The Straits Budget, 18 September 1913

Total Pages: 22
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. lxvii NO. 2901. Singapore, Thursday. September IS. 1913. ESTABLISHED OVEi HALF A C?ST BV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 327 1 LEADERS— Traffic Problems 10 Jolioro State 10 Finger Prints 10-11 The Political Crisis 11 The Armed Camp 11 Our Foot! and Drugs 11*12 Local and Gbnkral Local and Personal I*2 Fire Epidemic in Java 3 Lecture at the Y.M.C.A. 4 New Presbyterian Minister 4 East Coast News
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  • 4709 1 Monday, October 0, will bo a public holiday throughout the Colony. On Monday l)r. O. B. Mcllutchison left Penang for Taiping, where he will practice in future. A large number of Ipoli Malays are en route to Mecca, having left the F.M.S. on Sunday, via Penang. The
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  • 3462 3 reformatory road murderer CONDEMNED. Counterfeit Coiner Sentenced. On conclusion of the New Bridge Hoad gang robbery case at the Assizes on the 10th iust., a new jury was empanelled to try the case of Choc Yeow Choon, who pleaded not guilty to two charges of being in possession
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  • 175 3 There haw been quite an epidemic of seriouh tiros in .lava recently. At noon on August 81, a fire broke out again at Kwitang in Itatavia, where only six weeks before a whole village had lioen destroye<l by the same agency. This time, IHO native houses
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  • 14 4 [The Straits Times is not responsible (or the opinions of its corrosdondents. I
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  • 876 4 To tbo Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The eloquent silence following your leading article of August 80 bears witness to the interest taken in the welfare of women and children in Singapore. That interest is practically non existent or someone must have asked
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  • 311 4 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I obsorvo that at the Diocesan Cathedral, last Sunday, a festival of thanksgiving for the harvest was celebrated and that tho alms collected during tho day amounted to a sum of over five thousand dollars. In the first place,
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  • 146 4 The Hamburg Nachrichten learns that the Rickmers Lino intends from January 1,1914, to extend its regular steamship service, which hitherto lias been confined to Siberia, to East Asia, despatching one steamer every fortnight from Continental and English ports. At the prosent time an agreement exists between the
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  • 1173 4 The Chief Justice (Sir W. H. Hyndman Jones) was engaged all day on Tuesday, in hearing the suit at the instance of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., against Soow Eng Tin, owner of the local steamer
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  • 287 4 In the District Court, yesterday Ramaya and Kasim Ali were charged, on two counts, with stealing a quantity of clothing from the quarters at the back of the Malay club in Short Street. A tarnby employed at the club, Ibrahim bin Osman, stated that he lived
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  • 193 4 An interesting lecture was dcli r crcd in the Y.M.C.A. on Monday evening last by Mr. A. Lea, entitled The Early History and Romance of Malaya.” The lecturer took lus audience back some four hundred years and showed how the early history of the spice islands
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  • 75 4 The Rev. W. Runciman, M.A.,’/ 'VJttiian from the ministership of tho s regt n t Church, Singapore, at the end of ie■ 1 rs year, and goes home then. I* u t j n g of the church have lately bee n n< K J t |iat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 Property Sales. There was a large attendance at Messrs. Ching Keng T.ce and Co.’s saleroom, on Monday, when tho following properties were disposed off by auction —Freehold land situate at East Coast lload in the district of Tanah Merah Kechil fronting the sea, area 8 acres, 2 roods, and 24
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  • 409 5 With tho biggest dry dock in tho East at their disposal, tlio shipwrights of Tanjong l'tigar have Hot out to establish more records for this hemisphere in their use of the new King’s Dock, Keppel Harbour. Tho first vessel to enter
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  • 192 5 (Fkom A Coukkspondknt.) Trengganu, September 7. On August 24, during bulan puasa, a Malay woman was cooking rice at night in her house, when a Malay man thrust a kris through the flooring and Htabbed her. He was arrested, and will shortly be tried. The woman is
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  • 226 5 A recent issue of the Boy Scouts' Head quarters Gaz< tto reproduces a photographic group of the 4th Calcutta Troop i the Panthers) w r hich is made up of some thirty live Armenian boys who are being educated at the Armenian Philanthrophic Academy in Calcutta. It
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  • 605 5 Tho fact that nothing has been heard of the steamer Tjiliwong or the Atholl, the boat she had in tow, after being disabled in the China Sea, near Cape Padaran, l as caused some comment in Singapore
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  • 130 5 At tho Bengal Council on tho Ist inst., Sir William Duke read a statement concerning the recent floods. Thirty-five breaches had been made in tho Damordar embankments. The flood in places was four feet above toe highest previous record. The Burd .van Civil Court was inundated, 84,000
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  • 109 5 Tho following appointments in the Civil Service of tho Colony aro notified in the Government Gazette: -Mr. G. C. G. Mulhr, to act as District Officer, Nibong Tebal, Mr. L. V. J. Laville to act as Deputy Registrar of the Supremo Court, Singapore, Mr. K. Robinson to act
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  • 480 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Frasor and Co.’s share circular dated September 10 states: All dealings continue on a small scale, each section of our market being alikr affect od and until Loudon advices indicate a more hopeful view thero seems little prospect of much
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  • 177 5 During tho last two or threo years the British India Steam Navigation Company have added a number of vessels to their fleet, and tho new vessels have been con siderably larger than their predecessors. A representative of tho Times of Ceylon called upon tho Colombo
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  • 112 5 Tho 61st Co., Royal Garrison Artillery, who leave Rangoon on transfer to Aden shortly, have made an unparalleled record in Burma since their return in I‘JlO, and in sports they have turned out first Hush football and cricket teams. They h ive more than maintained their record
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  • 423 5 There wan commenced in the third conrt on Thursday the preliminary enquiry into a complicated case of alleged false personation and false evidence arising out of a suit in the Suprt me Court. The charges have been iramed against dan Oman 'L'ye
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  • 288 5 The following lint, correct***! up to date, of the foreign advisors to the ChiocHe Governinont, in publiHbod by the Peking Daily News Political Adviser to tho President: Dr. G. K. Morrison (British). Advisers for Drafting tho Constitution: Professor Frank Johnson Good
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  • 92 5 Tim volunteer hall held in tho Drill Hal! had all the suce* ss that was anticipated. A very large numb* r of dancers took part and <-n joyed excellent music from the baud of tho K.0.Y.L.1. Among the distinguished guests present, who were rec* iv*d by Major
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  • 2057 6 Tho administrative report on the Stato of Jobore for tho year 1912, signed by Mr. 1). G. Campbell, general adviser, lias just been issoed. It denotes tbe sumo sternly progress that characterises the modern history of all tho
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  • 183 6 There was a meeting of bankers in Sourabaya at the beginning of this month to dis cuss the various ways in which the banks in Sourabaya. Semarang and Batavia open credits for purchasers of Saigon and Rangoon rice, savs the Java Bode of the 4tli inst. It
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  • 156 6 The following are declared by the Civil Service Commissioners to have obtained the first thirty places in the recent concurrent competitive examinations for 29 appointments in the Indian Police Service, and ono appointment in the Police Service of the Straits Settlements. The names are given in
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  • 150 6 The annual conference of the Institute of Journalists was resumed at York yesterday, when Mr. l.obert Donald, of London, the president, was in the chair, reports The Times of August 20. .Mr. A. \V. S-ill, of Singapore, speaking on the report of the Overseas Com mittoe, said
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  • 602 6 H. E. tho Governor (Sir li v K.C.M.G.) presided over the annual meeting of the Children’s Aid SocLtv in the Board room in the Municipal o*ffiieM 0 ffi ieM on Friday. There were aTso Lady Evelyn Young.
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  • 214 6 11l tlie third court, on Friday, Tan <- 11 Heng pleaded guilty to four charges buy iug tickets in the Kowchow l nl lottery. Mr. Savi, the second supnin mdent, appeared to prosecute. Mr. who represented tlie accused, said ui. this was the aftermath of a case
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  • 1961 7 The Situation in Java. OFFICIAL EXPLANATION OF RECENT EVENTS. No Cause for Uneasiness.” We have received from the Acting Consul General for the Netherlands in Singapore th< following notos on the situation in Javi which ho says I trust may contribute to i clearer understanding of what has recently happened
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  • 217 7 The Board of Trade havo sent out the following notice: A ttontion is called to tho case of tho St. Patrick, which foundered off Start Point last November while carrying a cargo of Hint stones from Dieppe to Weston Point. Tho cargo was loaded in tho
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  • 172 7 Considering tho woather on Monday there was a very creditable turn-out of volunteers to participate in the routo march. There were about forty of the European units and a good number of both Malays and Chinese. Led by tho band of tbo K.0.Y.L.1. they marched out
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  • 114 7 Lieut. Curb r forwards a rough balance sheet of the K.0.Y.L.1. vaiii ty entertainments of duly -hand August 2, at tho V i«-t >riu Theatre. Ileeeipts were 52,*****0, expenses 5 1 ,7 .'51.01, leaving a credit balance of 5 1,227 JO, which ha> been donated as
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  • 590 7 (From Own Our Corhsspondrnt.) Penang, Soptembor 11. A deputation representing the Chinese com* inanity hero waitod on Mr. Justice Leslie S. Thornton in the Supremo Court this morning and presented him with a farewell address in Chinese characters engrossed
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  • 245 7 Wanganui, New /calami, has been visited by Mr. Lange, of .lava. His mission, says a Now Zealand exchange, was to buy slioep with which to stock a now land which ho had “discovered.’ .dr. Lange stated that while on a doer-shooting expedition from au altitude ol 6,000
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  • 990 8 An Earthquake in Java. HOW JAN PIET, DUTCHMAN, SET IT GOING, Captain and the Shock.” A story from real life is told by the Cologne Gazette of a small Dutch garrison in the heart of tho .lava forests. The company of 10i* men was nudcr the command of a captain,
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  • 546 8 (From a Correspondent.) Recently Ulu Kelantan presented a very scene, tho Kelantan Sports Club entertainin'', at Kuala Lebir, a large party of the tneiubers of the Kelantan Club, Kota Bharu. A portion of the party, having decided to make the journey by road, left Kota Bharu
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  • 87 8 In consequence of the rapid growth of the railsvay tratlic at Penang and the need for a considerable extension of the present accommodation, the F M.S. authorities approached the Penang Harbour Hoard some timo since with a view to acquring the Prai dock for this purpose. The
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  • 364 8 On Thursday night last, there was a full attendance at the Su Po Sia to hear the address on Citizenship by Mr. H. S. MacKenzie, formeily of Amoy, now the acting general secretary of the Y.M.C.A. at Singapore. This was put into two dialects
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  • 192 8 Three former units of the British China Squadron, the dispatch vessel Alacrity, formerly used as the Commander in-Chief's yacht, and the two destroyers Handy and Janus, were recently offered for sale by auction at Hongkong by Messrs. Hughes and Hough, the Admiralty auctioneers, but were withdrawn,
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  • 173 8 The police have on baud at the present time what is considered to be beyond doubt a case of murder in the East Coast Road neighbourhood. A man at tho seventh mile on that thoroughfare discovered a corpse lying a few yards off the road, and
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  • 108 8 In the Cawnpore riot case, Mazharul Haque has put in a list of 372 witnesses for tho defence, the first name being Sir James Meston, on tbo grounds that lie was tho first official from outside to inspect tho place after the riot; that local officials had
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  • 788 8 Most re assuring facts concerning the n. poets of tho coconut industry ucner.l h, P the position in the Straits Settlements par?? cularly were given by Mr. M. KeiwayE' ber, the Ceylon Government Auahfi Chemist, m
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  • 89 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths that, during the weekending Septeui J. thero were‘24o deaths (108 males* giving a ratio per milleof population <» 4 4 Malarial fever accounted for 21 deaths, j sis ‘27, convulsions ‘2l, beriberi ‘2a, o'
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  • 921 9 Tho Ipoh Athletic Sports opened on Friday afternoon under most depressing conditions, reports the Times of Malaya. A heavy shower of rain in the morning, which was followed by an even heavier one about 2-80 made the ground sloppy and it
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  • 96 9 (From Our Own Corukspondknt.) Penang, September 15. The Rev. W. Cross presided on Saturday evening, at tho Runnymead Hotel, over a meeting of about 30 who decided to form a literary and debating society to be named tho Penang Athen.eum. The Resident Councillor (the Hon. W. Evans)
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  • 226 9 The Mohammedan community in Singapore was very well represented by the largo crowd which attended the public moeting in the Victoria Memorial Hall Friday evening to discuss the question of holidays on their religious festival days. Resolutions were passed (1) in favour of Hari Raya Puasa
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  • 226 9 Try as one may, remarks The Financial News, it is impossible to ignore tho increasing keenness of Japanese competition in Far p]astern waters. All tho available steam tonnage is gradually being bought up, and, as firms in the Island Empire are ablo to run these vessels “on
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  • 55 9 The Matsura Maru, tho vessel which was piled upon tho Paracels on her maiden voyago from Europe, has been salved. Sho was taken into Hongkong on tho 6th inst. under her own steam, by tho salvage tug Taikoo, belonging to the Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company (Messrs.
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  • 659 9 The first annual general mooting of the Selangor River Tin Co., Ltd., was hold at noon on Monday in Gresham House. Mr. W. E. van Rijnberk presided and tho other members of tho company prosent wore Messrs. H. R. Llewellyn, J. J.
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  • 223 9 Tho Pension Minute dated January 1,1002, published on pages 4 to 15 of tho Regulations of Hongkong, 1910, is amended by the addition of the following clause No. 24.-If any person to whom a pension has been granted under this ordinance becomes,
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  • 498 9 A case of suicide attended by rather sensational circumstances occurred at the District Hospital at Kuala Lumpur between nine and ten on the morning of tho 9th inst. when a youth of 20, a member of a well-known Tamil family,
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  • 68 9 (From Our Own Cokkkhpondsnt.) Kuala Lumpur, September 15. Gaining casus still continue to afford plenty of work for tho Kuala Lumpur magistrate. Many cases wero heard recently and to day seventeen Chinese were charged with gaming in a house in High Street. Tho occupier was fined
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  • 269 9 In tho third court on Monday a Kurasian named Hector K. Askey, of Norris Koad, was charged with cheating Mr. Hugh Hutchison by obtaining an advance of $5O by false pretences. It was alleged that he was ongagod to proceed by the steamer Kinta to
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  • 46 10 Wolskkl. —On Septembers, at London, the wife of li. Wolskel, of a son. Dkaron. —On September 11, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Iloason, a daughter. Oii.ks.— On September 14, at Nordanal Estate, to Mr. and Mrs. .lames Giles, twin daughters.
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  • 18 10 Callaghan— Houvk.— On September 9, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, F. R. Callaghan to Miss C. Kodyk.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1022 10 eminently desirable.—Straits Times, Septem* ber 11. The complications and dangers brought about by modern means of road locomotion are boing experienced all the world over. The motor vehicle has given us swift and easy travel but, like most other things that have their advantages, it has created problems
      eminently desirable.—Straits Times, Septem* ber 11.  -  1,022 words
    • 1084 10 Straits Times, September 12. Should circumstances permit it is seldom that visitors to Singapore do not avail themselves of a few hours in the capital of Johore to obtain a casual acquaintance with the neighbouring State. In fact, Johore ought to be one of the best-known parts of
      Straits Times, September 12.  -  1,084 words
    • 1020 10 —Straits Times, September 13. We re published from The Times recently a series of articles on the detection of crime, which comprised an excellent review of the methods of the up to-date police force. TU most striking impression that we gathered from the articles was that of the
      —Straits Times, September 13.  -  1,020 words
    • 909 11 —Straits Times, September 15. Four weeks ago Parliament adjourned after sitting for ten months, and it will not meet again till next year. But though many members of the legislature have retired to the country and to the Continent to enjoy their official emoluments, during the interval
      .—Straits Times, September 15.  -  909 words
    • 906 11 —Straits Times, September 16. With tho best intentions in the world the pacifists who have for years pinned their faith to tho expectation of great results accruing from the peaco conferences at The Hague have to confess that their expectations have made little progress towards realization, indeed
      —Straits Times, September 16. *  -  906 words
    • 1075 11 Halo of impure foods and drugs— Straits Times, September 17. It is not always the most important measures that roceivo tho greatest degree of attention and discussion in a legislative assembly. One often finds tho wordy warfare waxing hottest round some technical point in a bill
      Halo of impure foods and drugs— Straits Times, September 17.  -  1,075 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 95 10 Th* r«mt tree price of ihc Straits Times I* •'’S a year The povt fre- rnce of »!ie Stmts Bwt/iet is Sl4 n. y*»ar *t is not necesrarv to sutrcribe for a year. The sub criptions for shorter per:otls are at the same proporionate rate as for a year. The
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  • 26 10 DEATH. Yko. —On September 16, at ‘2O 12, Lorong Sclat, Singapore. Mrs. Yco Oek Neo. The funeral will take place at Bidadari at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 96 12 In the end, it seems, Singapore is not to have a European volunteer infantry corps. Iho lists which it was decided to open for signatories for both the English and Scottish companies were duly exposed for tho benefit of those who wished to join. Quito a num*>erwilliuK spirits
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  • 1308 12 Tho acting Secretary to the Resident, Perak, supplies us with the following information relating to the forthcomming festivities at Kuala Kangsar:— Tho arrival of his Excellency the High Commissioner at Kuala Kangsar from Penang on Sunday, September
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  • 433 12 According to a Macassar correspondent of the Sourabaya Handelsblad, the big oiltanker Murex of the East Asiatic Oil Company left Macassar for Balik Papan recently after having experienced many vicissitudes. On the voyage from Australia to Balik Papan, six weeks
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  • 682 12 vj.o e lassa? prospectuses. The company property-888 acres situated in the'fo™ he long, narrow voile, on either sidl “fl*. Simpam ltiver in Pahang-from f r i‘‘ W i‘. h ‘“MOO in shares aid ».|,OOO in cash. The latter part of
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  • 125 12 Tho Harvest Thanksgiving and tho 75tli anniversary of the establishment of the r> lish Church in Singapore were made joint occasion of a special service 10 Andrew’s Cathedral on Sunday eu nl .t n Thero was a large congregation and musical part of the service was assisted >
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    • 453 13 5.C.C. Tournament. Thursday's play resulted as follows Championship. Milos boat Mugliston, 6—3, 7—5, Capt. Day beat Leggatt, 6—2, 3—6, 6—4. B. Singles. Dudley beat Chaney, w.o. Dr. Scharenguivel beat Marsh, 6—2, 7—5. C. Class Singlks. Shervington beat Allen, 3—6, 6-3, 7—5. Todd beat Aspinall, 6—4, 4—6, 6—2. Rayner
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    • 605 13 Government Services v. Nomads. Tho League game between the Government ServiccH eleven and the Nomads, played on the Ksplanade on tho 10th inst., could not be call (3d a good one. llotli sides were keen enough, but the football was anything but brilliant, in fact, at times, it was
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    • 109 13 Garrison Ladies Rifle Club. The competition for the Donnet challenge cup took place on the Tanglin Range on Friday, resulting in a win for Mrs. Brickman. Lady Evelyn Young, who has already won the cup twice, was out of form on this occasion. The steady improvement in the
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    • 104 13 Singapore, Rangoon,Calcutta, Ceylon. The members selected to shoot for tho Singapore team against Rangoon, Calcutta, and Ceylon are:—R. W. Chater, Geo. I). Neubronuer, *J. Long, Tan Chow Kim, R. I)o Silva, and three from tho following, depending on what scores they return in the next practice shoot: W.
      104 words
    • 125 13 Garrison Golf Club. The following is tlio result of play for ladies’ monthly modal, Septemb< r: Mrs. Hrewis 52-6 46 (winner) Mrs. Gansloser 47 scr. 47 Mrs. Green 55—8 47 Mrs. C. I. Carver 55 7 48 The following is result of play for tho men's monthly medal for
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  • 364 13 His Excellency the Acting-Governor of Gibraltar, Maj.-Gen. T. Porrott, C. 8., on August 12, bold a farewell inspection parade of tbe R. A. South at Europa. Gen. Porrott, who was accompanied by Lieut. Walk« r, A.D.C., and by Capt. Green, B. M.,
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  • 41 13 (From Our Own Cokrkhpondknt.) Penang, September 11. The Scotsmen of Penang have come to no definite calculation on the question of holding the usual St. Andrew's Ball, and havo refer rod tho matter to the celebration committee.
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  • 123 13 The Saigon papers givo tho programme of tho forthcoming congress of tho Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, to bo held thero from November 8 to 15. Siam will bo officially represented by I)r. H. Campbell Highet, who is a Vico President of the Association. He will con
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  • 121 13 Mr. Bandtnann writes that amongst other attractions that tho Bundmann Opera Company will bo presenting this forthcoming season, will bo several of tho latest London Revues which will bo produced on a scale that will compare very favourably with the original London productions. Ho says: Rag
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  • 539 13 Tbo report of the Kast Malay Coconut Company, Limited, for the period March 20, 1912, to March 81, 1918, Htatcn that the total planted acreage is 1,087.68 acres, containing tho following uumbor of trees Troe* ono to two yearn old, 29,66.7;
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  • 315 13 Further details of the railway murder, uoar Lucknow hliow that Mina Murphy waa struck in tho throat with a heavy knife. She strtilled to reach the communication cord above her head, hut died beforo reaching it. A third clans Indian
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  • 880 15 Berlin, September 10. Tho naval airship L 1, while cruising off Heligoland, was overtaken by a hurricane and forced down to tho sea, where sho burst and was destroyed. Sixteen were drownod and seven rescued. The leader, Lieutenant Hanno-Malt/alm, and Captain Metzing woro drowned. First Lieutenants Wendt and
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  • 236 16 Tho current issue of the F.M.S Government Gazette contains the corrected figures of tbo value of tin and tin-ore exported from the F.M.S. in 1912. Mr. W. J. P. Hume, the Commissioner of Trade and Customs, says —The value of tin
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 238 16 Skptkmbkr 10 Jclunga, Brit, str., Sullivan, Calcutta, A. Gilfillan Vorwaerts, Aus. str., Chinnek, Hongkong, Rauteuberg Den of Glamis, Brit, str., Low’, London, Bou* stead 11 Kut Sang, Brit, str., Bradley, Hongkong, Boustead IS Yeddo, Sw’d. str., Anderson, Gothenburg, A. Gilfillan Gneisenau, Ger. str., Rohm, Bremen. Behn Meyer Ptlcus, Brit,
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    • 236 16 Septkmbkr 10 Nankin, Brit, str., London P. S’ham P’ang Theseus, Brit, str., L’don A’dam Antwerp Osnabruck, Ger. str., Hamburg via ports Kish, Brit, str., H’kong S’hai Japan 11 Fultala, Brit, str., Penang R’goon Calcutta Taroba, Brit, str., Penaug Madras N’tam 12 Den of Glamis, Brit, str., Hongkong via ports
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  • 243 16 Singapo&i, Skptembkr 17, 1913. exchange On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 i 5 Demand 2/4**, Private 0 m/a 2/415 8 m/a 2/45 On Onbmant Bank d/d 23KJ Private 8 m/a 2485 On Franob Bank d/d 2945 Private 8 m/a 800 On India Bank T. T. 174 d/a
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  • 327 16 Sikoapoki, September 17, 1018. MINING. vSae Bayers. Sellers 10 10 Amp&ng 8.50 10.00 1 1 Ayer Weng I.CO 10 10 Belat 2.60 2.75 10 10 Bruang 0.50 1.00 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kanaboi 1.90 2.10 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 14.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin
    327 words
  • 388 16 S UB r F'u KCMO contribute, to the Review ore of his iniuiiubu jungle stories entitled The Further Side f Sileuce.” The scene is in tho Malay State# and the story concerns a young Malay Kna who falls in
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  • 161 16 Per P. and O. Devanha, connecting at Colombo with Malwa, sailing September 19. —Mr. J. G. Barclay, Mr. J. R. Inne«, Miss Ballingal, Mr. and Mrs. Lairil and infant, Mr. E. Macfadyeu, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomlinsou. Mr. T. B. Maxwell, Mr. Bockairy, Mr. Justice Tli ornton
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  • 245 16 The Dutch Consul General at Peking says that the hu h price of China tea is I°®® ascribtd to the profits charged by the nodi t men, which raise it far alnive its orignia level of cost. The outlook for medium sor of black China
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 212 17 it The Choicest of all Choice Waters" IS TANSAN jjßltyij, X J •.'i 1 I. 1, the World-Renowned Japanese Natural Mineral Water. Every Traveller in the FAR EAST knows it and has returned with tales of its LIFE-GIVING properties. Doctors recommend it as. the MOST EASILY DIGESTIBLE water known to
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 362 18 Over 450 Hornsby Engines running upon Estates in Ceylon. Over 400 Hornsby Engines running in the Middle East. ID H (0 Z w H 0 z H 0 w 2 w m w ■>- <8 9 •N 0 0 o 9 8 u it 9 0 a 0 ’B 9
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 97 1 Qbnrral F. M. S. Rubber Export Duty 1 Hari Raya at Allagar Estate 1 To Popularise Cheap Rubber 1 Local Rubber Auctions 1 Rubber in and out of Cochin-China. 1 Rubber Sales 2 August Rubber Returns... 3 Better than Rubbber 8 Mexican Rubber Exports 8 Tblroramb— London Rubber Specials
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    • 160 1 Our attention baa been called to a report in our isaue of tbe 21st ultimo, of tbe third annual general meeting held at Shanghai of the Kota Bahroe Rubber Estates, Limited, containing a report of the Chairman's speech in
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    • 275 1 The annual meeting of the British Borneo Para Rubber Company, Limitted, was held at Glasgow on August 15. The chairman said the difficulty in connection with costs in Borneo was not that labour was unavailable, but that the cost was comparatively too high. He regretted that
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    • 162 1 (From Oor Own Corrbspondint.) London, September 11. An organisation is being formed to control the sale and limit the production of rubber. Substantial support is being accorded. There is a further fall of a penny in tha
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    • 37 1 Fine Para Plantation. Spot Forward First Latex Sept. 10 3/7$ 3/4 2/5 11 3/8 3/4 2/3$ 12 3/7j 3/3 2/3 15 8/7 3/3 2/1$ 16 3/7 8/2$ 2/1
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    • 79 1 For the period from September 19 to October 2, 1913, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with tho rules under the Customs Duties Enactment will bo assessed on tho following
      79 words
    • 138 1 The celebration of llan Raya was carried out on an elaborate scale by tho Javaneso coolies on Allagar Rubber Estate, reports the Times of Malaya. Tho manager, Mr. GordonCroal, had provided plenty of amnsomont for them in tho shape of greasy poles to climb, sack
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    • 711 1 The following letter from Mr. C. S. Hicks, published in Londou financial papers, contains an interesting suggestion in regard to rubber, based upon the plans that were formerly employed to increase the consumption of tea:— As we are
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    • 300 1 At Tuesday's auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, tbore were offered for sale 591.63 piculs or 78,884 lbs. and sold 489.33 piculs or 65,244 lbs. The pricos realised were: Sheet Smoked 97 to 1122 Unsmokod 90 106 Crepe No. 1 112 119 No. 2
      300 words
    • 188 1 A roport (or 1912, on tbo trade of Saigon, gives a few details of a rubber growing district towards which little thought is ever turned. From tho statements set forth it appears that there are about 170,000 acres of rubber estates in Cochin-China, of
      188 words
    • 1235 2 Mr. Theodore C. Dent/, tobacco broker, of Amsterdam, has just issued an interesting pamphlet entitled, How to Sell Rubber, in the courso of which lie: forward the suggestion that private and forward sales should be abolished, and the Dutch inscription sale system
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    • 1125 2 We take the following from The Financier of August 21: The most conspicuous feature in Mincing Lane opinion—if such an entity exists —concerning the methods adopted for the marketing of rubber is that no change is likely materially to alter matters. The proposal just ventured‘upon, with some
      1,125 words
    • 255 2 The directors of the Jugra Land and Rubber Estates, Limited, report for the year ended April 30, 1913, that since the close of the financial year the Government survey has been completed, showing the area belonging to this company to be acres, to which has
      255 words
    • 1964 2 i extraordinary general meeting held at the Johore Hotel, Johoro Bham on Sunday, September 7, at 10 a.iu wi, tlioro wore present, Mr. E. D. Brvce in chair, Messrs. A. Veaterdal, H. t A. L. buyers, J. Bruce, Bruce
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    • 161 3 Sembrong.—l,oss lbs. Kuala Sawah. —3,197 lbs. Ayer Tawah.—6,Boo lbs. Gula Kalumpong.—s6,Bso lbs. Tebong.—l6,ooo lbs. Cbcmpcdak.—s,ooo lbs. Consolidated R.—6,250 lbs. Anglo-Dutch (Java). —570 lbs. Chernor United.—7.lss lbs. Kota Babroe. —19,827 lbs. Sungoi Duri.— 4,825 lbs. Shanghai Sumatra. —13,396 lbs. Samagoga. —4,160 lbs. A1ma.—8,228 lbs. Bukit T0h.—4,002 lbs. Shanghai
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    • 182 3 An extraordinary general meeting of the Dangan Rubber Company, Limited, was held on August 15, at Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C., for the purpose of confirming resolutions providing for the reconstruction of the undertaking on terms agreed to at a meeting held on duly 81 last. Mr.
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    • 59 3 At tho London drug auction, held in tho end of August, 59 hales of dohoro Ipecacuanha met with a remarkably keen demand for the Continent at from H;i > to 9/8 per lb., the consignment realising over £2,000. Our correspondent informs us that this drug is grov,
      59 words
    • 1529 3 Directorial Dissensions. Tho third ordinary general mooting of tho Besocki Plantations, Limited, was hold on August 22, at tho Cannon Stroct Hotel, K.C., the Il{yi Hod ley Strutt (chairman of tho company) presiding. The Chairman, after doscribing at somo length tho naturo of
      1,529 words
    • 129 3 A report on tho trade of Mexico in 1912 states that tho export of rubber, including ounyulo, shows a considerable decrease as compared with botli tho preceding years. Tho following figures show tho amount and value of rubber and t»u.iyule exported during the last three fiscal years:—
      129 words
    • 1757 4 pl l Par Dividend* B t ook Singapore Aatbr. nn i Mg Malatah Bxohango Fraser and Oo.s rW Marked 2/. 1018.1012. Comtai™. a*” o c August 20. September 17. 85,000 2/• fy. paid B%for
      1,757 words