The Straits Budget, 11 September 1913

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXVII NO. 2900. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Singapore. Thursday, September 11. 1913. FSTABUSHIO OVER HALF A CiNTVRV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 315 1 LEADERS— The Arming of Australia 12 The Balkan Business 12 Panama-Pacific Exhibition 12-13 Congress of Medicine 13 The Prosperity of Japan 13 Folklore 13*14 Local and General Local and Personal 1*2 The Dutch Indies 3*4 Noises and Nerves 4 .lapanesc in Formosa 4 The Children’s Aid Society
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  • 4769 1 Mr. Justice Innes leaves for homo oa September 20. Tho Crown Prince of Johorc has been visiting the Norfolk Broads. The output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during August was 724 piculs. Owing to thecxistenco of cholora, Swatow has been declared an infected port. Tho output
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  • 858 4 In tho Kuala Lumpur police-court, on Tuesday, L. Transenster, tho well-known tennis player of Hantau Panjang Estate, Kuala Selangor, was charged with assaulting Wm. G. Pullen, manager of the F.M.S. Railway Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, on tho night of Saturday,
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  • 356 4 llow to roduco street noises is becoming every year a more serious problem. The Londoner to a great extent does not notice it, but his health does. Doctors say that many nervous complaints are due to the roar of our streets. The
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  • 311 4 The Asahi has published the following statement made by a certain Japanese who has just returned from Formosa: —The campaign against the aborigines which is now in progress is on a very large scale. The district against which tho campaign was
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  • 136 4 A Sikh policeman, Sliobeg Singh, pleaded guilty, in the second court, yesterday, when charged with using abusive language to a superior officer, with con duct prejudicial to discipline, with using abusive language to an inspector and passengers in a tramcar and with absenting himself from duty on
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  • 628 4 The annual general meeting 0 f that admirable undenominational ebaritv Children’s Aid Society, is fixed to be held* the Municipal Board Hoorn on Friday n lxt at 10.80, when H.E. the Governor will t a th« chair. Tbe committee
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  • 210 4 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, September The meeting of Georgetown Dispensary, Ltd., approved of an increase of capital trom |75,00() to 8125,000, by the creation ot 825 shares. The net profit for the year wa. 80,902. A dividend was declared of WP 0 cent., and a bonus to
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  • 1306 5 Wc have already referred to the report of Mr. Lewton-Brain on F.M.S. Agriculture in 1912, but omitted some of the points upon which tho Director of tho Agricultural Dopartmeut touched. Following will bo found a tew of tho more
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  • 207 5 A correspondent of tho Sourabaya Handelsblad, telegraphing to that paper from Macassar, states: The Court of Justice commenced the hearing on August 25 of the case in which David Alfred Oehlers aged 27 is accused of having shot dead on January 4 last with a Winchester
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  • 116 5 It is pointed out in the annual report on the Straits Settlements police that gambling in Chiuose clubs seems to be on tho increase owing no doubt to tho difficulty the police have in getting a conviction against persons arrested in these placeH. Five hundred and
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  • 391 5 Dr. T. D. Kennedy has fowarded us tho following results of the recent mid term examinations held at tho Straits and F.M.S. Government Medical School:— Hospital Assistant Course: —(Elementary Anatomy and Physiology.) S. Sundram, C. Kanapathypillai, K. Muttaiya, M. Kanapatbypillai, 1.
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  • 214 5 Beforo Mr. Firmstonein tho District Court, on Friday, Mr. Marsh, tho Municipal Accountant, mado application for uu order against tho ownor of lot 298-2, Kampong Kapur, for tho recovery of tho costs to which tho Municipal Commissioners had boon put in abating a nuisance on tho
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  • 84 5 Tho mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during tho week ending August 80, there were 211 deaths (164 males, 47 females) giving a ratio per mille of population of 84.18. Malarial fever accounted for 29 deaths, phthisis 28, convulsions
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  • 866 5 We tnk«> the following from tho last issue of the Sarawak Government Gazette, dated 1stinst:— Thu Dyaks living in a branch of tho Rejang river UAiued Itulloll situated about 200 miles from the sea have <»ivuu tumble of late
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  • 2513 6 A meeting of the Legislative Council was 1 hold on Friday afternoon. H. E. tho Gov- 1 ernor (Sir A. H. Young, K.C.M.G.) presided j and the other members present wero the 1 Colonial Secretary (the Hon. R.
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  • 104 6 At Kua la Lumpur .on September 3 seventyone Indian recruits were sentenced by the magistrate to a term of three months' rigorous imprisonment on each of tho following charges:—(l) disobedience of orders, and (2) conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, the sentences to run
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  • 457 6 The eighth annual report of the directors of Rahman Tin Company, submitted to tl 2 ordinary general meeting of shareholders m beheld in the registered office of the con, panv, 105 West George Street, Glasgow on W eunesday,
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  • 140 6 At the last monthly council meeting of tho Perak Chamber of Mines, held on August it was pointed out that under the Labour Code of 1912, hospital fees from mining coolies could not be collected. The council was informed that Government intend to stop charging fees
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  • 107 6 In tho first court on Monday 0 Stout was fined $25 and costs for < reduce the speed of his motor car .j cncc proaching a dangerous corner. I R r was to the effect that Mr. Stoutdroy at an excessive speed along H ,c t j, L
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  • 1384 7 Mr. W. A. Cuscaden’s annual report on the Straits Settlements police force for the year 1912, as well as that of the Chief Police Officer, Capt. A. R. Chancellor, were laid before the Legislative Council on Friday afternoon. Both are
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  • 319 7 Some results of measures taken against lieri-beri in British Malaya formed the subject of a paper read before the Tropical Medicine section of the Imperial Medical Congress by Mr. W. L. Ilraddou. Epidemiclogically, he said, and speaking broadly, beriberi amongst rice-eating natives was due to nothing more
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  • 735 7 An extraordinary general meeting of the Singapore Poultry and Dairy Farm, Limited, was held on Friday, at the registered offices of tho compauy, 5, Malacca Street. Mr. Albert C. Davis, managing director, was in the chair and others present wero Messrs.
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  • 70 7 Following is a final list of subscriptions to the Children’s Aid Society for the year ending August 81, 1918 Amount previously aeknow lodged $9,617.88 Liquidator, St. Helena Lubber Co. Ltd. 90*68 St. Andrew’s Cathedral collection. 19.00 Liquidator, Henrietta Lubber Estates Ltd. 88.60 M. I). A. (Postal Order
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  • 635 7 A wtory of lia/.an]ouH adventure has been told during tho week-end by the crow of tho Kcongwai, the N.D.L. steamer which was towed into Singapore on Saturday night in a disabled condition. Tho circumstanco of tho mishap and
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  • 190 7 Vancouver (8.C.), Government immigra] tiou officials arc continuing the examination of eight Japanese who reached Vancouver by Htcamor from Della Della, an up-coast village. They had come from Japan aboard a sampan with twenty-seven all told. The vessel, only about sixty feet over all,
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  • 1292 10 A corre spondent writing from Ching Yuen, China, on August 26, relates the following incident in the columns of the Hongkong Daily Press: W l5 le ft Pakong Han yesterday at 1 o'clock and started up river. On
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  • 455 10 The R.G.A. sports held at Blakan Mati yesterday proved to be a very enjoyable function for the considerable number of visitors who made the passage over to the island. Among those to whom Lieut.-Col. Brownlow, C.K.A., and Mrs. Brownlow acted as host and
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  • 652 10 An important statement as to the opium trade with China was made by Lord Crewe and Sir E. Grey to an inlluential deputation which urged tho ending of the traffic. The proceedings were private, but an official report was issued on
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  • 83 10 (From Ol’r Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, September 5. The greater part of the village of Gedang Lallang, near Serein ban, has been burnt down. Owing to the rapidity with which the flames from the fire, which originally occurred iu an at tap house, spread to
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  • 122 10 The Chancellor of the Exchequer on August 12 received an inlluential deputation of members of Parliament and others who asked that an annual sum from the interest on the Boxer Indemnity should be devoted to the establish ment of a British I'nivt rsity at Hankow in Central
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  • 539 10 Rkuthk's Telegram. London, September The dead in the Midland Hailway accuW near Hawes have so fur not been ideutifi i Later thirteen bodies were recovered U Ten passengers were seriously injur,.,, anions them Sir Arthur bou<das J 7Minister
    Rkuthk's Telegram.  -  539 words
  • 168 10 We have heard a lot lately from Europe o strikes and labour troubles and the consequent dislocation of trade, says the Strai Echo. In the East, fortunately, we seldom have to resort to such drastic measure, to obtain a fair hearing for the a l
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  • 14 11 [The Straits Times is not responsible for tue opinions of its correspondents. J
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  • 117 11 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I should like to say one word in sup* port of your correspondent in your to-dav’s «sue with regard to the Itari Raya, or Moftiuinedan New Year, being a public holiday which if, I remember right, was promised and
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  • 169 11 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, Kindly allow me a little space in your aper to call the attention of tho authorities o a matter which is causing no little inconvenience to certain trading classes in Malacca. In the Municipal notice displayed on the
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  • 482 11 The two K.0.Y.L.1. privates, John Pritchard and Sydney Spence, who were charged the other day with breaking into the premises of Messrs. Whitcaway. Laidlawand Co. during the early hours of Sunday morning, August HI, were brought before Mr. Firmstone in the
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  • 517 11 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Messrs, h rascr and Co.'s share circular, dated the 3rd inst., states:— We have another dull week’s business to report with little movement of importance in quotations. The dealings in local rubbers beinj' very small leave this section practically unchanged while
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  • 261 11 We havo received from tho Imperial Japanese Consul, a copy of the thirteenth issue of the Financial and Economic Annual of Japan which contains, as usual, a mass of comprehensive statistics and information relative to the finance, trade, and industries of the Island Empire, besides a number of
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  • 452 11 On Monday morning Mr. Justice Rraddell presided for the first time in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, siuco his appointment as the Chief Judicial Commissioner of the F.M.S. Upon his Lordship taking his seat upon tho bench, states tho Malay Mail,
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  • 288 11 Dr. P. F. Ilubrccht, a Dutch geologist and a member of the Dutch expedition which lately scaled the peak of Mount Wilholmiuu, in Dutch New Guinea, is now on his way to Holland, writes tho Central News New York correspondent, and is
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  • 66 11 There is nothing new under tho sun, and high class dentistry is no mow novel than skilful surgery. An American professor has excavated some pro Incan •duill in Ecuador containing both crowned with gold caps and with gold fillings equal to the best work of modern dentists.” Moreover,
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  • 332 11 Wo regret to have to announce the sudden death, at a late hour on Friday night, of Mons. Jean L'haiTanjon, which occurred on I’ulau Tjitliiu, close to Singapore, where ho was engaged in planting. M. ChatTuujou came to
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  • 436 11 The hearing of the charge against Mr. Fred fiiiiider of committing a breach of tho Betting Enactment at Taiping Knees catuu on at Taiping before .Mr. M. B. Shelley. Much interest was taken in the proceedings, and the court was
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  • 46 12 Wilcox. On August I*2, at Sutton, the wife of Harold hatterton Wilcox, of a daughter. Millbr-M.w kay.- On July 27, at London, to Mr and .Mrs. H. Millor-Mackay, a son. Ykow —On September 7, at Singapore, tho wife of Yeow Cheng Liad, of a daughter.
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  • 89 12 Bisska Bishop. —On August 14, at London, Janies Waldron Biissey, to Olga Mary Martyn, d uighter of late K. Bishop, of Yokohama Woonw i:u—Bkll.— On September 7, 1913, at tin- Church of St. Mary, the Virgiu, Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S., before the Rev. W S Kelley and .Mr. Caspar Ludwig
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1026 12 —Straits Times, Sepoember 4. Many fears have recently been expressed that the Australian Commonwealth Defence Act, which came into full operation two years ago, would ultimately prove a failure because it was argued that a compulsory system of training was opposed to the conscience of the
      ,—Straits Times, Sepoember 4.  -  1,026 words
    • 830 12 Straits Times, September 5. It is almost safe now to express relief at the state of things iu the Balkans. The fear that the re-division of the spoils of war would lead to another bloody process of arbitrament by battle need apparently no longer be entertained. Servia
      Straits Times, September 5.  -  830 words
    • 917 12 Straits Times, September 6. What a tremendous amount of twaddl has been written within the past few weeks of the refusal of the British Government to participate in the Panama Exhibition at San Francisco in 1914. The decision has started the American yellow press on the war path
      Straits Times, September 6.  -  917 words
    • 879 13 practically every disease known.—Straits Times, September 8. It is estimated that over six thousand medical men from twenty eight countries attended the seventeenth International Congress of Medici ue which has just concluded its labours in London. It was divided into twenty-six sections or subsections with a view
      practically every disease known.—Straits Times, September 8.  -  879 words
    • 1076 13 KOTernmont of the country. —Struts Times, September 9. Invested with a wealth of detail that is almost appalling, there reaches us through the Imperial Japanese Consul lioro the thirteenth Financial and Economic Annual of Japan prepared in tho Department of Financo. It is a survey of
      KOTernmont of the country.—Struts Times, September 9.  -  1,076 words
    • 928 13 among the folklore of Malaya.—Straits Times, September 10. It is only witliiu tlio last century or so that folklore has been embraced by savants as a scientific correlation to the study of anthropology and it is scarcely half that time since any organised attempt of conosquonco was made to
      among the folklore of Malaya.—Straits Times, September 10.  -  928 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 The Post tree price of the Straits Times in #38 a year The |> fre* price of the Straits HuJget it $14 a year It it 1.1 i.ecestarv to subscribe for a year. The tub criptioiib for shorter periods are at the tame proporionate rate at for a year. The
      92 words

  • 169 14 Tho directors’ report to the sliareliolders in the Selangor ltiver Tin Co., Ltd., to be present* d at a meeting to be held on the 15th instant, stages ;—Your directors submit herewith the company’s accounts for the period ended June ;JO, 1918. The accounts show a
    169 words
  • 172 14 A notable development in the shipping traffic between the Tinted Kingdom and Australia is foro-shadowt d, says the Belfast correspond! ntof the Morning i’ost, by a contract plac< <1 witli Messrs. Workmau, Clark and Co. by Messrs. Alfred Holt and Sons for two new Missels of about
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  • 2282 14 The fifth assizes of the year opened in the Supreme Court, on Tuesday, with the Chief Justice (Sir \V. 11. Hyndman Jones) on tin* bench. Thocalendar contains a number of very serious charges, aud several relating to casts
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  • 211 14 At a meeting of the entertainment committee at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday the programme of the arrangements for the visit of H.M.S. Sw’iftsure was adopted, subject to its meeting the views of H.E. the Hear Admiral aud the Captain of the Swiftsure. Sub-committees
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    • 878 15 S.C.C. Tournament. The results of Thursday’s play arc as follow s: Championship Pairs. Terrel and Terrel beat Dunn and Stout, 6-2, 6-8. Hansford and Fulcher boat Jones and Wishart, 6—4, 6—1. Howe and Pinches beat Seth and Dyne, 4.-6, 6—4,6—0. B Doubles. Hayner and Thomson beat Millard and
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    • 218 15 Jockey Club and Frank Wootton. There was another racing sensation on August 18, when during tho mooting at Kempton Park Mr. Gant, tho well-known owner, asked tho Stewards to inquire into the running of his horse Light Charge, not with respect to tho time when it won the
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    • 121 15 S-L.R.A. Tho Singapore Ladies’ Rifle Association made tho following score in tire September competition of tho Murray Trophy: 200 yds. Miss Kerr 88 Mrs. Gattey 28 Venning Thomas 26 Brickmann 25 Ferguson-Davie... 28 Miller 28 158 Miss Tomlinson won the September Spoon, Scores: oi 03 ct ’I otal.
      121 words
    • 242 15 Singapore Golf Club. The September monthly medal was played on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a W’in for Mr. Geoffrey C. Procter who returned a nett score of 77. Tho swoop on Saturday was won by Mr. Secular and on Sunday by Mr. It. L. L. BraUdcll. Many
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    • 373 15 K.O.Y.L.I. (I) v. K.O.Y.L.I. (2). The first and socond elevens of the K.O.Y.L.I. faced each other on the ground at Tanglin Barracks on Saturday, when, despite the fact that thcro was no score at half time, the senior team proved successful by four goals to nil. It was not
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  • 220 15 The Chairman, Burma Chamber of Commerce, has sent a letter to the Secretary, Government of Burma, on the desirability of registering ricksha coolies. The letter is in the following terms: Tho attention of my committee has been drawn to the fact that the registration of ricksha
    220 words
  • 614 15 As briefly mentioned in our col 11 rutiH on Saturday, a dinner was giveu by the Chief j Polico Officer, Major 11. Harry do llaniol, and the Assistant Supciiutcndcnts of Police, at the I-;, and O. Hotel, Penang, on Thursday
    614 words
  • 261 15 Newspapers from Toukm publish columns of telegrams referring to tremendous Hoods which have damaged tho country. All tho low ly lands in tho region of tho Gulf of Tonkin have suffered. In a number of okices the villages havo been under three feet of water, while in
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  • 1066 17 Berlin, Soptembor 8. The Austrian groat banks have taken over £1,200,000 of six per cent. Chinese treasury bonds, guaranteed through tho tax on immovables. With tho proceeds, three cruisers aro to be built in a Trieste yard. Thu wedding of King Manuel and Princess Augustine Victoria, of Hohenzollern,
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  • 228 18 A meeting was held at the Moslem Association, on Monday night, to consider measures to be adopted in connection with asking Government to declare annually Hari Rttya Puasa and Hari Raya Haji as holidays. Syed Abdulrahman AlkafT, the President of the Association, was in the chair, and
    228 words
  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 260 18 Skptkmukr 8 Seang Choon, Brit, str., Larkins, Rangoon, Gioug Ho Dunolly, Brit, str., Taylor, Calcutta, P. Simons Lovat, Brit, str., Glegg, Hongkong, Boustead Liberia, Gcr. str., Schroeder, Hamburg, Belin Meyer 4 Oanfa, Brit, str., Lycett, Liverpool, W. Mansfield Arcadia, Brit, str., Barcham, Shanghai, P. k O. Co. Fultala, Brit,
      260 words
    • 201 18 Skptkmukr 3 Kokuto Maru, Jap. str., B’via Sr’ang S’baya 4 Kangean, Dut. str., Tanjong Pandan Torilla, Rrit. str., Calcutta via Penang Tango Maru, Jap. str., H’kong, it Japan INankai Maru, Jap. str., Cheribon Liberia, Ger. str., H’kong Shanghai Japan Seang Choon. Brit, str., H’K Amoy S’tow 5 Gant a,
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  • 246 18 Sinqaporb, Skptkmuku 10, 1913. EXCHANQE On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4g Demand 2/4 T l ff Private 6 m/s 2/4$ 8 m/s 2/4 On Gbrmavt Bank d/d 288 Private 3 m/s 248$ On Franob Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/s 299$ On India Bank T. T. 174
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  • 335 18 Sinoapor* Skftkmukr 10, 1913. MINING. VaSj Barn. Sellers 10 10 Ampang 8.00 9.50 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.20 10 10 Belat 2.45 2.e0 10 10 Bruang 0.50 1.C0 10 10 Kampav par 10 10 Kanaboi 1.90 2.10 10 10 Kinta Association 13.50 14.50 £1 £1 Kinta Tin
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  • 357 18 At 0 *r 3 oHftiDK 1"M ia London, o» August 18, the directors of tlu-California Oil holds, Limited, decided to make the followin« announcement Subject to the approval j the shareholders in gciienl mcetin«» to Ikcalled for that purpose, the directors o
    357 words
  • 158 18 Per P. au<l O. Devauha, connecting at Colombo with M-ilwa, sailing September 19. —Mr. J. G. 1> uelay, Mr. .T. R. Innes, Miss Ballingal, Mr. and Mrs. Laird anil infant, Mr. E. Mi.efadyeu, Mr. and Mrs. >• Tomlinson. Per P. and O. Xam;in, sailing September 10.—Mr. X.
    158 words
  • 178 18 Falling trees appear to constitute a UI Y real danger in some of the roads on the out skirts of the town. There was a ,ulft in Orchard Road a short while £l when a party of motorists had a very !ltU row escape, a t;eo falling on
    178 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 155 19 The Choicest of all Choice Waters" tt Wr>.Si A IS tfr f'* 42** V TANSAN the World-Renowned Japanese Natural Mineral Water. Every Traveller in the FAR knows it and has returned *with tales of its LIFE-GIVING properties. Doctors recommend it as the MOST EASILY DIGESTIBLE water known to icience. Everyone
      155 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 333 20 Over 450 Hornsby Engines running upon Estates in Ceylon. Over 400 Hornsby Engines running in the Middle East. l/l w z l/l u N o z z N 0 w z u I I v/ 9 0 m SO N 0 fl 9 n n .a. 0 s v 0
      333 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 58 1 General Local Rubber Auctions 1 Rubber Exports During August 1 Assault ou a Sarawak Planter 2 August Rubber Returns... 3 Telegrams— London Rubber Auction 1 Loudon Rubber Market 1 CORRESPONDENCE Rubber Costs 2 Meetings and Reports—•Timali Rubber Estate 1 Merbau (Selangor) Rubber 1 Kota Tinggi Estate 3 Hongkong (Selangor)
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    • 303 1 At Tuesday’s auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, there were offered for sale 546.80 piculs or 72,907 lbs. and sold 503.99 piculs or 67,199 lbs. The prices realised were:— Sheet Smoked $ll4 to 9133 Unsmoked 100 119 Crepe No. 1 125 130 No. 2
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    • 317 1 (From Our Own Correspondknt.) London, September 9. Business at to day’s auctions was again slow, there being a considerable decrease in the quantity put up. Seven hundred and eighty three tons of plantation were offered for sale, of which
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    • 38 1 Fine Para Plantation. Spot Forward First Latex Sept. 3 3/8$ 3/4} 2/6 4 8/B.J 3/4} 2/5} 5 3/8 8/31 2/6} 6 3/8 3/3} 2/5 9 3/7} 3/4} 2 IH
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    • 596 1 JIMAH RUBBER ESTATE. Profits Swallowed up by Deficiency Account." The report of tho directors of Jimah Rubber Estate, Ltd., to be presented to the third annual general meeting of the shareholders, in tho Exchange Buildings on Wednesday, 17th inst., at 12 o’clock noon, is as follows: Your directors have pleasuro
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    • 412 1 Mr. Archibald Urey, presiding at tho meeting of tho Merbau (Selangor) I Jobber Company, Limited, on August 17, said tho accountH covered a jKsricxJ of 1H months, iih operations wore commenced in Julv, 1911. At the statutory mooting they stated that it
      412 words
    • 40 1 The Commissioner of Trade and Customs reports that the export of rubber from Port Swottenham to different places during August, 191.4, was as follows: I'nited Kingdom Hdfi.f>‘2 tons. Kurope 129.24 Ceylon 47.H0 Straits Settlements H 0.27
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    • 3512 2 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The most pertinent matter concerning the rubber plantation industry, just now, is the reduction of costs, and the following are a few suggestions which may perhaps serve as indications towards certain economies that
      3,512 words
    • 251 2 A case of assault on Mr. D. E. Baxter, of the Sungei Tengali Rubber Estate, Sarawak, by a Javanese coolie has beeu recently before the courts. It appears that Mr. Baxter was going round inspecting one morning a few days ago and on arriving at
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    • 1402 3 The third ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on August 14, at the Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, E.C., Mr. L. Byron Peters (chairman) presiding. The Chairman said: Y r
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    • 553 3 The annual general meeting of Hongkong (Selangor) Rubber, Limited, was held on August 13, at the Institute of Directors, 4 Corbet-court, Graccchureh street, E.C., Mr. W. Arthur Addinsell (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: In moving the adoption of the
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    • 958 3 Bute.—1,248 lbs. Jimah.— 8,361 lbs. Lendu. —6,700 lbs. Kukub.—0,328 lbs. Rermas.—7,270 lbs. Cheng. —10,550 lbs. Sungalu.— 2,085 lbs. Rembia. —10,746 lbs. Somambu.— 4,402 lbs. Loo bury.—32,060 lbs. Lanadron. —81,065 lbs. Senawaug.—18,738 lbs. Tanali Merab. —810 lbs. Batu Yillago.—2,698 lbs. Sumatra l‘ara.—15,000 lbs. Majedio (Johoro). —2,852 lbs. Pengkalan
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    • 1788 4 Dividend. Ualh*m Marked 2/- Willi 85,000 2/- !j. paid B%for 31/12/11 Allagar —2- 2/4 40,000 fy. paid 16% Alor Pongsu 1* 1* 600,000 fy. paid Anglo Java 4/9 5/9 165,000 fy. paid Anglo-Jobore Bat...
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