The Straits Budget, 5 October 1911

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXV NO. 2799 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE ‘STRAITS TIMES.” Singapore, Thursday, October 5, 1911. ESTABLISHED OVER NAIF A CENTUR Price 25 cents
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  • 201 1 LEADERS— Shadows Lifted 8 Its Infinite Variety 8 Budget and Taxation 8-9 Beneath the Surface 9 Rubber and Its Rulers 9-10 The Turkish Appeal 10 Local and General— Local and Personal 1-2 The Colony’s Budget 2-4 Honour for Singapore 4 Prehistoric Malaya 5 The Agricultural Bulletin 5
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  • 2614 1 I ho marriage took place on August 23 at St. Giles, Normanton, Derby, of Mr. Arthur Jolin Hobson, son of tho late Major-General Hobson, full Colonel of The Huffs, and Mrs. Hobson, Oxford, to Miss Margaret Ellen, daughter of tho late Mr. Archibald Laing a, id Mrs.
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  • 462 5 Writing in tins Journal of the lloyul Asiatic Society iStraits branch), Mr. .1. H. Scrivenor in the course of a sketch of the geological structure of the Malay Peninsula says: -In c onclusion 1 will summarize what we can say Wl know
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  • 237 5 lii th< Agricultural Ihilletin for this month, to hand, Mr. Keith Ilaneroft contributes tin* .'peniug article upon Latex and its tela tion to the life of the parent plant. There nit: interesting notes upon the raiufall of SinojijHjje by Mr. A. knight. In a eoiniiient upon these,
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  • 154 5 It was officially announced at Woihaiwei. •hi September 10, that H.M.S. Indomitable is to relieve the Minotaur, the present flagship, at the end of her commission ou the China Station. The relief will probably be made at Colombo, in the middle part ot February next. This announcement
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  • 666 5 A special general meeting of the SingajHire (iolf Club was held on September 2H in the pavilion for the primary purpose of sanctioning the increasing of the monthly subscription to meet expenditure on sary repairs to the club-house. Occasion
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  • 146 5 In their share report dated September 27, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Another very quiet week has passed iu tin; share market, ami movements in prices have been of little importance. Kuhiikk.—ln local shares Ayer I'anas have changed hands at $l.OO.
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  • 366 5 The mohilixuliou and maiiu uvies in eon ucction with the Singapore garrison were brought to a conclusion on the Ist inst., when Held operations were carried out under the General Officer Commanding the Troops, Major-General T. K. Stephenson, It. The Ihiils, Aril
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  • 217 5 The directors’ rejxirt to the shareholders of the Singapore ('old Storage Company, covering the twelve months ended .lime AO, lull, shows a credit balance on the year's transactions of 9A7.lal.ftH, to which has to be added till; balance of profit brought forward from last year SG.OAG.
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  • 229 5 An Italian quarry-man, named Fontana, had a very narrow escape on the 1st inst., at I'ulrtii Ohm. He. with several coin panions, was bathing from the [oadino jetty at Sir John Jackson’s quarry, and lie very foolishly swam aeross to the small island (I'ulau Ketami about .'MX)
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  • 661 5 In tlu: Ihstrict Court, on September .in, J, l.aredei, master of tli«* Ihissiau ship Curouia, mid K. A. Anklesaria, thcdix:tor, were charged with making a false declaration hikl signing a certificate which they know to Inand which declared then- were no
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  • 179 5 The .Journal of the Straits branch <>f the Itoyal \siatie Society for September (No. TiM) contains tlie story of Saif al Ye/.an, by bishop Hose. It is written mi the vernacular and represents the style of the story-teller reciting from memory to an uncritical audience. In
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  • 969 7 In the newspapers reeeiveil by the last mail, there is a remarkable absence of information concerning negotiations for the occupation of Tripoli by Italy, and no indieat,on wliatcv. r of an impending rupture. The
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  • 230 7 The Hlobe's tin market review for the week ended August 20. says: Last week closed at l'l9l cash. I’lhT I;7h. three mouths. This week closed at PIBH 10s. cash. I‘lBo as. three months, showing on balance a fall of L'2 10s. cash, I'l 10s. thrci* months. The
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  • 237 7 Many in Siugapor*, and more especially tin older residents, will regret to learn of tin* sudden death at 2h, Hordon I Mace, Kensington, on September 2, ot Mr. I'harles Dunlop, who recently went home after spending over half a century in the Straits. Hp to
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  • 262 7 The annual g* uera! meeting was held .it tin- Club I louse on September 2'). There was a good attorn lance ami the diaii was taken by the lYe-ident. Sir A. Law. Ollier bearers ami committee were, ap pointed for the ensiling you as folio as:
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  • 347 7 Italy is very much before tb« world |ust now, and is eager to assert b* r claim to rank among the most enlightened of the nations. It is rather curious, at such a juncture, to read the following extract from the Tablet of
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  • 252 7 The administration of the Philippim Islands would apjM'ur to Is; a tougher task than most American statesm* ii thought, remarks th* 1 London ami China Kxpress. Someday light is thrown on the difficulties ot the situation by the allegations of an officer of th*' Fnito«l Slates Army
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  • 110 7 The following furt her subscriptions to the King h.dward VII Memorial fund are acknowledged A mount previously aoknowh dged 1 >‘J,s(HI.H I Topliam, Jones and Uailton, Ld. 1.t10.i. oi,i,k< 11 ons iikom. tMu i Tiau (’lieong (Juco ’l’iatn 50 I In Soon N ong 1 <
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  • 320 7 ,F»;om Hi i; (Iwn CoKKKsi'ositKNT.), w, ptemlwr 27. The half yearly meeting of tin* I'enang t'bamb* r of Commerce wa* held to day, when the lion. H. Mitchain. who presided, announced that the F.M.S.
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  • 145 7 The Director of St. Joseph's Institution wishes to acknowledge with thanks the following donations lie lias reeeived towards the erection of King Heorge’s Hull Hoi Tiong Ham (Semarangi 52,0*m, Lim Cheng SooiCH.OtMl, Lee Cheng Van 5900,1 lon. K. C. Kllis 52<M», Tan lb*.n C'liiaiig 5200. Mob Mj,-mg
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  • 103 7 ii port. «in tlm income and expenditure ot the Flue it ion Petard for 1910 imliealeK that tin: *!«lueation rate oi oim per elit. mi |K*sed on all property as .essed by tic Mum cipalitics ami Purul I* *a* Is pn*dnc*sl 5, slightly mcr tie- e-aim
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  • 123 7 11l rotiseiplrnce ol llu recent i.iboin troubles at Imme and the inability to ties patch the usual eolisigliiii' lit of toha< eo to the Kastcrn markets there i-i a*, pn suit a dearth ill Singapore ol most ot tin more popular brands ot cigar* tes. lie -Imitage
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  • 122 7 ’I he mortality returns for Singapore. issii»«l hy the llegistrar of Hirths and D« aths, show that, during the week ending Sept, mh tin re were g.»:i deaths, giving a rat m p«u mil In of tli* populati »ii ot II oh t< v> u a*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 Sale of Property. \t tin; sale room <»t Mes-i i hmo I .< t<' ii ip I (’o.. on the 2nd ins!., tin* follow iiio properties wore disposed of OOJ y» n -i lea‘ < hold land .m l house dO, Tel \vi Street, area tl.Tl h«|. feet, moiitlily r<■
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  • 160 8 •Ionks On September 2."». at Hillinoiii.t. Belfast. Ireland, the wife of Captain I. A. Jones, of a daughter. Onin-iTHH. At Johore Bahru, on Si ptem her 27, the wife of .lobn Oriffiths. of ;i daughter. Von Bakokn. On Eridax, September Li. at Batavia, tin wife of II. J. Non
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  • 165 8 Waikh. Wilson.— \t St. Andrew's a tin-dial. Singajiore. on September JO. by the Bov. A. -I. Wilson. I >. Ik, ifather of the bride), assisted by the Veil. Arehdeaeon Izard. M. Edward Walker, of Singapore to Evelyn Mary Wilson, of Tack ley. Oxford. Hkis 1‘kimi At St. Andrew s
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1045 8 Straits Times. S*>pt< mber *2*. All iiiiiu«*liate danger of war bctwccii Germany and France apjiears to lie at an end. It seems to us with our, perhaps, im perfect knowledge, that the moment France gave her neighbour to understand tlmt the question of preference for Germany over other
      Straits Times. S*>pt< mber *2*.  -  1,045 words
    • 1162 8 Strsits Times, September 29. That was a delightful sjmvcli Mr. Lewis Harcourt made at the dinner of the Corona Club recently. Wo have received tin- full text of it. and have found that it is •'ood to rend, for tin-. Colonial Secretary has the charm of literary
      Strsits Times, September 29.  -  1,162 words
    • 1195 8 consideration, to be efficient. —Straits Times, September 30. Most of tin; speech delivered by Sir Arthur Yoiin*' at the meeting of tlio Legislative Council, yesterday, is taken up with a review of the work of the past year, legislative ami administrative. The references he makes to the
      consideration, to be efficient.—Straits Times, September 30.  -  1,195 words
    • 1215 9 their reputation uh a tiehtino nation Straits Tillies, ()v toiler *2. A state of war exists between Italy and Turkey. The former has placed a powerful licet along the coast of Tripoli with orders to prevent the landing of Turkish forces or stores, and it is rumoured
      their reputation uh a tiehtino nation Straits Tillies, ()v toiler *2.  -  1,215 words
    • 1228 9 Straits Times, October 8. We are given to understand that at the meeting of the .liiuali IhihlsT Kstate Company on Friday, the Chairman made a stirring denunciation of the Straits Times and all its works, and that in particular he came down like the proverbial sledge
      Straits Times, October 8.  -  1,228 words
    • 1081 10 Straits Times, October 4. hvents are not moving with phenomenal rapidity at the seat of war. Italy has not bombarded Tripoli, and lias not landed troops there. Turkey has not sent reinforcements, and as far as one can judge has no intention of doing so. The firing
      Straits Times, October 4.  -  1,081 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 94 8 1»i« **i&gt;«t free price of the Strutts 7'. wo U ft* yeir The poet free price of the Straits Rwlg i i» »I 4 a year. It is not neceuarv to nuhecriix* for a year. The »ul&gt;•cnptiona for ahorter periods are at the same proportionate rate aa for a vear.
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  • 85 8 HEATHS. Butt. On September 7, at Wallnrd, Boss-on-Wye, 0. W. Butt, aged r *l. late of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. In nloi\ On SeptomlHT 2, suddenly at ‘in, &lt;• onion place. Kensington. Charles Oimlop, of Singapore, in his 71 th year, fourth son of Henry Ihinlop, Cniigton, formerly Lord I’rovost
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  • 452 10 Shortly after H a.m. on the 3rd inst., there was trouble in Orchard Hoad which subsequently resulted in 39 Shanghai carpenters and washermen being taken into custody. It seems that the towkays employed in the furniture shops in Orchard Hoad
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  • 95 10 The General Manager of the Tronoh Mines forwards the following result of operations during September:— Output:—tributers ore pels. 82.20, miue ore pels. 5,900.80, total output pels. 6,040 Value:—tributers’ ore $4,188, mine ore §027,012, total value $001,500. Estimated profit:—tributers’ ore $017.16, mine ore $177,582.84, total profit $178,500. Estimated
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 86 10 (From Olr Own Cokrkspondknt.) Penang, September 28. A Swiss named Henry Dumont, f r mi Singapore, has been arrested on board tli.German mail steamer Huelow, at the instanc, of Sarkies Brothers. It is alleged that h«&gt; ran up a big bill at the Hallies Hotel, Singu
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    • 106 10 (From Our Own Corrkbpomdknt). Penang, September 2m. The committee of the Penang Automobile Club reports that the Club has erected dangej posts at various points in the town, amf i„ co operating with the P. W. D. to place more outside Municipal limits. It is hoped eventually
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    • 169 10 (From Our Own Corkkspondknt.) Peuang, September 30. The Haluuan Tin Co.’s report for the year to March 31 states that tho option for pm chase of the property not having been exer cised by Mr. Ogilive, the option money of one thousand sterling is carried to reserve
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    • 92 10 (From Our Own Corrkspondbnt.) Penang, October 3. The world’s consumption of tin in Septein ber was —United Kingdom 1,800 tons, Con tinent 2,000 tons, I\S.A. 3,700 tons. Total 7,500 tons. The visible supply on October 1 was 17,150 tons, against 16,126 tons on Sep tember 1.
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    • 48 10 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, October 3. The Penang ladies have made the follow ing scores in the October competition for tho Walker trophy:—Mrs. Goro Anderson 34, Mrs. Wright-Motion 33, Mrs. Liston 29, Miss Thornton 33, Miss .Tones 3), Miss Joan Smith 29, total 189.
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    • 86 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 27. The manager of the Klang branch of the Kuala Lumpur Engineering works was robbed at noon, ct Klang, while on his way to tillin. Tamil coolies surrounded his motor car on the main road. They seized the steering wheel,
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    • 82 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 2. A tire occurred at two o'clock this morning opposite the Kuala Lumpur Market, in a block of property between I’udu Street and I logoi Street. Twelve shophousos wen; destroyed The damage done is estimated at $106,006 but most
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  • 13 11 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the •pinions of its orrespondents.
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  • 415 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Where a mercantile marine officer eau go to, within reasonable distance of the Shipping Office (when out of employment), a question that has frequently been mooted m a mild way, but never sufficient interest has been taken
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  • 97 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I understand that Dr. F. W. Goonelilleke is addressing the Government urging the necessity for a re-organization of the straits Medical Council by increasing its members from the ranks of the native medical practitioners established hero and thus making it
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  • 167 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I can’t help drawing your attention to the state of affairs of the Klang l nited Association. The association since 1909 has been gradually going down until it is now one by name only. Nobody knows who is a
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  • 254 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —There has been so much in the public press of late regarding the prevalence malaria and the remedies devised to •terminate this disease that I fear there is y little room for me to enter into a dis Ml
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    • 711 11 S.C.C. Tournament. Play on September 27 resulted as follows Newcomers’ Handicap. A. H. M. Thomas beat F. G. Taylor 6 0 6—1. A. W. E. Freshwater beat P. B. Hill 6—1 6—1. J. A. Tilley beat J. Beitsuia 6 4 6 4. Dr. G. It. Gray beat B.
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    • 213 11 Singapore Golf Club. The October spoon was played for on the race course links on October 2, and was won by Miss Naughton with the uett score of 36. Scores Miss Naughton 18 12 36 Miss Dobbs 45 5 40 Miss Kerr 52 12 40 Mrs. Gansloscr 45 0
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  • 446 11 Fairy Dale Cup. The final between tlio Bnkit Bahru Football Club and the St. Joseph's Institution’s Chinese eleven for the Fairy Dale Cup which had ended in a draw last Saturday week was replayed on September JO. A those present were His Excellency the (iovernor Sir Arthur Voting,
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  • 717 11 The Y.M.C.A. rooms in Orchard Itoad presented a guy appearance, on the evening of October 8, by reason of its display of lanterns, flags and banners in honour of its guests, the officers, and mcml&gt;ers of the Young Women’s
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  • 1049 13 Berlin, September 27. Turkey is avoiding all attacks on Italians iu Tripoli and other Turkish |&gt;orts. The Italian warships will cruise Is:fore Tripoli. Before troops are landed an endeavour will he made to reach a diplomatic understand ing. Germany will use her influence at Rome ami Constantinople to
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  • 323 14 Messrs. Ilowiirtli Krskiuc Ii;lv«■ issued a vitv attractive pamphlet dealing with the Jewell System of filtration. It is claimed that these filters remove ‘.lll percent, of typhoid, cholera, malaria and other dangerous genus and judging by the published reports of the results of Bacteriological Analysis by eminent e\j&gt;erts,
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  • 125 14 NN&lt; I taw it on excellent autliority direct fnaii &lt; Hilton, says the China Mail, that the official opening of the Chinese section of the Kowloon-Canton Hallway has been fixed for Sunday, Octoiler 1. Tim Viceroy of Canton ordered lf&gt;,( 00 soldiers to lx* phieed jilono the
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  • 104 14 writer of the Debar Notes in the 1 han flanters ..'/.otte is responsible for Harry Crane, of Bala extraordinary experience and, 1 1 ,10,n il 5,,,i111 din his dressing 1-i I*, 1 a, n ,H l t i*" ,lis •id. and drove over to 'V 1
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 274 14 September 27 Laertes, Brit, str., Taylor, Hongkong, W. Mansfield Nord, Brit, str., Jones, Hongkong, Asiatic Petroleum Coy. Pyramus, 11. M. cruiser, Mitchell, Colombo Mat&ram, Brit, str., Bibbing, Sydney, Boustead 21 Ischia, Ital. str., Belsito, Bombay, Bebn Meyer Flintshire, Brit, str., Cundy, Middlesbrough, Boustead Arabieu, Dan. str., Cortsen, Copenhagen, East
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    • 230 14 September 27 Japan,. Brit. Rtr., Penang and Calcutta Sardinia, Brit, str., Antwerp via ports Yugala, Siam, str., Bangkok via ports 21 Ceylon Maru, Jap. str., Colombo, Bombay Santhia, Brit, str., Sourabaya Murex, Brit, str., Calcutta Thongwa, Brit, str., Negapatam via ports Ischia, Ital. str., Hongkong Arabion, Dan. str., Yokohama
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  • 244 14 Singapore, October 4 1911 ■XOHANGB. On London— Bank 4 m/e 2/4^ Demand 2/44 Private 6 m/t mi do 8 m/s 2/44 On Ukrmanv— Bank d/d 2894 Private 8 m/s 2424 On Franck —Bank d/d 2944 Private 8 m/s 299 On India— Bank T. T. 174 Private 80
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  • 1016 14 Singapore, October 4, 1911. MINING. Issno !S Value Bayers Sellers 10 10 Belat Tin 4.00 4.25 10 10 Brnang 8.60 4.60 10 10 Brnseb Hyd. 6.00 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 160 1.70 XI XI Kinta Tin 17.00 19.00 XI XI Lahat Mines 18.25 13.75xdiv 10 10 Malacca
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 307 16 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. E8TATE TOOLS. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. *&gt;. -v •ir Ytf*. j* ■ter: PROPRIETORS OF THE «PAT M TAPPING KNIFE BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD &lt;T MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Bctimatec and designs free.
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1321 1 We qnote below the beet available London lint from tbe report* brought by the’last mail, and add local quotation* from the lint prepared by MuesrH. Fraser and Co. (Singapore in the corresponding date for oonvenienoe
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    • 106 2 London and Sinoai*oi:k Bchmkk Brick* 1 OlNKRAL— The- Jiiuah &lt; laiin Agriculture* in Trang Ne-gleeted It libbers Septeinlxr Buhlx-r I {etui us t F.M.S. liublx-r Exports llajoe p i Dutch Borne o) Bublx-r Estates 6 Malacca Buhlx-r Auction 0 The? Bublx-r Industry 6 SingajMire: Buhlx r Auction 6 Malacca
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    • 252 2 Prices Lower than at Last Sale. ('Kkom Orii Own oi:i:k-,i*o\i»knt.) London. &lt; fetobri 6. Tli eauelion-. which ojH-ned today showed a somew hat it regular tom and prices won* lower than a fortnight ago. The quantity offend was 462 tons of plantation
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    • 50 2 (From a &lt; ol'.kkhi-ondknti. Renang, &lt; &gt;ctober 3. A London wire to Colombo announces the following rubber company interim (livid endsLankut 10 per cent, and Morton 8 per cent. Sumatra Rara pays a final elividend Hfenoo* F ~,a^*n K J7J for the year, puts ■WJJM) to reserve, and
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    • 3040 2 I'ltOM Oil* SCKCIAI. 'oKltKsroNDKNT. I Kuala Lumpur, Oetolier 2. The long anticipates! lawsuit instituted by the- .liniali Bobber Estate*, Ltd., for |x&gt;sse*s sion ot e large? ana of land, planted with wi ll grown rubber, which is claimed to
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    • 2971 3 (Ficom Oi k SrmivL Cokkksi*om»kni). Kuala Lumpur. October :i. Alter two days’ proceedings, up till yest&lt; r Jay afternoon, only two witnesses have Ixen heard in the suit brought by the Jimali Lubber Kstate, Ltd., and Mr. Max Ililekes against Loh
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    • 456 3 Tho huge* increase in tin: number uf rubber and coconut estates in the F.M.S. within tlio pant two or throe years, has not passed unnoticed in the province of Trung, and has |«hI to land being put into cultivation there
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    • 921 4 The directors of the H (a wood Tin and (lubber Fstates, in their first report and accounts, for the |h riod ended Dcreiulier Ml, 1910, state that, although the period covered *&gt;y the accounts is practically sixteen months, from
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    • 1650 4 The Financier of September f had the fol lowing article ti|)on the pro|k&gt;ndcranec of Heve;t cultivation and the prospects of ether varieties ol rubber The magnitude of the interests now hound up iu the successful
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    • 98 4 At noou, (iu October *2, an extraordi nary general meeting of the I’nited Singapore Kubbcr Estate was held at 15oat Guay for the purpose of considering resolutions for the winding up of the company. It was decided that the company be wound up and that Messrs. E.Gattcy
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    • 605 4 liataug Malaka.—l,lB4 lbs. Malacca Plantations. 100,000 lbs Seekec.—B7o lbs. Karan.—7sl4 lbs. Padang dawa.—4,ooo lb*. Padang.—2,ooo lbs. Ayer Panas. 4,500 lbs. Ilukit Lintaug.—9,loo lU. Pantai.—l,7oo lbs. Permatu.- 750 lbs. Ladella,-51,250 lbs. Teluk An50n.—2,417 lbs. Kampoug Kuantan.—4,494 lbs. Castlofield. -12,404 lbs. Killinghall.—79l lbs. &lt;iau Kee,— 400 lbs. Harpcnden. 19,120
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    • 42 4 ESTATE MANAGER’ S DEATH. (From Our Own Corrkspondkni.) I’enang, October The death is announced of Mr. L. Gardner, manager of Suugei Jiatu Estate, Seniiling, Kedah. The details are not yet to hand, buttho body is being brought to Penang for post-mortem examination.
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    • 3421 5 London Sumatra Rubber. MR. PATRICK HADOW’ S REPORTS ON THE ESTATES. Issue of Debentures. In oidiuuiy general meeting of the Louliou Sumatra Kubber and I'todm-e Estates, Limitisl. was held at the London Chambci oM'oiniucrcc. Oxford Court. London, F..C.. n Septeinliei 1. Mr. Keith I*’. Arbuthnot. 4 'hairni m of tin
      3,421 words
    • 315 5 The first aiillii il general meetiljo of the f lainaiitino Knblier I'lantutions was field on Septi mlicr f», at tW», Minimi’ Lain .Mr. I. W. Mavis presided, and said lie took tin* chair hi the unavoidable absence of tbe ban man of the company, Mr. Itonsfield. I lie
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    • 113 5 comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported diirino this year and l ist, to end of \uoiist, shows the followine totals. Nueust Inciease I'.tj I. dm ine yeai on lltltk Ihs. lbs. lbs. I'erak .Tl.iMil :;.221,25| I,MOM,‘.MI Selaneor N|o,u|ll li.'Jr2,o.»s I '•f‘,ll ,'k’»7 N. Se mln lan
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    • 1277 6 An extraordinary gem nil meeting &lt;&gt;i thu shareholders of the Jimah Rubber Estate. Ltd., was held in the Exchange on St pte-mlsr 20 f«*r the expn ss pur|N&gt;Kc of considering .hi j offer to purchase, from London, the terms
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    • 1118 6 /’he first annual ordinary general meeting of the Tangoel Lubber Estates, Limited, was held on September 1 at tho London Chumbcr of Commerce, Oxford Court, E.C., Mr. Walter llillicrs (the Chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of
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    • 141 6 Several inquiries have reached us lately regarding the Hajoep Kstates, and these give the impression that there is a belief abroad that the expected census of trees on the estates is being suppressed. The fact is, we understand, that when Mr. Mackenzie, the visiting agent,
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    • 53 6 The rubber sold by auction at the Malacca auction mart on September.*lo realizes! the following prices Pale crepe No. 1 $255 per picul. Hark crepe from $1m6.70 to $205.10 per picul. Sheet No. 1 $252.60 per picul. Sheet No. 2 $248.16 per picul. Bidding was brisk, and
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    • 702 6 From the London and China Express &gt;/ September 8 we take take the follow inn items relating to the rubber industry The Para market has been quiet, with little businoMs doing, and prices art; slightly easier. Hard Fine
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    • 81 6 We are informed that at tho fourth »uc tion of tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, held on October 2, in ’bo Kxchange Room, the following prices w ro realised:— No. 1 crept* s2s2per picul Scrap Crepe $2llO Rark Crepe $2.20 No. 1 Smoked Sheet... $261
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    • 2192 7 V well attended meeting of the Malacca Planters’ Association waslield in the Stadt house, Malacca, on October 1. The Hon. F. W. Collins presided and the other members present were Messrs. Marriott I Resident). Hill, Kay, Barr. Weston,
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    • 1197 7 Mi. Lee Clioon (Juan presided at the an uual general meeting of the l'lu I’audun (Siuga|K»re) llubbcr Instates, Ltd., held at the, Commercial I’nion lluildings, on September ;K). The Chairman said: deutlcinen, the directors’ rejHjrt and accounts have been duly
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    • 171 7 Mr. I*'. «loosten nqiortH to The Financial News of September (&gt; as follows Amsterdam, September 4. The rubber market has remained very firm. There have been a good many inquiries from several sources, especially from dealers, with the re suit that a big quantity has changed hands.
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    • 2985 8 The progressive jiolicy of the Malacca (lubber Plantations, Ltd., was suggestively ontlinod by Mr. Malcolm Lyon, director, at a dinner given by him to the company’s stafTinthe Stadthousc, Malacca,on September 30. The dinner was a farewell function
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    • 331 8 The second ordinary meeting of the Taint balak Rubber Estates. Ltd., was hold aGresham House on October H. for the purpose of receiving the directors' report and accounts for the |**riod ended .1 une and electing a director and auditors. Mr.
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    • 262 8 Mr. Edward Grigsou left net persouahv to the value of lim.OH sterling. Mr. J. .1. Nock, late of Kew. has been appointed curator of Hakgala Garden*-. Ceylon. The I poll paper says that a fire, w hich caused a loss of over $l,OOO, occurred on Paradise Estate, Chenderiang,
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