The Straits Budget, 1 February 1912

Total Pages: 26
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXVI NO. 2816 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Singapore, Thursday, February 1, 1912. ESTABLISHED OVER HALE A CENTUR Price 25 cents
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  • 312 1 LEADERS Rebels in Singapore 10 Finance and Force 10 Mr. Churchill Sees Reason 10-11 Russia ami Britain 11 Rubber Estate Agents ...11-12 Directors ami Their Duties 12 Local and General Local ami Personal 1-2 A Standing Monaco 8 Municipal AtTairs 3 Singapore Art Club 3 Straits Civil
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  • 4737 1 A nativo detective was murdered on the padang at Malacca a few nights ago. Licut.-Col. A. D. Goddes, The Buffs, joined from leave of absence on January 26. From February 4 to March 10 the headquarters of the M.S.Y.R. will be at Ipoh. Ten per cent, of
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  • 11 3 rTbe Straits Times is not responsible for the a ot»4
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  • 95 3 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. c r I regret to have to bring up the hI HU t question of Malacca once more, but that requires immediate attention. 1 i it possible that nothing can be done for t] L. poor miserable creatures who are
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  • 120 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Much trouble was taken by you some month* ago iu advising the destruction of mosuni toes on Singapore island but nothing lias It mi heard a i it lately anil very likely this important question lias been indefinitely postponed. Why don’t
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  • 348 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—As your correspondent of yesterday lias made an insinuation against me, I regret that there is no alternative but to reply to him. although I should, after my protest of tin 19th inst., have been content to have left the
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  • 731 3 I o the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l no t know whether our revered u,l, Dj*.l lathers are patrons of the drama, J n but, being what they are, they can vt t to aware of the disgusting U l i a ,p' rs present exists in
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  • 218 3 A correspondent writes. —People do not always realize how dangerous some small things are, until an accident happens; but as prevention is better than cure, the authorities might be induced to legislate against the use in public, especially in street cars and places of public resort, of
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  • 1472 3 A meeting of the Mun cipal Commissioners was held on January 90, when the members present were —Mr. F. J. Hallifax, president; tho Hon. I)r. F. B. Cruncher, Messrs. \V. Peacock, A. W. Bean, II. L. Coghlan, Dr. S.
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  • 205 3 It is announccel that the Singapore Art Club intone! holding an exhibition in tho Tanglin Club on March 12 and Id at which prizes will be; awarded I for works in oils, water colours, black and white, photographs and applicel arts. Two special ronijM iitions are being
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    • 544 4 Singapore Golf Club. The rom|>ctitio!) for the 1911 Autumn (’up was (flayed for on Jauuray 27 and 28 and resulted in a win for l>r. McDougall who returned a nett score of 74. Forty four members competed and following cards were returned Dr. McDougall 47 47 18 74 J.
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    • 1100 4 Position of The Leagues. When we reflect that (flaying at home is Hup|M»s<d tola- worth at least a goal to the majority of clubs, it must he conceded that visiting teams did remarkably well on Satur day, says the Weekly Scotsman of January 6. Topping the list is
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    • 197 4 -S.C.C Tournament. I lie following are scores on tin S.(’.(!, cricket tournament match played on the Esplanade on January 27, between the Law, Civil Service aud Municipality and the Merchants: Law, ktc. lladdon c. Cameron b. Jones 22, Hailey b. Fliipps H, Zehnder c. aud b. Jones 21, Boven
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    • 90 4 M.F.A. Annual Meeting. The annual general meeting of the Malaya Football Association was held in the Malay Volunteer Club on January JO. Thcreportsfor the past year were satisfactory. The meeting discussed the introduction of a new sy-tem of arranging their matches, a league system, which would retain the interest
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  • 353 4 In the Penang second magistrate’s court, on January 23, before Mr. E. E. Column, the hearing was continued of the case of Gustav Wessels, who is charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $lO,BOO on October 16 and
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  • 77 4 The body of a Macao woman, who bad evidently been strangled to death, was found in a box discovered in a plantation off Macphorsou Hoad on January 30. She had apparently been dead for two or three days. The police are making enquiries into that and also into the
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  • 78 4 The two Cantonese, Hoh Ah Tyo aud Wong 110 Cheng, charged v\ith the murder of Towkay (law Boon Chan, proprietor of the Ho Ho biscuit factory, which occurred at I‘asir Panjang on August 30, appealed before the second magistrate again on January K). Acting Detective Inspector
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  • 557 4 The continuation of tho cases against II. H. Bodemoyer and E. W. Williams was heard by Mr. Bartley,, fourth magidrato, on January 26. Tho charge against the first defendant was of using criminal force, and against the second accused
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  • 266 4 A serious motor accident occurred at 1.30 p.m. on Jauaury 25 in Neil road. Mr. A. M. Smith, of Messrs. Topham, Jones and Kailtou s staff was driving along that thoroughfare when, opposite St. Matthew’s Church, his car collided with a
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  • 560 7 ,„1 demonstration of tho working Arson’s Facial Index System, as M t h c police iu tracing absconders an iu the rooms of the Criminal ;lS o Department at Rangoon recentl 0 ot Colonel Parkin, Iuspecly police, Mr. d. M.
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  • 177 7 The Chancellor of the Exchequer attended a great iiun-politieui conference of clergymen, tniuisters, ami laymen at Cardiff on Decern hr 'l'.\ to consider “the relation of the cluircln > to the social problem.” The Bishop l-lamlati presided. Mr. Lloyd George said tl)' 1 duty of the
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  • 103 7 *'"larkable photographs of tlio planet Wen taken by M. Tikboff, states p'jl*' of the Bosnian Observatory at U| i- 1 lie superior definition of the new k' l is due to the use of improved "l coloured screens, which have 'bu astronomer to obtain tine con>in
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  • 1543 7 Of lato, in marine engineering circles, considerable attention has been paid to tho prevention of rolling of ships at sea, and various devices have been proposed and experimented with for the attainment of this end. These devices include an apparatus, called the Schlick gyrostat, by which tho Rhip
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  • 320 7 In a note in the Field Mr. Pocoek undertakes to whitewash the character of the Tasmanian Devil. According to his observations on one which has lately become a denizen of the Zoological Gardens, it is not so black as it is commonly painted. Professor Flower wroto
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  • 881 7 A French army surgeon, mime*I Czernicki, in a supplement to the Gaulois, gives a very interesting and pleasing reminiscence of Bismarck, placing the Iron Oiancellor in an unaccustomed light. Dr. Czernicki had boon left in charge of an ambulance at lle/onville before the
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  • 950 8 Recent eveuts have brought into considerable prominence oneo more tlio much discussed <| ucst ion of 1 1111 jt< '<i liability companies in #cncral, and morn particularly their dirictors, says the F#yptian Gazette of Dcccmlsr 27. The #cnus
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  • 1496 8 (From Ouk Own Cobkrhpondrnt.) Penan#, .January 2.7. For tin* second day of the Penan# Pace Merlin# the weather was a#ain glorious and there was a fair attendance from the very start. The #oin# was #ood. It was a line afternoon's sjmrt and the attendance improved considerably for
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  • 607 8 Captain Noiret, the French naturalist, an explorer whose two companions were reported to have boon killed by Lolo tribesmen in southwest Szochuen, is staying at the Astor Hotel, Shanghai. He brought news that his colleagues, Dr. Legeudro and
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  • 227 8 The X. C. Daily Nevus of January IC, says —About .’>.:>() yesterday a large mob of Chi nose, consisting chietly of Cantonese and numbering about l.oOd in all, gathered near the junction of Tiennong and Chupoo Heads and indulged in what was probably belle more than horseplay,
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  • 492 9 disturbances on St. Jolm's Inland lut »/i„.nt the apiM'tirance, m the third cut on ’January 25 of three r Ol 00 ed with causing hurt to four Slid'* om of whom came to court «b,ouii of the encouuter still upon
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  • 248 9 A 'i'll' l.iu j n tty weddiug was solcmnis<l «<n 23 at St. Andrew’s <, Singapore, the contracting parties h Mr. David Main, of Glasgow, aud of Mi sm s. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., Singapore, uni Miss Florence van Cuyleuburg, daughter °f tlic late Mr. L.
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  • 106 9 Mil', V‘ has returned to w 1 :is Resident and received a hearty M* \vM"’V. 1 numerous friends there. t i s i"i(“, the head of Messrs. Siinc >, u ,s 1 so back again in Malacca. Mrs. A,, 11 ss 'j ;iv( s for home by the
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  • 1571 9 The closing stages of the action brought by the Eastern Shipping Company against tho Straits Steamship Company to recover damages arising out of a collision between tho steamers Deli and Penang, at Port Swettenham, on tho night of August 27,
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  • 165 9 An extraordinary link with tho past was the aged F rench j Ziem, who has just died in Paris at the ago of ninety. Ho was one of the few remaining intimate friends of Chopin. It was in his studio that Chopin's Marclio Fuuovro was composed
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  • 415 9 Tho reason for tho unruly conduct of coolies who are placed in quarantine at Singapore, nowadays, was suggested by the Port Health Officer at tho close of the caso on January 24 against the ringleaders of tho Catherine
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  • 427 9 Tho engineering friends of Mr. Bernhard Beilken, who has boon resident engineer in Singapore* for tho Norddentscher Lloyd Steamship Company for about five years, entertained him at dinner on January 20 in the (fraud Hotel de' ]’Europe, on tho occasion of his departure for Hongkong to
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  • 41 10 IV.htana.— At Singapore, on January ‘27, the wife of J. F. I’< stana, of a son. Fi.kk hi i:. (>n December ‘2H, at Woodford Croon, Essex, the wife of H. L. Motcher (formerly of Hongkong and Singapore), of a daughter.
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  • 58 10 Coick Kievu.. At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on January *2>, 1H.H7, by the Uov. W. II. Homes, Henry Berry, eldest son of the late Frederick 'J bonins Cork, of llighgnte, London and Singapore, to Mary Catherine Kraal, eldest daughter of the Lit* Robert 11i:iitig of Cottiugham Hall, Hull,
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  • 161 10 Main van Cuylkmo m». At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sinnft|Hut ,on I uesday, January 2 hy tho Ik v. Mr. I fansoii, itssi 1 tt <1 by the Ik v. Mr. Swindell, Acting < olonial < haplain, |)avid Main, of Dlasgow, Strut hint I, and Messrs. Fraser and N« ave,
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1100 10 for local authorities.—Straits Times, January 25. Hardly t nough information is available at present to warrant anyone in forming an opinion about tht: dispute which appears to have arisen between Yuan Shill Kui ami Sun Yat Seu as to their respective powers. With the fall of the
      for local authorities.—Straits Times, January 25.  -  1,100 words
    • 1136 10 Straits Times. .January 26. Tho other day we remarked that war, if it arose in Europe, would have as much chance of being stopped lor want of funds as by reason of one combatant triumphing easily over another." The same idea was expressed by Sir Felix Schuster
      Straits Times. .January 26.  -  1,136 words
    • 1113 10 physical force party. —Straits Times, January 27. Wo arc not very partial to Mr. Winston Churchill. To have beeu with him in the days when ho had no language strong enough to express his distrust of Liberals and his fidelity to tho principles enunciated by his
      physical force party.—Straits Times, January 27.  -  1,113 words
    • 1004 11 nobler things than they understand.—Straits limes, January 29. A year or two ago, Russia was iu the agonies of a more terrible form ot revolt than that which is now uprooting tho old landmarks iu China. Tho Government was so strong that, though tho people were discoutcutcd,
      nobler things than they understand.—Straits limes, January 29.  -  1,004 words
    • 1178 11 St.ruitM Timon, .January, .’JO. The Shareholders Committee of Nyalas Rubber Estates, Limited, has presented a report of so grave a character that it concerns far more than the shareholders of that company. Tlio report of three men, liowovor competent and capable they may be, who have conducted
      St.ruitM Timon, .January, .’JO.  -  1,178 words
    • 1184 12 limiibiiKH disappear. Straits Times, January Once or twice lately it has been put to us that we have made it difficult for a public company to obtain directors in Singapore ami the I ’.M.S. When we ask what we have said to justify such a statement,
      limiibiiKH disappear. Straits Times, January  -  1,184 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 96 10 The Fofct fruo price of tho Strait* Times In I'tM h yeitr. Thr pool free price of the Straits IiuJm<I is f 1 4 a year It is not nrrravurv to aubaenbe for a year. The subecriptions for shorter period* are at the *ame proportionate rate a* for a year.
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  • 61 10 DEATHS. Knnn.— At Singapore, at her residence No. 1‘27, Itiver Valley l(oa«l. Ho Lek Neo, w fe of Mr. Khoo Ban Seng. Funeral will bo an nounced later. On December 111, at Windsor, Annie, widow of late Win. Macbean, el Singapore. Sioooss. —On January I"*, at the HospitnV Bangkok,
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  • 1773 12 Lang -Holloway Company. A SERIES OF SHAKESPEAREAN PRODUCTIONS. Much Ado About Nothing. The visit of the Lang Holloway Company to Singapore concluded on January 27, having proved highly successful. To all appearances tho playgoers of Singapore have not the same appreciation for the lighter comedy of Shakespeare, preferring the tragedies
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  • 219 13 rs. Fraser and Co.'s Rhare circular, da t< t “ials > liavo again claimed a fair ,u 4lf attention at current rates. Hubr°"tufluctuated a good deal, but the bot doses with a firmer tendency and a JJin •leiuauti for several of
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  • 228 13 The members of the Straits Athletic Club celebrated, <»u January 27 anti 2*. their goooml anniversary at bungalow No 7*9. East Coast Road. There were many guests present. On Saturday night dinner was nerved, and speeches and toasts were given by the president, Mr. Lee Kim Sau.tho
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  • 169 13 Tli,* committor of tlio Children’s Aid Sofit ty gratefully acknowledge tlio following further subscriptions:—Previously aeknowIflucd i.TDii.-ib. Collected by Mrs. Plumpton l- Q d kist».—Asiatic P(‘trolcum Co. s2.">, A. Agncw $2O and .1. Lauder and Capt. Dal nicy er each *"i. I <Jtik Anson Church $33.6u, Goperg Church
    169 words
  • 149 13 authorities are at times somewhat r j <n f V n acceptin<» advice v ith regard to > improvements, but it is time, we tihi'- V raw attention to the n. v 'at° of aiTairs existing on the open "i f around immediately opposite the ra "u
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 62 13 lb rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 20. death occurred suddenly to-day of Captain James Wright, of the steamer Junlio, who was well-known and highly popular iu local shipping circles. He was formerly mate of the Straits Steamship Company’s steamers Lady Mitchell and Carlyle. He held office in Lodge
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    • 83 13 (b rom Our Own Correspondent.) Pcuang, January JO. 1 he result of the reccssiou of the prohibition of the export of rice from Saigon, which ill come into force on February 1, is that from ;>4),000 to HO.OOO tuns are rca ly lor shipment. It is
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    • 57 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January JO. At Penang assizes to-day Munusawmy Naifla, a clerk in the Municipal water department, was charged with falsifying accounts. He was convicted. T lie jury added a rider stating that the inefficiency of the check system threw temptation iu the accused's way.
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    • 86 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) I poll, .January 27. The council of the Perak Chamber of Mines at a nicotine yesterday, discussed amendments to the now mining enactments, and the questiou of immigration. The Chamber met earlier in the day to express their views on the {K)ints. Chinese hooligans
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  • 126 13 The Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hyndtnan Jones, and Mr. Justice Fisher were engaged with counsel at tho Supreme Court, yesterday morning, in arranging provisional dates for the hearing of cases during the present month. There are some 82 causes to be disposed of. and include actions
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  • 127 13 According to the Japan Chronicle, the Chinese cruiser llaichi. 1,200 tons, is missing. As will be remembered, says our contemporary. the llaichi was sent to Filmland last year to represent the Chinese Government at the Coronation. She afterwards proceeded to New York, where she became for some
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  • 105 13 A communication has been received by the Commissioner of Police, Kangoon, from the Chief Police Officer of Singapore, thanking him for the inform ition furnished hy Detective Inspector Cohpihoun of Kangoon, last December, whic h was acted upon at once and led to the arrest in London
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  • 626 13 The preliminary inquiry into the recent gang robbery at Changi, in connection with which two Chinamen have been arrested and charged, was continued in the second jiolioo court, on January 80. Mr. Seth, D.P.P., app/uired for the Crown
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  • 172 13 Dr. Gwathmay, an au.-esthetist at the Skin and Cancer Hospital in New York, has discovered a now method of administering chloroform and ether, reducing the risk of deatli to nil, aud eliminating the after nausea in 90 per cent, of the cases. The method, which has recently
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  • 53 13 Following is the result of crushing operations fit Riiub for the four weeks ending January 27, 1912: 111' kit Roman. Stone crushed 3,-113 tons, gold obtained 397 ounces, average pi r ton, 3.17 dwt. Rkkit Malacca.— Stone crushed 2,116 feus, gold obtained 171 ounces, average per
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  • 385 13 At the Ksplanado Police Court, Bombay, the Chief Presidency Magistrate heard a case in which two Kuropeau j»irls from Bombay are alleged to have been enticed at the instance of a native chief of I loti Mardan, in the North-Western
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  • 313 13 (Fkom Ouh Own Coukkspondhnt.) Labuan, January 25. 11. M. S. Kent escorting tho destroyers Fsk, Welland au<l Ribble arrived hero on their way to Hongkong from Singapore towards the end of December, and after a stay of two days, during which they coaled, they proceeded on their voyage.
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  • 121 13 At tlm installer <»t the Merchant Service Guild, Sir Kdw’ard Grey (Secretary of State, for Foreign Affairs) recently took action regarding the alleged arbitrary arrest, at Sulina (in Kounianiai, of Captain Kobinson, of the steamer Uciihead. I lie authorities* at Sulina demanded 1‘ I.*H (I
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  • 867 15 Berlin, January 21. Rumours are again current as to the <lissolution of the Reichstag, but aro declared to be unfounded. The new Reichstag has, in tho opiniou of the Conservatives, a majority which will enable them to carry their projK)scd provisions for the army and the navy. Tho
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  • 239 16 It is rumoured tlmt, contrary to e:xpe;ctution, the portrait of tlu; Kinj» will not figure on tho now stamps of the Australian Commonwealth, and that in makino their final selection from tho nuinorouH designs sub mitU«l in competition recently, tho Federal Postal authorities will favour those whoso
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 272 16 January 24 Furrtb, Ger. str., Sargert, Batavia, B, Moyer Locksun, Gor. str., Taubert, Iloihow, Bebn Moyer Kirin Maru, Jap. str., Dcguchi, Kobo, P. Simons Rhesus, Brit, str., Pulford, Liverpool, W. Mansfield 25 •lava, I)ut. str., Klcpac, P. Said, Huttenbacb Bros Tension’ Maru, Jap. str., Hori, Calcutta, P. Simons Aki
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    • 226 16 January 24 Golelenfels, Ger. str., Japan via ports Kirin Maru, Jap. str., via perts 25 C. A pear, Brit, str., Penang A Calcutta Eyra, Brit. str., Calcutta via ports Hliosns, Hrit. sir., Hocgkong A Japan 26 Delta, Brit, str., Bombay via ports Derwent, Brit, str., Saigon Aki Maru, Jap.
      226 words
  • 230 16 SiMOAiOKii January 31, 1012. exchange* On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/41 Demand Private! 6 m/s 2/4J* B m/s 2/4* On Ousani —Bank d/d 288* Private J0 'm/s 242$ On Fianci— Bank d/d 294 m/s 299 On India —Bank T. T. J74 Private 80 d/s 2 On Honokono—Bank
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  • 1029 16 8lueAP0KH, January 31, 1012 MINING. Issue !2 Value Bayers. Sellers 10 10 Belal Tin *.75 4.00 10 10 Bruang 2 00 ,3 03 10 10 Kanaboi 1.0 >4§ 1.75 £1 £1 KintaTin 17.0o 18.00 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 12.03 00 10 10 Malacca Tin 2.00 6/- 6/•
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1325 1 We quote below the best available London list from the reports brought by the last mail, and add local quotations from the list prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Go. (Singapore) oo the corresponding date for
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    • 127 2 London and Sinoatouk Ruhukk Pbick# 1 GbNBRAL— Malacca Rubber Auction 2 Singapore Rubber Auction 2 Estate Fire in Johoro *> Rubber Companies in Para The kubbcr ludiiHtry 1 December Rubber Returns Rubber and Coconut Flotations 8 Rubber Items 9 Mistaken Arrest at Dover 19 Estate Assistant Murdered 10 Tklkouamh
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    • 164 2 London Rubber Auction. GOOD RESULTS AT YESTERDAY’ S SALE. Over Six Hundred Tons Offered. (From Ouk Own Correspondent.) London, .lauuary 80. The auction was easier and prices were Hlightly below tIiOHO at last auction. Six hundred and twenty seven tons of Plantation was offered (4Ho tons Maluyan) against 350 tons
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    • 97 2 At the annual meeting, held at Glasgow, on December *27, Mr. Lawrence Dougal, who presided, said they sold a portion of the property to the Shelford Hi ibl>e r Kstatc for an allotment of 8,500 shares. As the property developed the estate would have required further capital,
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    • 1689 2 The second yearly report of the directors of J'ajam, Limited, to the shareholders, with the balance sheet and profit and loss account, for the year ended September 30, 1911, is as followsTfio net profit for the period, as shown
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    • 338 2 The report of tho David Young Rubber Estates (British Guiana), Limited, for the year to Juno 80, states that tho directors regret that tho operations of tho company have been considerably hampered through tho great difliculty of finding a suitablo manager to succeed the lato
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    • 136 2 The following prices were realised on the sale of rubber at the Auction Mart, 77, River Side, Malacca, on January 27: Sheet 1 at 3264.85 per picul Sheet 2 259.15 Scrap crepe 233.00 Dark crepe 218.75 Scrap uutreated 173.51 A large quantity of rubber was put up
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    • 184 2 I ho twentieth auction w as held on January .50, by the Siugapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. Sixty-seven cases were offered, tho weights being 75.28 piculs, or 10,037 lbs. and all lots were sold. Tho market showed strength, and the following prices were realized:— Xo. 1
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    • 9970 3 new chapter in the history of Nyalas Uiibber Estate, Ltd. was oi>ened on January .»,|ion tlio adjourned Konoral meeting of .harrl.oM. rs was held. Mr. Leo Chun Tuan nresided and among the other gentlemen resent were Messrs. Lee Choon
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    • 459 5 The secretary of the Batu Kawan Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Limited, lias issued a circular to the shareholders, which states that, in view of the altered condition of the cultivations and the increases! expenditure in new buildings and general estate charges,
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    • 215 5 At tho first {4encrttl moetiug at Jtangoon, on January 13, of tho Moroni row n ltubbor Kstates, Ltd., with Mr. W. J. Cotteroll in tho chair, tlio financial position of tho concern was explained. Of £35,000 cash paid by tho shareholders £30,000 has been paid to tho
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    • 1039 6 Under the genial presidency of the Hon* F. W. Collins, members of the Malacca Planters’ Association met in annual conference at the old Stadt House, Malacca, on January 28. There were several matters of importance to be discussed
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    • 364 6 An extraordinary geueral meeting of the Central Sumatra Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on January 2. at Winchester House, Old Hroad Street, K. C., Mr. \V. Miller presiding, to consider the report of tho directors, the consideration of which was |>ostpoucii at the minding held on July
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    • 212 6 In a Colonial Office report on British Guiana, Mr. Charles T. Cox says:—The practical interest in the prosecution of the rubber industry, referred to in the report for 1000-10, continues in an increased degree, aud a large number of inquiries liavo been made in regard to
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    • 50 6 Nows has been received of a serious fire on the lYlepah alley (Johorc) I lubber Estates, causing tho total destruction of tho smoko house and several other buildings in tho vicinity. It is understood that tho property is fully covered with tho Commercial Union Insurance Company.
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    • 1041 6 The ordinary general mooting of the Malay Rubber Hunters, Limited, was hold on December 29 at Salisbury House, London Wall, K.C., Mr. W. H. Peach, .l.P. (chairman of the company), presiding. The Chairman, in the course of Ins remarks,
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    • 377 6 Following is the directors’ report and statement of accounts, for the year ended October 41, 1911, to be presented at tho second annual general meeting of shareholders in the Chcmpedak Rubber and Gambicr Estate, Ltd., to be held at
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    • 291 6 Adverting to the notice iu tho Hoard of Trade Journal of June 22, 1911, relative to Laws iu the State of Para for the protection and extension of the rubber industry, H. M. Consul at Para (Mr. <4.A. Pogson) re[>orts the enactment of a further Law
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    • 2669 7 adjourned second annual meeting of ,l,c shareholders of the Alma Estates, Ltd., 1 I,<>ld on January 16 at the head office, o» Koad, Shanghai. Mr. E. T. ltyrne supported by Mr. F. T. Ho. Mr. F. Maitland and Mr. Hugo
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    • 847 7 The following items relating to tho rubber industry are taken from the L. and C. Express of Jauuary 5. The market for Para has been firm and dearer, with a fair business doing. Hard Fine on the spot
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    • 1733 8 An extraordinary general meeting of tin* Victoria (Malaya) Itubber Estates, Limited, called in pursuance of a requisition of share holders, w itb a view to the appointment of u committee to inquire into the position of the company, was
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    • 15 8 Port Swetlenham.— 1 7,500 lbs. Allagar. 3,700 lbs. Hukil Kubu. 610 lbs.
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    • 1592 8 The first ordinary general meeting of tho Do I ok Itubber Kstates, Limited, was held on December 29 at Cannon Street Hotel, K.C., Mr. Walter Norfolk .the Chairman) presiding. Tins Chairman said: I do not propose to take up
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    • 115 8 A London wire of January 16, says The Hongkong Selangor 11 übber Company, Limited, has been formed with a capital of ■£oo,ooo and a present issue of 1:19,000. The company acquires 1,007 acres, of which »l:» acres have been recently planted. The estate adjoins Sealield. The
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    • 2144 9 The third ordinary general minting of tho Bukit I’loli Rubber Company, Limited, was 1, K1 on January 4 at tho offices of tho comnuv, No- 169, Cannon Street, London, K.C.i Mr. 1L Hoffmann (chairman) presiding. flic Chairman said:
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    • 1183 9 Tho first ordinary general meeting of tho members of Bila (Sumatra) Rubber Lands, Limited, was held at HO, Mincing Lane, E.C., Mr. Lawrence T. Boustead presided. The Chairman said that at the statutory meeting lie was able to state that tho
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    • 275 9 Mr. D. G. Edwards, director of tho AngloMalay Rubber Co., Ltd., diod at homo on January 14. It is states 1 that about 2,000 tons of plantation rubber have been sold forward for 1912, at prices ranging from 4s. 2d. to 4s. 9d. The society known as Tho
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    • 1274 10 The ordinary general meeting of the Agiloto Lagos Itubber Estates, Limited, was held at Winchester House, Old Broad Stria t, E.C., Mr. Magnus Mowat presiding. The Chairman, in the course of his remarks said Wit have now cleared some .'too
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    • 200 10 There has been a remarkable sequel to the arrest of Mr. John Howard Ford, of New York, on a charge of abduction in the United States. Mr. Ford, who was arrested on landin" from the Lapland at Dover, is a very wealthy man, and a director
      200 words
    • 196 10 A rcjxu't has been received in Medan that on 21st it ist., .1. 11. I 101 l maim, an assistant, on the Kalo< ndaii" F.statc, was murdered in cold blood by a Javanese coolie. It is stated by the murderer that the deceased did not strike him,
      196 words
    • 911 10 Mr. E. Russell I'olden, chairman of the Island (Par a) Rubber Estates Company, Limited, writes to the Financial News of December 27, that it has just come to his knowledge that a circular letter dated December I‘2, has been issued, together with
      911 words
    • 809 10 Dio annual general meeting of the shareholders of tlu> Bukit Kajang Rubber Estates Limited, was held on December 28, at 4] Corbet Court, Gracechurcli Street, E.C., Mr! \V. Arthur Addinsoll (Chairman of the com pany) presiding. Tlie Secretary (Mr. John Lewis) havin
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