The Straits Budget, 7 April 1916

Total Pages: 30
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget 1 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OE THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3034 Singapore. Friday, April 7. 1916. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Price 25 cents.
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  • 278 1 (BADERS— The K.M.S. War Loan 14 Possible Invasion 14 The Outlook ...14 15 Souk- Local Affairs 15 Another German Victory 15 India's New Viceroy ...15-16 Finance and the War 16 (OCAL ASK GkNKKAL Local aud Personal 2 The War 3-7 Floods on the Railway 7 Germany’s Efforts
    278 words
  • 4898 1 Tl h »')an l UCl 'i, communit y in Hankow have v i»it fro,?‘7, 0 Hur P r ’w* >n an unexpected th«* t )u breuil, former secretary t>ntir* nc 1 Municipal Council. Capt. id Mh ’n s 7 r( '.V wounded in the fiyht*Uli ,u dandles,
    4,898 words

  • THE WAR.
    • 1649 3 Kh-tkk’s Tklkukams. Position in France. A llltS HOLDING THE GERMANS FIRMLY. Decisions of the Paris Conference. I;h t tkk’s Tki.kuuams. Loudon, March 28, 11.35 p.m. .u'ttilery ineffectively replying to the tire. Prisoners now amount to five officers' and 195 others. To day there was ar ah rv and
      Kh-tkk’s Tklkukams.  -  1,649 words
    • 2262 3 French Offensive. HEAVY FIGHTING AROUND VERDUN. Another Appeal For Belgium. London, March 29, 4.30 p.m. Paris: A French offensive rnovo in tho Verdun region is a feature of tho communique. Tho Germans did not attempt further infantry attacks west of tho Meuse, but tho bombardment was intense on
      2,262 words
    • 2077 4 The Naval Fight. GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE AFFAIR. Successful Aircraft Raids. London, March 31, 2.10 p.m. A graphic story of the battle following the Sylt raid has beeu received from Edinburgh. The attacking ships sailed into a blizzard in which tho seaplanes ascended. Tho subsequent action was fought
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    • 3738 5 Verdun Battle. further german attacks REPULSED. The Zeppelin Raiders. London, March 31, 4.20 p.m. Paris: The Germans have made another desperate offensive movement in the Verdun ..Jon states a communique, which says that bombardment with redoubled violence also took place at Malancourt. The enemy launched a series of
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    • 872 6 Fights in France. STILL HOLDING THE ENEMY IN CHECK. Holland’s Taking Precautions. London, April 2, Paris, communique The French artillery was particularly active between the Somme and the Oise, where German trenches were wrecked. The Germans made several attacks against the redoubt in Avocourt Wood, but all
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    • 1827 6 French Success. GERMAN EFFORTS AT VERDUN CHECKED. Another Zeppelin Air Raid. London, April 3, 5 p.m. Paris: The French are gaining the upper hand in the fighting iu the Vaux regiou. A communique says: The battle was continued at night time aud was favourable to us. We gained
      1,827 words
    • 2152 7 The British Budget. PROVIDING for future war NEEDS. french Dominating at Verdun. London, April 4, 5.15 p.m. tili n' 1 u dget Bill was introduced MpK URe omm ons was full. Mr. wn„i7^ a bcyan by assuming that the war 1 f° r the wholo of the financial
      2,152 words

  • 130 7 On Saturday and Sunday there was con* siderable delay to the train service between Ipoh and Penang occasioned by somewhat heavy Hooding of the line between Kamun* ting and Krian Hoad, reports tho Times of Malaya. Heavy rains in tho district are said to have flooded
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  • 120 7 The l>:iily Telegraph publishes a verbatim translation of tho agonishod German ofheial appeal for subset iptiuus to tho Now War Loan. This extraordinary document ovinces Jio oxtromo urgency of tho situation, its pathetic reckoning on the ultimate exiiaustion of the resources of the Fatherland and
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  • 2221 8 From Our Special Correspondent. Loudon, .March 3. The much advertised and long-expected national rerun,my campaign hast hurst on us ut last with almost as great a sensation as attended another campaign when an erstwhile Chancellor of the Exchequer announced his
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  • 334 8 Rki tkr’s Tklkokams. London, April 3. 7.30 a.m. The Times in a leader on India under tbo new Viceroy, says that Lord Chelmsford who is due at Bombay to take up the heavy burden of tho Viceroyalty, brings to his groat task a knowledge of present mourn
    Rki tkr’s Tklkokams.  -  334 words
  • 99 8 1 lie Editor of an esteemed contemporary in Java wires us as follows Your brilliant article on Dutcli opinion has been translated by us—many thauks. This is perfietly spontaneous, as we made no effort to draw attention to the article in question, which appeared in the Straits limes,
    99 words
  • 868 8 (KlU)M A CoBKKSPON’ItKXT.) Malacca, April 4 The Sleepy Hollow will sb-rtl, u losing some of its prominent men w i J leaving the Settlement for good. M' l Hcatty leaves on the Ttlf inst *f r Francisco, Mr. J. Howell for ‘27th, also Mr. .1. Evans and Mr.
    868 words

  • 230 11 ilis many friends in Singapore will be sorry to learn that, according to a telegram received on March ;)0by Mr. Louis Dupirc, his brother Paul lias been made prisoner iu the region of Verdun. Mr. Paul Dupire, who voluntarily left by the Syria, in August, 1911,
    230 words
  • 683 11 k mooting of tho Municipal Commission wus licit I ou March 81, tho President, Mr. F. J. I lallifux, presiding. Others present were Messrs. A.W. Kean.W. P. W. Ker, K. Tessesohn, A. M. Namazio, Dr. V. Sarny, 'lan Khearn I lock,
    683 words
  • 168 11 A telegram roeeivod in Singapore) reports that Mr. Harald do Bondy, the youngest son of Comte do Bondy, the French Consul lu re, left for the front on March <J*J. This is an interesting fact, as, until now, the class Hi, to whom Mr. do Bondy
    168 words

  • 1083 13 (From Our Own Courksponokni.) Kuala Lumpur, March ill). Tho topic of conversation in Kuala Lumpur this week is tho war loau which is generally regarded as a trustee security at t xciption il ly good interest. It is rumoured that certaiu Chinese financial houses are willing to
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  • 580 13 To tl io Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I enclose inv cheque for £*2 2s. subscription to the War Emergency appeal, issued by the Charing Cross Hospital, London, the circular of which a large number of your read* rs must have received
    580 words

  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1176 14 —Straits Times, March 30. Wo < xjK ridDcrd h certain f«•€ Iinj* >f uneasiness in regard to tlio proposal lor floating aj Bl.VOOo.OOO war loan under tlic auspices of the F.M.S. Government. It is a fact that there are a great many people out here who
      —Straits Times, March 30.  -  1,176 words
    • 1159 14 -ps v* Lusitania will be terribly avenged—Straits Timts, March 31. SOlllO time ago we ventured to suggest that Germany contemplated an attempt to invade England. That theory was formed from a study of tho various aspects of tho present situation, more particularly from considering how best tho German
      -ps v* Lusitania will be terribly avenged—Straits Timts, March 31.  -  1,159 words
    • 1034 14 -Straits Times, April 1. British readers will be glad to hear that a quarter of the whole line in France is now held by their soldiers. This represents a great relief to our Allies. They know from the experience of the past that their country is as safe
      -Straits Times, April 1.  -  1,034 words
    • 1201 15 and courtesy should not be ignored.—Straits Times, April 3. The meeting of the Legislative Council on r riJa y last was more than usually interesting !or several reasons. It was the last at which, We believe, Sir Kvelyn Ellis will be present, iQ| l we cannot help
      and courtesy should not be ignored.—Straits Times, April 3.  -  1,201 words
    • 1145 15 should have to become ruthleHH.—Straits Times April 4. A German submarine sailed up to the Russian Hospital ship Portugal. She was painted white and red crosses were prominent all over her sides. The submarine sailed round her to make sure of what she was, then sent a
      should have to become ruthleHH.—Straits Times April 4.  -  1,145 words
    • 1072 15 Straits Times, April 5. The appointment of Lord Chelmsford an Viceroy of Indiu created some surprise. For that oreat post ho is a comparatively man— still on the sunny side of tifty, and his experience has not laiu the lines that are usually associated with the premier
      Straits Times, April 5.  -  1,072 words
    • 1213 16 lust of hate desires to give us.—Straits Times, April 6. We havo learned many things during the war, aud the pre-war conditions are never likely to prevail again. The greatest lesson of all is that it is dangerous to rely upon foreign sourcos of supply, more
      lust of hate desires to give us.—Straits Times, April 6.  -  1,213 words

  • 581 16 On Wednesday afternoon IU B p I the Governor, Sir A. H. Y uun inspected tho Malay Compaq, 0 gapore Volunteer Infantry. I the commissions to Honorary euant Noor Mohaiued Hashim been promoted to the rank )f r >B Company Sergeant-Major Eusutf P
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  • 219 16 On Monday evening on Rallies Reclamation Ground the men of the Reserve t orce, abou to be transferred to the Singapore oluutu Corps, were inspected by H.E. the Govern Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G. paraded shortly after five o'clock with aj Sir Evelyn Ellis in command. Hib
    219 words

  • 1132 17 w thicgs more tantalising to a f 1 than a dictionary. To read it vou it| bo more than the patience of VCiw with Mjuaaiiuity and the pro- u a. niDliniZ may not bo quite fair. All cl h r v sAV about tho New English Malay
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  • 239 17 In their share circular, dated March 29, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state The share market has been more active this week and largo parcels of shares have been dealt in. It is decidedly anuoying for tbis market to watch tho high
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  • 132 17 Messrs. Francis Pock and Co., Singapore, supply us with tho following report on the position of the Java produce market for the past week Batavia, March 81. In sympathy with the lower London values, the rubber market for the week
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  • 29 17 (Ki:om Ouu Own Cokukhi'ondk.nt.) l’cnan*', April 4. The Perak River Valley Rubber Company doclarca a tirnt dividond of 5 per cent, payable on April 15.
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  • 940 17 When saying farewell, aboard of the P. and mail steamer Novara on March 80 Major W. G. St. Clair admitted to a colleague that it was one of the greatest surprises of his life to find he was honoured by a
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  • 300 17 A largo number of members and friends met together at Borneo Wharf on March ‘29 to bid farewell to Miss Kadford as she sailed on the Hirano Maru on her well-earned fur* lough, Miss Kadford writes a correspondent, had made for herself a
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  • 102 17 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, March 29. At a meeting of the Municipal Commission, the President reported that since the oat* break there had been b 7 caHOH of small-pox and 90 of chicken-pox. There has boon no fresh cases in the last four days. Nino deaths
    102 words
  • 172 17 The Amsterdam Tolograaf publishes tho following list of firms trading in tho Dutch East Indies whom tho British authorities have placed on their enemy list: -Batavia The Banner Export (lesollschaft, Behn, Meyer en Co., Erdmann und Siolckcu, Hennemann en Co., Ong-Kok Tsjo, Ong Kok* Siang,
    172 words

  • 3189 18 By Our Own Correspondent. London. March *2. This time last week, it was inst beginning to be asked whcthei the minor Germuu ollMUsiveM wliieb had spluttered at one point of the fiout after another wore about to bla/c up at Verdun
    3,189 words
  • 250 18 A masonic banquet to Wor. Bro. K. Young, D.D.G.M., of the Eastern Archipelago, was hold at the E. and O. Hotel Annexe, Penang. Covers were laid for about eighty Freemasons. A few non Masons were also present. Bro. Saikies providod tlio dinner. During the course of
    250 words

  • 1096 19 •*nn o lir Special Correspondent. London, March 3. 9.1 a nf per cent. Exchequer Bonds have iiino sadlv in the past few weeks Bi r the seven days to February 26 they 9_°* Vt,» oulv XH.2H0.000. High water 9" Dtfc roao lt .d
    1,096 words
  • 333 19 (From Our Own Corrksdondknt.) Trengganu, March 28. From the 22nd inst., there has been a most unprecedented return to N.E. weather. Strong N.E. gales have prevailed, with con tinuous rain, and very heavy squalls, which, in some cases, caused the collapse of houses in the town. It
    333 words
  • 322 19 At St. Andrew’s Cathedral, on March 30, the marriage was solemnised of Mr. Lachlan Hose Macphail, of Messrs. Saunders and Forrester, Singapore, and Miss Ethel Dorothy Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens, of Coolgardie, Natal. The bride, who was led to the chancel
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  • 14 19 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its corr» spoudents.]
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  • 293 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your leader of yesterday there is ono paragraph which needs amending. You write The British took Java from the Dutch,” referring to the occupation of 1811 10. The fact is we did not take it from the Dutch, but from
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  • 230 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Being a frequent traveller by train, might I bo permitted a short space in your valuable journal to draw the attention of the responsible authorities to tho inconvenience caused to first-class passengers in the launch from Woodlands to Johore Bahru.
    230 words
  • 255 19 A Hague telegram says: Captain Leote Kcgo, commander of the naval division, took forciblo possession of thirty-six German and Austrian ships which have been lying in the Tagus since the beginning of the war. When the Portuguese flag was hoisted the warships saluted with twenty
    255 words
  • 731 19 On March I JO, before Mr. K. Scott in tho f>intrict Court, a Chinese merchaut named Lio Hong Sek, pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to export Saigon rice to Uatavia, in breach of tho proclamation of January 31 last.
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  • 141 19 (Fkom Ouh Own Cokkkspondknt.) Ipoli, April 1. At the annual meeting of tho Ipoh Gymkhana Club tin: following were elected President, A. N. Kt uion clerk of courso, J. Kerry; lion, secretary, L. L. Armstrong; committee, L M. Hodges, I! I*. Kradi, W. L». Conlay, .1. Stark
    141 words

  • 635 21 KkI'TKI'.’s Tklkgkams. Loudon, March 29. Willioi'ton The Aurora has sent a wire- t that sho expects to reach New |t‘S* lli* /calami ou I ru London< Marc i, 31. W, "in"ton The Aurots has sent a wire .,1 S s7o'< to Sir F. M.
    KkI'TKI'.’s Tklkgkams.  -  635 words
  • 176 21 s MfcSRts. Latuam and Co. forward tho following particulars, signed by Mr. A. J. v n S' manager, of the working results of the ibo\c mine for March No. 1 No. 2 Dredge. Dredge. Hours run 618 552 Ubic yards treated 111,000 82,000 Ln oxide produced
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  • 329 21 It is au interesting fact that Hince measles became a notifiable disease, Loudon, and especially a part of North Londou, has suffered from an epidemic of the disease. With measles there lias been associated an outbreak of whoopiug-cough. In the
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  • 315 21 In his second lecture on the Light of the Stars, tho Astronomer Loyal, Sir F. \V. Dyson, spoke on February 17, at tho Uoyal Institution, about the variable stars, lie began with tho best known of them, Algol, which sometimes
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  • 140 21 A Government Gazette Extraordinary was issued ou Wednesday containing the texts of the Anus and Explosives (Amendment) Ordinance, 1916, the Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Powers) Ordinance, 1916. the Registrar of Imports and Exports (War Powers) Amendment Ordinance, 19)6, and the Reserve Foret and Civil Guard
    140 words
    • 138 21 The April monthly medal of tho Singapore Golf Club was competed for ou Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a win for Mr. I*. F. David, who returned a net score of 74. Thirty-eight carus were taken out aud the following were returned P. F. David 41+43—in 74 F.
      138 words
    • 65 21 The result of the Ladies’ Garrison Kitle Club spoon shoot on March 31 was: a? so -3 n >» >» co o o *i >3 O O O S' H Lady Ellis 30 29 59 0H.60 Mrs. Ayrc 30 25 ft5 68.40 Payne 28 30 58 68.24 Lady
      65 words
    • 326 21 Following is tho result of Monday’s play in tho Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club tournament. Mixed Douulks B. Mrs. Skcy and Mr. Abrams owe 4 beat Dr. and Mrs. Hunter scr. 4—6, 6—3. 6 —3. Miss L. Lamb and Mr. Morris owe 2 beat Mrs. Darko and Mr. Stuart
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  • 108 21 (Fkom Ot'it Own Coimiksuomu-nr.) Penang, April 5. There was a large and representative attendance at tho lion. K. Young’s farewell baui{uet at the Penang Club, the lion. A. H. Adams presiding. An address in a silver casket was presented and tributes to tho guest were paid by the
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  • 795 21 In connection with fclio building of standardised ships in tho Fnitod States, Tlio Times has received particulars of a scheme, prepared by a loading owner, for applying the principle to British shipyards and invoking the aid of tho Stafco.
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  • 219 22 Ill- I I Kl;’> TkLFoRAM. London. March 29, 1.45 p in. A hlizzaid in the I nitre! Kingdom has done much damage. Tlu re haft br« n a combination of snow and wind of unprecedented character. It will be days before the
    Ill- I I Kl;’> TkLFoRAM.  -  219 words
  • 95 22 Km iku’s Tki.koiums. London, April 1. 4.1. r i a.m. Han Antonio, Texas: General Pershing sends a wireless message stating that five hundred of Villa’H troops were defeated by four hundred I nited States cavalry at Guerrero. The enemy was surprised while colobrating the recent victory over <
    Km iku’s Tki.koiums.  -  95 words
  • 52 22 Reuter's Tklf.oram. Loudon. March 31, 2.50 p.m. Washington: The House of Representatives has passed by 30H to H 7 votes tbe Immigration Bill providing for the exclusion of Asiatics. Its favourable reception in tbe Konate is regarded as assured but it is believed that President Wilson will
    Reuter's Tklf.oram.  -  52 words
  • 39 22 Kkutkk’h Trlkukam. London, March 31. Now York: Bar silver has reached a now high point of cents. It is stated that England is buying for shipmont to India, while tho troubles in Moxico decrease the available supply.
    Kkutkk’h Trlkukam.  -  39 words
  • 49 22 Kkutbr’s Telegram.) London, April 1, 8 a.m. Capetown: The Shaw and Albion Co’.s Savill liner liaugatira, 7465 tons gross, from England for New Zealand, went ashore at Kobben Island (15 miles north-west of Capetown) during a heavy fog. Efforts are being made to get her off.
    Kkutbr’s Telegram.)  -  49 words
  • 36 22 Rrutkr’h Tklkoham. London. March 31, 4.35 p.m. Tokio: Liout-Oeneral Oka, Minister of War, has resigned on the ground of illhealth. Lieut-General Oshitna, hitherto secretary to tho General for War, is to succeed him.
    Rrutkr’h Tklkoham.  -  36 words
  • 20 22 Bkutkk's Tklkoham. London, April 4. The lion, and B< v. Edward Lyttelton has resigned from the headmastership of Eton.
    Bkutkk's Tklkoham.  -  20 words
  • 163 22 Kkutkk’.s Tklkokams. London, March 31, 8.35 p.iu. The Chiyo Maru went ashore at Llama Island in a fog. All are safe but the situa tion of the vessel is serious. Loudon, April 1, 3.20 p.m. Hongkong: The steamer Chiyo Maru stranded in a fog on Lamma Island.
    Kkutkk’.s Tklkokams.  -  163 words
  • 48 22 Riutkr’s Tklkoram. London, April 1, 1.30 p.m. The Admiralty announces that a cutter, belonging to 11. M. S. Conquest, which was taking forty liberty men to the ship was caught in the blizzard on March 28, and broke loose. She capsized and all aboard woro drowned.
    Riutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  48 words
  • 44 22 Rbdtbr's Tblrokam. London, March ‘29, 7.10 p.m. Cleverland, Ohio: Three trains collided in a fog. Cp till now 17 dead aud *25 injured have been reported. London, Maach 31. Tborc were 30 killed and 40 injured in tho Cleveland collision.
    Rbdtbr's Tblrokam.  -  44 words
  • 29 22 KbL'TKl;'s Telkgram. London, April 1, 1.35 p.m. Earl Grey has been appointed Chancellor of the Order of St. Michael and St. Georgo in succession to Lord Chelmsford.
    KbL'TKl;'s Telkgram.  -  29 words
  • 26 22 Rrdtrk's Tklkoram. London, March 28, 10.10 p.m. Mr. F. S. James. C.M.G. administrator of Nigeria is gazetted Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements.
    Rrdtrk's Tklkoram.  -  26 words
  • 32 22 Rruthk’s Telegram. Loudon, March 81, 4.35 p.m. It is reported from Peking in Shanghai that the resignation of Yuan Shi-kai is imminent and that Li Yuan-hung, vicepresident, will probably succeed him.
    Rruthk’s Telegram.  -  32 words
  • 33 22 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. London, April 4, 4.25 p.m. Paris: A serum against eruptive typhus has been discovered by Dr. Nicole, Director of tho Pasteur Institute. At Tunis nineteen cases were successfully treated.
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  33 words
  • 158 22 Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. London, March 31. Chungkiang: The rebels have captured Peng-shui. The Austrians have again had a try at enice from the air, probably, as before, on purposo to damage famous churches, but the sacrilegious vagabonds seem to have done little damage. There is nothing to which thoso
    Rkutkr’s Tklkoram.  -  158 words
  • 1040 22 Not the hast interesting portion of Mr. McKenna's comm** budget speech will have reference to the question of excess profits. It will be remembered, says a writer in a home paper, that for the financial year now drawing
    1,040 words
  • 305 22 Mr. Walter Long has been telling an American journalist—Mr. F. A. Wray, of the New York Tribune—how the war i* a Meeting life in Englaud— as he sees it. The President of the Local Government Board sees old boundary lines disappearing;
    305 words
  • 272 22 The death is announced of Lieut. Rowan Shaw, who was killed in Flanders m the early morning of February 23. Tlie manner of his death, says the Times of Malaya, was as follows On the evening of February 22 he was asked to make a reconnaissance
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  • 148 22 OBITUARY. RkUTKK's TkLKOHaMs, Loudon. .March 2d, 4.0 p.m. The death is announced of the Master of Balliol and of Mr. W. Delany, M. 1*. London, April 4. The death is announced of Mr. .1. X. Campbell, ex-member of the Legislative Council of Ceylon. Sir .lolin Gorst is dead. DEATHS. Burt.—
    148 words

  • 979 23 ■g writiuK to Paris on February battle proceeds the froDt is ■;.«i»- »tea<l*ly aml the ™™j s coucentratiny on a line from the ■‘a..,( l.ouremont to the height of llouuu- iMiriuo the first five days the French ■°steadily driven back.
    979 words
  • 160 23 A lurid past, according to tho police, belongs to John Hudson, the man in khaki, who was charged with obtaining money fraudulently by selling a poetic appeal on behalf of the Metropolitan Hospital and a wounded soldier. When he
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  • 118 23 At the extraordinary general meeting of the Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Company held on March 28, at the registered offices of the company, 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, the resolution “that the capital of the company be reduced from $850,000 (divided into 5,000 shares of $lO each) to $170,000
    118 words
  • 96 23 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore of tbe week ended April 1 was 22.77 per mille of tho population. The total number of deaths was 153, of which 9H were male subjects and 55 female. Convulsions claimed 26, phthisis 21, malaria fever 9 and
    96 words
  • 199 23 As already announced in our columns, the Formosan Government had decided to hold an Industrial Exhibition at Tripoli on an extensive scale in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the annexation of the islands. The exhibition will be opened on April 10, and remain open for a month.
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  • 317 23 The new British army includes men drawn from every class aud clime w ithin our far Hung Empire, but few have had a more varied experience than the soldier whom au Exchange Telegraph Company's representative met at a soldiers’ tea gathering
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  • 123 23 After a passenger had got in a cable tram-way-car at Edinburgh and paid a penny fare the car stopped. As there was no immediate prospect of the resumption of the journey the passenger demanded bis money back. On the ground that be bad punched the ticket the
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  • 69 23 Hilt..— On March 31, at the Nursing Home, St. Thomas's Walk, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. M. Hill, Pasir Bosar, Kolantan, a son. Tan.—On April 4, at No. 30, Enggor Stroet, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Tan Chong Chow, a son. Crowthkr. —On April 4, at Bukit
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  • 30 23 Macphail—Stkvkns.— On March 530, by the Ven. Archdeacon Swindell of Lachlan, Rose Macphail and Ethell Dorothy Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens of Glen Rosa, Natal.
    30 words
  • 180 23 SlNGAPORR, Al'ttIL 0, 1916. EXCHANGE. On Lonlc Bank 4 m/s 54/441 Ueai and 2,4ft Private’8 m/a 2/4 jjj On Fkanck Bank T. T. 325 un India Bank T. T. 174 j On Hongkong...Bank d/d 13# On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 82ft On Java Bank T. T. 132 On
    180 words
  • 350 23 Singapore, April 6, 1916. MINING. vSaeil IBaycw. Sellen. 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.85 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.50 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.96 1.05 11 10 Kinta Association 5.00 £1 XI Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 tl XI Laliat Mines 4.25 10 9.25 Malayan
    350 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 133 23 NOTICE Tlie post tree price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries Is Ws a year. Tie post free price of the Straits Budget is Sf 4 yea r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions
      133 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 99 1 OlNKKAL Sint»aoore Kubbcr Aucfc odh 1 F.M.S. Rubber Kxport Duty 2 Klan*» Kubber Estates 2 March Kubbcr Kcturus 5 Penang Hubbcr Auction... 6 Tmlmokamh London Kubbcr Market 1 London Kubbcr Spec ala 1 Kalau Syndicate 1 Planter Murdered 1 Perak Kivtr Valley Kubbcr 1 CoRllKSI OM»KN< K Coagulation 5
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    • 345 1 Messrs. Guthrie ami Co. report: Singapore. April 5. A decline in values wan looked for at this week's auction, but the proces realised cannot he considered other tluui satisfactory in view of today’s market advices. There was a reduced ipiantity on offer,
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    • 72 1 From Our Special Correspondent. London, March 31. Rubber is quiet and slightly weaker, the quotations being Fine sheet 3/4 to 3 5. Crepe 8/4 8 5. Hard I'ara 8 8/1. The last report was as follows London, March 20. The price of rubber remains
      72 words
    • 64 1 London, March 31. The following interim dividend is an nounccd: Hukit Kajang 20 per cent.; Kepong pays a final dividend of 45, Anglo Malay 10; Langkat 17$. London, April 4. The following dividends aro announced Katu Caves 110 per cent.; Klanang 70; Damansara ‘J2$ Lower Perak 15;
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    • 89 1 (Fi;om Ouk Own Couuksi>oni>knt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 4. At the fourth annual meeting of the Balau Planting Syndicate, Mr. Nutt, presiding, said that the profit was 526.226 and a dividend of 18 per cent, would be declared. The average price realised was 8/1 aud the all in
      89 words
    • 64 1 (From Our Own Corrksi>ondf.nt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 6. An outrage has taken place on the Sepang Road. Mr. W. If. Lantair, of Jindaraui Lstatc, was waylaid by gang robbers who shot him, carried "him into the jungle and then decamped with the money he was carrying, about 5500.
      64 words
    • 107 1 (k ROM Ol’U Ow n CoURKsrONDKNT.) Penang, April 4. I he Perak Hiver V alley Rubber Company 1 declares a hrst dividend of 5 per cent, payable on April 15. We regret to loam of the death in action of Mr. Richard Mihvard, who was hit
      107 words
    • 1365 1 The annual general meeting of the MalakotT Rubber Co.. Ltd., was held on March .11 at the offices of the company, 18, Collyer Quay Mr. K. J. Addie, chairman, presided, others present being Messrs. A 1). Allan,
      1,365 words
    • 2534 2 H Tin tolbvvmif in tma the Malay Mail of tbu annual General iDOotinjj of Delict Hamers' Association held H, lu-Mt Houso oil Tuesday. Present: V \i! :ij.ia.t (chairman), Noel l’isher (lion. ,r V M(ssrs. R. K.
      2,534 words
    • 89 2 For tho period from April 7 to 151, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grado of rubber is fixod at Jis. 6[d. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is loviablo on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the
      89 words
    • 663 2 The third repot t of directors to shareholders of the .loraui Kuautun Rubber Kstates, Ltd., signed by Mr. Loong Hong Toon, in as follows Your directors beg to submit a duly audit* ed statement of accounts
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    • 100 2 After many weeks of dry weather that had effectually brought down the rubber output in the Klang district, says the Malay Mail, heavy rain fell up to early on March 28,3 and 3! inches on many estates. The rubber output, which has nut generally been lower than
      100 words
    • 1475 3 Tho third annual general meeting of the shareholders in tic I>ukit Kcpong Rubbi r Estato, Ltd., 'vu« hold on Saturday, at the registered offices of tho company, No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, reports the Malay Mail.
      1,475 words
    • 236 3 The report of the Ampat (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Limited, states that no change having taken place in the area under cultivation with bevea rubber, this remains at 714 acres. The visiting agent. Mr. Ris, reports that the planted area continues iu a thoroughly clean condition, free from
      236 words
    • 1208 3 The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Gedong (I'erak) Rubber Estate, Limited, was held ou February 25. in the Council Room of the Rubber (1 rower s’ Association, 38, Eastcheap. E.C., Mr. J.L. Loudoun Shaud
      1,208 words
    • 532 3 Following is the tenth annual report of the I directors for the year 1915 ou the woiting of I the Golden Ho|>e Rubber Estate, Ltd. I The crop harvested for the yeai auiouniu I to 197,890 lbs., against an estimate
      532 words
    • 1784 4 I ti.i annual siuneral uicctin- of Teluk I n Rubber Estate. Ltd., was held on fc- ,i»i.s<iav at the registered offices of the L n, y Ore,i r House. Mr. H H. iiT.llvn presided, others present J.
      1,784 words
    • 992 4 The annual gem ral meeting of tho Chang kat Serduug Fstates, Ltd., was held ou Saturday, at tho registered offices of the company, French Bank Buildings. Mr. C. Hveritt (chairman) presided, others present being tho Kov. N. J. Couvreur, J. Orner (directors), and
      992 words
    • 775 4 Tin- annual general meeting of tho Batang Bonar Rubber Company was held on March 31, at the registered offices of the company, Winchester 11 mse, Mr. W. Lowthcr Kemp, presiding. Others present woro Messrs. F. Adam, E. F. Mauldou and
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    • 13 5 [Tho Straits Times is not responsible foi tho opinious of its correspondents.!
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    • 258 5 To the Editor of tin* Straits Times. Sir, I that you will bo kind enough to inHcrt tin; following through the medium of your valuable paper, whereby I hojie to advantage. After a few months investigation I have b<*cn lucky enough to diseover a new uu thod of coagulating
      258 words
    • 268 5 .leram Kuantau.— 7.012 lbs. I nited Sumatra. 46,500 lbs.; three mouths, 148,000 lbs. Pangkattau.—6o,ooo lbs. Batu Rata.—2l,Bo2 lbs Straits Rubbe r. —117,000 lbs. IVnang.—l2o,ooo lbs. Rub&na.— lbs. Tali Ayer.—3B,ooo lbs. Batak Rabit.—l6,ooo lbs. Hagan Serai. IH,(KK) lbs. Pcrmas.—2o,9oo lbs. Sekong.—l4,2oo lbs. Majcdie (.loliore) 9,92 H lbs. Ayer
      268 words
    • 613 5 A well attended meeting was held at Raub on the 26th ult., w’ith the object of forming u Planters’ Association for Pahang, says the Malay Mail. The organiser (Mr. P. d. A. Williams) in the course of his speech said No doubt
      613 words
    • 239 5 The undermentioned prices were realised lor rubber Hold by Messrs. Allen, Dennys and Co. at their auction sale at Penang, on March 28: Smoked ribbed shoot $177 to SI B 2 plain 16G No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 108 176 I.'nsmoked sheet 160 165 No. 2 unsmoked
      239 words
    • 995 5 Stock Siu"anow» Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser u* Capital Value Comcaniks. Prices, Closin.. p ri H 1 1915. 1914. February 28. April 6^ 150,000 2/- 20% 32% Anglo-Malay 10/- 9/0 ln A XI
      995 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 483 6 0*1* Anaemia Tmldren are an name iu juuci. u neglected, ious consequences may result. If taken when the c nptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to oirich the blood and so effectually check the disease at outset. If you experience difficulty of breathing and exhaustion after
      483 words
    • 278 6 Poor Health A. f jr To face the dangers oi weakness <md diseajc with a weskened constitution, is to liken oneself to the caplin who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the storm. In both cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of weight
      278 words
    • 200 6 I A positive paying investment in any business, whether large cur small. la GOOD Printing Hi value oannot ha overestimated. Tour advertiaiag mdlss which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lading impression, favourably or dhsrwtoe, according to its kind. Don’t hr hi Komi for the poor
      200 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 92 7 Obtainable from every Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916. ASAHI BEER, Quarts $11.80 per case of 4 doz. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASAHI BEER, Pints Q< $10.50 per case of 6 doz. (Retail Price $1.90 per doz.) x SAPPORO BLACK BEER. Pints $11.00 per case of
      92 words