The Straits Budget, 19 October 1917

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXXI No. 3114 Singapore. Friday. October 19. 1917. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CEiTUAV Price 25 cents.
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  • 249 1 iaders— Hu German Terms 12 G< rtuan Time Tables 12 World’s Shipping Losses 12-13 Unhappy Russia 13 America in Earnest 13 iolland and Contraband 13 14 ml and Gknbral— Local and Personal 12 Kent Assessment Board... 2 Municipal Estimates for 1918 2 The War 3 8 On
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  • 4314 1 Q Btu llati°n meeting of Klang Lodge on October 9, when Bro. C. Ham“odo Smith was installed by Wor. Bro. E. year VlD Ti^ arrrian aa W.M. f° r fch® ensuing I P iir fcr officerß are as follow jj.‘‘ OT i>ro. E. H. King Harman; S.W.,
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  • 337 2 presided, and the other ’rurnnkl Sau »dn were Messrs. S. Tomlinson Meyer, Qoh Khek Kiam, H. Carpmael. The cases hcarTi BHben »°bn of a controversial nature and tenant. tW0€n The Chairman remarked that th* of applications by owners for tenants was rather
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  • 221 2 The Government Gazette contains tb statement of the Municipal Estimates fo 1918. These propose a consolidated rate c twelve per cent, on houses, lands, etc., oth< than agricultural lands, and a consolidate! rate of five per cent, on agricultural lands with an additional three per cent.
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  • 114 2 The preliminary inquiry > Dt j {lV er the steamer Hung Wan ofi tlic i rt on Thursday, is still proceeding a j ILa vy ed that the fonndoriDg was i between storm which the vessel encoun < v ssel Pulau Ordan and Koala f aar ticc
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  • THE WAR.
    • 3233 3 Rbdthk's Tklkoraiis. Flanders Fighting. H B|j[ NEW POSITIONS FIRMLY HELD. More About the Naval Mutiny. Rbuthk’s Tklkorams. London, October 11, 12.40 a.m. {HpiclJ-Marshal Haig referring to aviation |Hjb: Much work was dono on tho battle■Hut on Tuesday despite a strong gale and Hj c k clouds. Tho artillery
      Rbdthk's Tklkoraiis.  -  3,233 words
    • 2454 4 Another Battle. BRITISH PRESS RECENT ADVANTAGE. Mr. Asquith Speaks. London,October 12, 12.25 a.m. Field-Marshal llaig reports: Improved woatber und good visibility have favoured the work oi tho artillery. There has been much effective counter-battery activity on the battlo front besides bombardments of the enemy's positions and harassing tiro
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    • 3332 4 Help up by Mud. PAUSE IN THE BRITISH ADVANCE. Grave Events in Gulf of London, October 13,1 Field-Marshal Haig reports: Njt o0g standing tho night’s hoavy rain on were formed up this morning. th0 progressed along the entiro fro Ypres-Roulera Railway to our j ut huls* the French
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    • 2014 6 Mud Beats the British. ROBS THEM OF A GREAT VICTORY. The Russian Position. London, October 14, 11.45 p m. Field-Marshal Haig reports: Eastern county troops sncctssfully raided south-east of Monchy le Preox. Friday’s prisoners now total 9,487, including 41 officers. A British air patrol on Satnrday encountered a
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    • 2414 6 Russian Position. I EVENTS IN THE GULF OF I RIGA. I German Socialists Demanding Peace.l London, October 16, 6.5o a, m I Informed circles in Petrograd regard toil Oesel and Dago Islands and the Guff of Kiotl as lost. Nevertheless, the valao of Ribald the enemy will bo
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    • 1830 7 War Cabinet and Army. WARM THANKS FOR GREAT SERVICE. Grave Position in Gulf of Riga. London, Ootober 16, 11 p.m. Tbo Pross Bureau announces that Mr. Lloyd Goorgo has sent tho following messago to Sir Douglas Haig: i ho War Cabinet dosiro to congratulate you and tho troops
      1,830 words

  • 292 8 The following table shows the record of ruthless submarining as it has affected Britain. Sunk. .00 OQ B z? aa r o m j> *3 S 4 S A aj rr eH n Q o fA M a *2 a o W n 3 9! -3 fc
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  • 272 8 ON THE WAY TO TRIESTE. Colossal Number” of British Guns Employed. The chief importance of the advance consists in the Italians having definitely broken the resistance of the enemy on the right bank of the Isonzo bear Tolmino, enabling them to threaten the Austrian left wing. The offensive, which was
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  • 226 8 In the Kajang Police Court a few days ago a young Indian Tamil was charged with cheating, by pretending that ho was authorised by the Rev. W. T. Cherry, of the Methodist Church, Singapore, to collect subscriptions for a supposed orphanage, says the Malay Mail. Accused called
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1215 8 S.C.C. Draw with League Select. A draw of two till was the resalt of the match between the S.C C. and the League Select team on Octobe r 11 and this was after one of the best games seen on the S.C.C. ground for a long time. Altogether a
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    • 64 8 The men *8 monthly modal (stroke) will bi played on Saturday and Sunday, October 21 and 21. The ladies spoon is played 01 Monday next. The gold medal for 1910 17 will t* played in conjunction with the October medal. The following members have qualified Cullen, Barrett,
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  • 468 8 Lieutenant-Colonel Victor Augustine Flower, D.S 0., London Regiment, who ww killed on August 15, wan theyouogest bod ol the late Sir William Flower and of Lady Flower, of 26, Stanhope gardens. He wa» educated at Winchester, and practiced as aa
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  • 1095 9 “Semper Eadem,” writing in the Times of Malaya, after criticising the giving of a black cheque to Sir Edward Brockman at the l ak .t Federal Council meeting for tho development works at Prai, without any questions being asked, or
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  • 316 9 Mr. It. P. Russell, formerly of tho firms of Messrs. Siemens Bros, in Singapore, and now in Mesopotamia, writes as follows to a friend in Bangkok:— It was great news to hear that Siam had decided to cornu in
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  • 158 9 (From Our Own Correspondbnt.) Ipoh, October 14. The Onr Day Rag Gymkhana at Ipoh was held in a very heavy downpour, which almost vetoed everything, but only one event was abandoned. Tho going naturally was heavy. Results of pony ovents: Distance Handicap. —Anu (Mr. Gooch) 1;
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  • 84 9 Friday’s Government Gazette announces the composition of the Housing Commission. The following gentlemen Messrs. W. G. Maxwell, R. St. John Braddcll, J. A. Elias, Dr. G. A. Finlayson, Leo Choon Guan and J. Loruie, are appointed to enquire into tho question of the present shortage of housing accommodation
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  • 756 9 In a Gazette Extraordinary issued on Monday aro published the regulations mado by H.E. the Governor (or tbo control of subsidiary current coin. They aro as follow 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Subsidiary Current Coin Control Regulations, 1917. 2.
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  • 87 9 Wo hear, but for tho present wo declino to believe, that the onorny business known as the Singapore Oil Mills, has been sold to an alien. Months ago a special law was passed, and wo were led to understand that the positive determination of the authorities was
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  • 384 9 In tho Supreme Court on 'l'noeday tho Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) gave judgment in the matter of the trusts of the will of the late Mr. Heury Abrams and tho estate of the Uto Mrs. Mary Ann Abrams.
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  • 300 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s in their weekly sharo circular, dated October 10, state There was a decided lull in operations noticeablo this woek and noteworthy ohangos are lacking, Rubbor shares keep steady and (or onco in tbo matter o( transactions are
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  • 109 9 A general meeting of Messrs. Riley, Hargreaves and Co. wan hold on October 11 at the oilicoH of Messrs. liarkor ami Co. Thoro woro present Dr. Galloway and Messrs. 1*. M. ItobioHoD, H. M. Goldio, D. Miller, W, P. Plummer, A. J. Crafts and T. 0,
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  • 1908 10 Tho tale w’ eh is told below is ancient history now. -.od yet it is ono that ever grows old, ssys the North China Daiiy News. No more vivi t account sorely has ever been
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  • 532 10 Russian papers arriving continue to provide strange and ghastly pictures of mob justice, wrote the Petrograd correspondent of the Daily Telegraph recently. One day four dragoons carrying a large placard with the inscription Comrades, we are thieves was marchod up
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  • 167 10 It is eighty-seven years this week sinco Belgium claimed her independence. The revolt against Dutch sovereignty broke oat in Brussels on August 25, 1880, but Europe regarded the affair as of trivial importance until the insurgents defeated the Dutch force and compelled them to withdraw from the capital,
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  • 744 10 Mrs. Asquith contributes to thn a Cornhill Magazine, under the title nW Double Event,” an account of a chancel/ view she had with the late General She was on her way to Swindon, she sav? try hunters, and jumped into
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  • 86 10 Dr. Koyama, professor of the Agriculture in the North-Easte been (Japan) has for the In three engaged in investigating the m fc of t be of South Manchuria at the r 1 *aid S.M.R. Company. In an interv fxaQjinc d, that the forests he had al on tained
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  • 38 11 IlLe Straits Times is not responsible for ll opinions o t its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that ettcrn must 1)6 B,)ort antl P° int rambling epiHtles are liable to be ejected or ruthlessly cut down.J
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  • 94 11 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. gj r) _A week ago I found it necessary to summarily dismiss my boy "for dishonesty. A few days later he was engaged at one of the principal hotels in Singapore. Had tbe Ordinance regarding the Registration of Servants not
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  • 309 11 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— After reading Mr. Cecil Round’s article in your issue of the 9th, one does not get a clear idea of what he means. Ho begins his article entitled The Significance of War with tho question 'Is Malthas right,’ and
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  • 271 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-With reference to your correspondent’s query appearing in your paper of the 10th inst. will you please allow me to express my opinion in the matter. The correct procedure to bo followed in forming an Association is as mentioned in your
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  • 198 11 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,— Recently an announcement appoarod V? y°ur paper to the effect that Wearne ■jUl^^j^^nnyapQro^addonatedaFord ment of the Penang Branch of tho above company giving a car to Penang Oar Day Committee at less than cost price, and also
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  • 233 11 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—Can you please tell me if the laws of this Colony permit our Chinese friends very noisily to mourn a relation’s death during the whole of the night until five o’clock in the morning This is what tho
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  • 1483 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —1 wish to draw attention to the position of ex-British officers, N.C.O.'s aud men, in the Straits Volunteers. There has been from time to time criticism of the efficiency, or otherwise, of the volunteer forces, and to one who has
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  • 46 11 Ksutsk’s Tslsohams. London, October 15, 8.60 p.m. Tho Archbishop of Dublin, addressing the protestant Synod, said the Irish Convention discussed very grave and controversial matters in a spirit of goodwill which bad grown daily, lie asked their prayors for tho success of the Convention’s task.
    Ksutsk’s Tslsohams.  -  46 words
  • 322 11 Among the many interesting and valuable things contained in the fino n w residence built for Mr. Eu Tong Sen in Addis Hoad is an automatic lift, the first of its kind to bo installed in this part of the world. Lifts in other local buildings need
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  • 166 11 A correspondent writes to tho Malay Mail: I desire to mention a grievance which every traveller must experience in landing from any steamer at the wharf at Port Swcttenham. On arriving at the placo, tho writer asked the coolies down there to have his trunk removed
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  • 116 11 The Gazette uotice impotent* import duties on petroleum and tobacco in the F.M.S. lias been amended by the addition of the follow ing Value means the wholesale cash price, less trade discount, for which, at tho time of the importation of the dutiable goods, Hoods
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1095 12 —Straits Times, October 12. Tboro aro various indications that Germany begins to see t!v penalties of the course she has pursuod. There is much talk of peace, and tho conditions thereof in the Reichstag. There are references to the growing droad of tho economic var which may
      .—Straits Times, October 12.  -  1,095 words
    • 1110 12 Straits Times, October 13. The later sections of Mr. Gerard’s most remarkable memoirs of his experiences in Berlin, prior to the rupture of deplomatic relations, with the United States of America are almost entirely concerned with the question of submarining. In 1916 Mr. Woodrow Wilson was re-elecced
      Straits Times, October 13.  -  1,110 words
    • 1118 12 re€ > would be dire disaster —Straits Ws, Octobor 15. A casual reference in our leader on Saturday to the losses of shipping during the war has brought us an inquiry as to the real position, covered by a suggestion that we have taken an unduly pessimistic
      re€> would be dire disaster ?—Straits Ws, Octobor 15.  -  1,118 words
    • 1072 13 Straits Times, October 16. I Events ruu what one may almost terra a l&ortual course in Ruesia. There is little Itvidoncc of roal settlement and restoration helpline, but it is a good sign that M, I rf still in office and that there are I v,^( °ces of
      Straits Times, October 16.  -  1,072 words
    • 1133 13 Straits Times, Octobor 17. President Wilson has fixed on October 21 as Liberty Day and ho urges tho people of every city, town and hamlet to asnemble and pledge to one another and tho Govern ment tho fullest measure of financial support for the Liberty Loan. Let
      Straits Times, Octobor 17.  -  1,133 words
    • 1024 13 which they sprang.—Straits Times, October 18. Thu incident between Holland and Britain with refer* nee to tranHit of sand will no doubt nettled peacefully an many other and more delicate matters have done daring the pant three yearn. Wo havo a good deal yf |vmp|thy ki Holland,
      which they sprang.—Straits Times, October 18.  -  1,024 words

  • 169 14 A gang robbery is reported to have been committed early on Thursday morning in Chulia Street, Penang, tho victim being a Chinese photographer. It appears that at about half-past four seven Cantonese with their faces covered with white handkerchief removed an iron bar of a window at
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  • 145 14 A meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange was held on Mon* day afternoon for the purpose of confirm* ing the resolution with regard to the alteration of a rule passed at the last meeting. It had been agreed to delete the words and to
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  • 139 14 In exerciso of the powers vested in him by section 8, sub-sections (i) and (ii), of The Agricultural Posts Enactment, 1913,” the Chief Secretary to Government appoints the following officers to bo Inspecting Officers under the said Enactment for tho aroas specified below Mr. F. W.
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  • 1606 14 Tho racing on Tuesday was uot without interest, though the fields were small, and it brought oat a fair attendance. The scratching of the Redfcru-Goodall stable, however, robbed the first day's events of part of their interest,
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  • 2200 15 L lje military correspondent of The Times fetCB |n- tiel) the grim, grey forms of the King’s Lod Fleet loom up before us in these [them latitudes they convey to us a sense lower that no one can dispute.
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  • 342 15 The remains of an ancient Christian Church, a beautiful mosaic inscription, and bones believed to bo those of St. George have been discovered near Gaza by tbe Australian troops with tbe British Expedition in Palestine. Describing tho rosnlt
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  • 86 15 A Malacca correspondent writes Major Sime has returned to Malacca. During last week an eclectic golf compo tition was hold and on Saturday a tea was provided by Mrs. Wolferstan, Mrs. LardUrec and Mrs. Court. Tho competition was wou by Messrs. Hughes and Shervington and small prizes were
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  • 213 15 The local committees throughout Great Britain to whom tho training of disabled soldiers and sailors has boon con filed are now hard at work arranging for suitable courses At the technical institutus audio workshiMis aud factories.
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  • 325 15 Miss Lynch, a prominont American woman journalist, has arrived in Eugl&nd as a representative of the Vigilantes to gather facts which will enablo her to tell Amorica what is wanted to win tho war. The Vigilantes aro an American patriotic
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  • 207 15 Id the K.M.S. Gazette appears the draft of an enactment entitled Tho Town Improvement Enactment.” Tho “objects and reasons” appended Rtato: The question of tho adoption of townplanning legislation in thoso States has boon for some time ander consideration. Schemes for improvement of town areas, otherwise than
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  • 327 18 The property taken by the new Government in Russia from tbo ex Tsar is valued at X 140,000,000, but from this he only was to enjoy the revenue during his life time. A special commission of the Government has been
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  • 91 18 Mr. Gerard, writing of his negotiations with the German authorities on behalf of the victims of their slave raids in Belgium, says that deported Belgians in Berlin managed to inform him directly of their being brutally treated and compelled to make shells. He went to
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  • 482 18 Akutkr's Tklkukavs. London, October 16, 5.55 In tho House of Commons, Mr \i made a statement regarding tlu.V. Mrs. Besant and her associates H,/,!*’ 8 that tho course followed iu nowinV Care<l toted a criticism of the action of ti.fT 1
    Akutkr's Tklkukavs.  -  482 words
  • 95 18 A donation of Guilders 50 to ,t jby Fund has been generously con Sewa Singh, of Patoombab Ha bHe further expresses his mteu coD jscribing Guilders 12.50 por n D j mencing with November 1, 1 f r j t nd® of the war and is of opim°
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 226 18 Sale of Properties, The following properties were disposed of by auction at the sale-room of Messrs. Powell and Co., Ltd, on Wednesday: Eleven residential sites having frontages on Tanglin Road, Chaisworth Road and CM*' worth A venae: (a' Lot No. l.area H--' 1 sq. ft. bought by Mr. T. J.
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  • 1536 20  -  By Archibald Hurd. Victory over the Central Powers can bo secured only by defeating Germany, and Germany can bo defeated only by developing our air power and maintaining our sea power the power residing in men of-war and merchantmen, says Mr.
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  • 165 20 Mr. J. It. C. Lyons, a Barrister in the service oi the Siamese Ministry of Jnstioe, has startled Bangkok by the action he has taken with regard to the Royal Bangkok Sports Club. Since the resignation of the secretary the Club Committee has carried on without
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  • 21 20 Wo have to acknowledge seven books for the Union Jack Club from the Superintendent of Road Construction, Sedenak.
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  • 297 20 Dr. Max Kindler, recently acquitted at the Mixed Court, Shanghai, ou a charge of conspiracy, has asked the North China Daily News to make a statement in the paper on his behalf, expressing his sincero admiration for and thanks to the
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  • 106 20 We very gratefully acknowledge the following addition to our fund for assigns the Overseas Club to provide smokes for oar soldiers and sailors:— S. L. $lO Anon 23.67 Mr. R. Pears 20 Bridge 12 Per Mr. W. Graeme Anderson— Subscription to smokes for soldiers
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  • 90 20 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended October IS was 33.07 per mille of the popnlation. The total number of deaths was 228, of which 148 were male subjects and 80 female. Convulsions claimed 25, phthisis 22, malaria fever 34, beri-beri
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  • 38 20 CocLLiK.— On October 6, at Sourabaya, Java, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Coullie, of the Chartered Bank, twins (son and daughter). Murdoch. On October 16, at Krubong, to Mr. and Mis. H. J. Murdoch, a son.
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  • 125 20 Norris Flbtchrr.— On Juno 28, at Vic, toria, British Columbia, George Fritz Norriseldest son of I>r. and Mrs. C. V. Norris, Singapore, to Edith Fletcher, of Wolverhampton, England. Norris —Hogan.— On October 6, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, bv the Uev. Father Ruaudel, Victor Hugh Norris,
    125 words
  • 158 20 SiKOAro*., October l 8) m? EXCHAMOE Ow Bank 4 Dcmaau 1/4* Private 8 3/4); ()m Fbanob Bank T. T 1 On India Bank T. T, Hohokoko...Bank d/d la On Sbanqnai ...Bank 3/ 60} On Java Bank T. T. 150 On Japan Bank lUOj Sot f-.reigts—buying rate T,
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  • 303 20 Simoapibb, Ogtobbb 18, 1917. MINING. Botok Scltos iO 10 Ampang 5.0C 1 1 Ayer Weng 2.00 2.15 10 10 Kwta Association 7.00 £1 £1 KintaTin 1.10.0 1.17.6 k 1 £1 Labat Mines 6.25 6 60 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 87 20 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is |38 a year. Tie post fres price ot the Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscrip*ions for
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 63 1 Ornrral Rubber Items 1 Java Produce Market 1 Thinning Out 3 September Rubber Returns 2 Singapore Rubber Auctions 8 Thefts of Rubber 4 F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 4 Mkktinos and Rkports— Pndor Rubber Estato 1 Jen:in Rubber Estatos 2 Cicely Rubber 2 Kcmpas, Limited 2 Mergui Crown Rubber 3
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    • 437 1 Mr. B. M. Montgomerie, brother of the late Mr. Love Montgomerie, of Indragiri Rubber Estato, Sumatra, has left for Australia on leave. Mr. Kara Teng Boon, manager of Hock and Co., Kuala Lumpur, has come to Singa pore to take up an appointment in the rubber business. Messrs.
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    • 1828 1 Tho ordinary general meeting of tho share holders of the Bidor Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on August 22, at the Council Room of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 88, Eastcheap, E.C Mr. Gilbert F. Traill (chairman of tho company) presiding.
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    • 161 1 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.’s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, Hupply us with the following report on tho position of tho .lava produeo inarkot for the wcok ending October 12 Batavia, Octobor 12, 1017. Rubber.—Tho rubber market in Hympathy with other markets has slightly
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    • 2218 2 The eighth annual ordinary general meeting of the Jeram Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on Thursday, August 23, at tho offices of the company, Mincing Lano House, 59, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Herbert Wright, chair man of tho
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    • 525 2 The report of the Cicely Rubber Estates Company, Limited, states that the net profit, after providing for administration expenses, directors’ fees and commissions and allowing for depreciation, is £24,557. To this has to be added £5,428 brought forward, making the
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    • 790 2 The secrctaricB contribote the (ollowi n The seventh annual general Kernpas, Ltd., was held at the °j office o£ the company, No. 4 p or Malacca, on Thursday, October ’ll Mr Anderson Pole presiding. The notice convening the meeting havin 0
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    • 1269 3 An interesting lecture, says the Times of M a iaya, was delivered by Mr. G. E. Coombs, Economic Botanist of the F.M.S. Agricultural Department, at the Central Perak Planters’ Association Room in Ipoh, and the views expressed should form a
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    • 243 3 Taiping.—l3,Bso lbs. lndragiri.—lo,sl3 lbs. Suugei Kari.—32,320 lbs. Soengei Rampah. —15,704 lbs. Asalian (Sumatra).—4o,2B3 lbs. Central Sumatra.—B.BCo lbs. Tandjong. —111,968 lbs. Ampat Sumatra. —20,000 lbs. Siaiang.—ll3,473 lbs. Tauah Datar. —13,884 lbs. Anglo Sumatra. —72,630 lbs. Toeraugie. —16,195 lbs. Me ndaris, 22,427 IbH. Bila Sumatra. —7,161 lbs. Malacca Rubber
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    • 1029 3 The fourth ordinary genoral mooting of tbo Morgui Crown Rubber states, Ltd., was held on Angnst 21, at the registered offices of the company, Noh. 3 aud 4, Great Winchester Street, E.C., Mr. J. D. W. Wilson (chairman
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    • 520 3 Tho Singapore Chamber of Commorco Rubber Association's 316th auction was held on October 10 aud 11, whon there wore offered (or sale piculs 18,276.77 or 2,436,903 lbs. (tons 1,087.90) The prices realised woro— Shoot smoked fine ribbed 9117 to 1121 good
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    • 791 4 Following is the report by tho directors to tho Bovontu annual general meeting of the shareholders i;i the Jimah Rubber Estates, Limitod, t<» 1 held within tho registered office of t 1 company, Chartered Bank Chambers. Singapore, on October
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    • 285 4 A charge of dishonestly retaining a ton of rubber, valued at $2,300, haviDg reason to know that it was stolen property, was brought against a dealer named Swee Long in the district court on Thursday. It was alleged that the
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    • 93 4 Tho statutory report of Muar Rubber, Ltd., states that the number of shares issued was 250,000, seventy cents per share being paid up. Receipts and payments are: Rbcmfts. 250,000 at 70 cents $175,000 Loan on mortgage 75,000 Transfer fees 14 Sales of rubber and tapioca 17,035 Interest
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    • 115 4 For the period from October 19 to 25 inclusive, the value of the highest grade oi rubbor is fixod at two shillings and eight pence per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubbor on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance
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    • 1011 4 Stock Singapore Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser 4 Co Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing P r CPH 1916. 1916. August 28. October 18 150,000 27- 85% 60% Anglo-Malay 15/3 10/6 13/ 60,000 XI
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