The Straits Budget, 28 April 1916

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXX No. 3037 Singapore, Friday, April 2ft. 1916. ESTABLISHED OVID HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 336 1 ,eadeks— Cabinet Difficulties 12 Tbe Last Word 12 Compromise 12-18 Subscriptions 18 Sir Roger Casement 13 Dublin in Rebel Hands 1814 jOCAL AND GhNKRAL Local and Personal 2 The War 8-7 The China Crisis 8 Indian Labour 8 Medical Honours 8 Lord Hardinge Returns 8 America and
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  • 5142 1 Mr. Q. H. Gartside has been admitted as a member of the F.M.S. Bar. Lieutemant D. R. Swaine, of Penang Free School, is now in East Africa. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Elliot are dae back from home by the Kamo Maru. Mr. A. T. MacDermott is
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  • THE WAR.
    • 2141 3 Kkotkr’s Tklkokams. Russia’s Victory. the? strategic value of TREBIZOND. British Cabinet Crisis. Rkotkk’s Tklkorams. London. April 18, 11.25 p.m. communique Large forces of ♦h, enemy desperately assaulted Popova- 0 ,bila. in Galicia. on April 16. One attack lue had a front of a mile and a half and
      Kkotkr’s Tklkokams.  -  2,141 words
    • 4210 3 Russia’s Efforts. HER SOLDIERS ARRIVE IN FRANCE. President Wilson and his Policy. London, April 20, 7.25 p.m. I'at ih: A picked Russian force arrived at Marseilles to-day General .JufTrc, in the Orders of the I >.ty, r» j dues to welcome the faithful and gallant Allies who will
      4,210 words
    • 2269 5 German Failures. ANOTHER LIQUID FIRE ATTACK REPULSED. German Brutalities in South Africa. London, April *22. 1.25 am. I'.iris communique: We occupiod the northern lip of a crater caused by the expiu<iou of a German mine at Hill 285, in the There was a violent bombardment ot our uew
      2,269 words
    • 1224 5 Gallant Canada. MEN’S SPLENDID FIGHTING FORM. King’s Message to The Tsar. Loudon, April 24, 12.25 p.m. The Canadian sharo in the recent crator conteHt at St. Eloi was of the moat splendid character. The craters caused by the mines by means of which the Fusiliers captured the German
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    • 1101 6 Naval Fight. GERMAN WAR VESSELS DEFEATED. French Make More Progress. Loudon, .-\pril 25, 2.21) p.m. The Evening News states that there was terrific fiiiug oft thi »ast coast of Eng’,and at f a hi. to day. It wuis coiitiuuisi at 5.20 a m. Slieilo W"te o'only seen falling
      1,101 words
    • 2289 6 Active Fighting. BRISK ACTIONS ON LAND AND SEA. Parliament's Secret Session. Lr n«luu, April 25, 4.15 pui. Communique: There was intense aiti) F ry activity at Avocourt, but the Germaus Acre def( ated iu attt mptieg to cai ry advance 1’O.ts. There was a faitly lively bombard-nic-nt ot
      2,289 words

  • 200 7 We are indebted to tho French Consulate for the following telegrams:— Paris, April 25, 6.25 p.m. The French 8 per cent, bonds are at fr. 62.00 and the 5 per cent, at 89.30. We repulsed several attacks against the positions of Mart Homme, the thir.l one with
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  • 153 7 Examination of the strauded Chiyo Marn is now progressing and it will shortly be known if the vessel can be salved. The weather outside has calmed down considerably and this has enabled divers to go down. The ship is well insured, but it is feared that if
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  • 37 7 Respecting the new F.M.S. railways timetables, the sheets havo been amended shew ing that the up and down night express trains will cease to make special stops at intermediate stations in Joboro after April 30.
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  • 40 7 The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that hitters must bo short and to tho point. Long, rambling epistle s are liable to bo rejected or ruthlessly cut down.]
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  • 284 7 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —In every paper which arrives from homo we read of that new born typo of man,—tho Conscientious Objector,” and of tho many reasons why ho will not dou tho khaki, and our blood boils at tho thought that ho calls
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  • 350 7 Tho report of tho board of directors of Fraser and Neave, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, is as follows: After msking ample provision for depreciation and bad debts, the net profits amount to 9U6.399.50, which, with tho
    350 words
  • 54 7 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent telegraphs that there was a good attendance at the War Loan meeting at S* reuibun, which was addressed by speakers of all nationalities. 11 was announced that 9300,0(10 hail been subscribed from Negri Setnbilan and it was hoped to increase the amount to
    54 words
  • 656 7 (Fkom Oi k Own Cokuksionukst.) Penang, April 22. Fifty Singapore Chinese armed by tho I poll. Tbo weather is tiuo. In the tennis match, Foo 000 NNan, 0. K. C. Champion, beat Tan Chong Koo S. C. K. C. champion, 4
    656 words
  • 170 7 (Fiiom Our Own Coukkspondknt.) Ipoll, April 25. Tho Golf Championship meeting closed yesterday evening with au At Home at which tho prizes woro presented by Mrs. Mill. Tho iuterport match was won by Singapore against Feuang by 11 points to nil. Tho worst of tho official correspondents
    170 words

  • 469 8 Kki' j krV Telegram*. London, April 21, 2.55 p.m. The Ti» i< s P< king cot respondent says that indir.-ct negotiations between tbe Government ai.d its opponents are understood to In* proving futile owing to the latter's ii
    Kki' j krV Telegram*.  -  469 words
  • 148 8 Bkiikr'.s T» lk«.kam. London, April 111, H.lO p.uj. In tho II ousn of Commons, Mr. Chambor* ain said tho Bij boon informed of tho scope of tho economic conference at Paris and had boon assured that if, as a result of tho conference, any action hlioiiM bo
    Bkiikr'.s T» lk«.kam.  -  148 words
  • 46 8 Bkutkh’s Ti:u:«;ram. London, April 11). A Companionship of tho Order of St, Michael and St. George has her n conferred on H. K. Pr iestley, and D.S.O’h on A. C. Vidal and.l. L. Lauder in recognition of their services in the WittcnburK typhus epidemic.
    Bkutkh’s Ti:u:«;ram.  -  46 words
  • 114 8 Reutkk’h Tl lkgkam. London, April 21, 12..7 p.m. Shanghai Luring a fog to the south of tin; Cliusan Islands tho convoying cruiser Haiyung collided with and sank the Chinese transport Hsinyu. Only thirty have so far been reported saved out of a thousand soldiers and crew. Tlio
    Reutkk’h Tl lkgkam.  -  114 words
  • 112 8 ItKUTKR'fI TELEGRAM. London, April 24. 1.5 p.m. Lord Hardingc arrived on Saturday. Iu an interview lie merely remarked that India was perfectly quiet. On the occasion of Lord Hardinge’s return tho Times has a three column review of his work, as an editorial. It welcomes the return
    ItKUTKR'fI TELEGRAM.  -  112 words
  • 107 8 Reuter's Telegram. London, April 24, 1.5 p.m. Iho Times Washington correspondent says that in view of tho passing by the House of Representatives and the likelihood of the Senate’s passing tho hill excluding Asiatics aud legalising the agreement of 1908 restricting the entry of Japanese, the Japa
    Reuter's Telegram.  -  107 words
  • 71 8 Reuters Telegram. London, April 26. Port Darwin: A prospector reports the discovery of big copper fields iu the Victoria River distiict. Copper is known to exist iu all the states and has been mined extensively iu South Australia, Now South Wales, Queensland and 1 asmania. The total
    Reuters Telegram.  -  71 words
  • 53 8 BkUTKR’h TeLKORaMS. London, April 25, 7.15 p m. In tho House of Commons, Sir J. I). Bees asked whether it was proposed, with regard to European commerce in India, that it should have only one representative on the Commission. Mr. Chamberlain replied: As far as I am aware
    BkUTKR’h TeLKORaMS.  -  53 words
  • 21 8 Reuter’s Telegram. London, April 22, 12.45 p,m. Villa apparently is living as tho body exhumed was not his.
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  21 words
  • 101 8 In connection with affairs in China, the Chinese Consul General forwards for publication tho following telegram which lie recmed yesterday evening from tho Foreign 11 i Mandate of 22nd accepted Hsu Shi Chang s resignation and appointed 1 uan Chi dm Premier. Mandate of 23rd appointed the
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    • 218 8 Tho following is the result of play on April 20 iu the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club tennis tournament: Ladiks’ Doubles. Mrs. Hartnell and Mrs. Saunders, scr. beat Mrs. Rrooke and Miss Tabor, rec. 15, 6 —2, 3 6, 6 —l. Mrs. llallifax and Mrs. Peirce, rec. 8 v.
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    • 278 8 On Friday morning, the 14th inst., the Anglo-Chinese School football team left Tauk Road Station iu a special car for a trip through tho F.M.S. They played the Methodist Boys’ School, iu Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday afternoon, the 15th, and won the game by the score of
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    • 384 8 In connection with the Singapore Golf Club, the following competitions were competed for over the Easter holidays Medal Competition—lB Holes. W. K. F’orde 36 38 plus 3 77 T. M. Leitch 50 47 18 70 F. S. Gibsou 43 39 2 80 E. 11. Kankin 43 41 4 80
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  • 285 8 We regret to announce the death of Hriga-dier-General F. A. Hoghton which occurred in Mesopotamia from gastro enteritis due to the climate and hardships which General Towusheud’s force has been experiencing in Kufc. The deceased was quite well known in
    285 words
  • 166 8 The nerves of the aviation aspirant in F'rance are put to au exhausting test by au ingenious machine. The would be pilotsays the Paris correspondent of The Lancet must begin by exerting with both hands a rhythmic and continued effort, which inscribed
    166 words
  • 63 8 (From Our Own l•' Penang, April J- h At tho Eastern Shipping Co. s 1 at Buttorworth to-duy, the k-vl'' 1 the largest local steel vessel 'I hi 1M (f will be length 188 ft., beatu C., a" 1 {()r depth 14ft. She will have accoiuui' r
    63 words

  • 1099 11 I U-. ,v U pfu! *s to most pc. pin in I n :*.'4tunlay came the Httii news W' Bundy, tbo Consul for France, Pi It was not even generally Known V ,s< rionsly ill aud tiio end wiw
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  • 241 11 Mr. H. J. E. Wenckebach recently delivered an interesting lecture uu the Djatnbi con tracts aud the question, in what manner the petroleum exploitation should bo further continued iu Netherlands India. The speaker agreed with the scheme developed bv Mr.
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  • 286 11 Mr. R. O. Winstedt has made himself a recognised authority on the Malay lai gauge, and anything ho produces is welcome, though it is becoming something of a puzzle for the student to know which of the many books he should take as his guide. Mr. Winstedt aims
    286 words
  • 62 11 Messrs. Derrick and Co. advise us of the following ou‘put from tho Ilaub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for tho four weeks ending ‘22nd inst. llukit Roman, stone crushed, 5,601 tons; gold obtained, H 26 e/.5.; average per ton, 2.948 dwts. Bukit Malacca, stone crushed,
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  • 307 11 Tlio directors of tho Middleton Tin Mines, Ltd., will submit tins following n port to the fifth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at Malacca on April 26. Your directors have pleasure in submitting the balance sheet and
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  • 308 11 The particulars to hand of the Pakokku tire, through tho arrival at Kuugonn, on March 31, of n cm respondent from tho scene show that nearly two-thirds of the town has been destroyed. Tho tiro, it appears started in the hcusc of an
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  • 105 11 Mr. V. B. C. Baker publishes, through Messrs. Kelly and Walsh (price $1), in extremely handy little book for the use of all who aro engaged in the mining business of Malaya. It is a vocabulary of terms used in connection with mining, many being words
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  • 647 11 Mr. KMmuud Caudlt r, representative of the IJiit/iMh i'n hh in Mesopotamia, continues in tin.' follow inti article his description of the transport service in Mesopotamia: Tlio first and second lino transport is served l>y pack muli s, Indian Army
    647 words
  • 235 11 An increased profit is reported by tho Chartered Bank of India for the past year, tho available total, including £125,333 brought forward, being £508,205, as compard with £492,333 in the previous year, when £120,258 was brought in. After applying £*25,000 in payment of a bonus to
    235 words

  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1074 12 tlie be st of tbc nation understands Straits Times, April ‘20. NVo hoar with very great regret of the fit ruined situation whieh has arisen in Great Britain over the question of universal compulsory service. We are fully persuaded that the views of the military authorities should be
      tlie be st of tbc nation understands — Straits Times, April ‘20.  -  1,074 words
    • 1152 12 -Straits Times April '22. President Wilson shook his list and then his tinker, but tho killing of American citizens still went on. Even if we admit that the killing of other than American citizens is a matter about which Mr. Wilson need not concern himself, we are
      . -Straits Times April '22.  -  1,152 words
    • 1100 12 we have not done half enough.— '•rails Times, April 114. For a time it looked as if the Cabin* I wreckers were to have their way at h I When wo wrote on Thursday, regretfully ye I calmly because wo know something 0 f these things, it seemed almost
      we have not done half enough.— '•rails Times, April 114.  -  1,100 words
    • 1180 13 to holp such godly efforts.—Straits Times, April 25. A correspondent sends us a copy of a letter I blisht J by the O'Connor Don with reference w0 k,;t muddle that is being made over the distribution of money due to the dependents men who are serving at the front
      to holp such godly efforts.—Straits Times, April 25.  -  1,180 words
    • 1111 13 Straits Times, April 20. Thoro must bo some queer tragic, or sordid story behind the treason of Sir Huger Casement. He was a man standing high in the consular service. He had distinguished himself by a scathing and fearless exposure of tho Putumayo rubber gathering atrocities, and
      Straits Times, April 20.  -  1,111 words
    • 1229 13 aerial fighting forces of the Empire.—Straits Times, April 27. Wo publish news to day, nows that will sadden the heart of every sane Irishman the world over. At tho moment when the •treat war broke out it seemed as if Ireland was on tht! vert; e
      aerial fighting forces of the Empire.—Straits Times, April 27.  -  1,229 words

  • 221 14 Au increased demand for silver coin, owing to the war, has arisen in the Antipodes, as will be seen from the following extract from the Australian newspaper Argus under date •January ff, 1916:—“ The bederal Treasury is about to embark on the minting of its own silver
    221 words
  • 289 14 Fairplay, tho ships owners’ organ, refers to the selfish folly of the Australian wheat farmer in insisting on his crop being carried at any cost, regardless of the claims of other members of his community, or the interests of tho United Kingdom. It hopes that Mr.
    289 words
  • 1121 14 The N. I > lily N< ws of April 11 say.-: Everyone uppar« ntly heard what they thought w.i» ..n xplosiou in the early hours ot yesterday morning, and as it sounded net unlike the >.plt»*--i »n
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  • 475 14 An actiou arisiug out of the loxs steamship Xweena, which was fully :n\« -tf. gated iu the Marine Court last yr;u. cat.o. up for hearing before the Chief Justus >ir 1. S. Bucknill, K.C., in tho Suprena Court
    475 words
  • 141 14 The Malacca Volunteer camp at Estate, Alor Gajah, broke up < n l after attack practice carried out by b> pean and Chinese companies au l by Brig.-General L). H. Ihduii D This finished in a torrential dowupoi through which the Volunteers ha< three miles back to camp
    141 words

  • 1071 15 ,Kko>i Oi-b OWN Corkksi-ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 10. Tin re had not been so great a sensation in T mupU r since the Proudlock case, when rftmie known last Saturday morning Mr j G. H. Grey, a telegraph engineer h t\n employ of the Post and Telegraph
    1,071 words
  • 251 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In caso it should not yet have come to yonr notice I beg to draw your attention to the following paragraph in a recent issue of the Sourabaya liandelsblad Astounding News from Buitenzorg. Acting under instructions from the Coloniul
    251 words
  • 167 15 Mrs. Kenuedy aud Miss Joan Kennedy, wife and daughter of Dr. W. W. Kenuedy, have left Calcutta for Mhow to join tho section military hospital there. On the same day Miss Graham left for Lucknow and Miss Hathaway for Poona. These ladies have been trained by the
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  • 104 15 In a letter addressed to the Government of India liumo Department by the European Association of Calcutta, they state that they are of opinion that much harm was done by the tardy manner in which tho Gorman missionaries were either interned oi repatriated; and they have
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  • 1148 15 The second annual geuoral mooting of tho Jesselton Ice and Power Co., Ltd., was held on April 10 at the registered ollices of tho Company, 101, Cecil Street. Mr. A. E. Baddeley presided, others present being Messrs. Tan Kboarn
    1,148 words
  • 423 15 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In their share circular, datel ’April 19, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Advice has been recoived from home that the Treasury restrictions regarding colonial dealings have so far been removed as to enable any holders here of sterling shares to sell
    423 words
  • 141 15 The case was heard by the Kuala Lumpur muj'istrato on April 20 in which ihn (ioort'e <lrey. assistant telet'rapli engineer in the I*. and T. I> partinent, Kuala Lumpur, was charged with that he, on or about April 14, 1910, vt Kuala Lumpur, voluntarily did cause
    141 words

  • 1347 18 Lord Robert Cecil was r»e* ntly revi* wed by Mr. .loachhi lloscli, sperm I Loudon cones pendent ot Las Notu ius, the chill tiarrelnn a dmly ni wsp-ipr r. At tilt’ outs* t l.o <1 Rebel t Cecil formally
    1,347 words
  • 375 18 Hugimental Sergeant Major who is serving on the Western front, but nut in a Sussex battalion, lias written to a friend at Portslade, mar Brighton, a letter, in which he says:— Tho 9th Sussex have had a pretty rough time
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  • 150 18 Tho installation ceremony of Lodge St Gourde, No. 1152, was held at Freemasons. Hall on Tuesday when Bro. G. It. W.’ Lawson was installed as Wor. Master for tho ensuing ye:ar, tho installing master being Wor. Bro. C. W. Sprigs. Wor. Bro. Lawson invested his officers as
    150 words
  • 1204 18 By the unanimous d* cision of the Appeal Court on Miii»h l ;t it was held that the live v* at oM e ih.l, (’harks Eugene Edward Slingsby’, fan ili,lily known as Teddie,” is ml thu lego ini,it*- sou oi
    1,204 words
  • 308 18 Sir Napier Shaw lectured at the Royal lustituti <u on Some Illusions ot the Upper Air. lie told how all the old ideas as t: trade winds aud cyclones and as tj all tie other gifts or
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  • 173 18 The Suez correspondent of the a T Telegraph says There was a great‘Scene enthusiasm on March 25, when the rIDCt Wales attended Major-GeDeral Sir Arc i Murray’s inspection of the Australia!) fantry brigade and artillery. parade was over tho men were pertui fall out, and they
    173 words

  • 1052 19 j, t wixt. ti months since we first V receive from neutral capitals vague ii'*w and exceedingly formidable that were said to have been put V. iu <at■uuiin shipyards within a tew v j f the outbreak of war.
    1,052 words
  • 247 19 Cardinal Gotti whoso d* iih has been announced was one of die most brilliant of the surviving cardinals created under the I.* oniiie Pontificate. A son of a c all heaver in Genoa dock yards, lu gaini dearly listinction in
    247 words
  • 261 19 A Pioneer cable dated London. April 10, says: The Daily Telegraph’s Paris correspondent quotes statements of an old friend who lias partaken iu most of the erdun lighting. Like others he is absolutely cou confident of France’s ability to hold
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  • 66 19 From Oi;k Own Corhksi*oni»knt.) I poll, April 20. There was a strike of liekslm pullers at I poll to-day. A few were at work this morning, hut the streets are now cleared. The strik( is reported to be due to insistence by the poiice that pull* rs,
    66 words
  • 265 19 The feature of a memorable speech by the Bight Mou. W. M. Hughes, the Australian Premier, at the Pilgrims' dinner at the Savoy on March 17, was his poignant but thrilling story of tho charge of tho Hth
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  • 222 19 Otlieers and men who find themselves in the neighbourhood of Buckingham Palace at the time of the changing of the guard (11 a.m.) aro expected to obsetvo strict military decorum. Ollicers salute and men stand to attention on the kerb while
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  • 80 19 Gowlky-Bkown—V/.KLMAN.— On April IH, at Singapore, by the Itev. Mr. Hibbard, I C. Cowley-Brown to Eva, widow of .dr. L. I*. Y/.elm an, Kuala Lumpur. Ko< ti Dknton Mont.—-On April 21, at St. George’s Church, Penang, by tho Lev. Given how, Ag. Colonial Chaplain, Gerald Trevor Koch, of Stmgei
    80 words
  • 180 19 Sinoafob*, Ai-kil 27, 1916. EXCHANGE. on Lonlc* Haul: 4 m/s 2/4JJ OuQLlHud <4 4$ Private 8 ni/a 2/4G On Fkanck Hank T. T. 326 >n India Bank T. T. 174] On lioNiiKONi*.„Htab d/ 1 8) On Shanghai ...Tank d 78 ')n Java dank T. T. 133 On-Upan
    180 words
  • 361 19 Sinuafokb, April 27, 1916. MINING. Valuo Bijyoni Solfew. 10 .10 Ampang 6.00 7.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.85 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.75 2.00 10 10 Kanabol O.fO 1.05 17 10 Kinta Association 5.00 £1 XI Kiuta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 XT XT Laiiat Mines 3.00 5.00 10
    361 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 131 19 NOTICE. Tim post tree price of the Stmtts Times to the l nitetl Kingdom and foreign countries i* ft* a year. Tnepost ires (jf tbo Straits ltuig>t $11 >’ >ar to any part of the world. It n not neces,arv to subscribe for a year. Tne subserip.ions tor shorter periods
      131 words
  • 79 19 UEATI1 ss. Di:iu)is.— On April ‘40, Mr. W. II. hnbois, Second OHieor s.h. van Kioboock, ai»o 2'i. Koii Knu fii vNO.— On April 22, at her residence No. HO, Lamport IJdiru I toad, Singapore, Mrs. Koli Knt» Liam', widow ot t| 1( late Mr. Choon<» Hen# I'oh d .7J yi
    79 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 109 1 Gknkkal ICubb* r Items 1 F.M.S. Rubber Bxpoit Duty 2 Singapore I(ubb« r Auc*ions London It abhor Market 8 Para Rubber Kxports 8 A New Rubber Machine 4 Penang Rubber Auction... 4 Tklkorams London Rubber Specials 1 The P. A. M. Meeting 1 Rubber Reports 1 Mmciin«;s am* Rkcorts
      109 words
    • 358 1 Mr. K. N. T. Cummings, director and manager of Sungei I {inching Rubber Co., Somenyih, Ulu Langat, Selangor, has boon on a briof visit to Singapore. Mr. and Mih. James Howell, lato of the School, Malacca, and Mr. and Mrs. T. \V. Main, Cheng F.statc, Malacca, sail for
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    • 1246 1 The ninth annual general meeting of the* Kuala Langat District Planters’ Association was held at tho Ranting Club on April 7. Mr. It. W. Munro in the chair. There were present Messrs. Kennedy, Colson. Raxeudale, Killick. Lcndrum, Skeen.
      1,246 words
    • 84 1 (From Our Own Corrkm ondkst.) Loudon, April 20. Final dividends arc declared as followI’uited Sumatra 25 per cent.. Lac'kat 174, Glenshiel 15 anil Seremban 9. London. April 26. Highlands and Lowlands pays a dividend of 20 per cent., Sungei Kapar 17j, and Ayu carries forward a balance
      84 words
    • 182 1 (From Oi k Own CouKK>ioNnKNr.t Kuala Lumpur. April 26. At the meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya Mr. Aid worth. Controller ot Laboir made an inti resting address dealing with the work of his dt partment. especially regards kangauui recruiting and recoir mended a
      182 words
    • 52 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Kuala Lumpur, April 25. The Cheras rubber report recommends® final dividend of 7} per cent., making e the year ended December 31, carry forward i 11,253. Tho Sungei Purun rubber repot mends writing olf preliminary 1,094, paying a dividend of 8 per ccn carry
      52 words
    • 194 1 The directors of the Dominion Rl }b bc J jj Ltd., at a meeting held at Sinang it t jj 14, decided to declare a final div m i c d rate of 75 per cent, for the > ot to December 81, 1915. Ihis is
      194 words
    • 1036 2 t( p t >r cent, dividend was declared ou a tlie third annual general meeting r llute Plautaftions (11*13), Ltd., which p, |,i in tl.o board room of Messrs. A. K. [''Vpl iB d Sons, general managers, ShaugMr. A. W. i
      1,036 words
    • 326 2 The report of the Harpenden (Selangor) Bubber Company, Limited, states that the balance at credit of profit and loss accoont, after writing off £1,490 (equal to 89d. a lb.» for depreciation of buildings and machinery, and including £2,481 brought forward, is £33,114. Deducting the amount for three
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    • 297 2 The report of the auugei Kruit Bubber Estate, Limited, states tbat the profit ou the year’s working, after providing for doprecia tion of buildiugs and machinery, is £18,785, to which must be added the amount brought forward, £4,287. making £28,072; deducting the amount of interim dividend of
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    • 120 2 For the period from April 28 to May 4, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at 8s. l.Jd. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable ou an ad valorem basis in accordance witfi the
      120 words
    • 891 2 The Times of Coylon reports Tho tenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Lapan I’tau Hubber Company, Ltd., was held at the ollico of Messrs. Boustoad Bros., Colombo, on April 11, when there were present:—Mr. W. Wilson Smith
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    • 457 2 Tlio Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, 239th auction was held on April 19, when there were ottered for sale 5,891.12 piculs, or 785,482 lbs. (tons 350.66). The prices realised were Sheet smoked tine ribbed ...SIGH to 5174 n good ribbed
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    • 306 2 Tho report of the Now Crocodile River (Selangor; Rubber Company, Limited, states that the year's working resulted iu a profit of X*25,587. which, with tho sum brought forward, X'0,789, leaves a balance to tho credit of profit and loss account of X*82,876. The company on January
      306 words
    • 1183 3 The f inrili ordinary g* nenil meeting of Fcgoh, Limited, was li< M on March 17, at the Rubber (irowers AsHM-iation, 38, Lastchetip. E.C., Sir Ernest Woodford Ihrcli, K.C.M.G. (chairman of the company), presiding. The O mum,ii) naid: In the
      1,183 words
    • 520 3 The following is from the London aud China Express of March 21 The slight fluctuations iu the commodity market have not had any influence on shares. There has been a good deal of buying, and there would have been a good many
      520 words
    • 1666 3 Tho sixth ordinary general meeting of the Selaba Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on March 14, in the Council Hoorn of the Kubh >r Growers’ Association (Incorporated), 38, Kistcheap, London, E.C., Mr. E. L. Hamilton (chairman of tho company) presiding. The
      1,666 words
    • 125 3 We are indebted to Messrs. HarD'' Company for the following statistics 0 f export of Para rubber from the o P j rOOJ the Peninsula for varying P (!r c( January 1, 1916. The quantities in lbs., with tho figures for the corre. P periods of the
      125 words
    • 1902 4 The annual genera 1 mentis of tin* N» gri s UJ biluu Planters' Association was held in fn t Sungei L’jong Club on Saturday, h Mr. .J. D. McCulloch presided, nun rr’ni those present were Messrs. F. .1 t
      1,902 words
    • 391 4 The up to date planter, who is always looking for the most economical methods of treating his rubber, should investigate the claims of the new patent Scrap Washer which has been placed on tho market by I'uitod Engineers, Limited. The
      391 words
    • 125 4 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen, hennys and Go. at their auction sale at Penang, on April 25: Smoked ribbed sheet 8167 to $176 plain 15H No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 161 166 I’nsmoked sheet 156 158 No. 2 unsmoked sheet 152
      125 words
    • 886 4 An extraordinary general meeting of tho shareholders in the Tan ah Merali Lstate, Ltd., wan held on April IJ3, at tho offices of Messrs. A. It. Burkill and Sons, general managers, Shanghai, Mr. A. f Burkill presiding, says tho N. C. Daily
      886 words
    • 1434 5 The N.-C. Daily N'»wh reports: Beside* declaring u final dividend of seven candareeub per snare (making twelve per cent, for the year, and this is the eompauy'H first dividend yeurj the Batu Auatu (.lohore) Jtubbi r Instates, Ltd., passed
      1,434 words
    • 259 5 Thc report of the Labu (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, states that the rubber output and revenue costs are as follows: Rubber harvested, st)s,f)4>i lbs. Cost per lb.—Estate expenditure, 8.76 d. per lb depreciation, l.lOd. per lb.; f.0.b., 9.86 d. per lb.; freight anti selling expenses and insurance
      259 words
    • 1019 5 Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange FraserTr 6 Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing p P i,° t 8 1915. 1914. March 20. April qJ 8 150,000 2/- 20% 32% Anglo-Malay 10/8 9/0 m 6),uo0 £1
      1,019 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 378 6 DINNEFORD’S ci m -T| m £2 50 tri The Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel, Safest and most Kffeotive Aperient for Regular Use.. impost*** v NOTIOC. In conaequ,. w* of 'numerous totion«perc)>Mi.>t miuunKi thctiiMo “oinuefqsi>& >> on every bo'uia •nd Label. MAGNESIA The Universal Remedy for Acidity of
      378 words
    • 215 6 To enrich the blood wfjpr' To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain—you cannot do than take SCOTT’S Emulsion, In every part of the world this valued food tonic has proved its worth as the purest and best of all forms ci cod liver oil. treatment an the richest strength-maker
      215 words
    • 214 6 poritive paying iawitowt is any whether Urge or.nuall, Is GOOD III value cannot be overestimated. Tour advmtiring metier which you distribute aad the rtaiiooery you use generally makes a lasting imprnssion, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. Don t Fty Out Money tor the poor kind, get the paying
      214 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 200 7 SUN '<' A**". JWB /.tW i rv' *iA? ljAMmLvu A -i.- r'.c > Vflmit C/ > fsXjUtVT lf L vf .i^iSwSWSiSMa•l i a ii'$? MSXt- Yj**r&*. JLA a Obtainable from every Liquor 'Dealer at the following prices from April 1, 9 ‘*1 s, L* J* **4&J f ?*‘La J, V
      200 words