The Straits Budget, 2 March 1916

Total Pages: 26
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXX No. 3029 Singapore. Thursday. March 2. 1916. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CCMTURV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 292 1 leaders— Fighting in France 12 Singapore Sanitation 12 Position in France 12-13 The Great Rattle 18 Ti e Real Thing 13 Lot \i am* Gkskkal Local and Persoual 1-2 The War 3 6 Lonely Inlanders 6 PastoiV Krightfulurss 6 Letter fit»tu H«'Uie 7 Municipal Cgujamnion 7 Death
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  • 4572 1 Cholera lias broken out at Macassar. An issue of F.M.S. war fund stamps is in preparation. Mr. N\ H. Dakeyne has returned to Solan gor with bis bride. The next Assizes for Penang are fixed for Monday, March 20. The British continue to examine the Dutch mails,
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1190 3 ireat Battle in France. KHAN ATTEMPT TO PENETRATE LINES. More Peace Talk. London, February ‘23, 1.55 a.m. communique: The German attft.ks 'J o Verdun have developed, as was foren into a verv important action, power T c 0 n P ortr.l. The b*ttle continued to-day I' r ,nvinti
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    • 1207 3 Battle in France. FIERCENESS OF GREATSTRUGGLE INCREASES. President Wilson Losing Patience. London, February 24. 4.20 a.tu. Wo sprang a mine Opposite llulluch last night and occupied the crater. To day there was au artillery duel about Bae Saint Maur which ended in our favour. Our artillery successfully bombarded
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    • 3409 3 Battle of Verdun. THEUNPRECEDENTED ARTILLERY WORK. Another P. and 0. Liner Sunk. London, February 25, 12.50 p.m. It is estimated in Paris that tho Crown Prince concentrated half a million men in the renewed attempt to force a way to Verdun, which has been his aim since September,
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    • 3325 5 The Great Battle. experts sav it is the real THING. Details of the P. and 0. Disaster. London, February 27, 4.25 p.m. lit rlin official no ssAge says fclio Kaiser present at. tlie Vertiuu buttle. London, February 27, 4.25 p m. Tin German Guards at Verdun are using
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    • 1799 6 Verdun Battle Renewed. SPLENDID FRENCH DEFENSIVE FIGHTING. Turkish Forces Severely Beaten. London, February 28, 10.110 a ru. Paris: Le Temps rays that the battle of Verdun lias reached a ciitical point. The enemy lias ceased to advance and wo are attacking at some points. Sunday, when the enemy
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  • 2173 7 Imm Our Special Correspondent. London, .luuuary 21. u better to ‘lie as freoraeu than to live u V( S um |».p the intolerant and brutal -Mr. Hughes, Prime Ministu «i tlu* Australian Commonwealth. (M the tim of the British Parliament U,\
    2,173 words
  • 1186 7 A meeting of tho Municipal Commission was held on February 25, tho President, Mr. F. J. Hallifax, presiding. Others present were Dr. V. Sarny, Messrs. Roland Braddell, E. Tesseusohn, A. W. See Tiong Wall, Lcong Man Sau, Tan Kheam Hock, J. Polglase (secretary)
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  • 193 7 A cable ban been received iu Kuala Lumpur announcing the death at Torquay, after a short illness, uf Mr. H. J Hetiituy, late of Selangor. Mr. lietuiuy joined the Selangor Survey Department about “Jo yearn ago, after bein«» in New Guinea. After Homo yearn
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  • 1439 8 (Fkom Our Own Corkksi'onuknt.) Kuula Lumpur, February 21. An association of tin; owners e>t motor for hire has Im-i-ii formed in Kuala Lumpur. j It in known aw tlio .Motor oar I nion. 1 In-, umtnb* rs bind themseilves to a fix* <1 scale: e*f charges,
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  • 137 8 (From Our Own Corhkspoxdbnt.) I poll, February 25. A public meeting was held at tho Chinese Chambe r of Commerco to-day to ascertain what amount of support the public was prepared to givo to the war loan. The bon. A. N. Keuion
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  • 94 8 English Spoken Here.” When a wan entered the witnoss-box at Shoreditch County Court the othor day it was stated that he Hpokc Yiddish. Judge Cluor: 1 am not going to speak Yiddish for you; go and got an interpreter. Mr. G. W. H. Jones (barrister): lie also speaks German. His
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  • 1141 8 The annual inerting of tho I’erak Charnbt 1 of Commerce was held iu the Chambi r, I poll, on tin* -lnt iust., Mr. E T. C. Garland (Messrs. Aylesbury and < lariat.'i presidium. In submitting the annual report,
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  • 538 8 (FkoM -V CoI’.KKSI'OMtKNT.) Trengganu, February ill. There arrived to day by the Abb >tsfurii H. 11. Ttiuku lie-a.r, of Rhio. He is visiting Lis father, 11. 11 The Sultau of Rhie, wbc Las been ill for **< mo time, but :h now making a good recovery. 'I
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  • 54 8 The following telegram in connection the casualty lists of tho Malay States G 1 1" has been received by the General 4 Commanding, Straits Settlements, an published in the F.M.S. Governim nt for general information February 1L Transferred India hospital ship l v Malay States Guides 2483
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  • 2020 9 Thl history of tho war contains few raoro Amalie evcuts the retirement of the > i tmot*. almost without a casualty, from A Mi' l-oniuKula. The short official •hiuduum's announcing the evacuation, J 0UJ ot suvla and
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  • 299 9 The examination has boon proceeding of documents found at tbe enemy consulates at Salonika of which the Consuls, together with other officials, were arrested a few woeks ago. A report drawn up with regard to a portion of these papers states that the
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  • 179 9 Prof. H. H. Turner, continuing his addri s* to children at tho Royal Institution od wireless messages from the stars, again gave some delightfully simple but fascinating demonstrations. He produced a round gas shade, and placed it on a revolving platform. By
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  • 126 9 In accordance with tho provisions of the Holidays Ordinance, 1879, tho following days will bo observed throughout the Colony as public holidays and bank holidays during the year 1916 April 21 and 22, Good Friday and following day, public holidays April 24, Easter Monday, bank holidays; June
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  • 375 9 In tli* ir Singapore share circular, dated February HI, Mosers. Fraser ami Co. state:—* Although tin re 1 i,ivo been a fair number of bargains (luring tlit* past week the dealings have only been on a small scale. The prices of
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  • 238 9 The Kedah Appeal Court, consisting of tbo Legal Adviser, Mr. W. 8. Gibson and three members nominated by the Chief Judge, baa concluded at Alor Star the bearing of an appeal from the High Court ia a case which has aroused a great deal of interest both
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  • 227 9 Perhaps thn most useful, and certainly the most gratefully appreciated bit of work in connection with this fund, is that work done by the ludios who go up to Tanghn Barracks twice a week to durn and mend for the men of the Shropshire Uegiment.
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  • 1004 11 Sorry for the Allies. FIELD-MARSHAL HINDENBURG AS HUMORIST. “Why Do They Keep on Fighting Field- Marshal vou Hindenburg’s chatty iniDrcssioDH of the military situation, peace cts, aud his own popularity, as supplied •u a dinner-table interview at his Russian head* marten with Dr. Paul Goldmann, of the Vienna Neue Frcie
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  • 100 11 Reuter's Telegram. London, February 24, 10.30 p.m. Mr. Chamberlain entertained Lord Chelmsford to dinner in Claridge's Hotel. Amongst those present were Mr. Asquith and members of the Cabinet, the Vice-president and members of the Council of India, representatives of the India Ottice, the High Commissioners of the
    Reuter's Telegram.  -  100 words
  • 113 11 Rkuihk’s Tklkorams. LouJod, February 24. The doatlis are anooiiuced of Mr. Jabez Balfour of tiuauce facie, and Sir George Martin, organist at St. Paul’s. London, February 25, 3.85 p.m. At the inquest oo Jabez Balfour, who was found dead in an express at Newport, on Wednesday morning, the son
    Rkuihk’s Tklkorams.  -  113 words
  • 50 11 Rkutkk’s Tklkgkams. London, Fibiuary 24. Shanghai Tin 1 (i >vernot s i'aiace at Changsha was att icked on Monday. There are no details. Marti law lias been proclaimed. Loudon, February 27, Peking: The euthronomentof Yuan Shi-kai has bcu postponed owing to the revolt of the Yunnanese.
    Rkutkk’s Tklkgkams.  -  50 words
  • 50 11 Rkotuk’s Trlsokahi London, February ‘23. Amsterdam: A gale has aggravated the Hoods. Churches and houses are wreckod at Nieuwendam and Buiksloot. London, February 25, 1pm. Amsterdam Heavy snowfall is augmenting the distress due to Hoods. More houses at Buiksloot have been swept away and only tin remain.
    Rkotuk’s Trlsokahi .  -  50 words
  • 55 11 Rbutkr’s Tklkgrams. London, February 25, 1 p.m. There is a blixxard in England. London, February 25, 3.35 p.m. Tho eminent Nonoourm iuist Minister, tho Rev. R. J. Campbell, has been ordaiDod deaeon of the Church of England, at Birmingham. London, February 28, 8 p.m. Mr. Coote (Unionist) has been
    Rbutkr’s Tklkgrams.  -  55 words
  • 81 11 The senior boys of St. Andrew’s School were entertained on Saturday last, at Tan jong Katorg, by Mrs. Lei Choon Guan. They had a moat delightful outing there eujoyiug very much the splendid bathing in the afternoon when the tide was high. They went out and returned
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    • 277 11 What has proved to bo a most enjoyable inter-club billiard tournament was brought to a oonclusion at the Singapore Association of Engineers’ club rooms, French Bank buildings, on February 24, when the return match Association of Engineers v. Masonic Club was played. On the former meeting at Freemasons’ Hall
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    • 298 11 The following was the result of tho mutch, Singapore Golf Club v. Keppel Golf Club which was played on the Race Course links on Sunday:— J. N. Hutcheson and C. E. Winter 1 v. H. T. White and R. F. Binnio 0. C. 11. G. Clarke aud K. L.
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    • 215 11 The Naval men are making the most of their stay in port, two elovons making good use of on Monday afternoon by playing a game on the S.R.C. ground. Tbo game calls for no special comment, oxcept perhaps that, Bryant who put up a contury on Saturday would seem
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    • 263 11 The court in front of tins S.C.C. Club bouse was well line d witli spectators on Monday when M. J. Opcott, representing Singapore, played a singles match with Foo doo Wan the I’enaug Chinese champion. The play revealed a contrast in styles, the Chinese relying upnu coolness and
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  • 296 11 A wiro from Loudon states: —The wrecked Zeppelin which was reported by a trawler to have been seen in the sinking condition in the North Sea has not been located. A gale raged during the night, and it
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  • 253 11 The Associated Press of New York I publishes a despatch from Berlin doscribjmg an attack on the German censorship made by the members of all parties in the Reichstag. The despatch says The debate on the censor-hip continues
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1141 12 —Straits Times, February 25. There seems to bo more than meets tlio eye in the recent roports of lighting in Franco. Along the whole lino struggles are taking place which hoc in to bo rather more than the ordinary activity practised to keep the men on both
      —Straits Times, February 25.  -  1,141 words
    • 1133 12 —Straits Times, February 26. The public hardly realise, we think, the extent to which the great sewerage scheme, perfected by our local Municipal Engineers, after the visit of Mr. Midgley Taylor, has progressed. Singapore had discussed systems of up to-date drainage long enough to enable old men to
      ,—Straits Times, February 26.  -  1,133 words
    • 1182 12 rea t success might be scored. Straits Times, K'fcuary 28. A few days ago, we expressed our opinion that the Germans were feeling all along the lines in France with a view to discovering whether thero was any weak spot where an attack might be driven home
      "reat success might be scored. — Straits Times, K'fcuary 28.  -  1,182 words
    • 1067 13 —Straits Times, February 29. There is but one subject—the great battle ln France, and it is possible that it may i Q to the greatest battle in the world’s history. I h e descriptions of it till one with horror. The Germans are hurling thousands thousands of
      .—Straits Times, February 29.  -  1,067 words
    • 1103 13 —Straits Times, March 1. The fact of London experts hailing the battle of Verdun as “the real thing” is significant. It tends curiously to confirm a view we have heard expressed, and which came from one who has been at tho front. Note was taken many months
      —Straits Times, March 1.  -  1,103 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 264 13 Property Sales. The following proportion woro disposed of by auction at Messrs. Cbing Kong Loo and Co.’s sale room on Monday afternoon :—Free hold land and house 1‘22 Dunlop Street, area 887 sq. feet, bought by Gulab Klmn Suratte for $2,600; freehold land at Upper Tanglin, art a 20,000 square
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  • 658 15 T |,e Australian Transport winch was r 'LI about a uioDth ago off the coast ot )Sll returned to llougkong on February Wat about H a.m. in charge of the salvage Valuer David Gillies and the salvage party. > V one
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  • 203 15 Tl ‘fs commander of a large transport, in cl n^. to the secretary f tho Imperial Mer*1 ,fcrv,ce Guild, ri (|U( fits that body to a t to look out for discoloured tUt W,ien n submarine areas, as he states uS
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  • 649 15 The meeting of an S.C.C. eleven and one recruited from the United Services, which took place on the Esplanade on Saturday, resulted in a most enjoyable game with a thoroughly sportiug tiuish. Tho Club went in first aud did quite well. Tinsley credited
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  • 125 15 When Private Jones, back from France, put his pass in at the railway booking oflice, he was surprised by the booking clerk asking to bo allowed the honour of shaking handM with him. They shook. And when Private .Tones, still wondering, roaclnd his home station in the far
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  • 586 15 The following description of the Saint Mihiel salient is by Mr. H. Warner Allen, special correspondent of tho British Press with the Froncb armies A white line in the hillside below one’s feet —the advanced French trenches on the heights of
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  • 253 15 A successful demonstration was made recently, says an exchange, of an invention by Dr. K. lto, manager of tbo engine works of the Mitsu Bishi Dockyard and Engine Works, Nagasaki. Tbo salvage steamer Oura Maru was navigated and controlled entirely by the captaiu from tl io
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  • 393 15 f'nits come ami go and trcDch reliefs aro carried out with almoHt clockworkliko punctuality. And, because wo cannot tell you more than thin, the impression is fostered that a conspiracy of secrecy is afoot. In a word, there
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  • 421 15 The United Press of Now York, pub* lisbes the following article, written by its special correspondent at Salonika, Mr. William G. Shepherd. The men in the great war have got down to using clubs for braining purposes. Tho Austro-Gertuan soldiers
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  • 2012 16 By Our Special Correspondent. London, .I.iuiiary 27. While i in to b< assumed tlint the pit-sent Season is pi.manly one of iii'iibitioii. it cun Dot b< rej o.e In i with la* k of active inter I'st. In llil* e
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  • 553 16 At a comm it toe meeting of the Singapore Family Benefit Society, held on the 25th ultimo, 29 application* for admission wire dealt with against r»*> the previous month. Accounts to the end of January, 1910, were liii 1 on
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  • 94 16 Wo are informed that 517", has been received in response to the appeal made by Mr. E. A. Brown on behalf of the Boys’ and Girls’ Refuges at Manchester and Salford. It is hoped that anyone who intends subscribing will send at once either to Mr. K.
    94 words
  • 435 16 South Australian fruit growers areextrt ly desirous of opening up au export tr "l with the I’nited States. At au important conference of argiculturists held rect utly t Clarendon, the following resolution ul passed: ds That the Government
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  • 210 16 The marriage of Captain C. W. A. Stewart, of the steamer Wilhelm, with Miss Mary C. Leicester, a daughter of the late Dr. A. B. Leicester and Mrs. M. C. Leicester, of Edenhurst, Thomson Road, took placo at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, on February 25 the officiating clergyman being
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  • 147 16 The Singapore and Straits Directory foi 1010 is to hand and is a larger and fuller volume than ever. Like the Lady Jane iu Patience it might sing Stouter than I used to be, Still more corpulent grow I, There will be too much of me,
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  • 1639 17  -  By W. Kinchela. following article is of great interest, uiUHt be understood that it w Hupplw d J J .u-ntleman who is engaged in opening b V Of trade, ami wo are Lot 111 Lble for the view be expresses «T?u Z
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  • 73 17 Among the Dames of those whom Viscount French brought to notico in his despatch, dated from headquarters in France, on November 30 last, for gallant and distinguished service in the field are the names of temporary 2nd Lieutenant S. C. ickers, K. E. Signallers, of the Eastern
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  • 546 17 In a review of tho tin mining industry in 1915, Thu Times says: In comparison with what happened during tho closing months of 1914, when tho holding up of supplies, tho need for a reorganization of tho trade, and the closing of
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  • 305 17 One of the largest seizures of opium in the history of Hongkoug was made by the Water Police ou February 20 ou the Bluo Funnel steamer Alcinous. lho vessel had just arrived from Liverpool, Loudon and the usual ports of call. A party of police at once
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  • 581 17 We lravo boon roquostod to give publicity to the following:— Thu ltoyal Society «f St. George in organising throughout the Umpire a great demons* tration in honour of England, and iu memory of her sons who have laid down their lives iu her
    581 words
  • 145 17 In the High Court, Calcutta, on February 16, before Mr. Justice Fletcher, Mr. Aratboon Stephen, owner of the Grand Motel and Grand Cafe, and joint owner with Mr. Bandmanu of the premises upon which the Empire Theatre stands applied for a rule on the Bandmann Varieties, Limited,
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  • 98 17 Wo hear that His Excellency tho General Officer Commanding, who recently inspected all sections of the Reserve Force, was extremely gratified by the progress made, tho intelligence displayed, and tho smartness and accuracy of tho work done. Tho Kosorves are a fine body of meu, and their rapid
    98 words

  • 2437 18 I The tw« nty tilth annual general meeting of the Singapun < luh was hol'l on February 21 in the < 'mb htiUS", the l'n si<J« nl, li. K. Sir Ai thm Young. I\.»' M <»., being in the chair
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  • 165 18 The report of the directors of the Bangkok Dock Company for the year ended December 31, 19lf>, is as follows Your directors have now pleasure in submitting the accounts for the year 'ended December 31, 1915, and report that, after paying interest on deben tures, making provision
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  • 121 18 I be lowest prico ever paid for a horse in the state of Delaware, says the Philadelphia North Americao, was recently received at a public sale at Georgetown o f the property d Mr. Delaw an But ton, when Mr. David Warring!,eii bought one for 24d.
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  • 385 18 Tho police have ou their bands at tl present moment a remarkable case wl.ijj presents more than one puxzlinu t,., ture calling for elucidation? It occuraj a few days ago but since then the happenings have assumed a much i
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  • 285 18 As briefly recorded last week, tho annual iue< ting of the congregation was hold at the Prefbyteriau Church, on Wednesday evening, the Rev. Willi:m Cross, presiding. There was a fair attendance of members and friends. R port upon tho work ot 1915 were presented, printed copies of
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  • 181 18 Mr. F. M. Baddcley, Postmaster-General, Straits Settlements, notifies that the Post Office is now in a position to receive and forward literature for H.M. ships on this station, for all local military forces and for British forces in Egypt and iu Salonika. It is hoped shortly
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  • 149 20 In the Parliamentary papers recently Mr Tenuant, replying to Mr. Farrell uh to the circumstances under which a Leinster private was court martialled and shot for alleged desertion in I*'ranee, states that Private T. Hope, of the 2nd battalion Leinster Pediment, was tried by field general court martial
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  • 155 20 Mr. M. Donohoe has obtained a sensational story from Miss Lamos, an American, who is a survivor from the passenger steamer Brindisi, which was travelling from America with about 4(0 Montenegrin reservists ou board, and was sunk by an enemy submarine iu the Adriatic. Miss Lamos says
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  • 2144 20 Lord .M< ntagu of lit auluu is back in Lug land, iir urrivc<1 at Southampton ou .laiiii ary Is, him! from there drove to his beuutihil home iii 11 10 Now l*'oi< ht. Mo is slow!}
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  • 457 20 Mr. Arthur Pollen, in a lecture in Camber well on The Navy at War, said Germany bad prepared for war as no country had t-ver done. She sprang a war ou Europe when all Europe was unready,
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  • 265 20 Since the outbreak of the war, writes out Bangkok correspondent, tho Germans ana Austrians here, have kept a keen watch upon tho local cinematograph shows. Directly anything they conceive to be detrimental to their cause has been screened, they have at once rushed to either
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  • 1163 21 TIh following article, describing women’. 1 t (3 making of munitions, has been for the Evening Standard by special siou from the Ministry of Munitions [uJ through the courtesy of the hrui conCC T. l J tinif, trying, and
    1,163 words
  • 480 21 Russian merchants are endeavouring to eliminate the German middleman in their dealings with India and Ceylon, and are taking steps to encourage direct trading. A proof of the feeling prevalent in Rufesia on this subject is afforded by a communication from
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  • 12 21 [The Straits Times is not responsible for tbeopinions of its correspondents.!
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  • 79 21 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Persons who come to Johnston's Pier and find no convenience re money changing will find that just opposite the pier there is a money changer on tho verandah at the Chamber of Commerce Buildings. As the Johnston's Pier
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  • 86 21 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —To decide an argument will you kindly give the correct pronunciation, colloquial that is, of tbe word Plethora? Chambi rs dictionary has it Pioth’ o ra aud Collins dictionary Pleth'-o-ra. —Yours, etc., Ulysses. Singapore, February 29, 1916. [We prefer Pleth o
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  • 301 21 That Canadian Indians have survived the hardship caused by the adverse effect of the war on the fur trade, and are facing another winter with confidence, is the statement which appears in the annual report of the Indian Department just issued
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  • 252 21 The Sandakan Town Guard has now been disbanded and the great majority of the members have undertaken to join the B. N. B. Volunteer Rifles when that force is duly constituted by the passing of the Volunteer Ordinance, now in draft. A parade of the European section
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  • 866 21 In the course of a case heard before Mr. Halpli Scott in the first court on Wednesday tlu:re was a mild passage of arms between Mr. Koek and the magistrate. Counsel was appearing for Mrs. Sophia Abramovitz, against
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  • 962 22 A Itff’iuii' Chap! tin \wit<K in a home paper a* f< lltms Pity tin- j'ii'lrr in tin: I« »iky postal wuggou, knoo d< p in pic' ine, love Ictti iH, brief ttckuow leilgiiitntH of purei Is, atd stolid account-
    962 words
  • 831 22 An enquiry was held on February IS, at the Magistracy, Hongkong, into the circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willis Oliver Ashworth Shepherd, late chief ollicer of the Lirmn, whose death occurred on the morning of February 6. Mr. 11. .1.
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  • 211 22 M. Struve, the famous Russian economist and editor of tho review, the Russkaia Mysl, says, iu an article iu the Bourse Gazette, that it is important that Russia should come now under the influence of English culture. In the eighteenth and tho
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  • 218 22 The steamer Clan Mactavish (5,816 tous), which was sunk by the German prize crew which capturi d the South African liner Apparn gave battle before she went under. She was bound from Fremantle to Loudon, aud had tho following cargo: From Sydney: 1,745 bales wool,
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  • 145 22 The New Y’ork Times says that when the British first tackled the submarine menace they found it impossible to hit the submerged submarines, the ordinary shells ricocheting off the water like lawn-tennis balls. Experiments revealed that alterations in the shape of the nose of the shell permitted
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  • 19 22 Modik. —On February 26, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, tho wife of N. D. Mudie, of a son.
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  • 18 22 1’ TKKMAiiK—Pkx. On March 1, at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, .1. I'tcrmark to Misti M. A. Pex.
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  • 180 22 Singapore, March 1, lyiy, EXCHANGE, On Lon l>o* Bank 4 m/s 3/4^ Demand 2 4^ Private 8 m/s 2/4 5 On Franck Bank T. T. 328 On India Bank T. T. 17^ On HoNOKONo...Bank d/d 170/ On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 3^ On Java Bank T. T. 13^
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  • 350 22 SlNQAPORB, MaUi II 1, 1916. MINING. Value Bu >' er8 Selle 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.85 0 50 10 10 Belat 1.60 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.90 1.00 10 10 Kinta Association 6.00 41 ill Kinta Tin 1.15.0 2.0.0 41 AT Laliat Mines
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 138 22 NOTICE. The port tree price of the Straits Tim,* to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is a year. T re post free price of the Straits Bulge t is $14 a yea r to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The
      138 words
  • 37 22 DEATH. .Imhnson.— On February 4, 1910, at her daughter's residence, Mrs. .1. lioyers, Ritchie Street, Narsin>;apuratn, Madras, Margaret Johnson, wife of late Mr. V. .Johnson, violinist; ay (I Hi years. Deeply mourned by her children and relatives.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 42 1 General Rubber Items 1 Para lUibbt r Exports .latiuary Rubber Returns t M.S. Rubber Export Duty 1 \j.w.riMis \xi> Rktorts priunsten Rubber 1 Indo-Malay Estates, Limited 1 Latrjen (.lava) Rubber 2 v .,a am> Rc h i IK it Pricks 2
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    • 259 1 Mr. !I. M. Batten, of Durian Tttnggal Malaeea, ban left for England on Mick leave. Mr. *i. N. Magill, manager of Changkat "trlaD'j estate, u< ar Tuiping, lias gone to tt vlon ior a ui -ntb’s holiday. Mr. C. f alconer-Stewart, of Merton estate, and uow lu\ Lieut,
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    • 128 1 e are indebted to Messrs. Barlow and inpany for tbe following statistics of tbe pert of Para rubber from tbe four ports of if 'ninsula for varying periods from 1, 1916, The quantities are stated H -i with tbe figures tor tho corresponding ptnods of tbe two
      128 words
    • 23 1 jfjlfug Estate.- 27,015J lbs. lbs. "o fi r. 4,360 lbs.; ten months 47,142 41 Wh eIofcon *0,‘293 lbs. eight months
      23 words
    • 1409 1 The sixth annual oi dinary g* ru ral meeting of the Brauusfon (?lalny) Rubber Estates. Limited, was lu*Ul no .January 11, at the cilices of the company, -0, K.C., Col. K. S. Duoscervillc, I*.A. (chairman of
      1,409 words
    • 570 1 Tim tenth crdini.iy general meeting of shareholder* iu ti e above company was held on February 1'J. at tho odico of Messrs. Cumin (batch ami (’o. C dotnbo. Mr. C. C. Durraut presided, and tlm others preseut were:—Mr. N.
      570 words
    • 75 1 I'or the period from March 2 to 9, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grude of uob» r is tixi d at 2s. sd. per lb and tin; duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is |< viable on an ad valon m basis
      75 words
    • 1955 2 The sixth annual general meeting of the Langcn (.lava) Rubber Estates Company, I Limited, was hold on hecorubor 24, in the j Council Hootn of the Rubber Growers’ Amociation, Incorporated, 518, Kastchcap, K.C., Mr. C. K. Welldon (the chairman) presiding. Mr. J.
      1,955 words
    • 1040 2 Stock Singapore Issued Par Dividends. Malakan Exchange Fraser Co.’s Lanital Value Comi-amks. Prices, Closing Prices 1915. 1914. January 24. March 1. 150,0<K) a/. 20% 82% Anglo-Malay 10/4$ 9/fl 10/6 0,000 XI 25% 17*% Bakap
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    • 338 3 !..’V'f ft STRAITS LTD. photo EngraversV;. >■. Telephone; Commercial Line B Half-toneJ S' JL 348. Photographers up] SINGAPORE. OH ;V --feo- H V eoamquence I 111 h W m Mof numerous unitutuxis parcll.r X NWWWHpHßHßßWWWHi^^^^^HWWaiiitMeilmiiunß A “HHfM** 3C Rheumatic Gout y> Z and Gravel. B|^B^Bl^^P^BHHß9pPßpfllHß 3 [Z] Babek and most
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    • 276 3 A Great Success! s y v /3SF; SELF NEW Lever pocket FILLING Waterman’s Ideal) Foil Pen Raise lever, dip nib in ink, lower lever—the i ,7 pen is filled. ■-r .< Showing the little lever device for easy ‘’lling. When closed it bee (lush with the surface of the Uo»L
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    • 225 3 A positive paying investment in any business, whether large or small, is good Printing Its value oannot be overestimated. Tour advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, aooording to its kind. Don't Pay Oui Money for the poor kind,
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    • 137 4 Harbinger of Comfort and Delight For Planters, Miners and Outstation Residents. CROWN CORK B0TTLE8. No Deposit to Pay. No return of Bottles. No Heavy Cost. Salitfadion, Purity S r-r-rr *5? n l PER CASE OF (6 doz. Pints) Soda Water, Lemonade, Gingerale, Gingerbeer or Tonic $5 only. PER CASE OF
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    • 305 4 V *fF IS. VC mf it.” L«t Sargol mako you Plump pud Popular. HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT ON FLESH. A New Discovery. Tbin meu ud women—that big, hearty, filling dinner you ate last night. What became of all the fat*produoing nourishment it contained You haven’t gained in weight one
      305 words