The Straits Budget, 12 May 1916

Total Pages: 28
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 Owing to shortage in supplies of coloured paper, the cover of the Straits Budget is for the time being printed on white paper. The customary coloured cover will be resumed on receipt of fresh supplies.] A NEW SHIPMENT OP GOLOFINO CIGARS Bouquet Finos at $14.00 per 100. GOLOFINO CIGARS Perfectos
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  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXX No. 3039 Singapore. Friday. May 12. 1916. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 265 1 LEADERS— Five Millions of Men 12 German East Africa 12 For Our Country and its Cause 12 13 The German Noto 13 Germany in Future 13 Aeroplanes Obtained ...1314 Local and Gknhral— Local aud Personal 12 Legislative Council 2 Aeroplanes Obtained 3 Cipt. Russell Grey in Mesopotamia
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  • 4138 1 t ollender named Kwok Chin Guau U i',- 1 1 cx, ,u plary sentence for theft in Court this morning. y 1 y "f stealing a purse containing was sentenced to six months’ iind twenty strokes, to bo I,.i r two years police supervision. hi w< r,;
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1470 4 Irish Rebels. SEVERAL OF THE LEADERS SHOT. Rioting in Germany. London, May 3, 2.15 p.m. General Sir J. G. Maxwell, whoso conduct of the operations has given the greatest satisfaction, has issued an Order thanking the troops for their splendid behaviour under trying conditions daring the street lighting.
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    • 1937 4 French Progress; RECOVERING THE VERDUN POSITIONS. Zeppelin Wrecked. London, May 4, 12.35 a.m. Paris, communique: There was a violent bombardment in the Avocourt sector. Gur troops made a brilliant assault at tho close of the afternoon and carred a German position northwest of Morthomme, capturing about a hundred
      1,937 words
    • 4349 5 Verdun Position. "«RE SAVAGE BUT FUTILE EFFORTS. ‘itirmany and America. London, May 5, 4.25 p.m. i 1 r,■ "-•nmuuiquo There have been -,vj i( P‘ rations except west of the Meuse w 1 :l( st violent German bombardment b! *»y a strong attack which was t!, tr "ulsed
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    • 1925 6 French Command. VERDUN BATTLE VICTOR PROMOTED. Peace Rumours From America. London, May 8, 1.50 a.m. Paris: General Petain has been promoted to be Commander-in-Chief of the central armies, from Soissons to Verdun inclusive. General Nivelle suceeds to the command of the special army at Verdun. General Nivello, the
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    • 1921 7 Wilson’s Reply. TEXT OF THE NOTE TO GERMANY. Favourable Turn at Verdun. London, May 9, 6.45 p.m. Washington Following is the text of the American Note :—The Note of the Imperial Government, dated May 4, has received careful consideration. It is especially noted as indicating the future purpose
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    • 1914 7 The British Fleet. 9 BALFOUR’S REASSURING STATEMENT. Military Service Bill. London, May 10, 1.5 p.m. A moat reassuring statement of tho British naval position is contained in a letter from Mr. Balfour to the Mayors of Lowestoft and Yarmouth. After pointing out that tho damage done by German
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    • 146 8 A good game, resulting in a win for the visitors, was seen on the S.C.C. ground on Tuesday afternoon between the Club and a team representing the Shropshires. The teams were: Shropshires.—Pte. Robinson Capt. Morris and L.-Corpl. Carter Pte. Anson, Pte. liaseley, and Corpl. Abbott; Lieut. G. L. Peace.
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    • 482 8 The May Bogey competition of the Singapore Golf Club was competed for on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a tie between Messrs. R L. L. Braddell, F. S. Gibson and J. A. Dean. Thirty-five cards were taken out, and the following were returned. R. L. L. Braddell scr.
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    • 92 8 The May spoon of the S.L.R A. was won by Mrs. Whittle, the scores being: a -j g S t S A b Mrs. Whittle 32 21 53+14 4 5 67 4o l’ayno 32 27 59 8 24 67-24 Oldham 27 23 50 17 67 Miss Kerr 31
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  • 303 8 Sapper Stephen Kelley, of the 3rd An«.‘.ra lian Light Horse (now in London Buffering from wounds*, is a man of remarkable gifts as a water diviner. At Suvla Bay Sapper Kelley responded to a call for a display of bis special powers
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  • 106 8 Recently wo published an apP ea w jji C h of the Charing Cross Hospital, L<>u< is making spocial provision 0 D ,j* soldiers and sailors. We were a > n oW fow subscriptions from here, ,IU tt for gratefully acknowledge a bilU itis l]er X6
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  • 331 10 It will be* of interest to his many friends to hear that Mr. Tan Boon Chin has retired from the employ of the firm of Messrs. Guthrie aud Co., Ltd after a continuous service of 48 years. A correspondent
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  • 125 10 Tho proprietors of tho Singapore Diocesan Magazine and all who are, in any way, associated with its production are to be congratulated upon the success which is atteuding their efforts to advance church work, cite., in tho diocese, consisting of tho Malay Peninsula, Siam, Sumatra, Java and
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  • 847 10 (I-'kom Olk Own ChkkzsI'«ni»kxi.) Kuala Lumpur, May I. Mr. A. K. E Hampshire has returned from his trip tn Japan having been away for a coupk of mouths. lie looks all the better for his holiday. Mr. It. J. Falgar has returned to Kuala Lumpur from Penang,
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  • 963 10 One of the most interesting questions which is stirring the public mind at present, write s a correspondent iu Tho 1 tines, is the effect which the war will have on the future of the Jews. The Turkish
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  • 529 10 One of Singapore's oldest bu-iuuss I who is retiring after nearly fifty ytars I the Colony, received a tribute etc-stti* I from the members of his staff on s a turd»v I afteruoou, when a handsome silver Jabinc
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  • 217 10 Referring to the death at I poll ot l at the age of 82. a correspondent to *l> the late Mr. Blaze was well-known. r that abont 41 years ago, the decease carue from Ceylon, was apothecary in' of the Government Hospital at l a 1
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  • 916 11 m ci uipallies concerned have given the v p Daily News the following statement of V, position in regard to the demand by the U .d i Coast Officers’ Guild for recognition l j, t body entitled to speak
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  • 336 11 (Fhom a Cokkksi’onoknt.) Trengganu, May 6. Yesterday, the people of rrenggauu witnessed an unique spectacle. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the inauguration of the Chinese school, the pupils, about 50 children, turned out iu military stylo, armed with toy rifles, and marched to the
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  • 198 11 The largo inciease iu cases of theft of zinc and other metals led to the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. G. G. Seth, pressing for a heavy sentence in a charge of this nature iu the second police court on Wednesday. Supt. T. Leonard, iu charge of
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  • 122 11 Mesars. J. lfoy, A. C. Perkins and A. II. Flowerdew have kindly invited the members ot the F.MS. Chamber of Mines to visit their respective mines as under —French Tekka on Sunday, dune ‘25, Malayan Tin Oredging Co. on Sunday. September 24. Tronoh South, Ltd., on
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  • 1351 11 When we read Oriental Tui. s written for Occidental consumption, some ot uh ful unconvinced,—something is lacking. Perhaps an analysis of this something would reveal the fecliug that tho wrong motive is assigned to native ways ot thought and word "and
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  • 203 11 In a letter to a Kuala Lumpur reHident, Brig. General A. I*, liubback, mentions that lie has been given command of one of tlie old brigades of the British Expeditionary Force, every battalion being a Regular one. lie is kept very busy from about fi a.m.
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  • 150 11 As Mis Excellency the Governor announced only a short time ago, says the llongkoug Dally Press, that everyone in the Colony had now enrolled in one or other of the defensive fortes except those who were either medically unlit or exempted with his approval for special reasons,
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1120 12 -Straits Times, May 5. The naval ami military effort of the Empire exceeded five millions of men Mr. Asquith said in reply to some critics of the Government a duy or two ago. That is a gigantic total to have been accomplished without compulsion, and at
      -Straits Times, May 5.  -  1,120 words
    • 986 12 such dan-jers at its very doors v Times, May 6. ri;1 Early in the present war an attack was made on Tanga, in German East Afiica, aud m a small way it proved somewhat disastrous, but under tbe brilliant leadership of General Smuts we are now masters
      such dan-jers at its very doors ' v Times, May 6. ri;1'  -  986 words
    • 1099 12 —straits Times, May 8. We repeat to-day the announces at aa j the appeal we made on Saturday r funds to complete the cost of u 0 aeroplanes to be presented to the 1 Jp,. Government through the Malayan Aircraft Fund. That Fund has
      —straits Times, May 8.  -  1,099 words
    • 1026 13 Straits Times, May 9. "'0 far we are able to judge, the German Bute to America is a mere evasion of the cr icial points at issue. One report states -hat Germany promises that merchantmen •vuhin ur without the war zone shall not be iG' without warning
      Straits Times, May 9.  -  1,026 words
    • 1219 13 Straits Times, May 10. We are not sceptical as to the success of the Allied arms. It seems to us as we study the Hpirit of Franco, Russia aud Britain, that these nations ate resolved to win ovon if tineffort brings them to tho verge of bankruptcy
      Straits Times, May 10.  -  1,219 words
    • 1238 13 .--Straits Times, May 11. So wo arc finally numbered with tho—banned- Tho select cotorio which decreed that it was confounded impertinence of Mr. Alma (taker to do anything for his country, is fully persuaded that we ought to be tarred and feathered for presuming to raise our voice
      .--Straits Times, May 11.  -  1,238 words

  • 291 14 The report of the l’euany Harbour Board for tho half-year ended December 31, 1915, states that tho revised tariff of charges which in many items shows an increase has not been issued as it is considered inadvisable to increase tho charges during the continuance of the war.
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  • 117 14 The report on the income and expenditure o; tho Education Board for 1915 shows that the amount of Education rate ..from the Municipalities and Rural Boards of the .■straits Settlements during the year 1915 was 17(),H7H.H8. School fees amounted to $61,367.50, or $4,732.50 less thnn the amount
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  • 744 14 Before Mr. ilazeland. at the Hongkong Magistracy on April 27, Captain Rodway, oi die Blue Funnel steamer Pyrrhus, was charged with having the harbour without his ship having first been examined by the police. Mr. A. M. Preston (for the defence) pleaded
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  • 86 14 The Spanish steamer Legazpi whicn arrived at Colombo from Barcelona, on April 27, on her voyago to Singapore, was refused coal by the local authorities ou the ground that her papers were irregular 's the vessel had only a limited amount of coal on board, the
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  • 596 14 ENEMY TRADING. Prohibitions in Netherl and E ast Indies. Tho Government tiaz tti i issued ou Monday atternu.u cuilt UOr liD r J clttiuakioo prohibiting tradino *,>, persons, or bodies of persons n 7 Ctt mitionahty or enemy a (U^J auo Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador countries in Central and South i<
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  • 50 14 Messrs, Latham aud Co. r r tht following particulars of o,,t l iu month of April No .ll»mI«e. So.*'* 6-4 h Hours run <iy,ooo Cubic yards treated 10‘J,OU' > Tin oxide produced, go~h!‘i piculs 7J7.0' in Total piculs !-i ui* Working costs 0(Vt O Realised ou
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  • 1135 16 At the twenty third annual genera) meeting <>f the shareholders of the company, hold at Winch* ster House, Old Rroad Street, London, K.C., on Tuesday. April 1, R. J. liltick, Knq.. th<‘ chairman, presided. The t'haii loan: Ladies and
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  • 383 16 The thirty-fourth annual report of the board of directors of the Indo China Stoarn Navigation Co.. Ltd says Trade in both North and South China during the year opened under normal conditions, but as the year progressed general improvement set in, due iu
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  • 147 16 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.’s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis l’oek and Co., Singapore, supply uh with the following report on the position of tho Java produce market for the past week Batavia, May 5, 1916. Lubber market prices havo decliued considerably and tho position at closest business
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  • 639 16 A correspondent writes to the Bangkok Times from iho Peninsula Lately article's have appeared iu the Pinaug Gazette and in Australian papers drawing attention to miniug activities iu Southern Siam. So far as I hav* seen, nothiug lias yet
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  • 106 16 riie rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended April 29 was 32.44 per rnillc of the population. The total number of deaths was 218, of which 159 were male subjects and 59 female. Convulsions claimed 25, phthisis 28, malaria fever 32, small
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  • 76 16 For the third and last time the Chief I dice Officer wishes to draw the attention of motor car owners to the new rule 34, under the Motor-Car Ordinance of 1911, published in the Government Gazette of February 25 last, which fixes the position of the
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  • 816 16 ri»m Our Special Cam,^ London, M ar ,.i In spite, of the most sovem w L riencod foe- forty years. wLict h?' d interfered w,tl, mai i Krug, communication, tlic stock Kv»i ttll r »Pk't .|uite a Rood weeks busingsZS markinits of transactions l„
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  • 1081 17 I wntiful, tranquil scene was enacted on I moruinK of March 81, in Westminster ■HL v when Mr. Balfour unveiled a memo- i bust of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, the work ■*1. j 0 n Tweed. Just after the 10
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  • 219 17 A novel suggestion was made at a meeting of tho Royal Statistical Society recently by Lord George Hamilton, who presided. Referring to the need for making good the human wastage due to tho war, he pointed out that a large number
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  • 203 17 A special correspondent at the Italian front writes to the Morniug Post, describing G*>rz as the heart of the Italian War and the main objective of the Italians, who are fighting heroically from Switzerland to the Adriatic. 200,000 picked Hungarian soldiers, with the boldest and
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  • 108 17 Steamers arriving in Peuang on tho 7th inst reported bad weather ill tho Indian Ocean, The Eastern Shipping Company’s Perak which is now on tho Monlmein run, had a nasty time of it. On the day previous to her leaving Monlmein, says tho Straits Echo, a message was
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  • 135 17 Rkutru’s Tklkuham. London, May 4. In tho House of Commons, Mr. Asquith said he hoped to arrange an cany date, for the discussion of the Daylight Savmg Rill. The Rt. Hon. H. L. Samuel has written to Sir Henry Norman, who I: is giveo notice of motion on
    Rkutru’s Tklkuham.  -  135 words
  • 96 17 Rbutkr’s Tklkokam. London, May 5, 4 35 a m. Washington: An agreement bus been reached providing for tho co-operation of the Carran/istas and the American troops in clearing Northern Mexico of bandits. London, May 7, 1.80 a.m. A detachment of American cavalry surpris ed a large number of Vilhsta
    Rbutkr’s Tklkokam.  -  96 words
  • 97 17 Rkutkk’s Tklkoakm. London, May 5, 5 p.m. Mr. Asquith unveiled the Scott Momorial at St. Paul’s. London, May 5, 5 p.m. Tho organisers of tho Shackleton expedition have practically given up hope of the Endurance arriving at Bnenos Aires this season. It is therefore felt that steps must
    Rkutkk’s Tklkoakm.  -  97 words
  • 89 17 Rkutkh’s Tklkokam. London, May 9, 2.5 a m. In a speech at a mooting of representatives of cano sugar producers in India, Egypt and other parts of tho Empire, in the Caxton Hall, Mr. Hughcn said he had no doubt that tho Empire could produce all
    Rkutkh’s Tklkokam.  -  89 words
  • 60 17 Rkutkk’s Tklkokam. London, May 6, 1.55 p.m. Sir John Prescott Hewett and Mr. Hugo Hirst applied to tho Chancery Division for an injunction restraining Mr. Walter Nockolds from publishing in any prospectus of the Nitrato of Thorium Company a statement that plaintiffs had consened to join the board of
    Rkutkk’s Tklkokam.  -  60 words
  • 45 17 Rkutkk’s Tklkokam. London, May 4. In tho Houso of Commons, Mr. Asquith said the Govornmont had adopted the Commission’s recommendation regarding froe diagnosis for the treatment of venereal diseased but did not promise legislation on the other recommendations owing to their controversial uaturo.
    Rkutkk’s Tklkokam.  -  45 words
  • 94 17 Hkltkk’s Tklkorami. London, May 8, 4.5 > p.m. Tho race for the Two Thousand Guineas resulted Clarissius (100 to H) 1. Kwaugsu (10 to 1) 2. Nassovian (20 to 1) 8. Seventeen ran. Won l»y thro* <jnarters of a length; half a length between second and third. London,
    Hkltkk’s Tklkorami.  -  94 words
  • 220 17 A distinction much coveted by police in al parts of His Majt sty’s dominions lias come to Singapore through the gallant couduct of 11.I 1 C. Mihomtxl All Min Nuli (154), who on Wednesday morning, in the presence of his otlicers aud comrades, received the King's Police Medal
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  • 111 17 A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Wednesday contains a notification against the exportation to all destination except tho United Kingdom, Mritish Possessions and Protectorates of certain chemicals and drugs, certain silks and silk manufactures. Also restricted exportation of leather, linen thread, rock crystal, spices, starch; acetic
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  • 146 17 The useful nature of the war services which are being rendered by Indians in South Africa is brought out in the report for last year of the protector of Indian Immigrants in Natal, which has now reached India. In all 2!J7 Indians were recruited in Natal
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  • 133 17 Congratulations to Lieut. Colonel the Hon. A. H. Adams, lie touches life in Penang at so many points, says the Straits Echo, that there is not a community, or any section of it, which will not extend to him the heartiest felicitations on his
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  • 99 17 OBITUARY. Hkltkk’s Tklkohams. London, May 5 5..MO a.iu. The death is announced of Admiral Lord .John Hay, London, May 8, '> p.m. The death is reported of Dr. 1 >«»rk Bos, the Dutch Liberal democratic loader, aud uu authority on the Dutch Last Indies. DEATHS. Tan Pk< k Gkok.—
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  • 41 18 |The Straits Times is n*>t responsible for the opinions of its cnrrespondi nts. Correspond! nts should bear in mind that letters must be short and to tins point. Long, rambling epistles mo liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.
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  • 624 18 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —The laGovernment Gazette Extra Ordinaiy increased the price ol chandu from $0.50 to $s .»<) pi r taLiI. This increase would no doubt deter the future generations from Indulging in the h.ffiit of opium smoking which is
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  • 425 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I wonder where our Municipal Commissioners live? If they live in Tanglin, as some of them do, 1 feel almost certain that they are careful to keep to their houses until certain evil smelling conveyances of theirs have finished their work
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  • 300 18 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In their share report, dated the 4th inst., Messrs. Fraser and Co. report A few Eastern holders of sterling shares are taking advantage of the opportunity to sell through the Slock Exchange and invest proceeds in British war securities, which lias
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  • 164 18 The Rangoon Times says:—ln November, 1911, a man, giving his name as U. I>. Ritchie, and representing himself as the publishing agent for the F.M.S. and S.S. Advertising Agency, weut to Mr. M. D. Maricar, of Mogul Street, Rangoon, aud telling him that he could have a
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  • 101 18 The steamer Glenogle which has just left here for China has been for seventy (lays in Hongkong under repair duo to the lire which occurred in a hatch last January. Capt. Michie speaks in high terms of the heavy work performed by tho officers, crow and
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  • 787 18 A telegram received from Buenos Ayres s tlmt the F.ndurance, which left there on 1911, with Sir Ernest ShackI* ton and tie- membt rn of histrans Antarctic expedition fi*r the South, is expected daily to return to the Argentine port. Slu-
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  • 78 18 The chief of tho Java Postal Service is now busily engaged on estimates for the establishment of a wireless station at Bandoeng, which ho has been requested by the Governor General to draw up immediately. These will bo completed with tho least possible delay and forwarded to
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  • 436 18 SINGAPORE PROPERTY SALE. Leasehold Land in Bukit Ti mah District. The following properties were <}j snr hy auction at Messrs. Chiog K,. UI) I of Co.'s sale room on Monday* was a large atti udance of purchaser, i• hold laud at Bukit Timuh U, i ru acres 1 rood
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  • 310 18 The two following Utters appear at the end of the aunual report of the Shaugbai Chamber of Commerce and, the Committee state, are merely published for the purpose of record Shanghai, May 13. 1915. Sir,—I have the honour
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  • 2034 19 Oii; Own t’OKUK.SI'oNnKN r.) Malacca, May 10. p,*i6 championship title of tho nub tennis tournament G. Beatty V up) met F. Sal/man (the holder of 11,1 tl! try conclusions for the title. ms play ou both sides Beatty to Sulziuan, 6 3, 5 -3. 1 v b«* *4
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  • 184 19 Chua Ah Kow, who is charged with having 160 five dollar notes in his possession and offering them for sale, and who was arrested on Sunday, was brought up in the third police court on Thursday. Mr. Cobbett represented the accused, who chose to make a statement which
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  • 162 19 A call was recently made from Army Headquarters, India, for a number of Chinese carpenters for the military works department of Expeditionary Forco D in Mesopotamia. Tho communication regarding them received in Rangoon stated that applications should be made at once to the Garrison Engineer, Rangoon, Voylo
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  • 12 19 Woklz.—On May 7, to Mr, and Mis. W Wool/., a son.
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  • 176 19 SlN'»4eoill, Miy It. 1916 HXCMANdE. Gw Bom < Bank 4 Di/s *2/445 Demand 2 4J Private 3 uu/B 2/4},? <(\ Fkan* k... ..Bank T. T. 326 On India ..Bank T. T. 174; i On Honokono...Bank i/d 4 dis I On Shanghai ...Bank I 1 74} On Java
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  • 364 19 Singapore, May 11 1916. MINING. Value Bu V ers “‘’“e™10 10 Arnpang 0.00 7.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.85 0.50 10 10 Bolat 1.H5 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.(0 1.05 1 1 10 Kinta Association 5.00 X1 XI Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 £1 XI Laliat Minoa 0.00
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 147 19 NOTICE. I’ho (Hist tree price <»f the Straits /'miis t.» th<• I mted KittRdom and forciRn countries in t is a yea''. 'I' ie po.-.t frc’ pnoa of tb*' Straits HuJgrt is $14 a yea r to any part of the world. It i-. no? neceasarv to subscribe for a
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 130 1 Gknkkal Rubber Items 1 Dunlop Rubber Find from Emden 1 The Locust Rest Nordanal (Johore) Rubber April Rubber Returns 4 F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 4 Singaj*ore Rubber Auctions Renting Rubber Auction... 6 Tklkokamh London Rubber Specials 1 Mmuinus am* Rkiokts— Cheviot Rubber 1 Chulsa Rubber 1 Rarit Bruas Rubber
      130 words
    • 56 1 (Kiutu Oi k Own Coi:i:s>i*kni»kni.) London, May 7. Siingei Duloh pays 80 per cent., Khota Tampan 10, Allagor 12j and Chota 15. Gariug pays an interim of 6 percent, and Narborough 5. London, May 9. Merlimau pays 121 per cent.. Consolidated Mulay 58i, Sungi i Matang 5,
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    • 232 1 A Kroncli Consular message dated from Paris, on W( dnesday, says that rubber is <looted at 2s. 9Jd per lb. Mr. and Mrs. (i. 11. Lennett, of Sungei Leugam Estate, are leaving for Ceylon, where they are to spend a short holiday. During April 3,t>14 tons of rubber
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    • 1217 1 The sixth anuual general meeting of the members of Cheviot Rubber, Limited, was held on March 29, at the offices of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 38. Eastcheap, E.C., under tho presidency of Sir John Anderson. The Chairman said Gentlemen,
      1,217 words
    • 139 1 The following extract from a letter by an Australian motorist is interesting as showing the value placed upon rubber even in the earliest days of the war A rather iut* rest iug r* lie or souvenir was recently picked out from the wreckage of the
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    • 602 1 The fifth annual general meeting of the Chulsa (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at 11. Clive Street, Calcutta, on April 12. the lion. Mr. A. C. Chaplin, presiding. The Chairman said The expenditure fer the year was Rs. 93,313, which brings the
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    • 64 1 i. ,Mci^y The report of tli*' R« ir t *ji tLlt Rubber Company, Limit* 1 j .j tl planting up of a further an force of circumstances, aga t I (loot! reports, howeve r, ai< 1 I rotate ns a whole, and if I** 1 current year will
      64 words
    • 1176 2 Sungei Kruit Rubber. T HE DIVIDEND OUTLOOK VERY PROMISING. The Yield Per Acre. x th ordinary general meeting of the i.. m *Hl*!:T«»uf the Sungei Kruit Rubber v Limited, was held on March 29, iu JVo'uncil Hoorn of the Rubber Growers’ A,.ri itiou. Incorporated, 88, Eastcheap, J-V Mr. William Antrobus
      1,176 words
    • 583 2 Tho fourth ordinary general meeting of the Totrangie (Sumatra) Rubber and Produce Estates. Limited, was held on March 29, at the registered office of the company, 1-4, Great Tower Street, E.C., Mr. Charles Arthur Latnpard (chairman of the company! presiding. The
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    • 367 2 The directors’ report and accounts for the year ended December 31, 1915, states: The crop of rubber harvested during the year was 185,983 lbs., and the estimated output for 1916 is 220,000 lbs. A considerable saving in cost
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    • 207 2 Tho following is translated from Nationaltidende of March 5 —In their report for 1915 the East Asiatic Co., Ltd., state that in the course of tho year they addod to thoir Meet five new motor-ships of a total tonnage of 47,424. The company have not been disappointed
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    • 211 2 The report of the Hay tor Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the net profit for tinyear to December 31 amounted to 369,418. To this must bo added 313,913 brought forward, making a total of 383,382. An interim dividend of 5 per cent., absorbing 310,000 was paid in
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    • 832 2 Another rubber company has iollowod tho precedent established la°t week by tho Ratu Anain ostato in authorising an appropriation towards war funds, says tho N.-O. Daily News. At the meeting of tho sharebohh rs of the Tiiping
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    • 1197 3 The ninth annual g< neral meeting of the members of the Labu (h.M.S.) Hubbcr Com pany, Limited, was held on March 29, at the offices of tho Hubbcr (irowers* Association, 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Sir John Anderson, presiding.
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    • 554 3 Messrs. Paterson Simons and Co. sign the report of Trafalgar, Limited, for the year t uded March 3), 1916. to be presented to the shareholders on Wednesday, May 17. at noon. The profit for the year, it says, is 918,242.97 which,
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    • 964 3 Mr. F. W. South, in tho current issue of the F.M.S. Agricultural Bulletin, gives the following report on locust work during 1915 la Selangor there have only been from one to live flying swarms present at any time.
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    • 325 3 The report of the Klanaog Produce Com pany, Limited, states that the crops secur«i during the year were as follows:-Rubber 459,891 lbs., against an estimate of *****0 lbs. Tp to tho present date 411,269 It* have been sold, the average gross price realised being 2s. 8.04 d. per
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    • 311 3 The report of the London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company, Limited, states that the crop of rubber harvested for the year amounted to 1,248,910 lbs., against an estimate of 1,240,000 lbs. and a crop secured in 1914 of 1,181,4:40 lbs. The average gross price realised
      311 words
    • 90 3 Tho reports for 1915 states that thjj JJ. profit amounts to 157,931. aud rc batc, brought in and $1,474, P r °P^ ll lit totft l is on quit rent in respect ot (Sl r ve 104,703. It is proposed w trails < 0 j \j account
      90 words
    • 730 4 ..■j nth ordinary yeneral im <>tiny of ,.,1 lers in the above company was hel 1 t iuii. ou April 18, at the office of Messrs. 1 m ai and l’o., Colombo, says The 'l imes J The Hon.
      730 words
    • 174 4 o) P0 f0 r 1915 Httttes that 04 acres tl.i t duriny the year, thus brinyiuy i. q a Panted acroaye up to the round h. ilUnr f u Buildinys and waste land i i. L i acres and reserve juuylo for ia V or Ha y-
      174 words
    • 543 4 Mi. .Metcalfe, presiding at the meeting of tile lUirpenden (Selangor).Rubber Company, Limited, on March 29, said the seasou under review had yielded far better results tliuu anticipated, mainly owing to the higher prices received tor itibbi-r solo aft» r Xoveui-h;.-r last. From April
      543 words
    • 284 4 The report of the Kepouy (Malay) Lubber Kstates. Limited, states that the profit for the year to December 01, after writiny oil £‘1,000 for depreciation on buildiDys and machinery, amounted to £‘20,070; to this has to be added the amount brouyht forward, £‘1,900, makiuy £22,006. Deductiny the
      284 words
    • 56 4 Messrs. Boustead and Co. are advisee 1 by teleyram that the directors’ report of the Nordaual (Johorc) Lubber Kstates, Limited., for 1915 is issued, ari l that the followiny recommendations are made: Final dividend 8 per cent., makiuy 10 per cent, for the year, transfer to development
      56 words
    • 701 4 Malaya General Co.—27,599 lbs. Sedenak. 21,981 lbs, Mcnykibol J.). —5,025 lbs. Pontiau (M). —1,294 lbs. Permas.—18,980 lbs. Majedio (lohore). —9,021 lbs. Sekony.—12,000 lbs. Anylo Malay. 120,010 lbs. Bikam. —28,500 lbs. Broomo. 17,650 lbs. Lukit Lanchony. —12,400 lbs. EJ phi 1.-12,059 lbs. Golden Hope. -1 1,022 lbs. Hidden
      701 words
    • 298 4 I ho report of the Teuotu (Borneo) Lubber L'omp.iuy, Limited, states that the crop for the year, was as follows: Ladas Valley estate, ‘27m,000 lb., ayainst an estimate of 240,000 lbs.: Menyattal estate, 168.800 lbs., against an estimate of 150,000 lbs., total, 110,HH) lbs., against an estimate
      298 words
    • 75 4 for the period from .May 12 to |m 19IH, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of robber is fixed at ds. pi i lb ami the duty on cultivated iiibn* r on which export duty is lev i ible (jii an ad valor* m basis
      75 words
    • 764 5 Tim Sinyapon- li:ii! jli* t of l oinmerce Lubber \Hsoeiauon, 211 st auction was held on May 11 and 1. whi n there wt re tillered for Halo .'.Ol .'*.‘2ll j lieu Is, oi 6fiH,70." !bs. (tons 298.52). I lit* prices realised
      764 words
    • 231 5 The report of the Bikam Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the crop harvested for the year amounted to 280,510 lbs., ayainst an estimate of 300,000 lbs. and a yield in the provious year of 241.573 lbs. The averaye yross price realised for 2*0,012 lbs. was 2s. 6.33
      231 words
    • 166 5 The report of the Edinburgh Rubber Estate, Selangor, Limited, states that the yield of dry rubber amounted to 300,208 lbs.. against an estimate of 280,000 lbs. The estimated yield for 1916 is 327,000 lbs. The average price obtained was 2s. 7.77 d. per lb., as compared with
      166 words
    • 147 5 The report for 1015 states that the profit on working for the year amounted to £25,419. A sum of £l,OOO has been written olf for depreciation of buildings and machinery and XT,OOO placed to reserve. After deducting the interim dividend of 5 per cent, paid in October,
      147 words
    • 118 5 Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co., stato that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at their auction salo at Penang on the 9th inst., 20,500 lbs. were offered and 10,400 lbs. wore sold Smoked ribbed sheet $lBB to 5144 n plain 127 128 No.
      118 words
    • 1018 5 Stock Issued Par Dividends. Malaiax Exchange 1’,? J 01 Capital Value Comcaniks. Prices, Clo«.in., D LtJ s 1«1S. 1914. March 25. 150.000 2/- 60% 62% AngloMalay 10.74 90 y 6 J.UOO £1 25 V*
      1,018 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 m SUN <*»«>> Obtainable from every Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916. ASAHI BEER, Quarts O' $11.80 per case of 4 doz. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASABI BEER, Pints O' $10.50 per case of 6 doz. (Retail Price $1.90 per doz.) SAPPORO BLACK BEER, Pints O'
      126 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 295 7 DlNNEFORDS MAGNESIA 1 1 n t i, Tho Fhvsician’a Cure for (iout, Rheum uic (iout aud Gravel. IMPORTANT NOTICE. In oonaeqt.. mv of numerous mututious purchaser., must sec the name DINNEFORD’S" on every bottle and label. Safest and most Effective Aperient for Koeular Use. MAGNESIA J The Universal Remedy for
      295 words
    • 344 7 After Illness After ti e racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholera colic or bowel complaints, everv part of the body needs strengthening. It is not enough merely to take tonics or artificial stimulants, for only by building-up every part of the body can health be legoined. SCOl I S Emulsion
      344 words
    • 237 7 A positive paying investment in any business, wliether largo or .small, is GOOD Printing Its value cannot be overestimated. Tour advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. Dost Pay Oat Huey far the poor kind,
      237 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 Highest Quality Quick > G II s" 87 «CI L $T R e E T 4it Despatch S!NO APQRE CROWN CORK AERATED WATERS $5.50 per"case<of 6;doz. pints. Soa«% water, Lemonade, Gingerale, Gingerbeer or Tonic. $7.00 per case of 6 doz. pints. Extra Dry G ing er ale. FREE DELIVERY ON
      57 words