The Straits Budget, 2 January 1913

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” mL. LXVII m O. 2864. Singapore. Thursday. January 2. 1913. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 290 1 Jilood stain on Delhi 10 1 and Hettcr Drama 10 Au'tition ...10 11 atson and His Work 11 and Gkxkkal—ill aud Personal 1-2 The Year Has Gone 3 3 Imteers in the F.M.S. 5 f' Medical School 5 Inicipal Meeting 6 pves aud Malaya 6 flatuese budget
    290 words
  • 4389 1 STA' the directors of the In f, iu, have selected for the 111 me following) f tic., tiw „S, ,r r. bmWm ,0 V M- <*• note.I also, tlr aI 8C,VIC0 y«ir» the traded' dl are alr< :lt, J; ports does Hot rtpri H 1 P assen
    4,389 words

  • 6998 3 e a strictly commercial community, arould bo mere affectation to pretend tbmarch of intellect or the triumphs of scute rest us as much as the movements of No further apology is required for •dereference to business matters in a re >f the year which comes
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  • 282 5 Situ Eng Hull, who is charged with attempting to cheat the Netherlands Indian Commercial Bank of $.*>0,000, was placed 1 <. fore Mr. E. L. Talma, on Hoc 2 J, Mr. L. E. Gaunt appearing for the prosccu lion.
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  • 245 5 Iii the last issue of the F.M.S. Gazette appears the draft of n measure which proposes to repeal and re enact with amendments The Volunteer Enactment, 1910, and which has been prepared iu order to nfcet certain criticisms passed on that measure by the Overseas Defeuco
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  • 1554 5 Lhe lecture hall of the Straits MedicnS< liool was the scene of an interesting function on Friday afternoon when the diplomas and prizes were given away to those who had won them by Dr. C. L. Sansom, Principal Medical
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  • 276 5 We are asked to jpve publicity to tho followiuo results of recent examinations at the Straits and F.M.S. Government Medical School:— Fifth Year.— Passed in all subjects, (L. M. S. Diploma), .1. Amio, D. C. Die-hards, 11. M. Mehta, V. Supramauiam, S. Cassini, 11. T.
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  • 808 5 Mr. .Justice Lbden gave a long judg* ment on Monday, in tho caso of the Nederlandscho Handel Maatsoliappij against 11. M. C. A. L. Vcngadasalaui Cliitty and 11. M.C.A. L.Socvarauian Cliitty, of 26 Market Street. Tho plaintiffs sought to recover
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  • 50 5 (I'Ho.M On; Own l’ iki;i M’mnkkM'I, Kuala Lumpur, I* •ctniiber '2S. The i 1 i**li p» ici! of £110,00 has bet a p .id by Towkuy L >Ur Now a* notion 1 >i approximately twenty om m:ns of mium*' laud in Sort inf ill .\lniiuin.
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  • 995 8 Several thousand trustful people paid a| dollar earh to wo a hydro aeroplane exhibi tion at tin: Sea view Hotel on Sunday. They certainly saw the machine but there was very little i xhibition. < >ther people, more conlidinp, still, paid V-i.M) to
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  • 556 8 In the Ilonpkonp Legislative Council, on December 10, His Kxccllency the (iovernor made an interesting announciment upon the subject of the proposed wireless tclcprapli station for I lonokono. In view of the importance of the subject we reproduce His Kxcr llency
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  • 244 8 (An Amrrican lady says that bald headed men make the best husbands. 1 >;iily I’ap* r. My oiler, Priscilla, I boo to repeat On t Ins fiiir pape of vellum. No riches nor jewels I lay at your feet, Put wliat lam sure will your conquest complete
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  • 470 8 'I'In; liritish North Uorneo Herald publishes this from a correspondent: —The other day while I was sitting in otliee writing, a curious tiring happened. 11 was about u-hjd an*l the day was sultry and hot. C omplete silence rt*iyi:« d broken
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  • 191 8 (Fl Uoi; Own CoRRKsloNMKNT.) Penang, Heeember 21. Following arc tlx* weights for the first day's racing on January 7 Minim U\nmu\\»\— San Sebastian in, Lodestar U Silent Knight 10, Lossic 9.9. The Friar 9.6, Sw. ct Marie 8.11, Lah H.o. Melodist 8
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  • 181 8 <>n November IK) a match under lhi«*bv i nles was played between Three Hanks and the Chartered Hank at Lower Sydenham. I hese two clubs, who are regarded as the strongest combinations among Hank teams, have made conspicuous progress lately, but d anything the Chartired Hank have
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  • 515 8 In the (iovernuieut Gazette are the amended n filiations made by the General Officer Commanding to govern the Singapare Volunti or Corps. The corps’ constitution is thus set forth; Staff'.—l Lieut.-Col., 1 Major, 1 t *r. Master, *2 stall' sergeants, 1
    515 words
  • 126 8 At an examination conducted by Hr Keith as honorary examiner, and held at the LM.C.A. on tin- ’20th inst. the following members of the local Hoys Scouts Corps were successful iu ijualitying for certificates of competence to render first aid to the injured -Senior certificates Loh
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  • 152 8 Ihe Admiralty issued the following uuder date November 29:- There is uo truth in the statement published in the Press cf yesterday that a largo P.ritish armoured eruixr has been sent from the China Station to Muscat on account of the projected visit tin re of
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  • 903 9 I r Contributed.] Singapore lias its New Year Sea and Land Snorts and the British blood in Karimou could be content with no less for themselves. Consequently it was determined to inaugurate an annual function at Mulareo—the Colony founded by the Karimon Rubber Maatschappij (an otTshoot of
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    • 161 9 The Swimming: Club. Christmas Day was a gala day at the Swimming Club, the attractions —ovor and above the ordinary attractions of the institution—being a 75 yards handicap race for novices, a Christmas tiflin and the presentation of prizes won during tho year. The race was won by R.
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    • 285 9 Singapore v. Selangor. The hockey match between teams representing the S.C.C. aud Selangor, which is now looked forward to almost as much as the great Rugby contest, was played on the I‘adang on December 26, in tbe presence of a large number of spectators. The teams were as follow
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    • 561 9 Garrison Golf Club. The result of the return match played with Keppel Harbour on December 23 were as follows, the first pairs representing the Garrison: G. R. K. Mugliston anil Major Morris 1, F. Ferguson aud Lieut. Chippindall 0. C. V. Miles aud Major Pinches 1, K. S. Smith
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    • 265 9 Match Ends in Free Fijrht. A fast, rough game of soccer was played on the Baffles reclamation ground, on Monday afternoon, between the Darul Bahar of Pulau Brani and the Malayan Kerbaktian Baja in the Tramway Cup tie. These teams had met previously, the match ending in a draw.
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  • 286 9 The Malacca Stadt House on Saturday was the scene of one of the prettiest gatherings on record for a long time in the Settlement. Since the early morning various of the people of Malacca—and Mrs. Dunn in particular deserves special thanks for her indefatigable efforts throughout—had been
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  • 425 9 The members of t!i«• Indian Christian Association of Singapore i ave their annual entertainment to Indian Christian children of all denominations on Thursday evening at the St. Andrew's School, Stamford Road, kindly lent for the occasion. The building was tastefully decorated both
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  • 230 9 Karly on December 26, two C'hineso shoemakers received a surprise when returning to their premises, 66, Pagoda Street. They found the small side door of the establishment. usually kept open, closed from the inside, and when they shouted for some one to open it. the door
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  • 157 9 llemarkable evidence as to the thinness of a man’s skull was given at an inquest at Westminster on a shop porter named I’dward George Sells 653), who was killed in a taxicab accident in llogent street. Me rail out from behind a line of cabs
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  • 73 10 SruAii*. —On December I*2, at Kuliui, Kedah, the wife of Dr. 11. S. Sugars, of a daughter. V.kooki .—On December *2.'>, the wife of W. do la. Hrooko, of a daughter. Sit kn'T* in, —()n I )eeei iiber at 'll* ‘at lin a, Heaton Mersey. Manchester, to Mr. and
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  • 57 10 Kim. S< ul l.—At St. Andrew's Cathedral on mas morning. the enerable nil l/.ard oifniating; Deorgt* alentirie King, eldest soil id >1 fit'. King of fsterley I’ark, Middlesex; to I ■'ranees May Scott, eldest daughter of .lolm Scott of Lincoln and London, and late of the V ictoria
    57 words
  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1107 10 ardent furtherance of progress. Straits I imes, I >eeeiuher I'll. For quite aconsidcrable time, there has been no serious evidence of sedition in India, and those who do not understand the character of the class hy which former political crimes were perpetrated may have persuaded
      ardent furtherance of progress. Straits I imes, I >eeeiuher I'll.  -  1,107 words
    • 1080 10 prospect of improvement.—Straits Times, December 27. w< published, yesterday, a letter setting f'»tlh some objects and reasons for the establishment recently of the Shanohai Muyooers' Society. I Ik se are very briefly that we do not get t noils'll oood drama >i other theatrical entertainment out
      prospect of improvement.—Straits Times, December 27.  -  1,080 words
    • 1096 10 in us to better her lessons.— Straits Times, I )ecember 28. We gave a short extract the other day describing how an American professor of economics has stirred up much debate by propounding what is called a new theory of economics. The pith of that theory is a denial
      in us to better her lessons.— Straits Times, I )ecember 28.  -  1,096 words
    • 1036 11 —Straits Times, December 60. Even when a prophet is not without honour n his own country, it generally happens that ho gets more in others. There was our old friend 11. N. Hidley of the botanical hardens. Wo never heard of countrymen of his own
      —Straits Times, December 60.  -  1,036 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 99 10 '1 V„st price of tins .Sir.ufs 7>mt't i* i aye >i TJic ji i -ric price «>f the Straits hu.tgrt is tU a year It j| riot r.e c. to .i!>s( ritu' for a v#*ar Hie tnil>-I icription* for shorter period* are at the iamt proportionate rate a* for a
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  • 32 10 DEATH. »k So i ()u November at I»oii rut; mouth England, l*'<-r*lin;in«l de Souza, late o! tlm SL».lit ''iltlenients < iovernment Service aged hit y< him. I’em* nt! ami F.M.S. papers please copy
    32 words

  • 240 11 It is a social commonplace to say that we do not marry young, as our fathers and mothers, still less as our grandparents, did. The Registrar-General gives a statistical basis for the generalisation, the chief features of which are stated in The I >aily News and
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  • 179 11 A company styled the Siam Salt Co., Ltd., is in process of formation at.Bangkok. It has a capital of Tcs. 100,000, in Tcs. 10 shares aud takes over the Laad Yai Salt Company, which has recently acquired from Phya Kasdakorn lvosol the Ban Sakla property in
    179 words
  • 209 11 The shareholders of the Straits Trading Co. met at noon ou Monday when the report of tho directors for the half year ended September 30. 1912, was passed. The Hon. W. \Y. Cook occupied tho chair. The report stated that alter writing off depreciation and making provision
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  • 824 11 Cinderella had a very successful send* off on her Christmas career in Singapore on Dec. ‘2O. The Victoria Memorial Theatre was <|uitc crowded with an audience predisposed to appreciate and if the ••gods” were inclined to transgress the limits of appreciation, and to offer unsolicited
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  • 1807 12 UbIITMK’s TbLBOHAM. Die Ostasiatis* hk Lloyd Tk lkoham. London, I iccombcr 2-1. When the Peace Conference resumed, the Turks finally withdrew their objections to negotiating with the (necks. Iteuter learns that the Allies conditions include
    UbIITMK’s TbLBOHAM.; Die Ostasiatis* hk Lloyd Tk lkoham.  -  1,807 words
  • 251 12 The (I over nor has appointed the* following gentlemen to bu the hoard of Visiting Justices for the Singapore Prison:—Messts. R. J. Addie, A. Aguew, A. I >. Allan. K. Anderson, H. A. Anderswu. S, R. Archdeacon. A. E. Raddeley, A. li. Regg. Hon. I).
    251 words
  • 48 12 \\e aro a-ked by the manager of the Chartered Rank to acknowledge receipt of th** following contiibutions to the above fund Am*.tint pi viou ly acknowledged si.Vi G. A. I )errick s j(^) 11. Spakler K. L. Chittj, M liaeca F. MucDougal) u> 110
    48 words
  • 729 12 The question of diet for the white man iu the Tropics is raised in the following letter which appears iu the Mining Magazine:— I was much interested in tlio article on The Engineer iu the Tropics,’ which
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  • 152 12 At the anderbilt Hotel (New York), the other day. a well-known Canadian business man was about to use the elevator when he spied something that scared him. he cried. What is that on that chair? "its a cat. sir." replied the lift attendant, lake it
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  • 14 13 'l'l 1( Straits Time's is not responsible for llie opinions of its eoiTcs|xnidcuts.j
    14 words
  • 476 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The feeling has been growing for some’ time in Shanghai and quite possibly also in your town—that Western playgoers iu \sia are not satisfactorily catered for. The founding of the Shanghai Playgoers’ Society a few weeks ago is the first
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  • 348 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Before going into the discussion that whether gambling has approval or disapproval of the Government, let me stretch it on the ethical measurement and see if it squares the requisite standard, and stands the criterion’s strict test of ethical judgment. The
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  • 413 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I make au appeal to the Residents and others of the Straits Settlements through your valuable paper <>n behalf of the wounded and sick in Turkey Dr. demon, surgeon to the British Embassy at Constantinople, felt very
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  • 376 13 The report of the directors of the Eastern Smelting Company, which was to be presented at the first ordinary general meeting of the company, at the Cannon Street Hotel. Cannon Street. Loudon, on 1 >ecember 23, states: The directors submit herewith
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  • 957 13 Messrs. Powell and Co. issue the following very interesting review of the local property market in 1912 Compared with several recent years, the Singapore property market lor 1912 shows a great improvement in prices of many
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  • 231 13 The Japanese cruiser A/uma, carrying the flag of Hear-Admiral Tochinai, in command of Captain Iwamusa and the cruiser Soya, in command of Captain llorindi in port on Christmas Day eu route for Fromantle, whither they left on December 31. Hear Admiral
    231 words
  • 508 13 A very pretty wedding took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Christmas morning, Archdeacon lzzard officiating. The contracting parties were Mr. George Valentine King, eldest son of Mr. George Charles King, of Osterly Bark, Middlesex, and Miss Francos May Scott, eldest daughter of Mr. John Scott, and
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  • 504 15 I The British Kugineers’ Association, which was incorporate*! ou April *J0 of this year umler a certificate from the Hoard of Trade, 1 was brought into bciug for the purpose Iot promoting the interests of British engineering firms iu China,
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  • 1099 15 Though the conditions, at any rate on tho plains in the East, aro totally different to what they are at homo at Christmastide yet the frequent connection which now takes place between the home land and outlying
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  • 475 15 The Shanghai Mercury records the death at the ietoria Nursing Home. Shanghai, of Captain Charles Henry Palmer, of the Chinese Customs Service, after an illness extending to about a month. Heart disease was the cause of death. Deceased was one
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  • 50 15 (Fkom Ouk Own Cokkksponhunt.) I Vnallg, I •rrember J 1 Mr. \V. 11. Mae.Arthur, Government Veterinary Surgeon, Penang, drew Mayfowl, in the Calcutta Masonic sweep in the Viceroy's Cup. The ticket brought him Us. JO,7 is. Mr. MacArthur goes home on leave in March.
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  • 114 15 Kkutkk’s Tklki.i: vm->. I)kk Ostasiatisciir Lloyd Tklkukam. London, I)ecenjber 30. Router wires from Stuttgart that Herr Kiderlcn Waeeliter, the German Foreign Minister, is dead. Later. Herr Kiderlcn Waechter was spending Christmas with his sister. He had
    Kkutkk’s Tklki.i:vm->.; I)kk Ostasiatisciir Lloyd Tklkukam.  -  114 words
  • 72 15 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, December 27. Christmas was very quiet at Kuala Lumpur. There was a carol service at St. Mary’s, and a midnight mass at St. John’s. A book tea was held at the Lake Club. There was no sporting fixture, with the exception
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  • 213 15 Akbar, a Sanitary Board Inspector, has been sentenced at Kuala Lumpur to two years penal servitude for criminal broach of trust as a public servant in respect of 8702 at Sungei Besi, the allegation being that ho had collected house assessments and stall rents and not accounted
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  • 138 15 Amono the \v 1 1* > arrived yester* lay by tin* l>jenmali, says tin* Planters and Coninercial (iazette of Mauritius, of l>eeember 4. was Sir William Taylor, K. C. M. <i„ who lias been sent to this Colony by the Secretary of State on a
    138 words
  • 165 15 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Mirths and Deaths show that, during the week ending December 21, there were 220 deaths, 17•» males, 47 females) giving a ratio per millo of population of dl.fil. Malarial fever accounted for :>:» deaths, phthisis 24, convulsions
    165 words

  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 319 16 December 24 Ellora. 1 »i it. str., Bowman, Calcutta, Boustead M«Tapi, Brit, str., Uldall, Samarang, Heap Kng Moh Y. don Bosch, Dut. str., Huykmun, Sourabaya, S. Agency 25 Soya, 11.I..T. M. cru. Horinclii, Yokosuka, A/uma, II. I. J. M. cru. Iwamura, Yokosuka. Nippo Muru, .lap, str., S me, Karatsu,
      319 words
    • 187 16 Dkckmisku 24 A. A pear, llrit. sir., Hongkong A Japan Hong NVnn I. Brit. str., Swatow via ports Kawachi .Mam, Jap. str., Hongkong iV Japan 2 5 Altmurk, Ger. str., Japan via |w>rts Kan ina, llrit. str.. Caleutta Africa, Ans. str., Trieste via jHirts Cathay, bail. str., openhagen via
      187 words
  • 259 16 Singapore, December 31, 1912. exchange On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4f ff Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4;i Jf 8 m/s 2/44 On Germany Bank d/d 2384 Private m/s 2424 On France Bank d/d 294 Private 3 m/s 299 On India Bank T. T. 174,4 Private 30
    259 words
  • 1076 16 -4 Singapore, Dkckmbbr 31, 1912, MINING. issue rs Value Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Anipang 9.00 10.00 10 10 Belat Tin 3.40 3.60 10 10 Bruang 1.25 1.40 .10 10 Kanaboi 2.35 2.45 XI XI Kinta Tin 1.10,9 2.1.7,’ 10 10 Kainpar par" 10 10 Kinta Association 14.50
    1,076 words
  • 429 16 The technical committee of the Netherlands State Commission for the defence of Netherlands India have taken as a foundation 1 the defence by a fleet of battleships supported by the colonial army. The necleus of this fleet is, according
    429 words
  • 156 16 I< t. P. and O. Sicilia sailing January I. Lieut. Arthur Smith. Mr. S. Hiley, Mrs. F. G. I arvey lit. Hev Bishop. J. Taylor-Smith, lifnx J H l K r. n r Su ,len Mr. <>• Halhtax.Hon H M and Mrs. Darby, Mr. I Tw;
    156 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 279 17 Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Marine. ■PBOIALIBT8 Ilf Rubber Plantation Machinery and Buildings. Motor Boats, Lighters and Light Draft Steamers. Complete Electrical Installations. Ferro-Concrete Structures. Mining and Pumping Machinery. Structural Steelwork. Heavy, Light and Ornamental Castings, Etc., Etc. LARGEST STUCK IN THE EAST OF E8TATE IMPLEMENTS, ENGINEERS TOOLS, BUILDERS’ AND GENERAL HARDWARE.
      279 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 240 18 ►#>'. big up* &>, ">>■?-, J <•' V- -■<* v *fcv .-’if•A.:AS? *,'-y- <?57 I y+tr r mvmr* t f. %#X*rx3 *r f •J*&£p3 □SS^EtS gxs? n*j ■V VJr tV^J 1 j? V ■*f~ m v, > A ,.i; v ■Mt h£2«M vaf' <flo i S ».1 f ,%8x.2b a
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1330 1 We quote below the best available London list from the reports brought by the last mail, and add local quotation* from the lint prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Oo, (Singapore) on the corresponding date (or
      1,330 words
    • 96 2 London ,\sd Sinoapouk Rckuku Pricks l Genrkal Dollar Share Values Pctoong Java Rubber Rublxu Auctions F. M. S. Rubber Kxjnirt Duty The Rubber Industry Rubber Items Tblrokams London Rubber Specials London Rubber Market Msktinoh AND Rk.I’OUTS Tikam Hatu Rubber Djupoera (Indragiri) Rubber Marudu Rubin r Victoria (Malaya) Rubber 8
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    • 57 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, December 80. The share market is buoyant and thero is a growingly optimistic tone about 1913. Forward sales: Pelwadulla, forty two tons at 4/4 Batu Caves, eighteen tous at 4/SJ. Malacca Rubber Plantations declares
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    • 33 2 Fino Para Plantation. Spot Forward First Latex Doc. 24 4/7 4/6} 4/7 27 4/7 4/6:{ 4/7 28 4/7 4/61 4/7 80 4/6J 4/61 4/6*
      33 words
    • 262 2 Presiding at the mooting of tho Tikam Batu Rubber Company, Limited, Mr. F. (i. Windlo said that, as they wore a very small company, tlmy had to count tho cost of extensions very carefully, but some 02 acres had been cleared and planted,and they were still proceeding
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    • 852 2 We have been asked repeatedly to issue a second edition of our handbook on Dollar Share Values,” but have been reluctant to do so until a good deal of fresh material became available. Further, we found that
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    • 459 2 Fhkmkd May, 1910. Situation of Estates; Seven small Estates in Malacca, in vicinities of Ayer Molek and Sunjrei Bharu. Board of Directors. Tan Tat Van I Chi Kang Cheng Tan Cheng Lock Chi Sim Cheng Tan Wi Van. Secretary and Registered Office N. Gome/, Malacca. Capital Authorised $400,000
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    • 488 2 The annual general meeting of tho Dja* para (lndragiri) Rubber Co. Ltd., was held in the registered offices, Commercial Union Buildings, on Saturday. Mr. Hans Becker presided and there were also present Messrs. U. HatYner, van Rijnberk, and for the secretaries
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    • 233 2 i lie report of the Marudu Rubber, Limited, states that during the year, to March 31, no work was undertaken on tho estate cxcopt weeding and as far as possiblo supplying and tending the rubber already planted. Tho company has now come to tho end of its financial
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    • 983 3 Tlio report of the Victoria (Malaya) Hub ber Estates, Limited, states that the position of the litigation in regard to the company’s title remained at June 30 substantially as reported in the circular letter to the shareholders of May 14, but
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    • 378 3 The report of the Crude Rubber Washing Company, Limited, states that the reduction of capital approved by shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting held in May last, only received the sanction of the Court on July 17, and the accounts, in consequence,
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    • 383 3 At an extraordinary general meeting of the Kuala Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, on December 4, a resolution authorising the increase of the capital of the company to £3 1,000 by the creation of 10,000 additional shares of 2s. each was carried unanimously.
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    • 476 3 The report of the Rotterdam-Deli Hevea, Limited,for the period from March, 1911, to October 31 last states that the fact that the accounts cover this extended period has arisen by alterations in tho original agreement of an advantageous nature, and they
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    • 265 3 The report of the Taiping Rubber Plantations, Limited, states that the issued capital amounted at September 30 to £202,f,00, in 2,025,000 shares of 2s. each, options having been exercised during the year in respect of 10,000 shares. Tho output of dry rubber amounted to 102,760 lbs, of which
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    • 55 3 At the extraordinary general meeting of the Nyalas Rubber Estates, Ltd., held on Tuesday, tho resolutions to reduce the issued capitilby half and and to consolidate the I <»o,i)00 unissued shares of 81 each into 20,000 of 85 each were carried. A full report of tho proceedings
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    • 286 3 On November 29, in tho Kind's Bench Division, Mr. Justice Darling and a special jury disposed of an action in which the Rotoong Java Rubber Estates, Limited, of I’inners’ Hall, Austin Friars, E.C., claimed .£2,400 against the Montrose Matabele Company, Limited,
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    • 301 3 The secretaries of the Cecily Rubber Estates Company, Limited, have issued a circular to the shareholders which states that tho board have recently had an opportunity of purchasing 750 acres of good land in close proximity to the company’s property. Of this 1130 acres have already been
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    • 137 3 Singapore. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association’s sixty seventh auction was held on Dec. 24, when here were offered for sale and all sold 185 cases (pels. 197.70, or 26,1560 lbs.) The prices realized were:— Sheet Smoked 8227 to $244 Unsmoked 224 242 Crepe No. 1 220
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    • 1691 4 The third ordinary general mooting of tho shareholders of the Hovca Rubber Trust, Li ini tod, was held on November 27, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Saltern’ Hal) Court, K.U., Mr.J. L. Loudoun Shand (chairman of the company) presiding.
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    • 139 4 1 he annual meeting of the Anglo-Sumatra Rubber Company was held at Edinburgh on November 25 Mr. Christopher Moikle?who piesidod, said that the yield of rubber had been satisfactory, amounting in the case of the Orealian estate to approximately 198 lbs. per acre per annum, and in the
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    • 795 4 The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of tho liukit Kajang Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on November 26, at the Institute of Directors, 4, Corbet Court, K.C., Mr. W. Arthur Addinsell of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,
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    • 78 4 I'or tho period from December 27 to .January 9, inclusive, tho duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in tlio r.AI.b. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rulos under the Customs I >uties Enactment will be assessed on the follo\viUf»
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    • 458 4 Wo take the following relating to the rubber industry from The Loudon and China Express, of December 6: The market for Plantation has been firmer, with a fair amount of busiuess passing. Smoked Sheet, ribbed spot closes 4s.
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    • 336 4 The report of the Langkapoera (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the prorit on the year’s working to .June 30 is £929 which with the amount brought forward, C 602, makes together £1,531, out of which the board propose to write off £l,OOO against preliminary expenses, and
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    • 3264 5 Tlio second annual general meeting of the Kamunting (in Kodah) Rubber Plantation Co., Ltd., was held on December 16, at the offices of the secretaries and goueral managers, Messrs. Schiller and Co., Shanghai. The chair was taken by Mr. T. Eckardt, who was
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    • 348 5 The aunual general meeting of Pajam, Limited, was held in the registered offices on Monday. Mr.W.L.Watkins presided, and there were also present Messrs. W. M. Siuie, (i. A. Derrick, H. H. Llewellyn, Captain Daly, J. I*. Audap, and, for the secretaries,
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    • 2916 6 The third annual general mooting of the Langen (.Java) Rubber Estates, Limited, was hold on December 3, at the Loudon Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, K.C., Mr. C. U. Welldon (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: As the
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    • 464 6 Tho report of the Badek Rubber Estate, Limited, states that at, an extraordinary general meeting held on April 30, a resolution was passed approving an agreement, whereby tho vendors to this compauy surrendered their claim to 17,500 fully-paid shares, and their call
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    • 206 6 Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and Miss Turner have arrived in Malaya from home by the P. and India. Mr. T. W. Main, of the Cheng liubbev Estates, Ltd., Malacca, and Mrs. Main roturned from homo by the P. and O. India. Mr. J. S. Ferguson, general managor
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