The Straits Budget, 20 April 1916

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3036 Singapore, Thursday. April 20. 1916. ESTABLISHED OVER HALT A CCATURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 342 1 leaders— The Great Offensive 12 British Air Service 12 From the Field 12-13 British Service 13 Art aud Industry ...13-14 Local and Ghnkral— Local and Personal 2 The War 3-6 Kuala Luiupur Y.M.C.A. 0 The Siamese Railway 0 Death of Brother Josephus 6 The Antarctic 7 British
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  • 4907 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ransom, of Kuala Selangor, have left for home. Sergeant H. K. C. Tobutt is appointed 2nd lieutenant (temporary), M.S.Y.R. Mr. G. E. London has been appointed to act as Assistant District Officer, Sitiawan. Dr. W. B. Ormc, of the F.M.S. Government Service,
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1786 3 German Attack Fails. VERDUN REMAINS SECURE AS EVER. Germany and America. LondoD. April 13, 1.20 p.m. Paris, communique: There has been a inleut aud continuous bombardment west of >I eU so and of Hill 304, in the Esnes strict, ami at Morthommo. There has been operate artillery activity
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    • 1533 3 Verdun. FRENCH SHEW GREATER CONFIDENCE. Fighting Floods in Mesopotamia. London, April 14, 1.20 a.m. Paris, communique: Wost of the Meuse there was a continuous bombardment of Hill 304 and tho Morthommo-Cumii res front Tbcro was moderate artillery activity east of the Meuse and in tho Woevre, but no
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    • 2761 4 French Success. SIXTEEN-INCH GUNS NOW IN USE. The American Attitude. London, April 15, 11.5 a.m. Paris, communique In the Argonne, our batteries were active, in tho region of St. Hubert, where German works were damaged, and also against enemy roads in the region of Montfaucon and Malancourt. Both
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    • 546 5 Verdun Battle. GERMANS EXPECTED AGAIN TO ATTACK. Confidence of Italian Cabinet. London, April 16, 1.5 a.m. Paris. communique: On tho left bank of the Mouse, the enemy violently bombarded our positions in Avocourt Wood and on Hill 304. on the right bank. There was artillery activity on both
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    • 2239 5 Russian Success. NEWS OF CAPTURE OF TREBIZ0ND. Cabinet Crisis Threatened. London, April 17, 10.45 p.m. Petrograd. communique The Russians have occupied the village of Arsonekellcssi, twelve miles east of Trebizond. London, April 18, 9.80 p.m. Petrograd Trebizond has fallen. London, April 18, 12.85 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig
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  • 580 6 The: following report has been passed by the censor ieir publication On March 30 the Special Tribunal pronounces! judgment in the Lahore Conspiracy Supplementary Case. Of the 71 accused six we re* sentenced to el* ath, 45 to transportation for life*, eight
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  • 112 6 Tbe following anecdote is recounted by London Opinion: Whe n Colonel House, President Wilson’s special envoy, was in Berlin recently, he went to the bunk to get some German money. Of course nothing hut notes were to be had, and the colonel wondered why lie was kept
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    • 445 6 The Straits Chinese Football Association team that met au S.C C. ole um on Thursday on the Esplanade hy way >1 preparation for their forthcoming visit to Ponaug created a most favourable impression. They lost by three goals to one, but that score* hardly represents tlie balance of play.
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    • 337 6 Following were the results of play iu Thursday’s tournament in connection with the Ladies’ Lawn Tenuis Club Mixed Doubles A. Mrs. Owen and Mr. Edwards roc. 5 beat Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Allan rec. 3, 6—4, 6-4. Mrs. Lowtlnr Kemp and Mr Upcott owe 1 beat Miss Tabor
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    • 97 6 The result of the April medal of the Keppel Golf Club was as follows T. M. Maben 92—16*76 \V. Bircham 86 6 80 L. ,J. Gilbertson 86 6 80 K, F. Biunie 83 4 81 11. II. Salmond 94 10 84 Twenty-five cards were taken out. The ladies’ spoon
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  • 680 6 A graphic story was told at Hull by two survivors of the Wilson Liuer Sappho, which was nb indoned in the White Sea. There were twenty-two on board the vessel, including Captain Martin, and ouly three are believed to have
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  • 545 6 There was a large attendance it ti Yew Hall l Y.M.C.A.,, Kualf Ll rhursday evening, when a social v Z n OB public meotiOK was held to Celebris association s tenth aunivermrv c Malay Mail. The musical entertainment and tea *>.
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  • 198 6 Considerable progress lias bee-u made 1Q the work on the railway line which is J liuk Bangkok with Alor Star, says the straitKcho. In February the line was opened soatii of Koh Lak, another 2C kilometres to Hut" Yang, and it was proposed to open a frirtber
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  • 96 6 The death occurred 111 woeK, of the ltev. Brother W ilium ftUt of St. Paul’s Institution, D!i The deceased was 76 years l) .n 4* born in Ceylon in 1840, and »> a ni years a Christian Brother. At f his death ho had been in
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  • 2375 9 Kraaft.” A TALE OE GUNS AND OF A PARTNERSHIP. Paut II. Mv dear Light,” said Kinlock, (he was )()ki l down on a dirty wreck lying in a .chair in the native hotel which they °t%dsed) “you have been a doing of it l llt 0 V ou not know
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  • 74 9 (Fkom Our Own Corrksi’ondknt.) Shanghai, April 14, 2.10 a.m. The official starting on June 18 of the Pacific service will be resumed, under the American fiag, by a reestablished Pacific Mail Company. This is not the old com pany reconstituted, but a re establishment under the American
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  • 126 9 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore of the week ended April h was G 1.70 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths was *2 Id, of which 144 were male subjects and f»9 female. Convulsions claimed .52, phthisis ‘29, malaria fever
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  • 703 9 (Flioil A Coi:l<*sl*ONl>KNT Malacca, April 15. There occurred last Friday an interesting little fiiuc ion at tho High School, Malacca, wh<*u lie stall and the whole school asMiinhli 1 to wish Godspeed to their veteran headmaster, Mr. .1. Howell,
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  • 156 9 On I'riday Brigadier-General I). 11. Itidout, C.M.0., after a visit of inspection to tho first monthly camp of the M.S.V.K, at I'aiping. broke bin journey ac If di in order to accept the invitation of the lh .1. A. I'ayne* OaJlwey to a private conference
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  • 44 11 straits Times is not responsible for ninioDH of its correspondents. 0,r P r. M'°n Jcnt B, mld be t in lnd ‘I"** ,u U st be short and to the point, rambling epistles are liable to be j cted or ruthlessly cut down.;
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  • 1453 11 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. sir are instructed by L. R. M. S. V. i'llmiappa, the manager of tho Chetty g c and others on behalf of the Chetty L rnuuity to write to you with reference two letters which have appeared iu your .luinoH
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  • 437 11 To the Editor of the Straits Timos. Sir, —The leading article in your valuable paper of yesterday’s date was quite seasonable, and I am sure has touchod many British hearts, including the hearts of many in smug Singapore. I agree with you that a fund
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  • 195 11 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—On Saturday last I sent a telegram to tho Government Telegraph Office for transmission to a friend at Penang, who was leaving thero, on that day, per tho P. and O. Mail for Europe. Tho telegram was a short one, and
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  • 439 11 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Two letters recently published in your paper touch upon subjects meriting, I think, more than passing interest. I refer to those letters, one upon tho taxation of dollar companies and the other proposing that Cbetties subscribo to tho Malayan Air
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  • 187 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, 1 was passing along Selegie Koad about 4 p.m. on Monday and saw a small boy, about 10 years old, being carried into No. 87, Sologio I toad, with whafc appeared to rao a badly damagod head and face. Also
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  • 705 11 Among tlio vagrants o'»l!« k ct< <l from the streets of Shanghai, it is probable that none have made so close a study of their business as lins .1. E. West, who was recently convicted of the
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1102 12 —Straits Times. April 14. There was a significant phrase in one of the telegrams we published yesterday. It was a semi official Baris message and read as follows: “The Freneli high command is confident that the French cannot be worn out at Verdun, and will have sufficient
      —Straits Times. April 14.  -  1,102 words
    • 1126 12 .—Straits Times, April 15. The practical difficulties of the air service aro somewhat beyond our knowledge. Why Lord Derby and Lord Montagu resigned after serving on the committee for less than a month, why meu of their stamp urge that the air service should bo mado as
      .—Straits Times, April 15.  -  1,126 words
    • 1239 12 ’—Straits Times, April 17. We have been reading Leaves from Field Note Book by Mr. J. H. Morgan, late Homo Office Commissioner with the British Expeditionary Force. It is one of the most charmingly readable war books we hav-j come across, just because it does not attempt
      ’—Straits Times, April 17.  -  1,239 words
    • 1149 13 the nation for that purpose.—Straits Times, April 18. a to liavc, during the present week, a .j U ,if!r!U sMon in the Imperial Parliament on 1 1 >n of universal national service. It J 'lyosfM totted favour with the War Office t U dn; U Ct!rta D nuTub
      the nation for that purpose.—Straits Times, April 18.  -  1,149 words
    • 1184 13 merits and supi riur organisation. Straits Times, April 11*. There has been handed to us a small booklet bearing outside tho words A New Body with New Aims." It is producod by what calls itself the Design and Industries Association.” Tho object of tho association, wc gather,
      merits and supi riur organisation. Straits Times, April 11*.  -  1,184 words

  • 378 14 On Tm sday m the si oond police court, the magistrate, Mi. 11. G. Clarke, uttered a severe warning to a .Malay Yoluutot-r, who. tog« tin i with a Strait horn Chinese, also a Volant er. was charged with using criminal lons ti a Strait Irorn Chinese
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  • 219 14 In the senior magistrates court on Tuesday, Syed Omar bin Mohamed Ashibli pleaded guilty of be ing in possession of goods of euemy origin, imported into the colony, namely, a quantity of an ilino hydrochloride. The information upon which Mr. \V. Hartley, assistant registrar of imports
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  • 166 14 At a women's patriotic meeting, hold on April 11, which wan attended by over a hundred Singapore women, the question wan discussed as to how they could take Home Hharc of the burden which is falling upon the whole Empire at this time. Among other things
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  • 68 14 Mr. Hunbury. secretary of tho Settlers’ Association ot V ictoria, who ha< l 13 years’ experience ot growing in British Guiana, seys that there is a line opportunity there for Australia to make paper from th<* refuse of the sugm cane. He states that a nhipmeiit
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  • 1357 14 .James Dunn, tho special correspondent of the Daily Mail, writing from Rotterdam, says Germany's canal-bound fleet is preparing to move. For many weeks I have been too iving information, and now I am able to statu that the vaunted High Sea
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  • 280 14 The following circular letter, with form attached for the tilling in of certain particulars, has been sent out by Mr. A. C. J. Towers, of Ipoh:— Having received numerous letters from ladies and gentlemen all over Perak urging that immediate steps be taken to
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  • 270 14 Wo are requested liy Lady publish an appeal for ti e ih iu nt ueod of further hdg i' v 4lc t it to carry on operations in connect the establishment and luaiut. 0,1*'* hospitals ami other rt lief w il e
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  • 216 14 The Women's Herb Growing Association, recently formed to encourage the cultivation and collection of the medicinal herbs and wild plants now so urgently required, has now over 500 members, aud is making a practical start by the establishment H its
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  • 236 14 Spoaking at a public meeting in connection with the F.M.S. War Loan held iu w Council Chamber, SerembaD, on Monday, a at which there was a very poor atteni a > Dr. W. L. Braddon said that he had mane some calculations. Supposing that there 250 people
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  • 1121 15 (KI OM Oi'R Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 14. or C ar owners who wish to dispose of r cus in these times of congested car bv sea are in a position to reap hand IT, margins of profit in Kuala Lumpur. A in daily use for
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  • 410 15 Before the war the distribution of prizes to tho scholars attending Hallies Girls' School was made the occasion of delightful entertainments at which many parents and friends were present. Since the outbreak of hostilities these have been omitted from the programme with
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  • 1570 15 The following report on the Singapore Young Men’s Christian Association for 1915 has been issued The great war has discovered many thiugs and one of them is the strength of the Y.M.C.A. The Association was not unknown before, but the extraordinary resource
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  • 185 15 Sovoral hundred Eskimo and Alaskan dogs, usually associated only with Arctic exploration and adventures in the frozen wilds, are proving a valuable ally to tho French during the winter campaign in the Vosges. A dog transport service with sleighs keeps the front line supplied with
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  • 2145 16 London. M irch 17. ('ol<ifM'l Winston ('liiiicliill, M.P., of tho Royal Scots I umIhis. has talon tho advice of \dioiral Mi 11* dwoitii Moux. und is now back in I ratine, but wliethei ho will stay there, as tho \
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  • 612 16 In the Marine Court on April 1”, before Commander Cator, K.N., Master Attendant, ten men. three English, one Irish, one Welsh, one Canadian, two Dutch aud two West Indians, sailors and firemen from the Hritish ship Audangorm were charged by the master,
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  • 402 16 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Wm Circular. In their share circular, dated M» ssrs. Fraser an J Co. report r The share market generally r*-m,-and in some rubber shares dfstinor have been recorded. Any special are commented hereunder. T ln a J the continued activity in the metal
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  • 394 16 We closed a leading article the other ii with these words: It would be a very graceful thing to cpe a fund for home defence aircraft just l shew that we have whole hearted syuipitt with the victims of German brutality -u men, women and children
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  • 1035 18 It was an interesting coincide nee that at the moment when Colonel Churchill was making his warning about a lack of driving force and mental «nergy in our naval administration reports were e:oming in from Holland that
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  • 351 18 The:re be; tryiuy times for everyone*, includ iry Insurance Companies in a special degree. and it is all the more creditable; to the Great Hasteni Life Assurance Company that it is able: to present so yood a report of its business in 1915. The full
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  • 301 18 The following letter fiom 2nd Lieutenant l{. V. Cuthbcrt, formerly Lieutenant in tin Maxim Company, of the S. V. A. and now attached to the 10th Scaforth Highlanders, in training at Hipswell Camp, in Yorkshire, has he« u received by Capt. Campbell, of the S.V.A.:
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  • 172 18 In an cent speech by a Chineso lawyer, Tan 1 Rung, at Chcngtu, at tho Association for the promotion of education and morals it was stati d that fifteen per cent, of the Chineso aro farmers, 5 per cent workmen, 5 per cent merchants anil f>
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  • 540 18 The I'uited S at»s Department rf Com mi l ce, throuyli the Coast aud Gcodctte Sur vt y and Hutvau of Lightlu list s, has recently surveyed hii.l marked a safe passage through the Milu Si a of the Philippine Islands,
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  • 242 18 In addition to the restriction, almost amounting to prohibition in certain classes, of paper exports from England prices are up 150 to 200 per cent, and for some kinds even more. Last year, 18,678 cwts of British manufactured paper valued at X 19,676 f.o.b were imported
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  • 183 18 Kkutku’s TuLKiiRAMs. Londou, April 15 ■<... New York: Mr. Üb»lb k B lie is prepared to treat with 1 1 CeH garding his proposal f ur the r American troops from Mexico L i Wal J f withdrawal is not coutunplaUd. IUiUKi London, April lp, 9 Washington: Dr.
    Kkutku’s TuLKiiRAMs.  -  183 words
  • 105 18 Bki run's Tkleoram. Loudon, April 17, 5.30 p.m The House of Lords has passed thetiiiri reading of the Imperial Institute Bill. A telegram dattd March 24 stated thu a Bill proposing to transfer the uianageuen: of the Impt rial lustitnto from the BeardTrade to the Colonial Office, provides
    Bki run's Tkleoram.  -  105 words
  • 24 18 Rkttkk's* Th.h-ravv London, April 13, <3.30 -i c The Panama Canal rtropens to day. It Lj been closed for seven aiuutbs.
    Rkttkk's* Th.h-ravv  -  24 words
  • 185 18 The steamer Kajang, built for the Steamship Co., Ltd., of Singapore, Taikoo Dockyards, Hongkong, was fully launched on April 8, the Daiumk many being gractfully performer Edkins. i o a Tbo Knjang measures jJ u over all, 41 tcet beam, and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 100 18 Property Sale. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Chino Kong |,ro an i Co.’s sale room on Monday aft* ir.m n Fre« hold land ,it I’asir 1’anpng, ari i l ,o»t) h.mate feet bout*lit by Any Kim K »k i >r fMH). Leasehold Janti aud house II.
      100 words
  • 116 18 OBITUARY. KkLTHR's TlLKiKAMS. London, April 13, 2.5 pm. The death has taken place of Mr. Ricbarl Harding Davis, the American novelist a:l playwright. London, April U, The death is announced of Major-Genen H. T. Jones Vaughan, commanding the troops, Straits Settlements, 1894 1901. London, April 14. 12.20 pu. The death
    116 words

  • 895 19 n battle of Verdun” was the sole sub t \j r Hilaire Belloc’s article in the 1 Land and Water for March 2.” It ill and lucid statement of the object of (jniuau attack, the French method of '‘'.Li
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  • 642 19 If the Government takes the advice given to it by some of tlx* greate st financial experts, bankers, insurance managers, and the beads of great industries, says tire Daily Mail, it will attach to its next loau issue a companion
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  • 154 19 The smoking concert held at the Drill Hall on Saturday evening by the S.K.F..(V by way of marking the departure of C.S.M. Chatcr, who is leaving for Shanghai, was a complete success. There was a large attendance which included many men from other units and a
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  • 486 19 M. Bokanowski, a French deputy, who is among the survivors from tho French trans port Provence, which was recently suuk in tho Mediterranean, has given M. Poincare, tho French President, an account of the last momonts on board tho
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  • 69 19 For three months nothiug has been seen or heard of tho Hokotu Maru, 1,7211 tons, owned by Messrs. Suzuki aud Co., Kobe, which loft Singapore for Kuropoiu December last. All possible means failing to ascertain her fate, she is now regarded as having foundered with
    69 words
  • 39 19 Bvkxk. —Ou April 11, at No. Kber Hoad, Singapore, to Mr. anil Mrs. John Byrne, u son. Hougkoug pap* rs please copy. Gi ay.— On April Ul, at Penang, the wife of Dr. .1. Gray, of a son.
    39 words
  • 169 19 SINGAPORE, April 10 1916. EXCHANC1E. OnLondo. Bank 4 m/s 2/4i| Demand 2/4$ Private 8 m/s 2/4<13 On Franck Bank T. T. 826 on India Bank T. T. 174j On Hongkong ...Bank d/d 10i On Shanoua: ...Bank d/d 80i On Java Bank T. T. 182J On Japan Bank
    169 words
  • 350 19 Singapore, April 19, 1916. MINING* Value Buyers Sellors. iO 10 Ampang 6.00 7.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.85 0.50 10 10 Bolat 1.75 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.90 1.05 11 10 Kinta Association 5.00 XI XI Iviuta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 SI XI Lahat Minos 3.00 5 00
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 136 19 NOTICE. I lie post tree price of the Straits Tunis tithe United Kingdom and foreign countries is tf’l< a year. Th<? post freo price of the Strain Hulitit >s $14 y"a r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to su'iscribe for a year. The subscriptions lor
      136 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 Dinneford’sM MAGNESIA 1 DINNEFORD’S The Physician’s Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Grave). Safest and most Effective Aperient for Regular Use. nan noth. 4. In of nuil.uruu, I Util'll* i.uicUuj. .j mual mutt tile name **DINuEFOftO’S" on every botUa aud UWi. MAGNESIA > > the Universal Remedy for Acidity of
      285 words
    • 258 6 c > To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, bonc3, nerves and brain—you cannot do better than take SCOT PS Emulsion. v In every part of the world this valued food tonic hit proved* its worth as the puiW and best of all forms of cod li ver oil treatment
      258 words
    • 200 6 A positive paying investment in any hoMTiften, whether large or small, is GOOD Its vakie oannot be overestimated. Toor advertising matter which yon distribute and the stationery yon ose generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. Don't Pay Out Money for the poor kind, get
      200 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 ;\v Obtainable from every Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916. ASAHI BEER, Quarts $11.80 per case of 4 doz. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASAHI BEER, Pints <& $10.50 per case of 6 doz. (Retail Price $1.90 per doz.) q y/ y SAPPORO BLACK BEER. Pints $11.00
      114 words