The Straits Budget, 12 February 1914

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXVIII No. 2922 Singapore, Thursday, February 12. 1914. BUNG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER NAIF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 252 1 EADERS— Self Governing Rights 10 Where Education Fails 10 Syndicalism 10-11 Local Share Broking 11 United Malaysian 11-12 The Momentous Session 12 OCAL AND GSNIRAL— Local and Personal 1-2 Miss Maud Allan 3 The New Postmaster-General 4 The Immigration Committee 4 St. John First Aid 4 Hongkong
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  • 4811 1 Inu“, Sl H lr< K ay b fore Commander Macmaster of t* bour Master, Penang, a Kling P eilanL) f tongkang, which plies between eljar.'KVwlti erbl n tho Siamese coast, was k*» r a Hv l J Cru >; ,t y to ani *uals. The tong. arrived
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    • 347 4 S.R.C. v. S.C.C. Th»* S H registered an easy seven wicket win over the S C.C. on the podang on Saturday. .lame'-, for the winners, bowh*d ve ry well, capturing six wickets for 44. Cool ho took four fer 45. Scores S.C.C. (i.C. Clarke h .lames 4, L. J.
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    • 196 4 S.LR.A. Competitions, The following aro tlio February scores for the Mills Challenge Trophy 200 yds. Mrs. Gattey 28 Miss Kerr 27 Mrs. Scoular 26 Mrs. Miller 24 Mrs. Brickmann 24 Mrs. Forgtmou Davie 24 Total 162 February Spoon. The February sjmon shoot resulted as follows:— 100 yds. 160
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    • 71 4 Tanglin Club. I here was a good deal of bowling on the 1 ungliti al'oys last month. The .lanuaiy medal resulted as follows:— J H. L. Phillips 699 f 160 769 11. M. millell 658 ho 708 S. S. Turner 616 220 736 A 663 80 733 l>. McLeod
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    • 137 4 Forthcoming May Race Meeting. Headers v\ill bo interested to ham that the committee of the Singapore Sporting (dub liasd< ''ided to give the following stakes to ho run fur by the griffins imported, at Li.iO each, ter the forthcoming May Have Mooting: viz, two races on each day.1st
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    • 83 4 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The Gold Medal for 1913 and the monthly medal for .January have been won by Mr. .1. I. Humphreys. The first three in the following list were competitors for both medals. Eighteen cards in all were taken out. Scores: .1. L. Humphreys 77 2 79
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    • 304 4 L.L.T.C. Tournament. Following are the results of Saturday’s play:Laiuks’ IJourlks. Mrs. Hideout and Mrs. Yowlor beat Mrs. Gansioser aud Miss J. Gunn, 6 —4, 6—2. Mixko Douhlks. Mrs. Williams and Mr. MeLeod Craik beat Mrs. and Mr. Keith Sim, 4 6, 6—3, 6—1. Mrs. and Mr. Gulton Fen/i
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  • 194 4 Referring to the forthcoming leave of Mr. ti. Roll, Postmaster-General, Singapore, the Straits Kcho says of Mr. Gordon Wilson, who will take tho appointment during his absence:—Mr. NNilson was a very hard-work* ing and obliging assistant Postmaster General when ho was stationed in Penaug and came as
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  • 172 4 In 1909 the occurrence of wolfram in the districts of Tavoy ami Mergui commenced to attract attention, and a great development has since taken place, a large number oi areas bring taken up on prospecting licenses In 1912 the output recorded was 25,397 ewts., compared with 800 cwts.
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  • 847 4 A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held at Kuala Lumpur on the 6th inst., when thero were present Mr. E. S. Hose, acting Controller of Labour (chairman) the Director of Public Works (Mr. J. Trump), the Principal Medical Officer
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  • 486 4 It is interesting aud gratifying to learn that the St. dohe Ambulance Association has completed 35 years of its existence, and during the period hundreds of thousands of men and women have been taught at its classes, in all parts
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  • 272 4 The Women’s Christian Association in Hongkong, which has been making an effort during the past year to secure funds to establish an Institute or Hostel for Women in the Colony, has been greatly encouraged and euormously helped by a generous olfer from Mr. Ellis Kadoorie, who has stated
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  • 2148 8 The Str-iits horn Chinaman is usually ro gardcd ns being of mixed hrcril half hi nose and half Malayau. Except, however, as ro gards tln> ordinal progenitors, this is not in accordance with fact, the lit“t ancestress only being a
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  • 189 8 Tho committee of the Children’s Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged $6,752 60 Collected by Mrs. llewan (sth List). —Belated 118.00 Collected by Lady Hyndman-.Tones (sth List).— Madame F. Diet/ 5.00 Collected by Mrs. Peirce (4th List).—J. Love Montgomerie
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  • 156 8 The following order, signed by the officer administering the Sarawak Government, ap peared in the Sarawak Gazette of the 2nd instant: —\Y hereon it has been brought to the notico oi His Highness the Rajah that it has become usual for the natives oi Sarawak and of
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  • 489 8 A remarkablo story in which the central figures were two soldiers, a corporal and a lance-corporal of tho King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, was related to Mr. Talma in the second court on Friday. Tho accused
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  • 201 8 News has been received, says the Pinaug Gazette’s that a rich tin lode has just been found at Padang Balak, about a mile from the Salak North Railway Station, Perak. The area of that property is about 30 acres, and it is
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  • 99 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending January 31, there wore 211 deaths (151 males, 60 females), giving a ratio per nolle of population of 88.22, including three deaths at St. John’s Island, and of
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  • 14 9 The Straits Times is not responsible for t J opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 346 9 To the Editor of tho Straits Times, o- -The proposal of the Government to tho C.,tup»ni,V Uw wlatiDR to ba-.k, .ml fwuraiice cotr.pam«», has brua K tat mto mifouoe tho admirable, ayatern m tore, it. U for the safe guarding ot the people. In the ci«e
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  • 122 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—I see in your issue of yesterday that the Postmaster-General bus applied for and been granted niue months’ furlough, ami I take this opportunity of suggesting that tho remainder of the staff bo granted the same facilities. Should pecuniary reasons preclude their
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  • 761 9 To tue Editor of the Straits Times. Bir, —I notice in to-day’s papers that Messrs. Frassr and Co. quote United Malacca shares at 60 cents buyers and 75 cents sellers, Messrs. Lyall and Evatt quote them at 55 cents buyers and 63 cents sellers. Messrs. I raser and
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  • 664 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I should bo much obliged if you could spare me space iu your valuable paper to make an explanation re tho exhibition of Jiu-Jitsu v. Wrestling*which was advertised to take place at the Y.M.C.A. last Saturday evening, and to apologise
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  • 567 9 No doubt a large proportion of tho European community in Singapore Are acquainted with the manner in which tho Chetties celebrate the Tainusum festival, but those who had not already added the event to tho r bundle of experiences on Monday bad
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  • 152 9 In tho coso of Lee Ohyo Wall against Seah Eng Koon and Scab Peck Scab, iu which the Court of Appeal hail reversed tho judgment ot' Mr. Justice Sproulo awarding tho plaintiff $61,701.35, we are informed that tho plaintiff’s solicitor has received a telegram from his
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  • 454 9 Particulars havo conic to hand concerning the tragic cud of Mr. K. (J. Puiiw, manager of Mclalap Estate, belonging to Manchester North Borneo Rubber, Ltd., Tenono, who was brutally murdered by coolies, and, unfortunately, they show that the
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  • 391 9 Wo congratulate Mr. K. O. Winstcdt, of tho Malay Civil Service, on tho publication of his Malay Grammar (Oxford: the Clarondon Press 7,6). It is almost a pity that ho did not give it tho corroct titlo wo have used above, because any beginner who bought the
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  • 67 10 SoN*». On February 4, at ‘2f» I, Orchard Road, Singa|»oro, to Mr. anti Mrs. Song Ong Joo, a ho n. IjOnxdai.*.— On February 4, at Cambrian House, Royal Circus Wont Norwood, Ijondoti, S. K to Mr and Mrs. Granville Lonsdale (Ida Van (uylcnburg), a daughter. By wire. lloitiiKN. —On
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 981 10 power than it possesses.—Straits Times, February 5. Wo are glad to see that tho chief orgaus of public opinion in Kurland are taking' a sane view oil tbe question of tlm strike leader deportations. It was a strong measure, and in our view a right one, but tlm
      power than it possesses.—Straits Times, February 5.  -  981 words
    • 1245 10 education most fitted to our type. —Straits Times, February 6. Aftor his comparatively long absence from England, the ex-Ambassador to the Uuited States, Mr. James Hryco, asks Why do not English boyH care more for learning He remarks that Wherover ono travels abroad, in Mexico, in South
      education most fitted to our type.—Straits Times, February 6.  -  1,245 words
    • 991 10 Straits Times, February 7. The debate now going on in the South African Parliament has a rivid interest for those who care to understand present conditions in the world wo live in. The strike in South Africa was the first great battle between Syndicalism and Society, and it ended
      Straits Times, February 7.  -  991 words
    • 1142 11 Straits Times, February 9. correspondent in our issuo of to-day a >■' utioo to a matter which is acutely l V* ordinary man who wishes to i 1,1 or shares in Singapore. He 1 'looted in lists which are issued by the best firms, bat if he
      Straits Times, February 9.  -  1,142 words
    • 1154 11 Strait Times, Kebiuary 10. A fellow sitting in an arm chair, who knows nothing about Jelutong, has the impudence to criticise the forecasts of men who aro experts, and who practically pledge their honour that the forecasts they make arc accurate.” Words like these, we remember, were used
      Strait Times, Kebiuary 10.  -  1,154 words
    • 1130 12 pealing the measure.— Straits Times, February 11. Parliament lias been formally opened by the King and we begin to bear the murmur of the political stoi m which maybe expected to burst in all its fury a few days hence. The Tories are breaking a time honoured
      pealing the measure.— Straits Times, February 11.  -  1,130 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 85 10 Tlie P«mt Ire" ;<rice «»f lh» Straits Timn i» I'W vnr The fre rice of tlm Hudjrrt i* |l4 year It it not ntrrwarv tn »uh*crihe for a veer. Ihe Aiih criptioni for ahorter period* are at the «arre proper* ionate rate at for a year. Tin Sfra tsHwitr nin«
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  • 77 10 DEATHS. T\n.-On February 1, at his residence. No. 100, Teluk Ayer Street, Mr. Tan Cheng Tee. aged 41, the eldest son of Mr. Tan I loon Chiang, the proprietor of Messrs. Loack Chin Seng Co. Tan. On F«brnnry f>, at per residence, 17, Iliad, Mrs. Tan Lian Cheng, at
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  • 153 12 The example of Mr. Ellis Kadoorio in making his generous donation towards what is now known as the Helena May Institute lor Women has been quickly followed by au qually munificent donation of $15,000 by Mr. Ho Kom-tong, and by a very generous contribution of
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  • 151 12 A m< i ting of members of the Welsh community was held in the S.C.C. pavilion on 1 uesday to consider the question of holding a dinner to celebrate St. David s Day. Dr. F. 11. Davies presided. It was n solved to hold a dinner on
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  • 1730 12 (From a Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 10. The tightuess of tho money market, owing principally to the shaky condition of the rubber industry in general, aud the recent low price of tin. has largely tended to tho slight fall in house rents, that rents will not go
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  • 66 12 A meeting of the members of the Chinese Advisory Hoard was held on Tuesday at the Hoard room to consider the Companies Ordinance brought in by the Government. After some explanations by the Hon. r l’ ftn Jiak Kim, C.M.G., who pointed out that the Ordinance is for
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  • 1134 13 Ti.rre is at tho present moment consider 1 speculation, amongst those in any way lb 1 with tho working of the police of he Colony, as to what will aprino Z tl 0 existing state of affairs.
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  • 625 13 A special meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday afternoon, for tbe purpose of electing the Hon. C. W. Darbishire representative of the Chamber in tbe Legislative Council, in place of the Hon. D. T. Boyd,
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  • 382 13 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Sharo Circular, dated the 4th inst., states:— Cheaper monetary conditions at home have undoubtedly been tho principal factor iu the general all-round improvement in shares and rubber itself closing firm at a higher level has materially affected
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  • 193 13 The Archdeacon of Singapore thankfully acknowledges the following donations to the abovo fund H. E. Sir Arthur and Lady Evelyn Young 5200.00 Messrs. Paterson, Simons and Co. 250.00 Chinese Chapel, Teluk Ayer 8.73 Treasurer, Wesley Church 26.00 Presbyterian Church 86.05 St. Andrew's Cathedral 207.41
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  • 173 13 A meeting of the creditors of the Naudin Ten Cate Banking and Trading Corporation was held at Medan on the 3rd inst., when all, except one small creditor, expressed themselves in favour of applying for leave for the legal suspension of payment. According to tho Pinang Gazette,
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 117 13 (From Our Own Corkkspondbnt.) Penang, February 5. An extraordinary general meeting of share* holders in l’lu Piali, Limited, will be held on the 1 Iltli inst. to consider a cable received from L union suggesting the reconstruction of the company on a sterling basis and the acquisition
      117 words
    • 191 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 6. A farewell dinner given by tho European nuoflicials to Mr. Evans, at tho Penang Club, was a great success. Ifcads of departments wero also invited and the Hon. A. Huttonbach was in the chair. T1 ie Chairman eulogised the guest, referring
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    • 67 13 (From Ocu Own Corukspondrnt.) Kuala Lumpur, February 7. The Frenchman, Maurice Pappineau, whoso extradition from Singapore was granted on Tuesday, and who was taken up to Klang by the police authorities on Wednesday, has been charged at Klang with rape. The girl said that he took
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    • 52 13 (Fkom Our Own Corrkspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, February 10. The Malay Mail’s special Commissioner at Singgora has telegraphed to the effect that the first heavy engine went from Patalung to Kompibun on Saturday, thus marking a further step towards the completion of tho central section of the Siamese
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  • 271 13 Tho bearing was continued boforo the marine magistrate, Hongkong, Commander Basil Taylor, K.N., of tbe case in which O. Phillips, second officer of the Kwongse, was charged with unlawfully disobeying tho lawful commands of the Master, Capt. Spink, and with wilful damage to tho ship’s
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  • 1033 15 Berlin, February 4. Stadtholdnr Graf von Wodel’s successor’ in Alsace Lorraiue is not Herr Bethtuann, but probably will be the former finance minister, von Bheinbaben. Minister Schorlemer is freely mentionod as a candidate for tho Chancellorship, but Herr Bcthmann is firmly set for a certain time. The Crown
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  • 378 16 The fifteenth day after the first of the year lias not yet arrived; signs of a renewal of mining activity are, however, visible, says the Malay Daily Chronicle. An effort is beb»g luailn to ground sluice and leris some land between Klcdang
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 276 16 Fkhki’aky 4 Kafori Maru, Jap. str., Murai, Antwerp, P. Simons Devanha, Brit, str., Hickey, Shanghai, P. A <>• Co Kentucky, Brit, str., Leo, N. York, McAMster Saikai Maru, Jap. str., Nakagawa, Muke, M. B. Kaisha 5 A. Apcar, Brit, str., Walker, Hongkong, A. OilHllan Bellerophon, Brit, str., Bchb, Liverpool,
      276 words
    • 214 16 Fkhruauy 4 Hariri Maru, .Tap. str., B’via Chon S. ft S. In aha Maru, .Tap. str., Colombo ft Bombay Tokushima Maru, Jap. str., C’bo M’les ft L. <*. A pear, Brit, str., Il’koug S’hai ft Japan I Shinkai Maru, Jap. str., Rangoon Fernando 800, Span, str., Iloilo ft Manila
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  • 269 16 Singapore, February 11, 1914. exchange Or London Bank'4 m/s 2/4d Demand 2/4.^ Private 6 m/8 2/4 8 m/8 2/4 On Germany Bank d/d 288$ Private 8 m/e HI 248 On Franor.......Bank d/d 294$ Private 8 m/s 299$ Or India .....Bank T. T. 174 Private 8C d/s 176
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  • 359 16 Singapore, February 11, 1914. MINING. v“°ael Buyers. Sellers 10 10 Ampang 9.U0 10.00 1 1 Ayer Weng G.50 10 10 Belat 2.50 2.75 10 10 Brnang 1.00 1.50 10 10 Kampar 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.80 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 12.50 XI £1 Kinta Tin
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  • 802 16 Per P. and O. China, connecting a t Colombo with Maloja Hailing Feb. 19.—Hon. Mr. John Turner, Mrs. and Miss Turner Mr. M. E. Rudolf, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. X.' Knight, Mr. J. Somerville, Miss Tyler, Miss Tidswell. Miss V. Marten, Mr. T. McDowell. Mr. C.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 59 1 General— Singapore Rubber Auction 1 Estate Coolies Shot Dead 2 January Rubber Returns 8 Tklkurams London Rubber Auction 1 London Rubber Specials 1 London Rubber Market 1 Meetings and Reports— Sahang Rubber Estates I The Pegob Report 1 Lunas Rubber Estates 2 United Malaysian Report 2 Pantai Rubber 3
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    • 328 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its auction on Tuesday when there was offered for sale 1,165.56 piculs or 155,408 lbs. and sold 1,057.23 piculs or 110,964 lbs. The prices realised were: Sheet Smoked 8112 to 8139 Unsmoked 116 135 No. 1 Block 138 Crepe
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    • 148 1 From Our Own Cokrrspondent.) London, February 10. The tone of to-day’s auction was firm and there was another advance in prices. Eleven hundred and two tons of plantation were offered for sale, of which 868 tons were
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    • 127 1 (From Ocb Own Corrhsponornt.) London, February 5. The following dividends are announced: Gedong 7} per cent., Culloden 4 per cent., Sungei Krian, preference, 6 per cent. There is a slight set back in shares, though the price of rubber is still rising. London, February 9. Additional capital
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    • 63 1 Quotations Current During The Week. Fara First Latex to Arrive Crepe Feb. 4 8/1 ‘£6 6 8/1 2/6 9 8/2 2/6J 10 8/2 2/s? The East Asiatic Co.’s Report. Fine Para Plantation. f t N Spot Forward First Latex Feb. 4 3/1* 3/• 2/.)J 5 3/1 3/1
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    • 932 1 The fourth annual general meeting of tho Sahang Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at 29, Rood Lane, London, E.C ,on December 18. Mr. C. L. F. White, manager and director, forwards the following report of the proceedings from Fontianak, Dutch West
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    • 339 1 The report of Pogoh, Ltd., for the year ended September 30, mentions that the latest reports state that the rubber is looking healthy and in good leaf, and that the young clearings are coming away nicely. During the year a Tamil labour force has been introduced. In
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    • 3178 2 Tho annual mooting of Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd., was hold on Saturday at the Exchange Buildings, the chairman, Mr. P. M. Robinson presiding; others present were the Hon. Dr. I). I. Calloway, Messrs. <'. V. Miles, F. C. Peck,
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    • 396 2 The report of the United Malaysian Rubber Company, Limited, states that the Goebilt factory shows a profit for the first five months of the year to Juno 30 of £11,529. The best month was October, which showed a profit of £4,511.
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    • 147 2 We learn that there has been some troublo on the Segamat (Joliore) Rubber Estates resulting in three Chinese coolies being shot dead, and thrco Kabulis and some ten Chinese being placed under arrest. The man alleged to bo responsible for the three deaths is a Kabuli
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    • 1223 3 Pantai Rubber. SEVERE CRITICISMS AT ANNUAL MEETING. Position Thoroughly Sound.” t1h > annual meeting of Pantai, Ltd., was JJ hi tin* registered office, Gresham House, v \v i Watkins presided aud there were Mowr*. .1. M. Sime, A. W. Bean, f, K Llewellyn, F. O. Peck Braa f 1 Oiairmau
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    • 1148 3 The fourth yearly report of the directors of Glenealy Plantations for the year ended October 31, states The profit for the yoar after making full allowance for depreciation on buildings, furniture and machinery as shown by the accounts, amounts to 921,939.76, to which
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    • 725 3 Anglo Malay.—llB,Bl7 lbs. PataliDg.—43,lBB lbs. London Asiatic. —78,188 lbs. Golden H0pe.—11,938 lbs. Selaba.—4o,l63 lbs. 8ikam.—23,276 lbs. Sungkai Churaor. —33,000 lbs. Seaport.—2o,226 lbs. Rubber Estates of Johore. —33,153 lbs. Kuala Kubti.—6,l46 lbs. Hibu.—lo,63B lbs. Selangor Rubber Co. —55,171 lbs. Sungei Kruit.—l4,994 lbs. Perak Plantations. —37,541 lbs. Karak.—s,7s2 lbs.
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    • 1764 4 CapiUl Stock Singapore Aotbo P*r™hM Dividend*. M «latam Exchange Fraser and Cos used. M i®! 6 101 H 101‘i Compamm. Pnoes. Prioo*. Marked 2/- 1918. 1912. .January 14. February 11. 86,000 2/• fy. paid
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