The Straits Budget, 12 October 1911

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING TIIE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE ‘STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2800 Singapore, Thursday, October 12, 1911, ESTABLISHED OVER HAB A CENTU4 Price 25 cents
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  • 227 1 LEADERS The Old Ordur and The New 8 The Turks Kesist 8 British Manners 8-11 Malayan Rubber Output 9 The Search For a Soul 9*10 Portuguese Loyalists 10 Local \ni» (Iknkual Local aud Personal 1*2 Local Telegrams 2 Correspondence 4 Singapore Diocese o Coucert at the Teutonia
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  • 4288 1 Mr. K. Burrows, of tlic head oflicc stall of the (.'lnna Mutual Life Insurance Co., is to leave Shanghai shortly for Batavia where he is to act as resident-secretary for the company. Mr. W. Kwalcl, of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros, and Co., ceased to be a partner of
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 53 2 (From Our Own Co*RBBPONDimrr. Kuala Lumpnr, October 4. Six Chinese coolies were killed on Sunday at Kcpong. A collapse occurred on a Chinese-owned nine at Parit Tinngi, tons of oarth falling on the six men. When the* wore recovered, life Vas extinct. Somo other coolies attempted a
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    • 85 2 (From Ouk Own Coukksponuknt., Kuala Lumpur, October 10. I’p to now there have been 20 cases of cholera in Kuala Lumpur, 14 having tcrum nated fatally at the district hospital. Sj» isolation arrangements have been made and cordons of police are on duty continuously in the
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    • 80 2 (Fkom Ouk Own Cokukspondkmt.) Penang, October J. The price of rice remains him at Kaugoun, at Its 490. It is apparent that the snuff stock is enabling holders to keep up thn price, which is sidling in Penang from #13 to $10 cheaper. Parboiled rice is
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    • 45 2 iFkom Old Own CokrkspondkntT! Penang, October ft. The exports of Penang iu September to thn United Kingdom, America, and the Continent were: tin 2,890 tons, tapioca flour 262 tons, pearl 988 tons, pepper black IHH fens, whit* 11."> tons, copra 8.f»53 tons.
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    • 162 2 iFbom Our Own Corkksponoknt.; Penang, October 10. Ou the eve of his departure far home on leave, Mr. W. O. Maxwell. Hritish Adviser to Kedah, was entertained to dinner at the Kedah Club, Alor Star, on Saturday night Tuugku Mahmud proposed the health of King George, Mr.
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    • 273 2 (Fkom Ouu Own Courf.spondknt. Port Dickson, October «>. A Chinese coolie lx longing to Sungci Nijuh coconut estate, at Chuah, about seven miles from Port Dickson, was killed on Wednesday morning on a jungle path close to the estate by a man-eating tiger. The buttocks and parts
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    • 1116 3 S.C.C. Tournament. Play on October 4, remitted as follows Ch\*i*ionshii\ Capt. Pinches beat Steyn Parve6 —l, 8—I. T.yskll v. Threltall unfinished. A. SlNOLKH. Mu tier beat Eichonborg 8 0. 0 -1. Wilson beat Howe w.o. B. SlNOLKH. Kleinrua.nn lx at Frcomann w.o. C. SlMOLRS, 8ir Arthur Youug lnat
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    • 364 3 .Singapore Shield Competition. The league football eompetition wus reHiimed on tlie ‘Jth, when the V\ anderers met the S.C.C. on the ground. Play was last, but as thu game wore on them wan no donbt as to which was the better side, the cohesion of the club
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    • 579 3 Singapore Golf Club. The return match between Koppcl Golf Club aud the Singajiore Golf Club was played on tlio Kacc Course links on October 8, with the following result: S’roKK Golk Club. Ksi*i*ki. Goi.i Ci.ub. II. B. L. Dyai a J. C’rabb Watt i W. J. Mayson i W.
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    • 131 3 S.L.R.A. Walker Trophy. The following scores were made on In i .7 hy the SingajKtre Ladies’ Bifle Assoeiation in the Octolx-r coinjietition for the Walker t rojihy Mrs. Fisher 22 Miss Kerr 21 Mrs. Watkins 29 Mrs. Goldie 29 Lady Evelyn Young 27 Mrs. Cantrell 26 171 lh<
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    • 372 3 Raffles Hast and Present v. .S.C.C. II. The following is the result of a cricket umteh played on October 7, on Bailies School ground, between an XI of old and jirosent Bailies Sehool Boys and the 2nd \l of the S.C.t S.t!.C. Fiiisi Innim.s, Lieut. Carey b. L. Pennefathor
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  • 13 4 [The Straits Times is not reapontfiblo for the opinions of its orrespondents.
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  • 398 4 To the Kciitor of iho Straits Times. Sir, -It makes one* rub his uyos and won dor if he is dreaming to road what you ran write as you do in the Straits Times on opium in the; issue of to-night. What a surprise- it will
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  • 920 4 Ter the- Kelite.r e»f the- Straits Time s. Sir, Mthoiigh the- se-nte in e-on the- maste-r anel se-eoinl of!ic;e*r of the- ste*ame*r Clieang Chow is in itself just. I eonsieler with many eithe-rs that Is-ferre- such sentences are; passed fuller e-onsieleratiem slunild he- shown, emnsielering the-
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  • 253 4 Ter the Kelitor erf the Straits Times. Sir. I should like-ter make a re-mark with re gard to the* rc-crection ed the obelisk, which has now bceu most carefully re built in a far superior {Hisitiou from Ixrth an artistic auel cemvcnient perint erf view than its feri-me-r
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  • 524 4 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, I wish to call your attention to a rather prevalent nightly occurrence in the district in which 1 reside. (Senerally about s.:j<) to on moonlight evenings, continual tiring of shot guns takes place in a neighbouring compound and showers of
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  • 167 4 To the Kditor of the Straits 'l imes. Sir, I should feel obliged if you would through the medium of your paper submit to your Bridge* readers the* following point tor their opinions. The score stands at otic* game* all. our opponents 2S and \\e* 20 in
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  • 229 4 To tin* Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A week ago you described the honour done the Hatties Giris’ School by one of the pupils winning the Karl of Meath’s prize, open to competition by the schools of the Empire. 1 and others have been
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  • 188 4 What of Victoria Street To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— A more congested, filthy atld pestilential thoroughfare than Victoria Street, it would be hard to meet with anywhere in the world, outside a city in the interior of China (from personal experience, I should prefer the latter as
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  • 279 4 Lady Sued on Promissory Note. In the Supreme Court, ou October 10 before Mr. Justice Fisher, the ease was opened in which AlsagulT and Company are suin«« Sheriffa Alweeyah hiute- Syed Abdulruhman Almanawar for the recovery of $700 saiel to
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  • 495 4 A parade of forty-three Shanghai Chinese, who were concerned in the strike of carpenters and dhobies last week, was held iu the second police* court, on October 10, before Mr. Aetou. All were charged with rioting and, over and above that, five of their number were charged
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  • 1058 5 public meeting was held in Loudon, at Church Houho, on behalf of the Singa Diocesan Association on September 11. M -pite of the fact that September is ,ii, i»f the worst months of the year for a
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  • 220 5 In their weekly share circular, dated October 5, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state: Little alteration has lakcu place in tin* condition of the market during the week. Bubber shares generally shew a slightly reduced level of prices on lower quotations for
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  • 185 5 His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthui Young, K.C.M.G., and Lady Evelyn Young together with a party from Government House, attended the concert given at the Teutonia Club on October 6. Although the audience was somewhat restricted in mini her it was manifest during the evening
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  • 182 5 On September b, there was launched at Dundee a screw steamer named Kuala, built to the order of the Straits Steamship Company. She is built to the highest class in the British Corporation Registry for special trading, and also to the Board ot Trade requirements for
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  • 409 5 Amount previously acknow ledged SI11,1I5.H4 Singa|H»rc Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 250. MIIS» nil'Tlo.Ns KltOM III K sntOKIUN ATK M K MU MIS OK I'llK Civil. SKItVICK \ssn curios, m vi. \cc A. A. Bodrignes 5. .1. D. Pereira 5. das. Ash
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  • 266 5 At tin: Theatre lloyal, oil October a c 1«■ 1 i *411li'111 little fairy play, in three acts, entitled Zurika, the Ciipny .Maid, was by a niunher of Kuropcan ehildreii, to a house packed to overflowing. All the Mots went through their parts extremely well and much credit
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  • 484 5 The 17th annual meeting of the Bauh Australian Gobi Mining Company, Limited, was belli at the registered offices, Dueen street, Brisbane, on August l<». Mr. De Burgh Persse, chairman of the company, occupied the chair.
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  • 149 5 Li* ill. Colonel G. A. Derrick presided over it meeting of the Singapore Ihtle Association, h* Id m the Drill Hull, oil Octoiler 1». for the piir|>nsr of amending the rules. *Mi the proposition ol the ehairimiii. see> tided hy D- M. S. Harding, rule 7 was
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  • 148 5 Early next year, under the control of Mr. Bandmatiu, Mr. Mathcson Lang and Ins entire London company intend doing a short season iu SingajMire in a re|x rtoire of Shakespearean and other plays. This is the first time that Lou foil productions of such a character
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  • 51 5 Ihe Bishop of Singapore, uiidei midi c;al advice, lias bad to |»ostpoiii bis departure fiom Kngland and will now leave Marseille.-, by the P. and <>. Moldavia ou Novemlx i li. lln harvest thanksgiving si ivh i will be held hi the Cathedral on Sun ila v,
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  • 1478 6 On October 7, and again next day, Johorc Bahru was busily engaged in celebrating tin thirty eighth birthday of II. II. the Sultan, who we are glad to way has now recovered from the indisposition which prevented his attending
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  • 138 6 The jury empanelled at the Assizes to try Tan Cliok Sin, Ling Heng, Ling Ho Tee and Ling Leh Kong on charges of gang robbery and dishonestly retaining stolen property, fouud them not guilty and they were discharged. Thereupon, much to everyone’s surprise, the coolie
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  • 107 6 News reached Hongkong, on October 1, that the Japanese steamer Shiushu-Maru, having a displacement of 4,000 tons, foundered in a typhoon off Hainan at ‘2.510 on the morning of September 19. The steamer was bound from Meike to Singapore with a cargo of coal and encountered
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  • 365 6 The truth of the old adage that its an ill wind that profits nobody was strikingly demonstrated on (fctobor 7 when heavy rains apparently delayed a Chinese krani in opening up godowns and, as it turns out. undoubtedly averted a serious
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  • 130 6 The first social gathering of the M. K. Tamil Hpworth League was held on October 7, at 28, Serangoon Road. There was a good attendance. Mr. Jesudosan Ayer, who took the chair, explained the objects of the league which he said was not a separate
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  • 118 6 From Mr. Claud Severn, secretary to the Commissioner, F.M.S. and Brunei, we have received a copy giving the results of an effort to obtain a census of Brunei compiled by Mr. W. H. Lee Warner, the acting Assistant- Resident. The total population of the state is
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  • 119 6 Lieut.-Colonel Derrick, Commandant, S.Y.C., has issued the following order to the S.V.C.: —Manoeuvres: The Commandant desires to record his appreciation of the work done by. and good turnout of all units both on September 24 and on October 1. On the latter date specially arduous work
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  • 37 6 In the recent tire at Kuala Lumpur the Insurance Companies ehictly interested were Commercial Union for $65,000, Northern $BO,OOO, New Zealand $16,000, South British $12,000, Liverpool and London and Globe SH,OOO, Albingia $lB,OOO.
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  • 581 6 The Rallies Museum has just been pit ed with a magnificent specimen of a Du V( by Mr. G. I*. Stubbs, of Kajeli, Burn Id,, in the Dutch Kast Indies, who harpooned aud stuffed the creature.
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  • 145 6 The annual tire-walking festival took place at tho Hindu Temple, in South Bridge Hoad, on October 9, in the presence of a large assembly of Hindu devotees, and a number of European spectators. Ihi temple is dedicated to the memory of tin goddess Draupadi, who is said
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  • 86 6 Shortly before H a.m. on the 10th, the British transport Somali arrived from Southampton and left in the afternoon for North China She left home on September 8 with nearly I,GOO officers and men for tho Mediterranean and Far Eastern stations and returns here on November
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  • 1202 7 The committee of the Imperial Merchant Service Guild liave issued a statement on the position of British captains and officers serv,ng in the mercantile marine which they venture to think is of some public import ;l nc.o.
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  • 166 7 The Compagnie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient in their rice circular dated September 21 say On account of the rise in prices and scarcity of paddy and because the new crop wall be late owing to the scarcity of
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  • 180 7 liis many friends will regret to learn of the death of Mr. Tau Kian Thong, which took place at 8.80 a.m. on October 7, of typhoid fever. Deceased was the eldest son of Mr. Tan Hood Sain, of Rangoon, and nephew of Mr. Tan
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  • 123 7 Six chess players of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club visited the V.M.C.A. recently to meet the Singapore Chess Club in a match of six boards aside. The result was a draw (three games all) as follows Choo Sian Kim lost against I*. Mackintyre Choc Toon Cheng do. .1.
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  • 1187 7 'I ho great Coronation season is over in England. In India it has still to come. Hegimental officers with abundant loyalty hut with no superfluity of wealth, adds a corres|K)iident in the Englishman, are looking for
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  • 272 7 fine of tho new sleeping cars which has been brought out from England in pieces, and put together at the (’cntral Workshops, Kuala Lumpur, was used on tin- Singajiorc mail from Kuala Lumpur says the Malay Mail. The car contains eight separate sleeping rooms on either
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  • 302 7 The shooting of M. Stolypin, Premier of Russia, took place during the second enti ante of Kimski KorsakollV ojK-ra, Tsar Saltan, at Iviell. As the Premier, his face turned towards the audience, was loaning over the ledge in front of his seat, speaking with soui"
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  • 117 8 Hk* ninos.- On September H, at Belhavtn, Cornwall Itoad, Sutton. Sum y, tin- wife ot \V. f». Hennings. of a non. Hlaik. -At Dairsic House, Fife, N. H., on October 5, tlio wifi* of Frank Younger lilair of a daughter. (By cable). Nathan. On October 6, tit Lyndhurst, Lloyil
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  • 45 8 I loin, ins Calling n \m. On Saturday. >ct. 7, at. St Andrew’s Ctithedral, Singapore, by Hev. W. S. Kelley, dohn Willie, third son of Ma jor and Mrs. llodgins, Brighton, Kngland, to Dora Katlileen, youngest daughter of Mrs. CaMingham. Ipswich. Suffolk. Kng--1 md.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1158 8 limn is still to bo found.— Straits Times, < >ctobcr 5. Much .space is occupied in recent magazine articles with the two great events in the recent political history of Kurland. These events are what one writer describes as the fall of the peerage,”
      limn is still to bo found.— Straits Times, < >ctobcr 5.  -  1,158 words
    • 1118 8 their prognostications. —Straits Times. October 6. That the poor, neglected land forts of Tripoli could resist a bombardment by the picked ships of the Italian Meet was n )t to be expected. That the commander of these forts should look on with calm disdain while the fleet
      their prognostications. —Straits Times. October 6.  -  1,118 words
    • 1216 8 Strait* Times, OctolM r 7. It is not considered quite nice to bring the name of the King into a controversial matter, but as a bishop has done it we, as mere vulgar laymen, may be absolved. The con troversial question is whether the English have any manners,
      Strait* Times, OctolM r 7.  -  1,216 words
    • 1336 9 Straits Times, October Tin- &lt;iovernmeut of the Straits Settlements would render a much appreciated si rviee if it would issue a monthly or even a quarterly return of the total output of ruhlier in tin Malay JVuiusula. \t present we have reports for the Colony, reports for
      Straits Times, October  -  1,336 words
    • 1168 9 -Straits Tinas, OditUir 10. In dealing with things tangible anrf material we are Hcldcm conscious of being at u loss, hut the soul is elusive, for no one liom Ims-ii able to place it, wholly or in part, under a microscope. WV should not venture
      -Straits Tinas, OditUir 10.  -  1,168 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 Th* Post (rM price of the Straits Times In |HB a year The post free price of the Straits budget it }u a year. It it not necettarv to tubtcribe for a year. The tubicriptiont for thorter periodt are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year. he Straits
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  • 61 8 DKATHS. Th«mm;tt. On September 12, at 6, Shirleya venue, Southampton, H. M. Tlioiusctt, late of Hongkong ami Shanghai Hank. aged 19 )«ars. Tan.— At IO C, Cecil Street. Singai&gt;orc, Tan Kian Thou*', eldest aon of Mr. Tan Hood .lain of ltangoon, and nephew of Mr. Tan Scan Chin of Chop
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  • 1117 10 The Portuguese loyalists appeal to have (ailed. They made their hold advance into the country in the hope that their appearance would lx- the signal for a rising of the people, and that at least a part of the army would join them, hut these expectations have not
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  • 912 10 Decorating the Sultan. His Excellency the High Commissioner of the F.M.S., Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., and Lady Evelyu Young and party returued from their brief visit to Trenggauu by the Government yacht Seamew, on October 11. Other members of the party accompanying the
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  • 137 10 Wo have received the advance statement of the export of tin from the Federated Malay States during the months Jauuary to September, 1911, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. Tho figures (catties and cents omitted)
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  • 276 10 The sudden death of Towkay Chun Guns Eng on Scpteinlter 2S, at his residence on Emerald llill. was investigated in the District Court ou the lltli, Mr. Firmstono on the bench. A Chinese doctor named Ckiew A ivow was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt. Mr. Hatton
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  • 124 10 Following is the result of crushing opera tions at Kuub for the four wicks ending October 7: Hukit Roman: stone crushed tons, gold obtained tied ounces, average [ter tou 4.27 dwt. Hukit Malacca: stone crushed 1,091 tons, gold obtaiued IM.‘&gt; ounces, average per ton 2.1* dwt. In tin*
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  • 1058 11 irtour climate becoming wilder, and uro our winters loss severe? If ho, what is tho oaune There exists a concensus of opinion among close observers of meteorological conditions, says Dr. J. K. Gorrell, writing in the Open Court
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  • 417 11 b.\tfaire Sinclair now occupies much public attention in America, writes the New York correspondent of the Morning Leader. Mr. Siuclar is the well known author, whose revelations in The Jungle about embalmed bixjf reduced Chicago's exports one year by
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  • 201 11 The following paper by l)r. \N. Marshall Philip, the Medical &gt;Hirer of Health, Colombo, was laid on the table at a recent meeting of the Colombo Municipal Council Although the death-rates of the several large port towns in the Tropical Hast may not"*bo strictly comparable, they
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  • 1312 11 The Her in oorretqioudent of the I &gt;aily Telegraph, writing on September 9, says It is one of life’s little ironies tbat the Germans, who have contributed so largely to the success of other people’s colonies, should have had such very had luck with their own. The
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  • 259 11 Admiral W. R. Kennedy writes to the Time s, apropos of the loss of the I- if» shire: This sad event recalls to my mind the fact that when Commander in Chief on the East India Station 1 recommended that a lighthouse should be placed
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  • 1594 13 Berlin, October J. After a short liombardiiicnt. the Italian Hag I iuh been waving over Tri{&gt;oli since yesterday evening. Italy will hasten the shipping of the occupation corps. Italy is already prepared to accept, thiough Germany’s medium, terms, on the basis of continuance of formal suzerainty ol the
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 302 14 October 5 Hu 11 mouth, Hrit. str, Hill, Rangoon, Asiat.oPetroloum Coy. C. A pear, Hrit. htr., Townsend, Calcutta, Paterson Simons PjtHinulok, Ger. sir Keimer, Swatow, H *hi Meyer Assay**, Bri\ str., Cockcuau, Shanghai, P. A O. Coy Mam Sang, Hrit. str., Lako, H'koDg, Boustead Heim, Nor. str., Krickson, Bombay,
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    • 227 14 October 5 Fultala, Brit, str., Sourabaya Laertes, Brit, str., Liverpool via ports t Bollmootb, Brit. str.. Balik Papan 6 Vorwaoit*, Aus. str., Trieste via ports A«saye, Brit str., Bombay via ports I Mullah, Biit. str., Calcutta via poits 0. Apcar, Brit, str., Hongkong Prinses Juliana, Dot. str., Batavia Qlenlochy,
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  • 232 14 SlNOAPOKB, OCTOBKR 11 1911 CXOHANQB. On London—Bank 4 ml* Demand Private 6 m/* do 8 m/i 4/4 J 3 On Obemanv —liaok d/d -33j Private 8 m 442* 0« Franck —Bank d/d *94* Private 8 ml* 299 On India-Bank T. T. 174 Private 80 d 176* On
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  • 1048 14 Sinoapobb, October 11, 1011. MINING. IsBae S Value Buyers. Sellorp, 10 10 Belat Tic 4.10 4.25 10 10 Bruanp 8.60 4.60 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.70 41 411 Kinta Til 17.00 19.00 41 £1 Lahat Mine* 12 76 13.75 10 10 Malaooa Tin 2.00 5/. 5/• Pahang
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 296 15 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. E8TATE T00L8, 8T0RE8 AND REQUI8ITE8. toekas. Prompt Delivery, PROPRIETORS OF THE PAT M TAPPING KNIFE. BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Estimates and designs free. LARGE STOCKS HELD of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.