The Straits Budget, 6 March 1913

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXVII NO. 2873. Singapore. Thursday, March 6. 1913. ESTABLISHED OVES HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 278 1 LEADERS— Airships and Invasion 10 International Symptoms 10 Jnstice and Property 10-11 Dairying in Singapore 11 Gambling in Opium 11-12 What Does Germany Moan 12 Local and General— Local and Personal 1-2 The Turkish War 3 The Nutritious Banana 3 The Panama Tolls 4 Discontented Miners 4
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  • 4593 1 A1 10 laud and business premises known as and 90 Robinson Road, Singapore town, have been sold privately by Messrs Rowell Ul d Co. to Chop (tuuu Chin llong for I bo area is 5,401 square feet, held under l kiee statutory grants subject to a total
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  • 1031 4 The following is a pretty fall report of Senator Hoot's threat speoch advocating repeal of the Tolls Act which gives preference to American coastwise trade via the Panama ('anal. Good faith is the keynote
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  • 76 4 (From Out Own Cokhksponhknt.) I poll, March 4. A meeting of the principal Chinese miners was held at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Foo Cboo Choon presiding. Mr. H. J). Griflitlis was asked to be present and listen to the grievances of Chinese miners, of whom there
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  • 130 4 The report of the New Zealand Insurance Company, Limited, for tho year ending November <2O, 1912, states that the tire, marine, and accident premiums, after deducting returns and reinsurances, amount to £676,097 being an excess upon the previous year of £28,089. The surplus ou tho year's
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  • 191 4 The publication of a new daily in Colombo styled Tho Ceylonese lias been spoken of for some time past, says the Times of Ceylon. Tho Hon. Mr. H. Ramanathan is the moving spirit. The services of Mr. Tom Wright, a Penang journalist, were engaged as editor of
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  • 220 4 Iu tlio F.M.S. Government Gazette Mr. 11. Whitfield is appointed an Assistant Engineer, P.W.D.; Mr. W. H. Ellkins a District Traffic Superintendent, F.M.S.R.; Mr. A. T. Bennetts, a Supernumerary Inspector of Mines; Messrs. L. 11. Hart, 11. F. Hall, E. Bagot, G. B. Lenford and B. A. Russel,
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    • 77 4 S.C.C. Tournament. Only one tic was played on February 20, as follows: 1). Class Singles. A. P. Ager beat 13. J. Henry, 6—3, 6—4. L.L.T.C. Tournament. The tie played on February 26, resulted as follows Ladies’ Singles Handicap. Mrs. Hartnell, reo. 5, beat Miss Feindel owe 30, 6—4,
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    • 376 4 Married v. Single. An S.C.C. match, Married v. Single, was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, the married man running out winners by a small margin. Had there been a few more minutes to go, the victory would probably have rested with the other side. Scores: Married. Sproule
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    • 337 4 Tramway Cup Final. The final tie for the Tramway Cup tie was played on Saturday on tlie Rallies reclamation ground before a very large crowd of spectators. The teams were the Pulau Rrani hand llahar and the Persenangaan Stia Club. The Ilahais were winners of the Column Shield, afterwards
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    • 220 4 Singapore Golf Club. The March medal was played for on Saturday and Sunday, and was won by Mr. W. J. Maysou, who returned a nett score of 78. The sweep on Saturday was won by Mr. Mayson and on Sunday by Mr. Mugliston and Mr. Tongue, who tied for
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    • 317 4 Chinese 5wimming Club. What promises to be an annual fixture of the Chinese Swimming Club took place last Sunday evening, at Golden Bell, Keppel Harbour, kindly placed at tbe club’s disposal by Mr. Tan Boo Liat. The ground and lawn were prettily decorated with Japanese lanterns while the multi-coloured
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  • 747 8 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In their weekly share circular dated February 2(1, Messrs. Fraser and Co. write: Our market has been exceedingly dull throughout the week and dealings in all Boctions have been restricted. This morning’s advices from London indicated a slight improvement there after
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  • 24 8 W’hc’H Who has tin following entry:— Scinbilun, II. II. Itajah Molmnied, Sultan ol, C. M. (i. Address: Ne«*ri Seiuhilan, Sti; its Settlements.
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  • 557 8 Commander George Alexander Bose, Iloyal Indian Marine, Principal Port Oflicer of Burma, after thirty years’ service in the Boyal Indian Marine, has retired, being relieved by Commander S. O. Yale, assistant port officer of Bombay. Commaneler Bose was born in Singapore
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  • 124 8  -  W. Stanlkv Eamks. Because you were my friend when all the rest Troubled my soul with petty things and mean, Because in that dark hour you stood between Their taunts of shame and my rebellious breast; Because you taught me to turn off in laughter What else
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  • 55 8 1 he friends of the I lev. K. L. hanson will like to Know that news arrived by the mail announcing that Mr. hausen underwent a complicated operation at the London I hs sipid about three wn ks and that the patient was duino wi
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  • 401 8 Mr. R. Lydckkcr gives in Country Life Home particulars of the Pahang short tailed sheep, his description being accompanied by a photograph of a Pahang ram recently shorn. We reproduce his letter To the Editor of Country Life." A correspondence initiated in
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  • 203 8 In the Chancery Division of the Royal Courts of Justice, Loudon, ou February 4, Mr. Justice Joyce considered a petition by the Singapore Electric Tramways. Limited, for sanction to a reduction of their capital from £400,000 to XI00,OCX). Mr. Hughes, K.C.,
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  • 211 8 Speaking at the general meeting of the Meklong Railway Company, at Bangkok, which concern suffered a large falling off of revenue in 1912, Dr. Heyward Hays, chairman, drew the attention of those interested in the salt industry in Siam, to the fact that in
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  • 661 8 The Rev. W. Runciman has written the following paper on Temperance in response to a request by the Women’s Christian Temperance I'nion No close observer of life in the East can fail to be struck by the way in
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  • 210 8 At the invitation of the Scremban Chartered Bank staff, a meeting presided over by Mr. A. H. Lemon, British Resident, Negri Sembilan, was held at St. Paul’s Institution, ou February 22, to bid farewell to Mr. A. S. Rice, agent of the bank at Sercmbau. Mr.
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  • 13 9 [The Straits Times is not responsible fov tbe opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 1090 9 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. j r> —Very many thanks for inserting my letter, but your footnote only adds fuel to tho l y uu say Queen Victoria ruled because men writ* loyal, not because men were weak.” kiuu George also rules because his subjects
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  • 121 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your leading article yesterday you wrote that tho Model Dairy Farm gave Singapore for the tirst time m its history a clean pure supply of milk. That is not so. The Clear Water Dairy Farm did this for many
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  • 240 9 A meeting of the committee appointed to carry out the arrangements in connection with the New \ear Land Sports on January 1 last was held in the S. C. C. Pavilion on Friday last. The meeting was called by the hon. secretary to the committee (Mr.
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  • 197 9 One of the largest smuggling schemes ever contemplated in tho Philippine Islands has been nipped in the bud by tlio naval authorities. The naval authorities, we learn from a Manila paper, have been especially vigilant in preventing smuggling by the members of tho crews. The venture contemplated
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  • 688 9 1 Somo concern was earned to the port a authorities and tho police on Saturday by incidents occurring on board the steaimi 3 Gregory Apcar, on which a number 3 of deaths from a mysterious complaint havo taken placo. Tho vessel
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  • 145 9 The capital of this fund (s.’{,loo) iN part of a fund subscribed by Chinese friends of the late Mr. T. Harc,4J.M.(i. The conditions of the trust are that the capital is to be kept intact and the income from the investment of it is to be
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  • 669 9 v St. David's hay was celebrated for tho 1 third successive year by tho Singapore Welshmen on Saturday night by a dinner held in tho (hand Hotel de 1'Europe. Thero was a goodly fatherin'' of natives of the f
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  • 173 9 Captain I’. .1. Badcley, captain superintendent of the I longkong Police Force, who had been a cadet in Hongkong since 1890, ami in charge of the police since P.K)J, has resigned from his position on pension and hit tor homo by the German mail steamer Bremen recently.
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  • 47 10 Ahimont. —On February fl, at .leNselton, tlio wife of NS'. F. C. Asimont of a son. Ki nk. —On February Id, at Aggie Villa, Sandakan, t)to wife of John S. Funk, a hou. Lkwton-Bkain.—On March 2, tho wife of L. Lewton-Brain, Kuala Lumpur, of a son.
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  • 94 10 Wilson Stanfoi:i>.— On Wednesday, February 26, at St. Andrew s athcdral, Singapore, by the Hev. II. d. Pcile, Hub'll llepwortb, eldest son of Kenneth Wilson tf Palmerston, North N.Z., t«» Olive Mary, youngest daughter of the late It. Ij. Stanford, Wanganui, N. Z. Von Donoi Williams.— On .January 2.".
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1140 10 —StruitH Times. February 27. Wo art! quite prepared to g» t a message before this article is printed informing us that the mysterious airships which have come from the hlackness of the nortli sea to brood over various liritish military and naval stations advertise a new toilet
      .—StruitH Times. February 27.  -  1,140 words
    • 1202 10 —Straits Times, February 2H. An Italiun liistorian, Dr. tiufcjielino Fe»roro, has contributed to the Atlantic Monthly an article which shows the wide prevalence of a quite modern tendency. He notes the j»rowinn lack of discipline in politics, in private and public undertakings, in the churches and even in
      .—Straits Times, February 2H.  -  1,202 words
    • 1120 10 than the unofficial representatives.—Strait# Times, March 1. It is somewhat of a pity that the Municipal Bill has been obscured iu some of its more important aspects by such questions as the double rickisha and the back-lanes. There are questions touching the system of administration which might
      than the unofficial representatives.—Strait# Times, March 1.  -  1,120 words
    • 1206 11 Straits Times, March Jf. Proceedings at tho statutory meeting of the Singapore Poultry and Dairy Farm were fully reported iu our issue ou Saturday, which contained also tho first annual report of the Singapore Model Dairy. Shareholders in both those companies will find the reports the reverse
      Straits Times, March Jf.  -  1,206 words
    • 1131 11 —Straits Times, March 4. It is diflicult to resist the conclusion that Indian financiers cannot resist gambling in opium prices. The Government of Chiua, the Governments of the Dutch East Indies, of Saigon, and of the Straits Settlements are comparatively reputable institutions and several of them work
      .—Straits Times, March 4.  -  1,131 words
    • 1030 12 Straits Times, March 5. There is a feeling akin to bewilderment in the various European countries over the latest display of German military activity. A year ago, she had the greatest army in tho world, and there was no country in a position to challenge her
      Straits Times, March 5.  -  1,030 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 95 10 Tjo l «i*l fro« priceof Out .S traits Titnrs l* fIW J«ir Thr |»o*t free price *»f the Strati* Hu.trft it Ji t a yeai It i» not nccessarv to subset ibc for a year. The subscriptions for shorter pcri'xU are at the same proportionate rate as for a vear.
      95 words

  • 96 12 Is there a mute, inglorious hiekeus umonu us.* It there is, let him or her particulars of the dodder and Stoughton All l.ritish X‘looo I'rizo Novel competition for Colonial Authors.” Them are four prizes ot .L‘Jn each, and for one of them Malayan folk are liable. Soi
    96 words
  • 1070 12 The little Hchool for tlio instruction of Arab children iuto the tenets of their religion is now an old stand in'* protegee of the AlsagolT family. It has outgrown its original accommodatiou but the mnnilieeuee of the family has
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  • 284 12 The Newcastle Chronicle’s London eor respondent telegraphed on February Newcastle people will be gratified to know that the Admiralty has placid the contract foi the Dreadnought presented to this couutry by the Federated Malay States with Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth and Company.
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  • 353 12 Ihe statutory meeting of tho members of the dabus (Tin) Hydraulic Elevators, Ltd., was held at the office of the agents, Messrs. Sellar, Murray and Co., Penang, on Feb. 24, when there were present: U. L. Corbett, R. McCrystal, G. A.
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  • 983 13 I T i|«* statutory general meeting of the* Titi l l o Ltd., was held in the Exchange, at B" Saturday, under the chairmanship lion. Dr. D. J. Galloway. The other ■I .ldtTK present were Messrs. Hans i K.
    983 words
  • 864 13 Tho dinner under tho auspices of tho Amateur Drawing Association in honour of llis Excellency Wei Chen Tso, Chinese Ambassador to Holland, took place with duo eclat in the Adelphi Hotel oil Thursday. Dr. Lira Moon Keng presided
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  • 623 13 (From a Coruespo.ndknt.) Labuan, Fobruary 27. Mr. A. Duken, formerly manager of Pulau Daat Estate, is, I understand, shortly going to visit the islands of Sprattley and Amboy n a Cay when tho weather is better. He intends to leaso tho islands in question for tho purpose of
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  • 248 13 A serious accident occurred at the* liatu Caves quarries at about I*2 o'clock on Saturday morning when two Tamil coolie 1 were buried under an enormous mass of rock, estimated to consist of several bun dred tons, which came
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  • 449 13 Passenger stock on tho F.M.S. Railways is being rapidly augmented, and this week ».n<! next, says Tins Malay Mail of Friday last, will soo four complete new mail trains, each consisting of engine and <5 or 7 ooachos, on the
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  • 188 13 The Kev. Dr. Lefroy was enthroned as Lord Dishop of Calcutta and Metropolitan in India and Ceylon in St. Paul's Cathedral. Calcutta, on February PJ. Lord Carmichael was present and tho congregation was a large one. On tho arrival of the bishop at tSie west door of
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  • 184 13 There was laid on tho table at tho Legislative Couuei Ion Friday a report by Dr. G. A. Finlay son on the anti-malaria measures carried out in Singapore between May and October last year. It gives indication of great activity on the putt of the committee responsible and
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  • 689 15 U< rlin, February 26. Russia fears that In Roles are gravitating to (i dieia. A visit has been paid to her house of Count Rotccki on the suspicion that he is orvan siug Polish bands. During too visit of the King and CRieen of to Beilin, the
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  • 445 15 Some useful information regardin'* tho newly-discovered coal in the Federated Malay States, and in Rritish North Borneo, is given in the last Bulletin of the luqicrial Institute, in the course of an article on tho coal resources of tho Crown Colonies.
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  • 330 15 (From Our Own Cokrksi’ondknt.) Penang, February 28. The victims of the shooting accident at Trang are progressing favourably. Thero was a consultation today among four doctors regarding the extraction of the bullets. The Kino of Siam sent early a gracious wire of enquiry and sympathy. A Buddhist
    330 words

  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 261 16 Fkmuiary ‘2r» Hong Wan I, l*rit. str., Mahon, Penang, Ho Hong Tallinn Marti, No. 2, .lap. str., Kobayashi, Muke, M. It. Ktiisliti A. AjK iir. Hrit. str., Thomson, Hongkong, A. (liltillan 27 Austria, A us. sti.. Cosulioli, Trieste, Kautenberg G. AjM-ar, Hrit. str., Drake, Culeutta, A. (iiltillan Kilehattan, Hrit.
      261 words
    • 228 16 Fkiiuuauy 26 Macliaon. Hrit. str., A’dam l/don A Antwerp Penang .Mam, .lap..str., Hongkong .V Japan Area, Hrit. str.. Calcutta fYesun Mam, .lap. str., Rangoon 27 Indrawadi, Hrit. str., Sabang A- New York r l ara, l.rit. str.. Penang, Madras A N'tam Sanuki Mam, Jap. str., Colond>o A Hombay Hong
      228 words
  • 253 16 Sinoapork March 5, 1913. exchange On London* Hank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4,$ Private 6 m/s 2/4 };j 8 m/s 2/4* On Gkrmanv Hank d/d 238$ Private 3 m/s 242$ On Franck Hank d/d 294 Private 3 m/s 299 On India Hank T. T. 174$ Private 30
    253 words
  • 1015 16 SlNOAl’OKK, Makcu 5, 1918. MINING. vTuol B “J cre S<illen 10 10 Ampaug 9.50 10.00 10 10 Helat Tin 3.50 3.75 10 10 Bruang 3.10 3.50 10 10 Kauaboi 3.05 3.15 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kiuta Association 14.00 14.50 XI XI KintaTin 1.18.9 2.3.71 X
    1,015 words
  • 702 16 Per P. and O. Devanha, connecting at Colombo with Marmora, sailiug March 7. Mr. F. W. Stewart, Mr. aud Mrs. A. Wilkie, Mr. M. S. Mauscrgb, Mr. G. 11. Gutteridge, Mr. T. A. Ball, Mr. .1. E. Bishop, Mr. E. H. Bratt, Mr. and Mis. N. 11.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 273 17 jMmhi AS'Wj'nKi 1 > ;T .<>• s-%*Ji'vr v ,i 'i;T- v/ v 'A. v 7‘ -a£• a?-- Galdbeck, Macgregor Co., •J^ST, n i sA|' 't' -\i vv* '/JV \i” c'* i'.' *i'H k <v '7 O r ‘v ,'i&§ik SINGAPORE. ''•^v&v < irt if* vvaw w ".v ’’'Sv v V
      273 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 238 18 Civil. Mechanical. Electrical Marine. CB SPECIALISTS IN Rubber Plantation Machinery and Buildings. Lhl Motor Boats, Lighters and Light Draft Steamers. Z Complete Electrical Installations. r Ferro-Concrete Structures. Mining and Pumping Machinery. 1 Structural Steelwork. Heavy. Light and Ornamental Castings, Etc., Etc. (t\ LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST OF T J
      238 words