The Straits Budget, 5 June 1913

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXVII NO. 2886. Singapore. Thursday, June 3, 1913. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 287 1 LEADERS— Matters Marconi 10 A Friend of Mankind 10 Our Police Force ...10-11 Panama and Coal Prices 11 No Votes for Women 11-12 The Volunteers Again 12 Local and General— Local and Personal 1-2 The King's Birthday 3-4 Anglo-Chinese School 4 T touch's Former Owner 4 The
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  • 4877 1 It is suggested in tho Paris papers that several Colonial officials in Indo-China are t<> he recalled by tho Colonial Minister, following tho recent happenings in that country and in connection with tho renewal i the alcohol monopoly in Tong-King and Annam, which is said to have
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  • 206 4 Mera Khan, a Pathan, appeared in the third court, yesterday, to charge Litn Hok, of Hockhun Street, with tho theft of a purse containing two sovereigns aud forty cents. The prosecutor, a man oyer six feet in height who towered over the diminutiveCllinatnan, told a
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  • 1372 4 The distribution by Mrs. R. J. Wilkinson, of the prizes and certificates for the Cambridge Local examinations gained by scholars of the Anglo-Chinese School took place on Saturday afternoon in the drill hall of the school. The report for the
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  • 357 4 Air. Grant Mackie, one of the oldest resi dents iu Alalaya, was interviewed by a Times of Alalaya man the other day and had some interesting things to relate concerning the pioneer days of the peninsula. Questioned about the Tronoh Alines
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  • 84 4 Reuters Telegram London, June 4. Paris, June 3.—At a mooting of the s Uez Canal Company, Al. Jonuart, the new 1W dent, expressed tho opinion that Panama would prove a complement of tho Suez Lanai rather than
    Reuters Telegram  -  84 words
  • 224 4 The death occurred suddenly in Bombay on May 15, of the Rev. John Camera/ senior 1 residency Chaplain of the Church of Scotland. Air. Cameron was apparently in Ins usual health till the morning of the 15th when he complained of a severe headache after Ins
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  • 192 4 A visitor to Penang who was strolling along the Esplanade near the Fort a few days ago made an interesting fiud in the shape of a small thin copper coin in an excellent state of preservation, bearing on the obverse side, in relief, the letters O. V.
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  • 176 4 Reports from Japan concerning the Government s subsidy policy are somewhat contradictory, but there is good reason to believe, says a London financial paper, that, although all the payments will not be abolished, a big reduction will be effected when the agreements come to an end on
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  • 104 4 A Shanghai wire to the Hongkong Daily Press of May 25 says .‘—General Hsu l’ao of Vangehow, well-known as “Tiger Hsu, was blown to atoms by a bomb on Saturday morning. The General, who is an ardent collector of porcelain, had sent a confidential servant to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 Property Sale. '1 lie following property was disposed of by auction at Messrs. Chinj» Kenj* Leo and Co.'s saleroom on tin: 2nd inst.: 999 years’ leasehold land and house, 1.73 New Market Load, area 1 01.> s<j. It. bought by (bin Hup, for Houses 1HH. 1*S9, 192 and 195 Ceeil
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  • 941 5 The case in which Mr. H. B. Winter was charged with the rash driving of a motorcycle. thereby causing the death of a syce, the act not amounting to culpable homicide, was continued on Friday, before Mr. Morten. At the
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  • 594 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In their weekly share circular, dated May 29, Messrs. Fraser and Company state: The past week has boon exceedingly gloomy with London advices marking most of the better kuown rubber stocks lower each day. There have been but few dealings in
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  • 134 5 The Commanding Officer of the M. S. V. it. much regrets to record the death of No. 620, Corporal K. W. l)arby, No. 2 section, No. <> Company, which occurred through a drowning accident on Tekka Mine, on Wednesday, May 21. Corporal Darby belonged
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  • 1038 5 i A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners who held on Friday afternoon, Mr. 11. ,J. Farrer (deputy president) presiding. Others present were Messrs. A. \V. Bean, I. Moss, A. M. S. Angullia, Chid, Ken*' Chiu It. IVirce (engineer) ami
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  • 364 5 Tho annual general mooting of Bruang, Ltd., wan held in the registered offices, Gresham House, on Friday. Mr. H. K. Llewellyn presided and Mossrs. A. D. Allen and A. J. W. Watkins were also present. Referring to the report and acoounts the
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  • 93 5 The accounts of the Singapore Eloctric Tramways show an excess of revenue over expenditure of jC84,4.’J9, tho profit for the year, after charging debenture interost, depreciation and royalty paid, being £5,358. Compared with 1911, tramway revenue shows an increase of £1,446. There were 898,080 moro passengers carried
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  • 129 5 A Swiss widow named Osell, known in the district of Cake Constance as “The Queen of Smugglers,” by reason of her great daring in organising the smuggling of saccharine, has been captured by the German authorities at liindau, and sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment. Madame Gsell amassed
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  • 13 6 [The Straits Times is not responsible lot the opinions of its correspondents.!
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  • 2072 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I have just read the article in your paper written by a contributor aud, being thoroughly impressed by the generosity of our Rritish neighbours, 1 wish to contribute something in commemoration of the ubovo occasion. Your contributor, whoever
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  • 120 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -I regret that M.” has construed my letter as being deprecatory to the Malays. Anyone who knows the mutual regard I believe we have always had for each other will understand that it was not thus intended. I
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  • 531 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With regard to the article in your issue of the 26th on the subject of the fortlicomiug flotation of the Malayan Collieries, Ltd., I should like to be permitted to point out that you may therein perhaps have conveyed
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  • 593 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I venture to bring the following to your attention as presenting a public matter of the first importance to the couutry generally. The statement is made on the authority of one of the largest buyers and suppliers of
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  • 1059 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your leading article of the 2l>t inst., under the heading of our Philosophers column 2, you state that we in Shiga pore have a police force as reliable and quick at detection as any in the East. Well,
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  • 230 7 The development of the Australian wireless service, the first link in tho Imporial wireless chain, has now made such progress that do fewer than eight stations are in full working order, states the Evening Standard. Nine other stations are rapidly approaching completion, and
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  • 111 7 (From Orn Own CorrksposdkntJ Penang, June 2. The Hunt Club's gymkhana took place on Saturday in a drizzling rain which, however, did not prevent a large Attendance from enjoying really excellent sport greatly assisted by the Kedah contingent. Mrs. Evans distributed the prizes. Results are as follow
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  • 189 7 A Malay motor driver, named Ilassan, was prosecuted in the third court on Monday by Mr. McKean, of the Vacuum Oil Oorcnany, for the theft of a motor clock. Mr. McKean, who lives iu Serangoon Hoad, said that lie had to go away from Singapore last month
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  • 119 7 The annual installation convocation oi Ivitita I!. A. Chapter. No. K. C., was held in I poll ou Saturday evening when M. K. Comp. I'. Ik Sewell installed the following as otlic* is fur the ensuing year ,C. K. Cockram; 11. I*.. O. Short; .1 (J. Darby; Sc. Iv,
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  • 1366 7 (From A Corrkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 2H. Klang is reachod in an hour from Kuala Lumpur by train and is the next station to Port Swettonham on tho line. Jt is the second largest town in Selangor next to the Federal capital, and sprang into prominence about tho time
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  • 254 7 On a well-lighted stage at the Scala Theatre on April 25 men and women appeared, danced and sang—and yet they were not living persons at all, but the latest and most wonderful living pictures, which require no screen and no darknoss. I*
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  • 125 7 The arrest, at Calcutta, of a man on suspicion for being in possession of two brass ornaments, has led to the discovery that the articles are fittings stolen about a year ago from tho late (Jin cn Victoria's desk presented to the Victoria Memorial Hall by King
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  • 1810 8 Tho new Isolation Hospital in Moulmoin Road is little more than the bones of wlmt was proposed when the necessity for a modern institution of the kind was mooted. Tho original scheme was comprehensive in all its aspects;
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  • 608 8 The report of the tour of inspection which His Excellency the High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., has just concluded in Upper Perak, makes very interesting reading. He ret urn oil to Singapore on Friday having been absent from the
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  • 129 8 A European convict, named Moutgoiuery, made a daring dash for liberty in the early hours of Wednesday morning, May 21. He was being taken from Calcutta to Lahore in charge of a European Inspector and Bengal armed police, and when the train near Ghaziabad was t
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  • 318 8 The labour correspondent of The ci loLcwriting on May 28, says: Once more the British workman is from the records of Trade Union leaders u striking object lesson regarding the twin evils of strikes and foreign competition. h. South Wales tho
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  • 256 8 On May 28, the Rangoon merchants of Singapore entertained Mr. Ohmoora, manager of the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, to dinner at Kulangsu, Tanjong Katong Road, on the eve of his departure to Japan on a holiday. There many guests present, among them Mr. Hoo Wei Yen (Chinese
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  • 257 8 Brigadier-General Whitacre Allen, Officer Commanding the Troops in Ceylon, who is shortly leaving tho island on completion of his four years’ term of command there, was good enough to grant an Observer representative a farewell interview when, in an interesting chat, be discussed volunteering matters as
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  • 58 10 Williams.— On May ‘2O, at Nowlyn, Newton, Singapore, the wifoof E. S. Williams, of a daughter. Elstkk.— On May 2H, at the Nursing Home, St. Thomas’ Walk, Singapore, the wife of C. Elster, of Kelautan, of a son. Ki<oty.—At Kuala Lumpur, on May 28, to Mr. and Mrs. E.
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  • 16 10 Elms— Alahastbk.— On April 00, at Boh combe, Hasting, F. Elms to Etta W. Alabaster.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1294 10 -Straits Times, May 29. Whether certain British cabinet ministers did or did not participate in Marconi share transactions to their own personal benefit, it is not our intention to discuss hero for wc suspect that most people have read quite enough on that subjoct in their budget of
      -Straits Times, May 29.  -  1,294 words
    • 1042 10 will long be remembered. —Straits Times, May 30. Do tho majority of Europeans in the East and in Singapore, in particular, appreciate the good intentions of Government in annually proclaiming certain days of each year as public or bank holidays? It is a question open to
      will long be remembered.—Straits Times, May 30.  -  1,042 words
    • 1395 10 were very far from encouraging. Straits Times, May 31. In a recent article in this column we made a passing allusion to the police force in the Straits Settlements and ventured the opinion that it was “as reliable and quick at detection as any in the East.”
      were very far from encouraging. — Straits Times, May 31.  -  1,395 words
    • 1391 11 mature consideration.—Straits Times, June 2. Ever since the Panama Canal scheme reached the stage of certain completion, it has been discussed as perhaps the most momentous factor to bo reckoned with in tho future of the ocean-carrying trade between Europe and tho farthest Orient. Commercial circles
      mature consideration.—Straits Times, June 2.  -  1,391 words
    • 1236 11 —Straits Times, June 3. Now that the House of Commons has refused to give a socond reading to Mr. W. 11. Dickinson’s Hepresontation of tho People (Women) Bill, militant suffragettes must surely recogniso tho futility of continuing their wicked campaign seeing that for some years past
      —Straits Times, June 3.  -  1,236 words
    • 962 12 would add, the cheapest.—Straits Times June 4. The thoughtful individual might have found much food for reflection in the military parade held on the racecourse yesterday. Outwardly it was a publication of our power and a spectatorial event calculated to touch the susceptibilities of the spirit; inwardly
      would add, the cheapest.—Straits Times June 4.  -  962 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 95 10 The P*»«t tree price of the Straits Tims is *3B a year The post fie price of the Straits Budget is sl4 A y*»« r It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The tub •criptions for shorter periods are at the same proporionate rate at for a year.
      95 words
  • 51 10 DEATHS. Quiolky. —On May 27, at Glonalmond, James Quigley, Foreman Moulder, Keppel Harbour, Singapore. How.—On May 3, at London, Gordon Thomas How, late of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, aged 50. Lay.— On May 2, at Brighton, suddenly, Charles Horatio, aged 13, third son of late A. Lay, Commissioner of Customs,
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  • 103 12 After a period of service under the P. and Company, the steamer Wakool has just been sold to a Far Eastern firm. Some of her crew wero in Colombo on May 22 having arrived by the China the day previous to tranship for
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  • 409 12 A Gazette Extraordinary published on Monay announces the first batch of names of gentlemen appointed by Ii.E. the Governor under the new Municipal Ordinance to be Municipal Commissioners in the three Settlements. The following aro the names of
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  • 120 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 29. At the last meeting of the Sanitary Hoard, the Chairman, Mr. Douglas, drew attention to the general inconvenience of the Town Hall for dances, etc. A minute by the Resident suggested that possibly a new Town Hall may
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  • 136 12 The Straits Echo of May 27 statesWe learn on good authority that the lit. Hon. Lewis Harcourt, Secrotary of State for the Colonics, has approved the plans and proposed expenditure for the Penang liills Bail way. The plans were drawn up by ML A. It. Johnston, of
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    • 451 13 K.O.YT.I- v. R.O.A. The B.G.A. and the first eleven of tho v.k.I. re played their cup tie, on Thues- v on the S.R.C. ground in the presence of lute a large crowd. Their first meeting s ilted in a draw, but on this, tho second em inent, the Regiment
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    • 335 13 The S.R.A. Meeting. The prize meeting of the Singapore Kitlo Association was continued at Balcstier on "unday, in dull weather punctuated with -light -bowers of rain at intervals. Tin- Wantage rapid firing < vent produced 1 do >r < utry. The Conditions were eight i m sighter), target
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    • 353 13 Presentation to Mr. C. T. Durward. Members of the Penang Golf Club assembled in large numbers outside the club house on May 27 when a presentation was made to Mr. C. T. Durward, who, after four years’ excellent service, has recently vacated the office of honorary treasurer on the
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    • 192 13 Matches at Sepoy Lines. (>u Sunday afternoon there Yvas a very large crowd at the Sepoy Lines parade ground to witness the following three wrestling matches: Santha Singh v. Dishanda Singh. The match started at quarter past two; after a continuous struggle of an hour and three quarters Dishauda
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    • 1563 13 Warders v. Junior N.C.O.’s R.G.A. This match was recently played outlie Outram Boa t School ground. Warders 1st Innings;—Tamos c Lodge b Cooper (1, King b Cooper <>, Uolley cTomliuson b Reilly AIcLonon b Keilly S. M. Moss run out 1, Crawley 0 Lodge! b 1.0 !go 11, Diiinbltton
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  • 129 13 There can bo no doubt, Hays the Ceylon Patriot, that the coiusumptioii of intoxicants lias increased since the introduction of the new excise system, though the public expected the, result to bo otherwise. The m w system has totally failed to grapple with the increase of intemperance.
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  • 892 15 Berlin, May 28. The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company paya a dividend of 40 per cent, against 19 per cent, previously. The Chineso Ambassador at Vienna denies the existence of a secret treaty between China and Russia regarding the outer regions of Manchuria. Sir Edward Orey has declared to
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  • 332 16 Some interesting particulars are given in telegrams via Rangoon of tlic festivities in connection with the wedding of the Kaiser's daughter. We read The state banquet iu Berlin, yVstcrday evening (May *24), like the wedding ceremony, was conducted with a
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  • 56 16 The output for May, 1913, is as follows: Prom mine 2,734 Ml piculs; from tributers Uf>.4() piculs; total 2,850.24 piculs. Value: I rom mine 418.7,404.40; from tributers *7,7*T,.7<J; total 41M,171.28. Tho estimated proh.t l ro, u (after payment of development, capit:«,l expenditure, etc > lit o!!l rom
    56 words
  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 244 16 May 28 Kktim, Brit, str., ’Kiluer, Calcutta, Boustead Kaga Maru, Jap. str., TahiiHa, Antwerp, P. Simons Antonor, Brit. str.. Wallace, Liverpool, W. Mansfield 29 Delta, Brit, str., Martin. Shanghai, P. »V O. Co Ismaila, Brit, str., Hodgson, Calcutta, Boustead Tclena, Brit, str., White, P. Samboc, Asiatic Petroleum 80 Rangoou
      244 words
    • 169 16 May 23 Talthvbius, Brit, str., M'la JTkong.l’pan A P. Konangsi, Fell, str., Antwerp via ports Mexican Prince, Brit. str. Shanghai Auteuor, Brit, str., Shanghai A: ,japan 29 Candia. Brit, str., Yokohama via ports Beneleuch, Brit, str., Hongkong Kaga Mam. .lap. str., Hongkong A Japan 80 Rangoon Maru, .lap. str.,
      169 words
  • 270 16 Singapore, .Ji nk 4, 1913. exchange On London Bank in/s 2/4 Demand 2/4^ Private 6 rn/s 2/4 $3 8 m/a 2/4 i 3 On G«rma w y Bank d/d 238$ Private 8. m/a 248$ On Francb Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/a 299$ On India Bank T.
    270 words
  • 302 16 SlNGAPuBB, JlXK 4, 1913 MINING. Value! Bayers. Sellers 10 10 Arnpang 8.50 9.50 10 10 Belat Tin 2.80 3.25 10 10 Bruaug 1.00 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 2.05 2.20 10 10 Kawpar par 10 10 Kinta Association 12.50 14.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.15.6 2.1.7$ £1 £1
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  • 397 16 Miss E. L. C. Watson, LL.A., has just reached London safe and sound after an adventurous 2,(XX) miles trip on a motor cycle from the Cape to Pretoria. Wearing neat riding breeches, a habit coat, and high lace-up boots, a motorcyclist’s peaked
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  • 246 16 The correspondent of the North China Daily News writes from Shenchow (llunan) on May 1: Some soldiers were sent into the Cbienchowting country to pull up the opium. The gentry and people not only refused them a place in which to lodge,
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  • 63 16 Per I*. and Assave, sailing June 13. Mr. T. N. Frost, Mr. I’entreath, Miss Penuatlr, Mr. J.H. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell aud child, Mr. aud Mrs. llolman Hunt, Mr. 11. Webster, Miss E. Dillon, Mr. F. 11. Dallas. Per I’. and O. Sumatra, sailing June IH.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 128 17 NOTICE. i i We have this day been appointed Sole Agents for BULLpCp LADE CO.. tP. (of Glasgow. and London), the oldest Firm of Whjsjty in the World, and we hold large stocks of their EXTRA SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY AND v 4 ‘-r y 4 4. SPECIAL VERY OLD BLENDED
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 353 18 Civil. Mechanical. Electrical Marine. IPECIALISTB IN Rubber Plantation Machinery and Buildings. Motor Boats, Lighters and Light Draft Steamers. Complete Electrical Installations. Ferro-Concrete Structures. Mining and Pumping Machinery. Structural 8teelwork. Heavy, Light and Ornamental Castings, Etc., Etc. LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST OF ESTATE IMPLEMENTS, ■fittHl ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ AND GENERAL
      353 words