The Straits Budget, 4 February 1915

Total Pages: 22
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget MEMO THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXIX No. 2973 Singapore. Thursday, February 4. 1915. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 212 1 leaders— Egypt Begins Again 12 G* rmany’s Madness 12 Human Sacrifices 12*18 Midwives 18 Submarine Activity 18*14 Millions in Reserve 14 Local and General Local and Personal 1*2 The Admiral Decorated 2 The War 3-6 Locusts 6 Malacca’s Roll of Honour 6 Amateur Drawing Association 6 Reuter’s
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  • 4242 1 vI 1 Fe ruar y numbe of the Cathedral 1, y a P er is filled with interesting L* s®tes a pd ought to be in good rona it we learn that Nurse n-f,.!. 11 from Sarawak has taken up her helnin at Sj n B a
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  • THE WAR.
    • 2163 3 Rkltkr’s Special and Ordinary War Tklkgrams. London, January 26, 5.40 p.m. p v communique says The Bel- Lve Drooled iu the Porvyse district. fftemaKtUckeJ at d.»n with a batteastward of Vprea. bat tho attack dead
      Rkltkr’s Special and Ordinary War Tklkgrams.  -  2,163 words
    • 1549 3 WAR AT SEA. Enemy Terribly Shattered AIRCRAFT ATTACK ON RESCUERS. British Injuries Slight. London, January 29, 9.20 a.m. The Scotsman, in a Rtory of the naval battle obtained from all classes of ships engaged, says the point where the Germans wero met, two and a half hours from
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    • 1533 4 Birthday Battles. GERMANS SUFFER ENORMOUS LOSSES. Scenes on the Blucher, London, January 28, 5.55 p.m. A communique states that accordir g to the number of German dead found on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at Ypre», La Basso- Craonne, Argonne, tho Woevre, and in the Vosg s, tho enemy
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    • 2195 4 Great Fight at La Bassee. BRITISH FORCE FIERCELY ATTACKED. Fighting in Egypt Expected. London, January 30, 1.45 a.m. Paris, evening.—A communiquo says: East of Soissons the Germans twice attempted to cross the Aisne, but wero repulsed. Several aeroplanes bombarded Dunkirk on the night of January 28, killing and
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    • 445 5 Submarine Activity. SHIPS ATTACKED ON WEST COAST. German Outrages Against Humanity London, January 31, 11.30 p.m. Paris: The Minister of Marine announces that the Tokomaru was torpedoed seven miles west-north-west of Cape Antifer. The British steamer Icarca was torpedoed fifteen milos west of Cape Antifer. She was not
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    • 721 5 More Hard Fighting At La Bassee. GERMANS BEATEN WITH HEAVY LOSS. Russians Hold All Positions. London, February 2, 12.55 a.m. Paris, evening communique :—Tbe enemy this morning violently attacked onr troncbes north of the La Bassee-Bethune road but was repulsed, leaving numerous doad. Tbe German infantry at Bearmontbamol,
      721 words

  • 283 6 In Perak and Selangor and throughout the F.M.S. When the giddy little hoppers first appear They set out to exterminate the beggars, more or less, And leave as few as may be for next year; But ’way down in Malacca here we do our littlo best To keop tho
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  • 188 6 To add to tho previously published lists of men who have gone homo to tight for tho Empire wo are now able, through the courtesy of tho secretaries (Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd.,) to give a list of members of the M.T.A., who have gone
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  • 186 6 The fifth annual general mooting of the Amateur Drawing Association was held on Sunday, in the lecture hall of the association's premises. Mr. C. Q. Lee presided and in moving the adoption of the report and accounts congratulated the members on the progress of the association, although
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  • 1338 6 Heater’s Telegram Company lias issued a leaflet containing the following interesting information with regard to the accomplishments of tho company in the past fifty years: In February, 1015, lteuter’s Telegram Company will celebrate its .Jubilee, having reached the 50th anniversary of
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  • 408 6 The report of the Singapore Nursing Association for the year 1914 statesAt the annual general meeting held on Friday, February 27, 1911, the following officers and committee were elected for the year:— President, the Lady Evelyn Young; vicepresident, Mrs. K. J. Wilkinson honorary secretary, Mrs. Darbisliire; hon.
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  • 753 6 The North China Daily News of January 18 published the following significant article on a subject which has created a good deal of interest up north Among the travellers who left Shanghai for Peking on Friday evening was
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  • 46 6 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Ipoll, January JAt a mooting of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club committee, last evening, it was agreed t° hold races on Easter Saturday and Mondayihe committee was moved to this decr-i" n by tho success which attended the Autumn meeting.
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 7 As far as can be gathered, all the country east of a line drawn from Ostend past Lille, through Guise and then turning east through Argonno and north of Verdun to the frontier is iu the hands of the Germans, while the allies appear to hold the positions
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  • 1267 7 By Muzaffer.”j At an eatly hour this (Friday) morning, the Hindu community, arrayed in their holiday clothes, gathered in great numbers to celebrate the Taipusam festival at the Tank «oad Hindu Temple. At about nine o’clock the silver car, decorated for the occasion, was brought out of
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  • 215 7 The funeral of Inspector J. H. Hollywood, which took place with military honours at the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Kuala Lumpur, was largely attended by officers and men of tho F.M.S. police force, and many civilian friends. The Rev. Father V. M. ltenard, Vicar, St. John the Evangelist,
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  • 647 8 It nifty lx: remembered that when the Editor of the Straitn Times telegraphed to Lord Kitchener that there were two hundred men in Malaya eager to nerve in any capacity he added that many of them seemed
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  • 143 8 In the Christian Commonwealth, Judge Rentoul HtateM that a man brought an action for dumiigos against his father for causing his existence. “I heard the poiut argued in the Court of Appeal on entirely sound legal principles, namely, that according to our law if a man
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    • 593 8 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The match, Keppel Golf Club v. Sepoy Lines Golf Club, was played at Sepoy Lines on January ‘24 and resulted in a tie. Scores are appended:— K. G. C. S. L. G. C. J. Kennedy H. R. L. Dyne ji 11. Irving Jones j W.
      593 words
    • 47 8 (Fkom Our Own Corrkhpondknt.) Kuala Lumpar, February 2. Mr. .Jlistico Innos to-day sentenced to death four Chinese who participated in the raid at Semonyih on Novembor 26. Anotber man received two years for receiving property. The judge characterised the crime as an atrocious ono.
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    • 135 8 Tho following scores were made in the competition for tho NN ithers Cup A. E. Thorn ley Jones (winner) ?09 140 849 11. A. Brereton 684 240 824 D. Kinloch 681 240 771 J. Waddell 756 scr. 756 it. L. E. Wodehouso 690 50 740 K. Dougla*
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    • 531 8 S.C.C. versus S.R.C. Tho esplanade presented quite a familiar appearance on Monday when, for the first time in about six months, in fact, since the outbreak of war, the S.C.C. soccer team turned out to face their old opponents, the S.R.C. There were a number of faces to be
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  • 122 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issu' d by the Registrar of Births aud Deaths show that, during tlio week ending January 28, there were 23 1 deaths (100 males, 72 females), giving a ratio per mille of population of 35.62. Malarial fover account* d tor 37 deaths,
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  • 172 8 We have received the following letter which will be very gratifying to Mr. I. Ellison and to a.ll those who aided him with contributions of fruit: 1, Great Cumberland Place, London, W., December 29,
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  • 312 8 There was quite a good muster of members of the Singapore Volunteer Veterans’ Corps on the Beach Road reclamation, on Friday, and much to their surprise, before beiDg dismissed Major-General R. N. R. Reade, C. 8., the General Officer Commanding the Troops, came
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  • 152 8 (Prom A Corrkspondent.) Trengganu, January 31. The north-east monsoon has been excep tionally tame this year, aud woDder is toe pressed at the difference between this ana former years. Some Malay wiseacres go so far as to say that it is due to the present war causing
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  • 51 8 The following are the results of crusbinjj operations at Raub for the four weeks end n 30th ult:-Bukit Roman: stone crusty 6,275 tons, gold obtained 896 ozs., aV<rft J\ per ton 2 855 dwts. Bukit Malacca: sto crushed 8,781 tons, gold obtained 370 0/ average per ton 1.957
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  • 1162 11 In connection with the Singapore Diocesan Conference which has been held at Kuala Lumpur this week, a discussion took place in the Federal capital, on Wednesday, when the Rev. J. R. Lee, of Singapore, read a paper on The Church
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  • 155 11 Wo (Malay Mail) bear that the acting Chief Secretary, the Hon. K. G. Watson, the acting General Manager of Railways, Mr. G. H. Fox, the Senior Warden of Minos, Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, the acting Chiof Resident Engineer for Construction, Mr. F. D. B. Openshaw, the Locomotive Superintendent,
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  • 142 11 In the State of Kedah, Malay States, is a small Indian community whose 1( yalty to the British Government has been demonstrated in a striking way, says the Pioneer. They have decided to send regular subscriptions to tho Imperial Rulief Fund in India. Most of the subscribers draw
    142 words

  • 64 12 Flmtciikii -RowM*-H*iißiiiON. —On January 2 at All Saw ts’ Ohuroh, Cheltenham, by the Rev. P.M.C Johnstone, Vicar, attainted bv the Rev. J. H. Bradford, Arthur Goorge Murchison Fletcher, Assistant ’olonial Score tary, Hongkong, hod of l)r. and Mrs. Fletcher, of 60, South woodlaoe, High gate, N., to Violet Dorothy,
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1152 12 new aud brighter era.—Straits Times, January 2H. Even uoch a survey of Egyptiau history as one can compress into a single sweep of thought is intensely vivid. The cradle of the human race is there. We can trace wealth, power, knowledge long before Europe had begun to
      new aud brighter era.—Straits Times, January 2H.  -  1,152 words
    • 1117 12 misjudged others.—Straits Times, January 29. Many and strango views have been expressed about Germany. From those which have their origin in the passions of the moment we can extract but little that is profound or philosophical. Consciously or otherwise, we are all moved by the sentiments which the
      misjudged others.—Straits Times, January 29.  -  1,117 words
    • 1104 12 being well done.—Straits Times, January 80. In days of old when brutes were bold and butchers held their sway, it was no unusual thing to celebrate great occasions by human sacrifices. Prisoners caught in war, or wrongheaded folk who wanted to think differently from the boss man, were
      being well done.—Straits Times, January 80.  -  1,104 words
    • 1251 13 —Straits Times, February 1. We are all in a fighting mood. Those of us who cannot go to tbe front and expend our combative energy in a wholesome direction look around, or trail our coats, or otherwise search out something Or somebody to pulverise, because these be no piping
      —Straits Times, February 1.  -  1,251 words
    • 1112 13 pursuit are so much greater.—Straits Times, February 2. German submarine U 21 haH appeared on the west coast of England, and several small coasting ships have been sunk. Their loss is not serious but tho presence of submarines on the west coast of England, not far from the
      pursuit are so much greater.—Straits Times, February 2.  -  1,112 words
    • 1158 14 not only guard but conquer.—Straits Times, February 8. The military correspondent of The Times feels, as we often do, that there are a great many people even now who do not realise the magnitude of tho present war, and who consequently talk lightly of its early termination.
      not only guard but conquer.—Straits Times, February 8.  -  1,158 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 96 12 The po«t tree price of the Strata Timrs l« •'< f** r T i« po»t 're prico of the Str utt RuJgrt (14 y®« r It U not cMtnr to wtwcribe for a rear. The tub•M'rlp'ion* for nhorter period* are at the »ame proportion <te rat* for a w»r. The
      96 words
  • 54 12 DEATHS. Habkkoht.— At Tanjong Raton#, on January 26, 1916, Quoenifl, tho beloved infant of Mr. and Mrs. II. llabekost; aged 2 months. On Qckk Kkk.— On February 2, at No. 15, Norria Hoad, Singapore, Ou Quek Koe, or butt r known an Annie, tho beloved wife of Mr. Tan Kia
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  • 2093 16 From Our Special Correspondent., London, Now War n Day, 1915. Tho old year, with its five njonthn of war fare, liftM boon loft bohiud, and to the ringing of the midnight bells wo have t uterod on 191 r New Yoar’H
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  • 414 16 The Straits Echo (Penang) of January 27 contains the following report of a case heard that day Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel, in the second court, this morniDg, Mr. K. N. Goodwin, Managing Editor of the Pinang Gazette, appeared iu responso to
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  • 138 16 The following proclamation, signed by the Hon. H. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary, was published by command of Ilis Excellency the Governor, in a Gazette Extraordinary, on Monday afternoon Whereas a state of war exists between the United Kingdom ou tho ono hand and Germany, Austria-Hungary
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  • 646 16 Without troubling to blazon the f act abroad the Government have quite suddenly disestablished tho Anglieau Church j n Malacca. No doubt there have bet u straws iu tbe wiud for some years past that have indicated the coming of some such
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  • 163 16 The Hev. W. H. Elton, formerly of kan, British North Borneo, passed on December 1, at Battle, Sussex. Elton, who was 69 years of age, arrlV home very unwell some few months He never recovered, and though he lingi rL t on it
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  • 1853 17 I (From Our Special Corrkspondrnu.) London, January 1. E Maiefitv lias thirty horses in training K Marsh tor next season, of whom sixteen B tio year olds. The breeding of the latter B win distributed, and a string
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  • 612 17 A Government Gazette Extraordinary was published on Monday afternoon in following order by the Governor in Council, under section 6 of the Telegraph Ordinance 1895, appeared Week-end and free messages for expeditionary forces shall be accepted under the following conditions on and
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  • 159 17 Sinoapom, February 8, 191ft, BXCHANOB O* Bank 4 m/a 2/4 g Demand 2/4 Private 8 m/a a/4tt On India Bank T. T. 175 On HoMQKONo...Bank d/d m. 22} On 8HAManAi....Bank d/d 102} On Java* Bank T. T. 141* On Japan Bank d/d 114* Sovereigns—buying rate 18.54 India
    159 words
  • 357 17 Sinoaponn, February 8, 1916. MINING. Boje" Bella.! 10 10 Ampang 8.00 8.50 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.15 C.20 10 10 Belat 2.15 2.50 10 10 Broang 0.76 1.60 10 10 Kampai, 10.00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.80 1.60 10 10 Kinta Association 8.00 41 Ml Kinta Tin 1.12.8
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 76 1 Gknkkal— Rubber Items 1 The Singapore Rubber Auction 1 •January Rubber Returns 4 Rubber Market in 11)14 6 Tklkokams London Rubber Market... 1 London Rubber Special 1 CoKKKHI'ONOKNCK Rubber Company Blunders ft Mkktinos and Rki'oiith Rombia Rubber Estates 1 Perm as Rubber ‘<4 I’antai Meeting 2 Tangkah Rubber Estatos
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    • 44 1 From Our Own Correspondent. London, .January 29. Tho London Rubber Market is easier in tone but there is still little activity displayed. Prices current are Sheot 2/8 to 2/4 Crepe 2/1 2/2 Para 2/4 2/6
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    • 36 1 (From Ouk Own Cokrrhi>oni>knt.) London, .January 27. The following interim dividends have been doclarod: —London Asiatic 5 per cent, and Tangga Batu 8 per cent. There is a growing activity in rubber shares.
      36 words
    • 224 1 The Bank of Brazil is considering the i advisability of disposing of its large stock of < rubber valued at throe millions sterling. This i includes the Para Syndicate’s holding. Mr. Alexander Molville White, of Kirktonhill Marykirk, Kincardineshire, formerly of Ceylon, a director of tho Federated (Selangor) Rubber
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    • 1428 1 The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Rembia Rubber Estates, Limited, was hold on December ‘21, at the registered offices, 4, Lloyd's Avenue, Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. T. C. Owen (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: The trading
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    • 471 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commorce Rubber Association’s 176th auction was held on Tuesday, when there were offered for sale piculs 2,446.97 or 326,263 lbs. (tons 145.65) and sold piculs 1,868.23 or 248,431 lbs. (tons 119.91). The prices realised were: Sheet smoked tine
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    • 2022 2 The fourth annual general meeting of the Jams Kubber Company, Ltd was held on iw r '>■> at tho registered office, Ceylou and 51, Kaatcheap, E.C., wnb Macl’aggart Allinson (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen,-As the
      2,022 words
    • 759 2 The annual general meeting of Pantai, Limited, was held on Saturday at the registered office of the company, Gresham House. The chairman, Mr. W. L. Watkins, presided, others present being tho Hon. F. W. Collins, Messrs. J. M. Sime, G. A. Derrick,
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    • 901 2 The fifth annual general meeting of the Tangkah Rubber Estates, Ltd was held on December 18, io the Council Room of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 38, Kastcheap, E.C., Mr. Arthur Lampard (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, —The report and accounts
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    • 1487 3 The fourth Annual general meeting of the Strathisla (IVruk) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on December 111, at 65, London Wall, E.C., Mr. Frederick Hilditch (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Oentlemon, before commencing the ordinary busint-ss of the
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    • 1391 3 The fourth annual general meeting of the Permata Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on January 18, when Mr. James Kcrfoot presided, supported by Messrs. T. H. Harris and J. Frost. The attendance represented H,556 shares. The Chairman said:—lt is a pleasure
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    • 14 3 [The Straits Time 9 is not responsible for the ouiuions of its correspondents.]
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    • 536 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In the Pantai report issued in April 1911 the following particulars iD regard to tho planted area were given, viz Originally planted 294 acres. Since plauted up 155 Being lined aud holed 160 In course of felling 55 664
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    • 3318 4 The annual general meeting of the Malacca Planters’ Association was held on Sunday ormnS in the Malacca Club. Mr. H. M. n° hv chairman of the Association, presided, d the other members present were the f, p W. Collins, Messrs,
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    • 19 4 United Sumatra.-—42,000 lbs. Batu Kata.—25,788 lbs. Sumatra Para.—58,000 lbs. Malakoff.—48,200 lbs.; total to date 48,200 lbs.
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    • 236 4 The report of the Trolak Plantations, Limited, states that the accounts for the year to September 80 show that the cost of production has been considerably reduced and the method of preparation improved. The output of dry rubber for the year amounted to 147,816 lbs., against an estimate
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    • 1291 5 The h» cuml ordinary general mooting of the lick<>li iiubb r Estates, Limited, wan field on December 21, ut Winchester lioune, bid llroad htr«et, Loudon, E C Sir Ernest W. Dircli, K C.M.G. (chairman o! the
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    • 546 5 The annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Gan Kee Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on December 80, at the Institute of Directors,4, Corbet-court, Graccchurch street, E.Ck, Mr. W. Arthur Addinsell (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen,
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    • 1314 5 Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stanton’s rubber market report for the year 1914 is to hand aud is reproduced below in its entirety It is computed that the world’s output of rubber dnring 1914 will havo amounted to
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    • 345 5 The report of the Carey United Rubber Estates, Limited, states that tho condition of the Paradise estate remains satisfactory. The visiting agent reports the estate to be in firstclass order and to be worked as cheaply as any estate in the Federated Malay States. The area under
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