745 10 To the Editor cf tho Straits Times. Sir, —There was recently published a booklet entitled 601 Gems ot German Thought selected by Mr. William Archer. A few more Gems hs vo come under my notice recently, and as I think it a pity they should be lost
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  • 286 10 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I should like to draw the ntteutiou of tho Chinese community hero to tho recent flood iu Tientsin, some details of which are given in the issue of tho Straits Times of October 10 and 11 last. The situation there
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  • 121 10 To Ibc.Editor of the Straits Time9. Sir. —With reference to tho above, I wish to point out that An ArgloCbiuese Moslem has been misled in believing that tho R.M.C is only open to old McL&medan boys of the Rallies School. I know for certain that the membership is
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  • 517 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A few days ago your columns conveyed to us a message from the King appointing Sunday, January 6, as a special day for prayer throughout the Empire. In very impressive words the King reminds us
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  • 911 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —From the columns of your yesterday's issue 1 extract the following, viz.:— It was proposed to hold the St. Andrew’s annual dinner at Rallies Hotel on St. Andrew’s Eve, November 29, but in response to the wishes of a
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  • 114 10 To tbo Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Still another wail from Malacca! I should like lo bring to your notice fh-> want of attention given to customers by tLo banks in Malacca. 1 personally have had to wait more than once almost au hour bt fore receiving
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  • 389 10 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Recently in l\rAk existed a football league in which m.»cy teams wire playing for a cop. This league has dissolved as the majority of the teams have withdrawn, owing to their resetting certain remarks
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  • 197 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—While the Our Day Fund has claimed all oor attention for sometime pa« now and appears to have had a good ru i would it not be as well to remind motor ca owners in Singapore that there is
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  • 170 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The Gazette of the 16th contains the draft War Tax Ordinance 1918. A number of additions and alterations are proposed. Section 7 enumerates deductions to bo made. Under section 7 (d) income derived from securities issued in respect of loans
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  • 107 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —On looking over the results of the drawing of the Joboro Lottery as published in tho Malay Mail” and the Malay Tribune on the one hand, and tho Straits Times on the other, I tind a disparity in certain numbers.
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  • 269 11 To the Editor of the Strait Times. Sir,—Fond for the entertainment of the :rew of H.M.S. Cadmus and of the Singapore Garrison. On the Aognst 19, 1915, yon kindly published a lotter from me, giving, on behalf of the committee of the above-named fund, particulars, audited by Mr.
    269 words
  • 52 11 The following snms are gratefully acknowledged Already received 812,682.96 Mrs. Sims (11th) Octobor and November Bridge Win C. C. 1 50 Mrs. Wolff (4th) October, November aud December. 9 A Dinkutn Auzao per E.F.H. (chairs) 912,***** Total received r> Npent ou material balance in
    52 words
  • 2456 11 London, Ootober 3. a Two full blown offcuBivcs on the same line 1 with only a week between them is faster J nghting than the Germans care about at this 1 time of day, and tho prisoners
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  • 120 11 Mr. 11. G. van Os, editor of the Ked Cross Hook, writes I have tho honour to inform yon that owing to my departure from the Colony 1 have hande I over the disposal of the lied Cross Hook to Mr. K idesse, Supreme Court. The
    120 words

  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1234 12 work unhampered.—Straits Times, Novom her 16. Tho Italian trouble threatens to breed more, for we do not like tlio appearance of the political situation either in Britain or in France. In the latter country the resigna'ion of the Painlevo Cabiuot may bo duo to the ministerial attitudo on
      work unhampered.—Straits Times, Novom her 16.  -  1,234 words
    • 1117 12 front line forces.—Straits Times, Novem ber 17. It .would be futile to paraphrase any part of the High Commissioner’s speech on the moral and material progress of the Federated Malay States sinco the dato of his last address. The Bprech itself is a most admirable, summary of
      front line forces.—Straits Times, Novem ber 17.  -  1,117 words
    • 1232 12 enough to beware of him.—Struits Times, November 19. No one can say that Lord Northcliffe is cot ’cute. He has written to Mr Lloyd G erge declining to take chargo of the new Air Ministry, knowing, we have no doubt, tLat whoever bolds that office will have
      enough to beware of him.—Struits Times, November 19.  -  1,232 words
    • 1177 13 0'iemy far more than they hurt us. —Straits Times, Ncvembr 20. The outlook might be worse, also it might be very much better. There is every reason to bo well content with tho progress of our forces in h ranee, in Palestine, in Mesopotamia and in East Africa. Germans
      0'iemy far more than they hurt us.—Straits Times, Ncvembr 20.  -  1,177 words
    • 1194 13 Straits Times, November 21. Tho debate on Mr. Lloyd Goorgc’s Paris speech has passod over with vory littlu incident or excitement as far os we can see, and it would seem to have taken us into u clearer atmosphere. There aro to bo three Generals advising sundry
      Straits Times, November 21.  -  1,194 words
    • 1210 14 The great Our Day effort is drawing to a close, and there is every reason to hope that the results will surpass even sanguine expectations. It is the one endeavour made under strictly official auspices, and it is for the j greatest and noblest work
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  • 518 14 An interesting judgment was delivered by Mr. Jostico Ebden on Saturday in thn court of criminal appeal with regard to the appeal of eight well-to do Chinese gentlemen agaiust sentences of imprisonment on charges of assisting in the manage
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  • 246 14 Mr. W. D. Scott, Magistrate, Ipob, has heard a case in which W. Read, Assistant Building Inspector, Sanitary Board, Ipoh, was charged with having, on August 13, received from Yu Yew, a Chinese of Menglembu, a sum of $3, as a gratification, other than legal remuneration, as
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  • 66 14 Mr. Pountnoy’s Bill for imposing a War Tax on the basis of income during 1918 is published in tbo Government Gazette. The objects and reasons state.-—This bill continues for tho year 1918 the War Tax on tbo basis of income first introduced into the Colony by
    66 words
  • 609 14 There was a fairly good attendance at meeting held at the S.C C nr, v the 15 to consider the desirabihtv vT arranging for the annual sea and lanH which have been the chief feature of N? W s Day id
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  • 212 14 (Fbom Oub Own CoRRisroNi»*NT.) Malacca, November 19. Rumour says that, for lack of sufficient men to manage all the different bwjK' the Malacca branch of a big firm will Bh° r j be closed down. Poor Malacca! It is one of the first places in Malaya to
    212 words

  • 1397 15 I a special meeting of the Muuicipal ComLissionern was held ou Friday afternoon for lie purpose of accepting the Budget for 1918. R'be President (Mr. F. J. Hallifax) presided, LnJ the others present were Dr. Veerasamy [ml Messrs. Boland Braddell,
    1,397 words
  • 171 15 Following is the results of tho drawing for the Johoro Our Day Lottery, the total of which was $92,003 *****—15 t Prico $28,000 *****-2nd 59,200 *****—3rd $4,600 20 Prizes, $460 each :—*****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****,
    171 words
  • 95 15 Writing of the floods a Siam correspondent says* Today Bangkok is tho centre of a huge lake. I have to go through water to the knees to get from tho office to my house. Trains do not ruu aud many trams have stopped. Many pooplo have vacated
    95 words
  • 547 15 .Judgment on a further matter connoctod with tho litigation among meinb'>rs of the Alsagoff family lias been delivered m the Supremo Court by tho Chi« I .Justice (Sir •lohn Buckuill, K.C.). Action arose ii the. matter of tho trusts of Syed Ah.nod
    547 words
  • 146 15 A local gentleman bar* just received tbo following from a fair friond wbo asks In it true Wbrhb Women akm Scaiob. To the Editor of tbo Daily Mail. Sir,- In Singapore tbero in a great scarcity of ladies, and any average girl would be no timo
    146 words
  • 96 15 The committoo of tho Children’s Aid Society dosiro to acknowledge receipt of $100 from Mr. Willison, of Willison aud Worth Circus. $76 of this amount aro the proceeds of a bum fit performance held on November 13 und tho balance of $26 is a personal donation from
    96 words
  • 517 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I have the honour to refer to the leading article m your i«mo of yesterday on the subject of Siugapoio ami tl-.o Bail way.” he iti-iu of $1 .ftOO/Kk) appearing in tho b-.M.S. estiiuati s for
    517 words
  • 247 15 Tho fifth annual roport of tho board of directors to the shareholders, in the Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd., for the meeting to be held on Saturday, November 24, at noon, states: The directors have pleasure in laying before tho shareholders tho balancesheet aud statement of profit aud
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  • 162 19 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, November 17. The Federal Couucil resumed this morning. The Chief Secretary moved that a donation of £lO,OOO sterling bo mado to the Belgian Red Cross and £5,000 each to Montenegro, Rumania and Serbia. The U nofficials unanimously supporting,
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  • 212 19 Tho heavy rains of last woek, particularly on Thursday night, have been responsible lor a number of slips on Penang Hill, says the Pinang Gazette. Thore has been a considerable washaway of tho surface on the road and falls of earth which tho l.W. coolies
    212 words
  • 1146 19 The author of tho Book of Artomas writes in tho Daily Chronicle A profiteer is not without honours in his 1 v n country. So spake my lord in the house 1 of his brethron. Aud tho pooplo that
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  • 894 19 The genuinely afloctionato bond between gunners and infantry in tho British army anyone may learn from tho conversation in a Y.M.C.A. hut, or anvwhoro elso in Franco where soldiers with foisure for a yarn congregate. Tho chipping between the two is constant; and
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  • 252 19 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. T Messrs. Fruser and Go. in their weekly share circular, dated November 14, stato:— Thu past has been a featureless week in tho share market with no particular demand for any sharers. Thu price of tin ha* advanced to rocord prices
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  • 100 19 (Kkom Ouh Own Coiikksi*oni»knt). Penang, November 16. Tho .C'.C. won tho replayed final for tho Our Day football cup presented by Mr. Oan Teong Lim, defeating the C.R.C. by 4 goals to one. There was an immense crowd present. The winners were far superior at all
    100 words
  • 102 19 No news of any kind has been received regarding the homeward bound .Japanese steamer which has been missing since leaving Colombo for Delngoa Pay on September 24. The following were included among tho passengers who joined the ship at Singapore for ports beyond Colombo: Mrs. Whitaker, Mr.
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  • 2264 20 Mr. Carl W. Ackerman, American corroRpondent in Geimany during the war, until lie returned with Ambassador Gerard, gives Homo interesting new facts of German outrages on American officials and their wives prior to tho American declaration of
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  • 178 20 Boforo the acting Chief Judicial Commissioner, Mr. J, H. Innea, P. C. 2852 Bag Singh stood hiR trial on two charges of committing perjury, R3ys the Malay Mail. It transpired in evidence that Mr. Pat Zilwa, Chief Clork of tho Chartered Bank, some time ago had occasion
    178 words
  • 507 20 A host of beautiful things had hom for tho Our Day Auction, held un l Bl ec auspices of tho E. Ho Hean and ft*?® Clubs, which was held on T ar^ en in tho latter organisation’s It opened auspiciously with 8,
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  • 347 20 Further Contests at Union Jack Club, Tho second of the series of service boxine contt nts to bo curried out at the l oion -lacl Club was held on Friday evening. It was not made a publ o occasion, but those wkc vv< ro present en joyed some good
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  • 698 21 Tbo School of Oriental Studies has just issued what in normal times would have been the first number of a quarterly Bulletin, gays The Observer of September 30. It is a publication which is likely to attract a good deal of
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  • 145 21 Wo have received from Mrs. Booker Hill, Bukit Asahan, Malacca, a cheque for 1220 on behalf of the hospital for soldiers Buffering from facial wounds, and wo are arranging .o havo this amount forwarded to the proper juartor. The subscribers to the fund wore Mr. B. Goldman 850,
    145 words
  • 238 21 Dr. Addißon, speaking at the prize dis tribution at the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School recently, said that to day thero was greater need than over for tho boat that any of them could do. Statistics Hhowod that tho annual wastage of
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  • 444 21 Judgment in favour of the plaintiffs was delivered by the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) in tbo Supremo Court action brought by Chop Tyo Heng, preserved pineapple dealers against Chop Kwong Jin lleng, dealers in tin plates, claiming damages for breach of contract. Mr.
    444 words
  • 91 21 The rate of mortality in I theSettlement of Singapore for the week ended November 17 was 83.07 per mille of the P o K ,atl J i total number of deaths was 228, of winch 106 were male aubieeto nod 62 tomato. Convulsions claimed 19, malaria fever
    91 words
  • 22 21 CliineHO, (or children's Soldiers and Officers Widows and Aid Society, and M (or these S tn tharenpnctive Treaflurera.
    22 words
    • 36 21 Tho Sepoy Lines Golf Club ladies' medal for October has boon won by Miss Cavo. Tho following were tho scoros:— Miss Cavo 55 15 40 Mrs. Duncan 50 15 41 Mrs. Holden 44 2 42
      36 words
    • 139 21 A team race contested at tho Swimming Club on Sunday morning resulted in an easy win for tho team composed of Captain Vincent, Mr. F. M. Toscouie, Mr. R. D. Buckley and Mr. Stone. Tho usual polo match followed. Chinese Swimming: Club. Thero was a good attendance at tho
      139 words
  • 135 21 Rkutkk's Tklkukam. London, November 16, 1.5 a.m. In the House of Lords, in the course of a dobatc on tho Irish situation, Lord Wirnbotno said we must not jump to alarmist conclusions. Ireland was not out of hand. Sho was prosperous and orderly, oxcopting for tho rowdyism
    Rkutkk's Tklkukam.  -  135 words
  • 54 21 Wo vory gratefully acknowledge the following addition to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokos for our soldiers and sailors Lala Bridge $14.50 Tho total wo have rocoivod sinco tho fund was openod in August, 1916, is now $18,211.60 and $18,833.07
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  • 21 21 Tan. —On Novombcr 17, 1917, ut No. 7, Tranquorah Road, Malacca, to Mr. and Mrs. Tan Chong Lock, a daughtor.
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  • 35 21 Poulibr —Gimpkl.—On Novomber H. at Soerabaya, Mr. H. C. I’oulier, formerly of Dominion Estate, Kajang, to Theodora, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gimpel, Holder, Holland. F. M. S. papers please copy.
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  • 65 21 Makkpbacb —Tki.lkt. —On November 17, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by the Venerable Archdeacon Swindell, Ridley, elder son of Hugh Ridley Makepeace, of Wolver hampton, to Lucy Joanna, daughter of Or. Toilet, of Ramsey, Islo of-Man. Fkhoijhon Holman.—On November H, at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore. Charles Evolyu Ferguson, of
    65 words
  • 175 21 SlNOAI'oKK, Nuvkmhib 22, 1917. EXCHANOE. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4} Private 3 m/s 2/4)J On Fi yni k Bank 818 On India Bank T. T. 157 On Uonukono...Bank d/d 26|%pm On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 65) On Java Bank T. T. 126 On Japan Bank
    175 words
  • 329 21 SlNOAPOKK, NaVBMUKlt 22, 1217. MINING. vSao Ba HoU 10 10 Ampang 6.00 I 1 Ayer Wong 2.1G 2.30 10 10 Kinta Association 5.00 7.00 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 41 Lohat Mines 6.40 5.AG 10 10. Malayan Collieries 10.76 12.00 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 86 21 NOTICE. The post tree price of the S/raih Ttntei to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is IMS a year. T ie post fre- price ot the Straits Hudgrt is Si4 y®ar to any part of the world. It is not n cessarv to subscribe for a year. The subscription*
      86 words
  • 22 21 DEATHS. Knocksk. —On November 16, at Leicester, suddenly, Elsio Maude (Queonio), only child of Frederic Knocker, aged 10 years and 2 months.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 40 1 GENERAL Robber Items 1 Singapore Robber Aoctionn 2 October Robber Retorns... 2 F.M.S. Robber Export Doty 3 Meetings and Reports— Mcngkibol Robber 1 Dolok Robber 2 Tuan Mee Robber 2 Malaka Pinda 3 London and Singapore Rcbbbr Pricks 3
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    • 250 1 Mr. G. R. S. Whittle, of Ledbury Estate, has returned from leave. Mr. 11. L. Jarris, manager, Seaport Estate, Sungie Way, will leave for India shortly on a holiday. Mr. R. S. Wood, of Jeram Estate, Kapar, Klang, will bo leaving for home in the immediate future,. The
      250 words
    • 1710 1 Tbe ordinary general meeting of the Mengkibol (Central Jobore) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 1, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Lieut.-Col. A, J. Barry (chairman of tbe company) presiding. The Chairman: Before I
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    • 1896 2 Tbo sixth ordinary g< ntral meeting of the Dolok Robber Estates, Ltd., was held at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, E.C., Mr. Walter Norfolk (chairman of the company) presiding. Tbo Chairman said Gentlemen, before we start businoss I
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    • 387 2 Tho Singapore Chambor of Commerce Robber Association’s 321st auction was held ou November 15 and 10 when there were offered for sale 13.815.88 piculs or 1,812,117 lbs. (tons 822.37). Prices realised Smoked Sheet: Fine ribbed 0105 to 5111 Good ribbed 94
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    • 427 2 Tho second ordinary general mooting of shareholders iu tho Tuau Moo Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., wan liold at tho office of Messrs. Gordon, Kra/.or and Co., Colombo. Mr. N. W. DavicH, director, preaided. Tlie Chairman Raid Just over six months
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    • 199 2 .Jimah.—24,908 lbs. I>japoera.—48,177 lbs. Rangoon Poerba. -63,000 lbs. Batu Kata—47,933 Ibn. Tiram.—8,500 ibn. Pelepah Valley.—27,500 lb*. Kota Tinggi.—*20,000 lbs. Siginting.—12,700 Ibn. Clovolly.—7,015 lbs. Kwaloe. —18,136 lbs. F.M.8. Hubbor.—177.0C0 lb*. K.L. Rubber.—161,000 Ibn. Tan jong Malim.—133,000 lbs. Kuang Rubber.- 27,000 lbs. Sedguley (K.M.S.). 8,900 lbs. Bandar Sumatra.—10,031 lbs.
      199 words
    • 958 3 The seventh annual report of the directors to the shareholders in the Malacca Pinda Rubber Estates, Limited, states Net profit for tho year after deducting directors’foes $254,647.42 Add balance brought forward from last year 4,254.98 Total
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    • 85 3 For the poriod from November 23 to 29 inclusive, the valuo of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and sevenpence per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with
      85 words
    • 982 3 Stock c* Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser 'a Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing PrjL 8 1918. 1915. September 24. November 22 150,000 2/- 85% 60% Anglo-Malay 15/7* xd 10/6 i 3/ 60 000
      982 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 504 4 IJSF trouble yTu Y WOrries and dis us happy net our condition of life, and when the mind that makes your bowels active, your blood pure by the i P V Ur *l? mAch Wealthy, your mind will always be clear and cheerful K U e u Pills directly due
      504 words
    • 210 4 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, hones, nerves and brain—you cannot do than take SCOTT’S Emulsion. In every part of the world this valued food tonic has proved its worth as the purest and best o( all forms of cod liver oil treatment and the richest strength-maker lor
      210 words
    • 433 4 A positive paying investment in any t Hutinett, whether large or small, it GOOD PRINTING Its value cannot be overestimated. Your advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a Listing impression, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. DON’T PAT OUT MONEY tor the poor
      433 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 45 5 The Straits Times Press, Ltd PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. □uxm.Lii mrtTnrrp ■vr* A r ?w V L-: via N M kJ M 4 V*v» •*r 3rw <* <* Si 4fc\*T •v <■ f i y *V -*t k. N a*. ■sawiMwaii m fn Photographs and Line Drawings Reproduced. EmpText
      45 words