The Straits Budget, 5 October 1917

Total Pages: 27
1 6 The Straits Budget

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 92 1 The Straits Times Press, Ltd, PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. clu ll crLLLiJ.LLLaxarcccLO o Lfirrrrrxrrin n i W mm m t /n ‘v8: t h <?*■ rtf' W- > -T HP! iw >v m 'U >: > *v n > I < i fe *£4 v. -1- x H ktl. to mm
      92 words

  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXXI No. 3112 Singapore, Friday, October 5. Ist7. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CCHTVRV Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 171 1 uders Urgently Required 12 British Bigness 12 Menin Road Battle 12-13 The Colony Prospers 13 Mesopotamia 13-14 Victory After Vcitory 14 CAL AND GINBKAL Local and Personal 1-2 The War 3-9 "Our Day” Fond, 1917... 9 The Singapore Mutiny 10 The Great Burst 10 Ireland 10 Municipal
    171 words
  • 4293 1 K e r9 S me at by and Co., Ltd., advise Km h 6 folIow n S particulars of the outputs tbe following companies for the month ■I September: Kamunting Tin Dredging, ICU H 600, hours run 577, yards treated Knriri Va uo oat P a t
    4,293 words

  • 610 2 At the registered offices of No. 1 Embankment, Kuala I n r COtapan y Saturday last, the Selangor sixth annual general chair being taken by Mr. J. A* th absence through indisposition of Mr ‘Vu® M. Robson, says the Malay Mail
    610 words
  • 50 2 There is somebody on t jt< 0D the Estate-or somebody who roOD d notepaper of that estate bft prayt r wicked absurdity with its foul and offensi hen t he clj» if the receiver does not ft ont tlie If someone will discove rcali^ the offender it may
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 Singapore Property Auction* The undermentioned properties were «ol by auction at the saleroom of the Louu c Rubber Company on Ved La^ amp eni« noon:—Rubber plantation o j Road, in the district of Teban, area 3 roods and 34 poles comprise in j uD e ture of lease No. 782
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  • THE WAR.
    • 4413 3 Hhctkr’s Telegrams. Britain’s Vigorous Push. I REPORT by sir dougus I HAIG. British War Policy, Hkutkr’s Telegrams. London, September 26, 11.55 p.m. Field Marshal Haig reports: Our aeroSilanes were extremely active yesterday and |Buaile successful raids on an aerodrome and Kailway sidings near Ghent, where a large started,
      Hhctkr’s Telegrams.  -  4,413 words
    • 2071 4 Flanders Battle. REPORTS OF THE GALLANT FIGHTING. Military Situation Clearly Described. London, September 27, 11.25 p.m. F iold-Marshal 1 laig Rays regarding aviation that despite the mistiness and a strong west wind our aeroplanes all day fired their machine-guns on tho enemy iu the fighting line aud in
      2,071 words
    • 5075 5 I The Fighting Lines. I THE BRITISH GAINS FIRMLY I HELD. I German War Policy. I London, September 29, 12.15 a.m. I Kit.Id-Marshal Haig reports: There has Ibttn no further counter attack. Infantry B encounters were confined to patrols. Wo took one hundred prisoners. A strong enemy I
      5,075 words
    • 1713 6 Mesopotamia. A BRILLIANT BRITISH SUCCESS. Capture of Ramadi. London, September 30, 11.45 p.m. A British official message from Mesopotamia, states: We attacked the advanced position at Mushaid, four miles east of K&madi, on Friday. After occupying Mushaid ridge we attacked the main positions in the region of Ramadi
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    • 2709 7 Heavy Fighting. THE MENIN ROAD BATTLE RESUMED. The Mesopotamia. London, October 2, 1.5 a.m. Field-Mar hal Haig reports: Tho onemy launched a powerful attack on a mile front north of the Ypres-Menin road and east of Polygon Wood. The infantry advancing in three waves woro drivon back in
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    • 2404 8 The Fighting Lines. ACTIVITY ON THE ERENCH SECTION. Redrisals for the London Raids. London, October 2, 10.30 p.m. Field-Marshal Haig reports There is only reciprocal artillery fire. Wo twice attacked Gontrode aerodrome on Monday and several bombs burst on the sheds. We also bombed Carniores aerodrome near Cambrai
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  • 336 9 At tli. Assizes on Tuesday, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C a Cantonese Danju 1 ham Loi was found guilty of volanta n*y causing hurt while committing a Jobbery and was sentenced to three years’ porous imprisonment. The trial of a J'iViiP<>8o named Kasman bin Dollah
    336 words
  • 634 9 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above fund Previously acknowledged 962,086.12 Collected by Madame J. de Courtois: Rev. Pere Duvelle ...910 do. Belliot 10 do, Ruaudel** 10 do. Mariette 20 A. Danjou 60 J. Maiuguet 10 E. M. 10 Mr. Lauthier 20
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  • 190 9 In addition to 93,742.25 already received from Jobore a further amount of 9061, Las been received, as per list attached. The total from Johore is now brought up to 94,406.25 for 1017. Johokh Rubbhr Lands, No. 1 Division. Collected by H. B. Burgess:— Dr. J.
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  • 331 9 A well attonded meeting of representatives of the Mahomodans was held at the Victoria Hall on Monday evening in connection with the Our Day effort. Malays, Arabs, Southern Indians, Bombay Mabomedaos, Panjabis, Hazaras, Bengalis, CeylonoHO and Javanese were represented. ThoCulomal Secretary (the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, C
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  • 303 9 On the night of September 28 a goneral meeting of the Punjab and HazardMoham* madans was held at the house of Messrs. M. A. Ahmad Din Brothom, Tailors, Tanglin, in connection with the Our Day." Most attractive lectures were deliverod by tho various members, and prayers
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  • 33 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 28. Tho doath has occurred of Mr. T. Ransome Toby, the well-known mining engineer of Perak. Ho died in Dutch Borneo,
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  • 123 9 A report was givon in our columns of the judgment on an interesting point which arose in connection with the above case, after a lengthy argument by Messrs. R. G. Van Somoron and Roland Braddoll for the defendant, A. M. 8. Angulia, and Mr. T. Dudley
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  • 112 9 Tho following is from the Times List of Honours: “Bar to Military Cross; Lieut. Norman Fieldon Dare, M C., K.F.A, For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to dnty. Whou in charge of a party constructing a dug-out, a heavy tiro was opened on thorn, lie directed thorn in
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  • 2244 11 K r o;n Ow Special Correspondent. H London, August 17. In the statesmanlike and diguifkd speech Mr. Asquith made ou resigning the .'.‘ct Prime Minister he promised that as I j i the Liberal Party ho would give st and sympathetic support
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  • 258 11 Socond-Lieut. Bartley, S.V 1., Malay Co., is promoted temporary Captain while com manding tho company, aud I'to. H. F. Monk, S.V.H., is appointed temporary Lieutenant while attached to the Malay Company. The Governor has approvod of the following promotions in tho Penang Volunteers Lieut E. E. Colman, to
    258 words
  • 104 11 With r< fereuce to the recent order regard itig postal orders on Iudia a special Gazette of Satin day notifies the ainondn < ut ot the order ot DoColnb* r H, l‘J’ 1, by adding afti r tin figniis IIh IT."/ DI(J0, the woidi hut iu the
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  • 386 11 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s Weekly Report. Messrs. Fraser's an 1 (Jo. in their weekly shuro circular dated September 26, state: A moderate amount of business lias boon recorded during the work, although the market was singularly without feature. Tho demand for local rubbt rs has boon well
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  • 249 11 At the general mooting of tho Molay aloes held on Saturday a new Association by tho natuo Kerala Mabaj na Sangham was formed, when the following members wero elected an office bearers. Mr. Y r It. Mcnou, president; Mr. K. I*. Pereira, vico-president; Mr. Fran* cis Noolankavil,
    249 words
  • 141 11 Thu French Consul in Singapore has h« oa informed by tlio Minister of Foreign A Hairs in Farm that, following tlie st* ps already tskou by Germany, and in order to safeguard French interests, the French Government has established a decree, promulgated on September 10,
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  • 55 11 Tlio Oov**rnt:i n'. (1 tto contain < flic t* xfe of Ini ( i^tun/•- for I1)|m jiro\ i.ticj* f i an i ,v .p u iitnro u» xt )i »r of 10 4H2,ltV2. I'Iio Inmost items titfurintf in tin- lint hk*: I'olno SI OV.l.tii", miliary expcndi*
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1345 12 invaded and brutally exploited.—Straits Times, September 28. Tbo Colony ban bad its message. It is torse and conclusive: “All Class A tuon urgently required for military service.” It Bee ms to no beyond tbo limits of tbo question asked which was Whether A Class men who, in tbo
      invaded and brutally exploited.—Straits Times, September 28.  -  1,345 words
    • 1180 12 Straits Times, September 29. If ever a really great and thoughtful author writes of tho world war and the part Britain has played in it, ho will recognise that wo deserved to win because wo had a good cause nnd great leadors. Indeed our loaders havt been greatonough
      Straits Times, September 29.  -  1,180 words
    • 1170 12 more than the oourage of veterans.—Straits Times, October 1. There are features in the Minin Roic battle distinguishing it frciu all that Lave gone before. I’p to a certain point in tie history of this epoch-making war thu tr> ncbil beat the guns. Then the Biitish munilion
      more than the oourage of veterans.—Straits Times, October 1.  -  1,170 words
    • 1236 13 —Straits Times, October ‘2. Tho speech of His Excellency the Governor at yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council very fully and very clearly sets out tho position of tho Colony. In spite of the war, our trade prospers and our finances improve. At the end of the
      —Straits Times, October ‘2.  -  1,236 words
    • 1120 13 nous for tlu luhcIvch. —Straits TituoH, October 3. Wo havo mado a brilliant beginning to an offensive defensive in Mesopotamia. No donbt tho view of experts as to the irapor tanco of tho operations which culruinatt d in tho fall of Uamadi in well founded. It is moro important
      nous for tlu luhcIvch.—Straits TituoH, October 3.  -  1,120 words
    • 1158 14 Straits Times, October 4. Tho year 1917 has entered on its last quarter, aud it will bo memorable in tbe history of British arms. Wo may divido the war, from our own point of view, into three stages. The first dates from tho great tight at Mons
      Straits Times, October 4.  -  1,158 words

  • 88 14 Under tbo Increase of Rent (War Restriction) Oidinanco, 1917, tbo Governor, in pursuance of tbo provisions of section 3, has established tbo following Rent Assessment Boards-Fur tbo* Rural Area of Malacca: liio Chairman, Rural Board (President), Hon. Mr. C. H. Niven, Mr. J. W. Campbell. I'or the
    88 words
  • 402 14 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—Duly instructed by Government, I have the honour to forward to you for publication a second and concluding list of the results of applications made to the above committee. This list includes the cases which havo
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  • 311 14 Tho Lord Bishop of Singapore presided at tho opening of a small ward at the Malacca Women’s Mission on September 25. The Bishop said he was grateful for the response which had been made to the appeal for money for a Malacca Chnrch Army Tent in the
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  • 493 14 HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Singapore Man Fired on I n A Hold-Up. Mr, J. P, Beal, of 83 o r„ n Singapore, bad a most excitiM* 0^'1 UovJ when he was lucky to escape uf tho Bentoug Road on Fridav Mifeon says the Malay Mail. iWrnw K last, Mr. Beal left Beutong
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  • 216 14 Malacca, September 29. Mr. E. B. Butler, manager of the Du,lop Rubber Office, and Mrs. Butler have lt-ii for India on a holiday. Lato on Monday afternoon while a and unloading Chinese coolie was at the Malacca railway station his feel wa® accidentally rnn over by
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  • 131 14 tin Straits A correspondent writes to 1 c ct Echo:—Tho Government t0 Trees Inspector whoso duties anthat no coconut trees are attar to and that no rotten trunks k j M t remain in compounds, as a p|' <- ry tno blooding of beetle*. has been cutting a
    131 words

  • 119 16 The directors’ report to the of the Selangor River 1 l Lo dirtc'or". The accouots, after providing tit secretarits and auditors e 8 154. So on tho year's wMkmg of t on 0 j provision has been made for 1 jj tt oiii‘l buildings aud machinery,
    119 words
  • 8 16 For lie eai<l xJo’lt* vrrt
    8 words

  • 41 17 I The Straits Times is not responsible foi opinions of its correspondents. I Correspondents should bear in mind that ItetterH aiust be short and to the point ■Lon I rambling epistles are liable to be Ifejocted or ruthlessly out down.|
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  • 228 17 I To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir, 1 b?K leave to acknowledge the Receipt of a letter of July 12, enclosB n draft £200, the amount received in ■response to an appeal made by the Rev. Hj b. Cook on behalf of this
    228 words
  • 231 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. sir,—How that the Military Service Bill La* been withdrawn (at least for the time bt in#). Would it not be a fair and expeditious movement to provide some sort of a badge to those that have offered their services in the
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  • 513 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In your leader of Thursday’s issue you take exception to Mr. Darbishire’s recent speech in the Chamber of Commerce on the grounds that it was only an expression of his opinion. You say he expresses views that are inimical to
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  • 342 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I cull the following from the published report of the Hon. Mr. Darbishire’s speech at the half yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. He (Mr. Darbisbire) was aware that there had been a suggestion that highly paid Eurasians might
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  • 322 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —With reforonce to tho meeting of tho Legislativo Council on tho 24th inst., and to the viows expressed by Mr. Darbishiro and others and moro especially to the remarks of Mr. Niven, who stated that ho was short handed
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  • 194 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Would you kindly let as many as possible of your readers know—especially autograph collectors—that a draft telegram written and signed by tho late Lord Kitchener is for sale on Behalf of tho Penang lied Cross Fund. Offers will bo
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  • 429 17 A Scotsman leads the British armies, and with him aro teus of thousands of his oountrymen—hard fighters all of them. Scotland has given of her best almost lavishly, and those who cannot tight themselves strive earnestly to stir tho souls of their fellows or to cheer them in thoir
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  • 105 17 Tho following report of the committoo for tho year ended June 80 will be presented at the annual meeting to be held in the Cricket Club on October 9at 6.80 p.m.: It was not found possible to hold any Club racing during the period under review. The
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  • 132 17 Rkutrk’s Tilbokam*. London, October 1, 1.40 a.m. Poking: A National Council baa been convoked for the purpoHo of drawing op A new election law after which Parliament will be elected as noon as possible. It is believod that thia will have a
    Rkutrk’s Tilbokam*.  -  132 words
  • 535 17 The tenth annual ordinary goneral meeting of tho Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., waa held in tho registered otlico of tho company, Downing Street, Penang, on Saturday, The Hou. Mr. John Mitchell (chairman of directors) presided, and the others present wore Messrs.
    535 words
  • 66 17 Kbutbh'b Tblbokam. London, September ‘29, 5 a.iu. Sinn FionorH paraded at Cork on Thnrs* day night in connection with tho death ot Ashe, mentioned on tho 29th. They atoned the polico, who charged with rifles and bayonets and restored order. Thero were slight casualties. A police guard,
    Kbutbh'b Tblbokam.  -  66 words

  • 1515 18  -  I»y Victor MacClure. His company had been laying a line over what some time ago was No Man’s Land. Tho British Infantry had moved forward and tho guns, q'lick firing and heavy had follow ed up. Ji< i.iml them aguiu came the ruilway
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  • 261 18 Before Mr. Pryde in the Taiping Police Court a case of some interest was brought by Messrs. Stursenegger and Company of Penang and Singapore, as agents for Younger and Sons' Revolver Brand Stout, against three Chinese for having been found in possession of bottle of stout bearing
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  • 47 18 Mrs. Ridout, Hon. Treasurer, bogs to acknowledge with many thanks tho receipt of the following donations to tho fund Capt. Bredonburg, monthly Rub. Aug. ...ftlO Sept.... 10 S. D. Logan, monthly sub. Aug.... 25 Sopt.... 25 H. A. Mason, staff of Lanadron, Muar 84
    47 words
  • 1050 18 Lord Robert Cecil, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, took the place of Sir Edward Carson, who was prevented by indisposition from attending, at a luncheon given by the Serbian Society of Great Britain in London recently to M. Pasbitch,
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  • 478 18 The very large crowd of visitors which thronged the grounds of the Dutch Club u Saturday evening were all of the opinion tbit the fete organised in aid of the British and french lLu Cross Societies was one of
    478 words
  • 120 18 London’s next Lord Mayor. t |,f a Charles Augustin Hanson, s f gmjland seventy. He represents the umo aD gdia® with the Colonies, as Ins utt vl be the lady. The yoar of his now o j V y leaf twenty-fifth of his marriage, f
    120 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1007 19 Tbe Final League Match. What promised to be a tine match on Sept- r -7 turned out to bo rather a dull aff air. IVuver the game went, of course, tho S.C.C. 1 in,ied first and the S.K.C. eecond and perds this prevented the teams from going all Whatever
      1,007 words
    • 466 19 S.G C. v. G.G.C. The following is tho result of the foursome match played at the Race Course yesterday between the Singapore Golf Club and Garrison Golf Club Potts 10 and Holden 13 v. Perkins 10 and Farrant 14, 3 up. Hateman 6 and Sibary 12 v. Smith and
      466 words
    • 87 19 In tho S.R.C. tournament on Tuesday the A Singles handicap final tie resulted in E. E. de Souza,—40, beating W. A. Aeria, —*40, 7 —5, 6—7, 6—4. Wednesday’s results were: Mixkd Dolblrs —Skmi-Final Tih. A. E. Coelho and J. T. Andrews v. E. E. de Souza and V. D.
      87 words
    • 67 19 On tho S.C.C. ground on Tuesday a good game between the Club and a United Services team rosulted in a win for tho former by 2-1. Mr. Lim Koo Saw, tho father of Mr. Lim Tai Leo, bon. vaccinator of the Lam Hua Ee Hospital, Penang, who proceeded to
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  • 64 19 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram, London, October 3, 7 pm. Tokio: A typhoon of unprocodentod violence swept ovor Tokio on Octobor 1, for four hours. A hundred thousand aro homeless, thero are 855 dead and missing and a uumber of injured. Thousands of bouses are demolished or damaged and communioatmis
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram,  -  64 words
  • 69 19 Wo very gratefully acknowledge the following additions to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for ouv soldiers and sailors:— Mr. J. W. Goldthorpo (Kuala Lumpur) |l5 Mr. J. W. Salmon (quarterly) 3 Mrs. G, P. Owen 10 Tbo total we
    69 words
  • 91 19 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended September 29 was 40.76 per mille of the population. Tho total number of deaths was 281, of which 191 woro malo subjects and 90 female. Convulsions claimed 38, phthisis 30, malaria fover 45, beri
    91 words
  • 228 19 A war correspondent rocently reported that German prisoners complained of the shortage of tobacco in tho Fatherland. Bnt the German genius for substitution is again at work with tbo object of finding a way to still tbo craving for something to smoke. When a hardened smoker has no
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  • 33 19 Stbrn-Sbiirstkd. —On October 1, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Madatuo Steen Sebested, a son. Cahapikt. —On October 3, at Clydesdale, Mt. Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carapiet, a son.
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  • 87 19 Nauouton Wadh.— On September 26, at Adelaide, Thomas Ogle, only surviving son of tho late Thomas Naughton, of South Anstra lia, to Mary, younger daughter ot William Wade, Panaramitoe and Fromo Downs Stations, South Australia. Kinmiokn—Nivbw.— On August 16, at Kelviuside United Free Church, Glusgow, by tho Rev. P.
    87 words
  • 179 19 altfvJAt'Olta, Octohhe 4, 1917. EXCHANGE Ox Back 4 tn/« t/4| Demand 2/4* Private b cu i 8/4 Ox I anob Bank T. T. B18 Ox ifcwfA Bank T. T. )58 Ox HoNOKOMa...Bank d/d 28 %P m Ox SflAxoHAi ...Bank d/d C5 Ox Java Bank T. T. 132*
    179 words
  • 332 19 rtutOAPCBa, October 4, 1911. MINING. Buyers SoIIors. 10 10 Ampang C OO 1 1 Ayer Wong 1.H5 2.05 Hi 10 Kinta Association 7.00 £1 £1 Kiuta Tin 1.15.0 1.17.6 Jil £1 Luhat Minos f.ii 6 60 10 10. Malayan CoIIiutilh 12.25 12.76 £1 ill Malayan Tin 1.10.0
    332 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 131 19 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Tim,s to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is (•> a year. The post free price of the Straits Hu J/O't iu year to any part of the world. It is not n essarv to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions lor
      131 words
  • 22 19 DEATH. Toby. —On September 25, in I'ontiaoak, Thonian HanMoin Toby, dearly love hanband of Elvira Toby, of Ipoh; aged 47. (Liy cable.)
    22 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 68 1 Ginkkal— Rubber Items 1 Java Prodnce Market 1 Singapore Rubber Auctions 2 Tbe Roll of Honour 2 F.M.S. Rubber Export Doty 3 August Robber Returns... 5 Mketinos and Rkports— Vallambrosa Rubber 1 Jeram Rubber Estates 1 Nederlanscbe Rubber Maatschappij. 1 Bukit Selangor Rubbor 2 Bukit .lelotong Robber 2 Pajam,
      68 words
    • 176 1 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply us with the following report on the position of the Java produce market for the week ending September 28 Batavia, September 28, 1917. Rubbor.—Tho rubbor market is week and prices for both first
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    • 106 1 Mr. L. F. Macan, of Victoria Estate, Province Wellesley, is leaving for home in tho immediate future on leave. The directors of Bantong (Selangor) have declared a final dividend of 12$ per cent, in respect of the iinancial year ended April 30, 1917, and have placed in reserve
      106 words
    • 1061 1 fields planted in 1912—viz., 882 acres—and the whole had been thinned by May 30, the date of visiting agent's last report. All other field works are in order. The crop showed a large increase over estimate, being 142,644
      1,061 words
    • 385 1 The report of tho Jeram Rubber Estates, Limited, states that, after debiting the whole of London administration charges and all expenditure on upkeep of estates and buildings to revenue, the accounts show i profit on the year's working of JC17.28V,
      385 words
    • 138 1 The report of tlio Nederlanscbc 1 Jj* Maatschappij for 1916 expresses h. at the results. The products of was good and the working expenses below the expenditure, notwit is t^c high prices of machinery, eheiu 0 f The directors recommend ft 7 per cent, on the ordinary
      138 words
    • 2840 2 geventh ordinary general meeting of Rl liukit Selangor Kubber Estates, Limitod, RR® held on August 8 at the offices of the -Ebber Growers’ Association, 3H, Eastcheap, |K. M r E. G. Money (chairman of the Hupauy) presiding. .¥■11)1 Chairman said
      2,840 words
    • 536 2 The Singapore Chamber of < ommoroo Rubber Association’s 314th um uon was held on Wednesday and Thursday when there were ofTurod for sale 15,038 07 pkls. (Tons 895.12). Tho prices realisod were Shoot smoked fine ribbed 91*22 to 1127 1. good
      536 words
    • 130 2 News I i;is been received of ftlio death in action on August 15 of Mr, \V. 11. Thirl well, Into of Rraunston Estate. Mr Thirl well obtained a commission in the Hast Surreys, but had latterly been attuchod to a machineU’tm corps. Ifo was awarded the
      130 words
    • 918 3 Tho Seen tary communicates the follow ing Tho seventh annual ordinary general mooting of the l>'i! it .lelotoug Rubber Estates, Ltd., was I i iu at the Company oflice ou Friday, Sep'ember 14, at 12 noon, Mr. Tau Cheng Lock
      918 words
    • 750 3 The secretaries communicate the following An extraordinary general meeting of Pa jam, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, Gresham House, Battery Hoad, Singapore, on Lriday, September 2H, at twelvo noon, with the object of increasing the capital of
      750 words
    • 615 3 Tho directors’ report to the shareholders in tho Murgui Rubber Estates, Limited, for tho year ended Juno 30,1917, is as follows:— Tho net profit for the year as shown by tho profit and loss account amounted to $46,801.78 as compared with
      615 words
    • 434 3 KEMPAS RUBBER. Final Distribution of 15 p er c ent. Proposed. The report by the directors to tho sevens ordinary annual general meeting of Limited, to bo hold on Thursday, c toh», P n at 12 30 p.m., at the registered office of the company, 4, tort Km,*, Malacca, sta
      434 words
    • 121 3 For the poriod from October 5 to 11, >» f elusive, tho value of the bj«ko "j D j n o rubber is fixed at two shil i g tD pence one farthing per lb., n< j ut y 13 cultivated rubber on winch■ p cort
      121 words
    • 4622 4 I T )0 second quarterly general meeting of a members of the Malaya Peninsula Agri- 1 Association was held at the Krian 1 b ou Sunday, says the Straits Echo. The tendance was a record one and included n following
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    • 268 5 Inch Kenneth.—40,650 lbsGlenshiel.—42,680 lbs. Kajang.—32,300 lbs. Sungei Ramal Syndicate.—18,960 lbs. Connemara.—1,005 lbs. F.M.S. Rubber.—171,000 lbs. K.L. Rubber.—154,000 lbs. Tanjong Malim.—129,000 lbs. Kuang.—27,600 lbs. Bungsar Estates and Dev. Co.—20,000 lbs. Sedgeley (F.M.S.).—8,500 lbs. Yarak.—8,915 lbs. Malaya General.—62,000 lbs. Sedenak.—49,913 lbs. Mengkibol.—25,445 lbs. Kluang.—12,000 lbs. Pontian.—7,900 lbs. S S.
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    • 1032 5 Stock c.* Issuod Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange e. n 8*pore Capital Value Companies. P r g Co.', !916. 1918. Au g «Tl7. 1 150,000 2/. 85% 60% AngloMalay 16/. 10/6 60,000 £1 30% 25%
      1,032 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 IMPO-V. NOTtUi. -7 o m Z -n m $2 33 CO The Physioian’a Cure for Gout, Kheuni.itic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Effective Aperient for Regular Use. In consequ. r of numerous uiu* tationn purchasers inuBt see t he name “DINNEFOftD’S” on every botMa a d label. MAGNESI The
      285 words
    • 245 6 Poor Health To face the dangers of weakness *ind disease with a weakened constitution, is to liken oneself to th*» captain who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the stuim. In born cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of weight and lack of
      245 words
    • 423 6 A positive paying investment in any business, whether large or small, is PRINTING Its value cannot be overestimate ed. Your advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. DON'T PAT OUT MONET for the poor kind,
      423 words