The Straits Budget, 26 June 1913

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXVII NO. 2889. Singapore, Thursday. June 26, 1913. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 343 1 LEADERS— Tibet and the Dragon 10 Haj Pilgrims 10 The Cathedral s Needs ...10-11 The Channel Tunnellers 11 Gentlemen of the Jury 11 Assimilation 12 Local and General Local and Personal 1-2 Marconi Debate 3 Expenditure on Chinese Funeral... 3 The Cathedral Fete 5 Penny Postage 5
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  • 4813 1 The F.M.S. are now advertised in the Daily Mail by the Malay States Information Agency. The pedal ricksha invented by Mr. Christopher Pilkington has received patent rights in Pahang. The Resident of Selangor, the Hon. E. G. Broadrick, goes on leave the first week m August. The
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    • 346 4 Match at Kuala Lumpur. The return lawn tennis match betwcou Gaunt and Day v. Trasenter aud Young was played in line weather on Friday, on the Kuala Lumpur, in the presence of a large attendance of spectators, including Sir Edward and Lady Brockman. It will bo remembered
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    • 419 4 Garrison Golf Club. The monthly medal competition for June resulted as follow Captain Day 83 7 76 Lieut. Thorp 89 12 77 C. F. Green 83 4 79 Captain Chancellor 93 12 81 Lieut. Sykes 99 15 84 Major Pinches 91 6 85 Captain iliekling 93 6 87 Lieut.
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    • 885 4 Garrison Ladies’ Rifle Club. The tie for the Donnet Challenge Cup was shot off on Friday at the Tanglin Range and was won by La Jy Evelyn Young, with tie shots 5.3.4, a total of 12 points, as against Mrs. Brickman’s 3.4.4, a total of 11 points. Lady
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    • 232 4 S.C.C. v. S.R.C. This match was played ou the Esplanade on Saturday. Scores:— S.C.C. A. S. Gardiner c Armstrong b G. Oehlers 1 E. W. Day b W. Keyt 39 G. C. Clarke c Oorloff b G. Oehlers 31 J. Scharenguivcl lbw G. Oehlers 11 S. Ollerhead b V.
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    • 384 4 S.C.C. Tournament. follow *****9 M day 8 w. m Single Handicap. Winfield scr. boat Critton 2, 21—li 2,21-i: W 8h b#at K B1 ““wcll 0W0 21-14"' Lyal1 W be t J> Bond scr. j- AMo11 2 beat A A. Armstroao 2 21— 2o! MaCkai 9Cr bC F< E<
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  • 351 4 It has now been definitely decided that the new Graving Doc k at Keppel Harbonr is to be opened on August 26. The act will be: ceremoniously performed by H. E. the Governor and the dock will be christened King's Dock.
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  • 856 5 Tlu preliminaries for tho proposod jubilee f( ju aid of St. Andrew’s Cathedral funds arranged at the meeting of the congreNationi held in the hall of tho Y.M.C.A., Thursday evening. The Hon. R. J. Wilkin- u
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  • 627 5 Sir John Heuniker-Heaton, who did such servico iu the tight for a penny post throughout the British Empire, returns to the subject in the Hoviow of Reviews, declaring that the hour has struck for the grand yet simple assertion of the brotherhood
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  • 215 5 We royret to announce tho death, which took placoat his residence in Owen Road, on Saturday, of Mr. Hi nest dames Gomes, youngest son of the late Rev. W. 11. Gomes, 15. I >., and Mrs. Gomes. The deceased had been ailing for some
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  • 650 5 There was a good attendance at tho Theatre Royal on Thursday to witness the boxing tournament, arranged by Mr. Howell, with the object of reviving interest in the noblo art in Singaporo and tho F.M.S. It was decisivo enough and determined, but, from
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  • 221 5 Tan Cheok hone, a Ifylam who was caught in the act of breaking into the Hotel Van Wijk was, on Tuesday, in the District Court, sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment. A jagah i mployed I at the hotel stated that in the early
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  • 267 5 The half-yearly statement of accounts of the Straits Trading Company, for the period ended March .'ll last, reads as follows: After writing oil depreciation and making provision for bad and doubtful debts, the net profits amount to 9171,247.92,
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  • 274 5 On I'riday, in the District court, Wang Kay Chow was charged with robbiug a coolie named Leu Ah Khim of 92, u hat and sarno keys, lie pleaded guilty so far as tho hat was concerned, but declared that some other men who were mixed up
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  • 182 5 Local sportsmen, and follow* rs of tlio tistic art in particular, will bo interested to hear of the success in India of I'rivato K. <i. Wamo, the clever littlo featherweight champion bo a r of the Muffs, which regiment is now station* dat Wellington, Madras. War
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  • 95 5 In connection with 8ir W, (i. Armstrong, N\ hitworth and Co.'s new shipyard at W alker, which is to be known as the Armstrong yard, it may be noted, says the L. and K\press, that the Malaya, presented to the Navy by the Fcdcrnt.d Malay States, will be
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  • 1178 6 The flotation of Malayan Collieries, Ltd., uo doubt, is responsible for the great attention that is being paid at the moment to the question of fuel supply in the F.M.S.— particularly among the biggest consumers, the
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  • 14 6 (The Straits Times is not responsible fo» ibo o pinions of its correspondent
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  • 181 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —An effort is being made at the instance of the Women’s Christian Temperance l niou, to quicken publie interest in the ternperauce question in Malaya. It is felt that, in the interest of all classes of the community in
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  • 383 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—A few days ago I returned from the F.M.S., where 1 had occasion to see the deplorable state into which some of the formerly splendid roads have fallen. The P.W.D. report recently published in the F.M.S. Gazette blames the
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  • 467 6 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir. 1 have been collecting funds for the purposes of giviug more frequent musical afternoons iu the public gardens and else- where, fur tlx- benefit of the children and European nursos, who appear to be multiplying monthly, and I shall
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  • 195 6 Time-honoured and picturesque ceremonies in con nee ion with the impending marriage of Mr. Mahomed Saleh Marican, son of Mr. K. E. Ahmad Marican, were carried out on Monday, which was the third day of the celebrations. In the course of the day about 1,200 of the
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  • 144 6 The number of mail bags and packets dealt with by Hongkong Post (Mice last year was 254,617, an increase of 17,292. There is a steady development in the postal business of the colony. Registered articles and parcels a mounted to 992,977. Revenue amounted to #401,054 and expenditure
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  • 540 6 If a dog is ill, if it happens to coutract of the prevalent skin diseases here if y breaks a limb or a rib, the owner "eneran 1 has only one remedy in his mind y shooting or
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  • 191 6 We are informed that on Saturday, th* Singapore Shorthand Writers of Sir Isaac Pitman System assembled at Rallies Institu tion, kindly placed at their disposal by Mr. C. M. Phillips, the principal, to hear an address on the life of the Father of Phono gtapliy. it was
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  • 109 6 Mr. Corbett Wilson is tho first Englishman to cross the Alps on a Bleriot monoplane, lie accomplished the feat, accompanied by a mechanic, on May 21. The Aero Club promptly arranged a reception in his honoiu. and Mr. Wilson has received hearty e«m gratulations from friends
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  • 243 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s share circular dated .June 18 states. 'our market has been a declining one throughout the week and all rubbers Lave b,. t n marked down considerably. Industrials nd mining shares have also been Hat. Ui'UBKR. —Anglo Javas
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  • 305 9 Singapore, June 21, 1913. The market opened slightly firmer this wit k. but after a very short reactiou prices have dropped heavily daily. Locals have iieeu very quiet with buyers holding oil, anil business in -tellings has again been practically routined to sales to
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  • 241 9 1 1.* wedding took place on May 27, at the lards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, of Mr. Hamilton Frederick Ward, late Irish Guards, 'd Nairobi, 13. E. Africa, and Miss Violet Euid helticld, elder daughter of Mr. Henry Con"ay Beltield, C.M.G., Governor aud Com-iiiandfi-in Chief of the
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  • 467 9 In the Appeal Court on the 18th inst. arguments were heard in the appeal at the in stance of engadasalam Chetty and Sivaraman Chetty (as administrators of the late R. M. C. A. L. Allagappa Chetty) against Mr. Justice Fbden’s decisiou
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  • 182 9 lu order to encourage the various branches of the ship'* company to become profit*it ut iu boat drill, Captain Healey, with tho officers and engineers of the Orsova, recently decided to inaugurate a series of boat races amongst the crew. A sum of money was
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  • 181 9 A Chinaman named Loh Guan, of Kan* pong Kapur, who was charged the other day in the District Court with making false statements in the course of au application for bail on behalf of a friend, appeared before the District Judge, on Tuesday, on the
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  • 832 9 Particulars have been received by Beuter’s agency of the successful expedition of Dr. A. F R. Wollaston, who lias for the first time penetrated to the great snow range of Now Guinea and ascended
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  • 599 9 The shareholders of tho Kenong Dredging Company, Limited, arc informed, in a circular issued by tho secretaries, that tho King of Siam has approved of the issue of a lease for 820 acres adjoining the company’s present property at Kenong, as well
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  • 172 9 I he Canadian I'acilic Kail way llonipaDy s geueral trallic agent in Hongkong advises i < :eeipt at 7 ukohama of a wireless message from tlio Empress of Ihissia statin;* that the steamer expected Lo arrive at Vietoria, Jt.C., at 0 a. hi. on tilt!
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  • 90 9 The mortality ietunis for Singapore 1 issued by the Uegistraroi Mirths and Heaths show that, during tin- wr» k ending .lime I I, there were 2.72 deaths 1 170 males. 70 females) giving a ratio per millc of jiopulation of 10.82. Malarial lever account d l it
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  • 77 10 Soondakam— On June 18, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of T. Soondaram, of a daughter. 11 askinh. —On May 24, at Clevendon, wifo of W. J. Hawkins, Federated Malay States Railways, a son. Scott.— On May 28, at Bromley, wife of R. F. McNair Scott, a daughter.
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  • 103 10 Darks.—Hibbkrt. —On May 24, at Harnp stead, Arthur Ernest George, son of the late F.M. Darko, of Singapore, to Amy Hibbort. Pitrskh—Carkitthiihs.— On May 28, at St. Stephen's, Dulwich, by the Rev. F. E. White, John James Purser, M.D., elder son of the lato Dr. W. A. Purser, of
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1078 10 —Straits Times, June 19. For some considerable time now, there has been no news of affairs in Tibet. Occasional meagre reports have appeared of isolated conflict between parties of Tibetans a*'d Chinese, and if ono remembers rightly these havo usually ended in favour of the Tibetans.
      —Straits Times, June 19.  -  1,078 words
    • 1042 10 present attends the annual pilgrimage.— Straits Times, June 20. It is certainly somewhat remarkable that a section of the Mohammedan community of Madras should fail to appreciate the best intentions of the Bombay Government to mitigate the evils attendant upon the oonditions at present prevailing in regard to
      present attends the annual pilgrimage.— Straits Times, June 20.  -  1,042 words
    • 1054 10 But we are not at present very optimistic.— Straits Times, June 21. The present interest in the position oi St. Andrew’s Cathedral suggests thoughts oi less material but more moral significance than is implied in the bare bald fact of a lack oi funds. It may occur
      But we are not at present very optimistic.— Straits Times, June 21.  -  1,054 words
    • 1011 11 to the horrors of a railway tunuol below.— Straits Times, .Juno ‘2‘5. Those hopeful enthusiasts, known in the best financial circles as the shareholders of the Channel Tunnel Company, have just been holding their annual comparison of notes, from which we gather that hope continues to spring
      to the horrors of a railway tunuol below.— Straits Times, .Juno ‘2‘5.  -  1,011 words
    • 979 11 Straits Times, dune 'll. Papers to hand by the last English mail from home contain accounts of tho report of the Departmental Committee on Juries which, while not affecting the system prevail ing in Singapore, may be regarded as a most important document in the annals
      Straits Times, dune 'll.  -  979 words
    • 1034 12 —Straits Times, June 2">. Assuming that Reuter’s summarisers, with their usual perspicacity, have seized the vital point of the letter by Admiral Mahan to The Times, we can imagine the whole contents of it. The distinguished letterwriter voices what may be taken as influential opinion in America when he
      -—Straits Times, June 2">.  -  1,034 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 93 10 The Pont tree price of the Straits Times l» |3h a year The pout fre* price of the Straits budget it $l4 a 7®a r It it iim to tubtcribe for a year. The tub "jriptions for thorter periodt are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year.
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  • 92 10 DEATH. Tan--On June 18, at his residence No. 112, Tran«|uerah Road, Malacca, at the age of 8o, from old age, Mr. Tan Kim Guan, the beloved father of Messrs. Tan Tiam Hock, 'Pan Tiam Siow, Tan Tiam Tye. Tan Tiam Kiat and Chan Teck Chyo. Black.— On May 27, at
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  • 453 12 In the Supreme Court ou Tuesday, the Chief Justice (Sir H. Hyndman Jones) resumed the hearing of the civil suit brought by Chop Ghee Teel; of Teluk Ayer Street, against the Straits Trading Co., Ltd. Plaintiffs claimed for $1,7H7.75 iu
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  • 1755 12 (FlIOM A CORKKSI'ONPKVT.) Kuala Lumpur, June 25J. The Selangor Turf Club finished its halfyearly meeting on Saturday, and it has proved a great success financially as far as the club is concerned, and socially as regards its members aud visitors. The meeting was a noteworthy one in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 77 12 Property Sale. The following property was disponed by auction at Messrs. Powell and < sale-room on Tuesday. The leasehold I n and shophousc dwelling known as 101 T< Ayer Street, Singapore town, area I square fee t comprised in (lovernment 1« 1,010 for 999 years, let at a monthly reii'
      77 words

  • 1859 13 Tlit' annual meeting of tho Kinta Association Ltd., was held yesterday in the (.Mistered otlice, Winchester House. Mr. W i Mivther Kemp presided and there were alsc present Messrs. H. P. Bagley and H. Connel directors), O. A. Kimmol,
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  • 81 13 H' hom Our Own Oorrrspondrnt.) I*euang, Juno 24. Ihe garden fete hold in the Residency grounds in aid of the Malacca Medical Mission, was opened by Bishop Ferguson-Davie and there was a largo attendance. The stalls, amusements, band concerts, alfresco concerts were thronged, and a special dinner
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  • 282 13 (From A Corrkspondkkt.) Trongganu, June 19. Mr. K. A. Dickson, the British agent, left on the 12th inst. for Hesut in the same state. He was accompanied by Haji Nghah, and several other prominent chiefs of Trongganu. There is a bouudary dispute between the States of Kclant&n
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  • 218 13 We regret to report that Mr. John Kbei wein, who has been ill for some time past, died at his house in the Mosque Hoad, Kuching on Sunday, tho 15th inst. Deceased, who was 08 years of age, was a well known figure in Kuching.
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  • 695 13 Kkctkr’s Tklkokam. London, Juno 24. A Paris message says President Poincare had the most hearty send off when leaving for Cherbourg, where ho embarks on a warship for England. As President Poincare was leaving Cherbourg an accident occurred at one
    Kkctkr’s Tklkokam.  -  695 words
  • 94 13 An ordinary inciting of tin- i. Oiiitui hkI* in els is to I held in the Hoard I toon i, on Friduy, th 27th inst. The business includes the ;ic( eptauce of a picture “Old Sine ip( ire.' the f iidi:o o\ i r of Nani I
    94 words

  • 1274 15 Berlin, June 17. M. Basil's lias withdrawn his resignation iu order to take part in the negotiations at St. Petersburg. A Bulgarian note to Servia complains of the concentration of Greek and Servian troops against Bulgaria, and proposes au im-lu-jthatc request to the Czar to act as arbitrator.
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  • 397 15 The inhabitants of the western end of the Holloway Road district wero greatly startled about one o’clock on Saturday by a heavy crash, says tho Hongkong Daily Press, of Juno 18. Investigation elucidated the fact that Nos. 7 and 9, Upper
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  • 159 15 A cable from the Hope Mission Hospital iu Amoy was received on June 19 at the AngloChinese School, Ipoh, giving the sad news that Mr. Lim Eng Chuan, the head-teacher of the Kampar A School, had died that morning of plague. He was on
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  • 155 15 In tlio first police court yesterday Miss Simons, of 94, Anson I toad, appeared to answer a summons made out against Mrs. Simons for keeping a first class public house open after hours on March 9. Miss Simons explained that her mother was out of the colony
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  • 678 15 A meeting of tho Hoard of Licensing .Justices was held on Tuesday in the District Court. Mr. U. W. Firmstono pro sided and those with him on the bench were Commander C. A. HadclilTe, H, N., Dr. Middleton, and Messrs. \V. E.
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  • 157 15 The Government Gazette notifies that Mr. L. II. Clayton is appointed temporarily a member of the Legislative Council in the place of Mr. (1. A. Mall. Mr. I*. .1. Sproule, barrister at law, is appointed a judge of the Supreme Court for two months and nine lays
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 219 16 Jr si- 1h Jelunga, Brit, sti., Gsidliviiu. aleutta. A. Gilfillan Fdlenga, Brit. sir.. Muir,Calcutta, Bonstead 19 Africa. Aus. str., Robert, Shanghai, Kauteuberg Kent, H. M Cruiser. Hunt. Hongkong. S. N. Ofiieei K’betli Hiekmens. Ger. str., Direks, Moji, M. B. Kaisha E, F. Ferdinand, Aus. str., Leva, Trieste, Kauteuberg) Netberlee,
      219 words
    • 257 16 Jink 1h Somalia, Brit. str.. Antwerp via |mrts Glcnturret, Brit. str.. Antwerp via |*>rts Neleus, Biit. str.. London A dam A Antwerp Bandon. Dan. str., Copenhagen via |H»rts Tosa Main. .lap. sir.. Hongkong A Japan Hong Wan I. Brit, sir., Amoy Cowrie. Brit. str.. Calcutta 19 City of Burodu,
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  • 567 16 The Calcutta Commercial correspondent of the Pioneer wrote on the oth inHt.: There iH not anybody in Calcutta, and very few folk over tho length and breadth of India, 1 to whom the blaek aud white banded funnel of the
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  • 354 16 Jn the Piutoe Perniayaan. a monthly Java mayaziue which is printed partly in Dutch, there is an article about the winning of yolii in Martapoera (East Uorneo) describing the way in which the Malays and Dayaks work. So far the operations (in East Borneo) ere entirely
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  • 269 16 Singapore, Junk 25, 1913. exchanqe On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4& Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/a 2/4 K 3 8 m/s 2/4£8 On Gikmank hank d/d 238£ Private 8 m/a 248 On F&ancb Bank d/d 294 Private B m/a 299 On India Bank T. T. 174J Private
    269 words
  • 324 16 SlNGAPOSB, J I'NK 25, ilrfi b MINING. Issue 32 Value a! Bu 5' L rH !!l Sl 10 10 A in pang 8.50 9.50 10 10 Lei at Tib 2.60 2.75 10 10 Lrnang 1.00 10 10 h&naboi 2.10 2.25 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kiuta
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  • 275 16 Ihe one-class boat for ocean vov»., seems to bo steadily growing iu populahtl and it usually means nowadays that all <1 passengers are carried at second-class > ,r says The Statesman. The P. and (>. st ca Himalaya is to be run
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  • 212 16 Per P. and O. Arcadia, connecting at Colombo with Marmora, sailing June 27. Mr. O. P. Dakcyne, Mr. N. H. Dakeyue, Mr. Moullin. Mr. C. J. Arnold. Mr. P». Nesbitt, Mr. E. Bull, Mr. T. M. Frost. Mr. F. D. i: Opeushaw. Mr. R. Tobey Cozens, Mr.
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  • 246 16 Friends of Mr. .1. Bennett, of Madras an l'euaug and latterly of Singapore, will Ik sorry to hear of his death on the 16th inst T1 ie late Mr. Bennett, w ho was the father of Mrs. W. I’. Hale and Mrs. C. Perrcau, whose
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 76 17 V* j i o 4k >t ■f. iv S I OTICE V We have this day been appointed Sole Agents for BULLOCH LADE A CO., LD. (of Glasgow and London), the oldest Firm of Whisky Distillers in the World, and we hold large stocks of their EXTRA SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 327 18 Civil, Mechanical. Electrical Mari SPECIALISTS IN Rubber Plantation Machinery and Buildings. Motor Boats. Lighters and Light Draft Steamers. Complete Electrical Installations. Ferro-Concrete Structures. Mining and Pumping Machinery. Structural Steelwork. Heavy,. Light and Ornamental Castings, Etc., Etc. LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST OF ESTATE IMPLEMENTS, ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ AND GENERAL HARDWARE.
      327 words