The Straits Budget, 16 April 1914

Total Pages: 20
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXVIII No. 2931 Singapore. Thursday, April 16. 1914. BUNG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HALF CMTURV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 259 1 LEADERS— Alta native Concessions 8 Political Amenities 8 Australia in the Making 8 9 Deteuce iu the Pacific 9 Carson and the Colours 9 L iCAL AND GKNKRAL Lo< a! and P rsonal 1-2 Tan Took Seng's Hospital 3 Statue of Sir Robert Hart 8 1 Christmas
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  • 5043 1 and p V Utch or P®d° boat destroyers Vos of i an T r08 Pectively under tho command tak*u (Jrove au d Schreuders, have Will (,u ,oar d ammunition and stores at I "Jsoord, and wero to leavo for the Dutch ats .d| ,,tS n t Marcb
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    • 486 3 Singapore Rifle Association. The fourteenth annual meeting of tbo Sin-apore Association commenced at the BalkHtier Range on Thursday afternotn 1 t n a ladies’ competition open to members Vrit'e clubs in tbo Straits and F.M.S. w as decided. Another handicap for ladies, 150 a ud 200 yards, was
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    • 247 3 Penang v. Johore. Ibe football match arranged between the enang Mahamedan Football Association and o loio State and Territories was brought off on ioed btiday at Johore Bahru before a < r ge crowd. More than a thousand Malays a\elled over from Singapore by special am m order to
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    • 183 3 Sepoy Lines Oolf Club. The cup presented by Mr. J. Holloway has been won by Dr. Gilmore Ellis who beat G. R. Allen by 8 and 6, after a tie. Singapore Golf Club. The following are tho results of the Easter competitions:— Bogey Competition. L. J. Gilbertson 6 All
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    • 34 3 Tho results of the Tanglin Club billiards tournament were as follows Semi-Final.—Noon scratch beat Stevons— GO, 250—213. Wishart—80 beat llallifax-f 20, 250 to 223. Final.—Noon scratch beat Wishart—30, 250 to 220.
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  • 393 3 The report of the Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company states that passenger traffic during 1913 was brisk, particularly in the emigration branch, and the freight busi ness was extensive. The higher freight rates, which were confronted with increased work ing
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  • 961 3 Tlio Singaporo Polo Club christened if the term be applicable— their now ground in Bu’Jestier Road with a very successful little gymkhana, on Monday afternoon, and of those who attended it is safe to say the majority must have been astonished at
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  • 440 3 The annual report of tho committee of Tan Tock Seng's Hospital, for the year 1913, is published abovo the signature of the .■secretary, Mr. T. W. Stubbs, who says:— Uegulur visits of inspection to the hospital were made by the members of
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  • 244 3 The statue which is to be orceted to tho memory of Sir Robert Hart arrived at Shanghai on March 27 by the P. and O. Nubia. It is of bronxo, standing nine feet high on a handsome granite pedestal eight feet high and is the
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  • 1190 4 The Selangor Golf Chib brought to a close on Monday, a most successful and enjoyable meeting, during which the Championship of the Straits and F. M. S. was played for and won by a member of the local club,
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  • 291 4 There arrived in port on Wednesday 11.M.A.5. Sydney, ono of the latest additions to the Australian tloet. A cruiser of about 5,000 tons displacement, she has been commissioned to act as convoy to the submarines A E 1 and A
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  • 54 4 According to a London wire of April 6 which Beuter stmt to Bangoon but omitted to forward on to us The Singapore loan has been oversubscribed." In all probability this reft rs to the jf!‘l00,(M)0 sold in London on behalf of the Municipality through Messrs. Fraser
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  • 746 4 Mr. J. L. McFall signs the annual report on Christmas Inland for the year 1913, a,u j writes as follow :~Tho revenue collected lor: illy during 1913 amounted to $4,222.70, and of tliis sum $.’5,60*2.02 was derived from liquor duty, lu 1912
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  • 75 4 From Our Own Corkbspondint. Kuala Lumpur, April 8. Tho Malay Mail hears that Major General Stephenson’s successor to the command of the Straits Settlements garrison will be MajorGeneral Hoado, who has a distinguished record as Commandant of tho Royal Military College at Kingston, Canada, for four years.
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  • 14 4 Correspondence [The Straits Times is not respond] the opinions of its correspondents. 1 0r
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  • 64 4 To the Editor of the Straits Tim eB< Sir,—May I congratulate you on V ou, leader of the 6th iust., and trust that all J ol suggestions will bear fruit. I tried to provisions for dealers’ licenses insertedV the amending ordinance at the coiumittel stage a month
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  • 389 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —As an answer to Seaviewite I would like you to insert tho following Out of cuiiosity, Mr. Seaviewite, you came out last night to goo—what? That we worked that night imtil 7 o'clock And let me say, Seaview’ito, that
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  • 321 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I beg to be permitted to draw, through your popular columns, the attention of the public to the practice getting common with house-owners in Singapore—particularly with that loveable class known as the Arabs. During recent years, the house-reuts, as
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  • 2093 5 London, March 20. Tin re is really nothing much that is new s.iy about the position this week. Money as become distinctly tighter owing to the veuuo collections and the outside market h n Lr.d to go to the
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  • 107 5 (From Ocu Own Coriiksponukn r.) Kuala Lumpur, April 9. The annual mooting of tho Selangor Mining Association was held on April 3, Mr. J. A. Russell presiding. In reviewing the year’s work ho mentioned the aililiation with the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines and said there was a
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  • 245 5 At a recent mocting of the Imperial Council of India, at Delhi, Mr. Monteath asked: —(A) Will the Government bo pleased to state whether they have received a memorial address to His Excellency tho Viceroy, dated March 29, 1912, from the Calcutta Trades Association praying that
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  • 141 5 Ilain about tho gray sea borders Where tlio curlews wheel and call; Rain about the palui tree warders Bordering the long sea wall; Rain about tho verdant valleys, In tho mangrove and the cane; Rain about tho cedar alleys, Striding, gliding drifts of rain Rain about
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  • 411 5 At a mooting of the Budgot Committee in tho Japanese House of Representatives, to consider tho bill providing for shipping subsidies, in reply to a question put by Mr. Hamauioto, Mr. Yukawa, Director of tho Mercantile Marine Bureau, stated that
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  • 91 5 (Fkom Our Own Cokkkspondbnt.) Penang, April H. Tljo Pinang Gazette publishes an editorial on tho Kedah question in thecourso of which it is stated that tho Kegcnt’s protest is mainly against supplanting his uncle as President of the State Council. He regards with particular horror tho
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  • 175 5 The report of Jo.>-eph Travers and Sons, Limited, states that the balance-sheet and protit and loss account show that tho trading protit of tho year to January Ml was £40,013, and tho other receipts £1,165, making, with £614 brought forward, a total of £41,798. After deducting
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  • 114 5 11. 11. tho Sultan of Kclantan arrived in Singapore on Thursday by the Krian. Shortly before nine o’clock the vessel was ofT Johnston’s Pier, the presence of His Highness bt ing acknowledged by a salute tired from Fort Canning. On the Pier there was drawn
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  • 1834 6 (By Ouu Own Cokuksi-onokst.) London, March 20. It is not known that a King of England was ever present at a boxing match until this week, when his Majesty, after dining with the officers of the 2nd Life Guards, attended
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  • 499 6 In tho House of Commons last month, Mr. T. M. Healy asked the Secretary for foreign A flairs whe ther the Chinese Government had granted concessions for oil to tho Standard Oil Company, and, if so, what was their nature and
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  • 159 6 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Share Circular, dated the 8th inst., states: —Our market this week has been very dismal, the substantial advance in the price of rubber has scarcely been felt in the shares. Tin closes at a somewhat lower level
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  • 122 6 Among tho notifications in tho F.M.S. Government Gazette aro tho following:— Mr. U. A. Stubington and Mr. C. E. Nugent to bo Surveyors, Survey Department; Mr. A. J. Dishman to bo assistant Warden of Mines, Perak Mr. W. 1). Scott to officiate as Superintendent, Convict Establishment, and
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  • 840 6 Reuter’s representative has had an int*. view with Dr. Chinchen-Tao, the n ;I Chinese Financial Agent in London. l>;* cussing his mission, he said :—I have specific loan operation in view. My ate work is to keep in touch with the markc
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  • 25 8 Lrickstkk —On the 9th inst., at tho Assis tant Surgeon's (Quartern, General Hospital the wife of Mr. O. 15. Loire ster, of a sou.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1105 8 is not tbo way to a compromise.—Straits Times, April 9. Mr. Jionar Law made a proposal on the Ulster question in his speeeh the other day, and it may be taken as an alternative to that of Mr. Asipiith. briefly, the Prime Minister s plan is to grant
      is not tbo way to a compromise.—Straits Times, April 9.  -  1,105 words
    • 1044 8 the true spirit of manly patriotism.— Strait* Times, April 11. Among tho Badder items of news sent out during tho past week wo find a small para graph which states that tho Parliamentary Golf Handicap has been postponed ‘‘owing to the hoatod party feeling.” It may seem at
      the true spirit of manly patriotism.—Strait* Times, April 11.  -  1,044 words
    • 1144 8 —Straits Times, April 13. Tho Rev. F. C. Spurr, who has worked for some years in Australia as a missionary, hag been giving bis impressions of the country and its people. Naturally, perhaps, he remarka most strongly upon the disappearance of the Puritan atmosphere which is
      .—Straits Times, April 13.  -  1,144 words
    • 1173 9 —Straits Times, April 14. Sir <ieor(»o Iteid, one of tlio foremost of A statesmen, has just returned to Loudon after a visit to the Commonwealth ''liicli he represents so ably. Even in the Jn t telegraphic summary of his remarks to atl interviewer there is much
      ■—Straits Times, April 14.  -  1,173 words
    • 1183 9 -Straits Times, April 15. What is happening in Ulster is almost unprocodentod. One of our messages yesterday stated that tho Bishop of Down had consecrated and Sir Edward Carson had presented tho colours of a battalion of Ulster Volunteers. Our London correspondent mentions that there are
      . -Straits Times, April 15.  -  1,183 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 94 8 The f’«mt tree price of the Straits Ttmrs I* f'W a year The l*r*t free pnre of the Strain Hwlgrt iisU y»« r It in 1 1 rereiwarv to ■utNcribe for a year. The sub criptions for shorter perifxl* arc at the name propor* ionite rate a* for a year.
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  • 52 8 DEATHS. Makik. On April 10, at H00, Confederate Estate, Tanjong Katong, Singapore, Mr. Arokiam Paul Marie. Funeral cortege leaves house at i p.ui. today. Interment at Ridadari Cemetery, at 2 p m. Zkhni»ki:.— On April r at Kuching, Sarawak, .1 amcH William Zehndor, eldest son of the late Revd. .1.
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  • 2111 10 Loudon, March 20. The bright spring days we have had during the present week are in keeping w ith tin* brighter political atmosphere. There was a noisy rumble in the heavens and the rain fell and we all felt
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  • 551 10 Monday was a gala day for the Malays in Singapore. Iudeed, they, more than auyone else, appeared to regard tho occasion as a Hank Holiday, and they celebrated it accordingly. They celebrated it r.s so many thousands do at home. Work
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  • 336 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April H. Fine weather favoured tho opening 0 f u cricket match, the Colony versus the F.M s° which commenced this morning. id"’’ visitors wero present. Tho Colony won tl/ toss aud elected to
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  • 98 10 (From Our Own Corrbspoxdbnt.) Koala Lumpur, April 14. There were heavy floods at Kuala Kubu yesterday as the result of rains in tho mountains earlier in the day. The Selangor River rose very rapidly in tho aftornoon and at five tho railway was submerged to a
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  • 144 10 Tho steamer Goldmouth, one of the Anglo* Saxon Petroleum Company’s tank vessels, went into the King’s Dock, at Keppel Harbour, on Monday, to undergo repair 8 necessitated b y a somewhat peculiar accident which befel her in the lied Sea on tue night of February 23.
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  • 693 13 Berlin, April 8. The German aviator Fliedorbamn will compete for tho Matin’s aviation prize for a flight from Paris to Peking. He intends to fly along the Siberian railway. Prince Henry of Prussia has had a splendid reception in Chile. Tho President emphasizes that tho friendship between Germany
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  • 1413 13 (From A Corrkspondknt.) Weltev reden, March 11. Work in connection with the removal of the debris caused by the railway disaster, which occurred on the 2nd inst., was con tinned up to Tuesday and resulted in the finding of two moro bodies, one bo in <4 a
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  • 408 13 Ah wired by car Penan” correspondent tho P. and O. intermediate steamer Sunda, which arrived in Singapore on Saturday and left yesterday, has been sold. Tho Pmang Gazette, of tho 9th inst., refers to tho fact in the following terms:
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 285 14 Ai*ril 8 Calchus* Biit. str., .Jones, Liverpool, W, Mansfield Eleplmnta, Biit. str., Coopc, Calcutta, Boufltoud Colonia, Bi it. Cable str., Cuiupos, London, 1'. Simons Nam Sung, Biit. str., Gilroy, Hongkong, Boustcad Doli, Dot. str., Mccbiirg, Macassar, 1'tional Rotterdam Salamis, Brit, str., Gardner, Hongkong, liuttcnbach Bros. 9 I)ilwara k But.
      285 words
    • 251 14 April 8 Nolens, Brit., str., Loudon, A’dam A A’werp Malta, Biit. str., London, A Antwerp Scandia, (lor. str., Hamburg via po f s Calchus, Brit, str., ll’aoug S hai A uankow 9 Tnrohu, Brit, str,, P. S ham P’ang N’tam Elcphanta, Brit, str., Penang it'goon A C’ta Dili, Gor.
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  • 809 14 At the Supremo Court, Shanghai, ou tho 2ud inst., tho action was commenced of K. Ishigaki, owner of the Hokusei Maru, v. the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, for damages arising out of the collision which took place
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  • 97 14 The M.M. steamship Cordillere, which arrived hero at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning, hud a fine mu from Colombo, doing th«> journey iu four days. The ships of this company have been making very good time homeward and outward lutuly. Leaving Singapoiu on Monday they loach Marseilles days
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  • 271 14 Simoapobv, April 15, 1914. exchange On London Bank 4 m/B 2/4$ Demand 2/4 3 Y| Private 6 m/B 2/4 S 8 m/a 2/4 On Gmmamt Bank d/d 288$ Private 8 m/B 242 On Franon Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/s On India Bank T. T. 1J4 Private
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  • 365 14 Sinoapo&n, April 15, 1914. MINING. vXj Bn y" a> 8oUe 10 10 Arnpang 8.50 1 1 Ayer Weng C.50 It) 10 Bclat 2.70 3.00 10 1G Bruang 1.80 10 10 K&mpar 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.50 1.65 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11.50 £1 £1 Kinta Tin
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  • 418 14 P. and 0. Company, Por P. and O. Arcadia, connecting a Colombo with Mongolia, Nailing Apiil 1"_ Mr. E. C. Underwood, Mr. 1). Hazard, >l7 L>. W. Gilmour, Mrs. Scott, Mr?. G. Bennett! Mrs. Ivon Caldecott’s European nurse and infant, Mr. and Mrs. Peirce, Mr. and Mrs
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  • 174 14 It is a long time since Singapore has been visited by so fierce a storm as raged on Monday. Fortunately the bank holiday events wore over and most people had reached homo before the heavens discharged their contents, but sundry late revellers were badly caught. Not for
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 159 14 Sale of Property. The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.’s saleroom on Tuesday:—Eight shophous* a, 35. 36, 37 and 38, Albeit Street, and 88, 89, 90 and 91, Prinsep Street, area 6,676 square feet held under Government leases with about 41 years to run,
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 125 1 General Mr. E. A. Enever’s Affairs 1 March Rubber Returns 2 I>r. Jacques Huber 4 F. M. S. Government Gazette 5 The Rubber Industry 5 Telegrams— Loudon Rubber Specials 1 Rubber Problems 1 Loudon Rubber Market 1 Meetings and Reports— Pataling Rubber Estates 1 Siak (Sumatra) Rubber Estates 1
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    • 343 1 The report of the Pataling Rubber Estates Syndicate, Limited, states that the rubber crop harvested for the year to December 31 amounted to 485,627 lbs., against an estimate of 40,0 '0 lbs., and a yield in 1912 of 429,547 lbs. The average gross prico realised was -s.
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    • 239 1 (From Ocr Own Correspondent.) London, April 8. Bila (Sumatra) is issuing 4,000 debentures. Seatield pays 25 per cent, and carries forward £9,900. At the auctions there were offered Malaya 872 tons and Ceylon 1H1 tons. There was
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    • 64 1 Rbutkk’s Telkguam. London, April 10, Sir Frank Swcttenham, speaking at a rubber company meeting at Glasgow, Haid tho companies were all. prepared to adhere to any combination to raise the price to over two shillings per pound, but tbo difficulty was that
      Rbutkk’s Telkguam.  -  64 words
    • 42 1 Quotations Current During The Week. Para First Latex -to Arrive (’repo April 8 3/- 14 »l- '4# The East Asiatic Co.’s Report. Fiuo Para Plantation. f Spot Forward First Latex April 8 ‘2/1H f 1 14 ‘2/11* ‘2/11* ‘2/»
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    • 290 1 The public examination was he'd in London on March 19 before Mr. Registrar Hood, at the London bankruptcy court, of Mr Edwin Alexander Enever, described as of Streatley House, Piccadilly Circus, W., who returns his liabilities at J£2,813 and
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    • 288 1 The report of tho Siak (Sumatra) Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the m t protit earned for tho year to December HI, after deducting £250 for depreciation on buildings and machinery, amounts to £1,180. The directors propose to write ill,000 olf preliminary expenses and to carry
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    • 618 1 A statutory mooting of the Dominion Rubber Company, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on March HI. Mr. E. T. Byrne presided, and tliore were also present Messrs E. S. Kadoorie and V. Meyer. Thu attendance represented 5,035 sharuH. In the
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    • 1927 2 Tho fifth ordinary general meeting of shart hold. rs in Ay» r Punas Rubber Kstate, Ltd., waw held at <ireHlmm 1 louse, on 1 uesday, Mr. A. W. Lean, presiding. There were also pieseut Messrs. .J. M. Siruo
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    • 432 2 Tho report of the Laugkat Sumatra Rubber Company, Limited, states that tho crop harvested during the year to December 31, was 295,728 lbs, au estimate of 288,000 lbs, aud against a crop of 213,646 lbs. in 1912. The gross price
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    • 335 2 The report of the Cheviot it ibber. Limited, states that the acreages are as follows c*1 Hevea HrasiliensisPlanted 19(’6, 72.1 acres; 1907. 421.5 nens; 1908, 88 6 acres; 1910, 4176 acres 1911, 402 9 aerts; 191 2] 549.1 acres; 1913, 548 2 acres; total, 2,500 acres; building sites,
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    • 331 2 STRAITS RUBBER COMP ANY. Abundant Labour and No Pest Trouble. The report of the Straits Rubber r pany, Limited, states that duriu.* Losl to December 31 about 32 acres on e I** estate and 10 acres on Nuva 's estate were acquired, an<l the area of the company’s property j
      331 words
    • 148 2 Siak (Sumatra). —19,237 lbs. IVh pih Valley—7,000 lbs. Kuala S iwah.—3.(550ibs. Now Columbia.—13,000 lbs. Consolidated R-Mtes.—10,1*24 lbs. Kota I'mggi (Join re). —3.170 lbs. Sigiuting (N< gri S, mbilan). —1,700 Ibs. Clovelly.—2.5." 6 lbs. Burma Devt lopment.~l.293 lbs. Dtuiiu Sibataug.'O 11*,. Taiping Rubber K-da'cs.— -5,895 lbs. Malacca
      148 words
    • 283 2 The report of the Gulden Hope Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the rubber crop harvested t\>r the year tu December i>l amounted to 179.859 los., against an estimate of 186,000 lb and a yield iu 19i 2 f>f 146,4«»0 »bs. The average gross price realised was
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    • 2780 3 B The ninth annual ordinary general meeting 9l the Hatu Caves Rubber Company, Limited ■J ou March 16 in the Council Room R a tbe Rubber Growers’ Association (lncor9nrated) 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Johi, ■fcEvNttii (chairman of tho
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    • 423 3 The report of the Serdatig Central Plantations, Limited, states that the manager's rubber crop estimate for the year was 120,000 lbs., and tho quantity harvested was 181,098 lbs. The crups of rubber harvested since tapping commenced are as follows: 1010, 0,829 lbs;
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    • 430 3 The report of the Labu (F.M.S.) Knbbor Company, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1918, states that 415,660 lbs. were harvested during 1913, aKainnt tho ostimato of 360,000 lbs. The number of trees in tapping during January, 1918, wax 114,785,
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    • 1007 4 At the annual gem-iul mi > ting of the Negri Kcmbil.tu Hunters’ Association, held at Su tigi i I'j .iig lull mi'-hh house, Se.remban, i on Aptil 8, with Mr. A D. Davidson piosiding, there w is a lengthy diseu-sion on the pro
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    • 425 4 Mr. 11. C. Paxon, Chairman of tho Kelantan Planters’ Association, forwards a copy of tho minutes of a special general lotting hold at Kuala I.* hir, on March 2b, tho substance of which we reproduce herewith Present: —Messrs. Paxon (Chairman), Tempi* r,
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    • 270 4 The report of tho United States Rubber Company states that net sales amounted to (Gold) $87,349,692 cost of manufacture, selling, general expenses and taxes, $76,662,082; operating profits, $10,687,610; other income (net), $97,142; total iucoiuc, $10,784,752. Cash discount allowed customers for prepayment (net), $624,241 deductions for bad
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    • 456 4 The report of the Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates, L-b. tor tho lift* en mouths from October 1, 1912, to December 31, 1913, states that after waiting oil 121 pe r cent, of the cost of buildings ami machinery previously cr- etc*<l by the company
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    • 427 4 Tho report of the New Crocodile River (Selangor) Rubber Company, Ltd., for the year 1913, states that the winking resulted in a profit of .£8,009, which, with £1,081 brought forward, makes a balance to the credit of profit and loss account
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    • 600 4 A good many peoplo in this p ar t 0 f world will hear with sincere regret of death of Dr. Jacques Huber, who was w,timately connected widi the rubber j ar u D of South America and who not long
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    • 235 4 The annual g**ueiul meeting of this Association will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday, April 26, at the Chamber ot Commerce, Kuala Lumpur, to transact the following business l. Minutes of meeting held on January 11, 1014; 2. Affiliation of
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    • 2526 5 The second annual general meeting of the I .rs of tho Nordanal (Johore) RubLtd., wan held on March 18. at of the Rubber Growers Associat on ’hastcheap. E.C., Mr. T Cuthbort 1 „l.o chairman of the company) presiding. Chahman
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    • 112 5 For tho period from April 17 to 30, 1914, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules under the Customs Duties Enactment will be assessed on the following prices: Smoked
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    • 593 5 The followiny information relatiny to the rubber industry is from tho Loudon and China Express of March 20 Tho rubber share market has been qniet, and has presented rather neyloeted appearance. in commou with other stock markets, politics have
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    • 210 5 The report of tlio Lower Perak Rubber Estates, Ltd., covers the year ended Decomber 31, 1913, and states that during tlits year a further ill,300 of debentures were issued, brinyini' the total amount outstanding to £11,800, The output of dry rubber during tho year was 37,500
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    • 1911 6 n 1 nt a a 8took Singapore Ankho- Par va ac Dividends. Malatah Exchange Fraser and Co. s filed. Al, unless Oomhaiui. Prioes, Prices, A Marked 1918. lXli. Marc h V). April 16. 85,000
      1,911 words