The Straits Budget, 19 October 1911

Total Pages: 22
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2801 Singapore, Thursday, October 19, 1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTUR Price 25 cents
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  • 241 1 LEADERS Morocco and the Future 8 Home Rule Revival 8 The Revolt in China 8 9 War Against Malaria 9 China and Some Others 9-10 Is it Good Enough 10 Local and General— Local and Personal 1-2 Local Telegrams 2 Gunong Tahan 2 A Year in Trengganu
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  • 3488 1 H. E. the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., is visiting Penang on Monday, October 23. The Chamber of Commerce "ill present him with an address of welcome °n his landing at the Y'ictoria Pier at 10 a.m. I‘ rom the Northern Settlement he will journoy to Kuala
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 156 2 (From Our Own Cokkkspondknt.) Penang, October 11. It is stated that the proposed railway extension from Bukit Mertajam will run northward through I’rovince Wellesley to Sungei Patani, thence across the Mirbok Hiver somewhere between Sans Souci estate and Mirbok to (lunik; then on to the southern end
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    • 126 2 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, October 16. A tin mine projterty at Tronoli, of which Mr. Langford held a concession, has been acquired by a company to be floated in Loudon entitled Tronoli South, Ltd., with a capital of L‘100,000 in XT shares, and workng capital of
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    • 72 2 (From Our Own Cokkkspondknt.) Penang, October 16. Information has been received in Penang that a party of Siamese outlaws recently attempted to cross the Perlis border, having previously shot a Siamese magistrate near Singora, and committed other crimes. They sought refuge in the limestone caves, but
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    • 43 2 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, October 16. At a special mooting of the shareholders of Ulu Piali held at Penang, to-day, the scheme for splitting up the shares, as enunciated at a meeting held ou September 19 last, was confirmed.
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    • 37 2 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, October 16. Fifteen Penang ladies are attending the Ladies’ Bisley at Taiping. The Singapore team has arrived here to-day and goes on with the Penang ladies to Taiping.
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    • 128 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Labuan, October 17. The man Kulah, who ran amok recently and killed a native magistrate and a clerk at Tutong, Brunei, and was afterwards captured together with his followers, has been tried by the Resident of Brunei. Kulah was sentenced to death,
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    • 366 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October IH. The death has taken place at the General Hospital, of Mr. J. G. Richey, Acting British Adviser to Perlis, following an operation for amputation of the leg. Mr. Richey ii a t with on accident on Friday last at
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  • 657 2 There was a large attendance at the Y.M.C.A. roomson the 18th iust. when Mr. H.N. Ridley, C.M.G., gave an illustrated lecturo on A Trip to Pahang: Ascent of Gunong Tahau, the Highest Peak in the Peninsula. Tho Colonial Secretary, the Hon. R. .1.
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  • 13 4 (Thfc Straits Times in not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 802 4 What of Victoria Street To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —I noticed in your issue of yesterday a letter signed Satis Vorhorum commenting u)H>n Victoria Street as being the filthiest thoroughfare in the world which really sounds very humorous. I, as an old resident, am able to say
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  • 177 4 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I bring to tho notice of the proper authorities tho present state of mendicancy in Malacca? The rapid increase of vagrants is alarming, and they are allowed to beg from door to door and loiter about the crowded
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  • 238 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—A few’ days ago I happened to be au inmate of the Seamen's Ward, for Asiatics, as I understand it, in thcGeneral Hospital, aud at nights 1 observed that most of the patients were tapping their faces and hands with
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  • 492 4 The prospectus has been issued privately of the Singapore Motor Car Company, Ltd., which is being formed for the purpose of carrying on business as hirers and acquiring from Mr. Tan Tck I’uan certain motor cars and accessories in Orchard Hoad. The capital is SSO, (XX) in
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    • 574 4 S.C.C. Tournament. Play on the 11th inst. resulted as follows Championship. (iaunt beat F. Eichcnbcrg 6—3, 6—2. A. Doubles. F. W. Lyall and H. H. Wilson v. A. L. E. Makinson and Williams, unfinished. F. Moding and F. Kuchwaldy v. A. P. Cameron and Throlfall, unfinished. 11. Doubles.
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    • 341 4 How Barry Beat Fogwell. When Barry defeated Fogwell in thn sculling race for the championship of England on the Thames there was a large crowd of spectators ashore and afloat, whilst three steamers followed the race. Fogwell won the toss and took the Middlesex station. The tide was fast
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    • 221 4 Garrison Golf Club. The October monthly medal competitions at the Garrison Golf Club resulted as follows Ladies’ —played October 13; five cards were taken out: Mrs. Swabey (winner) 61 —12 41) Mrs. Bailey 69—12 57 Mens’—played October 14 and 15; 17 cards were taken out and the following returned:
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    • 73 4 The Singapore League. Mr. Davidson, the lion, secretary of tho Singapore Football League, informs us that the teams of the Buffs aud tho R.G.A have been withdrawn from further participation in the league matches. A general meeting of the Football Association is being called for Wednesday, the 25th inst.,
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  • 565 6 Reuter announces tho death of Sir William Crossley, Hart., the groat engineer, and one of tlio greatest public benefactors of our day. A corrcHpondcnt favours us with the following notes on his career: Along with his brother, the late Mr.
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  • 271 6 Fortune telling hardly seems worth while out here, despite the sueeess of peripatetic experts who occasionally visit these shores. At all events, what came out in the hearing of a case; in the second police court on the l‘2tli inst, is not encouraging. A
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  • 867 6 A meeting of the Legislative Council was hold on October ltt, when there wore present: —His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.Q., His Excellency the General Ollicer Commanding the Troops, Major General T. E. Stephenson, C.B.; the Colonial Secretary,
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  • 223 6 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Share Circular, dated October 11, says Business has again ruled quiet in the share market with a dull tone in sterling Rubbers, but there has, however, been a fair demand for some local stocks. The Mining section
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  • 224 6 The Y.M.C.A. Parliamentary Debating Society met on October 12 to discuss a bill for tho municipalization of the tramways and lighting. The measure was introduced by tho Rev. W. R unci man, and was spoken to by several other members of the House. The government accepted a
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  • 280 6 The first European case of cholera at Kuala Luuipur has proved fatal. A child belonging to Mr. Baker, a European railway guard, living in High Street, Kuala Lumpur, died on the 10th. The previous evening the child was given a piece of cake bought from a Chinese
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  • 376 6 The Singapore medical authorities h ave unhappily, matter for serious contemplation in the mortality returns of the Settlement for tho week ended October 7. Of the 277 deaths recorded 38 were caused by cholera Only five of these wero imported
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  • 146 6 There was an excellent attendance at tho children’s concert given in the Victoria Memorial Hall, on the 13th. the programme being thoroughly enjoyed. Five pieces were played by tho Philharmonic orchestra, conducted by Mr. C. B. Hewitt, and the remainder of tho bill, which was made up
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  • 222 6 A batch of twenty-four Hokien and Too chew boatmen faced the third magistnite, on the 13th,. to answer to a charge of partici pating in an affray at Boat Quay on September 27. Sergeant Kenny prosecuted Mr. Gaunt appeared for sixteen of the accused and Mr. Cooper
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  • 721 7 The police force of the Settlemeut was showing olf itn prowess on October 14. All the strong men and the fleet men and the young and the old were competing at the sports held on the Raffles Institution playing ./round before a
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  • 83 7 That brilliant Australian pianist Miss I >orris Madden has arranged to give a pianoforte reeital and concert at tho Teutonia t lub on Friday, October 20, when she will have the assistance of some well-known local amateurs. Miss Madden has been studying at the Conservatorium and
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  • 578 7 In a letter addressed to M*s. Izard, Dr. Mildred E. Staley, who is in charge of the Medical Mission at Malacca, writes from Malacca:— Many thanks for the help you have given us. 1 duly received the 850 from
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  • 266 7 News has been received in Singapore of tho death in the lied Sea, while homeward bound from Singapore, of Mr. Alfred Kitching, M.1.N.A., M.l.Mech.E., who was in business here as a naval architect, marine surveyor, and a consulting and inspecting engineer. The deceased, who had
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  • 654 7 The correspondent of tho Sourabavn llaudelsblad at Modjokorto writes that Mr. Ouwens, conservator to tho museum of natural history at Buitenzorg, visited the town to investigate tho finding of certain fossils of a great antediluvian mammal.
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  • 184 7 A little Malay girl of ten years of age was burned to death on the morning of the 18th in a house fire at Bcdoh. The house in question was a native wo<*l and attap hut occupied by an old woman, her son and two grandchildren, one
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  • 330 7 Sun Weu or as he is better known throughout the world, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the head of the revolutionaries in China, is a medical student, who first came into prominence fifteen years ago when he was d« tained
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  • 322 7 Two telegrams from Bencoolen, dated Jnl iuHt., to the Batavia Nieuwsblad, state that tiro broko out thut day on board the Ixion, a boat belonging to the Ocean Steamship Company. The ship is a total loss. Tho Ixion loft Batavia on September 00, and tho tiro
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  • 207 7 Sir Thomas Lipton has once again expressed his willingness to challenge tor the America Cup. But In; makes it a condition that tho race shall Is: under tho universal rule already adopted by every yacht club in the United States. ‘‘All I want," ho
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  • 55 8 Hkii>. <>n October Iff. at Bracmur, (iilsteud Hoad, the wife of Alex. Kcid, of a daughter. Wait. At I'cnang, on October 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Owen 11. Wait, it son. Huckmastkr.— On September 20. at St. Hrclodoß, Herne Hay, the wife of W. North Bucknmster. of Taiping. IVruk,
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  • 86 8 Di mhkkck TinswKLi.. On September 14, at Suffolk, T. S. Dumbrcck.of Kajung, F.M.S., to Eleanor Tidswell. Flkminu—Myrick. On September N. at Littlehampton. Atherton, son of.I. Fleming, late Chinese Service, to Winifred Ellen Myrick. Palmkr— Blackali..— On September 16, at Coulsdoti. -I. G. Palmer, of Bakap Rubber Plantations, Xcbong Tcbul,
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1178 8 terms for a lasting place.—Straits Times, October 12. It is announced tliat the Franco-German agreement as to the future status of Morocco has been initialled, and that it awaits the completion of the agreement with reference to compensation in the Congo before being formally signed. There
      terms for a lasting place.—Straits Times, October 12.  -  1,178 words
    • 1190 8 suffering his teaching may produce. —Strait*Times, October 18. For about seventeen years Home Rule has been in a condition of suspense. It has formed a kind of separating lino between the two great parties in Parliament, but it has not been within the scoi>e of what may
      suffering his teaching may produce.—Strait*- Times, October 18.  -  1,190 words
    • 1160 8 Straits Times, October 14. Few of us have much real knowledge <>f China. We may study its history, pick up the scraps of information that come to hand from day to day, discourse upon the awaken ing, and even take mental measurements of the Yellow peril
      Straits Times, October 14.  -  1,160 words
    • 1091 9 -StraitH TiincH. October 16. The community should be extremely grateful to Dr. Watson for his admirable lecture on Friday evening on the prevention of malaria. Wo quito agree with him that it is somewhat bewildering to make an exhaustive study of anti-malaria literature, and, to be quite
      -StraitH TiincH. October 16.  -  1,091 words
    • 1025 9 StraitH Times, October 17. The impression deepens that China in fiM*o to face w ith one of the risings in her history. Unrest lias boon observed for twenty to thirty yearn, and has revealed itself in occasional outbursts <«f passion, but the present rising bears the
      StraitH Times, October 17.  -  1,025 words
    • 1196 10 IS IT GOOD ENOUGH Straits Times, October 18. We give some particulars about the new Quarantine Camp at Pulau .Jerejak, Penang, in uuothcr column. Wo give also a letter from Mr. W. It. Howland bewailing the heavy expenditure imposed upon rubber estate owners by a medical department which is quite
      Straits Times, October 18.  -  1,196 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 90 8 Th« Post free price of the Straits Times in s:w The po«t free price of the Straits Hwiget it 9>4 year. It ia Hot neceaaarv to aubaenbe for a year. The aubacriptiona for ahorter perioda are at the aame proportionate rate aa for a year. The Straits Budget can
      90 words
  • 73 8 DEATHS. Kitchino. On Septemlier 12, at sen. Alfred Kitching, late Marine Surveyor, Singapore. Deeply regretted. Pktkik. —On October lf>, at Singapore, Mary Smith, wife of Bruce Petrie, Kukuh Rubber Estate Co., .lohore. Haiou. -At Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand, on Septcmlicr 11, Edward Oldroyd Haigh, father of Mrs. V. Gottlieb, of
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  • 453 10 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., was held on Oct. 16, in Gresham House, under tho presidency of Mr. F. H. Heron. The other shareholders present were the Hon. K. C. Ellis, the Hon. C.
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  • 284 10 As Mr. O. A. Sambells, of Sir John Jackson s stalf, was leaving his bungalow, situated in the firm’s compound, about 8 o'clock on the night of the 4th iust., he noticed a Chinaman looking over the fence that separates the bungalow from Anson lioad. He recognised
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  • 650 10 The annual general mcetiu<* of tl Children’s Aid Society was held on October r in the Municipal board room. Sir Archilnl 1 Law presided over an attendance consisting of the following ladies and gentlemen Lady Evelyn Young,
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  • 165 10 The report of the Norddcutseher Lloyd t the first half of the current year states that the working surpluses, after deducting tie general expenses and interest, amounted t 10,‘2(H),000 marks (to 10,000), as compare' with 9,200,000 marks (.£460,000) in the cornponding period of the preceding
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  • 1235 13 Berlin, October 11. At Tripoli, the Italian Admiral, in tho king’s name, at a parade of tho troops, solemnly took over tho government. The Burgomeistor replied that tho Arabs would be; happy uuder Italian government. The Arabian population aud tbo clergy did homage. Tho Egyptian government has declared
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  • 362 13 The general plan of oj>eration* likely to bo followed in the Abor expedition, nays the Pioneer, will be An advance in the fir'd instance of the whole force towurds the chief villages. Later there will be successive movement!* of
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  • 291 13 Mr. Kdward Win to Ihwini', general microfor China of the International Itoform Ihirouu of Washington, l>. C., aud Mr. W. M. Van Norden, former proprietor of Vun Norden* .Magazine, to day will a remarkable tour into the interior of China,
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  • 164 13 The following i* from the China I'reaa of September 2H:—An impieat held ycHterday morning at the mortuary by Mr. (i. W. Kmo, coroner, over the limb of a foreigner, found by Chinese boatmen Moating in 11 1* below Yanj'ts/cpoo creek, came to a rather sad ending.
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 248 14 fotehir 11 Medan, Dut. sir., Kmusl, Rotterdam, Internationale Crediet Handels Rotterdam Frfef»f* 1« Ger. Hr., Sandstcdt, Hamburg, Bahn Meyer Kennebec, Brit, str., Beynon, New York, Standard Oil Coy. Glrotnvret, Brit, str., Webster, Hongkong, Bon stead Pan Bang. Brit, str., Malkin, Hongkong, Boatload It Polyphemns, Dnt. str., Dodd, Glasgow, W,
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    • 240 14 October 11 Medan, Out. str., Batavia Neleus. Brit, str., Japan via porta Kennebec, Brit, atr., Hankow f Loo Sok, Oer. atr., Palo Laat IS Bombay Mara, Jap. atr., Colombo, Bombay These ns, Brit, htr., Antwerp via ports Frienfels, Ger. atr.. Japan via porta Sonda. Brit, atr., Antwerp via porta
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  • 364 14 We take the following from the Globe’s review of the tin market, for the week ended September 16: Last week closed at ill HA 10s. cash, £lBB 15s. three months. This week closed at .£lB5 cash, £179 10s. throe months. The
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  • 130 14 The following is the official programme of the visit of His Kxccllency the Governor and High Commissioner to Penang. Perak and Selangor, October, 1911 Saturday, OeroiiKK 21. 0 JO p.m.—Leave Singapore in the Colonial steamer Sea Mew. Monday, Ootohkk 2H.
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  • 184 14 A striking example of the feelings of brotherhood which actuate all Mahommedans was given last week in the various Bangkok mosques, says a recent issue of the Siam Observer. Oreatly concerned about the war, tho Mahommedan community held special services at
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  • 233 14 rtlNOAPORR, Octobrb 18 1911. EXOHANQB. O* Lusuoh—Bank 4 m/e 1/4^ Demand 2/4^j Private 6 m/s 2/4} do 0 m/s 2/4** Os Osbmarv—Bank d/d 288* Private 8 m/s 242* On Fbancs—Bank d/d m. 294 Private 8 m/s m. 198* Os India—Bank T. T. 174 Private 80 d/s 176*
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  • 984 14 Sirgaforr, October 18 1911 MINING. Issue Value Buyers Sellers 10 10 Belat Tin 4.00 4.15 10 10 Bruang 8.00 4 00 10 10 Kanaboi 160 1.70 41 41 KintaTin 17.00 19 00 41 41 Labat Mines 18 00 18.76 10 10 MalaooaTin 2.00 5/* 5/• Pahang Const
    984 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 600 15 MIR I B W *Lv '*1 V BRUITS FOR w Jr i*"!* 1 '••T'.« T*wf GAS ENGINE AND SUCTION GAS PLANT. (SUITABLE FOB ANTHRACITE, COKE, CHARCOAL AND OTHER FUBL8). -"V;' <>*a a > IN U8E ON NUMEROUS E8TATE8. T f /TffJ't 3SEES "l V~7 V i' 5«iA. J. sjwrrs >.
      600 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 255 16 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. y/ EBTAIE *****. BTOREB AND REQUIBITEB. y/xCS* Lartfe Stookn. Prompt Delivery. fV V </ PROPRIETORS OF THE "PAT" TAPPING KNIFE. j/r IF BERTRAM'* Rubber Machinery AWARDED Ist PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. X.f\ X Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc.,
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    • 1 16 EmpText
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.