The Straits Budget, 19 June 1913

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXVII NO. 2888. Singapore. Thursday. June 19, 1913. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTVRV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 368 1 leaders— The Aerial Awakening 10 The English Mail 10 The Kaiser’s Semi-Jubilee 10-11 Clearing the Air 11 Ball Room Etiquette 11 Competitive Sport ...11-12 Local and General Local and Personal 1-2 Exonerated 8 Malacca's New Railway 3 Hungry Lepers at Pulo Jcrejak 4 The Sewerage Scheme 5
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  • 4831 1 The Sultan of Kedah recently purchased an 18-24 h.p. Siddeley-Deasy cabriolet. The F.M.S. annual dinner was to take place at the Hotel Cecil, Loudon, on Tuesday, June 3. Mr. Stamford C. Raffies, of the F.M.S., has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute. The output
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  • 1053 3 Kkutkr’s Tklkguam London, .June 14. The first report of tho Marconi committee tlUt s oil tho whole of the matters relating to t l lc conduct of Ministers which have come before*
    Kkutkr’s Tklkguam  -  1,053 words
  • 316 3 Notwithstanding tho decision of the Department of Communications, Tokio, to curtail the subsidies granted to Japanese steamship companies, says the Financial News, many second hand vessels have of lato boon bought in this country and elsewhere for service under the national flag.
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  • 125 3 Mr. King, F.M.S. railways engineer, is now in Malacca in connection with the survey of the proposed railway from Malacca b»vui to Jasin. The Malay Mail s Malacca correspondent writes that lie experiences great difficulty in securing a house conveniently situated for his purpose. Ihe want of
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  • 1363 3 The American navy department has decided to despatch to Europe the greatest naval force which has ever been assembled i under the flag of the United States. Practically every fully effective armoured ship of tho American fleet will take part
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  • 133 3 A remarkably rich lode has been discovered by I >r. K. Th. Muller, on the property of Messrs. Metens and Co., Ltd., at Tanjong Kambutan, Ulu Choh, under somewhat interesting circumstances, says the Times of Malaya. A tiny stream of water trickling through tho jungle was found
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  • 168 3 Sonic tirue ago a proposal was put forward for the formation in Bangkok of a cement company for making cement from local materials. Practical steps lntvo now been taken for the establishment of such a company. Its promoters who are all influential local residents met, and assigned
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    • 577 4 Warders v. Junior N.C.O’s. R.G.A. Tho Warders of tho Criminal Prison met the junior N.C.O’s. at Blakan Mati, on Saturday and lost by 15 runs. Tho scores were:— Warder's 1st Innings.—King c Bush b Cooper 0, James c and b Ford 0, Crawley b Cooper 0, Hills c Ford
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    • 169 4 S.C.R.C. Annual Tournament. Results of ti»-s played in the Straits Chinese Recreation Club tournament are as follow A Singles. —Choong Choo Hai owo 2 beat Lee Chim Tuan owe 2, 8 C», 6—0; Kyan Bee owe 2 beat Keon Chin Eng owe 12, 6—4, 6 1 Tan Chong
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    • 599 4 S.R.A. Ladies’ Competition. The Ladies’ competition in the S.R.A. programme was won on tho Balestier range, yesterday afternoon, by Miss Kerr, from scratch, with a tine score of 94, scores: Ladiks’ Compktition. Miss Kerr 48 46 scr. 94 Mrs. Robinson 88 86 19.6 88.6 Mrs. Gattey 41 40
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    • 414 4 5epoy Lines Golf Club. The Ladies’ medal for Juno was won by Mrs. Middleton. The following scores were put in: Mrs. Middleton 62—15 47 Pierce 58 5 48 Savi 51 2 49 Marriott 56 6 50 Singapore Golf Club. Play took placo on Saturday and Sunday, for tho Singapore
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    • 156 4 S.C.C. Tournament. The following ties in the S.C.C. bowling tournament were played on Tuesday:— Single Handicap. L. T. Wakeford beat X. E. Bath w.o. W. Craig 2J beat X. Wilkinson 14. R. D. Pitceathly ‘21 beat Dr. A. G. Butler 20. L. E. Gaunt 21 beat T. B. Xorrie
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  • 286 4 There was some trouble at the leper asylum at Pulo Jerejak on Saturday, says the Pinang Gazette. It appears that the usual supply of rice, for some reason or other, did not arrive and on the lepers, who number about 400, mostly Chinese, being informed
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  • 478 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. The summerrace meeting of the Selan -or Turf Club opened this afternoon in most; favourable weather, and in the presence of a fairly large gathering, including Sir Edward Brockman and Lady Brockman.
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  • 185 4 Three charges of criminal breach of trust were brought against Henry t. Richards, a Eurasian clerk employed at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, before Mr. Robertson in the third court, on Wednesday. The sums which he was specifically charged with mis appropriating were $45.89, $79.50
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  • 1531 5 The upheaval of the road surfaces in the l ppet Cross Street vicinity and the conse- i, lit inconveuienco to traffic are indicative i the Municipality’s activity on tho new scheme of sewerage. The plans for the system iire
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  • 153 5 The Liverpool Museum Committee on May accepted a very generous offer which may lead to some valuable acquisitions to the city museums, says a homo paper. The director of the Malay States National Museum has invited a representative of the Liverpool Museums to go out
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  • 62 5 According to an observation made by the Kagoshima Meteorological Observatory. Kin shin, three moons appeared on Sunday, May 18, at 7 p.m. The two additional moons it is alleged \vt re on either side of the moon proper. Such a marvellous phenomenon, the message says, has not
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  • 394 5 After a hearing which has lasted four days, tho Appeal Court (tho Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Thornton and Mr. Justice Fisher) gave their decision on Friday in a big Chinese case. Tho case, which iu detail is very complicated, arose out of
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  • 279 5 (From A Cohrksi'ondkxt). Trengganu, Jnuo 10. For the first time in the annals of Trengganu a strike has occurred—the ricksha i coolies today refusing to work. It is only a year ago that Trengganu was without such a luxury as a ricksha, but the people have become
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  • 176 5 The funeral of the late Rajah Laut bin Sultan Mohamcd (the Kaja Muda), whose death occurred on June 9 took place on the next Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur, with littlo or no ostentatious ceremony. Tho cofliu was carried from deceased’s house in Ampang bead
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  • 734 5 Tho report on the Bankruptcy department for 1912 appears in tho Government Gazette. It is signed by Mr. B. Nunn, who observes that in the case of Singapore, the decrease in the number of failures commencing from 1910 in
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  • 111 5 Wo have; received from Mr. \V. L. Crick, assistant traffic manager, Singapore, copies of the new poster time table of the service in the KM.S. railways force from the 15tli iust. Passengers on the railways are reminded of the alteration in train servico on the l'ort
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  • 1098 6 The seventy ninth half-yearly ordinary gi neral meeting of the Eastern Entension Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Limited, was held on May 20, under the presidency of Sir John Wolfe Barry, K.B.C. The general manager and secretary (Mr. F.
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  • 271 6 The Hongkong Daily Press reports two attacks made by robbers on the Holy Trinity College, the Training College for the Anglican Church near Slick Pai. about five miles from Canton, in which the Rev. G. A. Bunbury and Mrs.
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  • 237 6 Found guilty of ehcating, a European, S. ,J. Murdock, was fined $5O in the third court, on Friday afternoon, but as he had no money with which to pay the fine he was committed to prison for one mouth. The charge against him was brought by
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  • 79 6 The official advance statement of tin exported from the F.M.S. during this year to end of May, put the totals at Perak 195,625 piculs, Selangor 101,314 piculs aud Negri Sembilan 13,251 piculs, showing decreases on 1912 in the litst two named states and an increase in Negri
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  • 598 6 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser aud Co.’s share circular dated June 12 says Rubber shares agaiu close at lower levels than the previous week, although there has been evidence of improvement in some sterling stocks in the last two advices. Local rubbers arc a
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  • 230 6 The European, named J. B. Farquharson, who w’as arrested on board the Palawan on the 7th inst., at Penang, was arraigned before Mr. A. V. Brown on Thursday, on two charges: First, that ho on May 3 did cheat one Tollaram by pretending that his name
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  • 558 6 Sitting in the Bankruptcy Court on Kriib Mr. Justice Sproule heard the public <_.- initiation of Mr. Charles Benjamin, stock exchange broker. The bankrupt's liabilir were set out at $150,000 aud his asset/ $3,424. The examination was conducted b
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  • 318 6 The Kuala Lumpur padaug in front of the Selangor Club presented a remarkable picture this morning, says the Malay Mail, of Satur day, the whole of its surface beiug covered by one of the biggest swarm of locusts ever seen in
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  • 775 8 Quite tin; feature of the Royal vis t to Aldershot on May 12 was the inspection by His Majesty of the new rille and its comE anion, the new machine gun, which are eiug issued to the British Army.
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  • 128 8 The P. and T. Times of May 28, reports:—At the British Consulate General Yesterday, before II. M.’s vico-Counsul, Mr. W. M. He wit ■tt, the preliminary proceedings were gone through iu the ease iu which Mr. J R. Bruzier, of the Peking Syndicate, Ltd., living in
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  • 642 8 At a general meeting of the Ceylon Natural History Society, Dr. Joseph Pearson made a few remarks with regard to the recent visit of himself ami Captain Leggc to tho pearl hanks. His subject was “The marine fauna of
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  • 151 8 According to the annual report of the Director of the Museums, F.M.S., it appears that the project of a hill station on Gunoug Tahau is by no means dead. The report contains a brief account of a visit paid to tho plateau in April last by the
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  • 85 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending June 7, there were 216 deaths (188 males, 58 females) giving a ratio per millo of population of 39.85. Malarial fever accounted for 15 deaths, phthisis 23, convulsions
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  • 677 8 The annual repoit of the Nippon Yu sen Kaisha, which was to be presented to shareholders at the annual meeting on May 28 thus sets out the financial position Sum brought forward from last account Y813,723.99, profit in tho current
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  • 113 8 Tin; first meeting of tbe new board of Municipal Commissioners was bold on Friday afternoon, Mr. It. J. Farrer (deputy president) presiding. Others present were Messrs. A. W. bean, Cilia Keng Chin, W. Peacock (asst. Protector of Chinese), It. Peirce (Engineer), .J. I’olglaso (Secretary) and Or. Middleton (Health
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  • 528 8 The Bombay Anjumau-MsW a t n«, al meeting on May 21 passed a resold disapproving of the suggestion to *-iv o monopoly to any shipping coiunanvlor i conveyance of pilgrims to Jeddali ti Anjuman had before it important' m, circulated by the Government
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  • 303 8 Captain Mohammed, of the st* amcr Rib Lee. was the witness of what had every appearance of being a cold-blooded attempt at murder off Taujong Bungah. on Saturday morning, reports tho I'inang Gazette, ot June 9. Interviewed by a representative of
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  • 183 9 Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, .June 11. special meeting of tlie Penang Turf adopted the programme, as published, r tlus Autumn raco meeting. The Resiituev Cup, offered by the lion. \V. Kvans, 1 U |j t awarded to the winner of the
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  • 340 9 Xhe Court of Appeal (the Chief Justice, Mr. .Justice Thornton and Mr. Justice fisheri gave judgment on Tuesday in a ease ahteting the ownership of a motor car which had been seized by the Official A"igmc as being the property
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  • 179 9 bir U >bert Laidlaw, presiding at the meet-m-°f ldteaway, Laidlaw, and Co. (Limited) a i that for the year under review their pro--s were 13} per cent, more than the profits the previous year, IGA per cent, more than t a year before that, and 10
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  • 56 9 lj Hicial inquiry is proceeding at Mukden l ‘‘ii'cumstances of an attack made 11 Majors iuccnt, Dickinson and lias- ami party who, while visiting tho v “‘'fields of the Kusso-Japanese war, v ‘"Mat hy Chinese. The party, being 1 ""t arms, retreated safely, but had
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  • 1143 9 (By a Contuiis' ior.) Of b.M.S. questions of public policy divertin# commercial houses and otln is iu the Malay States, the most perennial, the most vital and tho one evoking the most interest would certainly appear to Le that concerning tho
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  • 94 9 (Fuom Ocr Own Correspondent.) Penang, .Juno 12. On tho motion of the President, Mr. L. Peel, the Municipal Commissioners agreed to request tho Governor to sanction a million dollar loan 4 per cent., calling up *700,000 at once and tho balance in
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  • 213 9 It is reported that at 11 a.m. on May 29 an unusually sevoro eruption of tho Japanese volcano Asama took place, and was followed by the ejection of a largo quantity of lava and rock. For about an hour afterwards frequent earthquake
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  • 267 9 Mr. Justice Sproule heard an appeal on Monday a#ainst the order made hy the Hirst magistrate for the rendition of a Tamil coolie to Braunston Estate, Selangor, whence ho had abscouded. After hoar in# arguments by Mr. T. Dudley Parsons for tho appellant and Mr. Sugars, actin#
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  • 265 9 A letter lias boon received by the Council of the Association of Chambers of Couiiuerce from the Foreiqu Office, in wliich Sir Edward Urey recummends to the favourable consideration of the association proposals whieli have for their object a closer co operation between
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  • 304 9 The Brothers Clicrniavsky, whoso excellent violin, cello aud piano work was so oreatly appreciated when they were last here, a recital in the Victoria Thcatrcon Monday to au audience the size of which was as indicative of the reputation the trio have earned here, as it was
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  • 181 9 A nasty accident occurred to a motor 'bus between the ‘22nd and 23 rd miles, Bentoug hood, on -lime 10, about 10.30 a.m. The car, which, with another, was bound from Kuala Lumpur to llenton#, was driven by a Malay, It wus going at from ten
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  • 52 9 Thu following was tin; result of crushing operations fit Ihttib for the four weeks ended I tine It: Kukit human stone crushed 3,H45 tons, gold obtained 501 o/.s., average pur ton li.tJf Hi dwts. Kukit Malacca: stouo crushed 3,010 tons, gold obtained >00 u/s. average put' ton 1
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  • 72 10 Allin.- On tho 14th instant, at Beacon Hall, Benenden, Kent, the wife of Howland Allen, of a daughter. Eli-is.—On the lftth iustant, at Elizabeth House," Mt. Elizabeth, Singapore, the wife of Howland Ellis of a son. Silbkkmann. —On .June l*’l, at Devonshire Hoad, Singapore, the wife of David Siiber
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  • 19 10 Isci— Jkssoi’. —On May 20, at Heene, James I nee (Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., China), to Florence Jessup.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 974 10 enunciated that she rules the wavos.—Straits Times, Juno 12. Enough has appeared in the home press of recent tirucs to show that the aerial awakening has arrived—that Great Britain has at last put her shoulder to the wheel to bring herself into line with those other nations
      enunciated that she rules the wavos.—Straits Times, Juno 12.  -  974 words
    • 938 10 between Brindisi and Port Said.—Straits Times, June 13. It goes without saying that everybody hero is interested in the arrival of a weekly outward mail steamer, aud it follows, as a natural corollary, that everybody will be equally interested in any development which may expedite the delivery
      between Brindisi and Port Said.—Straits Times, June 13.  -  938 words
    • 1044 10 tin retention of that position. —Straits limes, June 14. Apropos tho semi-jubilee of the Kaiseraccession to the throne of Prussia and the presidency of the confederation of German States we published the other day a review of the progress of the German Empire during his reign. It
      tin retention of that position.—Straits limes, June 14.  -  1,044 words
    • 958 11 Straits Times, .lime 10. A most prolific source of suspicion between Great Britain ami Germany for a cou>iderable period of years has been the construction and control of the railway which is to tap the resources of Asiatic Turkey by means of the line from Konia, on
      ,— Straits Times, .lime 10.  -  958 words
    • 977 11 Straits Times, dune 17. We can quite sympathise with tho difli- 1 cultios which have led “A Peeross to write to The Times on the subject of modern dancing. “Iam,” she says, “one of the many matrons upon whom devolves tho task of guiding a girl through
      Straits Times, dune 17.  -  977 words
    • 1093 11 Straits Times, June IS. The returned Anglo-Indian dear to tho uovelistic mind is inevitably a person of choleric complexion and rampant livor, addicted to strong waters and stronger language, and hopelossly out of sympathy with everything but his own ailments. In how many stories does one find the
      Straits Times, June IS.  -  1,093 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 93 10 The Pont tree price of the Straits Time< i» a year The poet fre- price of tin* Straits Budget is Ju a y**a r it i* not necessary to eubecribe for a year. The »ub :riptions for shorter periods are at the same proport onate rate as for a year.
      93 words
  • 116 10 DEATHS. Ctii'A. —Gn dune 1‘2. at his residence, No. r>6 3, Neil Koad, Singapore, Chun Kim Peng, aged f>l years, Chief Clerk to Katz Brothers, Ltd., for the last 8‘2 years. Funeral to Alexandra Koad Cemetery, on Sunday, loth instant, at 11 am. Doculas.— On May ‘20, at Acton Turvillc,
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  • 970 12 On Monday evening saw the close of the Singapore Football cup competition when the K. Y. L. I. first eleven met the S. C. on the padang. Both teams were expected to reach the final, but, on the standard (J
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  • 235 12 The following communique was laid on the Press Table at the Colombo Secretariat recently. Circular Letter No. 15, M. *****. Admiralty, S.-W., April 14, 191 J. With reference to Circular Letter M. ***** of the 26th November, 190.1, defining the
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  • 134 12 The directorate of the Malayan Collieries, Ltd., which is to be floated shortly, has now been tilled up, with the exception of the member to be nominated by the Government of the F.M.S. iu consideration of tfu ir iutorest in the enterprise. The directors are Messrs. A. I>.
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  • 155 12 Mr. James Brown, superintendent of the Government Printing Otlice at Kuala Lumpur, met with a very nasty accident on Sunday evening, Mrs. Brown who was with him, coming off fairly lightly by comparison. The Malay Mail says that Mr. and Mrs. Btowd were driving, the
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  • 14 12 [The Straits Timos is not responsible 1, the opinions of its correspondents, j
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  • 353 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, -Now the Court of Appeal is 0Uc again iu our midst, the occasion may pn liU) be considered opportune to promulgate a» opinion which has been acini nated in various quarters that a scheme for its r construction
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  • 289 12 At a meeting of the International Mari time Conference at Copenhagen, there was au interesting discussion on questions relating to the safety of shipping at sea. M. Charles Le Jeunc (Antwerp* expressed the opinion that distinction should be made between questions
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  • 128 12 By the generosity of Mrs. Edward Adrian Wilson, widow of Dr. K. A. Wilson, chief of the staff in Captain Scott's ill-fated Antaictic Expedition, Gloucester Cathedral has become possessed of a memorial of the heroes who lost their lives on the return journey from the South Bole.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 75 12 Property Sale. The following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs. Ching Kong Lee and Co. at their saleroom on Monday afternoon Freehold land situate otT Bukit Timah Load, area 10,000 sq. !'t., bought by Sim Lian Tong for $<J50; leasehold land situate at Krauji, area two acres, bought
      75 words

  • 1090 13 The part which the society of others plays the full enjoyment of travel is a matter 0 t taco and temperament, writes F. G. \t 1 <i 1 1 > tl10 Morning Post. The normal j nglisbman is generally happy in his own company, and an even drink
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  • 176 13 Iho annual report on forest administration in tho Straits Settlements, for 1912, by Mr. A. M. Burn-Murdoch, states that tho area of reserved forests finally gazetted under section 7 was 95,754 acres or 149.60 square miles, and the area of reserves preliminarily gazetted under section
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  • 191 13 Mr. G. A. Carmichael, of Messrs. Boustoad and Co., appeared before Mr. A. W. 11. Hamilton at Penang, 011 .June 11, on a sum* tuons issued by Mr. K. 11. Onract. assistant Superintendent of Police, on a <-barge of rilling his motor cycle in a rash
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  • 186 13 hi honour of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Kaiser William ll's accession—which fell on Sunday—a reception was held in the Imperial Consulate Genera! at Singapore on Mouday. A large number of guests, including practically the whole of the German community, wero present and were welcomed by tho Consul
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  • 115 13 Steamer arrivals in Colombo harbour on June 0 included the new P. and < >. steanu r Nagoya on her maiden voyage out from London. The Nagoya belongs to w hat is known as the N class of boats, and is the third
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  • 390 13 At a meeting of tho Japan Silk Merchants Association held at the Yokohama Social Club Mr. Noma, expert of tho Department of Agriculture aud Commerce, delivered a speech concerning the silk business in India. He stated that iu India, notably
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  • 302 13 In the District Court on Tuesday a Chinaman, named Loll Guan, was charged with making false statements in an affadavit which ho made before Mr. Hobertson, in the third court, in the course of an application for bail on behalf of another Chinaman, named Tan Chong Ling.
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  • 180 13 A special army order contains a Loyal warrant with regard to special facilities for retirement, and special rates of retired i»ay, to a limited number of officers of the Loyal Gar risen Artillery who were commissioned during tho year 190 Q. The rates of retired pay of
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  • 792 13 Captain and Lieutenant Stewart, two of the three British officers convicted of espionage in Germany, who have been released by order of the Kaiser, arrived in London on May 22 having travelled together from Berlin, and received a warm
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  • 1450 15 Berlin. June 10. 1 The Reichstag committee lias resolved to collect the war-tax in three instalments. False 1 declarations will be punished with imprison 1 ment and deprivation of civil rights. Receipts of over 990 millions will lie utilized for payment of debts. The Russian chief of the
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  • 641 16 There is a prospect of the Historical Medical Museum, which is to bo opened in London on June 24, being continued as a permanent institution. Tho museum will cover the whole range of primitive, ancient, medie val, and early modern medical
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 246 16 Junk 11 Monmouthshire, Brit, str., Warner, London, Boustead Hokuto Maru, Jap. str., Nishikawa, H’kong, Huttonbach Bros Benlawers, Brit, str., Bee, Loudon. P. Simons 12 Assaye, Brit, str., Cold well, Shanghai, P.& O. Co Kcnkon Maru No. 3, Jap. str., Fuji mate, Muke, M. B. Kaislia Achilles, Brit. str.. Thompson,
      246 words
    • 206 16 Jink 11 Persia, A us. str., T’te via P'ang C’bo B’bay Onnazan, Brit. str., Kobe Hong Wan 1, Brit, str., Penang V 1 Benlawors, Brit, str., Hongkong Japan Seang Bee, Brit, str., Penang Kaugoon Atsutii Marti, Jap. str.. Hongkong Japan Simula, Brit, str Djoana Edavana. Brit, str., P’ang R’goon
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  • 264 16 Singapore, Junk 18, 1918. exchange On London* Bank 4 m/s 2/4* Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4 H 8 m/s 2/4*5 On Gbk.vanv Bank d/d 2381 Private 3 m/s 2431 On Franck Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/a 2991 On India Bank T. T. 174* Private 80
    264 words
  • 305 16 SINGAPORE, Jl.XK 18, 1918. MINING. ‘Tuel B "y ere Sellera 10 10 Ampang 9.00 10.00 10 10 Belat Tin 2.60 2.75 10 10 Bruang 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 2.10 2.25 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 13.50 14.50 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.15.0 2.1.0 £1
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  • 353 16 Books, oontaininatad by germs picked un in various parts of the city, at e blamed for two recent cases of blood poisoning of the l(lr i librarians in the Now York City Library, and in the last few months nearly
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  • 244 16 Per P. and O. Arcadia, connecting at Colombo with Marmora, sailing June 27. Mr. O. P. Dakeyne, Mr. N. H. Dakeyne, Mr. Moullin, Mr. C. J. Arnold, Mr. B. Nesbitt. Mr. E. Bull, Mr. T. M. Frost, Mr. F. D. 11. Openshaw, Mr. R. Tobey Cozens, Mr.
    244 words
  • 189 16 After a number of hearings, the ease in which Mr. J. G. Strangman was charge*i with driving his motor car in a rash and neglig* nt manner was concluded on dune 11, before Mr. Talma, in the second court. It may be recalled that Mr. Strangman,
    189 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 310 17 Civil. Mechanical. Electrical Marine. SPECIALISTS I NT Rubber Plantation Machinery and Buildings. Motor Boats, Lighters and Light Draft Steamers. Complete Electrical Installations. Ferro-Concrete Structures. Mining and Pumping Machinery. Structural Steelwork. Heavy, Light and Ornamental Castings, Etc., Etc. LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST OF ESTATE IMPLEMENTS, ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ AND GENERAL
      310 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 126 18 NOTICE. > V /'i f L*V wsfwwßS&ißlHQltEKtomM m We have this day been appointed Sole Agents for BULLOCH LADE CO., LD. (of Glasgow and London), the oldest Firm of Whisky Distillers in the World, and we hold large stocks of their EXTRA SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY "L.,, AND -V 1 J
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 112 1 (iKNKKAL Rubber Items 1 K. M. S. Rubber Export Duty 1 Rubber Auctious 2 Rubber Litigation 2 Rubber Production 3 The Rubber Industry 3 The Rubber Exhibition 5 Kire at Rubber Factory 6 Tklkurams— Loudon Rubber Auction 1 London Rubber Special 1 London Rubber Market 1 Mkktinus and Reports—
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    • 265 1 The arrivals by the P. and O. mail included Captain MacDermot, of Jebong Estate, and Mrs. MacDermot. The Penang Rubber Estates Company, Limited, has been registered with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares. Owing to the recent heavy rains, planters in tbe F.M.S. report that a considerable
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    • 137 1 (From Odr Own Cokkkhpondknt.) London, June 17. The tone at the rubber auction to-day was slow and prices were irregular. Eight hundred and fifty three tons of Plantation were offered (753 tons Malayan) against 1,014 tons of
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    • 90 1 (From Odr Own Corrkspondknt.) London, June 13. The Mincing Lane Brokers’ Association is circularising the plantation companies suggesting combined action to improvo their methods and the status of and demand for plantation rubber. It is suggested that a subscriptiou of ten
      90 words
    • 41 1 Fine Para Plantation. Spot Forward First Latex June 11 3/10 3/84 3/1 12 3/94 3/8 G/CH 18 3/91 3/8 3/- 14 3/94 3/8 3/- 16 3/94 3/8 3/- 17 3/84 8/7 3/-
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    • 77 1 For the period front June 13 to 26, 1913, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which oxport duty is leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis, in accordance with tho rules under the Customs Enactment, will be assessed on the following prices: Per
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    • 1427 1 Thu seventh annual general meeting of the Scottish Malay Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the registered office, 46, Charlotte Square. Edinburgh, on May 16, Mr. .1. A. Hunter presiding. The Chairman said: Geutlomcu, since mooting you last year
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    • 1952 2 The seventh ordinary general meeting of the Senawang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd., was held at Shanghai ou May 30. Mr. L. E. I\ .Jones presided, and was supported by Messrs. A. S. Bremner, (1. Grayriggo, and
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    • 318 2 At the 92ml Singapore rubber nut ion held yesterday, there were offered for sale 424 cases, piculs 428.67 or 57,156 lbs., and sold 406 cases, piculs 410.57 or 54,743 lbs. The prices realized were:— Sheet Smoked $139 to 155 I'nsmoked 141 150 Crepe No. 1 150 159 No.
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    • 117 2 Bending rubber actions were mentioned in Mr. Justice Darling’s Court, in the King’s Bench Division, on May 21. Counsel said there were four actions in the special jury list, in which the plaintiff (Mr. Braddon) was the same in each oue. The defendants were all rubber companies in
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    • 534 2 The directors of tho Batavia Plantation Investments report that the company wag registered on May 6 last year, and the accounts presented are made up to March 3] 0 f this year. The preliminary expenses, i n eluding underwriting and brokerage, loss than
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    • 277 2 The report of the Rubber Estates of Krian, Limited, states that the net profit for the year to December 31 (after writing off tuo sum of £541 for depreciation on buildings, machinery, etc.) amounted to £16,350; add carry forward from previous year (after payment of manager’s
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    • 1422 3 1 Living published the various estate ;tns as received, we now tabulate them to show the monthly production since huuarv 1, together with the average monthly, ol |tput, fractions excepted, during 1912. u tlu foot of the table we
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    • 137 3 An extraordinary general mooting of the Allagar Hubbcr Estates, Limited, was held on May 22 at tho oflices, 17 St. Helen’s Place, to confirm a resolution passed at the ordinary meeting on May 2. Mr. C. B. Sutton (chairman of the company) presided and formally moved the
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    • 447 3 Presiding at the meeting of Kinatan (Borneo) Rubber, Limited, Mr. John A. H. Drought, in moving tho adoption of the report and account*, said that thcro was very little to add to what was stated in tho directors’ report. From the accounts
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    • 190 3 The London and China Express of May ‘2B has the following information concerning tho rubber industry: The amount of business taking place in tho rubber share market is very reduced. The days are generally lifeless, but tho tone under the circumstances is remarkably steady, and there is
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    • 159 3 The prospectus has boon issued and the subscription list opened for the issuo of debentures of the l T lu Pandan (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd. The issue consists of 7HB first mortgage debentures of 9100 each at par, l>earing interest at the rate of H per
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    • 2571 4 The second annual general meeting of the Bukit Sembawang Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 20, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Colonel Ivor Philipps, D.S.O., M.l\ (chairman of the company), presiding. The Chairman said 1 pr< sutuc
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    • 245 4 The report of the Selangor River Rubber Estate Company, Limited, states tliat tbo balance of the profit and loss account tor the year to December 31 is £7,618, while the amount brought forward was £700, together £8,318. The company entered the dividend earning stage early last year,
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    • 446 4 The directors of the Jasin (Malacca! I* k ber Estates, in their third annual report-i statement of accounts to December n i‘ lU state 11ls The total plautod area of the estates now about 1,141 acres, total area 1 acres. The approximate
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    • 371 4 The report of the Linggi Plantations, Limited, states that, as stated at the last annual general meetiug, the company during the year acquired from the Mautiu Rubbu Company, Limited, an estate consisting of I, acres, of which 970.95 acres were plautul
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    • 1049 5 The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of tho Deunistowu (Krian, I'.M.S.) Rubber Estates, Limitod, was held on May 22, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street. E.C., tho Right Hon. Chas. P. Allen, M.l\ (chairman of the
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    • 481 5 -Mr. Staines Manders, manager of the Rubber Exhibition to be held in London in Juno of next year, forwards particulars of the trophies tiiat have been offered by the Rubber Growers’ Association. Mr. Henry C. Pearson, of America, is also offering
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    • 166 5 A fire which broke out during tlie week- < nd at tli<‘ rubber drying and curing factory, of Messrs, Jaeger and t 0., in Mohamed Sultan I toad, resulted in datnago which has been estimate 1 at Is,ooo, Tlie flames oblaim d a good footing before
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    • 1581 5 Tho sovonth annual general meeting of tho Batu Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limitod, was held on May 20 at Winchester House, Old Broad-street, E.C., Mr. L. T. Boustead (Chairman of tho company) presiding. The Chairman said: It gives
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    • 324 5 The report of the New Columbia Rubber Company, Limited, states that the estimated output for 111 12 was 00,000 lhs, but the hoard are happy to advise that this was greatly exceeded, the weight of the crop harvested during the year being 72,91 lbs, and deducting tin:
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    • 1848 6 Oapital Dividend* Stock Singapore Antiio- ft, .ink™ Malavan Exchange Fraaer and Co.'s Marked 2/ I*l2 lull Cosh ahim. Priooa Prioos, May ‘2l. .lime 18. Hr,,000 2/- fy. paid B%for 31/12/11 Allagar ‘2/2 2/7 40,000
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