The Straits Budget, 18 May 1911

Total Pages: 22
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2779 Singapore, Thursday, Hay 18,1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Price 25 Cents,
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  • 242 1 LEADERS— An Eastern Crisis 8 Mexico and the States 8 Outposts of Empire 8-9 National Snobbishness 9 Revoke and the Reasons 9-10 Seventy Thousand Acres 10 Local asi» Gknkral Local and Personal 1 Fillis’s Circus 2 Year of Millionaires 2 Local Telegrams 2 Serious Planting Accident 2
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  • 1551 1 The Straits Motorbus Co., Ltd., has been registered at Penang for the purchase of two motpr buses and for working capital. It has been resolved run one bus from Ralek Pulau to Penang every -morning, start ing at J and returning in tlm afternoon, and between these
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  • 487 2 The management of PilliH'H Circus found itself in an awkward quandary on the opening night of the allow, on May 18. There waa an almost unprecedented rush for acuta and in the confuaion hexes that had been booked beforehand were stormed and occupied
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  • 291 2 Last financial year was ahnoHt a record ono in the deaths of millionaires, a round dozen of these fortunate persons having passed away within tho 12 months. Four estates have been put down for a nominal million—those of Lord
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 113 2 (From Our Own Corrbhpondbnt.) Penang, May 18. The Pinang Gazette states that the last few days have witnessed what appears to be the long ex)*‘cted upward movement in tin shares. The better class of shares, viz., Tronohs, Luhats, Kintas, and Tekkas are in very strong demand
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    • 109 2 (From Our Own Corkkspondrnt.) Penang, May 15. The members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce have ballotted unanimously for Mr. George Mcßain as the representative of the Chamber in the Legislative Council, during the absence of Mr. A. R. Adams. Mr. Mcliain, addressing the Chamber, said
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    • 68 2 (From Our Own Corkbspondbnt.) Penang, May 15. Judgment has been given by Mr. Justice Ebden in the case, Meisl v. Eastern Smelting Co., in which plaintiff claimed 8600 for three months’ salary in lieu of notice, and damages for wrongful and illegal dismissal. Judgment was given
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    • 48 2 (From Ouk Own Cokrkspondknt.) Penang, May 16. News lias been received from London, by cable, of the death of Mr. Alexander Powers *"»>wtli, a partner in Messrs. Kennedy and Co. The deceased succumbed on Saturday to the effects of a severe operation.
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    • 99 2 (From Our Own Cohrkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 11. The hearing of the Gemas gang robbery case is still proceeding at Seremban. The prisoners have given evidence on oath, all asserting that they were not in Gemas when the robbery occurred. Kuala Lumpur, May 12. The Gemas gang
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    • 109 2 (From Ouk Own Correspondknt). Kuala Lumpur, May 12. The Hamburg-America liner Aragonia has gone ashore on Blenheim Shoal, Pulau Angsar. Sho is jettisoning cargo. Commander Mills, Harbour Master at Port Swettenham, has left for the scene in a launch. No furthor details are available at present. Kuala
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    • 38 2 1 1* rom Ouk Own Cohrkspondknt.) Hongkong, May 15. At a quarter to one this morning a violent earthquake shock shook the Colony, but no •him.-.go is reported to have been occasioned in u toria.
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    • 118 2 (From Ock Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 18. The Selangor diviHiou of the M.S.V.R. fired for the Bromhead-Matthews shield at Ampang range, this morning, under ideal conditions. The scores at 21)0, 300, and 6(H) yards were: —Evans 81, 88, B', 95 Sausom 29, 81, 88, 98; Cossgrove, 88,
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    • 267 2 The big gap between the Spring and Autumn Race Mootings at Singapore is going to be bridgixl this year by several amateur events that will help to sustain interest in the turf. It is intended to hold two such races on June
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    • 242 2 The tirKt annual sports of the Y.M.C.A. Lads Club were held on May 18 on the St. Joseph s ground (by kind permission of Brother Michael.) The day was beautifully tine, there were plenty of entries and keen finishes, so that the lads scored quite a success. Mr.
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    • 182 2 v M l‘ Morton, the Shanghai agent of the I acific Mail Steamship Company, has received a message from Vice Admiral Sir Alfred Wmsloe to the effect that the P. M. S. Asia had slipped oft the rocks and sunk in ten fathoms of water.
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    • 311 2 Of the many accidents that have occurred in the course of blasting operations at Mouut Wallich, which is being quarriod by Sit John Jackson, the most serious to dat* occurred on the afternoon of May n About four o’clock what
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    • 285 2 The document laid on the table at tin Legislative Council meeting on May 12, in connection with the Tamil Immigration Fund Bill, concluded in the following terms The object is, as already stated, to en courage the importation of labour, and
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    • 114 2 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during the week ending May 6there were 482 deaths, giving a ratio per inille of population of 85.98. Malarial fever account ed for 113 deaths, phthisis 89, convulsions 31, beri-beri 37, bronchitis
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    • 60 2 At the Assizes on May 12, before Mr. Justice Fisher, three Chinamen, indicted on a charge of attempted murder, won acquitted. Sir. J. G. Campbell and Mr. M.( •Johannes appeared for the accused. lan Hon Sam was indicted for using as genuine a forged document. The jury found
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  • 648 3 The distribution of prizes to the pupils of the English School, Muar, was held on May 8 somewhat earlier in the year than formerly. This was also the first occasion on which the prize distribution was held in the
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  • 184 3 According to the Pinaug Gazette of May 12 the Eastern Shipping Company’s steam launch Kan Chiang has foundered on her voyage from Penang to Karan and Hagan Serai. The Kan Chiang left Penang on the morning of May 12, and all weut well till the
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  • 1197 3 A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on May 12. There were present:—His Excellency the acting Governor Hon. E. L. Brockman, C. M. G.; His Excellency the General Officer Commanding the Troops, Major-General T. E Stephenson, C. B.,
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  • 135 3 The hearing of evidence on the charge of murder against Mrs. Proudlock, which was to have been taken on May 15 at the Solan gor assizes at Kuala Lumpur, has been jiostponed, we are informed, till June 7. 1 he Kuala Lumpur correspondent of the I*iuang Gazette,
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  • 142 3 Reviewing the stato of the tin market in the week ending April 15, the Globe stated:— Last week closed at £194 ss. cash, £lB9 ss. three months. This week has been interrupted by the holidays, and the market closed on Thursday after morning change, and will re-open
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  • 178 3 The following are the results of the May handicap races swum off at the Chinese Swimming Club on May 14: —A. Division 150 yards. 1, Cilia Keng Chin (1 rain. 15 secs.). 2, Cheong Keng Liat (scr.). 8, Tan Chuan (1 min. 5 secs.) 4, Chia Tock
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  • 677 3 Id our colonies, ah well as at home, says The Lancet, the aaine difficulties are apparently encountered in obtaining a happly of “clean" milk. These difficulties depend largely upon the unwillingness of the workers engaged in the milk business
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  • 175 3 Members of the committee of the Singapore Sporting Club dined at Raffles Hotel, on May 14, on the invitation of Mr. J. \V. Stewart (British Consul at Batavia) and Mr. Otto Still also of Java. During the evening Mr. Still expressed the great pleasure it
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  • 459 4 The judgment of Mr. Justice Fisher, sending back to the District Court for re-trial a certain application for an order to hand over to the Government of the Netherlands IndicH a quantity of property which wan taken in charge at
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  • 376 4 The seventh ordinary general meeting 1 of the Kuautau Tin Mining Co., Ltd., is fixed for the 2-»th inst., when the* following report of the directors for the year ending December 31, 1916, Ibis being the sixth year of the!
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  • 531 4 The unveiling by King George of the magnificent Queen Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace, to which reference is made in our telegraphic news marks the completion of a scheme which was first put in hand
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  • 139 4 From the annual report of the F.M.S. Public Works Department, we learn that the expenditure in 1910 on construction of anti-malarial works or operations directly connected with them w as in Selangor, on State account $20,200,0n Federal account $4,288.71, and in Negri Sembilan $10,067.01, total $45,921.72. The
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  • 141 4 Mr. Walt. .lackson and Mr. E. Steele, the parties in the recent dog-shooting trouble at Tanjong Katong, were both present in the District Court, on May 17. Mr. Steele was there merely as an interested spectator, but Mr. Jackson went in answer to a summons charging
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    • 352 4 5.R.A. Prize Meeting. The annual prize meeting of the Singapore Rifle Association begins ou June 8. The programme, which is to hand from Q.M.S. Harding, the honorary secretary, is as follows: June 3. Brick and Running Man competitions. t June 4, General’s Cup. Wantage A and B class
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    • 456 4 Garrison Football League. In the Garrison football league, the following matches are to be played this week: F. Co. Buffs v. I). Co. Buffs, 78 Co. R. G. A. v. C. Co. Buffs, A. Co. BufTs v. 41st Co. R. K., G. Co. Buffs v. E. Co. BufTs. The
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  • 350 4 Quite an enjoyable afternoon was spent at Tanglin ou May 16, when the 2nd Battalion, The Buffs, entertained a large gathering witli regimental sports, Lieut.-Colonel A. 1). Geddes and officers being At Home. It was the anniversary of the battle of Albuhera.
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  • 220 4 W ritiug in the British Medical Journal recently. Dr. W. Coates gave his views as to the cause of the great rise in cases of appen dieitis of recent years. Tinned meat and fish, he states, were introduced some time in the fifties and came into fairly
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  • 86 4 European Police Constable James Collins (No. 89) came before Mr. Firmstone in the District Court, on May 16, charged with deserting from the police force. He pleaded guilty. Acting Inspector Ford stated that accused signed an agreement with the Crown Agents for the Colonies on October 21,
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  • 2941 5 The Spring Races. FAVOURITES’ DAY NO BIG DIVIDENDS. The Prophets Vindicated. There were no exceptional features to be remarked about the racing on May 11, the second day, unless it be remarkable that the prophets were mostly correct in their forecasts. Almost without exception the favourites made good, and consequently
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  • 424 6 A remarkable case of suttee occurrod in a Hindu house at Charakdanga Road, Soora, in tho jurisdiction of the Beliaghata thana. reports the Calcutta Statesman. The house belonged to Babu Surendra Nath Ghosh, who belonged to a respectable Kayastha family
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  • 293 6 Mr. •liuuoH Cantlie, a well-known authority on tropical diHoAHo, discusses in a recent number of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene the (pieHtion of insurance risks for residents in the tropics. It has been the mistoin of most British
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  • 101 6 According to a wire from Tokio, dated May 8, a petition has been made hy Chinese shipowners to the dapanese Government to request the Ihissian Government to jx>stponu till next year tho enforcement of the new navigation law. By enforcing this law the Hessian Government will prevent
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  • 517 6 The divorce suit brought by Horenee Masson against her husband Michael 1. Masson was before Mr. Justice Robinson at Rangoon on May 2, when Mr. Coltman apI stared for the petitioner. Mr. Patker represented the respondent. Mr. Coltman, in
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  • 179 6 It seems to be quite impossible, writes a New York correspondent, to dissociate the almighty dollar from the Christian ministry in America. Dr. Aked left for San Francisco in a private Pullman car after his old Fifthavenue Baptist Church congregation had presented him with a parting gift
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  • 133 6 The Army is not taken sufficiently seriously,” said Lord Bolxits recently in an interview with Mr. John Foster Fraser, published in the current issue of the London Magazine. I wish our officers were more serious. The Army is too much of a pastime for rich young
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  • 378 6 j Commander C. R. Low writes to 1 lie I Times: Ah the murder of Mr. Williamson on the Upper Assam border has drawn attention to the Abor tribes, jierliaps a brief account of our earliest encounter with this race
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  • 438 6 At the Surveyors’ Institution, on April 11. Mr. Chatfeild Clarke sat as arbitrator to fix the compensation to be paid to the Commercial Union Assurance Company by the London County Council with respect to taking down the company’s premises at Charing
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  • 182 6 THE CHARTERED BANK. New Branch Opened at Canton o n May Day. On May 1, the new' premises of the Chartered Hank of India, Australia and China were opened iu Canton in the presence of the Consular bodies, representatives of all tin firms, and the remainder of the cornmuuitv which
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  • 230 6 Mr. Justice Benson aud Mr. Justice Sun dara Iyer have delivered judgnient at Madras in the reference from a full bench, Court of Small Causes, involving a very important question of Hindu law. The question raised was whether a widowed Hindu mother could successfully maintain
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  • 193 6 The Dutch mail steamer Koning Willem II arrived at Colombo from Amsterdam with a party of fifteen distressed Somali divers, whose tale is rather an interesting one. The party stated that they were out in a buggalow diving for shells off the coast of Aden. Being
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  • 199 6 A python, about nine feet long, which was under the wharf at Kuching, was disturbed by some Chinese coolies who attempted to kill or capture it. It eluded them, however, and slipped into the river but fell a victim to a Dyak who, fishing close by
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  • 36 8 Coghlan. —On May 11, at London, the wife of H. L. Cot’ll lan, of a won. Hanithcu. —On May lfi, at 3, Fort Canning Road, Singajiorc, tin* wife of Dr. K. Hanitsch, of a daughter.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1027 8 Straits Times, May 11 Nearly ton years ago, that brilliant journalist, Mr. T. P. O’Connor, in the course of a political article, expressed the belief that the conflict iH to leave Lord Rosebery any effective or tenacious action, and that he will remain finally in history as
      . Straits Times, May 11  -  1,027 words
    • 931 8 —Strait Times, May la. It liuh been somewhat difficult to gather from the London telegrams what all the trouble in Central America is about, and not until it was learned that Senor Madero, the leader of the insurgents, intended marching on tin* Mexican capital was very
      —Strait Times, May la.  -  931 words
    • 1328 8 Straits Times, May 1*1. An obviously well-informed correspondent, who covers his identity by the initials T.A.E.. has been writing a series of letters to our esteemed contemporary, the Times of Ceylon, with reference to the utter inadequacy of tin British naval defences East of Suez. He ha>
      !. Straits Times, May 1*1.  -  1,328 words
    • 1319 9 without advantage to MK'ict\ as u whole. Straits Tinas, Muy 1*>. Our good friends at home have been indulging in one of those periods of heart searching which are wholesome if not carried t<x> far. On this <x-easion the national vice dealt with is not drink or nonconformity,
      without advantage to MK'ict\ as u whole. Straits Tinas, Muy 1*>.  -  1,319 words
    • 1044 9 satisfactory Straits Times. May 1*1. On reading Home statements made in a recent issue of the Sarawak Gazette, we experienced difficulty in reconciling them with what appealed to In* the mean i*>g of a recent notification revokin'* an onler of June 1010, with reference to the
      satisfactory Straits Times. May 1*1.  -  1,044 words
    • 1047 10 now devoting its closest attention. Straits Times, May 17. We do not know the precise conditions under which the. I uited Rubber Company of 1 America lias acquired the estates of the New Asalian Tobacco Company. The transaction in fact is rather in the nature of a
      now devoting its closest attention. Straits Times, May 17.  -  1,047 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 The Po«t free price of the Straits Timts la $38 a year The post free price of the Straits budget it $U a year. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Straits
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  • 152 8 DEATHS. Rufkkcht. On May 8, 1911, at New ork, Philip Ruprceht. Kkkokl. At the General Hospital, Seamen's Ward, Singapore, at 10.45 a.m. on May 11, Henry Arnold, eldest son of the late Or. 11. A. Keegel, Provincial Sur goon, C.M.S., Ceylon aged 25 years. Oeeply mourned. Ceylon papers please copy.
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  • 177 10 Amount previously ucknow I edged 572,019.42 Hongkong ami Shanghai Hanking ('«)i)K)mtion LOOO Mercantile Hank of India, Ltd. 1.000 Ham pie dc 1’ lndo-Chine 1,000 Messrs. John Aird and Co. .I‘ldA at 2 4 id 89.4.97 t'oLLKI TKD IIY Mil. W. KIXU.
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  • 316 10 At Messrs. H. L. Coghlau and Co.’s salerooms on May 10, the following properties were d is) toned of6AA and G.'*7 North bridge Hoad. 909 years leasehold, quit rent 52, 1.820 s<| ft., monthly rent $B9. sold to Shaik Said Hiu Omar Makarim for MA.AOO. n|.» North llridge
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  • 170 10 NN e Jtiv informed by Messrs. Derrick and Company, secretaries of tlie Cluny Dairy Company, Ltd., that the subscription list will he kept open up to the 25th inst., at p.m. I his has no doubt, been rendered necessary in consequence of this general interruption of business
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  • 13 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for it,, opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 176 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— Will you permit me the use of V))r r columns to offer, if 1 may, a word of advi,.,. to the management of Frank Fillis’s Circus regarding the seating accommodation. no j s prepared to overlook some confusion
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  • 199 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. It lias boon pressed to form a football association of nil the Chinese Foothill Clubs in Sinj*ai>ore with the objectof regulating the name anil constituting an authority to decide ouestions arising among football clubs and also to manage football
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  • 359 10 In view of the iuqiortant fibre congress to he held at Socrabaya in duly next, to which the I’nited States and German Governments are sending sjxxMal representatives, the following article from the Java Bode of the .*>th instant on the
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  • 1987 11 Loudon, May 10. Calcutta cable states that the big opium dealers declare that they do not anticipate much immediate effect on tin* market by the Opium Agreement between Britain and < hina except the strengthening of prices. consolidated import tax. they consider, will produce little effect, as the
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  • 1160 11 Berlin, May 10. The Turkish Chamber has discussed the recent thefts at a Jerusalem church. It is proved that tin; accusation against Knglish visitors is unfounded. The Frankfurter says that the theft is obviously invented to raise religious I'anaticivili in Syria. Herr HaxthaiiHcn leaves on a voyage to
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 297 12 May 10 Montrose, Brit, str., Rtid, Hongkong, P. Simons Kiojuo Muru, Jap. str., YamagucLd, Murorau, P. Simons C. Apcsr, Brit, str., Towbm nd, Calcutta, P. Simons Cooeyanna, Brit, str., Strou.*. Calcutta, Boustead 11 Mrdan, Dnt, str., Gantvoot, Rotterdam, 1'tional Rotterdam Sangola, Brit, str., Scott. Rangoon, Ronshad Pa»oo, Brit, str.,
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    • 216 12 May 10 K. K. Ferdinand, Auf. str., Japan via porta I Wong Koi, Gor. str., Bangkok Dakotah, It# it. str., Amoy Horn* Wan I, Brit. i-tr., Swatow via ports Sui .Sant?, Hril. str., Ssmufang Sourabaya )Plirananu, (icr. str., Buigkok 11 Bingo Mam, Jap. str., Colombo Bombay Patroclns. Brit, atr.,
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  • 459 12 1 Tin* following pasKeugerH arc* booked homeward: P. Per Delta, connecting at Colombo with Mooltun, sailing May 19. 11. H. the Sultan of Kedah and suite, il. H.the Sultan of Perak and suite, Mr. (leorge Fraser, Mr. H. L. Coghiaii, Mr. W. M. (iawler, Dr. and Mrs. Travel-;
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  • 318 12 Arrangements luivc been made for the, issue of medals by the Boyal Mint to coin- i incinerate the Coronation of His Majesty j Kiii“ George These medals will be struck j in two si/es. Large medals will lx; made
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  • 240 12 Sinoapokk, Mai 17, 1911. EXCHANGE. On London—Bank 4 m/R 2/4$ Demand 2/4,;'. Private 6 m/s 2/4;', l do 3 m/s 2/4J On Gsrmany—Bank d/d 288$ Private 8 m/s 242$ On Franc*—Bank d/d 294$ Private 8 m/s 299 On India—Bank T. T. 174$ Private 80 d/s 176 On
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  • 977 12 Singapore, M.w 17, 1911. MINING. Issue !2 Value cS Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Belat Tin 5.80 6.00 10 10 Bruang 4.00 5 00 10 10 Bruseh Hyd. 5.00 6 00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.40 150 XI XI KintaTin 17.70 18.25 XI XI Kledang Tin 1.60 2 0(1
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 598 13 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. E8TATE T00L8. 810RE8 AND REQUISITES. bocks. Prompt Delivery. PROPRIETORS OP THE “PAT” TAPPING KNIFE BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Efttimateft and designs free. LARGE STOCKS HELD of Pumps,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 392 14 M Mr. Ah I Contraotops, GAS ENGINE AND SUCTION GAS PLANT. (SUITABLE FOR ANTHRACITE, COKE. CHARCOAL AND OTHER FUELS). ON f £iPit- i 'S4. S&ft isWWj IN II8E ”5aBgttagg •<•. *v v E8TATES. Jji‘ "v.■■■*' BKQr$S75b' •< >*v 3?’ M > V !>y o i r-TSFC r*S m THE M08T
      392 words
    • 95 14 5tste(xprks CIGARETTES. Breath XK ITfl r* r M m OEfktts Y&a i^sn wmr TYPES OF BRITISH MANHOOD. 7. r The MOTORIST 1 smoke* Stats Express Cigarettes bocauso hs can ««t them wharsvsr ha finds a higl.-dass tobacconist. Sol. Manufacturer. ARDATH TOBACCO CO.. UMD.k London. QUALITY, and all that makes for
      95 words