The Straits Budget, 26 October 1911

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2802 Singapore, Thursday, October 26, 1911. ESTABLISHED (JVEN NAIF A •HNTUI Price 25 cents
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  • 241 1 LEADERS The Wantonueiw of War h Reserve of Doctors H The Attitude of Italy 8-9 Progress or Stagnation 9 British Political Position 9-10 Progress of Revolution 10 Local am> Gknkral— Local and Personal l-‘2 Pulau Jerejak Camp 3 The Federal Council 4 Local Telegrams 4 Notes from
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  • 3471 1 A pretty wedding took placo at the Portuguese Church of St Joseph, on the inst., the contracting parties being ■J r John Baptist Pestana, son of the late Albert Matthew Pestana, and Miss Caroline Mary Eli/.aboth Scott, sixth dangle r f Mr. Thomas A. Scott, of Victoria
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  • 15 2 [1 be Straits T imea in not responsible for the opinions of its omspondents.
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  • 623 2 To the Editor of the Straits Tiruos. Sir,- -1 am sorry to see that Mr. La who u has run oil the rails in reply to my letter of the 3rd inst. and has once again advertised his “greet” through the medium of your valuable paper. I
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  • 540 2 To the Editor of tlio Straits Times. Sir, —My colleague, the Rev. Dr. .T. Campbell Gibson (whom the Chinese of Swatow have appointed Chairman of the above fund, for which donations may be sent direct to the Hongkong and Shanghai Ranking Corporation at Hongkong), writes to
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  • 71 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A correspondent suggested in you* paper a few days ago that the Empire Cup should be displayed in some public place. The Curator has kindly consented to allow it to be shown in the silver room at the Museum,
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  • 86 2 Shot Through a Door.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—With reference to your article Shot Through a Door in your issue of yesterday, we beg to inform you that the traveller con cerne<l is not an employee of this firm, but is a Continental manufacturer's representative passiug through
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  • 121 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, 1 trnst you will kindly spare me a little* space in your paper for the purpose of bringing to the notice of the powers that be the manner in which blasting operations are conducted at Mount Wallieli. Debris,
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  • 432 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to S. V.’s letter in your issue of the 11th inst. and the replies thereto by An Old Resident,” Lila and L. K. Y.” iu later issues, I beg to state that I am more or less in
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  • 48 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Kabics exists in Malacca. Extraordinary notices, mu/zling ordinances, etc., have been issued, including destruction of strayers. Hut within municipal limits, collarless, licenceless and luuz/.leless dogs roam at will. What price rabies!—Yours, etc.. Poou Mu/.zlkh hot,oik. Malacca, October 21. 1911.
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  • 1454 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to your Saturday's leader, The Attitude of Italy,” I have got to say to you 1. That you have wilfully falsified history in writing that Turkey is defending in Tripoli sovereign rights which are several centuries old. In
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  • 191 3 lu the* Ivlitor of the Str.'iitH Timet*. Sir, In the «hort paragraph which uppeurcd iu youi insuc of yesU relay, you refer to the recent death of Monsieur Henry Hons -aye, an eminent French historian and a member of tho French Academy. Your remark that Mr. Ileury
    191 words
    • 410 3 The S.C.C. Tournament. Tlio results of play on tin- l*th inst.. am given below:— Cham I* i on hm 11-. Gaunt bt-at Klcintuaun 0 2. 0 A. SlNOLKH. Lyall v. Butler untin. It. Sinulks. Jennings beat ltuys 10 8, 0 I. C. SlNOLKH. .K okins boat Dovo 6
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    • 135 3 Intercolonial Rifle Match. The Secretary of the Singajiorc Killo A*so» (nation has written to the Secretary of the Ceylon Volunteer Kith; \HHociation, euipnring whether the animal match liotw’een the two clubs could l>e arranged. The uhullctigo lias been accepted, and the Ceylon t.oaui will tire olf at Hunupitiya
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    • 208 3 .Sport*. The preliminary heats in the ulxivc sports were run off oil the 24th and the results were as billows 100 Yaliis Flu I(\* k: 1st heat 1 L. II. dc /viva, 2 F. T. Kphraums; 2nd heat 1 W. A. Kcyt, 2 K. Galistan Mrd heat 1 P.
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  • 396 3 We observe that our esteemed contentpornry, the Pinaiig Gazette, has mode some comments on the articles we bad a few days ago, altout the (Quarantine Camps at Penang. We have to thank our contcuqiorary for culling our attention to a slip of the pen by which the
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  • 159 3 It is reported from ('aiiton that the piece goods in irket there is in a state of unrest owing to the failure of tin. e firms inter. strd in the trade, and it is feared others will lie in volved, says a Shanghai report dah d October
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  • 2496 4 (From Ouk Own Corukhi’ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, October 25. Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.O., and Lady Kvelyn Young arrive<l here shortly before five o’clock lust evening. The railway station was gaily decorated, and the visitors were met
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 161 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October i 9. The funeral of the late Mr. Richey wa* attended by the Resident-Council lor (the Hou. W. Kvausi, the Hon. R. Y’oung, M r> Justice Thornton, Mr. Peel and others Mr. Starr represented the Hunt Club, which sent a
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    • 79 4 (From Ock Own Correspondent.) Hongkong. October 20. The annual budget speech of the Governor, Sir Frederick Lugard, was of a most satisfactory nature. There is no new taxation in contemplation. The revenue for the past year was easily a record, being more than double that of twelve years
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    • 88 4 (From Grit Own Correspondent.) Sereiuban, October 22. Selangor beat Negri Sembilan at football at Sereiuban on Saturday, by three goals to nil. The game started in injuring rain and there were small lakes all over the ground. Weston scored cleverly in the first minute, and Small
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  • 448 4 Oar short comment in the issue of the 18th lust., on the prospectus of The Singapore Motor tar Company. Limited,” brought Mr. .1, A. Hamilton, the only Kuropean named as a director, to see us with explanations. They are full aud conclusive and absolutely exonerate Mr. Hamilton
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  • 1036 6 The presence of the white sunned revolutionary banner Haunting defiantly against the yellow dragons of the Chinese Imperial fla#, from hundreds of houses and shops in Singapore, on Wednesday last, indicated only in a small decree the
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  • 408 6 Mr. .1. Henry, as honorary secretiny. signs the annual report aud statement of accounts of the SingajKm- St. Andrew’s Society for the year ending August HI last. The report, which will be discussed at the anuual general meeting of
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  • 250 6 Prof. Went writes in Natura, the organ of the Netherlands Natural History Association, as follows: It is well known that the cultivation of tropical orchids presents numerous difficulties. I hit the most difficult of these is tho production of the plants from seed. In the
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  • 415 6 (h'ito.M ()i t r Own Cokkksi'ondknt.) Pouting, ()ctobor 2tt. His Bxcollency tlio Governor, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., and party arrived here at 8.1/5 a.m. to-day. The weather was threatening. 11. E. landed at Victoria Pier at ten. The following
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  • 857 6 (From Ouk Own Cokhkspondent.) Penang, October *2o. Ou lauding this morning, His Excellency the Governor, Sir A. Young, K.C M.G., and Lady Evelyn Young were welcomed by an immense gathering of all classes of the community. The address of the Penang Chamber of
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  • 207 6 (From Our Own Cohrbspondrnt.) Kuala Lumpur, October 24. Sir Arthur Young and party reached Taipiug by special train from Penang, yesterday afternoon, the visit being made for the purpose of investing Mr. R. G. Watson with the C.M.G. (ireat interest was evinced in the ceremony which took
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  • 121 6 Abdullah was employed by the Penang Municipality to kill rats and in the nrs» month of his engagement he tried to einulat® Browning’s hero of Hamel in that ho assert ed that he caught upwards of 2,0()0. How^ ever, Dr. Park gave Abdullah notice that»
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  • 776 7 MiHR Doris Madden's concert iu the Teutonia Club on October 20 was attended bv a very appreciative audience of about a hundred people. The clever young pianist was assisted by Mr. .1.11. I). Pennink, violin, and Mr. C. L. Duff, who
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  • 1206 7 i lie continued hearing of w itnesses in tho C uronla case-in which the master and 1 1 11vo s *ol arc ell irgod with making a false declaration with regard to infectious disease on board occupied the attention of .Mr. hirmstone,
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  • 347 7 All recent exploits of local burglars are surpassed by thu achievement of the one or more members of that fraternity who burgled the office of Captain Chancellor, the Chief Police Officer, on the- night of the 22nd instant. Whoever [tcrpetmUxl
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  • 137 7 During the course oi a severe thunderstorm which passed over Scrombau, recently, last, no less than three buildings on the Third Mile Estate were struck by lightning, and one Tamil coolie* was killed. Tne bungalow occupied by Mr. Coles, one of the assistants, was struck, kitchen and
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  • 118 7 The programme of the Sitiga)x»re District Conference, which is to be held under the presidency of Bishop < Mdhum. has been issued. Tho Conference' will meet at Singapore on October2B,29and3o. On the 28th there w ill he an examination of local preachers, a Chinese session in Middle
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  • 443 7 The mortality statistics for Singapore for the week ended October 11, mark a death rate of 47.91 per mille, excluding St. John’s Island. This is an increase of 2.64 on the rate for the previous week. Tho most significant and
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  • 174 7 The Empire Day Essay Challenge Cup, recently guimxl by Ethel B. Lea, has now been handed over for exhibition to the Baffles Museum by the Director of Education, and may lx* seen in the Begalia ease in tho Entrance Hall.
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  • 173 7 Thoiiohtlessness on Homebody's part caused an alarming carriage accident in Outrank I toad on the 10th. About H o’clock p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Haskins wero driving alono that thoroughfare in a victoria and lmp|>cued on a patch that is at present tinder repair. A cauldron for tbo
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  • 83 8 >n Friday. October 20, at the Maternity Hospital, Singajiore, tin* wife of 11. C. W. Alien, of a daughter. lircilAN. ()ti September 21, at Kllow, Aberdeenshire, tin; wife of B- G. Buchan. Tientsin, a daughter. SciiAltK.NOfTivKL. —On October 20. at Silica jMin*. tlio wifo »*f Or. d. A.
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  • 118 8 Inoi.kmy Bray. On September 2d, at Fast Looo, Cornwall, F. .1. Ingleby, St. George's Kstato, Matugama, t’l ylon, to I salad Mary Bray. Pkstana -Scott. At tlio Church of St. •Joseph, Singapore, on October 21, by the |{cv. Father Briganea, .lobn Baptist, son of tlio lato Mr. \lbi*rt Matthew
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1058 8 or motherland of lajxlogs. —Straits limes, October 111. A small telegram printed the other day says that Germany and Britain are exchanging views on the question of a limitation of armaments, the conversations having been opened by the initiative of the former a few months ago.
      or motherland of lajxlogs.—Straits limes, October 111.  -  1,058 words
    • 1157 8 —Straits Times, October 20. The death of Mr. d. <l. Itichey. adviser to the Perl is (iovernment, is a painful reminder of the risks to which we are all exposed in a country whore skilled doctors are few and far between, and where a surgical specialist does
      —Straits Times, October 20.  -  1,157 words
    • 1042 8 —Straits Times, October 21. It is generally in comic opera that tho brigand puts on an expression of pained and injured innocence when he finds that his captive does not take kindly to suggestions for lopping off an ear or a toe or a finger or
      —Straits Times, October 21.  -  1,042 words
    • 1034 9 desires to support.—Straits Times, Oetobcr 23. Thc report on the Colony of the Straits Settlements for the year 1910 has just been issued. It comes rather late, but, on tlio other hand, it is a final and complete review of a year that saw a good deal
      desires to support.—Straits Times, Oetobcr 23.  -  1,034 words
    • 1108 9 greater than the good. Straits Times, October 24. We are sorry to see so much heat in the tone of British political discussion. The strife over tho House of Lords is elosed for the present, and the fight over Home Buie has not begun. Tho only matter
      greater than the good. Straits Times, October 24.  -  1,108 words
    • 1124 10 who can draw it aside.—Straits Times, October 25. A rebel is a patriot who has failed, or who has not yet Hucc«*eded. In a few months time the rebels in China may be the most honoured and most trust'd |>eople in that country. For the present they
      who can draw it aside.—Straits Times, October 25.  -  1,124 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 fh« Powt freo price «f tlie Straits Timex is #‘W ;> y>s:\r The po»t free price of the Straits Hrntget i» $l4 a year. It it not net:r»»aiy to tulMcribe for a year. The subscription* for shorter periods are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year. r h--
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  • 94 8 DKATIIS. I’k.ciik.— < )n < )etober 0, at tin* (Jencral I los pital, Howard < lord on IVcIio. 4 l yearn. Moimnt. On September 20, at London, Sophia <ieorj»ina, wife of Admiral Sir Morant, K.C.H., aged I’lumiik. At fit, Clarendon Itoad. I’utney, on October 1">, Christopher I'lunibe, late fnsjK'ctor of
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  • 1580 13 Berlin, October 17. Tho appointment of Yuau shih-kai as commander of Jiutsohang proves that the dynasty recognizes the seriousness of tho situation. Ambassador Liang tung yen. in a press interview at Berlin, lias expressed confidence that the troops iu tho North will side with Yuan shih-kai. and that
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  • 236 13 Messrs. Rubinstein, Nash, and Co., of 6 and 6, Raymond-buildings, Gray’s Inn, write to the Times: in or about the year 1H25 Captain John Paterson, the then senior officer of the Honourable Fast India Company's ships in China, was presented with one large and two smaller
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 295 14 October 19 Hitachi Mora, .lap yf r., Yam&waki, Midrib h brougb, Paterson S mons Delhi, Brit, str., Bradshaw, S’ghai, P. A O. Benarty, Brit, st r., Sarclmt, London, Patur coo Simons 19 Oranje, Dut. sir., Utlkiu*, Amsterdam. Slips Agency, Ltd. flatanma, Brit. str., Ko»r, Hongkong, Peterbod Simons Moobooo, Brit,
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    • 203 14 October If f Ballmoutb, Brit. str., Tarakan Benarty, Brit. str., Hongkong and Japs a Dilwara, Brit. str., Calcutta via porta Oranje, Dot. str., Batavia Umla, Brit. str., Indt&mayo 20 r >ellii, Brit, str., Bombay via porta Chow Tai, Ger. Htr., Bangkok Hitachi Maru, Jap, Mtr., Hongkong, Japan Mackaon, Brit.
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  • 761 14 Th* tonus of Italy’s ultimatum to Turkey which has brought the countries to an open rupture, were made public on September 2h. The Minister of Foreigu Affairs on Septem her 26 suvs a Home telegram, sent to
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  • 227 14 6in<*afoki, Octobkb 25. 1911. EXCHANGE. On London —Back 4 m/p 2/4/* Demand 2/4 .ft Private fl m/r 2/4 do 8 m/» 2/4 g On Onemani—Bank d/d 288* Private 8 in/* 242* On FaiNOR'-Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/t 2fc8* On India—Bank T. T. 174 Private 80 d/e
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  • 935 14 SlMOAPOHK, OcTOBKR 25 1911. MINING. Issae !2 Value tiuyor?. Seller?. 10 10 Belai Tin 4.C0 4,15 10 10 Bruang 6 00 4 00 10 10 Kanaboi 160 1.70 XI £1 Kinta Tio 16.50 18 00 £1 £i Lahat Mine r 12.50 13.25 10 10 Malacca Tin 2
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  • 173 14 A curious accident, of which more will probably be heard in the police courts, occurred on the lBtb in the godown of Messrs. Katz Brothe rs. It appears, from the report made to tie authorities, that a German traveller employed hy thetirm whs testing an automatic
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 294 15 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. E8TATE T00L8, 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. Prompt Delivery. PROPRIETORS OP THE PAT" TAPPING KNIFE. BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL; SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Estimates and designs free. LARGE STOCKS HELD of Pumps, Piping,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1251 1 We quote below the best available London list from the reports brought by the last mail, and add local quotations from the list prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Go. (Singapore on the corresponding date for
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    • 128 2 London and Singapore Ruhbkk Prices 1 Oenkral— Singapore Rubber Auction 2 Lanudron Rubber Company 2 Malacca Rubber Auction 2 The Jimah Case 2 Rubber Auction Dealings Rubber Items 3 The Rubt>er Exhibition 1 Per mas Rubber 4 Rubber Production 5 F.M.S Rubber Export Duty 6 The Rubber Industry 7
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    • 26 2 (From a Malacca Correspondent.) Tho following prices have been received daring tho paHt week October 19 Fine Para 4/6 20 4/5.J 20 4/3.J
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    • 81 2 Tho seventh auction hold in tho Exchange Koom on the 24tli, undor tho auspices of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association attracted a good attendance, but only 45 cases wero put up for sale, and of these 28 cases were bought in, limits not being reached.
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    • 200 2 Circulars dat<*l London, Soptember 28, have been received in Singapore offering the shares of the new issue in the proportion of one in ten to present holders of the company's stock. At 28th September the market price of the shares was £3 89, buyers, £3- l. r
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    • 2420 2 The Malav Mail of October 19, has the following reference to the Jimah case judgment: -Judgment was given today in the action brought by Jimah at Kuala Lumpur recently for the possession of a large area
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    • 114 2 The following prices were realised on the. sale of rubber at tho Malacca auction mart on October 21. All lots were sold Sheet from $239.25 to $240.76 per picul. Scrap crepe SIHB per picul. Hark crepe $lB6 por picul. Scrap $160.50 per picul. The following have been
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    • 2103 3 An extraordinary general meeting of tho Mount Austin (Johore) Hubber Estates, Limited, was held on September 25. at the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Moor gate Place, K.C., U) consider resolutions providing, inter alia, for the increase of
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    • 756 3 In a recent issue The Times printed these observations on the rubber auctions At to day’s rubber auction sales, it appears there is unlikely to lx; any repetition of the Ixiycotting incident which occurred at the last sales; the matter
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    • 467 3 The Sungei (’humor Estates Co., Ltd.* pays five per cent. Mr. E. I‘ulL‘in Thompson, of Kuala Kubu Estate, has undergone au internal operation in tin* Euro|M‘an hospital at Kuala Lumpur, lie is doiug well. A telegram from Amsterdam, dated 12th instant, to the Deli Counuit, states that the
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    • 2225 4 Messrs. Lewis and Peat, the well-known lubber brokers have published a Hhort criticism of the exhibits at the International Rubber Show held at the Agricultural Hall this year. The criticisms apply to specimens from all parlH. In
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    • 114 4 Since the incorporation of tho company to .1 uno 30, the expenditure amounted to £10,485 and the receipts to .£1,973. The difference between these two amounts, £8,511, has been debited to the maintenance and development of tho estate, bringing tho cost of tho estate up to £60,511. Tapping
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    • 855 4 The first annual general meeting of th« shareholders of the Consolidated Rubber Estates was held at Shanghai, on the 10th inst. Mr. R. H. Parker occupied the chair the other directors present being Mr. F. T. Ho and Mr. A.
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    • 960 5 Having published the various estate returns as received, wo now tabulate them so as to show the monthly production since the beginning of the year together with the average monthly output, fractions excepted, during 1910. At the
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    • 1060 5 An extraordinary goneral meeting of the Pandan (Johore) Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on September 25, at tho Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, E. C., to consider resolutions agreeing to the proposed amalgamation with the Mount Austin (Johore) Rubber Estates,
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    • 369 5 The fourth annual report of the Itukit Lintang Rubber Kstates, Limited, states that the profit and loss account shows a profit ou the year’s working to dune .‘M) of CIO,.'169; add balance of profit from last year, £1,26H together £11,607; less interim dividend paid April 6
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    • 175 5 Thu Commissioner of Trado ami Customs, F.M.S., announces that the prices for the period from October 20 to November 2, 1911, inclusive, of cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis, are as under Sheet ami Hiscuit 9210
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    • 3333 6 The fourteenth ordinary general meeting of the North Borneo Trading Company, Limited, was held on September 21 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, K.C., Mr. .1, A. Travers (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Ladies ami
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    • 445 6 Iu their fourth annual report for the year ended Juno Ik), the directors of the Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations say —The protit for the year, after transferring X 2,000 to reserve and writing off £5OO for depreciation of buildings and machinery, is £35,752 6n. 6d., add
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    • 1051 7 The London and China Express ot September 29 says: The market for Para ha* been dull and rather lower without much business doing. Hard Fine on the Hpot quoted Is. Hd. value (last year 6s. 0d.). September-October delivery
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    • 348 7 The report of the Jugra Land and Rubber Estates, Limited, states that during the year the area under rubber was increased by 909.1 acres, aud the area under coconuts by 127 acres, and the position of the estate as nt April 30 was as follows:—Total
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    • 247 7 In the Supremo Court, on the 19th inst., the acting Chief Justice, Sir Archibald Law. passed orders in the action brought by Mr, it. P. Silby an engineer, of Shanghai, against Mr. John Graham Boyd, broker of Singapore, in respect of the Pulau Batam estate case. Mr.
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    • 1260 7 Mr. Hugo Reiss presided at the first annual general meeting of shareholders of the Cheng Rubber Estates, Ltd., which was held in the office of Messrs. Hugo Reiss and Co., Shanghai, on the 3rd inst. Among those present wero
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    • 506 7 At the third annual mooting of Harrisons and Crostield, Ltd., tho directors submitted the annual report and balance sheet for tho year ending Juno 30, stating that during tho year an addition to the capital of the company has been made
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    • 1293 8 The animal general mooting of the Moroni Rubber Estates, Ltd., wan held on October 23 in the registered offices, Commercial Union Buildings. Mr. A. E. Baddcley presided and the following shareholders were present: Messrs. L. It. Macphai) (director), A.
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    • 358 8 The fourth annual report of the Bantcng (Selangor) Rubber Estates. Limited, states that during the year to April 80, an additional 247 acres have been planted, bringing the total planted acreage of the company's estates up to about 1,247 acres, 606 being at Pucliong and 611
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    • 114 8 In the Agricultural Bulletin for tlic present month, Mr. Keith Bancroft has some notoH upon the occurrence and nature of spots on Para sheet and crepe rubber. There are also observations on the quality of Malayan plantation rubber as compared with fine bard Para, based on contributions
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    • 957 8 At the first annual general meeting of the Chenier United Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on October 9. Mr. J. Ellingor presided, and gave the usual account of the working of the company for the year.
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    • 288 8 The report of Inch Kenneth Rubber Estate for the year ended June 30, states that the profits amount to 1*25,881, making, with the balance brought forward. £30,081, The directors recommend a final dividend of 30 per cent., free of income-tax, making 55 per cent, for the year,
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    • 373 8 The directors of the Padang Jawa Rubber Estate, in their report from December 1, 1909, to March 81 f 1911, say: —The estate consists of 897 acres, of which 535 acres were planted when the company took over the property; since that date 146 acres have
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