The Straits Budget, 9 November 1917

Total Pages: 24
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXXI No. 3117 Singapore. Friday, November 9. 1917. tSTABUSHtO CVl* HALF A CHT'JSf Price 25 cents.
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  • 226 1 leaders— The Italian Crisis 12 West ami East 12 i'p To 1 s 12 13 Open Hattie 13 Freedom v. Ivultur 13-14 Allied War Staff 14 Local and Gbnkral— Local and Personal 1-2 lad Cross Work for tho Wounded 2 >ingapore Spotting Club 2 TLe War 3
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  • 3446 1 Mr, Khoo Hock Cheong, who had been ill l>t “uvcral months, passed away at his rr *ulence in Ampaug Hoad, Kuala Lumpur. H. 30 on Monday eight, at tho age of 63 ytftr*.. Deceased leaves a widow, two sods a °j an adopted son, end three daughters
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  • THE WAR.
    • 3224 3 FRIDAY S TELEGRAMS. Kbutkr's Telegrams. Help For Italy. WHAT the other powers PROPOSE. London Attacked Again. Riutkr’s Telegrams. London, November 1, 3 a.m. Mackensen’s troops are wantonly and brutally destroying Italian property in the invaded areas. This haa cauBed the Socialist newspaper Popolo-d’Italia to demand tlie confiscation of AuRtro-German prope
      Kbutkr's Telegrams.  -  3,224 words
    • 5213 4 Italian Retreat. ANXIETY ABOUT THE PRESENT POSITION. The British Navy, London, November 2, 6.15 a m. Tho latest haul of prisoners taken by the' Germans in Italy apparently belonged to the third army from the Carso, whose rearguard is believed to have been cut of! by a surprisingly
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    • 3981 5 German Retreat. GREAT SUCCESS Of FRENCH ARMS. Italian Position. London, November 3, 12.25 p.m. Tho French communique states: Tho results of the victory at Malmaison have not boon slow in showing themselves. Threatened on tho right, pressed by our infantry, crushed by our artillory which unceasingly bombarded bis
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    • 2762 6 TUESDAY S TELEGRAMS. Italian Position. THE BRITISH TROOPS REACH ITALY. Probable Naval Action. London, November 4, 4 10 P;“' o re* An Italian official messago u.Jnced po sts pulsed a strong attack in Oiuin Daono and Giumella Valleys, m tuo dicarie sector. London November 5, 3.15 p.m. Ad Italian official
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    • 1959 7 Italian Position. FURTHER RETREAT BEING PLANNED. Egyptian Success. London, November 6, 8.55 a.m. Comments in tho Paria papers indicate that one of the chief objects of the viait of Mr. Lloyd George and M. I’ainlevc to Italy is the formation ot an inter allied war atafT. London, October
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    • 3722 8 British Success. VERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS CAPTURED. Italian Situation. London, November 7, 12.40 a.m. Field-Marshal Haig reports The Canadians, in the operations this morning, were completely successful against the defences in and around Passchendaele and the spar north and north-west. After a successful assembly the assault was launched at
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  • 1998 10 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held on Friday afternoon for tho purposo of considering tho estimates for 1918 Tho President (Mr. F. J. Hallifax) was in the chair, and thero wero also present Dr. Yeerasamy and Messrs. Roland
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  • 315 10 (From Odr Own Corrkspondknt). Malacca, November 6. In accordance with the Companies' and Societies’ Ordinance, the Straits Union has been registered. .The Straits Union is a club whose favourite game is football. The following gentlemen are its officebearers: —President, Mr. Tay Sim Qeok; vice-president, Mr. Wee Kay
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  • 238 10 On Wednesday, October 3, the Singapore Presbytery Chinese Christian Church met and was constituted by the Moderator, tho Rev. Tay Sek Tin. There were present, besides tho preachers and representative ciders from Singapore, Johore and Muar, the Rev. J. A. B. Cook and the Rev. W. Murray.
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  • 654 10 The following was the judetnent by tbe Chid Justice (S„ Jot,. lu T'* 5 K.C.), sittiDg as district in tli« < S“ lB Dr. C. W. S. Boggs v. the Christot \7 °j Phosphate Co., Ltd., and Messrs li, d and Co..
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  • 201 10 Deli Hindu Sabha and “Our Day. British Indians residing on the Hast Coast of Sumatra are not very numerous, write a correspondent. The majority of them arc the descendants of settlers who crossed over to the island of Sumatra moro than fatty years ago. The Deli Hindu Sabine, an association
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  • THE Straits Budget
    • 1154 12 wug UUV4 lilLUV ly acknowledgment.—Straita Times, November 2. It would appear that tho first fierce rush of tho Austro German armies lias exhausted itsolf. It would appear, also, that tho attack was a surprise, and that it struck at a very weak spot held by troops which
      • wug UUV4 lilLUV ly acknowledgment.—Straita Times, November 2.  -  1,154 words
    • 1183 12 Straits Times, November 3. We were conscious of a feeling of uneasiness alter reading The Titm s military critic’s statement cf what might be doco to help Italy. That statement locks as if it had been inspired—in other words, as if it had been issued to prepare
      Straits Times, November 3.  -  1,183 words
    • 1206 12 Straits Times, November 5. Message from Petrograd: M. Kerensky told I an Associated Press correspondent that Russia 1 is worn oat, and it is her right now to &«k I the other Allies to shoulder the burden of the I war.” Message from London Receiving the I
      Straits Times, November 5.  -  1,206 words
    • 1194 13 —Straits Times, November fi. It appoa r that Britain and France havo droiH cc i to ren( 0l to Italy what aid is in their The later accounts iu no way modify the gravity of the Italian reverse. German claim to Lave captured 200.000 prisoners and 1,800 guns
      —Straits Times, November fi.  -  1,194 words
    • 1228 13 —Straits Times, November 7. People of other countries," says cxAmbassador Gerard in his Memoirs, have often wondered why it is that the German Government is able so easily ‘o impose it* will upon the German people.” Mr. Gerard eat Her in his mi moirs described how the
      .—Straits Times, November 7.  -  1,228 words
    • 1101 14 —Straits Times, November 1. The enrious announcement is made that Mr. Lloyd George and M. l'ainlovo have gone to Italy to discuss the question of an interAllied war staff. Wo recognise that Allied interests have been and are being prejudiced by the absence of that perfect co-ordination
      —Straits Times, November 1.  -  1,101 words

  • 100 14 We have received from Mrs. Rupert Mauasseh a complete financial statement with reLrence to tho Belgian Red Cross Fete held on July <lB. The total profits reach the very gratifying tiguro of 86,991. On March 21 tho balance to credit of the Local Belgian Red Cross
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  • 87 14 The rate of mortality in the Sottlemont of Singapore for the weekended November 3 was 34.60 p»-r nii’lc *'..o population. The total number of deaths was 239, of which 161 w*ie um!.; sui-jcc-.s and 75 female. C i-vi..( r l i' lin ed 28, phthisis 28, muid'ia
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  • 1424 14 An officer, who went home some time ago fri m Singapore, writes from the front to a friend and we give the greater part of bis letter because it realises very vividly the atmosphere at the front. I
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  • 384 14 At the Assizes on Tuesday, before Mr. Justice Euden, Toll Kiui Seng, ft Hokien, was not successful with his original defence to charge of unlawfully returning from banishmeat. He contended that he was on his way to Dutch territory v> Lr. n the ship found red and he
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  • 2988 15 jUr. \V. K. SymondB, Conservancy Superintendent, Singapore, has supplied, The gurveyor and Municipal and County Enginet,r” with a very careful and informing article on The Collection and Disposal of KefuHO and Nightsoil in Singapore." There js much information in the article which may
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  • 257 15 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Mossrs. F'ranor and Co in their weekly share circular, datod October 211, stuto: Industrials have again been the most active Hcction of our tuarkot and United Engineers were taken very readily. In local rubbers there is little change to report, and
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  • 41 16 [Tho Straits Times is not responsible foi the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should boar in mind that lottors L ost bo short and to tbo point Long, ran bling epistlos are liable to b< rojectod or ruthlessly cat dowu.|
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  • 94 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to tho lottor appearing in yours columns on October 30 there is yet a simper solution to tbo presentation of borrowed testimonials problem. Let eviry employer retain the surats until the servant leaves his employ it will
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  • 1023 16 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —In yonr recent issues there have appeared two letters from correspondents, both of whom have failed to grasp what is being sought for here, viz good and safe roads. Your correspondents Semong" and M.H.B.”, no doubt with tho best of
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  • 757 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Re Mr. Tozer’s letter in your issue of 1st inst. I presume that the Rest House building wbicb ho so severely criticises is the Government Rest House. This is under tho control of the P.W.D. So are the roads! Yonrs,
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  • 272 16 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I shall bo thankful if you will be good enough, for the sake of poor people like myself who cannot afford to ride in motor cars, to insert the following in your valuable paper:— Yesterday at about 5.80 p.m.
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  • 211 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Holland is in a very serions position nowadays. In order to keep her colonies she has to remain nentral without any doubt. If Holland sides with Great Britain and France, the Gormans will invade Holland and convert the mouths of
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  • 144 16 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—Your correspondent Patron is quite right and I quite agree with him. I and my friends also on several occasions havo been to tho rIiow, but havo snff-rod tho same thing, as the holes of tho ruberoid roofing look like
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  • 389 16 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I am no admirer of Hilair* Rr.ii any other of the prophets who r ous times told us that the enemv J were practically exhausted, but I difficult to credit the figures yon Li leader of Monday. In the
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  • 187 16 Rhutbu’s Tblksrams. London, October 31, 1.45 p.m. Durban Four months of abnormally wet weather culminated in a rainstorm iu which eight and a half inches fell in twenty foar hours. Very extensive damage is reported. The Umgeni river is flooded, causing much damage at Durban, notably
    Rhutbu’s Tblksrams.  -  187 words
  • 174 16 The annual general meeting of .1 Singapore Family Benefit Society wa« at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Satur y< when Dr. J. M. Handy presided. The au report and balance sheot which waa ta read was fully commented on 1 J( L 0 f man, who
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  • 1800 17 The committee acknowledged with thanks following subscriptions to the above fund: previously acknowledged 9168,184.47 Proceeds of the two Supper Dances given by the Europe Hotel, Ltd., in aid of the fund *2,886.53 Collected by McAlister and Co., Ltd. 323 Chinese Christian Church (Presbyterian) 146.96 per Guan
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  • 69 17 KbUTHK’h T«LH(»HAM.S. London, Novotnbor 4, 7.85 a.m. Thoro was much excitement in Dublin yesterday in consequence of wild rumour* regarding drastic measures against the Sinn FeinerH, including the arrest of do Valora. The rumours subsequently proved to bo baseless. Do Valera, who spoke at Limorick on Friday, is still
    KbUTHK’h T«LH(»HAM.S.  -  69 words
  • 209 17 A startling and unusual accidont occurred about threo o’clock on Tuesday afternoon in tho collapao of a godown at 67, Robertson Quay, belonging to Messrs. Simo, Darby and Co. Tho godown was an old building and tho roof suddenly gave way. A number of coolios wore inside at
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  • 1523 18 Tho Infant was sitting in the crazy dugout, that served as A Company’s Headquarters, writing a letter, and sucking alternately at a cigarette and the business end of an indelible pencil. His “tin-hat' was
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  • 60 18 We very gratefully acknowledge the following addition to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for our soldiers and sailors Mr. W. P. Millar $25 Mrs. Delmege (Seremban) $8 The total wo have received since the fund was opened in August,
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  • 105 18 There aro in circulation two issues of the ten cout note. The one issued in Singapore has only the Berios and number od it, e.g. A/1 *****, but in the Federated Malay States the letters No.” aro inserted between the series and number as K/l No. *****,
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  • 1453 18 The up-to-date newspaper woman is as willing to take chances quite as sensational as her brothers of the press in obtaining first-hand news of world-stirring events in order that eager readers at home —who give no thought
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  • 150 18 Reuter’s Telegrams. London, November 1, 8.50 a.mMadrid Manra has been asked to form a cabinet. London, November 2, 1.45 a.m* Madrid: The announcement that Senor Manra was forming a Cabinet has aro storm amongst the Republicans and whose newspapers declared that the co is confronted with a German
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  150 words

  • 2672 19 London, September 19. There has been little to compete for public attention this week with the progress and suppression of General Korniloff’s coup d’etat. Tbe promptness with which it was disposed J lias been a genuine surprise
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    • 49 19 A football match was played on tho St. Joseph’s ground on Saturday between staff teams of the Asiatic Petroleum Co. and Boustoad and Co-, and ondod in favour of tho former by 2—o, scored by Lye Yan. This is tho third win tho A.P.C. have had over Boustead’s.
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    • 213 19 Tbo Sepoy Lines Oolf Club men's medal for October has been won by Dr. T. W, H. Burne. Scores: Dr. T. W. H. Burne 48 48-17=79 W. H. Dinsmoro 45 45 7 88 Tbo Malacca Oolf Club Octobor competitions resulted as follow Mkn's Mkiial. C. W. Fisher 62 50—24=78
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  • 299 19 The Ipoh I’olico aro understood to have made the important disoovory on Friday that a number of forced 91 notes aro in circulation locally, says tho Times of Malaya. It appoars that tho matter camo to tho notico of tho local I’olico through tbe medium of
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  • 1335 20 Onco again the wonderful skill and daring of our aerial fighters are brought prominently to light in a list of honours issued in the London Gazette. Two recipients of tho Military Cross spent an Lour and
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  • 225 20 The British and Foreign Sailors’ Society is celebrating its centenary shortly, and in vi* w of this event hopes to raise £250,000 for the further extension of its work. Founded in the days of Lord Nelson and with Admiral Oambier as its first president, the society
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  • 105 20 Ilis Excellency the General Officer Commanding has rcceivod a lottor from Lieut-onant-Gi imral G. F. Milne, Commander-iu-Chief of the British Salonika Force, referring to a number of cases of pineapples which wore tho gifts of local residents, and were collected by Mr. I. Ellison for tho troops
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  • 1215 20  -  By Capt. R. Austin Freeman. The little, or in some cases great, changes by which the aspect of our country has been so metamorphosed in the last year or two, are apt to be accepted by tho uureflective as merely part
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  • 314 20 The preliminary inquiry into the charge o( causing death by a rash act brought against Mr. John Terndrup, of Mount Austin Estate, was concluded on Tuesday afternoon, when accused was committed for trial, it is alleged that accused while riding a
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  • 174 20 A correspondent sends us the extract from Rallies Life and Journa l 2, page 164:—“From tho hand o 1 Sumatra has perhaps received higher tages and capabilities than Java, but n 1 countries form a more decided contras 1 use which baB has been made of t man.
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  • 976 21 LORD KITCHENER’S DEATH. Was the Hampshire Awaited By U-Boats Axol Bjornsen, a Scandinavian, who rVe d for many years in the German sub mi rine and torpedo boat service tells the following story of tho loss of H.M.S. HampBJ ‘fae discussion about the battlo of Jutland waH a t its
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  • 119 21 Reuter's Telegram. I I London, November 4, 4.55 p.m. Melbourne: The result of the Australian Derby was: Biplano 1; Prince Viridis 2; Broken Glass 3. Won easily in 2 min. 35* secs. Biplane waß at two to one on. London, November 7, 3.15 p.m. The result of the
    Reuter's Telegram. I I  -  119 words
  • 48 21 Tho Honorary Treasurer, Mrs. Ridout, bogs to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the undermentioned donations t the fund:— Mr. S. S. Logan (monthly donation) $25 Two well-wishers 50 Mr. L. J. Godwin, Bukit Klcdek Estate, Tamp,n 20 Mrs. Black, furthor donation 50 •145
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  • 69 21 We had a Reuter messago io our Wedaos day’s issue with reference to the trials a Chicago for fomenting rebellion iu India. W have since learned that tho names of th convicted and tho penalties imposed are a follows G. P. Boehm, Gustav H. Jacobsen and Albert
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  • 269 21 It is proposed to hold a very attractive sale of articles suitable for Christmas presents at the Y.W.C.A. Hall on Saturday, December 8. Amongst tho novelties of the sale will be lingerie and hats. Children will be especially catered for. Proceeds will be devoted to the clearing off of
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  • 347 21 Rbutkr’s Tklkurams. London, November 6, 7.55 a.m. Sir Valentine Chirol, in a letter to Tho Times, making a long review of the situation in India, says: It is preposterous to suggest that Mr. E. S. Montagu foisted a vie it on an unwilling Raj or sought to impose on
    Rbutkr’s Tklkurams.  -  347 words
  • 76 21 Reuter’s Telegrams. I London, November 7, 7.15 a.m. Tho Daily Mail correspondent at Sydnoy says: A rising of the blacks lias tukon place on Mornington Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Tho population of 250 besieged the Presbyterian Mission for ten days. The Rev. Robert Hall was
    Reuter’s Telegrams. I  -  76 words
  • 68 21 Rbutbr’s Tklkujeums. Loudon, November 7. New York: Mr. Hylan, Democrat, has been elected Mayor of New York. The majority of voters in the city and state favour woman suffrage. Tlioro were four candidates for the mayoralty :—The exMayor, Mr. Mitchel, Independent; Mr. Hylan, Democratic nominee, backod
    Rbutbr’s Tklkujeums.  -  68 words
  • 23 21 Rkutkk's Tkleoram. London, November 5, 11.55 p.m. Mr. R.T. Coryndon, Resident Commissioner of Basutoland, nas been appointed Governor of Uganda.
    Rkutkk's Tkleoram.  -  23 words
  • 117 21 Lans.— On November 8, 1917, at Koppol House, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lane, a son (stillborn). China papers please copy. Gibson. —On October 29, at Batavia, Java, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M. Gibson, a son. Hoisinoton.— On November 4, at 26 8, Sophia Road,
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  • 182 21 8iM<»AFoaa, Novkmhbm 8, 1917* BXCNANQB. On London ..Bank 4 m/■ */4| Demand 1/4$ Private 6 u/i l/4|| On Fkanob Bank T. T. 818 On India Bank T. T. 166 On UoN(»NONa...Bank d/d M 22]%pm On Shanghai ...Bank d/d m. 67 'in Java Bank T. T. 180 On
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  • 339 21 SlNOAPNU, Novrmbib 8, 1917, MINING. Value Bu J row 8eUe 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 2.20 2.30 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 ill £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 J1 £1 Labat Minos 6.40 6 05 10 10. Malayan Collieries 11.75 12.25 £1 41 Malayan
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 85 21 NOTICE. The post tree pnce of the Strutts Titles t<» the United Kingdom and foreign countries is #(s a year. Tue post price of the Straits HuJ*et is $14 year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. Tnc subscriptions for shorter periods
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  • 49 21 DEATH. Mrs. Ho Lian Puay, of 70, Trarquornb, Malacca, died on Friday, November 2, at 7.80 u.nj. She was the youngest daughter of tbo late Mr. Liong Jin Clun of i'angkal pioang, Banka, Netherlands Indies, and was only 21 years old when she died. (Netherlands Indies papers please copy).
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  • The Straits Bubget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 53 1 General— Robber Items 1 October Rubber Returns... 2 Popular Planter Married 2 Singapore Rubber Auctions 2 F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 2 The Late Lieutcuaut Keith 8 Meeting* and Reports— Johore Planters 1 Mengkibol Rubber 1 Sungci Kriau Rubber 2 Pulau Bulang Rubber 3 Sumatra Consolidated 3 London and Singapore
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    • 372 1 Mr. A. Listcrman has joined the staff of Semambu Estate, Kuantan. Mrs. Morrison, wife of Mr. Morrison, of C&Dning Estate, has arrived io Ipoh from Sydney. We regret to hear that Mrs. Daly, of Shanghai-Kltbang Estate, has suffered a bereavement by the death of her brother, who has
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    • 1049 1 The following minutes of a quarterly general meeting of the North and Central j Jobore Labour Federation held at the Johore Rubber Lands Club, Uenoang, on October 14, are communicated: Present Messrs. A. L. Bayers, J. S. Beldam, A. B.
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    • 480 1 The report of the Mengkibol (C.ciral Johore) Rubber Company, Limittii. ststtl that the net yield of rubber during 191*> wal 112,7»8 lbs. as against the c*tmiate cl 124.700 ibs., the falling eff being du-. toscrerl H wintering iu the early months cl ttl season, as stated in the
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    • 1096 2 I following report, somowhat belated, Kjust reached us. Apparently the first r J Ben t went astray—probably to the The eighth annual general meeting of the Kongei Krian Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held Kt the company’s registered office, Ceylon Boose,
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    • 569 2 Ayer Hitam—48,500 lbs. Beverlac.—17,989 lbs. Black water. 13,587 lbs. Bukit Clob.—22,500 lbs. Bukit Selangor.—24,110 lbs. B&hru Selangor.— 3,400 lbs. Chota.—20,731 lbs. Dtnnn Dntian.—75,610 lbs. Jcratn.—28,810 lb«. Kapar Para.- 107,888 lbs. Langat Biver. —83,741 lbs. Pilmoor.—36,110 lbs. Rosevale. —12,180 lbs. Selinsing.— 29,342 lbs. Songat.—49,500 lbs. Soremban.— 95,572 lbs.
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    • 359 2 An interesting and pretty wodding took place at All Saints’ Church, Taiping, on October 81, at 10.30 a.m., when Miss Joyce Elizabeth Grace Stafford, oldest daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. L. Uuthank Stafford, of Lowlands, Double Bay, Sydney, N.S. Wales, and of the F.M.S., was married to
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    • 474 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commero® Rubber Association’s 819th auction was held on October 81 and November 1, when there were offered for sale 17,462 08 piculs or 2,828,274 lbs. (tons 1,089.40). Prices realised: Smoked Sheet:— Fino ribbed »118 to 1121 Good
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    • 156 2 For tho period from November 9 to 16 inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and eightpenco halfpenny per lb M und the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable ou an ad valorem basis iu
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    • 865 3 The annual general meeting of tho Pulan Bulang Rubb' r and Produce Co, Ltd, was held on Saturday at tho registered officos, French Bank Buildings. Tho chairman, Mr. W. H. Macgregor, presided, and the others pro rut wero Messrs, J. W. van
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    • 690 3 The eighth annual ordinary general meeting of the Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on September 17, in tho council room of the Rubber Growers’ Association (Incorporated) 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Philip E. Hervey (the chairman of tho company) presiding.
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    • 218 3 It will interest the many friends of the late Second-Lieutenant D. H. Keith, of the Highland L.I., who was recently reported killed, to know that ho was killed while on patiol duty on the night of August 30. He was hit in the back by a
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    • 1019 3 Stock c’ Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fra^S*?*?®. Capital Value Companiis. Prices? cImSLpS"* 1««- >»»• September 24. Ce^T 150,000 2/. 85 60% AuKlo Malay 15,7* xd 10/6 6(1,000 XI 30% *25% Bakap Plantations 48/9
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