The Straits Budget, 12 June 1913

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXVII NO. 2887. Singapore. Thursday. June 12. 1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTl'RV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 356 1 leaders—(iiins for Liners 10 The Classic Race 10 The State of China ...10*11 Hook on China 11 I'Diversities in China ...11-12 liirtes for I'ister 12 Local ani» Gkskkal Loral and Personal 1*2 Panama and Suez Canal Dues 4 lUtiles Institution 5 Lite Federal Council 5 Hivt ptiou
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  • 4975 1 The output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during May was 570 piculs. The output from Rruaug, Limited, for May amounted to 31 piculs tin ore. The Relat Tin Mining Co.’s output for May amounted to 207.80 piculs. Thirty-six Chint se were banished from Singapore during the
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  • 13 3 I The Straits Times is not responsible (01 opinions of its correspondent
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  • 3882 3 To the Editor of the StraitH Times. Sir —Your leader of the 4th iust. makes interesting reading aud clearly shows that in •our capacity as Editor of a most influential n im r you are doing your best for your King 1 (I country. Unfortunately, however, I am
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  • 221 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to tho kindly expressed leading article under the above heading in your publication of the 26th ultimo, 1 am directed by llis Highness the Rajah to say that in his speech delivered at the meeting of the Supreme
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  • 218 4 Tlic.Ti ji, as translated by the .Japan Gazette, states that in view of the openin'* of the Panama Canal in a couple of years, the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Toyo Kisen Kaisha and Osaka Shosen Kaisha are now making investigation as to
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  • 110 4 A strange spectacle was presented at tho Ashford (Kent) Police-court the other day by William Merrin, who was charged with hi ing a deserter from tho 1st Battalion King’s Own Lancaster Regiment. With two other men Merrin absconded from tho regiment at Dover, and while tramping through
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  • 564 4 An Extraordinary Incident. Kkutbk's Tjclkoram Loudon, June 4. There are indications of a fine, warm Derby Day. The trains arc crowded and there is a constant stream of motor-cars, motor-buses, horsed vehicles, costers and their
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  • 453 4 Suffragette Under Arrest. London, June 5. Tho Derby betting at the start against Great Sport was 20 to 1. It was the most sensational Derby on record. It is tlie theme of editorial articles, some of which demand that the suffragette leaders shall apologise to
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  • 311 4 Bookmakers Who Were Let Down. London, June 6. The Derby continues the subject of comment in the press. Hotspur, of the Daily Telegraph, says that the disqualification of Craganour is severely condemned among many whose social standing aud ideas of clean sport are unquestionable, believing
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  • 256 4 No Appeal Intended. London, June 9. The papers are still full of rumours, allegations and denials of all sorts in connection with the disqualification of Craganour an.l n running of other horses in tho Derby Tl is still much criticism of tho stewards Hotspur,
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  • 260 4 Mr. T. Minagowa, of 5, Orange GroveRoad, Chancellor in charge, for the time being at the Japanese Consulate, was charged in the senior magistrate’s court yesterday with driving a horse and trap iu a rash and negligent manner and also with causing hurt to
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  • 321 4 Sir Owcu Philipps, chairman of the Uoyal Mail Steam Packet Company, speaking at the annual meeting, said the work on the Panama Canal is steadily proceeding, and, although the earth-slides which have recently occureil in the Culebra Cut make tin*
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  • 664 5 K ivourt d witli excellent weather, tho t i school sports of Hallies Institution l lt successfully held on Friday, Founder’s 'V v iu the P l0fiCnC0 a l ar K° number of -t itors. who inclided the
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  • 114 5 meeting of the Federal Council has been 1 1 1 >r duly H, It will take place at —a a Kangsur, says 11 it* Binang < Jazotte, if the 1 ti.ins to Government House are ready date, Government House will be I 1 'I by Sir Arthur
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  • 718 5 In commenting upon the success of the At Home held on Friday morning, upon the Melchior Ttoub, the new Singapore-Java express steamer, nothing can l>< '•aid < xcept that tho function was an uuquahlii d success. Accepting the phrase
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  • 160 5 The trial commenced at Trang on May 27 of Mao Chan, the Siamt so dresser wdio tired at and wounded the late I liya Rasada (Mr. Kaw Sim Bee) and Bhra Satlmru (Mr. Kliaw .100 Keat) as they were landing fiom tho Govern meut launch on March
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  • 556 5 As soon ns tho fact was made üblie tha a match had been arranged bciwccu Mr Gaunt and Capt. Day, of Singapore, and Mr Young and Mr. Trasenster, who have been down from Selangor, it was known that some excellent
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  • 198 5 The president of the Y.M.C.A., Mr. A. \V. Bean, and Mrs. Bean must have been gratified to find such a hearty response to their iuvita tion to accord a welcome to tho new Secretary of the Y.M.C.A.aml his wife on Thursday when tho large
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  • 96 5 Tho mortality returns for Singap r» issued by the Registrar of Births and Don His show that, during the week ending May 11. tin re were 2211 deaths I HI males, 02 f email giving a ratio per mille of population of H 0.12. Malarial fever accouute
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  • 678 5 Tito second nnnual meeting of the Lower Ferule Coconut company was held at Colombo, on May 27, at the cilices of Messrs. Cordon Frazer and Company. Lieut. Colonel Gordon Frazer presided, and those present were Messrs. F. James
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  • 151 5 Mr. Maruta, chief of the ship construction department of tho Mitsu Itishi Shipbuilding ard, who has b< on supervising the refloating of the 1 megaka Maru at Moji, is quoted, according to the .lap,m Herald, to the effect that lie cannot y< t give any d, tails
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  • 583 6 Prior to opening the proceedings of the Appeal Com t. on Monday, tin* Full Court, cona stiuu of tin* Chief Justice, Mr. Justin Fisher ami Mr. Justice Sproulc, heard a crimiiia) appeal. This appeal was brought at the instance
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  • 174 6 The washout on the F.M.S. Railways, which delayed the arrival in Kuala Lumpur of yesterday’s English mail, was of a very serious nature, says Saturday’s Malay Mail. Owing to very heavy rains in the hills, the Sungei Bakap, a small river between Khota Bliaru and Batu Gajah,
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  • 123 6 A serious lire broke out on the wharves at Macassar on At jty 111. According to the Pinanp (iu/.ettu, larpe ipiantities (»f copra, maize. rittauHand other poods were lyin«» near the steamer Albany of the Di utscli llustrnliseh I buupschill < iess< Isehaft for shipment v\ h<
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  • 531 6 We learn that the Alexy Morch has been sold to a Chinese firm for tho Langkok trade for $85,000 and it would appear that at tho price of ships at the present time, the purchasers have certainly got value for
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  • 244 6 The last expedition to the snow mountains of New Guinea, the members of which returnt d to .Java the previous week, may in every way be considered a preat success, says the Batavia Xieuwsbhad of May 20. The expedition, it will be rememberc*d, was under
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  • 105 6 A verdict for the defendant was given on May 7 in the action for alleged libel brought by Mi. 11. S. Wigmore, quartermaster of the P. and <> liner Delhi against Captain Philip 11 it i is. superintendent of the P. and O. Com
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  • 659 6 In their weekly share circular dated .luno I, Messrs Krit»cr and Company state: There lias been a considerable decline in all rubber stocks since last advice and dealings in this section have been practically confined to sales to London. The recotit
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  • 174 6 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazetto of .June 6 that Mr. R. H. Goulding is to be assistant superintendent, trigonometrical branch, Survey Department; Mr. A. S. M. Best to be assistant engineer, I*. W. D.; Mr. E. J. Gough to be secretary, Sanitary Board, Kuala
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  • 572 6 On Saturday last, a fete was held in t ictoria Memorial Hall, (kindly lent by tl authorities for the occasion) in couiuctu with the Singapore branch of the <ii,i Friendly Society. Lady Evelyn Y ()lln kindly attended and declared
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  • 253 6 The death took place at his residence in the Batu Head, Kuala Lumpur, on Monday morning, after an illness extending over two or three weeks, of Raja Laut bin Sultan Mohomad, better known, perhaps, as the Ra ja Muda. Raja Laut was the nephew of
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  • 1056 7 The ordinary general meeting of the Singa- KU ctric Tramways, Limited, was held ;l y at the offices of the company, 19 5 swithin’s-lane, E C., sir Frank A. 8wet- i,(i.C.M.G. (chairman of the comtcinuwu, in uvi, presiding. Thf secretary (Mr.
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  • 213 7 We have receivod from the Singapore branch of Messrs. Whitcaway, Laidlaw and Company, a copy of the report of the directors of that company for the year ended February 28,1913, which was to be submitted to the shareholders at the fifth annual general meeting, to be
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  • 104 7 On Friday last the 6th inst. at tho .Jasin police court, the hearing of the preliminary enquiry against thirty-tlm e Chinese tapping coolies for the attempted murder of Mr. (Jrecne, the divisional superintendent of the Mcrlimau Kstate, and for gang robbery committed on his premises on May
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  • 446 7 At a mooting of tho Council of the Perak Chamber of Mines, held on Monday, May 26, the following wero present:—The Hon. 11. I). Griffiths, M.F.C. (president), in the chair, Mr. A. Payne-Gallwey (vice-president), tho Hon. Eu Tong Sen, M.F.C., Messrs.
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  • 273 7 In the Union House of Assembly at Cape Town on May 7, Mr. Saur, Minister of .Jus tice and Native Affairs, announced that iu view of mortality in the Witwatersraud Mines the introduction of tropical natives would no longer he permitted.
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  • 89 7 A Peking telegram to the China Press, dated May 17, says:—lt transpires that the woman who was executed on Wednesday in connection with the bomb plot for the assassination of President N nan shill Kai, was Miss Ching Yu ho, a t< acher in the girls’ law
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  • 512 7 Thu Chief Justice, Sir William llyndman .Jones, heard, in the Supreme Court, on Thursday, proceedings in a ease at the instance of Chop Ghee Teck of Teluk Ayer Stroet, against the Straits Trading Co., Ltd. Plaintiffs claim for f11.7H7.79,
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  • 215 7 I'rot. Wyndham H. Dunstan, of tho Imporial Institute, has again called attcutioo to tho need of a Tropical Agricultural Col lego to bo established Homowlicre in tho tropicH. He truly says that tropical agriculture ami its results are of far-reaching importance to tho hmpire. What ho advooatos,
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  • 135 7 1 ho billowing paragraph is from The Times of May 17 -Bound from Bombay for Shanghai tho f. aud O. liner Assaye was repair d yesterday to have arrived at Singapore with a tire, which was still burning. Tho tire was in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 340 7 Property Sales. 1 he following Singapore properties were disposed of by auctiou at Messrs. Powell and Co.'s sale room on the 4th inst. The freehold residential property Kosebank, 6 Mount Elizabeth Hoad, Tanglin, area 18,148 square feet, part of Grant 84, Ed. Nathan $9,000; the shop-house premises 55 Upper i
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  • 632 8 Tho report of the 11 arbour Master of Hongkong, Commander Basil Taylor, K.N., f< *r the year 1912, was laid before tlio Hongkong Legislative Couneil on May 29. It states that the total of the shipping entering aud clearin'* at ports
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  • 213 8 The value of wireless telegraphy was strikingly illustrated by the saving of '2o.') passengers hum the liner Tainui, bound from Wellington for London, which was badly clamant <1 in a collision with the steamer Inca oil the Spanish Coast on May ‘25. The Tainui began to
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  • 687 8 The report of the; Tronoh Mines, Limited, states that during tho year to December 91 2,770 tons of tin ore were sold, as compared with 9,850 tons sold during 1911. The amount realised (excluding tribute*) was .£949,994, being an ave rage* of X*
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  • 159 8 The draft of an enactment to amend the Hail ways Fnactmeut 1912 is published in the F.M.S. Government Gazette where the lion. F. Heltield, legal advisor to the Government, explains tliat tho object of the measure is to afford to the railway department some measure of protection against
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  • 752 8 (Fkom A Cokkkspondknt.) Trenggannu, June 1. on May 19, His Highness Sultan Zaiual Abidin (of Trenggannu) left hero iu his own motor boat, which is fairly larger and commodious. The w eather was exceedingly line when lie started. Accompanying him were
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  • 113 8 Tlie competition between the Nippon Yusen Kaislia ami the I»ritisli India Steamship Navigation Co., still continues Accord ing to the Hochi, the 1 British company has decided to carry on the competition, irrespective of the attitude of the British (lov eminent. On the other hand, says the
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  • 604 8 Tuesday evening’s meeting at the Selangor Club, called by Mr. \V. j> Hume in support of national service was of extraordinary interest, says the Malay Mail, of the 4th iust., in that it provided the public of the F.M.S. with
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  • 223 8 The K. G. A. paraded at full strength on the Rangoon maidau, on May 26, for inspec tion by Lieutenant General Sir Robert Scallou, after which he bade them farewell, lie congratulated the men on their good work, but particularly tbe 61st C’o., which had for
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    • 773 9 s R.A. Meeting. 'll,,, thirteenth annual meeting of the "ini' more hide Association is now nearing "potion. The following events have been ilru led on the Ballestier Range since the sth ii^t. Ladies’ Match. <-o o* IS rt* 'a h 55 S h Mrs Copeland 88 86 74
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    • 1273 9 S.C.C. v. 5.R.C. The S.C.C. defeated the S.R.C. on Thursday afternoon and so pass into the tinal of the football cup competition. They won by two goals to one, but it cannot be said that in doing so the team covered themselves with glory. They ought to have scored
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    • 168 9 S.C.R.C. Tournament. The following results of tios in the Straits Chinese Recreation Club’s lawn tennis tournament are announced A. Singles. —Seow 1'oh Leng owe 18 beat Tan Tian Kiat owe 7, 6—2, 6—1. Leo Chin Tuan owe 2 heat Song Ong Siang, scr., w.o. Tan Wi Yan owo
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    • 307 9 Singapore Qolf Club. The Juno modal competition wan played on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for Mr. E. F. H. Edlin who returned the excellent nett score of 72. The sweep was won on the 7th by Mr. Edlin and on the Hth by Mr. G.
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    • 224 9 S C C. v. The Garrison. On the Ksplanado on Saturday tlio S.C.C. played the Garrison and won by two wickets. Scores: S.C.C. A. Gardner c Thorpe b Dempsey 57 J. It. C. Badham Ibw b Dempsey 25 J. Tursley b Thorpe 3 B. J. llenry c do h
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  • 257 9 They aro making an attempt to stimulnto volunteer recruiting at Hongkong, and the Governor, Sir Henry May, lias been lending a hand. At the annual prize distribution a few days ago, Mis Excellency, who is Colonel of the Hongkong Corps, in
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  • 141 9 or the? second time in the history of the Ceylon police forct one of its inemhcrM has been decorated with the Kind’s medal for oallantry. A Malay is the recipient. On the recommendation of the InspectorGeneral of Police, constable dapper Asoar has been awardi d this tribute
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  • 18 10 ItoHF.KTsos.— On Juno G, ut Nuitenzorg, Paterson Rood, Singapore, tlio wife of Alexander Robertson, ol a daughter.
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  • 136 10 Wilson- Mann.— On Juno A, by Rev. Wrn Runcitnan, It. I)., Alexander Cunningham Wilson, M.A., 8.L., to Florence Mann, M. It., Cl. It. Low —Wkmyss. On tho 10th instant, at St. George's Chure*\ Penang, Straits St ttle inents, by tho llevd. K. I). Swindell, M.A., Horace Aubrey, youngest son
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1334 10 take such risks cheerfully.—Straits Times, June 5. British shipowners havo received with mixed feelings the Admiralty’s recent pro posal to arm merchant liners. The question has aroused some perturbation because, however choerfully the owners may be in dined to fulfil patriotic obligations, there are certain considerations that
      take such risks cheerfully.—Straits Times, June 5.  -  1,334 words
    • 862 10 —Straits Times, June G. Judging from the telegrams sent out from home regarding the incidents in the race for the Derby Stakes, the Grand Spring Meeting at Epsom must have far surpassed any other fixture over held on the famous Surrey Downs and, wo doubt not, will
      —Straits Times, June G.  -  862 words
    • 1174 10 —Straits Times, Juno 7* Among the changes effected in China in the last two years is the almost absolute aban donment of the old method of death by torture for serious offences. Young China agreed with the West that the death by a thousand cuts and
      .—Straits Times, Juno 7*  -  1,174 words
    • 1372 11 grossing topic, and says it so well. —Straits Times, Juno 0. China has in recent times been responsible for the consumption of more ink and paper than perhaps any other one subject that has occupied the attention of the world’s writers. One can scarcely turn the
      grossing topic, and says it so well.—Straits Times, Juno 0.  -  1,372 words
    • 1013 11 those of Great Britain aud China.—Straits Times, June 10. The remarkable manifestation of public interest in China of the last few mouths will doubtless stimulate the efforts of Mr. C. A. M. Smith, who, as Professor of Engineering at the Hongkong University, is now m England to
      those of Great Britain aud China.—Straits Times, June 10.  -  1,013 words
    • 915 12 -Straits Times, dune 11. The recent uowh from Ireland, the continuation of largo consignments of rifles imported under fictitious descriptions, sounds like a puerile tableau to put the finishing touches < n the Ulsterite campaign. It may or it may not be a move engineered by the
      . -Straits Times, dune 11.  -  915 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 The Post tree price of the Struts Times I* ♦•'W a year The post (re“ price of tlio Straits Budget i»$M a y»ar It i> not ntcefbarv to tuhicrihe for a year. The *ub options for shorter periods are at the same proport onale rat« as for a year. The
      92 words
  • 29 10 DEATHS. 1(ofkh. On May 14, at Tlrrnton llcatli, Jane Elizabeth, widow of A. ag* d 79. Samson —On May l/,in London, J. Samson, formerly of China, aged 68 years.
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  • 109 12 Owing to the rapid expansion of business in general engineering, the Central Engine Works, Limited, have been obliged to purchase a piece of land .in Orchutd Road for ilic purpose of erecting a large and up to date motor garage, in order to make more room
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  • 650 12 The report of the Rastern Extension. Australasia and China Telegraph Compauy, Limited, states that the gross receipts, as shown in the revenue account for the half year to December ill, amounted to X‘379,445, against £359,596 for the corresponding
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  • 140 12 The wedding took place on Wednesday at St. Andrew’s Cathedral of Mr. Walter Marsh, accountant to the Municipality, Singapore, and Miss I>. E. Plumptou, a relative of Mr. M. E. Plumpton, of Messrs. Adamson, Giltillan and Co. The Yen. Archdeacon Izard, assisted by the Kev. 11. G. Peile,
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  • 343 12 Before Mr. Firmstono, in the first court yesterday, throe Chinese, the respecth/. editors of tho Nam Kew Poo, the filing N aiu Jit Poo and tho Union Times, were prostruted for publishing results of public lotteries' Mr. Savi, A. S. I\, appeared to
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  • 328 12 The Licensing .Justices, in the District Court, assembled on Tuesday, in order to consider what would be the best course of action in a somewhat complicated case arising out of the license for premises aO and 52, Now Bridge Hoad. Mr. Firmstone, the District Judge, presided,
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  • 117 12 Lieut.-Colonel Marrablc, Commanding the Troops, has much pleasure iu conveying to the Garrison His Excellency the Governoi s complete satisfaction with the success of tho parade in honour of H. M. birthday, aud the tine bearing of the troops. His Excellency was pleased to state tint “tho
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  • 859 15 Berlin, June 4. In reply to Mr. Bryan's plan for world peace, Germany has stated that she has noted the plan with interest and she expects further proposals on the subject. At the Weser dockyard, Bremen, the Grand Duke of Baden has christened the battleship Mark Graf. The
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  • 199 15 Nows has been received in Kuala Lumpur, reports the Malay Mail, that Mr. George Stafford, who passed through there in April with his family on route to Europe from Australia, has died in Bombay of pneumonia. He caught a chill on board ship and died
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 269 16 Junk 4 Siam. I>:tn. str, Jens< n, Copenhagen, E. Asiatic I) uneia, Brit. str., llamlyn, Calcutta, Boustead Cowrie, Ihit. str.. Cooper. I*. Soosoc, Asiatic Petroleum 5 Peking, S wd. str., Nordstrain. Saigon, A. (iiUillan Lai Sane. Ih it. str., Tadd, Calcutta, Boustead Ixion, Ihi str., U’penhansen, Vancouver, \V. .Manslield
      269 words
    • 298 16 •IrsK 4 Telena, I i it. str., Gibralta f.o. Palauan, liiit. str., Antwerp via jn>rts DeumdwrnH, Brit. str., L’don A'dam A A’werp Nam Sang, Brit. str., Penang A Calcutta 6 I tola. I»rit. str., Hongkong A Japan Bloemfiniteiu. lirit. str., Manila A Japan TccHta, lirit. str., Penang Madras A
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  • 751 16 A remarkably interesting description of a 2,000 mile journey up the River I’urus and its tributary, the Acre, was given before the Royal Geographical Society ou May 5 by Lieut. Jleibert A. Edwards, whose party conducted frontier exploration on the
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  • 81 16 The trustees of the Associated Society of Railway Servants, at Bombay, ou May ill, passed a resolution declaring a general railway strike throughout India aud Burma commencing at noon the next day. In the introductory statement the trustees allege? aggression against the strikeis, the cutting oil of
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  • 274 16 Singapore, Junk 11, 1918. EXCHANQE On London> Bank m/s 2/4,j Demand 2/4^ Private 6 m/s mi 8 m/s 2/4 i 5 On Gmkm4vy Bank d/d 238 j Private 3 m/s 248$ On Francs Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/s 299$ On India Bank T. T. 174$ Private
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  • 309 16 SINGAPORE, JlNK 11, 1918. MINING. iTel B °y ere Scller9 10 10 Ampang 9.00 10.00 10 10 Belat Tin 2.e0 2.75 10 10 Bruang 1.50 10 10 K&naboi 2.00 2.10 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 13.50 14.50 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.16.0 2.3.4 £1
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  • 468 16 The storms of the past few days, says the Statesman (Calcutta), have started people thinking aud talking about the monsoon, as storms always do at this time of the year and the fact that, though we have ouly reached the middle of
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  • 268 16 Per P. and O. Assaye, sailing June 13. Mr. T. N. Frost, Mr. Pentreath, Miss Pentreath, Mr. J.H. MacNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and child, Mr. aud Mrs. Holman Hunt, Mr. B. Webster, Miss E. Dillon, Mr. F. H. Dallas, Mr. S. H. Howard, Mr. Smit. Per
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 370 17 Civil. Mechanical. Electrical Marine. SPECIALISTS IN f Rubber Plantation Machinery and Buildings. Motor Boats, Lighters and Light Draft Steamers. Complete Electrical Installations. Ferro-Concrete Structures. Mining and Pumping Machinery. Structural Steelwork. Heavy, Light and Ornamental Castings, Etc., Etc. fit LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST of ESTATE IMPLEMENTS, ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ AND
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 122 18 NOTI We have this day been appointed Sole Agents for BULLOCH LADE CO., LD. (of Glasgow and London), the oldest Firm of Whisky Distillers in the World, and we hold large stocks of their EXTRA SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY (Gold Label), AND A SPECIAL VERY OLD BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY (White Label).
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 123 1 lit M-KM. (lubber Items 1 The Rubber Industry 1 May Rubber Returns 2 K. M. S. Rubber Exports 2 Shanghai Share Case 3 Planters Fined at Tapab 4 Bingapore Rubber Auction 6 Agricultural Pests Enactment 7 i t I.H.KAMS Rendon Rubber Market 1 London Rubber Special 1 MttllNi.S vxi»
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    • 277 1 1 lu Lubber Growers’ Association are pre- utiny six trophies in the various eompeti* h »iis at the Lubber Exhibition of 1914. h I C. Wrefcrd's inventions for support- ••I'ptacles used in tin?collection ol latex ti; I toi cup hangers and number plates have 1 11 granted a
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    • 44 1 Fiuo Para Plantation. w Spot Forward First Latex •Tune I 3/8 3/7$ 3/1 J »/8.l 3/7 8/1* 6 3/8 3/7 3/1} ii 7 3/8] 3/7 3/1$ ,i 9 3/8 B/1} 10 3 9 8/8$ 8/1*
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    • 42 1 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) London, June 7. The rubber auction average price was 2/l()„ to which it has been reduced by the bad prices obtaining for low quality crepes. The best grades are steady. The market is looking better.
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    • 305 1 The auuual meeting of the Sungei Kapar Rubber Company, Limited, was held at Edinburgh on May 9, Mr. E. A. Davidson presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, said that for the first time Brafferton estate appeared as a revenue-pro-ducer, the profit being £5,449.
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    • 173 1 The following report on tho share market at home is taken from the London and China Express of May 16: —The Whitsun holidays stayed development of any importance in the rubber share market. After the same with a sharp advance in the price of the commodity, largely
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    • 427 1 The report of the Batu Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, states that the net profit for the year to December 31 amounts to .£32,792, to which must be added the amount brought forward, XI, 109, together making X 33.901, from
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    • 266 1 The report of tho Dennistown (Krian, 1 F.M.S.) Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the output of dry rubber for the year to December 31 amounted to 153,301 lbs., as against the manager’s estimate of 130,000 lbs. Alter allowing for loss in weight the net amount sold was
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    • 654 1 The third ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Chota I lubber Hstates i (Limited) was held on May l. r at the Institute of Directors, 4, Corbefccourt, (1 racechurch strict. Mr. \V. Arthur Addinsell, ehairiuan of the company, presiding.
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    • 2045 2 An extraordinary funeral meeting of the shareholders of tho Scmaiubu Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on May 2H. Mr. K. presided, and ho wan supported by hr. K. L. Marsh and Mr. It. N. Truman, directors. Tho total
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    • 858 2 Jimah.— 2,806 lbs. Lunas.- 5.950 lbs. Durian S tbatang. 1,103 lb>. Henrietta.—4,5 lb'-. Sungei Mataug. —3,800 lbs. Merlimau. 3-1,305 lb*. Kembia. —8,399 lbs. Lendu.—1,350 lbs. Krubong. 4,009 lbs. Permas. —6.418 lbs. Majedie. 3,111 lbs. Tenorn.- 14.9(H) lbs. Taiping Rubber Kstates. —4.000 lb» Kempas. 6,500 lbs. Semambu. —3,311
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    • 72 2 I Hiring May 1,255.70 tons of rubber weri exported from the K.M.S. This, together with 7,251.71 tons previously exported this year makes a total of 8,477.41 tons to date, com pared with 5,887.65 tous exported during th same period last year, an increase of 2,649.7« tons. The
      72 words
    • 2486 3 The third ordinary general meeting of the Kii il i Pahi Hubber Estate, Limited, was held ,,m M vy 15 at 21, Ironmonger Lane, E.O., Mr. Hartley Aspden, d.P. (Chairman of the company), presiding. The Ghairman said Gentlemen, the report
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    • 1135 3 Argument was to be heard in Shanghui on May 24, in the case in which Mr. G. W. Cooper claims against Messrs. Bissetand Co., for the return ol a promissory not for Tls. 15,564 and repayment of Tls.
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    • 1607 3 The Hoventh ordinary general meeting of the Bukit Panjong Syndicate, Limited, was hold on May 14, at the Society of Incorporated Accountants 50, GroHham Street, K.C., Mr. Charles Blair (chairman of the company) presidium The Chairman said The directors rcjxjrt and
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    • 248 3 Maclachlan of Maclachan, who presided at the annual meeting of the Taugga Batu Rubber Company, Limited, held at Edinburgh on May 9, said the cost of production was thoroughly satisfactory looking to the early stage of the estate. Lab <ur conditions continued excellent. He would not trouble
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    • 961 3 The annual goneral meeting of Changkat Salak Rubber and Tin, Limited, was held on May 14, at Glasgow, Mr. Hugh Moncrieft presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the result of the year’s working as disclosed by the report and accounts—which 1 assume
      961 words
    • 350 3 Tho report of the Ledbury Rubber Estate* Limited, states that all tho available land at Ledbury and Sione Estates has now been taken in hand. At lvinrara Estate there arc still 661 acres available. 248 acres have bee D added during the year to December 31 to
      350 words
    • 329 3 The report of the Cluny Rubber Estates Limited, states that during the year to December 31 a further area of about 250 acres has been planted up, but on the other baud various small areas of swampy laud, totalling in all 36-acres, have had to be abandoned,
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    • 142 3 The Ipoh correspondent of the Malay Mad wired on Juno s as follows: —Six planters from the Batang Padang district were charg at Tapah Police Court yesterday under the Labour Code Enactment of 1912, with failing to pay coolies on or before the 10th of the
      142 words
    • 2377 5 'Hie annual meeting of the Third Mile IOI.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, was held a t Edinburgh on May 9, Mr. James S. Bontein the chairman of directors) presiding. The Chairman said: I presume I may take the report and
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    • 363 5 ITio report of the uanadrou Lubber Estates, Limited, states that during the year to December 31 322 acres have been added to the area under rubber, which now totals 5,200 acres, while a further 210 acres were in progress, and will
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    • 720 5 The directors of the I'lu l'andan (Singapore) Kubber Estates, Ltd., report for the year endod April 30 last:— Accounts. —The net protit for the year (subject to directors’ fees) amounted to 534,618.94, as compared with 513,588’87 in
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    • 3414 6 The ordinary general mooting of the shareholders of the Kuala Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 15, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, K.C., Mr. W. A. Horn (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Ladies
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    • 277 6 The ninety-first auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held yesterday, when there was ottered for sale 431 cases, 4*28.26 pels, or 57,101 lbs. and sold 420 cases, 417.21 pels, or 55,628 lbs. The prices realised were:— Sheet Smoked 5140 to 162 Unsmokeu 147
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    • 1650 7 The third ordinary general meeting of the shareholders in the VVaverley Rubber and produce Estates of .lava, Ltd., was held on May Id, at the offices of the company, 65, London -wall, E.C., Mr. John Samuel Newlyn (chairman of
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    • 178 7 The lion. F. lielficld, legal adviser to the F.M.S. Government, ha* prepared tho draft of an enactment to provide for tho protection of trees, plants and cultivated products from disease and pests. He explains the objects and reasons as follows: —This draft aims at providing statutory means
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    • 1817 7 The ordinary general meeting of tho Kampong lvuantan Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 9, at the registered offices, 5, Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. F. A. Govett (chairman of the compauy) presiding. The Chairman said My task to-day
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    • 1929 8 Capita. Stock Singapore Aatho- p. ar va Qe Dividends. Malatan Exchange Fraser and Co.'s rised. Ci iqiq 1011 Compahiia Prices, Prices, Marked 2/- 1912. 1911. May 13. .lime 11. Hfj.OOC 2/-fy. paid H 4
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