The Straits Budget, 5 May 1916

Total Pages: 27
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3038 Singapore. Friday. May 5. 1916. ESTABLISHED OVER HALT A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 258 1 badeks— Perturbed 12 Germans in Ireland 12 National Relief Fund 12-13 The Fall of Kut 13 Coming Nearer 13 Exit Sinn Fein ...13-14 OCAL AND GBSKRAL Local and Personal 1-2 The War 3 7 F.M.S. War Stamps 7 German Deceit 7 From the Front 7 F.M.S. Police
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  • 5149 1 Tl f r r< r y s iatn met in (.'him,, \i 1 ,r I'* to 16. Kru Kam Ai of *UubT r ,V“ waH elected Moderator. A J ir 'Jp"rtant questions relating to el bv ti "ere brouyht up and discuss nti, >M v I,l 'Mates
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  • THE WAR.
    • 2090 3 Rkutkr’s Tklkgrams. Minor Fighting. increased activity in FRANCE. Martial Law Over All Ireland. Rkutkh’s Tklkgrams. London, April 26, 6.5 p.m. laris: There is increasing minor activity on the whole of tbo Western front. The comu)uni(]tie says that in taking a small wood near Buttes Wood we made prisoners
      Rkutkr’s Tklkgrams.  -  2,090 words
    • 1786 3 British Section. FURIOUS GAS ATTACKS REPULSED. liritain and Compulsion. London, April 2H, 2.45 a.m. Fierce fighting on the British front idescribed by Sir Douglas Haig in a coin miiiiique. Besides a successful British raid on the German trenclii s at Chinny, iu which the Germans lost heavily, lie
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    • 2984 4 Battle of Verdun. ENDED IN GREAT FRENCH VICTORY. Sad News From kut. London, April 2H, 2.10 p.m. Baris, semi-official: There is every reason to behove that the battle of Verdun has euded and that tho Kaiser’s only anxiety henceforth is to achieve something under tho eye of his
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    • 1549 5 German Strength. POSITION ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT. Dublin Rebels Beaten. London. April 30, 4.25 p.m. The principal fighting on the Russian front has been at Lake Narocli where the Germans attacki d in massed formation in urdcr to retake a tew trencht s. A very tierce engagement is
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    • 1329 5 Verdun Section. FURTHER HARD FIGHTING REPORTED. Irish Rebels "Surrender. London, M ly 1, 4.55 p m. Paris: The Germans have sutTered heavy defeats at Verdun. The curum'iuique says they attacked powerfully at dusk in massed formation against headman II dl. Our artillery and machine gun tire indicted enormous
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    • 2342 6 Fighting Aviators. MORE GOOD RESULTS FOR THE ALLIES. Mr. Asquith on Service. London. May 2, 1.45 p.m. During April seventy-six aeroplanes, ot which lotty eight were German, including a number of Fokkers, were accounted for on the Western front. The British lost only four and felled eleven Germau.
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  • 423 7 Iu connection with a special telegram we ftctivt d from our Shanghai correspondent I, following supplementary details of the Iraus I‘acitic service, taken from the Japan Llironicle, of April 19, are of interest service between San Francisco and the Par Hast
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  • 117 7 ftie output from Malayan Tin Dredging, *'q i'J 01 was 1,660 piculs, valued at VJ >l<o. During tbe month .‘511,000 cubic v. ft n s were treated at a cost of $32,215. ie Kahtuan Tin Co., Ltd., output during l r I was 079 piculs, mill piculs
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  • 93 7 war stamps are of an artistic ll utro panel showing a wound) d »''g to bis wife, while two 1 anging Ik lplossly on to their I Seated i i an older gitl. SO, holding a hr Ipb ss infant, anil M, t!y into space. The picture,
    93 words
  • 882 7 Karl Gartner, a feldwebel-lieutenant in the 243rd Pomeranian Regiment, while on patrol duty uu the night of March 11, lost his way and strayed into a b reach trench near Yaux. Disarmed and taken to the rear, says The Liberte, he
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    • 242 7 Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G and Lady Evelyn Young aud General D. II. Riilout, (J.M.G., aud Mrs. Ridout were anioug the largo gathering of spectators at the Ladies’ Lawn Tonnis Club on Wednesday to witness the conclusion of what lias proved to be a most interesting tenuis tournament. Com
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    • 36 7 At the Sepoy Lines <iolt Club the men’s medal for April was won by Dr. J. A. Campbell with the following scores: J. A. Campbell 42+48 —8 77 G. B. Kellagher 47 45 8 84
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    • 39 7 An S.C.C. eleven proved too good for a team of soldiers < n Tuesday evening on the I’adang, although the score of six goals to one in favour of the civilians did not altogether represent the balance of play.
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  • 163 7 Tbe following lotter from a British ArtilIi ry Oflicer is of interest, if only for the optimism which it shows. It is dated from France, March 26 “The Verdun push wa- evidently meant to be decisive. I was surprised, as 1 did not see how a strategical
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  • 236 7 The Times of Malaya, of May 2, says: Something in the nature of a sensation in 1 poll occurred last week when alleged money shortages iu the town ofliue of the firm of tin Fnited Fngineers, Ltd., led to the police b< ing called iu on Saturday
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  • 612 7 Wo arc indebted to a correspondent for the following report: On Thursday last a very interesting function took place at the police depot, Kuala Lumpur, when a group photograph was taken in which the central figure was Mr. do Silva, financial assistant,
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  • 151 7 The Secretary of State Iiuh .sanctioned a scheme for a zoological survey of India proposed Homo time hy the trustees of the Indian museum in Calcutta. to the scheme in the report submitted to the board of scientific advice last year l>r. Anandule wrote that the
    151 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 Property Sale. The fallowiu r pr< pr itit s deposed et by motion at M< 1 si r lull*; Keno Lit ant* Co.’-salt 10 ui on Monday uftr moon Three pit ees of freehold land sitnati at ’Telole lilanoah, total an a lifti i i aerr ana one I>o bought
      113 words

  • 946 8 The british North borucu Herald, of April 17, has an account of tin; otlicial opening of the .Jesselton Ice and Rower Company s new works by the officer Administ' ring tin Government, wlio released the brake 1 on the
    946 words
  • 237 8 was visited by tire ou Tuesday moruiuo and the outbreak reached to con siderable dimensions. A correspondent states that the tire broke out. at about 11.30 a.m. in the new town of Mersiuj», known as Kampono Raliru. Tin fir b ’i
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  • 311 8 Singapore women are very eager to do something that will prove their deep sympathy with victims of the war A movement has already been started, as announced in our issue of April ly, for collecting women's personal economy savings” monthly with a view to handing
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  • 251 8 A Requiem High Mass for the repose of the soul of Comte di Bundy, the late French Consul, was celebrated at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd ou Thursday. The choir was draped in black, aud the catafalque was covered with the tricolour Hag. The
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  • 758 8 \u article from the Austrian War Press headquarters reads as follows Lemberg and Pr/emysl how long it seems since our thoughts were concentrated on those two Galician towns! In reality it is but a few short months. To ride from
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  • 125 8 A new industry, the preservation of mnn•joes, has recently been started in Manila. Although the enterprise is at present, on a small scale, says the .Journal of the Koyal Society of Arts, it promises to develop to very considerable proportions. Tho Philippines is the heme of the mango,
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  • 184 8 Rkutkk’s Tklkobam, London, April 29, Messrs. Samuel Montagu and r PC: ou the silver market states that i lfc Port establishment of a record tl* November 1906, the market i.% and oven higher figures are nl'il! to the exhaustion of stocks ft, owifi 2 tin nous purchases
    Rkutkk’s Tklkobam,  -  184 words
  • 89 8 Rkctbk’s Tklkv.ham. Loudon, April AO, 1.10 p.c The death is announced of Lord Aldwyu who has been indisposed for sou* time. Ilis heir was killed in action h«t week and a four year old grandson 'ncceeii to the title. Sir Michael Hicks Beach wa« nn»
    Rkctbk’s Tklkv.ham.  -  89 words
  • 39 8 Bki'iku’s Tklkgkam. London, April 27. 2.10 p.m. In the,House of Commons, Sir.). I>. lle<;« raised the question ot double taxation ontei exporteil from Travancort*. Mr. Cliambt rlaic said he had no information but he v vjil inquire
    Bki'iku’s Tklkgkam.  -  39 words
  • 45 8 Rkctkk’s Tflfgram. Loudon, May 1. M* P*uo Oftieial: l’rince Albert who ha** boon un Urgoing a long course af treatin' n f for a ya s *.vi-’ disorder is now completely rec nvrt d an iw shortly resume active duty in the Navy.
    Rkctkk’s Tflfgram.  -  45 words
  • 25 8 11 sitter's Tklkokam. London, May 1 Mr. \rthur Lionel Smith, tutor and dean of Balliol College, lias beeu elected Master A Balliol.
    11 sitter's Tklkokam.  -  25 words
  • 24 8 Rkitfk’s Tklkoram. London, May Mr. William Hicks Beach will k jjjf Coalition and Mr. William Boosey will be Ind« pendent candidate for Tewkesbury.
    Rkitfk’s Tklkoram.  -  24 words
  • 33 8 R K UTK K 's T K LUG RAM. London, May 3,12.50 p.iaThe KiDg knighted Mr. I* rank beae after* the Shakespeare tercentenai} l 1 mance at Drury Lane this afternoon.
    R K UTK K 's T K LUG RAM.  -  33 words
  • 92 8 The following table shows the P l 'jl L of tin in the K.M.S., estimated ,u in cent, of concentrate shipped to sii long tons: in1 ml6 1912 1913 1914 191- Tons Tons Tons Tons dan. 1,022 4,121 4.983 4,.;9jj j; Feb. 4,318 3,823 3.55** March 3,196
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  • 1015 11 NVt i'. Massey writes from Egypt on well in Western Egypt. There i )t t meeting between our troops 1 1 Arabs since January 23. but the ‘“I, a that date near Bir Tunis did a great 5,“‘l to
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  • 485 11 Dr. Charles Alexander Richmond is well known as the president of I’nion College, at Schenectady, New York. Tho following verses, written in the vein of James Russell Lowell’s Biglow Papers, were read by Dr. Richmond with telling effect at a recent dinner of the real estate board of
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  • 133 11 With regard to the reports of the increase of capital by 11.2,000,000 of the .Java China- Japan Line, it is stated that the issue concerns the second half of the fourth series shares, amounting to 11.500.000 and the entire fifth series amounting to 11.1,000,000. Therefore subscriptions were invited
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  • 1207 11 From one of the most active of our naval bases the correspondent of tlio Daily Chronicle sends an interesting article on the Scrapping in tlio North Sea and the activities of the fleets, with some interesting
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  • 377 11 A committee lias been appointed by tho Chamber of Shipping, acting iu cooperation with tho Liverpool Steamship Owners’ Association, with power of co option, to consider trade policy after the war. The committee is composed of tho following: Mr. W. li. Raeburn, president
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  • 177 11 The report of the Mercantile Hank of India, Ltd., states that the net profits for the year to December ill after providing fot bad and doubtful debts, and including C 17,224 brought forward, amount to .L‘l 17,0f>2. l-’rom this sum has to be deducted L‘22,500 being
    177 words

  • THE Straits Budget
    • 1013 12 antagonism inevitable.—Straits Times, April •j.s. To all appearance Germany is perturbed over the note* from the Government of the I*nitod States. It is being said that official circles would be willing to make the conces sions which the I'nited States Government haH demanded, but that they dare not do
      antagonism inevitable.—Straits Times, April •j.s.  -  1,013 words
    • 1148 12 country as a whole is sane.— t April 29. a T Hater information shown that tlio situation in Ireland in calculated to produce the keenest anxiety, though in reality it is not in any sense whatever a national movement. German officers, German weapons. German ammunition have been
      country as a whole is sane.— t April 29. a“'T'^  -  1,148 words
    • 1068 12 t without vexation or delay. Straits Times. May 1. We are indebted to a friend for copi e 0 the reports issued by the committee ot tfa! National Relief Fund, popularly known the Prince of Wales Fund. The first of ttj records proceedings up to March 31.
      t without vexation or delay. Straits Times. May 1.  -  1,068 words
    • 1054 13 —Straits Times, May 2. lu the presence of disaster as in the hour Ji victory let us quit ourselves like men. To tnot who look deeply into the heart of ;iD n s with some knowledge of moral values; •icj Irish trouble does undoubtedly rank as
      —Straits Times, May 2.  -  1,054 words
    • 1114 13 —StruitH Times, May .'I. The battle of Verdun is ended. France is beginning to recover some of the ground which was yielded in order to lure tho enemy to destruction. Along tho four to five hundred miles of lino held against the Kussians the number of Germans is
      —StruitH Times, May .'I.  -  1,114 words
    • 1060 13 J **i*J|J*H, wiuil wlii» h 1, iiniiai i possible Struits Time s 4. The Irish rising is at an end. It has been short lived and inglorious—a pitiable exhibition of the manner in which Germany befools all who place faith in her pledges. It is suspected that
      ' J **i*J|J*H, wiuil wlii» h 1, iiniiai i possible Struits Time s 4.  -  1,060 words

  • 1108 15 0A! on: Own Cokkksj-ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 26. sympathy is felt for Mr. Chart, of C. Harper and Co. who has just iVh wif* l She succumbed to an opera* Im in hospital on Easter Sunday morning xva s buried in the Homan Catholic h t iv
    1,108 words
  • 649 15 We Wave been officially acquaint!* i with the arrangements in couucctiou with the presentation by His* Excellency the Governor of the Straits Settlements. du behalf of »I is Majesty the Kiug, of the Insignia of the Grund Cross of the
    649 words
  • 987 15 1 The annual goneral meeting of Messrs Eraser and Neavo, Ltd., was hold at the offices of the compauy, Collyer Quay, on Friday. Mr. \Y. II. Macgregor presided, others present being Messrs. Hood Begg, J. Denniston, H. K Lewellyn, W.
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  • 563 15 On Friday before Lieut. Commandor C'ator, K.X., in the Marine Court, K. 11. Gibbous, fust ollieer of the steamer Poll Ann, was charged with assaulting Capt. F. »J. Stack, the master v»f tie* vessel. lie pleaded guilty Mr. Dickinson appeared to prosecute
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  • 111 15 The rate of mortality in tlio Settlement of Singapore for the week ended April 22 was 22.29 per inillo of the population. The total number of deaths was 217, of which 125 were male sub jects and 92 f< male. Convulsions claimed .11, phthisis .*51, malaria fever
    111 words
  • 129 15 'ii) -si s of tin bubonic variety if it 'a ported in Kuala I uiiipur. flic first suspect -d case was in a < him o- provision r s shop in \mpano Street. V furtliet two cases are stated to l av occun d in the
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  • 43 16 The Straits Tin ios is not responsible for the opinions of it-' coms|>ondents. Correspondents should hear in mind that letters must he short and to the point. Long, rand ng epistles an liable to h< rejected or r iih!< ssly cut down.
    43 words
  • 550 16 To tin* K<litor of tin: Straits Tuuos. Sir,—l havi read with interest the few hitters, dealing with tile money lender, appearing in your papi r. There are a great many people m this country at the present time who look with a good deal ot apprehension upon the
    550 words
  • 177 16 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, Hupply us with tho following report on the position of tho .Java produce market for the pant week Batavia, April 28. The rubber market sIiowh still further decline in values business having been done
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  • 1094 16 (Kko.m Oi k Own CokkksI'ondkst.i .Malacca, May 2. The Settlement lias betn experiencing heavy downpours of lain recently. On Kaster Monday night ..t 7*‘>0 i tiomeudnus thunderstorm broke over Malacca doin'* I damag' in \l<>r (fajab district. 'IheMachapKisung U >ad was flooded in two places, at tlie lltli
    1,094 words
  • 506 16 The following poem, by William Winter, appeared iu the New York Times Magazine of February 27: My England Not my native land, But dear to me as if she were, How often have I longed to stand With those brave hearts who Hglit for bet: Bereft by Fortune,
    506 words
  • 94 16 During well sinking opeiations iu Madras harbour on the we st quay on April 15 grabs brought up a large brun/.e statue of the Lord Gautama Buddha, nearly half life si/.c aud also a handsome bronze bell of 80 to 100 lbs. weight; both are obyiously of
    94 words
  • 685 16 (From a Cori;kBl'om,j. Nj Muar, May l This busy port continues to ln *h. progress. The wharves are well lit r aiUtl river steamers seem to come in 7 t,lL of the night, and tho coa»tia«* Vv» r always well filled with freight aud Kvcry one of the
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  • 210 16 A very interesting little pamphlet is sale at Messrs. .Johu Little and Co. s. title is the same as our headline ann lauthor, who signs himself Klapa f’°. only aims at proving, but does we tin succeed in proving that it would pay UL to export coconut
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  • 1005 17 V special correspondent of the Evening 'H' U 'fu.oro than a little ironical to tint! that tl e ve ry moment when the Government proclaiming a new trade war against the !',> ujv, our markets should have
    1,005 words
  • 723 17 The Mauila correspondent of the N. C. Daily News states; Tne rindcipot situation in tho Philippine Islands is far worse thau it has been for the past two years and with the limited resources at the disposal of tho Government to
    723 words
  • 489 17 Serious news has been received in connection with the Salt Gabelle, to tho effect tlmt Sir Richard Dane, K.G'.l.E., threatens to resign tho headship of the administration, iu conscqucnco of the Japaneso Government's action regarding the surplus salt revenue recently authorised to
    489 words
  • 86 17 Harrison. —On April 26, at Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. K. Harrison, a daughter. Camim’.kll. —On April 28, at Malacca, to Mr. and Mrs. J. NV. Campbell, a daughter. Montikk-Goodk. -On April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Montier Goode, u son. Nkubhonnkk. —On May 1, at the
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  • 22 17 Hau Salmon. On Saturday, April 29, at tho Bethcsda, Singapore, Cecil Kuthvon Halo to Sybil Agues Salmon. (Hongkong papers please copy).
    22 words
  • 170 17 Sinoafokb, May 4, 1916. EXCHANGE. On Londc* Bank 4 m/s 2/449 Demand 2/44 Private H ru/B h. 2/41;{ On Franck Bank T. T. 8‘26 On India Bank T. T. 1744 On HoN(jKON(*...B&nk d/d -i On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 72 On Java Bank T. T. 188 On Japan
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  • 359 17 Sinqaporb, May 4, 1916. MINING\'“uo liityorH Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 6.00 7.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.b5 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.80 1.90 10 10 Kauabol 0.90 1.05 1) 10 Kinta Associatiou (5.00 *1 XI Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 11 XI Lai tat Mines 8.00 5 00
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 133 17 NOTICE. 'I'lie post tree price of the Straits Tuni s to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is ffa a year. I'ne post frei price of the Straits Rudgrt is $14 y«a r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions
      133 words
  • 39 17 DEATHS. C 111 a NVkk Cm a no. —(hi April 30, at No. 14, South Canal Road, Singapore, CJiia Wee Cliiang; aged 62 years. Hanuy.—Ou May 2, at Nellore, Jaflua, Ceylon. Samuel R. Handy; aged 52 years. (By Cable).
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 115 1 Gknkkal Rubber Items 1 Eastern Produce Exchange 1 Kombok Rubber 1 Linggi Plantations I Singaj>oru It ubber Auctioi s Half Crown Rubber 3 London Share Market 5 A Short Lived Company 5 April Rubber Roturns 7 Tklkokamh Loudon Rubber 1 London Rubber Special 1 The Roll of Honour 1
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    • 324 1 Mr. II. II. late of Rroome estate, Selangor, has been promoted to Captain. Mr. .1. Lambourne, superintendent of Government Plantations, of Castleton Estate, Teluk Ansou, has loft for home. It is stated that 'apt. E. Sherlock, R.F.A., formerly on Nova Scotia Estate, Perak, has been awarded the Military
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    • 76 1 From Our Own Correspondent. London, April 28. The rubber market is quiet and the prices quoted are somewhat lower: Fine sheet 3/- to 3/1 Crepe 3/* 3/1 Hard Para 2/9 2/11 The last report was as follows London, April 14. The rubber
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    • 24 1 (From Out Own Corrkspondknt.) London, April 28. Final dividends are announced as follow Linggi 65 per cent., Klabang 121 per cent.
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    • 33 1 (From Out Own Corrksi’ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1. Killed in action.— 2nd Lieut C. O. Oliver, 3rd Devons, formerly of Braemar estate, Kajaug. Roth his legs were shot off.
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    • 80 1 At the Eastern Produce Exchange rubber auction at Penanp on Monday. 18,940 lb. were sold out of 59,078 lb. ottered, at the following prices: Diamond smoked sheet from $159 to $lOl Plain smoked 148 Diamond unsmoked 151 Plain unsmoked 146 151 Diamond smoked mixed 147 ltg Scrap
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    • 77 1 The directors of the Koiubok (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent, iu respect of tie year to December 31, 1915, making 15 per c< ut. for the year. The sum of £4,614 has hi on placi d to reserve aud £13,611 carried
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    • 64 1 Missis. Guthrie and Co. today received advice by cablegram from London that the directors of Linppi Plantations. Limited, have di elated a hind dividend of 05 per cent, in u spi rt of the year 1915, makiup a total of >lO pet rent, for the year. The amount
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    • 1106 1 The Maiay Mail reports: The anuual meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association was held in the Mercantile Rank Ruildiugs at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, Mr. F. U. Harvey presiding, with Mr. W. Leggatt as secretary, and
      1,106 words
    • 163 1 The report of the Djapoera p Rubber Company, Limited, states tha profit available tor division is A'l6,L--the hectors recommend should b< with as follows -To pay a dividend u 1 com., less income tax, £5.560: to !l apaiust depreciation on buildiups am J* 1, 1 nery, £l,OOO
      163 words
    • 3032 2 TUe following report is from the Malay Planters’ Association of Malaya met Vim tir-t time in their new meeting room r Market street, in the Mercantile Hank Buiidiuu. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, under oresidency of the retiring chairman, Mr.
      3,032 words
    • 445 2 The re port of the Oula-Kalumpong Rubber Kstatos, Limited, states that the total out* put of dry rubber during the year waa J, 053,185 Ibw. from an area of 3,350 acros, an avorago of 314 lbs. per aero (1914, ‘282 lbs* per
      445 words
    • 1985 3 Aii' resume of ilm past year’s work of Ayer I'an ih Lubber Estate*, Limited, was given on \1 uuh.y at tin* annual meeting nt tin? com pan v, at its registi red rdfices, under tho presiden-
      1,985 words
    • 514 3 Tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association’s 240th auction was held on April 27 and 28, when there were offered for salo piculs 7,283.32 or 971,109 lbs. (tons 433.53). Prices realised Sheet smoked tine ribbed ...9165 to 9171 good ribbed 157
      514 words
    • 39 3 [The Straits Times is not re Dftht the opinions of its correspondent o,ot Correspondents should bear in’ letters must be short and to m JID Long, rambling epistles are liahl p,, Dt rejected or ruthlessly cut down (to
      39 words
    • 625 3 To the Editor of the Straits Ti mea Sir,—I am curious to know what i to happen at tbe meeting of the v r n 0lD Rubber Company, which is to be held oaT 1st prox., when the directors are ahsJk$14,890.0*2 for their very valuable** The
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    • 152 3 Mr. E. L. Killick, writing in Rubber Notes in The Fnancicr, with respect to earning half-crown rubber, says that the manu turer is quite satisfied with the present pt of the raw material and would, no 0 welcome an assurance that he wil u have to pay more
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    • 3556 4 At tbe annual meeting of the Planters’ ‘Liation of Malaya, held in Kuala Lumpur A April 26, Mr. J. It. 0. Aldworth, the Stroller of labour, gave an address on fabour topics, says the Malay Mail. He 8a, |)iirin‘» uiy
      3,556 words
    • 559 5 Tho London ar.d China Express of April 4 contains tho followin'' information relating to tho rubber share market at Iioluo: Notwithstanding tho difficulties caused by bli//ftnD. and dislocation of mails, ’phones, and wires, a good business was done in tho rubber share
      559 words
    • 2075 5 Tho N C. Daily News of April 15 reports: A statutory meeting, followed by the annual general meeting, of tl o Shanghai Kelantan Rubber Kstates, Ltd was held yesterday at tho oflii »:s of Messrs. Moyor and Mcasor, the general
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    • 268 5 The Enggor (Perak) Rubber PlantitioJ Co., Ltd., which was floated in Shanghai J the end of March, is to be terminated, an] all those who have* subscribed for dian] will have their money returned. AccoiJiJ to an announcement that appeared in local press early in April, the
      268 words
    • 88 5 The report of the South Perak u Syndicate, Limited, states that tapp operations were resumed in September, a crop of 6,‘284 lbs. rubber was barU >, up to the end of November. The estimate for the current year is rubber, which, given normal conditio should be exceeded.
      88 words
    • 123 5 The directors of the Sungei NVay Kubber Company, Limited, r^" bl aOC (3o: following apportion™* nt ot u a jj nft profits on account of last year. j llS dividend cf 7s. Gd. per share interim income tax, making, w*t i i ition fot dividend already paid,
      123 words
    • 2422 6 vtthe annual meeting of the Planters tion of Malaya held m Kuala Lumpur question of the sale of intoxi- ftU d more particularly of toddy, arose oi an add“«. by Dr. Malcolm Watson, of K1 |)r"'\V'itson, according to
      2,422 words
    • 160 6 In tho annual report of the Standing Committee of the P.A.M., it is stated that the F.M S. output of rubber for 1915 amounted to 44.524 tons, and the total output of the whole Peninsula was 70,214 tonH, or roughly 73 per cent, of the world’s plantation
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    • 108 6 At the fifth annual general meeting of the Chulsa (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., held at Clive Street, Calcutta, on April 12, the Hon. Mr. A. W. C. Chaplin presiding said that the expenditure for the year was Its. 98,313, which brought the total up to the end of
      108 words
    • 65 6 The directors of the Selangor Kubber < ’oin psny, Limited, ri commend a final dividend of Is. 9d. per share, making .‘ln. Od. per share, or 16‘2J per cent, less tax, for the year; that Id 500 he carried to reserve account, .1*2,000 for depreciation, and X‘soo to
      65 words
    • 2003 6 Tlio annua! general meeting of ttao Klang District Planters’ Association was hold in the Klang Club on Saturday afternoon, when Mr. K. H. Prior presided over tIkj following attendance: —Messrs. C. K. Harrison, It. Kuttiscmube, H. 1). Gro«»nhill,
      2,003 words
    • 288 7 Pangkattan.—ss,ooo lbs. Ratu Rata.- 26,437 lbs. Sedenak.—2l,9B2 lbs. Mount Austin (J0b0re).—79,493 lbs. J» raiu Kuantan.— 7,953 Jbs. Johoro Para.—ll,39B lbs. Devon Estates (Malacca). —4,600 lbs. S. S. (Pertain). —78,000 lbs. dry. Bukit Lintang.—2o,s36 lbs. Chempedak.—7,soo lbs. Chimpul.—ll,sl4 lbs. Krubong.—7,ols lbs. Lendu.—lo,l23 lbs. Merliraau—99,Boo lbs. Pegoh. —40,182 lbs.
      288 words
    • 1026 7 Stock Sin-'anora Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange FrasJr i r Capital Value Compands. Prices, Closing 1015. 1914. March 25. M?y 4 150,000 2/. 60% 32% Anglo-Malay 10/7* 9/6 i n/t 6 i.iXM) XI 25%
      1,026 words

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    • 307 8 <*. nortct V k I .j ijj tutKu.x 77 <, DlHilft#(Mß’S ,t f The PhysK'ian s vr» boul* 3*, -ii£ ,u«iui»j. Sheynß»t> HHHf^MjljS JEm. t C J t rn Sai%*t and j. 7? S J S fbe Univewal Remedy for Acidity oI the Stomach, Haaoache. J Heartburn, IndirMtion, fVnir
      307 words
    • 272 8 After Illness "V-'’ After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, colic or bowel complaints, every part of th* -j Body needs strengthening. Ft ir not enough merely to take tonics or artificial stimulants, for only by building-up every part o the body can health be rc gained. SCOTT’S Emulsion is
      272 words
    • 88 8 V I* II M W®. gjjjfe likk ]ii, HlftilM 3 ill V tmmm 11 Z IBB&SS&XZr sj v- i r r: c i iitii s a 3 3 Amm iM rThat’* Better! After any attentions Sport —auch aa Polo.Tennia, etc., a glaaa of Horlaek's Malted Milk < V it exceedingly
      88 words

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    • 326 9 ■fAv'•>.<• t <?;■ mm V, A«L. '■■'.vV'^ r»c*8# Uh> y s Y& fflWi/.' jpSfctv R» 17W’ TWrlAFt v* *4 wS7“ •at \1>^ .«fe *V-\ > .t* a tfZw&'irik ’$\$jnjfi&jji- LJE'4»,>^ v k* s W WKr5«5si$ f'j ’u T > •Afcr v 'Vi/i •> iTtl'&’Vwfl'r.'- c if. k.’? A SPP MIC
      326 words

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    • 142 10 sVmH lJ,^i4^,- ^'-h ini *s* /V r V > *> mmllf #^/4 SUN SOlKi BRAND xß^b^BEJhp^ BEER Obtainable* Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916. V". ASAHI BEER, Quarts $ll.BO per case of 4 doz. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASAHI BEER, Pints $10.50 per case of 6
      142 words