The Straits Budget, 17 March 1916

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3031 Singapore. Friday, March 17. 1916. ESTABLISH!O OVER HAlf A CEATORV Price 25 cents.
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  • 366 1 JSADEKS— The British Navy 12 How Britain Helps 12 Germany's Handful 12.18 The Battle Goes On 13 The Decline of German Credit 13 Reprisal H jOi.iL AND GkNKHAL Local and Personal 1 2 The War 3 6 Letter from Homo 7 Kef usees’ Stories 7 War Week
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  • 4867 1 Miss Henry, matron of the hospital, Taip* ing. leaves for England early next month. Dr. Bentley, malaria expert, is at Delhi, where he is conferring with the Government of India. Lieut. colonel Garrett and Mrs. Garrett returned from Hongkong by the Nankin on Tuesday. An attack of
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1644 3 Ld Fighting in France. Hermans make very little progress. I German Fleet Comes Out. London, March 8, 7.15 p.m. fH (Aroian communique claims the capture K* officers, 3,277 men and ten guns with wa r material at Forges and Requeville |H tleVl n officers. 700 na n aud
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    • 2178 3 Verdun Battle. FIERCE STRUGGLE STILL CONTINUES. The Defence of Egypt. London, March 9, 3.15 p.m. Paris: A semi-official statement says: The eighteenth day of tho battle was favour able for us. We gained very valuable ground north of Verdun bringing oar l<ne through Bethincoart and Corbeaux Wood to
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    • 2926 4 The Battle Front Extends. GERMANS STILL FIGHT FIERCELY AT VERDUN. Success of Allied Airmen. London, March 10, 3 p.m. Paris: A semiofficial report states that the Germans have reattempted to retrieve their failures and showed incredible ferocity and mad obstinacy. They made frightful sacrifices and did not gain
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    • 679 5 Enormous German Losses. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AT VERDUN. The French Estimate. London, March 18, 1.S5 p.m. Paris The Official Review states that the German staff is trying to persuade the German people that the German losses at Verdun are slight, but evidence is daily accumulating in Franco showing
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    • 1288 5 Intentions Thwarted. GERMAN MASSED ARTILLERY SCATTERED. Fighting in .German East Africa. London, March 18, 2.20 p.m. A German artillery observation officer, who had been captured, says that originally the German artillery was massed in ono block and everyone was convinced that erdnn would crumble into dust, but gradually
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    • 2408 6 False German Claims. FRENCH LOSSES GREATLY EXAGGERATED. The British lorces in Mesopotamia. London, March 14, 0 p.m. A French official statement says that the total number of prisoners claimed by the Hi minus at Verdun is double tin: number of French k i I led, w ounded mid
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  • 301 6 One of the longest legal disputes ever heard in the High Court is nearing its conclusion, states The Observer of February 6. On Friday it bad occupied oil days. The outstanding fact in it is that it concerns the ownership
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  • 146 6 It is understood that tbo procedure 10 connection with the taking over the |CC royalty by Lord Chelmsford at Bombay WX month will be similar to that observed ''h' u Lord Minto relieved Lord {Jurzon. 1 Commander in Chief and all the oruiu:u) executive members of the Viceroy’s
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  • 1938 7 London. February 11. lt the intelligent foreigner, w hether ally or v accepted at thoir face value one half Z -tiu unite made about the recent Z.p in raid over England he would come to f, ..oucluhion that
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  • 750 7 The* French have a most expressive term for the process of obtainipg information from witnesses they call it euisiner,” to cook, aud there are men whose special business it is to “euisiner” German prisoners. H* re in Haris, writes a correspondent,
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  • 14 7 Tho Straits Times is not rosponsiblo fov «he opinious of its correspou lonts.
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  • 606 7 I To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, At a meeting of tho Municipal Com* missionors hold recently, it was suggested by one of tho Commissioners that oertain information should bo made known to the public, uud that the Tamil Panchayat should bo asked to do tho
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  • 188 7 The judgment given iit the Board of Trado inquiry into the Iohh of the I*, and steamer Socotra stated that tlio wreck wiih due to tho neglect of olio master to ascertain and ver »ffy the position of tho vessel, and his mistaking the Lotouguct light
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  • 2836 8 I. iiidon, I brwary 17. All of the Allies are fully impressed now with the n* ed lor woi 1 mg to a cotuei >n plan. At the opening ul 1‘arhiuu*ut, Mr. Asquith referred to “the grow
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  • 227 8 Considerable sensation, writes a poudent of tho Englishman, was causer" Goa ou February 20, wliou, actiu** Q orders from the Lisbon Government i" r local government took iuto its chary, tl,’,. f German steamers which ou the outbre.ii-"*'* war had hurried
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  • 215 8 An illuminating articlo in the Daily Chronicle ou tho Allies' sea-power states: Captain Perseus iu the Berliner Tageblatt has reviewed the naval and maritime gains during the war, and has shown that tbe losses of the British mercantile marine, owing to the German
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  • 157 8 A much appreciated scheme for providing soldiers home from the front with sufficient money to meet their temporary needs lias been inaugurated by the Army Pay Department. Tho Central Association Volunteer Training Corps has appointed emergency cashiers, on the authority of tho department, at Victoria Station.
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  • 121 8 A correspondent asks us to draw atton r .iuu to the sad plight of the pedlars who hii'O been dealing iu Indian silks, and who ue now being refused licenses. nly a few hit,’ firms, our correspondent says, are licenses, and they will soon hav** a poly, while
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  • 510 9 Tllt following Singapore properties were i by auction at Messrs. Bowell and ii. room ou Tuesday iftcrueon 1* reeW with the dwelling house thereon loK u as Seraugoon Road. Monthly ku 4 >o Bought by Nagudas P. and Co. i 'nnO: freehold
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  • 364 9 Our Bangkok correspondent writes —At a sptcia! meeting of the Siamese Cabinet held at l’hrapatoom on the 4th iustant it was j decided to take steps to abolish the remaining licensed gambling houses in Bangkok and also the Chinese lottery known as
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  • 145 9 The above diagram shows tho fill in value of tho British pound st, ‘rling an 1 the German reichsmark iu the N’e v York Sight Exchange Market during 1915. The pound sterling d clmed i i value 6% only, whereas the German reichsmark del ireciated
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  • 401 9 In the course of his Presidential speech at the annual meeting of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, the Hon. Mr. F. H. Stewart referred to the year’s business as less in quantity but showing a better margin of ptofit. Tonnage
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  • 130 9 Major Elliott-Coopor writes on Fobruary 16 to a friend in Kuala Lumpur a letter, in the course of which he says: ou will have heard Foot has lost a leg, amputated high up the thigh. The doctor says that with the help of an artificial leg he will
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  • 424 9 In spite of all official denials and the varying opinions of neutral visitors to Germany, it is becoming clear, beyond all doubt, that there is great suffering and privation atuoug the enemy’s civil population. Iu letters found ou German prisoners and
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  • 114 9 A special meeting of tho Hongkong Legislative Council was held on March 2 to increase tho liquor duties, tho Governor ex plaining that the information ho gave them at the previous meeting with closed doors had leaked out, and largo removals from stores were being made. The
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  • 512 9 1 a (ho senior magistrate's court oo Wod-m-sdav before Mr. H. Scott, Mr. D. Kitovitz aucl Mr. YV. M. Allen, trustees for the J. W. Oashiu ostatc, were named an defendants in a prosecution brought by the Municipality, for failing to
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  • 142 9 Mr. I loo Wei-yon, Consul -General for China, sends us the following copy of tolograrns received by him from the Foreign Office, Peking:— (Received on the 13th inst. at 11 Hunan report Matanghsicn ro-capturod on seventh. Rebels retreated to Ungjen. Szochuen report Kianganhsion re-capturod on
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  • 129 9 From Ouk Own Cokkksi’onoknt.) Ipoh, March 14. During the hearing of a ease of gang robbery at tho Assizes, the Deputy Public I rosecutor appealed for the Hogging of the accused if they were found gudty of this crime. He thought he could point to a
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  • 1606 10 K. N. has written the following int» n st ing article for the I imes of India: The frequency, with whieh the relics of the Buddha are announced, i- likely to engender a suspicion < f pious fraud--
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  • 191 10 A correspondent, signing himself H,” writes to the Times of Malaya. I was rather surprised to noto that amongst the Hoods ordered by Mohamud Kassim Mansoor woe 10 cases,each 100 bottles potass,cyanide, 50 to 100 cases aniline; salt —to quote your report. 1 may be hut
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  • 297 10 The correspondence relating to the distur bailees in C* ylon in May last year was issued on February J as a Blue-book. The riots, which were anti Moslem in character, resulted m the deaths of over lf*o pci sous, an analysis
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  • 324 10 The ricksha coolio quarter in Holloway Lauo was the scene of something very much like a pitched battle on Friday afternoon when two rival factions mutually agreed to settle their differences with the best weapons to Land. Trouble has been brewing in that neighbourhood for
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  • 111 10 In the course of a paper entitled Seven Months in High Asia, road before the Central Asian Society, Miss Ella Sykes said that in Kashgar, inhabited by a wild race of peasant cultivators aud shopkeepers who appeared content with the rule of the Chinese, the
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  • 88 10 11. E. tho High Commissioner lias been pleaded to approve tho following promotions in the Malay States Volunteer hides:—To bo Captaius iSupernumerary to the Establishment), Lieutenants C. \V. (j. Parr and ii. K. Grey; to he Lieutenants, 2nd Lieutenants .L. Leonard, It. C. M. Kindersley and A. Dupuis
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  • 419 10 The Times of February *2 has the followm from its Paris correspondent From the conflicting opinions of X|) two main improvements in the air let. u Paris seem to bo indicated as uecestj They are (1) That listening posts," fitted
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  • 136 10 At a meeting of the Imperial Legislative Council of India held at Delhi, ou Aiarch 1, Sir William Meyer, as financial member, introduced his financial statement for 1916-17 and, Humming lip tho effect of additional taxation proposals said they intended getting an increased revenue of £2,150,000 from Customs
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  • 101 10 Notice is given in the Gazette that at tbe expiration of three months from the 1st insh. the undermentioned limited companies willunless cause is shown to tho contrary, b* struck off the register of companies ar. i will ho dissolved:— The Penang Ice Co., tbe Straits Tin Smelting
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  • 76 10 Wo learn from the Mainichi tli it t m Tokio Marine Con t ot Inquiry hasex.<mi*a' the captain and other officers of tin steamer Yasaka Maru, which was tnrpc. n contly in the Mediterranean. As the m of the preliminary examination. thl fund that the officers
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1146 12 hood to the (toruiau <juibblcs.—Straits Times, March 10. It is unfortunate that Mr. Wiust >n < iiur chill cannot x'-i-t a temptation t<> levisit the Beenes (if Ins grentnrss. Me is a man of almost pheijoiii'-rial capacity an I there was no pretence in the praise h«
      hood to the (toruiau <juibblcs.—Straits Times, March 10.  -  1,146 words
    • 1254 12 —Straits Tiiues, March 11. The battle of Verdun is still raging. It lias spread both eastward and westward of the Meuse, and there has been activity on other sections of the line; but the real crucial tost of strength is in the Verdun section, where the enemy
      .—Straits Tiiues, March 11.  -  1,254 words
    • 1094 12 the French.—Straits Times, March Portugal need not shako in her shoes because of the fact that there is a diplomatic rupture with Germany. We do not know what the circumstances are, but wo suspect that c.Ttaiu ships interned in Portuguese ports were preparing to make a bolt aud
      the French.—Straits Times, March  -  1,094 words
    • 1137 13 only be mended by bcin" ended.—Straits Times, March 14. Ti W !l Uif l 1' io M 1 'biuiuished vigour, the battle. |Kr, nr r h,J r^iou still goes on. The Li 4 r a PP'ar to be making the r I’ iuitiate an offensive of
      only be mended by bcin" ended.—Straits Times, March 14.  -  1,137 words
    • 1134 13 mini's iinscrupuluiH ambitiou.—Straits Tim s. March 15. Elsewhere to-day we print a diagram which came recently to Singapore from somewhere in America.” It shows the fall in value of the British pound sterling and the German reichsmark in the New York Sight Exchange Market during
      mini's iinscrupuluiH ambitiou.—Straits Tim s. March 15.  -  1,134 words
    • 1167 14 —Straits T.iues, March 10. We quoted the other day a letter written by the Paris corn spondt nt of The Tim's 011 the value of r» priMiils for such foul deeds as the German Zt ppelius have perpetrated, and wo have been reading since a good deal in reference
      .—Straits T.iues, March 10.  -  1,167 words

  • 258 14 I’ve met lots of Straits men in the old town, says a correspondent of tho Singapore Searchlight. Walking down Piccadilly the other morning I ran into Wilkinson of the P.W.D. Just the same cheery old thing, and although ho had only been in England a few
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  • 106 14 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China adviso us of having received telegraphic advice from their head office that at the approaching meeting of shareholders the directors will recommend a dividend for the half year ending December 31, 1915, at the rate of 14 per cent,
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  • 606 14 London, February 11. Considerable amusement has been caused in financial circles by the alleged reply of Dr. HelfToricli (German Finance Minister) to the pertinent questions addressed to him by Sir E. Holden at the London City and Midland Hank
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  • 238 14 Moses is a young Jew boy with a liking fer gambling which has got him into trouble more than once in the past, indeed, even now he may have remembrances of a flogging ho received after falling foul of the police, but if he has it
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  • 926 14 Capt. Steele-Perkins, who Las engaged on war service for a short time has just returned to Calcutta, has brnnU with him the latest news of Lieut 1 A pear, who was reported to have captured by Arabs. The information £2
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  • 1133 15 Oi k Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 12. The citizens of Singapore conferred a very V* upon the M.S/V.K, yesterday .Voon. when, with Mr. Frank Adam of fi -waits Trading Company, as their Vm tlu y presented the
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  • 510 15 Dealing with The Influence of War on Disease, in the current issuo of The Practitioner, Surgeon-General H. D. Rolleston states that as a result of the labours of those responsible for tbe sanitation of tho army has, with the exception of those
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  • 1035 15 The following is tho report of tho F.M.S. Chamber of Mines, tho annual meeting of which will be held on the 25th inst. Your Council have tho honour to present to you their report for the 12J months
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  • 183 15 The other day it was reported that tho Japanese (iovernment sent telegraphic instructions to Baron Motono, Japanese Ambassador in Petrograd, in connection with a certain matter referred to in the documents submitted to the Emperor by the Grand Duke George
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  • 59 15 (From Ouk Own Corkk gondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, March 11. The Loudon correspondent of the Malay Mail cables that Colonel A. 15. Ilubback, commandant of the Malay States Volunteer Rifles and now of the ‘20th Loudou Regiment, has been promoted to tbe rank of Brigadicrgeueral. Major J.
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  • 128 15 In the 11ieh Court of dustice, London, ou February 12, before Sir Clement Bailhachc, un action was derided upon which other claims, totalling X'200,000, depended. It arose out of of tho Toko Maru. .lames Morrison and Company, owners and consigners of 15H bales of New Zoalaud
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  • 149 15 The llokoku Maru, ♦&gt;,0(K) tons, owned by Messrs Su/nki anil Co., Kobe, is missing. ()u Nov nibnr ’JO last she left Singapore for Eto'laud with 1,100 tons of wheat nliipp* &lt;1 at I'ort 1 md, Oiegon, on board. &lt; hi the tollowing day information was received
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  • 971 16 The famous Artists’ Rifles haw.- always held the record for the number of its im mi hers who have been given commissions in the King’s Forces. After six months of the E resent war b&lt; tween K00 and 1 &lt;*()() m»
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  • 519 16 The German Society for the Care of Young People has discovered, according to The Tag, some startliug facts about the increase of crime among children and young people since the war. Statistics from twenty large cities show that whereas the young people
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  • 201 16 Ducks, the Wealth of India tells us, arc a preventive of malaria, and, as ducks occur iu all regions of the globo, they are among the greatest enemies of mosquitoes and consequently of yellow fever and malaria. Their value in this respect has been determined as follows:
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  • 1017 16 The English language lias been enriched, if the professors will pardon the word, by a number of slang terms aud phrases born of the war, and the public has been made acquainted with tin m more or less by tin* return of
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  • 682 16 The Civic Arts Association was inau&lt;'u rated at a meeting held recently at {lit Mansion House, at which the Lord Mavui its tit president, took the chair. The nj, j c objects of the association are to promote tb use of
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  • 1152 17 a’ many persons realise we cannot 1 in this war unless tho present acute Tk,.in- situation is faced before matters u 1 "we me, and a solution b&lt;: found, satis once our own needs and those of our .m
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  • 432 17 The eutiie State of Maine lias been discussing the success of the Back to the Garden uf Eden exp* rimont of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estes, of Gray, the venturesome couple who went into the wilds at Bingham, iu that State,
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  • 172 17 Till We Meet Again.” It seems old history now, hut the story of an English piy to a Prussian otlicer at the beginning of the war may still be worth giving (says the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian.) The otlicer came, to seo her and her friend of] to
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  • 280 17 Tho following is the report of Messrs. Fraser and Co., dated the 9th inst. Thero has been a fair business passing, but for one or two bright features, the demand lias not been sufficient to iutlatu pi ices much over their
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  • 287 17 At the annual meeting of the l’enang Chamber of Commerce, Mr. John Mitclu 11, in the course of his speech, said :—As we are so keenly alive to tho advantages of the extension of the railway system towards Baugkok, the following information kindly
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  • 143 17 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Will you allow me space to-day to appeal to tho public of Malaya to subscribe forthwith tho remaining $0,000 requir* I for this last aeroplane. This craft must be completed before the air units preseutod by Malaya can take
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  • 72 17 Tho outputs for the seven months of current financial year of Rciiung Tin Drudg iog Co., Ltd., have boon July, 1911, 890 piculs, August, Hf&gt;9 piculs, September, 1.221 piculs, October, l,:tSl piculs, N T ovemb« r, 1,41’2 piculs, December, 1,410 piculs, January, 1910, 1,434 piculs. Tho Kamuuing
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  • 859 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—From a paragraph iu a local paper last weak we learn that tho profits of the shipping companies for last year amounted to a clear C jr»(i,i n K).(MK) compared with about (.“20,C00.000 in previous years. .Judging
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  • 1397 18 Germany and Portugal. TROUBLE IN EARLY PART OF THE WAR. The Invasion of Angola. The announcement that G* rmany has declared war on Portugal revive s interest io tin* trouble that occurred during the •early part of Germany and I'ortugal in conn* ction with the* latter’s African Golony of
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  • 81 18 (From Our Own Corrbspondknt.) Ipoh, March 18. The report of tho Ipoh Club for tho halfyear ended December 81, has been issued. It shows a credit balance, carried to the profit aud loss account, on tho half-year’s working of $2,646. During 1915 thcro were elected 41 new
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  • 216 18 The Mitsu Bislii Dockyard is engaged in the task of recovering Y8,000,000 fiom the sea. It will bo remembered that iu the spring of last year the l’. and C). steamer Nile sank off Iwai-jima, Sulio province, iu tin? inland Sea. The water at this
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  • 1071 18 An alien om my is a person whose Slate is at war with England. Ho has no rights at all at emiuii u law, his property cau he confiscated. ne can b«* imprisoned, and
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  • 232 18 The extension by the Postmaster General of the contract held by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company for the earring-, of the mails to aud from India md llii‘ Ear East for uuother year will give time says the Manchester Guardian’s London correspond*
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  • 160 18 Mr. II. B. Retsey, Lloyd’s Surveyor, wl:c went to llambantota in connection with the wreck of the Rathainpton, returned to Colombo on February 29 and reported tla: the vessel is a total loss. She had about 4 500 tons of salt consigned to Cal cutia. It
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  • 150 18 Speaking at Brooklyn, Mr. Boosevelj strongly denounced PresuDrt Wilson s st.usJ on what he termed a cowardly policy. Allies, he declared, had acted the Ocod Samaritan in regard to Belgium, while L cited Statislrad acted as the Lcvite -a l. Speaking of tho Lusitania outrage, Mr. Koosevelt
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  • 95 18 We arc certainly ttin*; f Australian cartoon headed ll ‘j. Nibble” which we re prod net' 1 u&lt;’(i. &gt; printed in some of the London pT 1 n pros* tits the British Lion in the u* Voluntary system, and the d' rai 1 ir ujonts i-t the
    95 words

  • 549 19 l„. G D. Frier, writing from England nmi. r date February 2, says:- i, 1-0 tho honour to forward for tho infornuition of the subscribers to the F.M.S. War n,l 4 short account of the working of the till tor Jum.ary, 1916.
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  • 240 19 The rule of mortality in tho Settlement of Singapore of the week ended March 1 28.66 per mille of tho population. The otal number of deaths was 159, of which j Wcre male subjects and 45 female. Con1,1011 s claimed 26, phthisis 22, malaria fever 'and small
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  • 287 19 Kkutku’s Tklkgkam. London, March 10, 7.20 p.m. New York: Mexican bir.dits from General Villa's parly have raided tho town of Columbus, in New Mexico, a.ul were driven uut by American cavalry with a hundred killed an l two bu id rod wounded. Sixteen Americans wire killed. Tho Americans
    Kkutku’s Tklkgkam.  -  287 words
  • 118 19 Kkutkr's Tklkurams, London, Much 10, 12.15 p.m. Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co. report that the undertone of the silver market continues good and that prices are well maintained. The supplies are not large, but the demand has somewhat broadened, though the Indian bazaars and China have made
    Kkutkr's Tklkurams,  -  118 words
  • 100 19 Rkutkk’s Telkuram. London, March 9, 4.10 p.m. Mr. Chamberlain has an attack of influenza and is unable to keep his othcial engagements for a few days. Sir Starr Jameson has boon operated upon for kidney trouble, and a second operation will be necessary. The death is announced
    Rkutkk’s Telkuram.  -  100 words
  • 102 19 Rkutkk’s Tklkoram. London, March 14 8.20 p.m. In the House of Commons, Colonel Yate suggested that widows of temporary Majors in the Indian Army s.. d he placed on the same footing as regards peosions and gratuities whether their husbands were killed before or after September 1,19 if).
    Rkutkk’s Tklkoram.  -  102 words
  • 37 19 KbUTKK’s ThLKtilUMS. Loudon, March 8, 1&lt;)..‘50 p.m. Hongkong: A local Chinese newspaper states that rebels in the morning attacked the Whampoa forts in the Canton river and the cruiser Chaohao. The attacks were easily repulsed.
    KbUTKK’s ThLKtilUMS.  -  37 words
  • 417 19 Bottle makers and the trades dependent upon glassware for putting up and delivering their products are almost at daggers’ drawn owing to the oottlu fuiuiuo that is raging in France. Mineral water manufacturers, brewers who bottle their beer, and kindred industries
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  • 20 19 Johnstonk. On March 7, at the Maternity Hospital, Singaporo, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jolinstouo, a son (premature).
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  • 118 19 Ritchie— -Fox. —On Wednesday, March h, at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Singapore, Crawford llitchio of Batu Tiga, Klang, son of the lato David Corse Ritchie of Dublin, to Bernadctto, youngest daughter of I M.J. Fox, of Thornleigh, Accrington, Lancashire. Thompson— Likbkrt. —On March 9, at tho Cathedral,
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  • 175 19 SlNOAt'ORi, March 16, 1916 EXCHANGE. On Ljonlo.. Bank 4 m/s Demand ‘J/4$ Private 8 '£1 4; On Franck Bank T. T. 828 On Inuu Banu T. T. 174$ On Hongkong...Bank d/d 16i UN Shanghai ...B r .ok d/d S6j On Java Bank T. T. 188 On Japan
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  • 348 19 SINGAPORE, March 16, 1916. MINING. Buyo So,le, 10 10 Am pang 6.00 fji 1 Ayer Weng 0.85 0.50 10 10 Bclat 1.50 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.66 1.05 11 10 Kinta Association 6.00 Xl JC1 KintaTin 1.15.0 2.0.0 «iil Xl Laliat MinoH 4.25 10 9.25 Malayan Collier
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 131 19 NOTICE. The pint tree price of the Strait* Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries it 4-&gt; a a year. Tnepost ea p'iee of the Straits Hu Iff' u&gt; $1; 1 y*a i to any part of the world. It .s not to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions
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  • 87 19 DEATHS. Duncan. —On March 8, at St. Thomas’s Nursing Home, Singapore, John Duncan, of II, Kinnuird Street, Arbroath, Forfar, and Chief Engineer ol the B. i. S. N. Co.’s s.s. Fultala, aged 10. JoiiNSTONK.- On March h, at the Mati ruity Hospital, Singapore, Douglas Cyril, the infant mou of Mr.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 101 1 Grnkhal Rubber Items 1 The World’s Rubber 1 Singapore Rubber for America 2 Estate Murder in Sumatra 2 February Rubber Returns F.M.S. Rubber Export Doty 4 Singapore Rubber Auctions 1 Penang Rubber Auction 4 Tklbokams Loudon Rubber Spec al... 1 MbKTiso* on Rkiokts Java Consolidated 1 Auglo-Johore Rubber 2
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    • 26 1 (From Our Own Corkksi*oni&gt;hnt.) Loudon, March 10. Pegoh pays a final dividend of 12$ per cent, and Hutu Kata an interim of 7s.
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    • 238 1 Messrs. E. llealy, of Pctaliug estate, and A. N. liarcourt, of Ledbury estate, are both now at Lemnos. Mr. G. Turner, of Temerloh Coconut Rubber Estates, Ltd., Trong, who recently left for home, intends to enlist. The directors of the l'adang .lawa Rubber Estate, in which a large
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    • 51 1 A London telegram to the Times of Ceylon, dated March 3. states that Mr. Lumpard forecasts the world’s rubber pnduction aud consumption excluding Germany, etc., as follows Y Production. Consumption. Tons. Tons. 1916 172,000 164,500 1917 261,000 183,500 1918 232,500 209,100 1919 260,000 236,200 k 1920 286,000
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    • 1917 1 The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Java Consolidated Rubber and CotYee Kstates, Ltd., was held on March .‘J. at the offices of the secretaries and general managers, Messrs. J. A. Wattle and Co., Ltd., there
      1,917 words
    • 2347 2 An extraordinary general meeting of the «li ueholders of the Anglo Johore Rubber u Limited, was held on lebruary 3. ti, e council room of the Rubber Growers mediation, 38. Eastcbeap, E.C., for the pur of considering
      2,347 words
    • 327 2 T1 ic report of the Fpolu Rubber and Cacao Estates, Limited, states that the crops of cacao harvested during the year were as followsTanumapua, 1,218 cwts Alisa, 865 cwts: total. 1,613 ewts. The gross price realised for the cacao, including the estimate 1 for the
      327 words
    • 142 2 The Siam Observer, of tho Hth instant, says that Messrs. The East Asiatic Co. have chartered tho steamer Breid from about tho beginning of May next to take a cargo of rubber to San Francisco from Singa pore at the rate of .£3,000 a month. Ihe
      142 words
    • 529 2 Tho directors’ report to the shareholders of the Bukifc Timah liubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ending December 81, states: The net profit for the year as shown by the profit and loss account amounts to 9114,413.85,
      529 words
    • 160 2 On Tuesday morning, Mr. K. Weber, an assistant on the Kerassan Estate belonging to the Netherlands Indian Syndicate, was murdered by a Chinese coolie. The coolies were at work in the factory under a tindal who, not being satisfied with their work, called in Mr. Weber,
      160 words
    • 970 3 The following report is taken from the Times of Ceylon Thu tenth oidmary general meeting of the* shareholders of tin- .lebong (IVrak) Rubber Co., Ltd., was hold on February 25. at tbe office of Messrs. Ilosanquet and Co
      970 words
    • 1785 3 The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ayer Kuniug Rubber Hstate, Ltd., was held in the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on March 8. Mr. C. W. Barnett, the chairman of the directors, presided, and the others present
      1,785 words
    • 561 3 The following is the report of directors which will be presented at the annual general meeting to be held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on March 22, at 3 p.m. The Directors have pleasnre in submittiny their annual report aod
      561 words
    • 1035 4 The third annual general meeting of the i.orGmlders of Sungei Gettali Rubber Estate Ltd., was held in tho Chamber of «rce, &.«»••&gt; March 18. Tho lion. Koberfc Young presided, and the others pro lint were Messrs. J. dollar, V\
      1,035 words
    • 200 4 Ayer Panas.—2l,7Bs lbs. A lor Gajab.—9,ooo lbs. Halgowuie. —15,000 lbs. Glenealy.—ls,ooo lbs. Pantai. 9,500 lbs. Pa jam. 34,5(J0 lbs. Siak (Sumatra).—22.3s9 lbs. Teluk Anson.—l3,ooo lbs. Tambalak.—s,22B lbs. l'elepah Valley.—2o,ooo lbs. Kota Tinggi.—lo,ooo lbs. SUiuting.—4,loo lbs. C10ve11y.—4,268 lbs. Durian Sabatang.—2,4oo lbs. Kmerald. 16,973 lbs. Henrietta.—B69 lbs.: to date
      200 words
    • 218 4 The report of the Yam Seng Rubber Company, Limited, states that the profit for the year, after deducting £3.042 for depreciation, amounted to £8,958; add balance from last account, XI,674; total £10,633; deducting the interim dividends paid on the preference shares at 2} per cent, (less tax),
      218 words
    • 70 4 For the period from March 17 to 28, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at Bs. Bd. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable ou an ad valorem basis in accordance with the
      70 words
    • 571 4 The Singaporo Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association’s 233rd auction was hold on March 8 and 9, when there were offered for salo pels. 8,287.62 or 1,105,016 lbs. (tons 493.31). Prices realised Sheet smoked fine ribbed ...$lBO to $lB7 good ribbed
      571 words
    • 86 4 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Denuys and Co. at their auction sale at Penang on Wednesday and during the week euding that day Smoked ribbed sheet $174 to $1H2 plain 161 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 14* 171 I nsmoked sheet
      86 words
    • 865 4 At the meeting of the Central Perak Plant* era' Association on Saturday tho question of military training wan rained. Mr. J. S. Ferguson presided. According to the Times of Malaya, Mr. G. N. Stevens, speaking on the subject thought that
      865 words
    • 1237 5 The ordinary general mooting of the l nitod Batang Kuboer Estates, Limited, was held on Fobruuty 2, at NN inchest* r House, Old Broad Street, EC. Mr. li. St. John Wileman (chairman of the company) presided, and Haid that 110 rep
      1,237 words
    • 321 5 The report of the Yal d'Or Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the output of rubber amounted to 172,432 lbs., as against an estimate of 125,000 lbs. and an output of 104,438 lbs. for tbe previous year. The cost of production, including a proportion of the estate
      321 words
    • 183 5 The report of the Lunas Rubber Estates, Limited, states that tho net profit for the ynar amounted to 862,770.86, as against 819,775.81 for the previous year. To this must bo added the amount of 81,920.63 refund of duty by Kedah Government in respect of the year ended
      183 words
    • 1008 5 Stock Singapore Isano&lt;l Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser A Co.’g Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing Prices, 1915. 1914. February 14. March 1«. 150 000 a/- 20% 82% Anglo-Malay 13/8 9/6 10,® 00,000 JUi 25%
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    • 347 6 DlNNEFORD'S Magnesia I I The Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Effective Aperient for Regular Use. WfQltt ROflwi. In ooums t Of DUUiiUuUC .1.... tutloiiN puioia*.u» uniat Me the “OIHHEFCKUI*' OB every bottle and lsUt MAGNESIA The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache,
      347 words
    • 243 6 Poor Health To lade the dangers of weakness and disease fldth a weakened constitution, is to liken oneself to the captain who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the storm. In both cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loeS*of weight and lack of energy
      243 words
    • 280 6 p—i J A positive paying isareetcnfcnt in any bnrinoss, whether large or small, ie I, GOOD I** f t. V* 4 V it nJS t, Printing I Ite value cannot be overestimated. I Toot advertising matter which you I distribute and the stationery yon I use generally makes a lasting
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    • 404 7 The Straits Times Press, Ltd PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. Lircirr rr rr n~ri:rcmxp:cmxorcxazi'&gt;-n-Lu v 7-~ 3r m PR X. 7i V •7* V j 1 'j»a cl r*. &lt;• H nMmpmmmmMmmmmmmmmrnmmmdmmmmm* t Photographs and Line Drawings Reproduced. f r. m n U) X CnC r ilatc it.” Let Sargol makt you
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