The Straits Budget, 10 March 1916

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3030 Singapore. Friday. March 10. 1916. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 274 1 IadersnVheo Will It End 12 ■Horrors Accumulate 12 ■The Campaign of Lies 12-13 ■More Men Wanted 13 ■Preside nt W ilson 13 ■The Second 1'base 13 14 ITbe Anglo-German Problem 14 l)CAL AND GkNKRAL iLocal aud Personal 1-2 ITbe W ar 3 8 I After the W'ai
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  • 4901 1 Q Siu,ruon whoso death ,V Vaf ro P ortf <1on February 0 take a divinity Preceding to England booked s courhe tor holy orders and M of Wa b fl P 5 SS T, wiien ou tho 0l,t u‘ a A rt’iv (,c c| ded to apply
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1948 3 Rkutkr’s Tklkouams. French Position Easier. the TERRIBLE LOSSES OF THE ENEMY. Opening of Maloja Inquest. Rkutkr’s Tblkokams. London, February 29, 1.10 a.m. Communique: To day our artillery bombarded trendies about Ovillers, Authuille and Fromelles. There has been considerable mutual artillery activity about Ypres. In the morning a German
      Rkutkr’s Tklkouams.  -  1,948 words
    • 1546 3 Germans Claim Victory. BUT THE THE MARK IS STILL FALLING IN VALUE. National Economy Meeting. London, March 1, 6 a.m. The Admiralty announces that Flight SubLieutenant Simms to-day attacked and shot down a hostile aeroplane which fell in flaunts a short distance in front of the Belgiau lines.
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    • 2065 4 Verdun Battle. ENORMOUS GERMAN LOSSES REPORTED. Future of Trade. London, March 2. 4.25 a.m. Paris: The estimated German losses at Verdun ate 135,000. London, March 2, 12.45 a.m. t Sir Douglas Haig in a communique says: There W’i re twenty encounters in the air on our tront yestenlay.
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    • 3856 4 Verdun Battle. BEGINNING OF THE SECOND SECOND PHASE. Rumours from Constantinople. London, March 3, 2.25 p.m. Paris: A semi-official review of the lighting at Verdun says that the second phase is beginning. The enemy Las renewed Lis violent attacks which wero everywhere repulsed with enormous losses. The few
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    • 2311 6 Verdun Battle. AWFUL LOSSES SHAKING THE GERMANS. Sensational Speech In Berlin. London, March 5, 7.10 a.m. A Berlin communique claims another 37 guns and 75 machine guns at Verdun, and a thousand prisoners at Douiuunoul. London, March 5. 3 p.m. 1'ariH: The battle of Verdun was most furious
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    • 1555 7 I Verdun Battle. (jthhr POINTS OF THE LINE I ATTACKED. I The Zeppelin Raids. I London, March 6, 11.20 p.m. I communique: Last night we sprang a n n oith-east of Vermelles. lo-dav tho W L siuau- a mine near the Hohenzollern KSt but no attack followed Wo
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    • 2738 7 British Navy. GREAT ESTIMATES SPEECH BY MR. BALFOUR. Cruise of the Moewe. London, March 7, 5.80 p m. In the House of Commons Mr. Balfour, iu introducing tho Naval Estimate-, dwelt on the international work of the British fleet. The present Board of Admiralty, he said, directly continued
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  • 247 8 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, March h. At the annual meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce Mr. .1. Mitchell, who presided, suid the year on the whole had been satisfactory. The exports regarded as coming under the favoured nation clause aud productions essential to the rest
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  • 816 8 THE ENGLISH LAND SETTLEMENT SCHEME. Its Problems and Difficulties. Read iu conjunction with Reuter s telegram in ano’.iit r column the following statement, daud London. February 10. will be of interest: The committej of the Board of Agriculture on post-war settlement has issued its full report. The
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  • 13 8 (The Straits Times is not responsible to thoopinious of its correspondents.! 01
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  • 507 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Referring to the incident reported bv you herein as a mild passage-of arms J shall be obliged if you will permit me to gi Ve some explanation thereof, especially astlie worthy Magistrate ex mtro motu, thought tit to put
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  • 101 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I think it about time for some move ment to be made in regard to tliis aud 1 my views before you. Take the number of clerks and assistants employed in the various British as well as other firms in
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  • 171 8 The many business questions of common ’uteri st to the various States of the Federation that have recently beeu calling for action that would be uniform in effect, such as the matter of enemy trading mentioned else where, has, says the Times of Malaya, resulted
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  • 1082 9 I Tii,i ,leath was announced in Saturday’s I :!r of carmen Sylva, dowager-queen of t ia nia and her death removes a romantic IP c ri'.iure The Consort of the first l£“f Knatuaoia. tboufh by birth a Princess
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  • 473 9 Mrs. Blott, of Norfolk street, King's Lynn, has received a postcard from her son, Corporal William Blott, of the 1 sth Norfolk Regiment, who was a member of the Sandringham Company which so mysteriously disappeared in the fighting around Anafarta.
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  • 121 9 Owing to a large number of mining coolies being imported into Tavoy by the Burma Government the wolfram boom is likely to lead to other businesses connected with the mines. The output still increases most satisfactorily. Tho present feeling is that tlio activity in tho mining world
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  • 1037 9 (From Ouk Own Corrksponoknt.) Kuala Lumpur, March 3. There lias been a veiy successful revival of a very ancient form of cheating among the ne’er do wells of the Tamil boy class in Kuala Lumpur recently. The 4 boy who says that ho wauta work, but in
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  • 679 9 A Federated Malay States Government Gazette Extraordinary contains the draft of au Enactment to authorise tho raising of a loan of 915,000,000. The body of tho draft reads as follows Whereas it is desirable that an opportunity be afforded for the local
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  • 1366 10 Loudon, January 28, 1910, Rubber ban again provided the most nborbiug feature of interest in markets this week. The price of the commodity not much more than a few days ago was 4/3J; at the beginning of the week
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  • 411 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Iu their share circular dated the 1st inst., Messrs. Fraser and Co. state: Business iu rubber shares has been decided ly steady throughout the week aud buyers at the old prices were i:i the majority. Some of the small priced sterling
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  • 1598 10 The following despatch was recently received in London from Mr. H. Warner Allen, special correspondent of tho British Pres« with the French Armies: Tho western bouudary of the Allied lines, which protect a front of 500 miles with
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  • 201 10 Tho Secretary of tlio European Association at Calcutta addrosscd tbe following lett«», dated February 4, to the Secretary to tec Government of India, Home Department, Home, on tho subject of Compulsory Military training in tho course of which tie says: The Government of tho Straits Settlement*, whore
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  • 2213 11 London, February 4. Parliament is having a brief holiday, and me absence of debates at St. Stephen s H us, for all that may be said about the ilk-shop,” with a sense of something k u
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  • 147 11 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co’s. Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply us with the following report ou the position of the Java produce market for the past week:— Batavia, March 3. Rubber.—Tho market is dull indicating a downward tendency with little demand at prices
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  • 79 11 .Mrs. Rupert Manasseh, Rallies Hotel, bugs to acknowledge tho following additional subscriptions to tho fund for providing .vacations for Relgiun soldiers who are worn outer who have been wounded, and whoso relatives dare not assist them Total acknowledged B*7l Syod Omar Alsagoff 100 Leo Choon Guan
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  • 122 11 On Monday, February 1 l, at 0.20 p.m., fire broke out in No. 5 hold on board the N.Y.Iv. lyo Maru, 0,020 tons, on the Bombay run, at anchor alongside the Wada Pier, llyogo. At the time 25,700 bah a of taw cotton to be
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  • 744 11 The fifth annual general meeting of tho Singapore Diocesan Association was held at the St. Mary’s Church Hoorn, Kuala Lumpur, on March 2, tho Bishop of Singapore being in tho chair, supported by Mrs. FergusonDavie, the Kov. A. B. Champion, the Kov.
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  • 77 11 to the S» mr.rang Locomotief the Dutch Socialistic Party Iijim applied in the l)ntch Home of Deputes for tie- release of the Hast Indian Revoluutiouary, Dovves Dckker, who was recently arrest, 1 it Singapore bv the British authorities. The othir Dutch Parties ure against liis being granted liberty.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1045 12 WHEN WILL IT END —Straits Times, March 2. There win; some vi;ry learned people who doclareil, before August, 1911, that a European war could not last for more than six montliH. They baaed their conclusions on the financial and economic; chaoa which u prolonged struggle would produce, ami we are
      —Straits Times, March 2.  -  1,045 words
    • 1090 12 Straits Times, March 8. The war becomes more and more hideous. While we are reading of the dreadful carnage north of Verdun we must glance also at tho tragedy of a French transport, Provence 11, sunk by mine or submarine in the Mediterranean with the loss of about
      Straits Times, March 8.  -  1,090 words
    • 1138 12 i'Jitice, truth and humanity.—Straits Times, March 4. We have just been reading through the fu!. toxt of a document that is of groat importance in reaching an estimate of the character of Germany. It is a letter addressed by the Catholic Bishops of Belgium, France and
      i'Jitice, truth and humanity.—Straits Times, March 4.  -  1,138 words
    • 1045 13 not be tbe firat to tiinch. —Straits Times, March 6. remain persuaded that tho great crisis 1 the war will be over within six to eight rj ntb.s. We have at the same time a growID ii conviction that, in the opinion of military puts > *t
      not be tbe firat to tiinch. —Straits Times, March 6.  -  1,045 words
    • 1053 13 Straits Times, March 7. We may live to acknowledge President Wilson as a great diplomatist. It may be that hitherto the subtlety of his methods, sublimated in the course of cabling, are such that our minds havo failed to grasp tho object at which, all along, bo has
      Straits Times, March 7.  -  1,053 words
    • 1056 13 within itH own L'atoB.—Star its Times, March 8. Wo do not refer exclusively or oven mainly to the second phase of the great Verdun battle. The result of thut strugglo, unless all reasonable calculations are upset, is a forgone conclusion. The Germans spent the first mad fury
      within itH own L'atoB.—Star its Times, March 8.  -  1,056 words
    • 1056 14 profited by her prosperity.—Straits Times, March 9. Wo liavo before us a popular edition of that remarkable book “The Anglo German Problem by Charles Sarolea, Editor of Everyman, head of tho French department in the University of Edinburgh. Mr. Sarolea was born a Belgian, ami tells us
      profited by her prosperity.—Straits Times, March 9.  -  1,056 words

  • 223 14 Tho last quarterly statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund gives interesting information not only of the obvious irnpos" sibility of any work being dono in an enemy country during 1915, but also that the War Office requested the suspension or salo of any issues of
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  • 418 14 The Daily Telegraph, in what it desorii as the full story of tho Baralong affair st -Tl.o .Nicotian. carrying a car K o of tjju, 1 had a crew of a captain, mate, and la |f dozen men, apart from
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  • 449 14 Last ptember. a Mohamtdan m respondent <ir*w attention lo a speech made by Mrs. Ferguson Davie iu London, empl aning that she claimed that mudiui! mis*icn work give opportunities for making converts We had a very distinct recollect! >n of con traiy assurances being gi-eu iu reference to
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  • 1853 15 (Contributed.) va s quite an ordinary young man, was L Smith, and so the curious series o n "s which befell him and a-e now narrated th, first time must have appeared to him i° 9 r bc most extraordinary. Even now, he mu s fails into
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  • 1121 15 One of the finest tributes over paid to tho British navy and its work of blockading Germany was forthcoming in the secoud polico court, this on Saturday when Mr. G. G. Seth read to tho magistrate a
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  • 180 15 The following further letters of acknowa lodgment havo been received I’arkuston Quay, Harwich, England, •January 23, 1916. Mr. I. Ellison, Singapore. Sir,—Wo have received 190 cases pineapple for distribution to the Fleet, through Mr. Dyer, Vegetable Products Committee, who has informed mo that
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  • 281 15 The following despatch has bueu received from the Secretary of State for the Colonics, witli reference to the K.M.S. Aeroplane Fund War Ollice, 13, Albemarle Street, London, W .January 1, 1916. Sir,—With reference to previous correspondence relative to the aeroplanes presented to
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  • 2312 16 London, February .'i. The German Staff are working very hard to produce war pictures as an analogue for empty stomachs, while their political colleagues seek with equal energy to divide the Allies and inveigle one of
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  • 167 16 Did you hear, writes a retired Colonist to the Ceylon Observer that Mr. Murray, who was titter in Cargill’s Kandy Branch, is now a captain in a Cavalry Regiment in Franco 110 had an amusing experience with the German Prince Imperial (Wee Willie). The latter,
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  • 357 16 The annual meeting of the Ladies’ U Tennis Club was held on March •> the Club house, Mr. W. E. Hooper, presidin 1 In presenting tho report and accounts f?’ the year, the chairman said that on account of
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  • 224 16 The Sumatra papers of February report a serious affray at Sabang ou buard the Koniuklijko Paketvaart Maatscbappij steamer Singapore, wherein the Second Engineer, a young man of 26 years, was murdered, and the Chief Engineer, Hetr Ouweneel, severely cut by a
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  • 197 16 The Chief Police Officer would like attention drawn to the new regulations atfeetinu motorists, published in the Government Gazette of last Friday. One point is that dealers in motor cars can prove that then cars are shipped out of the Colony witlur. two months of registration
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 115 16 Property Sales. Tlio following properties were disposed of by uuotion at Messrs. CliinjL» Keng Lee and Co.’s saW room on Monday afternoonLeasehold land and house 17, Mohamed Sultan Hoad, area 4,516 sip ft., bought by Ong Koh Choot for $8,200; freehold land and bungalow 827, Upper Serangoon Hoad, area 89,864
      115 words

  • 484 17 it is more than likely that had the general kD own just what was to happen at Sandra Barracks, en Friday afternoon, would lu*ve Sou a t,J I of spectators, for the military iCnrtration by iu.n of the C double com„v\>f the
    484 words
  • 404 17 from a notice which recently ‘■ppt'vtfii in the Government Gazette, Siugapure* sterna to have had au attack of nerves. the L. and C. Express of February 1. 't a time of tension like the present it is <*'tonishiny how quickly scares
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  • 418 17 Miss Gertrude Drayton, acting secretary of the Victoria League, Millbank House, Wood Street, Westminster, writes as follows: I am desired by the committee of the Victoria League Soldiers Club to send you particulars of this club which was opened last June
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  • 216 17 A hitherto unpublished story of the new English generalissimo’s extraordinary nerve in the face of danger is supplied by Mr. Will Irwin, the famous war corre spondent of the New York Tribune, wbo describing the fighting at Ypres on October 81. 1914. writes:—On that day the
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  • 215 17 On March 2, in the Marine Court, before Commander Cator, R.N., thirteen members of the crew of the British steamer Casth field wero charged by the master, Capt. NV. Boss, with disobedience and refusal of duty. The vessel, it appears, was due to leave for Saigon on
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  • 744 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—1 wrote you on February 8, 1916, enquiring if you or some one of your readers could tell me what Singapore lmd done as regards the above. To that letter 1 have bad no
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  • 164 17 Major Luang Lo I lab who was employed at the arsenal at Bangsue ami was in charge of the monies there was suspected of < tube//ling a sum of about Tcs. 11,000, says the Siam < >bs» rver. Prince Si ssira in charge of the arsenal
    164 words
  • 674 17 The ADuual distribution of prizes took place on Saturday, at tbo Victoria Theatre, kindly lent for the occasion ny the It i-see Mr. M. Cowan. Among those present were Mrs. Ferguson-Davie, Archdeacon Swintlell and Mrs. Swindell, the Hon. A. M. l'ouutuey
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  • 166 17 Action in being taken by the Federal Government to safeguard the apple export trade of Australia against the gi ueral prohibition of the importation of fruits, which has b< en announced as the intention of the British Govirnmeut in order to free tonnage from non essentials and make
    166 words

  • 1423 18 Wo are ind* bt* d to tin- General Officer Commanding, Hngadi* i ncral I>i j< 11«• y liiciout, C.M.G f<»i the following iuU record, re*** ivod f*mn oloind Lees, com tnandant of th** Malay States (midoH,
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  • 261 18 In the Supremo Court, on Wednesday Mr. .James Loruio, acting Collector of Land Revenue, made application to Mr. Justice Earnshaw for the acquisition of certain land uudor tho IH'JO Ordinance governing such matters. The application had to do with two lots, tho total area being 22,824 square
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  • 121 18 Notice is given in tho Gazette that at the expiration of three months from the 3rd inst., tho undermentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck oIT the Register of Companies and will hedcsolved T 1 »o Moslem Union, tho Siam Traders’ Association, the
    121 words
  • 417 18 At the last monthly Council of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mints held on Monday, lebruary 28, tho following worn present Mr. It. P. Brash (president! in the chair, Mr. E. J. Vjdleiitiuo (vice president), the Hon. Mr. Ku Tong Sen, Messrs.
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  • 235 18 A Malacca correspondent writes: H. E. General Kidout, G.0.C., arrived at Malacca on Sunday for the purpose of inspecting the Chinese Company of the M.V.H. Accompanied by Capt. Sime and 2nd Lieutenant Butler,his Excellency reached the Padang just after 5.30 p.m. where the Chinese Volunteer and Ambulance
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  • 151 18 Information has been received from Galle. Ceylon, that the steamer Bathampton, 8,000 tons, formerly the Huron, struck a suuken reef a mile oIT the coast two miles south of Hambantota and is a total loss. She was bound from Colombo to Calcutta with a eargo of rice. The
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  • 492 18 A YASAKA MARU STORY. Eight Ships that Passed in Th e Night. Mr. F. H. Easton, of tho China I„| anl Mission, who was a passenger on *1 Japanese mail boat Yasaka Maru, which torpedoed iu the Mediterranean, has the following account of his experien,. Reuter's Agency c 40 I
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  • 218 18 On Wednesday in the First Court, before Mr. R. Scott, Mr. Archibald Maclean, of 6. Kampong Java Road, a director of TanjoDi; Gemok Estate, Ltd., was proceeded against by Mr. C. J. Saunders, Registrar of Companies, for failing to tile with him an annual list of members
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  • 184 18 At tho last meeting of tho Hongkong Legislative Council, H.E. tho Governor in the course of a speech found himself enable*to make tho following highly satisfactory statement:—Tliero is one other item I shoul like to montion while speaking on tho war. Towards the close
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  • 124 19 Hkutkr’s Tklbgrams. Loudon, March 0, 8.40. Ti je Spanish liuer Piiucipo do Asturias h ;7i tuusi, frouj Barcelona for Buenos Aires, struck a rock on the South American coast. There are 338 of the passengers and 107 of the crew missing. London, March 7, 7.50 p.m.
    Hkutkr’s Tklbgrams.  -  124 words
  • 106 19 Kkitkr’s Telegram. London, March 1, 6.30 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law said lie had no information regarding the resignation of schoolmasters from temperance societies in consequence of an amend* ’jjent of the Ceylon education code, but he would ask for a report. There was
    Kkitkr’s Telegram.  -  106 words
  • 91 19 Kki tbr’s Telegrams. Loudon, March *2, 6.20 p.m. The report of the Koyal Commission on .’em teal diseases reveals very serious conditions, makes drastic recommendations aud states that no short-sighted parsimony should prevent the utilisation of all scientific methods ot organisations to guard the present and future genet
    Kki tbr’s Telegrams.  -  91 words
  • 81 19 Kilter's Telegrams. Loudon, March 6, 6.40 p.m, Shanghai: Government troops captured Swi tii ou March 1, the rebels tLeing in disi'tder. London, March 7, 1.20 p m. I'eking: The Government troops’ recap*.'*ro c»| Siutu was the result of tierce fighting, *Q "Inch the rebels sutTercd heavily. It
    Kilter's Telegrams.  -  81 words
  • 76 19 Hkl'tkh’s Telegram. London, March 2, 10 p.m. lu the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberstated that ho had received a report the murder of Mr. H. O. L). Hard- ls tnct i Trichinopoly, stating that ot VC .7“ a npt kno Ho was o*. further information. Triohir,* 1
    Hkl'tkh’s Telegram.  -  76 words
  • 92 19 Kkutsu’s Telegram, Loudon, March 1, 5 p.m. behalf 1,1 of l th,r\v f c rr ns rop, y iD on questions r Nar I ado OUJUl,t tee to t t Hl the withholding of pi or the re-export of opium, Mr. \V. C, •r;‘ u to cct consider
    Kkutsu’s Telegram,  -  92 words
  • 30 19 Rioter’s Telegram. London, March 3, 12 noon. Mr. William Sheppard has been appointed a member of the Council of India in succession to Sir Stenying William Edgerloy.
    Rioter’s Telegram.  -  30 words
  • 24 19 Rbu I KU S 1 KLK< KAM. London, March 2. The Queen Dowager of Rumania, Carmen Sylva, died this morning.
    Rbu I KU S 1 KLK< * KAM.  -  24 words
  • 17 19 Rkutkk’s Tklkokam. London, March 2. The strike mentioned yesterday was at Valencia and not Madrid.
    Rkutkk’s Tklkokam.  -  17 words
    • 83 19 The March spoon of the S.L.K.A. was shot for, at Balestier during a strong wind. Mrs. Lyall won with a nett score of 62. The scores were: T. CC 'O T 3 O* &lt;"■ BSs o Mrs. Lyall 32 80 62 -f 6.25 =68.25 Brooke 29 27 56
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    • 189 19 The Singapore Golf Club March monthly medal against bogey was competed for on Saturday and Sunday aud resulted in a win for Mr. W. 11. Forde, who returned the excellent net score of 2 up. Thirty-four cards were taken out aud the following were returned:— W. 11. Fordo scr.
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    • 289 19 The match on the Esplanade on Saturday was between the S.C.C. and a Ceylon eleven, which resulted in a win for the Club. The Ceylon representatives went in first and knocked up 182, of which Scharcnguivel made 85, and lleveu 82 The S.C.C. answered with 168, Day making 54.
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  • 396 19 A copy of the British North Bornoo administration report, 1914, issued as a supplement to the Official Gazette of February 1 last, is to hand. His Excellency C. W. C. Parr, the Governor, in the course of his general observations, says
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  • 93 19 Mr. .1. Moss, Hon. Secretary of tho Straits Merchant Service Guild, kindly informs us that nows was received by mail yesterday of the death by drowning in tho dock at Hull, of Capt. L. Darke, late of the Sarawak steamer Natuua. The deceased was last in
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  • 62 19 The following are the results of crushing operations at Uaub for the four weeks ending February 26: —Bukit Human, stone crushed 6,137 tons, gold obtained 805.75 o/.s., average per ton 2.821 awts. Bukit Malacca, stone crushed 3,GH0 tons, gold obtained 280 o/.s., average per ton
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  • 46 19 Stui.’Rock Grant.— On March 8, at tlio Presbyterian Church, Singapore, by the Kev. W. Cross, M.A., Archibald Thomas Sturrock, of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, to Adaline, second daughter of the late Mr. William Grant and of Mrs. Grant, Blairmount, Dundee, Scotland.
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  • 172 19 Singapore, March 9, 1916, EXCHANGE. On Lonuc. Bank 4 m/s 2/4if Demand 2/4$ Private 8 m/B 2/4if On Francs Bank T. T. 328 On India Bank T. T. 174$ On Hongkong...Bank d/d 164 On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 871 On Java Bank T. T. 132 On Japan Bank
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  • 346 19 Singapore, March 9, 1910. MINING. Value Buyers Sollers. 10 10 Ampang 6.00. ill 1 Ayer Wong k 0.85 0.501 10 10 Bolat 1.50 ‘2.00, 10 10 Kanabol 0.90 1.00 1J 10 Kinta Assoeiatiou 0.00] X1 XI Kinta Tin 1.16.0 2.0.0 XI XI Lahat Mines 4.25 10 8.25
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 141 19 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Tuni s to the United Kingdom and foreiRr. countries is #'H a year. T he post free price of th» Str tits Hutgrl is $14 yea r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year.
      141 words
  • 33 19 OBITUARY. IIkctkr’s Tblkgram. 7! Don don, March 3, 2.25 p.m, f ««&gt; r.«»ch DEATH. Holloway. —About February 17, at, Northumberland House, Finsbury Park, London, after a long illness, .lames .Joseph Holloway, formerly of Singapore.
    33 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 113 1 Oknkkal Rubber Items 1 Singapore Rubber Auctions 1 K.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 1 Rubber and the War 2 ifubrokol, Limited 2 Abduction of Estate Coolies 2 February Rubber Returns 8 Hunter's Bungalow Raided 3 I'enang Wedding 3 Permits for American Rubber 4 Penang Rubber Auction 4 Mr. Tan ('hay
      113 words
    • 326 1 It i« stated that tho r count Hpull of dry weather has canned ijuite a muuber of fires on rubber estates in tho K.M.S. The total rubber exports from Ceylon for 191.0 were 46,566,187 lbs., au increase over those for 1914 of 11,247,918 lbs. I)r. Murray, of Caledonia
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    • 66 1 London, March 8. Lubber opened easier but steadied later, the ruling quotations Fine sheet 8/5 to 8/6. Crepe 3/6 8/7. Hard l'ara 8/ 3/2. The last report was as follows London, February 18. Lubber prices are firm but the
      66 words
    • 42 1 (From Our Own Corukhpondbnt.) Loudon, March 3. Baj&gt;an Serai pays a dividend of 15 percent Labu pays 22\ per cent., plans to reserve C 13,000 and carries forward XI 1,000. Banteuy pay an interim dividend of 12 per cent.
      42 words
    • 645 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Kubber Association’s 2142nd auction was held on March 1 and 2, when tboro were offered for sale pels. 8,258.99 or 1,101,198 lbs. (tons 491.60). Prices realised Sheet smoked line ribbed ...8178 to 8185 good ribbed 170
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    • 182 1 For the period from March 10 to 16. 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at Bs. 7!d. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the
      182 words
    • 667 1 The sixth annual general meeting of the i shareholders of the Katanui Rubber Estate Ltd., was held on December 21, at the regis-’ tered offices, 7, Martins lane, E.C., Mr. W. Arthur Addinsell (chairman of the company) presiding. 3 Mr. J. Lewis,
      667 words
    • 1086 2 November it could be said that not 1 vt-ars had rubber prices fluctuated ,r L V llH iu 1915, says The Times. It is &gt; h 7 Y irHt latex plautation crepe began rJL ll, aC t ‘2s
      1,086 words
    • 360 2 SUNGEI GETTAH RUBBER. Final Dividend of 12 Per Cent. Declared. The directors’ report for tho year ended December 31, to be presented at the third annual general meeting of the shareholders of Sungci Gottah Rubber, to be held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on Monday, March 13, at noon,
      360 words
    • 213 2 We understand that the subscription lists of Habrokol, Limited, are being kopt opon until the 18th inst. as it has been found that the date originally fixed did not allow of sufficient time for applications to bo received from the more distant places to which copies of the
      213 words
    • 1153 2 The Rixth annual general meetiug of the members of the Sendayau (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on January 26, at the registered otlic*». No. 5, Whittington Avenue, E.G., Mr. J. li. Kenton (chairman of the company) presiding
      1,153 words
    • 393 2 The secretary of the Sungei Bahru Rubber Estates, Ltd., issues a circular, dated January 2H, stating that the attention of the directors has been drawn to a circular dated December 16, with a postscript dated January 16, issued by Mr. C.
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    • 190 2 Mr. J. C. Hope, of Ashlett Estate, Perak, charged a Tamil coolie named Narayanaswamy, before the Ipoli Magistrate, on Saturday, with abducting two coolies from Ashlett Estate, on February 24 last. The evidence went to show that accused was in the habit of frequently visiting the
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    • 870 3 The annual general melting of llaytor Rubber Kstati s Limited, was held on Tuesday at the offices of the Company, f rench Rank Buildings, Mr. R. J. Mldie (chairman) pro sided, others present b&lt; ing Messrs. F. Adam aud C. Kveritt (directors), I*. C.
      870 words
    • 753 3 Alor Gajah Estate.— 9,000 lbs. Hukit Lintang. —20,000 lbs. Chempedak.— 4,000 lbs. Kruboug.— 0,243 lbs. Kendo. 10,200 lbs. Merlimaii.—9M.soo lbs. I*( gob.— 35,57 H lbs. Periuata. 4,100 lbs. J'antai. 9,500 lbs. Pajam. 31,500 lbs. Rembiit.—2o,7ll lbs. Suugei Bahru. 11,920 lbs. See Ix’eo. —5.5H5 lbs. Ttbong.— 40,000 lbs.
      753 words
    • 243 3 The Piuang Ga/.ot e learns fiat Mr. 11. Lodeboer, manager of Kuala Sulim Estate, Batu Pekuka. Ivodab, had a narrow escape following a raid of gang r &gt;bbers on his bungalow. Mr. Ledeboer managed to escape, unharmed, through the back door although several shots wore tired at
      243 words
    • 122 3 A quiet wedding was solemnised at St. George’s Church by the K&lt; v. F. \V. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, on Saturday, the contract ing parties being Mr. M. A. P. Gdrnan, manager of Ayer Kuning (F.M.S) liubb* r Company, Ltd., and youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. F rancin
      122 words
    • 912 3 An extraordinary general meetici; f &lt; I shareholders of tho Taugkah Rubbei i4 B Limited, was held on January 09 Council Room of the Rubber ciatiou (Incorporated), 38, Kasteheap to consider the following resolution -B That the share capital of the
      912 words
    • 1465 4 T annual general meeting of the Tapab i Whites Ltd., was held at 1* rench lluildioga’on Saturday, Mr. W. II or presiding,others preHent including k ii. Stevens, H. I&gt;. Mundell (direc |&gt; v Perkins, A. W. Bean. F. C.
      1,465 words
    • 272 4 In view of reports that permits to ship rubber direct from the East to America had been stopped the Rubber Traders’ Association sent a deputation to the Government Committee on the Exports of Rubber and Tin to inquire whether any new policy was being initiated by
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    • 724 4 The directors’ report for 1915 is as follows Directors. —Messrs. John Walker, Colombo; Androw James, Volum, Kandapola; Roger Ivan Hughes, Kandapola; Ncander Warburton Davies, Kandapola. Estato Inspector.—Mr. Edgar William Harvey. Estate Superintendents.—Mr. G. T. D. Owen, acting manager, and W. C. Athorne and
      724 words
    • 90 4 The undermentioned prices were realis'd for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. by auction sale at Penang on Maich 1 and during the week Smoked ribbed sheet S1711 to &gt;187 plaiu 168 170 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 102 165 l nsiuoked sheet 10*2 105
      90 words
    • 403 4 Telegraphic information was received in Singapore on Tuesday to the effect that Mr. Tan Chay Yan, of Malacca, died suddenly from an apoplectic seizure on Monday afternoon. The deceased, who was about 16 years of age, was
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    • 360 4 Travelling up from Singaporo to .Malacca ou February 29, says the Times of Malaya, was Mr. P. Thornley, at one time of Kuala Selangor, who went home shortly after the outbreak of war to volunteer for service at the front. Mr. Thornley went
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    • 1042 5 Tho following report is supplied by the Becretarics of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited Tho second annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Sungei Batual Syndicate, Ltd., was held on .March 7 in tho Registered Office of tho Company, Reko
      1,042 words
    • 285 5 The following is from the L. and C. Express of February 1 The share market is in an interesting condition, for though there is a certain degree of dulnes.s after the recent activity, there is no weakness. It must not be for
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    • 299 5 All is not Sugar That The following conversation is said to have taken place a few days ago on a certain up country estate, says the Times of Ceylon (Scene: At Toa Table.) Irate Planter Boy! Did I not tell you that 1 take sugar in my tea now &gt;
      299 words
    • 1059 5 Stock Singapore I Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser Co.’s I Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing Prices, I 1915. 1914. January 81. March 9. 150,000 2/. 20% 32% Anglo-Malay 9/104 9/fl 10/6 I 00,000
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