The Straits Budget, 14 April 1916

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3035 Singapore. Friday. April 14. 191$. established over naif a century. Price 25 cents
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  • 235 1 LEADERS Full Year of War 12 Future of Submarines 12 Local War Taxes 12-13 Some German Ways 13 Ex-Senator Root 13-14 Mesopotamia 14 Local and General Local and Personal 2 The War 3-6 War Prices Enforced 6 Kraaft 8 Death of Mr. C. W. Edwards 8 Letter
    235 words
  • 5174 1 Hitlis. mentioned in Wednesday’s telegrams, *''!«scribed by the llev. George Hepworth, an »crican investigator who visited it after Jl Massacres of tue nineties, as the quaiutan,l filthiest city conceivable.” One ponders whether he ever saw Canton which <an give 11 1 e best of evil-smelling eitiep a
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1829 3 Reuter’s Telkgbams, Verdun Position. I I the french keep their I LEAD. I Parliament and Mesopotamia. I Reuter’s Tklkgbams, I Loudon April 5, 12.5 a.m. I communique: Last night wo sprung Imnts near Hulluch and damaged a gallery CiJ wrecked posts established in an old crater. ■To day
      Reuter’s Telkgbams,  -  1,829 words
    • 1873 3 German Efforts. GREAT LOSSES FOR SMALL RESULTS. Dashing Action in Mesopotamia. London, April 6, 5.5 p.m. Paris Great enemy activity in the region of Verdun is recorded in tho French communique. West of tho Meuse, following a violent bombardment in the region between Avocourt and Betbincourt, a series
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    • 2683 4 Verdun Fighting. EBB AND FLOW OF LONG BATTLE. Turks Suffering Serious Reverses. London. April 7, 4.30 p m. Paris: The (lermaus continue to hammer i west of th* 1 Meuse, while the French make gtound east of the Meuse. communique I states that the Gormans, after a violent
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    • 715 5 A Bloody Defeat. RESULT OF FORTY-EIGHT DAYS’ FIGHTING. Big Battle in Verdun Area. London, April 10, 3.5 a.m, Paris, communique: West of the Meuse there was a violent battle all day on the whole of our front from Avocourt to Cnmieres, extending even to the eastern bank. The
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    • 1968 5 Battle of Verdun. GERMANS MAKE ANOTHER GREAT EFFORT. Terrible Slaughter Reported. London, April 10, 4.15 p.m. Paris: There was a renewed German offensive on the fiftieth day of the battle of Verdun. A feature of tbe communique is that the bombardment was continued violently at night and was
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    • 1530 6 Verdun Battle. GERMAN FRIGHTFULNESS FAILS. Greek Island Occupied. London, April 12, 1.30 a.m. British communique: Grenade dghting in tho craterH east of St. Eloi continued last night with varying fortuno. We hold throe of the craters but not tho other two at pro sent. Tho enomy to day
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    • 87 6 (From Our Own Corrkspcnoknt) I’onang, April 12, 1.62 p.m. Wiros from the Hague appear in the Sumatra papers to the following effect: The Reichstag rejected Socialist motions that tho submarine war bo carried on with every respect for international law and that uo vessel be torpedoed without
      87 words
    • 529 6 In the Ipoh .1 udicial Commissioner’s r His Lordship Mi. Justice Farrer-Mah was engaged for four days in hearing case which involved an important noint affecting the right to take wolfram frL, land leased for working tin ore. In this case,
      529 words
    • 150 6 There has beeu talk from time to time of protecting the public by fixing maximum war prices, and it is interesting to find tuat this has been done elsewhere. A copy of the Gibraltar Chronicle, dated March 3, k reports the trial of four persons, Isaac 'E.
      150 words
    • 150 6 It is stated that munitions of war alrt contracted for by the Japanese Govern to be supplied during this year amou value to Y 110.000,000 approximate y, which 180.000,000 worth is to be supp l > J the War Department, Y10,000,000 y Navy Department, and
      150 words

  • 13 7 lTll straitw Tirol* is not rcepo iblo Jo. toe-opinion* of it» cnrro.pjaiu«i«».|
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  • 212 7 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. With reference to a letter, with t0 the conquest of Java by the Kritish from the Froncb iu y° ur edition of r «lioul(l like to quote an extract from the Historical ltecords of tho 14tli Foot (now ItTrince of Wales’s Own
    212 words
  • 486 7 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— With reference to tho F.M.S. war loao, touching tho question of the issue bciny in the form of bearer bunds, which has bcea raised by critics, and replied to through the Malay Mail, by the Chief Secretary, may
    486 words
  • 173 7 lo the Editor of the Straits Times. nt S >!V' V1 ly nn y° n take up tho subject profits and “Income Tax” on y registered Dollar Companies I’ve cx P e ctir»g a leader in your paper for (jUu S n object, and I know many
    173 words
  • 601 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Of all H.M. King George’s subjects, I thiuk the Chitty community is not doing his little bit at all in this great horrible war; in fact these market street Indian bankers have dono or given nothing to the various funds
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  • 512 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have just read with much interest an articlo in your paper of to day's dato on page 7 headed, Lottor from Home.” Colonel Churchill as First Lord of tlio Admiralty was a bright light, he made one,
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  • 455 7 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Tho kindly interest which the readers of the Straits Times have displayed in the Fresh Air Fund in tho past emboldens me to ask you to allow me to remind them once again of the need of tho
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  • 820 7 London, March 10. Intercut in the ferocious struggle which has been in progress round Verdun for three weeks has tended to the contraction of business on the Stock Exchange and the daily average of recorded transactions has fallen
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  • 3158 8 Kraaft.” A TALE OF GUNS AND OF A PARTNERSHIP. |('||.VI Itl 111* IK It. I A goodly 1 mi*I is Cliambiay. with its rice fields stretching for miles along the const, with its groat fruit orchards on the hills and its eternul jungle on the mountains. Its Malays and kampongs,
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  • 186 8 At Macao on March 29 a preliminary enquiry was hold into the two charges of forgery against K. V. Kibeiro, a former clerk in tho office of Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Co., Ltd. Mr. G. N. Orme, the Assistant
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  • 201 8 There are many in this part of the world who will regret the death of Mr. Cbarlos Walter Edwards, whoso remains were la* to rest at Bidadari on Wednesday. f° r among* 4 a wide circle of friends he was well liked and much
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  • 2316 9 from Our Special Correspondent. Loudon, March 10. i arable an water thou Hhalt not excel.” i’i Ll\. h. i •i, t outstanding event in politics this j ias been the meteoric and dramatic of Mi. Wiustou Churchill in [L! House of
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  • 239 9 Since tho Chinese Government prohibited tho export of currency, last year, Chinese li coins have been brokon up and imported in the form of scrap metal into Japan. Such imports from January to tho end of February amounted t
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  • 56 9 Surgeon General K< nny, Licub. Col. Dodd, and Surgeon General Bourke have sent letters to Mr. I. Kllison warmly thanking him and the citizens who contributed for the gifts of walking sticks sent from Singapore for the use of w< unde 1 soldiers. These gifts, they
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  • 606 9 Mr. A. E. Baddeley signs tho annual report of tho J esse 1 ton Ico and Power Co., Ltd., for tho year ondod December 31, 1915, 10 be presented at the annual meeting. It in as follown It will bo
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  • 146 9 Speaking at a farewell banquet given to the Hon. Robert Young, at tho Penang Club, on April 4, the lion. A. T. Bryant, Resident Councillor, said: .Major Adams and gentlemen, 1 have only to say this. I am here representing Government. Mr. Young has been a
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  • 38 9 We are informed by the secretary to tho Resident, Perak, tliat the Perak tin export for March was us follows —Block tiu ‘2,613.81 piculs aud tin ore 36.081.8 piculs. The duty paid amounted to $454,883.85.
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  • 902 10 (Pkom Oi h Own L'okkhsi unhkn i Kuula Lumpur, April ft. The news of tin* murder <»f Mr. Lautour, tin* manager of Jiudaram Estate, at Srpang Hoad on Monday evening. has doubtless been wind to you by your Seremban correspoudent. The following details wore brought to Kuala
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  • 416 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In their share circular, dated April 5, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state The market has been fairly cheerful the whole week. Very few stocks shew any particular appreciation, but there has been a ateady demand both locally and from outaide. Kubbera
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  • 341 10 A correspondent writes to the Bangkok Times The need of building regulations for Bangkok has often been referred to in your columns, and the does not grow less. A particularly bad piece of town planning is in process at present which should have been prevented. Bangkok has
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  • 1369 10 The Hongkong Daily Press of April 1 gives the following account of the wreck of the Chiyo Maru. Since it was written tho vessel has broken in two: The handsome T.K.K. liner Chiyo Maru, 22,000 tons displacement,
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  • 270 10 Much credit has been given to the etcran Co. of the S.V.C. for tho success of their team in the competition in which both oluuteers and Territorials took part on Sunday morning. The men mustered at the junction of Orchard Road and Grange Road, in teams of twelve
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  • 853 11 Tuesday night the Penang Club was ct no of a 3 memorable gathering to bid a tbt a farewell to the Hou. Robert Young {O Tt alTord an opportunity for the presen- ‘n to hirn of
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  • 381 11 The Hongkong Government Gazette contains a comparative statement of the revenue and expenditure of the Colony for the period ended December 81, 1915 On the revenue side the decreases have been as follows: Light dues, $14,922.12; fight dues, special assessment, $10,659.54; fees of court
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  • 195 11 The twelfth annual report of the Association of St. Anthony do Padua at Singapore, ou the adm’nistration of tho fund of St. Anthony’s Bread for the year 1915, is as follows: Balance up to December 31, 1914, $5,207.59, received up to December 31, 1915, $1,949.88, expended in
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  • 1018 11 (From a Corrksi'ondknt.) Malacca, April 11. At laRt the committee of the Police Recreation Club have put their foot down and have hustled the competitors to play off their various ties in the tennis and billiard tournaments. Some good tennis was seen in the ties that were played
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  • 501 11 The members of the local bar assembled in tho library of the Supremo Court on Saturday morning in order to pay a personal tribute to Sir Evelyn Ellis ere he dt parts for homo. Sir Evelyn has figured prominently in
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  • 118 11 A Pioneer special cable says :—The Times’ Military correspondent regrets that India has not played a stronger hand in connection with the clearing out of tho German-led I>anditti from Persia. Tho last of this failuro has not yet boon heard. On the whole, adds tho correspondent, wo
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  • 103 11 Tho thirtieth ordinary general mooting of the shareholders of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., was held at the registered office of the company, 'I anjong Pagar, on Saturday, Mr. S. A. Lane, in the chair. The minutes of the 29th meeting having been read and
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1113 12 to prosper io the serenity of peace.—Straits Times, April 7. Mr. McKenna banes all liis estimates on the assumption that the war will last for a full year. That is necessary, Germany is held in check b it sh* is not yet beaten. We believe that
      to prosper io the serenity of peace.—Straits Times, April 7.  -  1,113 words
    • 975 12 —Straits Times, April 8. Sir Percy Scott has frequently been ahead of his times and possibly he was right when he said that the day was not far distant when the great Dreadnought with hundreds of men on board would have to give place to vast fleets
      —Straits Times, April 8.  -  975 words
    • 1243 12 —Straits Times, April 10. A conospoudent puts to us to-day a tion which wo have put to ourselves a good many times lately. In point of fact, we have occasionally stated our opinion that far too little is being done in this part of the world to
      —Straits Times, April 10.  -  1,243 words
    • 1241 13 true human progress. —Straits Times, April 11. There is a sneer at Britain in one of Btrnbardi's famous war books because, after a hundred years of rule in India, she has made no real impression on the religious beliefs of that country. The stupidity of the i*neer
      true human progress.—Straits Times, April 11.  -  1,241 words
    • 1243 13 iu a world controversy. Straits Times, April 12. We had a telegram in yesterday’s issue stating that ex-Senator Root, one of the greatest orators and statesmen in America, had mot with favour as Republican nominee for tbe Presidency. That telegram reminded ns that there was lying on our
      iu a world controversy. Straits Times, April 12.  -  1,243 words
    • 1112 14 are sure of ultimate success.—Straits Times, April 13. 0 More than onco wo have been asked why bo little jiiforniati >n iH available about Mesopotamia, and wo liavo generally replied that the expedition had a great object in view, but sooiuh to have been ontorod upon with gome decree
      are sure of ultimate success.—Straits Times, April 13.  -  1,112 words

  • 292 14 Considering the cosmopolitan crowd that goes to make up the population of Singapore crimes of violence are not numerous. There are, as may well be expected, any number of minor cases but for the most part affairs of the more serious description do not happen very ofton.
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  • 1148 14 The Singapore Harbour Board’s report for tho half year ending December 31, 1915, has now been issued and shows a credit balance larger than has been the case Biuce the first half of 1913. The
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  • 220 14 Owing to continued ill-healtb, His Kxcelency Chao Phya Phra Sadech, Siamese Minister of Religious Affairs and Education, has found it necessary to pray His Majes y to grant him permission to resign bisonero post, at the same time expressing willingness to serve the King in any ot
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  • 2805 16 From Our Own Correspondent. Loudon, March 9. The second stage of thu battle of Verdun is dominated by tt more sombre and stubborn persistence on the patt of the Germans in maintainin'' the ground that they have won. with a
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  • 534 16 The following communication from n Under Secretary, F.M.S., has been sen. ton for publication :-Tl.ero appear, £5 do bt certal qua, tors regarding.!! Y .MS. War Loan. In one news pa K r stated that a large number nf pe-r*ous a “merely
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  • 224 16 In proposing a vote of tlianks to Salzmann and bis party at the musical evening, on Monday the c > Murray remarked that Mr. Salzuian given many musical evenings there, ea x which had surpassed its predecessor in I P of excellence, but that this, the
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  • 1202 17 i f/Hir years ago, Mghhi h. Guthrie ftnd Fetter Oil Engines into ?.°hva k«“ t nt ,,,m lred 0i th T’ 5 from H to ISO Uot»e power, may be r i 7n tlx* F.M.S., the Straits and Java. t m
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  • 454 17 The following results of the Cambridge Local Examinations for the year 1915 are annouuccd: BOYS. Rafflks Institution. Seniors.—Chia Boon Leong, Humzah, Lee Keng Soon, Plioon Seek Wah, Plioon Seek Foo, Wong Puck Sham, Ong Yan Keng, Tau Wye Kara. Juniors. —L.
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    • 538 17 Following were the results of Thursday’s play in the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club tournament: Mixed a, Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Allan roc. 3 v Mrs. Owen and Mr. Edwards rec. 5, postponed. Mr. and Mrs. Day rec. 4 beat Miss J. Gunn and Mr. Hartnell owe 15.2,
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    • 472 17 An S.C.C. elovon on the Esplanade on Saturday, inflicted a decisive defeat upon au eleven representing tho C.S., Law and Merchants. This was due to the batting of Day and Oldfield and the bowling of G. N. AUen, the club passing their opponents’ score with only one wicket down.
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    • 92 17 Tho April Spoon in the Singapore Ladies’ Bifie Association was won on Friday by Mrs. Brooko with a nett scoro of 61, following are the results of the competition S* -3 Bg3 I T* E H Mrs. Brooke 32 29 61 7.32 68.32 Lyall 31 32 63 4.85
      92 words
    • 62 17 The B Class Single Handicap in tho Singapore Catholic Club has resulted as follows: Winner, Mr. W. H. Mosbergen. Runner-up, Mr. C. A. Phipps. Third Prize, Mr. F. Braga. Fourth Prize, Mr. It. Langellier. Pkuks k'ok Hioukst Brkaks. First prize, won by Mr. W. H. Mosbcrgeu. Second do. E.
      62 words
  • 340 17 During the tituo that he haft been in Singapore, Capt. C. B. MullinH, R.M.L.1., has been a fauiiliar and popular figure in Cricket Club circles. Id the way of organisation and coutrol he has done a great deal for tho members,
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  • 855 18 A Belgian correspondent writes to tiro Morning Post: Tho school of Hoitshook, on the Vser front, is one of those features in a battlescarred landscape which bring vividly to the mind at onee the horror and the pathos of the
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  • 230 18 Rkutkr’s Tklkgkams. i London, April 7 3.10 a.m. Peking Japan has taken the serious step of withholding from China a million dollars surplus from the Salt revenue which has been deposited in the Yokohama Specie Hauk on the plea that the critical situation in China is endangering the
    Rkutkr’s Tklkgkams. i  -  230 words
  • 199 18 Rkutkr’s Tklkuram. London, April 10, 1.45 p.m. Although the the Industrial Commission does not assemble until October, Sir Arthur Holland is to arrive in Bombay early in May to arrange for prompt and business-like investigation. This is desirable, says the Times, not only on account of the value
    Rkutkr’s Tklkuram.  -  199 words
  • 159 18 Rkutkr's Tklkukam. London, April 11, 7.40 p.m. In tho House of Commons, iu the committee stage of the bill for transferring tho management of the Imperial Institute to the Colonial Office, Str J. D. Bees moved that four members of tho Executive Council should be appointed bv the
    Rkutkr's Tklkukam.  -  159 words
  • 89 18 Rkutkr’s Tklrgrams. London, April 9. 10.25 p.m. The Rt. Hon. Mr. Henry Chaplin has been raised to tbo peerage. Mr. J. Gordon K C. has beeu given an Irish judgeship in succession to Mr. Justice Walter Boyd who lias resigned. The Rt. Hon. J. 11. M. Campbell becomes Attorney
    Rkutkr’s Tklrgrams.  -  89 words
  • 49 18 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. London, April 5, 7.20 p.m. In the llouso of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law said that further enquiry into the Ceylon riots would only lead to a recrudescence of racial aud religious animosity. He was not sure that the trouble was not due to German instigation.
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  49 words
  • 30 18 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. Loudon, April 10, 1.30 p.m. Washington: A manifesto signed by seventy-five leading eastern Republicans urges the claims of ex-secretary Root as a candidate for tbe Presidency.
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  30 words
  • 38 18 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. London, April 11, 7 p.m. In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlain said that if any native state wished to have advice from the Economic Commission he did not supposed the Raj would object.
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  38 words
  • 48 18 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. Londou. April 12, 2.50 p.m. Tbe P. and O. Company bas declared a dividend on tbe preference shares of five per cent, less income tax, and on the deferred shares an interim dividend at tbe rate of twelvo per cent, per annum.
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  48 words
  • 13 18 Reuter’s Tklkoram*. London, April 12, 2.50 p.m. Lisbon The Cabinet has resigned.
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  • 64 18 A London telegram, of March 28, says: It is officially announced that, in future, the lists of casualties will not give the theatre of war in w'hich a casualty occurred or the battalion to which an officer belonged. This decision is a matter of military necessity,
    64 words
  • 55 18 Lim. —On April 9, at 115, Amoy Street, to Mr. and Mrs. Lim Loou Hock, a son. Clahkh. —On April 10, at Wandarri, Dalvey lioad, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Clarke, a son. Ooilvik-Mitchell.— On April 10, at Singa pore, to Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ogilvio
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  • 30 18 Mknziks—Boyks.—On February 29, at Kensington, A. J. A. Mcnzies, I) 5.0., Capt. K. A. M. C., son of fate Alexander Menzies, Lankat Estate, Sumatra, to Ethel Fannv Whitelock Boyes.
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  • 165 18 Singapore, April 13, ig l6 EXChANOE. Ox Lonld» Bank 4 m/s 2 *i! Demand ii/4* Private 8 rr/s 1 im On Franck Bank T. T. 326 On India Bank T. T. 17u On Hongkong... Bank d/d Uj On Shangbai ...Bank d/d W1 oq On Java Bank T.
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  • 336 18 Singapore, April 13, 1916. MINING. vXj Bu y en 10 10 Ampang 6.00 4 1 Ayer W’eng 0.85 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.75 2.00 10 10 Kauabol 0.60 1.05 13 10 Kinta Association 5.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 £1 41 Lahat Mines 3.00 5 00
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 132 18 NOTICE. The post tree pnce of the Strait.< Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is #.‘lj a year. The post free price of the Straits Outfit is $14 a yea r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions
      132 words
  • 104 18 OBITUARY. Rkutkr’s Tklkorams. London, April 6, 6 p.m. Tho death iH announced of Field-Marshal Sir Charles Henry Btownlow, G.C.B. The death has taken place of Rt. Hon. Sir Gerald Lowtlier. London, April H, 5.25 a.m. The death is announced of Sir Colin Campbell Scott-Moncrieff. an Indian mutiny veteran, at the
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 146 1 Jbnkral— Rubber Items 1 f.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 1 A Hisastrous Deal 1 March Rubber Returns 2 Penang Rubber Auction... 2 Ayer Kuaing Issue Withdrawn 8 Kuala Lumpur Rubber Auction 4 Singapore Rubber Auct ons 5 Sepaog Outrage 5 IbLEGRAMS London Rubber Spec'als 1 l'lu I'iah Rubber 1 CoRKKSrOSMiWK
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    • 267 1 Mr. Denny, of Teluk Merbau Estate, is leaving on a trip to Japan. Mr. A. P. Cranoa, acting manager of Oaung Estate, Hiouw, is going home to **rve in the R.F.A. Mr. E. C. Sylvester, late of the Third Mile rotate, has obtained a commission in the •toyal
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    • 907 1 A tiual dividend of 20 per cent, (making 24 per cent, for the year) was declared on March 24, at the sevtnth annual general meeting of the Kapayang Rubber Estates Co.. Ltd., which was held at
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    • 54 1 (From Our Own Cobrbsponoknt.) London, April 6. The following final dividends are declared Kuala Selangor 50 per cent., Rubber Estates of Johore 20, Batu Tiga 25 aud Rangoon Para 3. London, April 10. Chersonese pays a final dividend of 15 per cent, and Sungoi Kari an interim
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    • 52 1 (From Our Own Corrksponuknt.) Penang, April 12. At tho Ulu Piah annual meeting. Mr. Brash presided. Tho report and accounts were passed, except tho directors fees, 82,500 being voted instead of 84,000. Mr. Ouxbory was ro elected and a final dividend of 3 per cent., making 17,
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    • 71 1 For the period front April 14 to 20, 1910, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber iH fixed at 3s. 311. per lb and the duty ou cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable ou an ad valon in basis in accordance with
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    • 391 1 A Chinese second hand dealer, named Poo Vit Sin, watt charged before Mr. Ralph Scott, in the District Court, on April 0, with breaking into a rubber Htore in Robinson Road and also with rt taming Htolen propury in tho fdiapo
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    • 165 1 The report of Limited, states that the estimated crop for the year under review wan 605,000 lbs. The actual crop harvested amounted to 574,072 lbs., and it has been sold at a t»ross average price of 2s. 5.14 d. per lb. The f.o.b. cost of production for the
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    • 1321 2 Tho tenth ordinary ge neral Meeting of the Golden Hope Rubbe-r Estate*, I limited, wan held on March 2, in the Council Itooiu of the Rubber Growers’ Association, »H, Easteiheap, E.C Mr. .1. L. Anstruther, J.l\ (chuirman of the company), presiding. The
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    • 268 2 The report of the Selaba Hubber Estates, Limited, states that tho crop harvested for the year amounted to 577,595 lbs against an estimate of 600,000 lbs., and a yield in the previous year of 529,993 lbs. The average gross price realised for 676 685 lbs, was 2s.
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    • 224 2 Tho report for tin* year 1915 states that the cost of production, free on board Penang, including lecal agency charges, commission to stalT, depreciation on buildings, plant and machinery, and subscription to provident fund, was 9.51 d. per lb. After adding directors’ fees, cilice expenses in London,
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    • 666 2 Ayer Panas. 26,200 lbs. Aior Giijati. —8.150 lb*. Kalgowuie.—lo,9oo lb*. Glenealy Plantations.- 10,500 lbs. Pajam—2B,ooo lbs. Pantai. —6,138 IbH. Teluk Anson.—lo,ooo lbs. Tambalak. 5,063 lbs. Lauadron. —72,102 lbs. Ledbury.- 37,135 lbs. Cluny. —11,319 lbs. Seuawang.—ll,7BB lbs. Sandycroft —15,292 lbs. Hatu Annin. —10,015 lbs. Hatu Villa e. —2,314
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    • 79 2 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Alien, Dennys and Co. at their auction sale at Penang on April 4 Smoked ribbed sheet $177 to plain 161 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 171 Id Unsmoked sheet 156 E' 3 No. 2 unsmoked sheet Crepe
      79 words
    • 255 2 The report of the Kurau Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the crop of ra tr harvested in 1915 amounted to 287,308 IWagainst the estimate of 280,000 lbs.; 409 l were supplied to Rubber Roadways, 3jlLU ‘rL' with a view to developing the uses of ruboe and the
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    • 2062 3 •pi p mnual general meeting of the sharen r. “u the Kroowock Java Plantations, >1 u is hold on March 23, at the offices of secretaries ami general managers, Messrs, f\ Wattie and Co., Ltd., Shaugbai, Mr.
      2,062 words
    • 326 3 Mr. Matthow G. Hale, presiding at the meeting of tho United Malaysian Rubber Company, Limited, on February 23, at Winchester House, London, said tho loss shown was about £31,000, as compared witli about £51,000 in tho preceding year, or a nut improvement of about £20,000. Of this
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    • 256 3 Some time ago, says a Homo paper, the Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Rubber Company decided to offer tho 10,609 unissued shares of JC1 each to shareholders at par in tho pro portion of one now shaco for overy 12 hold, tho amount being payable in full on
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    • 116 3 The directors of the Labu (F.M S.) Bobber Company, Limited, recommend a final dividend of 22* per cent, in respect of the year to December 31, 1915, making 30 per cent, for tbo year. Tho sum of £l2 988 has b. en placed to reserve, leaving £10,956 to
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    • 828 3 The ninth annual general meeting of the Selinsing Kubbcr Co., Ltd., was hold at the ollioes of Messrs. Carson and Co., Colombo, on March 24, aaya the Times of Ceylon. Mr. 11. (Jordon Hois
      828 words
    • 1684 4 The fourth anuoal neutral meeting of the Halau I’lunting Syndicate, Ltil. was held on April 3, at the registered offices of the com p t tuy, No. 1, Krubankmout, Kuala L<umpur. The chairman, the llou.
      1,684 words
    • 203 4 Tbo directors of the Now Crocodile River (Selangor) Rubber Company have just declared a linal dividend of 10 per cent, for 1915, making 15 per cent, in all. The crop bar vented, according to tbe monthly returns, waH <362,048 lbs., but for furthor particulars of tbe
      203 words
    • 1203 4 The sixth Jiiii Uiil *ivl 11 iy general meeting of tho Val d’Or Kuhn ILutes, Limited, was held ou February 21, at tho registered oftico of the company, 45, Leadenhall Street, K.C., Mr. Samuel Kideal, D.Sc., J.l\ (chairman
      1,203 words
    • 243 4 Results of Messrs. Morgan s First Sale. Considerable interest was evinced in the rubber auction which took place on Lriday at Messrs. Morgan's Agency, Kuala Lumpur. Out of thirteen tens put up for sale nine tons were sold, the following being tbe prices per picul realised
      243 words
    • 257 4 Presiding at the second annual general meeting of the Ampat (Sumatra) Rubber Estate on February 25, Mr. D. W. Lovell said that the gross profit for the year amounted to £5,062, which, after adding sundry revenue and allowing for debenture interest, was reduced to £4,499—a result
      257 words
    • 12 5 n„ Straits Times is not responsible for opinions of its correspondents.!
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    • 1577 5 fS To the Kditor of the Straits Times. I- j„ your issue of January 25, there is V' rt }i special meeting of the 1 ulau rubber and Produce Company, and ■Tut meeting certain statements were b Mr w. H. MacGregor which reflect «'oniuy
      1,577 words
    • 361 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Tho brutal murder of Mr. B. Lautour last Tuesday removed from our midst one who commanded tho very greatest respect of all who camo in contact with him. Of a quiet and unassuming nature, he was
      361 words
    • 353 5 The 237th auction of tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Hubber Association, was hr Id on tho 5th m*t. There were offered for sale 4,939.76 piculs, or 658,634 lbs. (tons 294.03). The prices realised were Sheet smoked tine ribbed ...9176 to 9181 good ribbed 170 175 lino plain
      353 words
    • 374 5 Authentic particular** are now to hand, nays tli«* Mulay Mail, of the circumstances in which Mr. W. B. Lautour met his death. Mr. Lautour came up to Kuala Lumpur on April 4 to get money and returned by the 4
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    • 288 5 The report of the Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber and Guttapercha Company, Limited, states that the net protit for the year earned by the Naamloo/.e Vunnootschap Exploitatie Maatschappij Soengei Lalah amounts to fl. 45,030.50, or 932,104.68, as Hhown by that company’s profit and loss account. Of this amount
      288 words
    • 203 5 Tho report of tlio Planters’ Stores and Agency Company, Limited, states that the accounts show a profit of £12,700; to this sum must be added the amount brought forward as per account to March Ml, 1915, £31,213; loss dividend, tho 63rd, paid on September 1, 1915,
      203 words
    • 1605 6 The thirteenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Pataling Rubber Estates Syndicate, Limited, was held on Kebraary 29 in the Council Room of the liub bor Growers’ Association (Incorporated), 38. Kastcheap, E<\, Mr. J. L. Anstruther, J.I\ (chairman of
      1,605 words
    • 215 6 The annual general meeting of the Jcram Kunntan (lubber Estate, Limited, was held on Friday at the registered oflicea of tho Company, Winchester House. Mr. Leong Hong Toon presided, others present bring Messrs. Chean King and Liap Niap Tong (directors), Wee Koh Din, Cbiew Woon Poll, (law
      215 words
    • 976 6 Stock Israel Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closin'^ 3 1 P 1916. 1914. March 10. 150 000 2/- 20% 32% Anglo Malay 9/10* 9/6 6 MMK) XI 25Vo 174% Bakap Plantations
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 174 7 dinneford’s The Physician's Oun tor Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and moat affective Apsrieut for Regular Use. IMPORTS' T I MOTILE In i 4 of moaerous ua>> t-itinii.,purohMA)-d I iijuio »o*> the name ••CIUMHFORD'S** OU evyi/ hottlo Mid i*bwjL MAGNESIA E3SI The Unisonal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach,
      174 words
    • 237 7 Poor Health To face the dangers of weakness <md disea: re with a weakened constitution, is to liken oneself to the captain who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the storin. In both cases disaster must surely-follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of weight and lack of
      237 words
    • 223 7 mmmmmmmmtmmmtmrn A positive paying investment in any badness, whether large or email, is GOOD Printing Its vatae oannoi be ovorestimeled. Toor advertising matter which yon distribute and the stationery yon nee generally makee a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to ite kind. Don’t P»y 0«t Money lor the poor
      223 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 105 8 BJJJH Obtainable from every Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916. ASAH1 BEER, Quarts $11.80 per case of 4 doz. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASAB1 BEER, Pints $10.50 per case of 6 doz. (Retail Price $1.90 per doz.) SAPPORO BLACK BEER, Pints $11.00 per case of 6
      105 words