The Straits Budget, 16 November 1917

Total Pages: 27
1 3 The Straits Budget

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 The Straits Times Press, Ltd, PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. am—ajc! Ml •s W rj± Si, r '-ir ‘S13* ;33i IM ft*-. i ■»»>»!»>»»■■■■■■■■»■■■ uriii«iuiM*in -ToTrJ Tr »r T i x n «*4»* ;*»c i-fit :*e tj Photographs and Line Drawings Reproduced The Straits Times PUBLISHED AT SINGAPORE Best Advertising Medium East
      82 words

  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BUNG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXXI No. 3118 Singapore. Friday. November 16. 1917. ESTABIISMIO OVER SAIF A CEKTVSY Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 196 1 H.DERS—and Italy 12 Klaximal Calamity 12 ■Oar Good Selves ...12-18 Hhe Allied Staff 13 Hiingapore and the Railway 13 Hcal and General— Hi \i\ and Personal 12 Hunt Assessment Board... 2 m\' War 310 Hour Day Fund, 1917... 10 ■Federal Council 10 for Onr Soldiers and Sailors
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  • 3270 1 rico crop of Burmah is 6,918,000 tons •‘ant 6,657,000, so that 2,700,090 tons will av ailablo for export. Notwithstanding difficulties of transport, freight will be found for tho quantity demand- b y this country and its Allies, says a papor. Tho old difficulty that those a Ppreciated
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  • 21224 3 Kkctkk’s Tklkukams. Italian Position. CONFRONTING ADVERSITY WITH AN INTERPID SOUL. New Generals in Command. Rbotkr’s Tklkorams. London, November 8, 12.20 p.m. jiew York: The Associated Press correspondent at Italian headquarters says that thanks to the Italian rearguards and aeroplanes and an airship harrassing the eneiuy and delaying his
    Kkctkk’s Tklkukams.  -  21,224 words

  • 146 10 The man who has stood four-square in the portals of the Admiralty for years and decided on who was and who was not to be passed in to the First Lord has just given op his interesting post. Mr. J. B. Masterton Smith, C.B., principal private secretary
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  • 148 10 The new Irish Solicitor General, Mr. A. W. Samuels, junior M.P. for Dublin University, is of the new order in Irish politics—that is, he has no strong political predilections. In former years such appointments were given to militant political parti sans, Tory and Liberal. Mr. Samuel’s predecessor in
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  • 710 10 Tho Committee acknowledge with thanks tho folio wing subscriptions to the above fund: Previously acknowledged 1217,359.08 Per Singapore Sporting Clnb, result of Gymkhana held on October 26, T,BBB Per List 1325 20 Mrs. Bradney 80 Members of Eng Hoe Kok Association 20 Collected by Ladies Committee
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  • 256 10 Second List. Previously acknowledged 15,8*6.70 Collection made at Bundi Mines, Kemaman 600 Incbe Mat Sa’at bin To' Dagang Mat 60 Ngab bin Ali *5 Said Husin bin Ghalam SO N. Mohamed Amir and K. Abdul* rabman and Co. 16 BuBu bin Nob, Isbak bin Moha* med Arif,
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  • 380 10 (From Our Own Corrkspondrnt.) Koala Lumpur, November 14, At a meeting of the Federal Council the Chief Secretary, answering questions, said that the Government was unable to make a was grant to pensioned officers, but cases of distress would be considered. The
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  • 165 10 We very gratefully acknowledge tbi following additions to our fund for a80,9t, the Overseas Club to provide smokes for o soldiers and sailors Mr. Albert L. A. Daley |T Per Mr. T. A. Manchip, Sungei Burong Estate: Mr. T. A. Manchip v 1? W.
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  • 2313 11 From Our Special Correspondent. London, September 6. Id an immediate sense, the significance of j] L fine victory gained by Sir Douglas Haig ix days ag° the capture of the dominating ]r between Gleucorse Wood and Inverness jopse, and of the
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  • 289 11 A mistake by the Unitod Statos Government in printing its shoots of two-cent stamps has given wido-awake dealers an opportunity to indulgo in tho liveliest speculation in current stamps that has been known for several years. It is the first time, since the American Government began issuing
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  • 894 11 Artifox writes in the Manchester Guardian: Some thirteen years ago I, in common with many otiior people, had a fearful glimpse of what Prussian militarism means fuv the privAto soldier when I read Lieutenant Hilso’s novel Aus einor kleinon Oarnison.” From a Littlo
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1021 12 —Straits Times, November 9. Russia has a great aud imperative need of peace. It is donbtful, indeed, whether she can emerge from her present chaotic condition without it, y« t if she makes peace she plays false to the cause which was almost more her cause than
      .—Straits Times, November 9.  -  1,021 words
    • 1117 12 —Straits Times, November 10. More suddenly than we thought, the great crisis in Russia has happened. M. Kerensky has made a gallant fight for reason and for loyalty to the world at large, but he had no force to back his authority, and the Soldel the union of
      —Straits Times, November 10.  -  1,117 words
    • 1144 12 Straits Times, November 13. The British aro more given to exaggerating disaster than victory. Within the past fortnight i/roat tliiniiH hftu.. 1. Russia bas taken a desperate I anarchy. Italy has lost the fruits bard fighting, and our journals have be of those depressing events. But in
      Straits Times, November 13.  -  1,144 words
    • 1069 13 Straits Times, November 14. We do not know much about Sir Honry Wilson, who is to be British representative on tbe Allied General Staff, of which the other members will bo General Foch representing France, and General Cadorna representing Italy. There are several Sir Henry Wilsons, but
      . Straits Times, November 14.  -  1,069 words
    • 1236 13 States act as if they wore rivals.—Straits Times, November 15. Certain information has been couveytd to us from various sources, one specific fact being that the F.M.S. Budget will coutain an item of 91,500,000 for the Fort Canning Hailway Station, Singapore.” We find it very difficult
      States act as if they wore rivals.—Straits Times, November 15.  -  1,236 words

  • 190 13 Tho following extract from a letter rccoivod from a brother officer of the late Capt. It. C. Kinder will bo of internet to his friends Ho died magoifieootly, rallying hie men nnd* r tho moet appalling ehell tiro, and oar only connotation ie that ho wae
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  • 1271 14 A mooting of the Indian Immigration i Committee was held at 1’enang on October t 30. There wore pres* nt: Tho Controller of t Labour (Mr. J. R. O. Aldworth), chairman, the Principal Medical Officer, fr.M.S. (Dr.
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  • 218 14 The F.M.S. Government Gazette notifies that in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 21 (ii) of The Agricultural Pssts Enactment, 1913, the Chief Secretary to Government makes the following rale: Every owner and occapier of land whereon any plant shall be found to be attacked
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  • 886 14 Two important extensions of the excellent work of the Y.M.C A. in Singapore wore declared open by llis Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G.C M G.) on November 8. Tue first was the athletic ground opposite Messrs. Wearne
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  • 24 14 We have to acknowledge $110 on behalf of the above fund from the Taujong Pager i Dkoc Recreation Club.
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  • 57 14 To the Editor ot tho Straits Times. Sir,—l beg to enclose herewith information oopy of the Notes pvm yom between the Governments of Japan aSt? United States. Japan and the I understand the Notes have been public yesterday or to-day.—Yours, etc., U6v3 H.
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  • 430 14 From the Secretary of State to Viscount I have the honour to communicate herein my understanding of the agreement reached by us in our recent conversations touching the questions of mutual interest lo our Governments relating to the Republic of China. In order
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  • 133 14 The Presbyterian Chnrch in Orchard Road was on November 8 the scene of a pretty we ding of local interest when Mr. Colin Graham Brown, of Messrs. Bonstead Hampshire an Co’s Port Swettenham branch, married 1 Margaret Miller Forbes, of Brookline (Mas U.S.A. After the service, conducted by tue
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  • 31 14 Tbo Honorary Secretary ot the and Sailorn’ Families Association acknowledge with many thanks t n $267 19 from the Committeo of tbo lu Eutertaiument Fond. fl
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  • 2071 15 From Our Special Correspondent. London, September 22. If I were asked to find a word which adt quately described tbe national mood at tbe'present moment I do not think I could saggest a better one than fidgetiness.” Tbe country is not
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  • 484 15 Mr. E. B. Miohell, late Adviser to the Siamese Government, writes to The Spectator As one of the few persons well acquainted with the great danger whioh Siam —now ranged on the side of the Allies —ran of passing practically
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  • 622 15 Canon Anthony ‘C. Doano (Vicar of All SaintH, Ennis more Gardens) write* in the Sunday Pictorial: Outfit wo to forgive the Goruian«, and can wo if wo ouKht? I have reason to kuow that many people aro troubled a*
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  • 185 15 Bwedish newspapers announce the disoovery at Kiruna, in the north of Sweden, of sugar containing anthrax bacilli. It will be remembered that among the malpraotioes of the members of the von Kosen gang was the smuggling into Finland of anthrax infeoted sugar. The authorities believe that
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  • 39 17 The Straits Times is not responsible for ibo opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point Long, rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.)
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  • 919 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir —Excuse mo returning to the cbargo once more, but I find your footnote to my letter moro confusing than your original statement. On Monday you said We esumated that Germany had 10 million men who could be used for
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  • 257 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Timos. to S m7frmn f0 M OWi 2 KeXtract trom r tlj e Secretary of tho Koval h °p‘ al £ns J ltu (1 ifi worthy of pubiicatio/in he ar East. It should be well worth while thfi ak ff inv t,
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  • 222 17 To tbe Editor of tbo Straits Times. Sir,—On having read the article Holland’s difficulties by a Hollander in yonr Tuesday's paper, I feel it my duty to throw tbe light lacking, over that epistle. My worthy compatriot has only been corroborating things which everybody knows of alroady, but
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  • 349 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—I finished reading Mr. John Gals worthy’s impressions of Tho Womon of Franco in the Budget of to day’s dato with somo amusement and a good deal of disgust. If this is tho best Mr. Galsworthy can do to strengthen the Entento
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  • 258 17 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Whilst I agroo with most of tho abuso recently heaped upon Malacca (of the road question I know nothing and am not qualified to judge), I do not think that the placo is yet largo enough to support an
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  • 354 17 To the Editor of tbo Straits Times. Sir, —Tho following is from Lord North cliffe’s first article, The Americans at War," ex Weekly Timos of September ‘2l“ Tbo hard concrote roads of the United States are now mado by machinery with a thoroughness and permanence which should attract
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  • 423 17 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I vonturo to offer a few figures showing tho yield of the New French Loan in order that your readers may understand what a good investment it is, and in tho hope that it may holp towards
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  • 102 17 To tho Kditor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —From tho Saturday's paper I understand that a Club has now come into existence called tho ltafilos Moslom Club, on enquiries made I learn that the Club is only opon to old Mubamodan boys of the lUflhts school. I am
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  • 89 17 To tho Editor of tbo Straits Times. Sir,—Yesterday morning in Orchard Read I passed a dog with one ear torn and banging off and bleeding badly, in the evening I passed another dog near the Houstead Institute with the back of its neck cut open for a length
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  • 266 17 Mr. E. dill sends us tho following statement in reference to Overseas Club Tobacoo Fund, shewing the amount forwarded from Singaporo for the present month:— Straits Times Fund 9 1,000 United Engineers, Ltd. 69 Civil Guard 86 Public 11 Total 9 1,166 Previously acknowledged
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 76 18 Play for the President's l‘rizo wan con eluded on Monday last at the Singapore Golf Club. Forty one members competod and the prize was won by W. K. Forde, who returned a not score of 4 up. The Keppel Golf Club men’s modal for November (Bogey) will bo played
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    • 59 18 Mrs. Payne won the November spoon with a nett score of 64 100 ISO Nett Total yds. yds. Score. Mrs. Payne 30 34 =64 68.51 Booty 29 81 60 66.58 Lyall 32 28 60 66.49 Mugliston... 21 27 48 66.10 Lady Evelyn Young 22 22 44 65.95 Mrs. Oldham
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    • 396 18 Good Win for Singapore Team. A win for tho Singapore sido by four tries to two was the result of the fast and well contested game seen on tho S.C.C. ground on Wednesday between Mr. Broad’s team and visitors from Klang captained by Mr. Folds. Tho visitors were a
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    • 385 18 Successful Carnival for Our Day Fund. Every success attended the carnival held in aid of tho Our Day Fund at the Swimming Club on Saturday afternoon. A large attendance included H.E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G.C.M.G.) and Lady Evelyn Young, H.E. the General Officer Commanding (Major-General
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  • 37 18 Rhutkr’s Tklr*rams. London, November 12, 3.15 a.m. Fifteen aged women were burned to death by a fire in Manchester Infirmary. London, November 12, 11.55 a.m. Melbourne: The death has occurred of tho cricketer, Harry Trott.
    Rhutkr’s Tklr*rams.  -  37 words
  • 374 18 Circulars have been issued with copies of the accounts of tho Straits Settlements Benevolent Society soliciting subscriptions to this charity. The circular, signed by Mr. R. J. Addie, as bon. secretary and treasurer, says:—Tho object of the society as laid down in the rules is the
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  • 114 18 We are asked to state that the final date for purchasing tickets from Banks and other vendors of tickets in Penang, Malacca and the Federated Malay States will be December 1. After that date all applications for the purchase of tickets must be made to the
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  • 114 18 Tho Australian Prime Minister statod on September 28 that ho had received a cablo message from London indicating that the British Government was inclined to regard favourably tho offer of the Australian butter surplus during tho present season. Though negotiations have not yet been completed, it is
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  • 1041 18 That boxing is always a popular attraction in Singapore was Abundantly proved at the exhibition given by Naval men at the Union Jack Club on Friday afternoon. In spite of the fact that only one day’s notice could bo given
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  • 328 18 The Muar Our Day Lottery was drawn at 8 p.m. on November 8, at the Roval Cinema Hall, Muar. Tho results were First Prize ($20,000), No. 7372, Mr. H. W Weigall, Bukit Asahan. Second Prize ($8,000), No. 8370, kono S i
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  • 375 18 Again the time has come round when the Committee of the Children's Aid Society issue their annual appeal for subscriptions through the kind medium of the Press. Although the war still makes its supreme demands upon us, wo have every confidence in appealing again to tho
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  • 1109 20 By a Correspondent. I have a confession to make, one that will I fear damn me in tho eyes of all good women (and 1 only hope none of thoir own sox are in danger of tho same condemnation). Until a few davsago I
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  • 404 20 It is evident that the losses inflicted on the Austro-Hungarians on the Carso front aro very serious. The 12th Division, called the Division of Iron,” which sustained such heavy losses on the Russian front in May, 1915, has had to
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  • 114 20 An officer of the 25th Battalion (Frontiersmen), Royal Fusiliers, which is now serving with signal gallantry in German East Africa, describing a successful night engagement with the enemy in a swamp belt, writes:—“We Frontiersmen lost about twenty killod and wounded, including two officers killed and two
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  • 1057 20 She is a commander. You know that when you board her bus, she can be quick and decisive and put anyone in his place. There are 2,000 women, in London alone, in command of busos, not
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  • 574 20 Describing an operation with the object of rectifying the line of a recent advance The Times correspondent at headquarter! nays Tanks co-operated, and it was their cooperation which made oar saccoes so absurdly easy—and it is not as if it were
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  • 103 20 The Tokyo Government recently announced that an agreement has been entered into, whereby Japan agroos to float f° r b loan of Y. 66,607,000, on condition whole of the loan is taken up by tk V Treasury and not placed on the °P° mo( j
    103 words

  • 1172 22 Making an Officer. WHAT IT IS THAT PUTS THE WIND UP.” By a Cadet. Officers are made with remarkable celerity those days; and tho man who applies for a commission ha-' to cram into a short period (less than six months) what pupils at Sandhurst and Woolwich spread over several
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  • 258 22 The undermentioned properties were sold by auction by the Commercial Rubber Co. on Wednesday when there was a large attendance. Bidding was brisk and prices realised are considered satisfactory Freehold land and shophouse 166 New Bridge Road, area 1,485 sq. ft., bought by Mr. Gokalchand for $2,600;
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  • 300 22 As a proof of how pressing and vital is the call for men at the front a correspondent sends us the following particulars: The Military Bill, voted by the French Parliament, and called Mourier, after the name of its author haB as one of its
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  • 344 22 Lance Corporal J. Garstang and Private J. Hindle, two Preston men, belonging to tbe L.N. Lancashire Regiment, have been awarded tbe D.C M. for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, of which the official record, published in the Gazette, is
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  • 66 22 Phillips. —On November 13, at 692, Kampony Habra Road, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Phillips, a daughter. Craig. —At Pantai Estate, Seremban, to Mr. and Mrs. Yelverton Craig, a daughter. Randall. —On November 13, at the General Hospital, to Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Randall, a son.
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  • 30 22 The engagement is announced of Miss Ethel Ernestine d’Cruz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ernest St. Vincent d'Cruz of Hollycot, Singapore, to Mr. W. J. D. Kloezeman of Holland.
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  • 47 22 Brown—Forbes. —On November 8, at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, Colin Graham Brown, of Port Swettenham, F.M.S. eldest son of George Graham Brown, Broomward, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire, to Margaret Miller Forbes, daughter of William Forbes, Brookline (Mass U. S. A., formerly of Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire.
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  • 32 22 Gaqliardi.— On September 5, accidentally drowned at Amara, Captain L. P. Gagliardi, LA. R. O., attached Lancers, only brother of Lieutenant F. B. Gagliardi, I.A.R.O., attached Sikhs. Bitterly regretted.
    32 words
  • 177 22 dIMQAPOM, NOVKMBM l 91? exchange, On LoxDttf —...Bank 4 w/a Mi Demand 3/4* P.i«(o 8 a/, Oil Feanon Bank T. T, 81g On Ikdu Bank T, T, le 1&6 On Hongkong... Bank d ld *Bi%pu On Shanghai Bank d/f, ri On Java .........Bank T, T. 12 g
    177 words
  • 325 22 Sinaarau, Noyhmbir 15, 101 T. MINING. Value Boyers Sell ere. 10 1C Amp&ng 5.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 2.15 2.25 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 6.40 5.65 10 10. Malayan Collieries 11.00 12.00 £1 £1 Malayan Tin
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 88 22 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Timts to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is f.'ts a year. TV post fre s price ot ttie Straits dud get it $M )'«»ar to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions
      88 words
  • 76 22 DEATHS. Ismail.— On November 8, at Galle, Ceylon, M. O. M. Ismail, partner of Messrs. Ismail and Raheem, Singapore. JtLf.— On November 9, 1917, in London, of pleurisy, Blanche, dearly-loved wife of Captain Arthur S. Jelf. Van Os Spykman.— On November 3, at Weltevreden, Jeannette Van Os Spykman. H. G.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 40 1 General Rubber Itema 1 F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 1 Singapore Rubber Auctiona 2 October Rubber Returns... 2 Telegrams.— London Hubber Market 1 Meetings and Reports— Rubana Rubber Estates... 1 Kali Glagah Rubber 1 London and Singapore Rubber Prices 2
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    • 398 1 Tho Kuala Lumpur Rubber Co. directors have recommended a final dividend of 25 per cent., making 45 per cent, for tho year. Mr. E. R. Maples, formerly of the Straits Trading Company, Butterworth, is now on the staff of Spynio F'.state, Bagon Datoh. Messrs. Guthrie and Co. havo
      398 words
    • 78 1 From Our Own Correspondent. London, November 13. The rnarkot is dull and tho quotations aro at a somewhat lower figure Fine sheet 2/5 to 2/6 Cropo 2/6 2/7 Fine hard Para 2/11 3 The last report was as follows London, October 31. Tho
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    • 189 1 Tho report of tho Kali Glagah (Java) Rubber and Produce Company, Limited, states that tho average number of trees tapped during the year was 49,250, or approximately 510 acres, and the averago yield per acre was 377 lbs. Tho year’s outputs wore as follow: —Rubber, 192,504 lbs.,
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    • 91 1 For tho poriod from November 16 to 22 inclusive, tho value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and eightpenco per lb., and tho duty on cultivated rubber on which export da y is leviablo on an ad valorem basis in accordance
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    • 1097 1 Tho seventh annual genoral mooting of the Rubana Rubber Estates, Limited, was hold recently in tho Council Room of tho Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated;, 38, Eastcheap, E.C., 3, Mr. E. L. Hamilton (chairman of tho company) presiding. Tho Socrotary
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    • 494 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commeroe Robber Association's 320th auction was held on November 7 and 8 when there were offered for salo 15,807.96 piculs or 2,041,061 lbs. (tons 911.18). Prioos realised: Smoked Sbeot: Fine ribbed 9116 to 9120 Good ribbed
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    • 506 2 Kapala. -10,078 lbs. Kinta Kellas.—52,398 lbs. Klian Kellas.—8,408 lbs. Kota Bahroe.—42,473 lbs. Kuala Kangsar.- 23,677 lbs. Kukub.—17,318 lbs, Lanadron.—126,688 lbs. Ledbury.- 60,828 lbs. Old Kellas—30,346 lbs. l’engkalan Durian.—14,063 lbs. Sandycroft.— 23,720 lbs. Semainbu. —18,912 IbB. —40,017 lbs. ■|lhai>g| m i Kelantan.- 15,000 lbs. Klebang.—11,070 lbs. Malay.- 21,120
      506 words
    • 1020 2 Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fral^^F 0^ 6 Capital Value Companies. Prices, ClosS™!? 0,8 1916. 1915. September 24. Novemfe 150,000 2/. 85 60% Anglo-Malay 16/7* xd 10/6 1o< 60.000 £1 80% 25% Bakap Plantations
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 507 3 Vocal Scores Aroediena, Balkan Prinoae, Cinema m*, n— i Ooon* ol Luxembourg, Dancing Mjstrees C IW^¥ *H <m ?J ry Gir1, Fao.», Gipsy Love, Girl the Film, High Jinka.L t ie Mica is MiW^rTif™? Q«1 on Merry W.dow, M. Hoes of Hul ind 0 L Ul e J Moan i
      507 words
    • 381 3 A positive paying investment in sny whether large or small, is 600D PRINTING Its value cannot be overestimated. Your advertising matter which you distribute and the station cry you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or. otherwise, according to its kind. DON'T PAT OUT MONEY for the poor kind,
      381 words