The Straits Budget, 15 June 1911

Total Pages: 25
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE ‘STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2783 Singapore, Tborsday, Jnne, 15, 1911. tSTABUSHEP OVER HALF A CIRTWB' Price 25 cents
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  • 172 1 LEADERS National Organisation 10 Shareholders’ Indifference 10 Conference Compromise 10-11 Street versus Schools 11 Directors and their Duties 11 What May Cause War 11-12 Local asi> GknkralLocal and Personal 1 King Edward Momoral Fund 4 Singapore Tramways 5 Coronation Celebrations f» Correspondence 7 Health in the Tropics
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  • 1650 1 Archdeacon Sharp, of Sarawak,lias recently undergone an operation for varicose veins, md according to latest news received is making a good recovery. His appointment us Commissary to the Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak is gazetted. \t a meeting held at Kuching, to discuss the best way of
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  • 703 7 We have received the following important letter from the Acting Colonial Secretary Colonial Skckktaky’h Office, Singapore, June 9, 1911. Sir, I am authorized by the Officer Administering the Government to communicate to you, for tho information of
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  • 655 7 To tho Editor of the Straits Times, frhr, In reference to tho statements made b y you in large print in your issue of Monday that thj Governor’s mission has sue- cccdcd and that full freedom has been secured for Straits shippers I should
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  • 356 7 The following comment in The Economist of May 18 refers to a suggestion tor a basis of settlement made in our columns some weeks ago:— A few weeks ago our South African correspondent scut us details of the new colon a) bill dealing with mail contracts
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  • 13 7 (The Stmits Times is not responsible for tho opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 503 7 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Our community is thankful to you for opening your valued columns for a subject which is sure to prove beneficial to us. It seems tho views of Tomfoolery arc favoured by the younger generation, and I believe them
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  • 149 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir —This morning at 9 a.m. a serious accident might easily have occurred owing to a European driving a small pony in a turn turn at lull speed round the corner by the Europe Ihiildiugs on the wrong side ot the
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  • 173 7 Tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Will you pleaso allow ino a little space in your valued journal to draw the attention of the authority to a few private milk depots in town, and the sources of their supplies, which mostly come from the Siglap and
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  • 239 7 To Tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, I beg leave to be allowed to protest against the over watering of the roads in the town, both iu the early morning and midday. This morning 1 met with an accident which might have been very serious through tho
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  • 346 7 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Having received a letter thin week in which it was remarked about the cheap rate of postage at tho present age, 1 thought it might possibly prove of interest to many of your readers to hear how Holand Hill
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 124 8 S.C.C. v. The Buffs. A well -contested game was play«*l on the Ksplanado, on June 9, between the S.C.C. and the Buffs. For the greater part of the first half play was uneventful, then tho Club succumbed to the attacks of their op|M>m nts, and op to half time
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    • 344 8 Cup Tie Draw. In the S.C.C. Pavilion oti June 9. Mr. K. .1. Farrcr presided over a meeting of the Singajxjre Football Association convent*! for the purpose of druwing for the cup competition. It was decided to abide by the rule anti play all matches on the Esplanade.
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    • 152 8 Garrison Golf Club. Tho Juno monthly medal played for on Juno 10 and 11, was won by R. St. J. Braddell. Twelve cards were taken out and tho following were returned R. St. J. Braddoll 93—15=78 W. M. Graham 90 10 80 It. H. Sharpe 86 2 84 A
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    • 291 8 S.C.C. V. 5.R.C. On the Esplanade, on June 10, the following matches were played S. (J. 0, 1 R.C. I, ami S.C.C. ‘2 v K. 1L C. 2. In* nil; U)n it' r the scores were b (IriflWlT?* I><! S,Kn b ,i, U n <l 0 4, n*»«« b
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  • 1131 8 Dr. J. H. F. Kohlbrugge, of Ftrecht. has for several years been carrying out investigations on the influence of a tropical climate on Eurojieans, aud has arrivod at some interesting conclusions. These were published receutly in German. The original pajM
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  • 227 8 On the Balcstier range ou June 1*\ the annual meeting of the Singapore Rifle Association was continued with the following results:— President's Prize. 1. Police Inspector Meredith 93.2. 2. Mr. J. Long. 3. Pte. Lee Hock Kec, 8.V.I., 92.4. On June 11,
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  • 100 8 Ihe mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during the week ending June 3 there were 463 deaths, giving a ratio per mille ot population of 82.59. Malarial fever accounted for 109 deaths, phthisis 41, convulsions 29, beriberi 44, bronchitis
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  • 518 8 After four month# of a work which has taken him into every nook and corner of the Philippine# and exposed him to more Adventure than falls to the lot of the average man in a lifetime, Mr. F. ,1.
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  • 322 8 The Council of the Institute of Hankers has recently had under consideration the forms used by companies and others when appealing to the public for capital. Much trouble, iuconvenience, and expense is often caused by the unsuitable nature of such forms, and in exceptional periods, such
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  • 852 9 Every year as tho hot weather advauces and the end of May draws near, public interest throughout tho length and breadth of India centres on tho monsoon. So much depends upon it that for weeks beforo it
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  • 969 9 In the latest issue of the Indian Forester the question of the influence of forests on rainfall and flood is discusstsl in the course of a special article. It will be remembered that the Government of India recently collected information
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  • 404 9 At the instance of the Director-General of Commercial Intelligence, Mr. I). Hooper, of the Indian Museum, aud Dr. .1. W. Leather, of I*uhu, have made a discovery that should add enormously to the value and use of the oil extracted from
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  • 153 9 From supplementary telegrams appearing in Colombo papers it appears that twenty six started for the Derby according to the list of probables. A go<xl start was made, and the going was good. Bannockburn led from Kel d’Or, Chely Scott, aud Eton Boy. Rounding Tattcnlmm Corner, Sunstar came through
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  • 165 9 The Madras Government have sanctioned the expenditure of Us. 1,000 during the current year for experiments with artificial manurial substitutes for the pati mannu of tho Kistna district. A similar grant was made last year, and the report on tho experiments so far carried out states —The
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  • 700 9 Many a schoolgirl ha* wept over the poiguaut atory of Queen Klizabeth and the Karl of Khhcx, and of the nondelivery of tho ring that would have waved him from a cruel death. For over iMM) years this fatal ring haw been preserves!, passing from
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  • 189 9 A decision of much interest was given recently by the International Court at Bangkok in a case in which Messrs. Helm Meyer and Co., Ltd., updated from the decision of the Official Receiver. Messrs. Hchn Meyer and Co., Ltd., endeavoured to prove tlie.ff claim for Tcls.
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  • 88 10 Kkillkh. On .1 urn* 9, the wife of F. G. Keiller, of a daughter. Marriott.— On Friday, .June 9, at the Itesidency, Malacca, tlie wife of 11. Marriott, of a won. Kashkohu. —On .June 10, at the Mater* nity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of Colin Hansford, of a daughter.
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  • 58 10 Kknn Jlalfin. On the 29th April, at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Kensington, by the Rev. K. J). Finglund. M.A., and tlie Rev. VV. A. McAllan. M.A., of Hrooudiill, Northumberland, Walter Rernard, eldest son of the late Thomas James Kenn and of Mrs. Fenn, Norwich, to Ethel, only daughter of
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  • THE Straits Budget
    • 1059 10 StraitR Times, June H. One of the commentators on the Lloyd* George scheme of national insurance against sickness and unemployment expresses a doubt whether its author and the tuon of all parties who applauded him realised how completely it marked the transition from one national e|ioch to another,”
      StraitR Times, June H.  -  1,059 words
    • 1060 10 beyond their own control. Straits Times, .June 9. On May 25 wo put a footuoto to a letter Shareholder intimating that if not Ichh than 20 names of persons willing to take part in the formation of a Shareholders’ Protection Association were sent to us within the following
      beyond their own control. Straits Times, .June 9.  -  1,060 words
    • 1069 10 the Colony a staunch friend. —Straits Times, dune, 10. We had occasion yesterday to express feelings which were not those of admiratiou for a person who churlishly refused to assist us iu conveying to the public au accurate statement of the decision arrived at by Sir .John Anderson
      the Colony a staunch friend. —Straits Times, dune, 10.  -  1,069 words
    • 1041 11 .—Straits Tiinos, .luu«> 12. A London contemporary recalls the sober >»elf-satisfaction displayed by the elder Weller when complimented on the smartness of his son Samivcl." Mr. Weller explained his method tersely: I took a great doal o’pains with his eddication, sir; let him run in the streets
      .—Straits Tiinos, .luu«> 12.  -  1,041 words
    • 1007 11 the supply seems more scarce than over.— Straits Times, June 18. At the special meeting of the Ayer Ran as Rubber Company yesterday, Mr. Sime acknowledged that the directors of that concern might be hold partly resismsible for the muddle into w hich the affairs of
      the supply seems more scarce than over.— Straits Times, June 18.  -  1,007 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 I hr Po*t pri« ui tl« Siri it.- Tina I" a y*&r The pott free price of the Straits HuJgrt it $14 yew* 't i» ii >t necessary to subscribe for a year. The tubcriptione for shorter periods are at the tame proportionate rate at for a vear. Th budget
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  • 1040 11 At the point where* Hast moots Wont there aro two mattorH that appear to bo causing hotiio considerable unoaHinosH just now. Albania haH threatened to break off from Turkey, and SjMiin is hastening the partition of Morocco, by a movement which may be quite spontaneous on
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  • 643 12 The clerk of the weather was not very kindly disposed towards those who went to see or took part in the Athletic Sports of St. Joseph’s Institution ou June 1<>. as it drizzled during the greater part of the
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 158 12 (From Opr Own Correspondent.) Penang. June 7. According to information received by tlu* I’inaug Gazette, the cousumptiou of tin in May in the United Kingdom was 1.000 tous, on tiie Continent 1.7(H) tons, and in the l nited States 3,000 tons, total 5.7(H) tons. The visible
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    • 132 12 (Fkom Out; Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 7. The wedding ti»ok place this afternoon, of Mr. Cyril Joseph linker, son of Mr. T. S. linker, late manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai l>ank in Singapore, and Miss Ottoimc Dorothy liaukes Keynell. second daughter of Mr.
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    • 70 12 (From Out: Own Correspondent.) IVnaug, June 7. An accident occurred on the racecourse, this morning, while tlubcll, the jockey, was taking out Chanticleer from his stable. The horse reared aud fell over, the jockey being underneath. While being picked up Cliantieleer slipped again, aud fell on
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    • 46 12 (From Our Own Cohrfspondfnt.) Penang. June 7. The preliminary enquiry into the recent Byram estate disturbances, has been opened at Nils mg Tebal. Mr. Dutta, assistant surgeon, and Mr. Graigen, manager of Byram estate*, gave evidence, and the hearing was adjourned til! tomorrow.
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    • 24 12 (From Our Own Corrkspondfnt.i Peuung. June 7. Mr. 11. T. Reid has won the Penang Golf Club's Calcutta modal for 1911.
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    • 77 12 (From Our Own Corrksrondf.nt.) Penang, June 8. The May output of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin Co. was 400 piculs; for the five months 2,150 piculs compared with 2,650 piculs, 1,665 piculs and 482 piculs in the same periods of the three preceding years. The Rahman Tin Co.’s output
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    • 72 12 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt). Penang, June 8. The trial of the Javanese coolies of Byram Kstate for the murder of a Chinese coolie was concluded at Nibong Tebal yesterday, the accused being discharged. The magistrate held that there was not sufficient evidence to justify committal. A further
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    • 46 12 1 1*kom Our Own Corufsponoknt.) Penang, June 9. Sliootiim for the Walker Trophy, the I enaiiu ladies made 167, the following beiuj; the individual scores: Miss Joan Smith’ll Mr. Wright Motion 81, Miss Mclntyre ‘>i) Miss Hogan 2H, Miss Wemyss *24, Mrs. Liston
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    • 78 12 (From Our Own Cokrkspondbnt). Penang, June lo. Presiding at tlie annual mooting of the Penang Turf Club, yesterday, the lion. W Evans said the surpluses in the last two half years had been 57, (XX) and 5h,loo debentures had been paid oil' an j 57(30 spent
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    • 55 12 (From Our Own Cokrkspondent.) Penang, June 16. Tlie May output of Ulu Piah is *285.14 piculs of the value of 515,682.70. The nufi mated profit is 54,397.91. At the Meuglembu Lode, twenty stampworked 26 days. 1,380 tous of stone were crushed, with an output of 301 piculs
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    • 27 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 13. The local King Edward Memorial Fund now amounts to 540,638.50, with, iu addition., promises for 55,503.
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    • 54 12 From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, June 8. Uie provisional figures of the F.M.S. census have been issued, as follows: Perak 494.1*23, Selangor *94,014, Nigri Sembilan 130.201. Pahang 117,595, the whole of the F.M.S. 1.035.933. The Eu ix) pea ns and Americans in tin country are
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    • 40 12 (From Our Own* Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. The advance figures of tin exports from from Perak iu -May (exclusive of Upper IVrak) are: —block tin, 8,600 piculs tin ore, *27.765 piculs. The duty produced w> 5453.704.20.
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    • 41 12 (From Our Own Cokrfspoxdrnt.) Kuala Lumpur, June 12. Ihe death has occurred at the E u rope an Hospital of Mr. A. K. Peek, of the Civil Service, latterly acting District Officer. Kuala Pilah. Negri Setnbilan.
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    • 191 12 The billiard match in the final of tin championship, played on June 16, at the Catholic Club, between Mr. A. Lewis and Mr. K. H. Valberg, resulted in a win for the former. The prizes were given away by Mrs. \N. Mosbergen, the prize-w inners being as
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 143 12 Property Sale. At the saleroom of Messrs. Powell and Co., on .June 13, the following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction I’ recliold land at Kampong Bahru Hoad, art';' 14 acres poles, being part of grant 21. together with the dwelling house known as 46, Kampong Bahru, formerly let
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  • 1856 13 London, Juno 7. A Tangier message says that General Moinier’s column, while operating round Fez, was attacked at Raselma on June 2 by swarms of Moorish horsemen. They charged in the face of a heavy rifle aud mitrailleuse fire to within a hundred yards of the French lines,
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  • 699 13 Berlin, June 7. The Porte denies the reports of a rising of the Moreditcs tribe in Albania, and says the matter was exaggerated hy the Ambassadors. The Powers w ill not interfere. Mr. Roosevelt has assured President Taft of bis assistance in the presidential election. Berlin, June 8.
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  • 181 13 We liav< rereived tile stateuu ill. of tli<! cx|x>rl of t.i ii from 11 m I f rat* d Malax States ‘lining tin* months of January t*» May, 1011, as eonipared with tin* »i :*<• ponding period of tin*
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 264 14 June 8 Vandalia, Ger. str., Meisner, Hongkong, Behn Meyer Nerbndda, Brit, str., Kilncr, Rangoon, Bon stead Nam Sang, Brit str, Lake. Calcatta, Boustead Simla, Brit, str., Goldsmith, London, P. A O. Yorck, Ger. str., Randermann. Bremen, Behn Meyer 9 Menelaus, Brit, str., Bevan, Liverpool, W. Mansfield Chakrabhorgs, Siam, str.,
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    • 242 14 June 7 A. L. Treville, Feb. str., Dunkirk via ports Oer. str., Bremenhaven \i% ports Tosa Mam, Jap. str., Co'ombo and Bombay Bvcnlla, Brit, str., Yokohama and Kobe Glonlogan, Brit, str Japan via ports Theseus, Brit. str M Antwerp via ports Perm, Has. str., Vladivostock Nerbudds, Brit, str., Yokohama
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  • 166 14 The followiug passengers are booked homowurd: I*. A O. Pci Delhi, connecting at Colombo with Mahva, sailing June 16.—Mr. S. E. Nissim, Mis. Sassoon Nissim, Mr. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Simo and infant, Mrs. R. S. Stewart, Mr. 11. G. H. Rarlctt, Mr. .1. A. P.
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  • 334 14 correspondent writes: —In your Saturday's issue there apjieared a paragraph on the “Origin of Khaki.” 1, however, think that I am correct in saying that a neutral tint for the British army, when in undress uniform, was first thought of and adopted during the Perak campaign
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  • 269 14 The Superintendent of Census, Mr. A. M. Pountney, lias now prepared the provisional census figures of the Federated Malay States. These show a total population of 1,035,933, uot including the shipping community, or an increase of 357,338 or 52.66 per cent.
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  • 247 14 *inoasobk Junk 14. 1911 EXCHANGE. On Lonhon —Bank 4 in/* 2/4} Demand i l*A Private 6 a»/s 2/4}} dc 8 m/s 2/4| On Okkmany—Bank d/d 2884 Private 8 m/s 242} On Kkancs —Bank d/d 294} Private 8 m/s 299 On India —Bank T. T. 174J Private 80
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  • 979 14 Sinoapou, Junk 14, 1911. MINING. Issue !2 Value Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Belat Tin 6.75 7.00 10 10 Bruang 5/0 5 50 10 10 Brunch Hyd 5.00 6 00 10 10 Kanaboi 150 2 00 Xi XI Kinta Tin 18.50 19 50 XI XI Ktedang Tin 1.50
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 633 15 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil' Engineers Shipbuilders. mmmE8TATE T00L8. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES, took*. Prompt Delivery PROPRIETORS OF TMK PAT TAPPING RNIFE. BERTRAM’S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD H MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Estimates and designs free. LARGE STOCKS HELD of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 153 1 BE ME S CO En 'A SEE m 'tK' I i k 4.. k v S ><l t ilvWIMiffT Hs.Ji V 2ft- r'JJl 7 Cl Ea \L *££W2m •MFS w^h9O^0nt^Sp^0j^^jflifo^Dhsnts^ '.--%'mr-f<. ’"»i, 1 v .E v-^.. 2S1tesi5li5s?!«C SNsEsfif u lafai 2|US /fyiVi ir&\'**Stk;ji rrff*. BINSAWDRE u H > WITH BRANCHES
      153 words
    • 8 1 BEHN, MEYER CO., LD. i Engineering Dept. •nuneHni
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