The Straits Budget, 2 November 1917

Total Pages: 27
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget KW THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXXI No. 3116 Singapore, Friday. November 2, 1917. (ITARLItNID OVM NAIF A CtNTWY Price 25 cents.
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  • 205 1 iEADERS— Tho French Victory 12 The Merchant Navy 12 Prisoners in Germany ...12-13 Tho Italian Position 13 National Gratitude 13 Five Billion Debt ...13-14 OCAL AND GKNKRAL— Local and Personal 12 Thu Late Mr. Tan Jiak Kim 2 Kent Assessment Board... 2 The War 3 9 Penang
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  • 3422 1 The case before the Supremo Court at a *!a Lumpur on Tuesday was one in which Tatuil coolie named Maruthan, of Sin Mow K-Jtate, Segambut, was charged with n, Pable homicide not amounting to murder, causing the death of another coolie named tllian on the night of
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  • THE WAR.
    • 2657 3 Riutrr's Trlbgbams. French Battle. the CHIEF OBJECTS OF ATTACK GAINED. Thanks to the Troops. Riutrr's Tblbobams. London, October 25, 8.35 a.m. The French communique states: North of the Aisne the German artillery was particularly active in the sectors la Royere, Les Bovelles and the region of the Malmaison
      Riutrr's Trlbgbams.  -  2,657 words
    • 2388 3 Another Battle. FRENCH AND BRITISH ATTACK. Italian Position. Loudon, October 26, 12.20 a.m. Field Marshal Haig reports Tho enemy'a attempted raid last night o&at of Looh was met by riflo and machine |{un fire and failed to reach our wire. Two raiding partiea thin morning attacked our line
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    • 3198 4 Flanders Fighting. SUCCESS OF THE ALLIED OPERATIONS. Italian Position. London, October 27, 1.25 a.m. Fiold-Marshal Haig reports: Operations with limited objectives wore jointly undertaken. Tho tine day of Thursday, with a fane drying wind, promisod improved fighting conditions, but there was a sudden change at night time, with
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    • 3920 5 Italian Position. REPORTS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Flanders Fighting. London, October 2H, 4.10 a.m. Rome: The uowspapers are most confident ot tho army’s capacity to prevent invasion and regard tho resistance hitherto o fie rod as most hopeful. London, October 28, 7.10 a.m. Tho gravity of Italy’s position is
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    • 4330 7 Italian Position. GERMAN MOVE GETTING WEAKER. Western Activity. London, October 80, 2.55 a,m. The Italian newspapers testify to the nation’s stiffening of morale. Party differences are being forgotten. There are striking demonstrations of patriotism on all sides, from Catholics to Socialists. The departure of hundreds of officers for
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    • 2639 8 Italian Danger. CONFIDENCE NOW STEADILY RETURNING. The Western Front. London, October 31, 1.10 a.m. The evening papers again emphasise the soundness of General Smuts’ reassuring perspective, as regards the Italian situation and there is a growing belief that the misfortune may yet be turned to good account. The
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  • 168 9 (Fkom Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, October 31, Mr. W. Pool, President of tho Municipal Commissioners, producing tho draft budget for 1918, said he expected a balance of ?550,000 as compared with 9125,000 seven years ago. Tho estimated revenue is 981,000 in excess of
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  • 44 9 (Fkom Ol’i; Own Coukksi'onuknt.) Penang, October 27, 2.25 p.m. “Our Day” totals are: Penang £109,169, Provinco Wellesley £*7,990, Scottish lied Cross, £5,100. Tho Our Day school sports on tho Esplanade were a groat success. Tho b roe School iiyn rvunls
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  • 780 9 Impelled by pride rather than for military reaaona, tho Germans atill cling to Lena. Hut tho placo ia a voritablo city of doatb. It ia a ruin aurrounded with ruina, stretching for aovoral miloa each aide of it, whoro
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  • 85 9 Mr. W. P. W. Her, the newly elected Hon. Treasurer, informs us that H. E. the Governor has opened the subscription list of tho above charity with a cheque for 91,000 from Lady FiVelyn Young and himself, 9600 of which is for the General Fund and 9500
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  • 387 9 In exerciso of tho powers vosted in him by Section 20 of the Public Emergency Enact* ment, 1917, tho High Commissioner has made the following regulations, which are cited as the Control of Imported Articlos Regulations, 1917, and camo into
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  • 96 9 Kbutbk’b Tklkbkam.h. London, October 29, 12.85 p.m. Commissioner Booth-Tuckor, lecturing in London on problems of India, said he believed tho Salvation Army was the best though not the only euro for all difficulties in India, India was far ahead of England in many respects. Much of her progress was
    Kbutbk’b Tklkbkam.h.  -  96 words
  • 201 9 A Chinese pig rearer of Pekan, near Bidor, had a very unpleasant experience a few night ago, says the Times of Malaya. Kan Khoo was asloop when ho was rudely awakened by the noise of his door broken open. Throe Chinese robbers entered the room and asked
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  • 83 9 Thu rato of mortality in tho Settlement of Singapore for the week ended October ‘20 waH 36.98 per inille of the population. Tho total number of deaths was 265, of whicU 1H3 were male subjects and 72 forn&lo. Convulsions claimed 27, phthiaia 88, malaria fever 41, bori
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  • 349 11 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Share Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co. in their weekly share circular, dated October 24, state: A generally firm tone has been maintained daring the week but scarcely anything of interest has developed. Tho Government have notified that application for Straits Settlements loan
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  • 333 11 The Singapore Police are at present in charge of an unusual and a particularly refractory prisoner. He is an orange-utan of a lively disposition who escaped from custody yesterday and put up a tine tight before being overcome and conveyed to the liochoro Police Station as the
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  • 1619 11 Reuter’s Telegrams. London, October 24, 10.55 p.m. In the House of Lords, Baron Sydenham reviewed the Besant case and moved for tbo following papers: The admirable reply of the Y’iceroy to a press deputation in March, the speech of
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  1,619 words
  • 732 11 Tho report of the Singapore Habour Board for the halt year ended June 30 last contain a tho following:— Tho credit balanoe of income and expendi* taro aoconnt for the half year under review is $1,753,415.82. Of thin
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1129 12 —Straits Times, October 26. By another uaaguiticontly organised attack tbo French huvo gained precious ground in Iho region of Allemont und Matmaison. Even from such descriptions as have come to hand it is perfectly obvious that tho enomy had tnade tho greatest preparations ho coaid to defend
      —Straits Times, October 26.  -  1,129 words
    • 1060 12 .—Straits Times, Ootober 27. Seven thousand men of the British merchant service have been wilfully murdered by tho Germans since the war began. Some thousands of neutral seamen have been murdorod in the same way, and German seamen have had the impudence to issue a statement in
      .—Straits Times, Ootober 27.  -  1,060 words
    • 1140 12 —Straits Times, October ‘29. In Germany the last word in everythin is the word of an Officer of the Army. is the Reichstag as a big debating society There are ministers of the Crown at the head of varions departments, and at time these ministers have glimmerings
      —Straits Times, October ‘29.  -  1,140 words
    • 1138 13 nature, camo to nothing.—Straits Times, October 30. We have held our peace about the Italian operations because wo have found it almost impossible to grasp the nature of the problom they present. Fighting has taken placo on mountain tops, and amazing things havo been done in the
      nature, camo to nothing.—Straits Times, October 30.  -  1,138 words
    • 1228 13 Straits Times, October tfl. It is not our intention to attempt tho painting of the lily or tho gilding of refined gold. Mr. Lloyd Goorgo has paid a glorious tributo to the men of tho navy, to tho men of the morchant marine, and to tho men of
      Straits Times, October tfl.  -  1,228 words
    • 1186 13 must inevitably become bankrupt.—Straits Times, November 1. Three yoars a>»o wo speculated on tho grofis burden which it Hoornod possible (or Britain to U ur. Wo took tho national inoome in orer no HunUiuod a nasty fracture of the war times as two billions of pounds sterling,
      must inevitably become bankrupt.—Straits Times, November 1.  -  1,186 words

  • 86 14 Wo very gratefully acknowledge the following addition to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for our soldiers and sailors Empire Dock, M.G.S. 815 “Tea” l M. P. A., B.N. Borneo 200 We tender very special thanks to M. P. A.
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  • 295 14 The Emden, it may be remembered, sank in the Bay of Bengal, between September 10 and 15, 1914, the steamships Indus, Lovat, Killin, Diplomat, Trubbock and Clan Matheson. Tho raider would probably have secured a much larger bag had it not been for the action of Captain
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  • 960 14 The British North Borneo Administration report for 1916 is an interesting one. The total revenue receipts amounted to 92,130,203, an increase of 9138,136 over the receipts for 1915. A fresh mile stone has been passed this year, the permanent
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  • 374 14 From the Bath Chronicle of August 25 we extract the following. The paper contains snapshots of Miss Brooke, and of the boy she rescued J After a good deal of patient enquiry, one of our representatives has succeeded in ascertaining the identity of the young
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  • 237 14 A charge of hoarding a quantity of silver coins, more than was required for use, was preferred against a nouyia, Neok Guan Kui, residing at 16B, Seang Tek Road, iu Gio Second Court, Penang, on Monday, before Mr. G. C. G. Muller. The accused pleaded not
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  • 2980 15 This woek London ban bad a fierco expo* rienco of tbe firing line. On Tuesday shortly before midnight German aeroplanes came over in full moonlight, peppered us with bn tabs in many districts, and got away
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  • 219 15 Following are the orders of the day for the mooting of the Legislative Council on Monday next:— Motion by tho acting Treasurer—" Thai thin Council approves uu addition of $6,000 to the vote Government contribution to Honpital Hoard, 1262,941, Item 1,
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  • 295 15 (From Ock Own Cokkrhpondk.nt). i’nnang, October 27. At tli«) Cricket Club annual mooting, Mr. W. 11. Thrulfall, who prosidud, Haiti there wore 99 members on active service. Ho paid tribute to thono who had died m the service of their country and expressed sympathy with their relatives, aud
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  • 2019 16 OUR DAY” FUND, 1917. The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the abovo fund Previously acknowledged $180,758.09 R. M. Ezekiel 200 R, Sassoon and Co. 250 Huug Fook Hong Association 10 Collected by Wearno Bros, Ltd.:— C. F. F. Wearne ...$250 T. J. B. Wearne 250 Other amounts
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  • 39 17 [Tbe Straits Times is not responsible (or lie opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that extern must bo short and to tbe point ,onn, rambling enisles are liable to be ejected cr rutlileesly cut down.]
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  • 465 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. —The discussion that took place at the tst meeting of the Legislative Council con•erning the reestablishment of the Queen’s Icliolarship is likely to cause a good deal of ntcrest. It is, however, somewhat disapminting to see that nothing was said about
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  • 1998 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —I quite agree with your correspondents, the roads are a disgrace to the Government and to tho community, inasmnch as the community pays and continues to put 3p with such appalling waste and ineptitude. Tho assessment was increased two years
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  • 553 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,-Almost from timo immemorial there lias stood on tho sea shoro at Malacca facing a squalid and muddy littoral zone an old house with green shutters and greeu balconies. This old residence once tho happy home of a merry family
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  • 366 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —I should like to open your eyosto tho state of things existing on St.John's Island. My housekeeper, whom I have had H years, lately returned form a visit to her mother in Buitenzorg. As tho mother was
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  • 480 17 To t!u> Editor of tliu Straits Tunes. Sir, —The Hon. l>r. Liru Boon Kong liu laid tlio various Asiatic couuuuuitiuH under a threat ilt hi of gratitude by the bold and intrepid espousal of their cause iu the Louislutivo Council. The Allies tight for freedom it will only
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  • 747 18 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I wonder if the gentlemen who run our legislative Bill factories realise what is happening in connection with the present wholesale distribution of land to natives Quite recently —and very properly so—our legislators wero prevented by the Home Government
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  • 1114 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—As a humble student and admirer of tho literature of that able and brilliant writer Mr. Wells Wo can afford to drop tbe H. G." said a well-known author recently), 1 crave permission, through the courtesy of your columns, to
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  • 124 18 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —In regard to the registration of servants of which so much has been written of late by various correspondents, I should like to suggest a means which does away with the evil of borrowing surats to obtain a job. All
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  • 138 18 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —When travelling, lately, through the Moluccas Islands, I unearthed, in the old church, Amboina, tabltts to the memory of the following British officers, who died during the British occupation of the Dutch Indies, viz.:—Captain Henry Blankcnhagcn, age 80, died 30th
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  • 57 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— I have been to tho Ciucrua Francais on several occasions when they screen good pictures, but whonevor there i*rain the roofing of the hall is so bad that one can scarcely find shelter. Surely it is high time now
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  • 311 18 To the Editor of the Straits Ti J I Sir, —Is it not tbe prevalent I sent that a landlord, if he I rent of his house, should first nf.n ai|,e ‘U I the sanction of the Rent AssewL fc k fc* I who will in turn,
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  • 556 18 WATCHING A PUSH.” The War Pilot’s Delicate Task In the Air. Contact patrol is grim work. I! itil bad for the infantryman to have to 11 past’I on the ground below, whai i-, it fcrthciil who have to tly just above it all. atJ wkcl have so large a share
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  • 1914 19 Urn Our Special Correspondent. London, September 6. I If a German submarine or a etray mine Lh not sent my two previous letters to the fcttoui of tho soa, you will have learned Euiethiugi I hope, of Labour conditions and Entiment in
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  • 940 19 (From Ouii Own Cokkkbi*oni>knt.) Malacca, October 29. ‘‘Our Day” celebrations in Malacca—at any rate, the principal ones—aro now thiugs of tho past, but thoy will ever linger pleasantly in the memories of tho citizens of the place. Montion has already been made of the successful concerts which
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  • 271 19 The Army Council has givon its approval to a scheme for issuing to soldiers badges to indicate thoir length of sorvice iu any theatre of war. Mr. Macphorson said in Parliament roccnt* ly that the distinctive marks will be
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  • 290 19 Nows has boon received of Liout. Pierru Duroerin, who wan manager of the local btauch of Banque do l'indo-Chino, at tho beginning of the war, and has neon much lighting in Argonno, Champagne and Artois. Writing to a friend here, he says:“.... All during June
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  • 907 20 Why aro y r a losing ground in tho Netherlands Indieswrites a Dutch correspondent from Java. And tho you is addressed to Britain uud to British manufacturers. "Why not gait) the import trado, especially of all kinds of it achinery, in
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  • 429 20 The Select Committoo for Penang, tho Hon. Messrs. W. Peel, J. Mitchell and A. F. Goodrich make tho following recommendation with regard to the draft estimates for 1918: We are of opinion that a sum of $lO,OOO should be entered to enable
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  • 294 20 Messrs. F. G. Spring and J. X. Milsum write on Vegetable Culture in Malaya in Bulletin No. 26 of tho Department of Agriculture, F.M.S. In a preface to the Bulletin Mr. L. Luwton Brain, Director of Agriculture, F.M.S., writes:—For eomo time past it has boon felt
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  • 110 20 A Malacca correspondent writes A successful Our Day Fote, organised by tho Jasin Lalang committoo on behalf of tho Red Cross Fund, was held in tho grounds of the ...anagor’s houpo, on tho afternoon and evening of October 21. The weather was all that could be desired, and
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  • 1213 20 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held on Friday afternoon. The President (Mr. F. J. Hallifax) presided, and the others present were Dr. Voerasamy, Messrs. M. A. Namazie, Roland Braddoll, See Tiong Wah, J. A. Elius, Tan Khoam Hock,
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  • 188 20 We take from the China Mail of Hongkong the result of tho drawing for War Bonds No. Ticket. Amount. No. Ticket. Amount. 1 ***** $24,000 10 K 0424 $5OO 2 X 0240 8,000 11 T 0490 500 3 E 0132 3,200
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  • 33 20 Rbutkr’s Telhorams. London, October 26, 2.10 p.m. Christiania: The famous Arctic explorer, Sverdrup, has followed Amundson s examp and is handing back his German docorati i for the same reason.
    Rbutkr’s Telhorams.  -  33 words
  • 137 20 In the F.M.S. Government Gazette Mr. L. H. Clayton, Honorary Treasurer, report aH follows on the working of the Memorial Fund during 1916At the b g ning of the yoar the trustees owned six y shares in the Straits Trading CompanyTheso were sold and their procoe
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  • 1928 21 I'be annual general meeting of tho Pusing •jbaru Tin Mines, Ltd., was held on Septem b r 19, at tho registered offices of the company. 65. London Wall, Mr. William Antrobus Umug (chairman of the company) presid°The Chairman
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  • 197 21 London, October 25, 7.30 a.m. The Daily Mail correspondent in the west of Ireland reports that tho police are this week arresting Sinn Fein leaders throughout the country. London, October 26, 7 a.m. A Sinn Fein convention has opened at Dublin for the pnrposo of formulating an Irish constitution.
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  • 72 21 Kkl'tbr'h Tklburams. London, October 81, 2.55 p.m. Tho crisis in Spain is unsolved. A dozen political leaders soe the King daily without result. All attempts at a coalition cabinet have failed owing to tho refusal of the loading parties to act togethor. Bohind this parliamentary ferment is
    Kkl'tbr'h Tklburams.  -  72 words
  • 55 21 The recont inixod doublos Amorican tournament at the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club rosnltod in Mrs. Cullen and Mr. Adlor winning tho A class evont, with Mrs. Braddell and Mr. Darbisbirc second, whilo in tho B class Mrs. McGregor and Mr. C. Wroford woro tho winners with Miss Stovons and
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  • 62 21 Baikvan. On Thursday, October 25, 1917 at tho Nursing llotuo, St. Thomas’s Walk, Singapore, to Mr. aDd Mrs. O. K. S. Bateman, a son. Clakkk. —Born on Octobor 25, 1917, at Honolulu, Hawaiian islands, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Clarko, a son. (By cable.* Haklby.— On October 24,
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  • 181 21 Simqapoen, Xovkmhnr 1, 1917. EXCHANGE, On LoNUfcte H«t«a Bank 4 m/a 1/4# Demand 4/44 Private 8 m/a 2/4/J On Fb*Noa Bonk T. T. 818 Om Inma Bank T. T. 188 On HoNoaoMa...Baak d/(5 29%pm On Shanonai ...Bank d/d m 564 On Java Bank T. T. 180 On
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  • 318 21 Hinoapobn, Natumbib 1, ]91\ MINING. 1 HHUl Value Buyers Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 2.00 2.26 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 41 Lahat Minee 6.40 6.65 10 10. Malayan Collieries 11.76 12.26 41 41 Malayan Tin
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 88 21 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is f.'ts a year. Tne post fre* price of the Straits liwttrt is $U ft yea r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions
      88 words
  • 49 21 OBITUARY. Rbutrk’s Tklkukam. London, October 131, 8 a.m. The doatb is announced of Lord Landosboroagb. DEATHS. Afikamh On October 26, at 214, Orchard Koad, Singapore, Alice Abratus, reliet of the late Alfred Abrams, aged 52. Oabiokl.— On Octobor 27, at tho General Hospital, Singaporo, Johannes Gabriel; aged 56 years.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 62 1 Gbnbral Dunlop Rubber Deal 1 F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 2 Planters’ war Relief Fund 2 Rubber Coagulation 2 Singapore Rubber Auctions 2 Tblburams.—• London Rubber Market... 1 Miitings and Raports— Badek Rubber 1 Muar Rubber 1 Jimah Rubber Estates 2 Mandai Tekong Rubber... 2 Shanghai-Pahang Rubber 8 Pulau Bulang
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    • 79 1 From Our Own Correspondent. London, October 31. The London rubber market has been very quiet, with prices fairly steady. The enrrent quotations are: Fine sheet 2/6 to 2/7 Crepe 2/8 2/9 Fine hard Para 3/3 8/4 The last report was as follows London, September 4.
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    • 336 1 The big deal between the Dunlop Rubber Company, the Parent Tyre Company and the Bcecham Trust has aroused a good deal of curiosity, but the motives behind it seem fairly plain. The whole of the ordinary shares of the Dunlop Company are to be purchased, if possible,
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    • 1403 1 The seventh annual general meeting of the Badek Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on August 80 at the company’s registered office, Ceylon House, 49 and 51, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Alfred R. Warren (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,
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    • 538 1 The statutory meeting in connection wil Muar Rubber, Limited, washeld on Tuesday i the registered offices, French Bank Buildin The chairman (Mr. A. H. Fair), presided, ai the others present were Messrs. J. M. Sira P. M. Robinson, Tan Kheam Hock (director! T.
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    • 1258 2 T )C seventh annual general meeting of the linjah Kubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the Listtred office of the company, Chartered Hack Chambers, at noon, on Saturday. The chairman, Mr. A. E. Baddeley, presided, and the others present were Mr.
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    • 395 2 The seventh annual general meeting of the Mandai Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd, was held at the offices of the company in Market Street on Tuesday. Mr. Lee Chim Tuan was in tho chair, and the others present were Messrs A. W.
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    • 56 2 For tho period from November 2 to 8, incluHivo, tbu value of the hufheHt K ra,lv of rubber la fixed at two tbMmm eiuhtpenco fartl.inu per lb., and tbe duty ou cultivated rubber cm which vxpert ch'ty la leviable on au ad valorun baaia in accordance
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    • 596 2 The following letter, which was read at tho meeting of tho Planters’ Association of Malaya held in Johorc, gives a concise arconut of what tho executive of the Planters’ NNar Relief Fund is actually doiDg. As there seems to bo
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    • 225 2 An experiment in being made in tho Economic Gardens, Singapore, at present of some interest. The daily yield of latex is divided into halves, one of which ia coagu lated by means of acetic acid, while the other ia coagulatod by MeHara. Ilcken and Down with their own
      225 words
    • 482 2 Tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Hubber Association's 818th auction wan bold on October ‘24 and ‘25 when thoro wm otforod for salo ‘20,458 C‘2 piculH or ‘2,727,180 IbH., (tons 1,217.47). Prices realised Smoked Sheet:— Fine ribbed |U6 to 1120 Good ribbed
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    • 141 2 Mossr*. Fraser and Co. bavo jost issued No. 5 of Facts and Figures of Dollar Rubber Companies, a very popular ami convenient guide to dealing* in local shares. i »A correspondent point* out in the Malay Mail that tho price of rubber a* assessed by Government for
      141 words
    • 838 3 The fourth annual general meeting of the Shangba Pahang Rubber Estate, Ltd was held on October 16, at tho offices of Mossrs. Meyer and Measor, 4, Yuen Ming Yuen Road, Shanghai, there being present Messrs. N. G. Maitland, (chairman),
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    • 486 3 The directors’ report to shareholders of the Pulau Bulang Rubber and Produoe Co., Ltd., for tbe year ended June 30, 1917, states Tho balance of the amount due on the contributory shares was called up during the year, the Uth call of
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    • 342 3 Presiding at the meeting of the Selangor United Rubbet Estates, Limited, held at 5, Whittington Avenue, London, Mr. R. F. McNair Scott said the profit for the year amounted to £12,016 13s. 4d., about £250 less than in 1915-16. The falling-off was dne, on the one hand,
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    • 1023 3 Stock SintfaDoru Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser Ao!. Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing PriL* 1»1«. 1916- September 20. Novembei^ 150,000 a/- 85% 60% Anglo-Malay 15/7* xd 10/6 i«/ 6 i,000 £1 80% 25%
      1,023 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 343 4 I I Cl r»“a X -n m o 52 ;o CO The Physician'j Curo for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Effective Aperient for Regular Use. HOTiCi. In contco,,,. of nuinerou.s ua*. tuliout. puroi.useru imiHt »«c the name OINNEFOKO'S" on every botH© d lube). MAGNESIA 5 Th« Universal
      343 words
    • 194 4 ;Uf» "Tl ——i p* After Illness After the racking of fever, dysentery, cholera, colic or bowel complaints, every part of the body needs strengthening. It if not enough merely to take tonics or artificial stimulants, for only bv building-up every part, of the body can health be regained. SCOIT’S Emulsion
      194 words
    • 426 4 A positive paying investment in any t'Msiness, whether large or vnall, is bood PRINTING Its value cannot be overestimated. Your advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to 'its kind. DON'T PAT OUT MONEY for the poor kind,
      426 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 m tr A MR WM H 5 1 1 ■a m MS H i§£ •m M/M WA 'A '/A W r'/V ::::j m yyz H 0 Mi ''///'A V X £jr w a H o WA m n. jT m •SMMjgtf !i“*; ..Jit: K V »I an A ••I® iy..yy
      120 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 The Straits Times Press, Ltd, PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. □TCO-Ltm 1 1 rnmTfrmTrmTmTrrn ri i i rtTi mTJ t riTn-n rnn-mi-rp HOL fill mr w I'* !WPr’ 1 s r < *jr vs i Sfe" <*•. jafeaR s Ir*- >*; r* sri VK\ m aM> §w BP M CM > I
      115 words