The Straits Budget, 26 March 1914

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXVIII No. 2928 Singapore, Thursday, March 26, 1914. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISH! D OVER HALF A CEnTURV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 314 1 LEADERS Servants’ Registration 12 Dislike of Propriety 12 The Spirit of the House 12-13 Protecting Life Assurant* 13 Is it a Class ar 13-14 Clumb. r of Commerce 14 Local and Gkskral Loc tl and Personal 1-2 Kcix 1 l later 3-4 Seventeen Years Abroad 4 Municipal
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  • 4866 1 u. u Echo says that Captain Talbot, In i/* 0 ar s kipper of the I*, and O. stoamer s a lH Gie brother of a former Colonial i ary of the Straits Settlements and in r “Freddie” Talbot, AuditorT ill H 1C F.M.S., and tho lato
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  • 441 4 Thoso who were, once upon a time, interested in the now dormant Malacca Tin Dredging Co., and who recollect the failure of the sand-dredger to cope with the work required of it, may (or may not) be still interested enough
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  • 95 4 The statement of the Bank of Taiwan Limited, as at December 81, 1913, shows gross profits for tho half year of 4,H02.909 v n. A dividend of 10 per cent, is paid absorb mg (L<l,ooo yen, 180,000 yen is trans ierred to reservo fuuds and ‘239,743
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  • 13 4 (The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 457 4 To tho Editor of tho Straits Tirnos. Sir,—I should be very grateful to you if you would publish this letter regarding my exj>erienc« with the “chintengs (revenue officers) who meet steamers arriving in Singapore, and ask those who are in a position to do so to kindly say
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  • 486 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —From tho list of results of the Cambridge Local Examinations held in Decern ber last now to hand, one grieves indeed to find that Singapore, possessing a much larger percentage of Straits-boru Chinese students of both sexos as
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  • 285 4 A Mrs. Van dor Molen is about to stand ber trial in tho Court of Soerabaya. Sho jg accused of inhuman treatment of a native servant girl extending over two years. The police, from information received, made a forcible entry about ten months ago into the house
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  • 182 4 A bill providing tor subsidy for the Panama shipping service will shortly be introduced to the Japanese Diet, and it appears, says the Japan Daily Herald, that subsidy may be granted to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha. In this connection the Hochi states that some members of
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  • 133 4 The 2nd Battalion, Boyal Welsh Fusiliers, are returning home after seventeen and a half years’ service abroad. Leaving Manchester in July, 1806, the battalion’s first station was Malta, but their stay there was limited to some eight months only, as they were required for “gendarmerie” work in
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  • 130 4 Although tho murder of a sepoy of tho 3rd Brahmans, whose body was found in a jungle near Alexandra Barracks a mouth ago, has almost dropped out of tho public purview, tho police havo nevertheless been pursuing closo and unremitting enquiries into the case. Iheir energies have
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  • 1989 6 (From A Cokkrhi'ondrnt.) Kuala Lumpur, March IH. Tho Governiw nt liiih thus fur proved itself almoHt iuexhautiblo as far an leudiug powers go. it haw distributed large hiiiiik to neigh boiiring Staten for various reasons. It ban lent mom y on a lavish sculo to rubb< r
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  • 280 6 (From A Cokrkspondknt.) Trcugganu, March 16. An interesting informal dinner was given by Tunku Abu Bakar. Those present were H. 11. Sultan of Treugganu, Mr. K. A. Dickson, British Agent, Mr. G. O. Dorrity, Capt. it. W. Morris, Tunkus Abu Bakar, Ali, Abdulla, llassau. I mbong Solong.
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  • 423 6 There was not a largo attendance at the annual meeting of tho Swimming Club,‘held on Friday in the S.V.C. Drill Hall and presided over by tho pr< sident, Mr. W. Makepeace. Tho report and accounts were taken as read but in
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  • 743 6 It was quite a lucky accident for the 8 sociatiou of Engineers that someone decide to demolish the old Dispensary building at thp junction of Battery Hoad and Bonham Strtc-t It was still more fortunate that they should’ be uble
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  • 60 6 Tho Malay Mail is officially informed 1 there is no foundation for the statement Government departments have been lariscd and instructed to exc rcise the giro economy. The Residents, however, ,a been requested to report if any p r °P° expenditure ear, without causing incou'j encc, bo postponed
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  • 1120 7 m Peking correspondent of the N.C. I) lv News telegraphed on the 6tli inst. e G.i, information has reached here relat Kt ho escape of White Wolf. It appears .11 the passes of tho mountain systems ofllonan Hupeh
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  • 378 7 As already recorded in oor columns, Mr. Guscav Friesland, managing partner of the Hongkong office of the well-known German firm of Melchers aud Company, agents of the Norddeutsclier Lloyd, died on the 12th inst. According to the Daily Press,
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  • 98 7 The mortality returns for Singaporo issued by the Registrar of Rirths and Deaths show that, during the week enuing March 14, there were IH4 deaths (128 males, 61 femadesk divine a ratio per millo ot population o iuclu.liDK a deaths at St. .Johns Island and 28.68 excluding
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  • 667 7 A meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Kuala Lumpur, on tho 14th inst., Mr. H. Armstrong presiding in the un avoidable absence of the Hon. E. B. Skinner, and there being also present
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  • 156 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. ?«Ies*rs. Fraser and Co.’s Share Circular, date 1 the I8t!i inst., states Tho p.isr, week lius been tho dullest for many months past. Kubber shares did not respond to tin improvement shewn by the raw material. London adviso the market there
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  • 585 7 A very serious collision occurred on tho Huangpu River, in tho Astriea Channel, on tho 9th inst., between the P. ami O. steamor Oriental and the Japaneso steamer Hokusei Maru, as a result of which the latter
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  • 214 7 Further particulars hnvo been received concerning tho attack made upon two German scientists—-Messrs. KaomtT and Deininger—by natives of New Mecklenburg. It appears that the scientists and eight native carriers wore approached by other natives, who appeared to be friendly. The strangers were invited to the village,
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  • 863 9 Tlie \ruateur Drawing Association is no if better known publicly for its social doubt bout the year, but its artistic aCt V l ms are nevertheless being steadily suibitior much wag ev ident from the fcfiEL ‘of pictures and drawings
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  • 321 9 THE SPANISH SWINDLE.” The British Ambassador Issues A Warning. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—As it seems that persons are still attempting to carry on the fraud, commonly known as tho Spanish Swindle,” by writing to residents in British Colonics, His Majesty’s Ambassador at Madrid has found it
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  • 412 9 The array reliefs for 11)*****5 include the following infantry moves 4th Middlesex Regt, Devonport to Hordon 2nd Koyal Sussex Regt., Woking to Devon port; 1st Devonshire Regt., Jersey to Aidershot 2nd Duke of Cornwall's L l. t Hongkong to North China (l.'able
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  • 384 9 The Puisne Judge (Mr. P..). Sproule) sat in the Supreme Court on Monday to hear appeals from magistrates' decisions. Tho first case, mentioned by Mr. Lane, aroso out of a case tried by Mr. Dennys, magistrate at Labuan, where a Chinaman was convicted
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  • 234 9 T 1 ic following is the official programme of the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of H 11. Sir Idris Mershid al-Aatham Shah, G.C.M.G., G. —Saturday, April 4: —7 p.m. Special prayer and feasts at each mosquo in every mukim throughout Perak. 9.30 p.m. H.II. attends
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  • 190 9 The death is announced of Mr. F. A. Bourcher, a partner in the firm of Messrs. Atherton and Co., Liverpool, Bombay and Calcutta, which took place at the Shanghai Nanking Railway Hospital on March 11 at the age of forty-four years. The North China
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  • 565 9 Tho great publicity given by the news* papers to the fact that when the two new vessels of the Oceanic Steamship Co. are completed Sydney will bo proviJed with a mail service whereby letters will be delivered in London
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  • 304 9 Oil Saturday iu the third court MAhat bin Mohaiuod a lance corporal stationed at Orchard Road police station, was charged with the critniual misappropriation of a brooch belonging to Lady Evelyn Young. There was an alternative charge of dishonestly receiving
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  • 1883 11 (KuoM A CORRKSPONDKNT.) Weltevreden, March 21. „,J folks for whom tho game of billiards r, n„V sort of interest were afforded a lold8 ,ho llarmonie Club at Weltevreden and Friday evenings, the 12th D V n, ilist., in two exhibition matches 1 bv Mr. Albert E. Williams,
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  • 596 11 Messrs. J. A. Russell and Company, agents and secretaries, have issuod the following circular to shareholders in Malayan Collieries, Ltd.:— With reference to our circular letter to shareholders, of February 2, we have been instructed by the board of directors to inform
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  • 169 11 The many friends he has made amongst both German and English residents during his long association with Singapore will be pleased to know that Mr. John Saloman, of Messrs. Kumpere and Co., Collyer (Juay, has received from the German Consul General the decoration of tho Order
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  • 405 11 The caso before the Cliief Justice, in which Tjia Koei Tjten, of Palembang, sued the Singapore Foundry, Ltd., for the return of $BOO which he paid as a deposit on ordering certain tapioca machinery which ultimately he did not take delivery of,
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  • 319 11 Anotbcr now shipping devolopnicnt is in prospect in the East, with tho object of pro* viding additional facilities for transportation between our Colonies and tlio Far East, says La Gazotte do Hollande. An enterprising Chinese firm, Pock Toeng Co., of Swatow,
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  • 88 11 It is expected that the K.I.M.S. Dufferin will arrive in Singapore at daybreak on April 5, and leave again on April h. She will be berthed at the I’, and O. wharf. The Oflicer Commanding tho sth Light Infantry will arrange that immediately on
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  • 55 12 Ykaiiwooii.- At tho Maternity llospitul, Singapore, on March 21, to Mr. uutl Mrs. P. A. Yearwood, u son. Wauk. —On March 2*J,at the Nursing Homo, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Wade, a non. lio« tv. On March 23, at Northwich, Kngland, tiro wife of Mr. Ralph C.
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  • 50 12 Lank Mooicriikai». On March 23, 1911 at Tim Cathedral, Singapore, by tho lit Itcv. C. J. Ferguson Davie, bishop of Singapore, A. J. Lano, C. E., Keluntan, son of li. .1, Lane, Esq., Norwich (Eng.) to l‘'loronco Moorohcatl, daughter of li. W. Moon head, Esq., Inspector of Customs, Melbourne.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1108 12 of suspended animation.—Straits Times, March 19. We are frequently asked what has become of tho Hill for Registration of domestic servants in this Colony, and wo have to admit that we do not know. A representative and practically unanimous Appeal was made to the Government in August, 1912,
      of suspended animation.—Straits Times, March 19.  -  1,108 words
    • 1072 12 Straits Times, March 20. Truth had a comment lately on the dcHceiil from mid-Victorian gentility to the modern purHiiit of what it calls mock impropriety.” In the old days a lady blushed if her skiit was not loiif* enough to cover her ankles, whilo in our own
      Straits Times, March 20.  -  1,072 words
    • 1175 12 —Straits Times, March 21. It is stated that there was a conciliatory tone in the discussion on Mr. Bonar Law's vote of censure in the Imperial House of Commons the other evening, and we must suppose that to have been the case, though these does
      —Straits Times, March 21.  -  1,175 words
    • 1228 13 -Straits Times, March 23. We havo recently had an opportunity of examining tho draft of a bill suggested to the Government of the Straits Settlements as necossary for the protection of life assurants. It has been prepared, very skilfully we think, by the Managing Director of the
      -Straits Times, March 23.  -  1,228 words
    • 1251 13 Straitu TituoH, March ‘24. Decidedly there are alarming symptoms in the Ulster situation. It cannot be doubted that a considerable number of ollicers have refused to carry out orders and are exercising the right to resign their commissions. General Gough, it is understood, was offered
      Straitu TituoH, March ‘24.  -  1,251 words
    • 1213 14 rate business and qualities. —Straits Times, March 25. Everyone in Singapore will regret the fact that Mr. 1). T. Hoyd is about to leave the Colony. In his connection with tho great firm of Houston'] and Co. and in the various public offices he has held, Mr.
      rate business and qualities.—Straits Times, March 25.  -  1,213 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 90 12 The Pont tree price of the Strain Timn 1* fW a year The |»o»t fre~ price of tho Strain HuJget i*sl4 a y M f It t» f’ot nerenrarv to auhacribe for a year. The auh cription* for ihorter period* are at the tame proporinnatr rate a* for a year.
      90 words
  • 43 12 DEATHS. Di ns. On March 1H, at Malacca, Hebert Watson Dunn, of Simo Daiby *v Co., Ltd., Malacca, and late of Singapore. Boky Nam Bock.— On March 19, at his residence, No. H, Nam Lock Street off Kallang Hoad, Singapore. Boey Nam Lock.
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  • 250 14 During the funeral procession, a week ago last Sunday, of Towkay Liui Ho Fhiah, whose body was placed on board the Hong Moh to be taken to China, the coffin was draped with a decorated silk cover which cost about 5200. Just at the timo when
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  • 199 14 On Tuesday, before Mr. Forrer, who for the timo being is sitting in the second court, mention was made of the case in which Maurice Papincau, a Frenchman, who has been brought down by the police from Kuala Lumpur, is charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to
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  • 181 14 A quiet wedding was solemnised on Mon* day afternoon at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, the contracting parties being Mr. Alfred James Lane, of Kelautan, eldest son of Mr. B. J. Lane, of Norwich (England), and Miss Lily Florence Moorehead, daughter of Mr. K. W Moorehead, H. M.
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  • 39 14 Mr. M. Morrison, honorary treasurer of the New Hall bund, asks us to notify receipt of the following contributions to the fund H. 11. Ihe Sultan of .Johore lowkay Loko Yew, Kuala Lumpur 5,000
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  • 835 14 Tho second assize court of tho year i n Singapore was opened in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, tho Chief Justice (Sir W j{ Hyndman Jones) presiding. The calendar contains nino cases, two of which involve charges of murder, four of
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    • 853 15 5C.C* Tournament. f V|lo*iDK are tbe results of Thursday's Championship, Kleintuaun boat A. K. a'B. Terrell, 4-0, Stout, 0-0, 0-2. 6-8 Mo<lmg beat Day, 4-M>-«’ > 4 Tlirelfall beat Donnell, 8 6, 8 6. B. SINGLES. Coindrl owe 2 beat Stevens scr., 6—3,6—3. t’terwark scr. beat Swau owe
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    • 401 15 Garrison Golf Club. The result of the men’s medal competition for March was as follows G. de Hoghton 79 8=71 Captain Bell 84 10 74 Major McVittie 93 18 75 Major Scott 92 15 77 A. K. A’B. Terrell 95 17 78 R. H. Sharpe 82 2 80 A.
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    • 140 15 Inter-Club Match. The match which took place at Ballestier on Thursday between the Garrison Ladies’ Rifle Association and the Singapore Ladies’ Rifle Association resulted in a win for the latter. The scores made by tho S.L.R.A. were 100 150 Total Miss Kerr 81 82 68 Miss Tomlinson 82
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    • 695 15 Rowdy Players Dealt With. At a committee meeting of tho Straits Chinese Football Association, held at the Chinese Volunteer Club, on the 18th inst. there were present Messrs. S. J. Chan, Chew Woon Poh, Major McVittic, M. B. Brockwell, Koh Swee, Lim Cheng Tee, Teo Cheng Heo, Ong
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    • 184 15 Tanjflin Club Tournament. Tbe results of play in the Tauglin Club billiards tournameut ou tbe 17tb iost. were as under:— Capt. Chancellor+50 beat Gold+20, 250 to 245. Suhl —90 beat Hilton—60, 250 to 206. liallifax-{-20 beat Drummond+ 60, 250 to 178. Tbe results of play on tbe 18th inst.
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  • 308 15 Tbc representatives of a number of prominent European tines appeared at Kuala Lumpur police court, on Tuesday, to answor a summons which had been issued at the instance of the Kegistrar of Companies because the said firms had, on February 20 of
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  • 803 17 Berlin, March 1H. p llss an Embassy has sent a complaint l oreign Office because a naval officer, a V v ur n 8 a carnival at Cologne, was iuv< < a^°K(i d pocket picking. An v -'-igiition has been commenced, and i factory settlement is expected. The
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  • 1839 17 (FKOM A CoRRBHI’ONDKNT). Kuala Lumpur, March 25. It is only natural that the Federated Malay States, situated geographically as they are, should have their share of the Ooliath of wild beasts. The north eastern provinces of India are well known to harbour some of tho finest
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 296 18 March 1 1 Mishima darn, Jap. sir Sommer,London, P. Simons Maisasoil, Brit, str., Henderson, San Kicisco, Standard (hi M yrmidon. Brit, str., Taylor, Muke, W. Mansf'n Id Ellora, Brit, str., Sliarjw. Calcutta. Boustead Lai Sang. Brit, str., Woonoy, Hongkong, Boustead 18 India, Brit, str., Talbot, Snanghai, P. A O.
      296 words
    • 254 18 Maiu ii 17 Glcnearn, Rrit. str., ll'kong S’hni A Japan Luzon Mam Jap. str., P. S ham P. C. A B'bay llirano Mam, Jap. str., Antwerp via )x>tts Soang boon, Brit, str., H’K Amoy A S’tow Ajax, Biit. str., Hamburg Mark, Ger. str., llicmen via |K>rts 18 Mishima Maru,
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  • 819 18 I luring the debate in the Reichstag on the German naval estimates, Heir BasscrwAon, on behalf of the National Liberals, said that Admiral von Tirpitz ha<l declare<l that a naval holiday for a year was unrealizable for Germany. “Wo hold fast,”
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  • 265 18 Sinoapokb, March 25, 1914. EXCHANGE On Lonuon bank 4 m/s 2/4] Demand 2/4* Private 6 m/a 2/48 8 m/s 2/4 On Qmuukuj Bank d/d Private 8 m/B 242 On Feanoi Bank d/d 2944 Private 8 m/s 298.J On India Bank T. T. lJ4t Private 8C d/s 175
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  • 353 18 Singapore, Marcu 25, 1914. MINING. Value (J Buyers. Sellers 10 10 Am pang 8.25 9.25 1 1 AyerWeng C.50 10 10 Belat 2.70 2.85 10 10 Bruang 1.^0 10 10 Kampar 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.75 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11.60 £1 £1 Kinta Tin
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  • 861 18 P. and 0. Company, Per P. and O. steamer Devanha, connects at Colombo with Medina, sailing April 3 Mr. and Mrs. May, nurse and 2 children iT Dickson, Lady Hedford, Mr. A. A. Sruith Sir E. L. Brockman, K.C.M.G. and I J' Brockman, Mis. ,J. H. Rich,
    861 words