The Straits Budget, 9 April 1914

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXVIII No. 2930 Singapore, Thursday, April 9. 1914. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 343 1 LEADKUSWar, Horrible War 12 Glimpses of Borneo 12 Prospects of Peace 12*18 The Motor Car 18 The Pausing Crisis 13 The Panama Tolls 14 Local and General Local and Personal 1*2 Irish Home Rule 3*4 Selangor News 4 Acting Colonial Engineer 4 East Coast News 4 Sir
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  • 4879 1 The output of the Ulu Piah mine for March was 489 piculs. The Rev. G. F. Pykett is going homo on leave this week. The March output of the Titi Tin Com* p&ny is 773.52 piculs. The Hon. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G., is appointed the Governor's deputy.
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  • 135 4 (Fbom Ouk Own Corrbspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 4. Sir E. L. and Lady Brockman left on the Seabolle, yesterday morning, for Penang, and Mr. 1L G. Watson and family arrived yesterday evening. The newly constituted Planters’ Loan Committee comprises Messrs. Lewtou Brain (chairman), Burnside, Nutt, Skiuuer, and M
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    • 159 4 S.L.R.A. Matches. Tbo scores in tlio April competition of the Mills Cup were I- m yds Mrs. Scoular Miss Kerr Mrs. Ferguson Davie J* Robinson Venning Thomas f* Mauldon f 167 The April Spoon was won by Mrs. Robinson, thus jog 150 Net. H’cap. Total. Mrs. Robinson 25
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    • 175 4 Singapore Golf Club. The April medal competition, bogey play, took place on Saturday and Sunday, and was won by Mr. C. E. Winter who gave the Colonel two strokes and defeated him by two up. The sweep on Saturday was won by Mr. Yalon and Sunday by Mr. Dyne
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    • 185 4 Inter-School League Final. Raffles and St. Joseph’s Institution teams met in the final for the Haigh Shield competition, on Monday afternoon, on the S.R.C. ground. The ground was slippery and the ball heavy. Each team had four points and the game was consequently very keen. At the beginning, St.
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    • 50 4 Tanglin Club. The competition for tho March medal on Tanglin alleys resulted as follows:— H. L. Phillips 619 100 719 A. E. T. Jones 504 120 6H4 J. Waddell 5S5 90 675 1). McLeod Craik 602 70 672 A. H. Rrereton 427 ‘240 667 11. lvarHton 449 1B0 C29
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    • 185 4 S.C.C. Tournament. The S.C.C. Tournament match between The Etceteras and the Merchants on Satur day, ended in a draw. The following vv We the scores: Etceteras. Dr. Scharengrivel Ibv b Griffith-Jones... go Lieut. Black c Oliver b Hodgins <tt j. Capt. Hughes c Oliver b Hodgins W. E. Rayner
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    • 38 4 Tanglin Club Tournament. The results of last week's play in theTang< lin Club billiards tournament were Hallifax+20 beat Willett+60. 250 to 189. Wishart —30 beat Leeder —150, 250 to 128, Noon scr. beat Burt-J-60, 250 to 191.
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  • 281 4 Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, Senior Warden of Mines, F.M.S., who left Kuala Lumpur for Singapore yesterday to act as Colonial Engineer was on Monday the principal guest of the leading Chinese and European mineowners of the State who cutertamed him to
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  • 191 4 (From A Correspondent.) Trengganu, April 4. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gild arrived to day by the Krian and were accorded a very hearty welcome. Mr. Gild has been to Australia to recoup his health, and his strong appearanco seems to have justified the trip. Ho proceeding at
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  • 2201 6 Tin-following report, hasbci n Hiipfilif'l to us Numerous friends ami relatives gstheiel in the beautiful old elmrrli of St. Margaret’-* Westminster, on Tuesday, February d, foi tlio ma» riage of Miss I'e ryl Aiinee < arey, oldest
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  • 486 6 There was a large gathering of solicitors and barristers in the Supreme Court on Monday to welcome the new acting Chief Justice, the lion. John A. S. Bucknill, K.C., on his first appearance on the Bench in Singapore. His Lordship
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  • 111 6 In Singapore, on December 'll, 1912, there were four pauper invalid convicts. Of these one died and one left Singapore, reducing the number remaining to two at the end of the year. Huskies these there is an able bodied convict who receives no subsistence allow ance.
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  • 470 6 On Monday in the first court, before tl senior magistrate, Mr. Stanley If. R. J 9 veterinary surgeou, was called upjn° t S answer a charge of driving his motor cari Orchard Road, on tho night of March recklessly or negligently or
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  • 311 6 The Dutch cruiser Koningin Kegentes stranded near the Island of Dapoer, about thirteen miles from Tandjong Priok, on the night of March 24. Tho vessel left Tandjong Priok at 8 p.m. for target practice, and got too near the island on which the target had been placed.
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  • 39 6 The following were the outputs of Tongkcd* Harbour '1 in Dredging for March: Dredge. Working Hours. I’ikuls. No. 1 618 108 »> r.ii 206 n y O 4 607 l[h 6 606 40 Total 2,494 l. 80
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  • 1813 7 (Fkom A Cokuksfondent.) Weltevreden, April 4. v>vcr in the history of these islands has ;ivi-nv accident been atteuded with such f ri suits as those which followed an on tbe morning of Thursday, the cc > ilM on
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  • 363 7 The following is taken from tho annual report of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce:— During tho last six months there has been a marked improvement in tho working of the port duo to: —The provision of a tongkang wharf; a bettor supply of trucks
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  • 206 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Sharo Circular, dated the 1st inst, states: After the previous dull and depressing week all sterling rubbers have advanced appreciably and the price of the raw material is now quoted at 2/7$. Local shares liavo not so
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  • 153 7 Mr. Oliver, the head of the Sind forests, in reply to a question in tho Sind Gazette as to whether forests affect rainfall, states Observations made over a number of years at a number of observation stations, show that (a) Forests do no affect the absolute humidity
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  • 690 7 Tho four Javanese, throe iuon and a woman, who lmvu boon arrested by tho police and charged with tho murder of a aopoy at Pasir Panjang, appeared in tho second court on tho Ist inst., when Mr. Forrer com*
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  • 190 7 Referring to the last commission of H.M.S. Hampshire, which lately went homo from China, a Hervice paper observes: —The relieved crew of the Hampshire, who arrived homo a few days ago in the Kurope, are to receive an extra week’s leave in recognition of their service at
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  • 1928 8 (1 >Y Oi l. Sl'H l\l, CoKKKSi'OKhKNT.) London, March Id. Tlio general opinion is now that The Totrarch’s log troubles arc of a very serious character, and tho l> rby market Ijah consequently opened out to tin: extent of f>
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  • 372 8 Nowhere more than in the East, says the Times of Malaya, of the 3rd iust., are happeuiugs liable to be distorted by popular imagination into something sinister and portentous, and for that reason the responsible newspaperman has to exercise even more than
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  • 161 8 Another new bucket dredging company for tin has been registered in Sydney, Australia, called Larut Tin Dredging, Ltd. The property is situated at Kota in the Taiping district, aud tho company so far is a one dredge proposition with a capital of £50,000 to pay divi
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  • 165 8 The death occurred with tragic suddenness on Sunday evening of Mr. W. J. Turnbull, who was managing editor of the now defunct Weekly Sun aud later of The Star, a weekly paper which succeeded The Sun. He expired suddenly in his room in
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  • 690 8 The fifteenth annual general meet j the Singapore Polo Club was held Exchange, Friday afternoon. Those present were the President, the Hon. U. j Wilkinson, in the chair, Messrs, (j, g* Venning Thomas and li. F. Clifton Smith honorary
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  • 73 8 A notice has been issued, under the signature of the Hon. (J. 1. MeJ. Messer, CaptainSuperintendent of l olioe, Hongkong, ottering a reward of $l,OOO for information leading to the anest and conviction lor piracy in Hong* kong, or for extradition for the same ollence
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  • 1074 10 The S.C'.C. lawn tennis tournament liaK reached an advanced stag** without producing anything much in the way of exceptional play or sensational developments. Some *>f the games lias l>* en well worth watching, but there haw been an
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  • 450 10 Although no longer ago than January 1 the Suez Canal Company announced that the depth of tho waterway had been increased by one foot, to 29ft., it is understood, says Tho Evening Standard, that tho canal authorities have already improvements in
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  • 162 10 In tho prcsenco of a largo and distinguish (1 gathering, representing all sections of the community iu Calcutta, Lord Carmichael unveiled the statue of Lord Kitchener on tho Red Road on March 21. There was a great display of troops, who formed three sides of a square
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  • 352 10 The Sydney correspondent of the r L imes of (Joylon, writing on March tt, stated The interest aroused over the mail route question has been supplemented by two events worthy of note. There were delivered yesterday fur the first time in
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  • 267 10 The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company’s Steamer Colonia (800 tons gross) has arrived from Penang and on Tuesday was lying off Pasir Pan jaug. Her visit is of considerable interest, heralding, as it docs, tilt* completion of the task of laying the cable
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  • 180 10 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. advise us that the estimated output of tin ore from tho Ilea wood 1 in and Rubber Estate company’s properties for March is 256 piculs, of which 140 piculs were mined by the company and i 116 piculs by tributers. The estimated
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  • 566 10 In tho House of Commons on March 2, M r Walter Guinness asked tho PostmasterGeneral whether bad been obtained f or stations of the Imperial wireless chain in England, Egypt, East Africa Protectorate I’nion of South Africa, India and Singapore]
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  • 196 10 In the llouso of Commons, on March •>» Sir Herbert Roberts (L. —West Denbighshire) asked the Secretary for the Colonics whether his attention had been called to the increase of the liquor tiatllc in British Malaya and to the fact that the quantity of beer imported iuto
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  • 18 12 Hbron.—On April 7, at tho Maternity lloHpital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. O. Horon, of a aon.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1184 12 —Straits Times, April 2. Our countrymen aro coquetting with war in a queer, blind, rockloHH way, just aw children sometimes play with tire, because they do not realise all the ruin, pain and horror that may sprint! from a single spark. National service has been advocated with
      —Straits Times, April 2.  -  1,184 words
    • 1243 12 Straits Times, April Wo received recently from Messrs. Jfodder and Stoughton a beautifully illustrated volume entitled Wild Lifo Across the World of which the autlior is Mr. Chorry Kearton, perhaps the most famous of all photographers of animal lifo. There is a brief introduction to the volume
      — Straits Times, April  -  1,243 words
    • 1089 12 S traits Times, April 4. Later than wo expected, but not, we hope, too ’ate, the sentiment upon which we relied until a week or two ago for peaceful settlement of tho Irish question is beginning to become manifest. We hoped that it would seize the opportunity
      Straits Times, April 4.  -  1,089 words
    • 1097 13 the public, should be assured. —Straits Times, April 6. I nqucstionably the motor car has come to stay. It docs not require the memory of an oldest inhabitant to recall tho time when a solitary car w r as one of the local curiosities, but now there
      the public, should be assured. —Straits Times, April 6.  -  1,097 words
    • 1132 13 by beiDK dissatisfied. —Straits TimcH April 7. There was a certain appropriateness in the selection of Hyde Park as venue of the great Conservative Demonstration in London. It was a step towards Trafalgar Square, far famed and popular meeting place of all who believe that the times
      by beiDK dissatisfied.—Straits TimcH April 7.  -  1,132 words
    • 1049 14 —Straits Times, April 8. It haH seldom fallen to our lot to road any address with uh much pleasure an wo experienced in perusing the appeal of President Wilson to the American Congress to repeal the Panama Tolls Act. Tho President seems to ns to bo moro
      .—Straits Times, April 8.  -  1,049 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 96 12 e Font trep price of the Strain Timrs l« |SB a year Tha p<» t f»e" price of lli« Straiti tiudgrt it $l4 R y** r It it not r*reaaarv to tulitcribe for a year. The tub cription* for thorter pcruxit are at the tame proporionate rate at for a
      96 words

  • 136 14 The twenty fifth anniversary of the accession of the Sultan of Perak to his throne is being celebrated at Kuala Kangsar. His Highness has received many congratulatory messages, including one from the IU. Hon. L. Harcourt, Colonial Secretary. Mr. Oliver Marks, rcting Hritish Resident, Perak, called
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  • 46 14 Tho Uov. H.G. Marshall gratefully acknowledges tho receipt of the following donations to tho Soldier’s Institute at Hlakan Mati: Previously acknowledged 82,002 II. 25 Tho Straits Trading Co. 100 Capt. Chancollor 10 F. Nathan, 50 A Well-wisher ‘20 Sums under 810 17 82,224
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  • 145 14 Wo continue to receive letters by every mail inviting us to buy tickets in various racing ami other lotteries conducted on the continent. Most of these concerns are mere swindles, and we counsel anyone who gets similar letters to ignore them. -4 The steamer Macedonia, which left
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  • 898 14 Tho third ordinary general meeting of the Jtajah liitam Coconut Estate, Limited, was held at Bangkok, on March 25, when Mr. J. Mack ay was in the chaii\ and others present included apt. G. Foss, Mr. O. C. Christiansen, Mr. 1*.
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  • 736 14 The annual general meeting of Fraser and N'eave, Limited, was held on Monday at tie registered offices of the compauy, Arcade. The chairman, Mr. W. II. Macgregur presided, and those present we re Mr •ssrs. Diehn, E. Bramall, A. Hood-Begg, directors,
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  • 52 14 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 3. A serious tiro destroyed nine sliopbousf* in Ainpang early this morning. broke out at 3 o’clock and burned ticrcelyi 1 bouses beinff of timber or brick and timbe The Kuala Lumpur Fire Brigade was in a tendance for
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  • 12 15 r straits Times is not responsible for Juntos of iu corresponded-,
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  • 320 15 To the Editor ot the Straits Times. __while in no way desirous of discussal’ p ro s and cons of Home Rule, the C its of which will never be appreciated or S' rW i«e by correspondence, yet with reto the more present danger of the Tter
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  • 3042 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—In your yesterday’s issue 1 notice that “St. Patrick and the Shamrock suggests that I should re enter the ring. This I am loth to do, not wishing to till your columns with opinions which could be better expressed by
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  • 761 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —You may remember writing some weeks ago, a lending article on Viseount Bryce's deprecatory remarks on British assistants abroad. Your comments wero fair and just, whereas the noble gontlemau has evidently been so much prejudiced as to forgot that
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  • 391 16 To tin; Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, 1 am not in the liabit of writing hitters to the papers, but with regard to the closing of the above bridge I feel tilled with righteous indiguatiou. Kor the last eight months, to my knowledge, the bridge
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  • 900 16 Tho complaint of a modest gentleman summoned for a inrxl«-Ht oftenco at Lambeth Police Court haa suddenly brought that sup-posed-to be dismal district into the limelight of frills and furbelows. This gentleman declared (under pressure)
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  • 330 16 In the Supreme Court yesterday before tho acting Chief Justice, tho lion. .T. A. S. Bucknill, the hearing was commenced of an issue in connection with an application by the Collector of Land Uevenue application under tin* acquisition of Land
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  • 459 16 (FliOM A CORRESPONDENT), Labuau, April 1. A pretty wedding took place at St. Saviour’s Church on March 28, the contracting parties being Mr. Chin Fui Kong, eldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. Chin Wai Sik, nud Miss Lucy Kong, daughter of Mr. Kong Kang Chin, of Sandakan. Mr.
    459 words
  • 548 16 Wo are asked to publish the following pert Tho members of the Amateur I) raw Association brought their anniversary c 1 bration to a close by bolding a variety ect/ tainment at their premises last Saturd*evening when there were present, anjon!
    548 words
  • 63 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 7. Tho team to represent the Colony v. F.M.S. at Penang is composed of :—R. T. Reid, J. P* Fcttes, W. \V. Dean, A. B. Voules, C. H. Mackay, G. C. Clarke, G. G. James, T. T. Waddington, G. II. Corke, G.
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  • 201 16 An issue of Do West (Surinam) states that the production of balata in Dutch Guiana in 1913 amounted to 1,086 tons, as compared with 727 tons iu 1912 and 1,14(3 tons in the record year of 1911. The comparatively high production was secured by a larger number
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  • 2673 17 i vjng and specially important messages n ho found under separate headings. All otlu r Reuter telegrams received during th 0 past week are given below.] \Vednesday April I. Washington message says the bill re|iu‘, tin*
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  • 899 17 Berlin, April 1. In tho Skuptv.china, M. Basics said that Servia, by allying herself with Montenegro and Greece, has also secured the support of Koumania agaiust any Bulgarian or Turkish attempts to alter the terms of tile Bukharest treaty. Servia, ho added, is not pleased with the creation
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  • 321 18 Arc we over civilised Sir Thomas Dewar in of opinion that we are, and in an interview with an Kxprcss representative stated that his bin game hunting expedition to British Kast Africa, from which he lias just returned, was l ively
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 283 18 Aigul 1 Rcnavon, Rrit. str., Addinlon, London, P. Simons Renlomond, Rrit. str., Webster, Kohsieliang, P. Simons Lothian, Rrit. str., Lochart, Livorjiool, P. Simons llokkai Maru, Jap. str., Katori, Muko, M. R. Kaislia 2 Ambria, Ger. str., Ivintseky, Yokohama, Rehn Moyer Rangoon Maru, Jap. str., Kamashita, Kobo, P. Simons Muttra,
      283 words
    • 249 18 April 1 Kentucky, lirit.. str., Boston N. Y. via P. S. I StratlisjKjy, Brit, str., Ilo Ilo Benavon, lirit. str., Il’kong Ac Japan Bcnloinoud, Brit. Htr., H’burg A’dam A. Mitra, Brit, str., Calcutta ‘2 ltiojun Maru, Jap. str., B'via C’bon S. 8. Atagosan Maru, Jap. str., Christmas Is. Lothian,
      249 words
  • 273 18 SlNGAPOBB, Al'KIL 8, 1914. exchange On London Bank 4 m/B 2/4} Demand 2/4 3^ Private 6 m/B 2/43 3 m/s 2/4 ii On Oibmavh banfi did 288} Private 8 m/B 242 On Fbanob Bank did 294 Private 8 m/B 298 On Indu Bank T. T. 4.74| Private
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  • 358 18 SntoiPORi, April 8, 1914. MINING. Valued Bayers. tellers 10 10 Ampang 8.(0 8.50 1 1 Ayer Weng C.50 10 10 Belat 2.65 2.80 10 10 Bra&ng 1.80 10 10 Kampar 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.75 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11.50 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.17.6
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  • 591 18 P. and 0. Company. Per P. and O. Malta, sailing April 8—m D. M. Crum, Mr. R. O. Wood, Mr. J. H si/‘ wick, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Wolseley-Kearns and two Misses Kearns, Mrs., Miss and English, Mis. Rendle, Mr. B. Cunliff, u. r W. J. Suiitli Miss
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  • 181 18 Returning from a tour of inspection on the adjoining islands, the Governor of Tahiti (Pacific Ocean) found that three of the four gendarmes stationed on the island had disappeared. Inquiries showed that they had left for the desert island of Piuaki (or Whitsunday Island) to defend a supposed
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 116 1 (itSKKAL— Rubber Items 1 Buyer or Seller 1 Singapore Rubber Auction 2 March Rubber Returns 2 Rubber for Hospitals 4 Hojk? for the ltubl>er Trade 5 Tklkgkamh London Rubier Auction 1 London Rubber Market 1 Rubber Export Duty 1 London Rubber Specials 1 CoKKK>l’ONDKNCK Rubber and Atmosphere 3 Mhktinv.s
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    • 243 1 Messrs. Harrisons and Crostield advise ns that they have received a cable from the secretaries of Sungei Kari (Sumatra) Rubber Kstate, Ltd., statin" that an interim dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares has been declared payable on April 16. The Singapore Venture Syndicate advise that
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    • 169 1 n pursuance of the idea of a federation v <:U le planting associations of Malacca, e,u^^au Johore and Singapore, a t), n of delegates was held on Saturday in 5° n,cos of Messrs. Evatt and Co., ngaporo. The Hon. F. W. Collins, of u ca Presided, and
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    • 143 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 7. There was good competition at the auction which began to day. Ono thousand and fifty-three tons of plantation were offered for sale, of which H72 tons were Malayan. At the
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    • 64 1 Quotations Current During The Week. Para First Latex to Arrive Crepe April 2 8/- 2/7$ 8 2/11$ 27* 6 3/- 2/7$ 7 3/. 2/8? The East Asiatic Co.’s Report. Fine Para Plantation. Spot Forward First Latex April 1 8/- 3/- 2/7 2 2/11$ 3/- 2/6$ 3 2/11$
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    • 42 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 2. It is rumoured that the Government is considering a proposed reduction in the rate of export duty ou rubber which will take effect whenever tho commodity falls below a certain price.
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    • 156 1 Buyer or Seller Alert II. in the financier Stock Exchange Gossip column has the following —A very wicked story lias been going the rounds of I Mincing Lane anent a certain well known rubber broker. Tho gentleman concerned was found about noon apparently in some distress. Ho explained to sympathisers
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    • 187 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Loudon, April 2. Rukit Rajah declares an interim dividend of 10 per cent., Sungei Choh a final of 10 per cent., places to reserve 1*3,000, atid carries forward 11,180. Tin commodity market is
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    • 388 1 The report of the Kurau Rubber Estate, Limited, states that with the exception that the coconuts on two acres of land round the factory and drying store were removed, the area under cultivation remains unchanged. Tho rubber areas have been
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    • 636 1 Mr. C. Evcritt, chairman of tho Hoard of Directors, signs the annual report of tho Chaugkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., which is to be presented to shareholders at the mooting on tho 15th inst. It is as follows directors beg to submit
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    • 1198 2 The fourth annual g;eneral meeting; of the Bagpin Serai Company, Limitod, was held on March 10, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, K.C., Mr. Kdward Lawrence Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding;. The Chairman said With your permission I will take tho
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    • 489 2 Tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its auction on Tuesday, when there were offered for sale 951.20 piculs or 126,827 lbs. and sold 814.54 piculs or 108,005 lbs. Tho prices realised were:— Sheet smoked fino ribbed $130 to 6135 h good ribbed 122 127 1,
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    • 1007 2 Pormas. —10,011 lbs. Majcdio (Johore). —5,207 lbs. Hombia. —11,595 lbs. Lendu.- 4,600 lbs. Krubong (Malacca). —4,250 lbs. Pajarn. —26,000 lbs. Alor Gajah.—s,ooo lbs. Ayer I‘anas. —15,200 lbs. Bukit Linfcang.—ls,(XX) lbs. Bukit K. 11.-0,000 lbs. Pe^oli.—2B,ooo lbs. liadella. -8,000 lbs. llatu ltata.—lo,oo3 lbs. Sumatra l’ara.— 05,000 lbs. Mount
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    • 1759 3 The ftuuual general meeting of the Tapali inhhcr Estates, Limited, was held on Friday the registered offices of the company, ncli Bank Buildings. The Chairman, Mr. I helm, presided, those present being Lsrs 1>. Y. Perkins, W. H. Macgregor, F.
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    • 13 3 The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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    • 1688 3 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am obliged to E. II. for replying to my letter. As I thought it might be uu healthy to rubber to put it in an airtight box I proceeded cautiously with the experiment. I put a good quantity,
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    • 66 3 As thcro appears to besotno misunderstandiuo with regard to tho chairman 'h remarks ro tho implanted area, made at tho last General Meeting of Clenoaly Plantations, Limited, wo are asked to insert the following statement: Acres. Planted as at date of last general meeting <’07 Since
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    • 1033 4 Tlio (ordinary general m< of tin Langat lCiv«*r (Selangor) Rubber Co., Dtd was hold fit Colombo on March 24, "hen there were present Mr. II. O. Iloseuson (in the chair), the lion. Mr. W. H. Figg, Messrs
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    • 437 4 The following circular has been addressed by the secretary of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated) to donors to the hospital rubber flooring scheme: With reference to the circular Rent out on November 11, 1913, a most liberal response was made to the
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    • 1152 4 Messrs. IVan and Llewellyn sign the fourth yearly repoit of the directors of the Ayer Punas Lubber Estate, which states The dirt cters have pleasure in submitting their report ami statement of accosts for the year euded January
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    • 543 4 The report of the Batu Caves Rubber Company, Limited, states that, including tbe balance of £‘727 brought forward (after making the appropriations and adjustments applicable to 1912, and after paying three interim dividends each of 40 per cent., less tax) the
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    • 1287 5 An extraordinary general meeting of the lndo-Malay Estates, Limited, was held at Colombo on March 29. There were present Messrs F. L. Clements (in the chair), Neil i; Campbell and Kelway Bamber (directois' 11. V- Hill, G. M. Boustead, andA.J. iw ni'son,
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    • 490 5 The second annual meeting of the shareholders of the British l’ara Trust, Limited, was held on March 11, at 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., Mr. A. M. S. Methuen (the chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: You will
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    • 432 5 Presiding at the ordinary general meeting of the Petoong .Java Rubber Estates on March 12, Mr. R. N. G. Bingley said that the meeting had been adjourned from December 29 last. The meeting on that occasion had been a formal one,
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    • 543 5 The annnal meeting of the Jebong (Perak> Rubber Co., Ltd., was held aj Colombo on March 16, when the Hon. Mr. R. liuyshe Eliot presided, and the others present were: —Messrs. L. A. Wright, W. C. Lloyd, and E. T.
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    • 320 5 In an interesting collection of figures giving the production and exportation of American automobiles, tho official organ of tho Automo* bile Club of America, says that at least 1,000 establishments are engaged in making autos and that they had an aggregate output in 1913 valued
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    • 1896 6 C pikal n i Stock Singapore Antho- ar v ,,r Dividends. Malaiam Exchange Fraser aud Co s rihod. jn 101 1Q1 o CoMPANiaa. Prices. Price*. Marked 1918 1913. March 11. April 8. 41 8.0,000
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