The Straits Budget, 25 September 1913

Total Pages: 22
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BUNG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXVII NO. 2902. Singapore. Thursday. September 25. 1913. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 331 1 LEADERS The Spirit of tho Navy 10 A Shocking Record 10 Atbletio Sports 10-11 The Courts and the Press 11 The History of a Treaty 11 ludian Banking ...11-12 Local and General Local and Personal I*2 Motoring in Singapore 3 Death of Mr. L. 11. Davis 3
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  • 4904 1 Iho following item is clipped from a paper:—“Governor General Forbes 'V ave tho Persia at Hongkong to become Kuost of General Severn, commanding ls troops at that place.” Mr. W. S. Eb’en has been appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Malacca. Mr. Yung Hin Pong, compradoro of tho
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  • 848 3 The annual meeting of the Singapore Automobile Club w’as held on Tuesday, at the Chamber of Commerce. The Hon. C. I. Carver presided, others present being Messrs. J. K. Nicholson, C.M.G., F. Hilton, A. J. W. Watkins, and W. Lowtlier
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  • 14 3 [llio Straits Times is not responsible for t jo opinions of its corresdondents.'
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  • 571 3 To the Editor of tlio Straits Times. Kh\ During the course of my existence on this planet, I have witnessed a good many horrible sights but I do not recollect ever laving seen anything to compare with the horrors of Hell which T saw a
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  • 245 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is with extreme rogret that I have to record the transfer of our popular District Judge, Mr. D. Beatty. Mr. Beatty will take up the duties of the Protector of Chinese, Singapore, and Mr. Colman acts as
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  • 785 3 A meeting of tho Board of Licensing Justices was held on Tuesday. Mr. 11. W. Firmstone, the senior magistrate, presided, and those w ith him on the bench were Commander RadclifTo, I)r. Middleton, Mr. M. E. Plumpton, Mr. M. Morrison, Mr.
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  • 134 3 After a very brief illness, Mr. Leonard 11. Davis, died at tho Shanghai General Hospital, succumbing to an attack of typhoid fever on September 7. While he was in hospital news of the death of his mother arrived from England, but this could not
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 259 3 (From Our Own Cokkksi'ondknt). Penang, September 17. Mr. E. 11. Holme, subeditor of the Pinang Gazette, died 11»im morning at the General lloHpital, followin'' uu apuploctic Hoizuro on Sunday afternoon. Ho waH a native of Glasgow and had worked on a number of Straits and China
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    • 81 3 (From Qua Own Coukkspondbnt.) Penang, Soptombor 18. At a mooting of Scotsmen, tho secretary of tho St. Andrew’s Society stated that tho last St. Andrew’s ball cost 92,100 and thoro was a deficit of 9185. Champagne cost tho hosts dollars a head, (tho exact figure
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    • 70 3 (From Ouk Own Cokkrhpondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, September 22. Tho installation took place on Friday afternoon in tho Astana at Klang of Jncho Abdullah us Maharaja Lola, in the presence of tho Sultuu of Selangor, tho heir-upparont, Mr. K. Burnside, tho acting Hesident, and native Chiefs. Tho
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    • 177 3 (From Our Own Cokkkspondint.) Kuala September 23 Kuala Kanesar is on foto ou tho occasion of tho fi stivitios in connection with tho presentation of tho G.C.V.O. insignia to 11.11. tho Sultan of I'erak. Tho town is beautifully decorated, the I'erak royal colours prevailing. Tho
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    • 129 3 (From Our Own Corkkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, September 24. The new parochial house in connection with St. John the Evangelist, costing $B,OOO, half of which was subscribed und half lent by government, was opened yesterday. The building includes living quarters for tho pricHt in charge and assistants
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    • 169 4 Garrison v. Keppcl. The following was the rosult of the match played last Sunday between teams from the Garrison G.C. and Kcppel G.C. The former won by 2J points. Garrison. Kkppel. C. V. Miles F. Ferguson Lt. Croery 1 Dr. Johnson u G. C. Procter E. Appleton W. M.
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    • 870 4 S.C.C. Tournament. Following arc the results of Friday’s play:— B. SlNGLKS. L. R. Macphail beat II. Freoman, 8—6, 8- 7-5. N. L. Clarke v. 1*. Gold, unfinished. J. H. K. Hesselink beat E. B. Maundrell, 6-4, 3—6, 6-4. C. Singles. C. G. Jackson beat G. Bland, 3—6, 7—5,
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    • 1279 4 S.C.C. v. Government Service. Although beaten in their league game with the S.C.C. on Thursday the Government Service men put up a very tough tight. They never ceased to battle and although three goals down when timo had almost arrived they played with nevor a suspicion of down-hoartednoss and
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    • 78 4 Mid-Bast Interport Shoot. The following will represent Singapore in the Mid East luterport shoot to take place at 3 p.rn. on Sunday, the 28th instant, at Balestier Range. Messrs. R. W. Chator, .T. Long, G. D. Neubronner, Tan Chow Kim, Edgar Galistan, Major R. H. Me- ittie, R.
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  • 213 4 We have received information T;om a reliable source with regard to the loss of life, the enormous damage and the helpless condition of thousands of peoplo resulting from the recent floods that have devastated a large portion of the San Wui
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  • 164 4 Caritas Sonneveld Kugensburg, whose husband, a bank cashier from Batavia, was arrested at Hongkong on the 12th inst., on a steamer and charged with embezzlement, was brought up at the magistracy there the next morning before Mr. Hazeland and charged with being in possession of guilders
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  • 1492 5 The first ordinary general meeting of the Tingkil Tin Mines, Ltd., was held on Saturday? the registered office in Gresham House. Mr. K. A. Stevens presided and there were also present Messrs. A. D. Allan andJ. W.
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  • 246 5 The post of British Consul-General of the Dutch East Indies has been offered to and accepted by Mr. W. R. D. Beckett, C.M.G., at present Consul General in Bangkok. This is the first paid appointment the British Government has made in the Consular Service
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  • 896 5 Ouo of tho most unfortunato feuturea of tbo recent troublo at the Arsenal ami NVoosung that has coiuo to light has been tho disappearance of hundreds of children—particularly young children, writes the North China Daily News (Shanghai). It iH
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  • 482 5 An extraordinary goucral meeting of the Eastern Petroleum Company, Limited, was held on August 2f>, when the following resolutions, which were passed at an extraordinary gcncrul nfrcting of the company, held on Angugst H, wero submitted for confirmation as speciul resolutions, viz.:
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  • 155 5 Mr. W. Cameron Forbes, who recently resigned tho Governor Generalship of the Philippine Islands, spent Friday in Penang waiting for tho 8.1. steamer by which he voyages to Rangoon and Calcutta. He loft his steamer from Manila at Singapore and took train through the Peninsula breaking tho journey
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  • 139 5 On August ‘2l thcro was launched at Port Glasgow the steel screw steamer Radja, which is intended for pilgrim traus|>ort and general trade with the F.ast. She is owned by tho Ktoouivaart Mautschappij Nederland'' of Amsterdam. The principal dimensions of the Radja are:—Length, 470 ft. breadth, 50
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  • 631 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s share circular of the 17th inst., states: Tho serious fall in the price of rubber has hail a material effect ou both sections of these shares, and although tin closes at a higher level than our previous
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  • 87 7 The mortality returns for Singapore issued hy tho Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending September 13, there were 186 deaths (140 males, 46 females) g:\ir ga ratio per millo of population of 30.13. Malarial fever accounted for 24 deaths, phthis:s 21, convulsions
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  • 1427 7 Tho report of Mr. It. G. Watson, C.M.G., British Uesideut of Perak, shows that in the year 1912 the State made a threat advance in material prosperity. The progress made is shown in the opening paragraphs of the
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  • 190 7 We regret to announce the death, which took place at his residence in Heeren Street, Malacca, on the 17th inst., at 10-30 p.m., of Mr. Ong Kim Wee, the only hou of the late Mr. Ong Keng lloon, a local millionaire. The deceased was
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  • 128 7 A bill to amend tho Pensions Ordinance, 1887, is about to be introduced into tho Li gislative Council. The objects and masons are as follow This Bill gives power to the Governor, with the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to direct that
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  • 577 7 There were some interesting lc gil points in the defence put forward in a case, heard on Friday by the senior magistrate, in which a Malay named Parate, jormudi of the steam launch Maud, was summoned for carrying more
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  • 239 7 The Taiping correspondent of tho Malay Mail writes :—Colonol Murray has recoivod from Lieut.-Col. llubback a copy of interest* mg correspondence between the Chief Secretary to Government and himself relative to the uso of volunteers’ railway passes
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  • 505 8 On Friday evening, the Hou. Uobcrt Young an<l Mrs Young invited the members of the Penang Automobile Club and their friends to a farewell gathering at England House, Scotland lload, Penang in honour of Mr. Justice and Mrs Thornton, who left
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  • 360 8 In the 1 ast number of the Journal of the United Service Institution of India is a short note on Java by Lieutenant Campbell of the 40th Pathans. The references to the military forces maintained by the Dutch Government are specially interesting.
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  • 447 8 (FUOSI A CORRESPONDENT.) Kota Bharu, September 14. Heavy rainstorms have taken place almost every evening for the last fortnight, and tho river has risen enough to facilitate transport between hero and Kuala Lebir. Those who, on the invitation of the Kclantan Sports Club, went up tho Ulu during
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  • 156 8 (From a Corbkspondknt.) Kemaman, September 10. Mr. F. G. Coles came down from the Ulu Kemaman, and reported very favourably on tho country which he said was highly mineralised. He saw tracks of big elephants, and found an abundance of game in the jungle. He also met
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  • 212 8 The coastal waters of the West Coast of Siam have long been recognised by navigation as being highly daugerous to shipping, not only on account of the numerous islauds and shallows that aro charted but also many that aro not. Taking
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  • 898 8 Ah predicted, the boxing tournament held by the men of the K.0.Y.L.1. on Saturday night in the S.V.C. drill hall proved a thoroughly sporting affair. The programme was a lengthy one, but never at any time were things allowed to drag. The
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  • 931 8 Great interest is shown in Bombay reeari ino Miss Maud Allan’s proposed visit to S and The Times of India and The Bomba Gazette both express views this mornij that it is undesirable. The Times of lD(jsays: The solicitude on the
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  • 1022 9 A writer in the Pekin aud Tientsin Times declares that one of the greatest of China’s n< eds of to-day is a thorough and wholesale improvement of the country’s numerous waterways. It is a notorious fact that the gr(
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  • 282 9 Rangkok is increasing steadily its claims to tho title of Tho City of Bridges.” The latest additions to tho number, tho Siam Observer says, are the Saphan Mahathai Uthit and tho Sapan Charocn No. 33, which the Public Works Department of the Ministry of Local
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  • 256 9 So many rumours have been current in the Press of late, says the Pinang Gazette of the 17th inst., that, in order to obtain if possible correct information regarding tho Pryo question, our representative waited on the Resident Councillor this morning at his office. The Resident
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  • 193 9 The death occurred at Suez, on Saturday, August 23, of Mrs. James F. Main, formerly of Dutch East Borneo. As a resident for some eleven years in Balik l’apan, where her husband was engaged at the oil refinery of the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company, Mrs.
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  • 1136 9 After lasting for threo long days tho trial of Ooh Hong Kui and Cl an Kang Leoug wuh concluded ut tho Assi/os on Thursday. They were charged with producing a witness at tho Assizes in August last year
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  • 304 9 A strange story was told in the course of the opening of a case before tho magistrate, Mr. Ferrer, in tho third court on the 17th iust. Tho accused is a Malay named Mat Amin and the charge against him one of doing mischief to
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  • 136 9 Two Chinamen, Tan Ah Hua and l'ua Ji Puan woioh< nto need to eighteen months'rigorousimprisotiMji ntou the 17th inst. in the Din* trict Court for housotrogpaHH. Mr. Reginald Walter Hughes, of 4, Loonie Hill, stated that his house was broken int i on the night of
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  • 119 9 The Times of August 2.7 states: —Hotter advices on Friday indicated that tho stranding of the Dutch liner Wilis near Calella would not be serious, and the vessel was refloated that evening and proceeded on Saturday for Marseilles. It is announced that only between 2.70 and
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  • 81 9 11. K. I‘hya l’rabha Karawongso leaves Raugkok on October I, to take up his post as Siamese Charge d’Altai res at Washington, ill place of Mom Chao Traidos who has been appointed to Berlin. Nai Run Lena proceeds to R< rliu as attache in the Siamese Legation
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  • 80 10 Murray.— On September 16, at Rourtrco bank, Golf Road, Clarkston, Glasgow, the wifo of .lolin H. Murray, Electrical Engineer, Singapore Harbour Board, of a daughter. Lubbock. —On September is, at tho Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mth. Lubbock, a daughter. —On September 18, at Grootc Schwer, Tanjong
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  • 28 10 Manassku Saykrs.— On September 16, at tho Maghain Abboth Synagogue, Waterloo Street, Singapore, Mr. Silas J. Manasseh to Miss Rachel Sayers. Bombay and other papers please copy.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 995 10 —Straits Times, September 18. Wo all believe in tho might of the British navy and its readincsss and ability to till tho rolo for which it exists. Wo believe that it possesses tho finest ships and the finest men afloat, and that behind it is
      —Straits Times, September 18.  -  995 words
    • 1134 10 adulterated food at their own risk.— Straits Times, September 19. In doaliug with tho important subject of protecting the health of the community against the influences of impure food and drugs, two days ago, we were only in a position to speak on broad general lines as
      adulterated food at their own risk.—Straits Times, September 19.  -  1,134 words
    • 1043 10 -Straits Times, September 20. Some enthusiasm appears to have been aroused amongst athletes in Ipoh, by the remarks of Mr. R. G. Watson, C.M.G., at the conclusion of the athletic sports meeting in the tin town last week. He impressed upon the company that there was evidence to
      -Straits Times, September 20.  -  1,043 words
    • 901 11 Press is practically unknown.—Straits Times, September 22. Anion*' papers discussed at the Conference of the Institute of Journalists at York was one full of common sense by Mr. J. S. *h Phillips, editor of the Yorkshire Post, oo tho Courts and the Press in which
      Press is practically unknown.—Straits Times, September 22.  -  901 words
    • 894 11 rather the eats-paw. —Straits Times, September 2.’J. The recont doath of Count Hayashi, a former Ambassador to tho British Court, has led to tho rovolation of somo diplomatic socrots which throw furthor light on the negotiations leading to tho Anglo-Japanese Alliance. They reach tho world
      rather the eats-paw. —Straits Times, September 2.’J.  -  894 words
    • 1274 11 Straits Times, September 24. Stringency of money haH boon anticipated in India for Homo time paHt, and with a bumper harvcHt looming up on tho noar horizon, and little money to linanco it with, Homo anxiety, wo know, lja« been felt. Whether the failure of the People's Hank
      Straits Times, September 24.  -  1,274 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 The Pont tree price of the Straits Timrs In |3B a year The post fre price of the Straits liutigft is $l4 ft year It ia not r< Cftarv to subscribe for a year. The sub criptions tor shorter periods are at the same proporionate rate as for a year.
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  • 28 10 DEATH. Hknriqi’Ks.—On August 25, at 50, Sussexgardens, W., Gerald Quixano Hennqucs, Lieut., late of 2nd Batt., Tho Buffs, second son of Cocil Quixano and Ada Hcnriqucs, agod 26.
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  • 262 12 A speech delivered ou August 27, at Durban at a luncheon on board Messrs. Alfred llolt and Company’s Blue Funnel liner Nestor, returning from her niaidtn voyage to Australia, is causiug comment in shipping and mi tcantilo circles, says The Times Cape town correspondent.
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  • 164 12 At 2.H0 p.m. ou Friday, Mr. J. R. NicholRon, C.M.G., the Hon. R. Young and Hon. W. F. Nutt, were proceeding on the Government launch Alert to l’rye on inspection. About half way across the channel, says the Pinang Gazette, they saw a waterlogged twakow with
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  • 140 12 The funeral of Mr. H. T. Webb, whose lamented death by heait failure whilst bathing was reported in our columns, took place at the Venning koad Cemetery, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday, when a very large number of local planters and others were present to
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  • 1716 12 The Peking correspondent of tho Hongkong Daily l’regs writing on August JO states:— Peking is greatly amused just at tie moment by the Hushed faces and fluttering hearts of the advisers. Jealousy—that verdant eyed destroyer of human happiness,
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  • 1907 13 The suit brought by tho Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., against the owner of the steamer Hong Ho, for over $17,000 in respect of work done and material supplied to tho vessel when under repair, and
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  • 194 13 Commenting upon Mr. Buxton’s new Departmental Committee for inquiring into the question of the loadline for steamors, Mr. 11. M. Hvndman, the well-known Socialist, has stated to a Press representative that a strong protest was being made against the exclusion of any
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  • 168 13 Tho steamer Nippon, commanded by Captain J. Hennings, loft Manila on tho 7th, convoyed by tho cablcship ltizal, for Shanghai, where she will undergo repairs in tho docks of tho Shanghai Dock and Engineer ing Co. Word was received in
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  • 177 13 Lieutenant Lahm, of tho 7th Cavalry, in cliargo of the signal corps aviation school, made a spectacular dive in his hydroplane on the Pasay beach, Manila, on September Iff, and landed in the bay, partially wrecking the machino and sustaining slight injuries to his face. Considerable difficulty
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  • 158 13 Another prominent official of tho Government leaves tho colony for good iu tho near futuro. This is tho Hon. J. O. Anthonisz, Colonial Treasurer, who goes on short leave next month and retires from service at the end of his holiday. Mr. Anthonisz is Gff years of
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  • 610 13 At tho last mooting of tho Legislative Council a discussion took place on tho voting of £1 40,(H)() to moot current requirements on tho Singapore Harbour Works. It was men* tinned that the engineers’ estimate sh to
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  • 125 13 At Canton, on September 16, an the result of telegraphic orders from President Yuan Sliili kai.Chan King wall, the Chief of Police and Chang Chung pun, Superintendent of tho Tranquillizution bureau of Shiu Lin prefoc* ture, were shot for troaHon. The execution took place following a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 92 13 Property Sales. Tlio following properties wore disposed of by auction by Messrs. Ketu» Leo and Co., at tbeir sale-room on Monday:— Freehold land situate at Hoad, total area H acres 4 poles, planted with rubber trees, bought by Low lloon Chip for Vd.iMH); ten freehold allotments situate olt McPherson Hoad,
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  • 1165 15 Berlin, September 17. Daring the French manoeuvres, the automobile of ono of tho German attaches, Lieut.Colonel Wintorfeld turned over through a defective tyro and tho officer was seriously injured in tho breast and legs. President Poincare has visited Col. Wintor fold, who is in no danger of his
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  • 276 16 A corresponih nt of the N.-C. Daily News writes from Chnotuug as follows:—A great harvest of opium was finally gathered in many districts of Kueichow and Yunnan. In some cases the poppy grew to six feet high, and the
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  • 346 16 A curious will case was beard by the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hyndmau Jones, in the Supreme Court yesterday. The circumstances ([iving rise to it developed out of the phraseoogy employed by the late Tan Cheng Tuan in his will. It ap|>eaied that Tan Cheng Tuan
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 287 16 September 17 Nothcrlee, Brit, str., Harris, Mukc, M. B. Kaislia Colombo Maru, Jap. str., lvawashima, Yokohama, P. Simons Suevia, Oer. str., Kruse, Hankow, B. Moyer Uinta, Brit, str., Babb, Calcutta, Boustead Benvorlieh, Brit, str., Smith, Loudon, 1*. Simons Kiel, Gor. str., Lemke, Sourabaya, B. Meyer Kum Sang, Brit, str.,
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    • 253 16 Skptkmkkr 17 Japan, Rrit. str., Hongkong Japan Syria, Rrit. str., H’kong S’hai Kobe A Y’harna Luzon Maru, Jap. str., P. S’ham P. C’bo A B. Kamo Maru, Jap. str., H'kong Japan 18 Snevia, Ger. str., Hamburg via ports l mta, Rrit. str., ll’a F’fcle A’de M’ne A S’ney Ellora,
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  • 249 16 Sinoaporr, September 24, 1913. EXCHANGE On|,London Bank 4 m/s 2/4* Demand m Private 6 m/s 2/41 8 m/s 2/4* Ox Girmavy Bank d/d 238 Private 8 m/s 2434 On Francs Bank d/d 2944 Private 8 m/s 800 On India Bank T. T. 174 Private 80 d/s 1754
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  • 315 16 Simoapoeb, SeI'TKMIJKR 24, 1918. MINING. Vdael tBuyers. Sellers 10 10 Ampang 8.00 10.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1X0 10 10 Belat 2.45 2.60 10 10 Bruang 0.50 1.00 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kanaboi 1.90 2.10 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 14.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin
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  • 110 16 Per P. andlo. Assavo connectin'’ »t Colombo with Mooltan, sailinn October ■< Mr. H. C. Hadficld, Mr. J. Mcliollar M r a„7 M-Hibbort, Mrs Wilkinson. Mr. an'lMr C. >N. Harrison, Mrs. Bower Smith \li sa r Prisse, Mr. E. Prisse, Mr. R. B. Williams Mr J. R.
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  • 307 16 A correspondent writes Colonel Jackson Surveyor General, F.M.S., Mr. E. L. Bennett' Ag. State Engineer, Pahaug, and Mr m' Barrowcliff, Asst. Chemist, F.M.S. left last week for Gunong Tahan. A service path has almost reached the toe of this range aud ere long should reach the
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  • 145 16 The half yearly meeting of the Siam Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. was held at Bangkok on the 11th inst. Phra Boribun took the chair, and Mr. W. Weimann, Mr. E. Leth, Mr. Paludan Muller, and Mr. Bjorling were also present. The chairman presented the report and
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  • 201 16 Messina, which has been a city of wooden huts since the great earthquake, has now suffered tremendous damage from a cloudburst. Many of the dwellings were swept away by the deluge and over 150 families are homeless. Many acts of heroism are reported in rescuing children
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 76 17 v'. m i t:4 BL SCOTCH WHISKY Jls 'Prepared far £xport. EXTRA SPECIAL, COLD LABEL. SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL. 1 Proprietor* i Bulloch. Lade a Co., la. Olfna«M AT GUMOTi Iclat. AMO Camaocltown. OFFICES: GLASGOW ud LONDON. SOLE AGENTS i Caldbeck, Macgregor Co 2-Seater. 10 H.P. 15 H.P. 4-Seater.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 303 18 m Over Over 450 Hornsby Engines running upon Estates in Ceylon. 400 Hornsby Engines running in the Middle East. V < V w y .v 0 Z w M z 0 z H 0 w z u 11 6 9 •N 0 io 0 9 fl U I 9 0
      303 words