The Straits Budget, 11 May 1911

Total Pages: 22
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2778 Singapore, Thnrsday, Hay 11,1911. ESTABLISH 10 OVU NAIF A CCMTUBV Price 25 Cents.
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  • 182 1 LEADERS New Serondah Rubber 8 What Will Happen 8 Viscount Goschon H-9 National Insurance 9 No Stir in the Sea 9 China Militant 9-10 Local and General Local and Personal I Shanghai Fatality 2 Notes from Medan 2 Rattles Library Catalogue 2 King Edward Memoiral Fund 2
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  • 1848 1 The deatli has taken place at Bangkok of Miss Taylor, of the Nursing Home. Miss Taylor, the Bangkok Times understands, suffered from sleeplessness and was in the habit of taking veronal to enable her to rest. On April 29, she was found dead in her bed at
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  • 647 2 (Fkom Oi;it Own Cokrksi’ondkn'I.) Shanghai, May 7. The French aviator, M. Vallon, who has l>ccn performing here for some time past, waH instantaneously killed on Saturday. He hail flown on his biplane four miles to the
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  • 146 2 His Majesty the King of Siam has enjoyed his tour in tho (iulf very much, and lias returned feeling much better for the holiday. The Bangkok Times understands a further tour is tM<ing arranged, and in duly His Majesty will utilise the royal yacht
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  • 251 2 Messrs. Fraser aud Co.’s share report for the I‘. and O. mail of the sth inst., states The market has been quiet since our last rejjort and rubber shares shew little c hange on the week, with the exception of Malaccas
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  • 191 2 (FltOM AN ()c< ASIO.NAI. CoHKKSPONDKNT.) Moduli, May It. A dividi ud of ;> per cent, for 1910 has been declared by tlio Holland Sumatra Tabak Moatschappij. Tin* Petroleum Maatscbappij Kcuibang have declared a dividend for 1910 of It per cent. (treat satisfaction is being expressed in Deli
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  • 251 2 A very admirable supplement to the present Rattles Library catalogue lias just been issued. It contains a complete list of the lxx>ks added to the collection from 1901 to 1910. Duo great improvement is that titles and authors are cross-indexed. Thus one can find without the least
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  • 73 2 'Ve have to thank the Consul-General for tlu; Netherlands, nt Singapore, for an illustrate *<l brochure descriptive of the Congress and Exhibition, to be* held at Koerabayu from duly to August, in connection with the* manufacture and preparation of fibres. It is being arranged under the* auspices
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  • 312 2 Amount previously ackuowcdged 569,789.42 John Little nml Co. Ltd. 500 Itobinsou and Co. [*oo Riley Hargreaves and Co.. Ltd... 260 Howarth, Erskine, Ltd. 250 Collected by the Adviser, Kedah 20h COLLMTKD BY Mil. A. SMITH. AV. (i. Hell :>0 F. 11.
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  • 191 2 At the mooting of tlio Planters Association of Malayu. held at Kuala Lumpur on April 80. Mr. Macfadyen asked for information on the subject of Javanese labour. He said he had heard that the Dutch Government wore going to close
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  • 105 2 At the annual meeting of the Malaya branch of the British Medical Association held recently in Penang, the following were elected office-bearers for 1911: —president. Dr. Kirk, Penang; president-olect, Dr. Finlay son. Singapore; vice-presidents, Singapore, Dr. Gibbs; Penang. Dr. Dane; Federated Malay States. Dr. Lucy. Members of
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  • 660 2 lieceut mails in from llougkong brin c details of the attack at the Yamen of the Canton Viceroy on April 28, the South China Morning Post giving the following information Since the assassination of the Tartar Geueral Fu
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  • 161 2 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths,, show that during tin; week ending April 29, there were 870 deaths, giving a ratio per mille of population of 06.01. Malarial fever accounted for 69 deaths, phthisis 87, convulsions 84, beriberi 84, bronchitis
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  • 569 3 The Hon. E. C. Ellis presided at the annual meeting of tho Singapore Automobile Club held on May 5, in tho Exchange. There were also present: the Hon. Dr. Galloway, Mrs. Owen, Messrs. W. A. Sims (hen. secretary and treasurer),
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  • 123 3 At the twelfth annual ordinary general meeting of ltiley, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., held on May 5 at 5 Read Street, Mr. C. E. b. Sanderson (managing director) in the chair, it was resolved to distribute the total available balance of $79,890.11 on last year’s
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  • 115 3 The revised figures of the population of Kuala Lumpur Town are:—males 88,081, females 13,688, total 46,714. This is an increase of 44.2 per cent, on tho population of 82,381 as shown in tho census report. The European and American population of Kuala Lumpur Town totals 718, and
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  • 15 3 I The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. I
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  • 714 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— As you have interested us lately in the question of the possibility of disarmament and international arbitration, ]X‘rhaps you could find room for a suggestion of a compromise which might unito on the subject of national defence the war
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  • 146 3 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—The residents in the neigbourhood of Cavenagh Hoad filter beds have been suffering from a plague of mosquitess for several months, caused by the gross carelessness of our Municipal authorities. In one of the filter basins which has not yet been
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  • 441 3 Subscriptions aro invited to the Clan} Dairy Co., a new local concern which set* out to supply Singapore with pure cow’s inilk. The company has a nominal capital o! 9200,000, in 910 shares, with a present issue of 5,000
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  • 111 3 Mr. .Justice Fisher presided at a further sitting of the Singapore Assizes, on May 0, when the postponed hearing of the charge against a Chinese woman, named Ho Ah Van, of causing mischief by tire, was taken. She was found guilty, and was sentenced to two years’ rigorous
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  • 91 3 Amoug the passengers who left for England on May 8 by the German mail steamer I'rinz Ludwig were the lion. I>r. Galloway and the Hon. Tan .Jiak Kim and Mrs. Tan .Jiak Kim. Mr. Tan .Jiak Kim goes to London and with Mr. Hugh Fort w’ill represent the
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  • 143 3 In connection with the country club at Tyersall it is understood that the plans and specifications for the alterations to the building have been drawn and tenders are being called. When these have been received a general meeting will be (tailed to sanction the acceptance of a tender
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  • 577 3 Built only six years ago, at a huge cost, the Oaiety Restaurant has failed to meet with tho support which w as anticipated, and it will now be given to the ratepayers of London. The Gaiety Restaurant—which has no connection with
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  • 142 3 We have received the advance statement of the export of tin from the Federated Malay States during tho months of January to April, 1911, as compared with the corres ponding period of the previous year. The figures are as follow:
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  • 2218 4 Even despite the rain which came ou before) tho laHt race, the first day of the Spring Paces on May 9, was as pleasant an most. Tho weather to start favoured a good turnout, the lawns
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  • 552 4 A Singapore correspondent writes to the Java Mode that the deposition of the Sultan of Hhio has had the renmrkablo effect of causing a large number of natives of the Hhio islands to follow the ex-Sultan in his exile to Singapore. Ho
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  • 130 4 According to a London cable of April 22, the British papers arc starting an agitation against the Mormons on the grouud that under their proiwigauda five hundred young British girls have been kidnapped to the United States. The Times thinks that tho importation of British girls
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  • 162 4 A Java paper rejxirts that the firm of Dun kerbeck and Co. at Sourabaya recently discovered tint a systematic robbery of their stores consisting principally of machine parts and accessories had beeu going on for some time. The f>olice who were informed soon became aware
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  • 163 4 The proposal to establish a North Borneo Cot in some London Hospital as a memorial to the late King, has fallen through, from lack of support, says the B. N. B. Herald, a sum of $3,865 only having been collected or promised. It is now
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  • 470 5 An appreciative reference to Mr. H. C. Ridges, of the F.M.S. civil service, who retires shortly, appears in the Malay Mail of May 1 as follows: llcnry Charles Ridges, M.A., Cantab., was born as long ago as 1853 but nobody
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  • 279 5 We regret to learn that a cable was received in Singapore on May 5 by the Union Insurance Society of Canton, announcing the death at home of Mr. William Mac bean who went on a year's leave in January with the intention of retiring at
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  • 104 5 A chauffeur employed by Mr. Peters, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, was frutninonod by Chief Inspector Mayhcw to the District Court on May 5 on a charge failing to report a case of smallpox. he patient, it was stated, was accused's v *h>, and while she
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  • 1306 5 r Tho annual meeting of the Singapore Volunteer Corps was hold under tho presidency of the commandant, Lt.-Col. Derrick, in the Drill Hall on May 5. Other officers present were Captain Ewart, S. O., Captain Hilton,
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  • 243 5 (Bv an Occasional Corrkspondknt.) Kclantan, April 27. The Hon. C. J. Saunders, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, S.S. and F.M.S., arrived at Kuala Kclantan early on Monday morning by the Sappho. Ho procoeded at once to Kota Bahru attended by the Rajah’s fleet of racing boats. After being officially
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  • 151 5 At a good gathering of members and friends, on May 5, at the WeHley Church, a cordial welcome was given to Dr. VV. H. 15. Urch, the newly appointed pastor of the Church. The Rev. W. T. Cherry, as tho representative of tho missioniaries, gave an
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  • 532 5 The announcement published in our cable nows on May 4 that the Admiralty’s trawler scheme has practically fallen through serves to recall somo details of the scheme. The idea was to utilise trawlers for mine-sweep* iug ojHirations, and Grimsby was otticijilly
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  • 309 5 I)e Locoinotiof gives an amusing account of the advontureH of Uiroc youths of good address, ‘‘hardly out of sandals” (as the paper says) who, on the morning of April 28, resolved to see the world. Arming themselves with knives, revolvers etc., they got into a
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  • 306 6 Particulars of the fatality to Mr. Justice Bell,of the Rangoon Chief Court, show that he dio<l as the result of an accident while out riding. It a]>)tears, says the Rangoon Ga/ette, that on April 20, in company with Miss Walker,
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  • 182 6 One of the passengers of the wrecked Asia has been interviewed, says a Shanghai telegram to Hongkong, and tells an exciting story of the event. He says that the liner ran on the rock at 5.30 a.iu. in a
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  • 312 6 Major Clemesha, I. M. S M Sanitary Commissioner, Bengal, at the instance of the Calcutta Corporation, was appointed to carry out an investigation into the purity of the water supply. His enquiry began in March last and continued for twelve months, liis report has just l>een sent
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  • 613 6 The commercial supremacy of Great Britain is a subject which has received special attention in the columns of The r I irnes rc1 oontly, and last year's trade record for Japan is interesting in this connexion, as the
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  • 151 6 According to a Loudon correspondent, a political libel suit of a highly interesting character is likely to be heard in the near future. It appears that during tho recent general election a leaflet was issued broadcast stating that Mr. John Redmond had publicly declared that in the
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  • 447 6 From Shanghai pajiers we glean sonic tie tails of the collision between the steamer Kwanglee and the steamer Mocfoo. It appears that the latter boat was riding at anchor in the fog \vh(*n, at S.»‘JO p.m. on April 2!1, tlu? Kwanglee loomed
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  • 229 6 Through the instrumentality of Mr. Tan Kheain Hock, a steam trawler named the Golden Crown, commanded by a European master trawler with a European matt* on board, has been purchased from Mr. Lim Chin Tsong, the well-known Rangoon millionaire and owner of the Seang line of steamers,
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  • 225 6 It is not generally known but it can be readily conceived what an enormous trade there is m betel leaves in Bangkok, says the local Observer. Hie betel vine is grown in shady gardens and trained to wooden posts about twelve feet high. Hundreds of women are
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  • 735 6 Castles in the air (writes G. R. j u tlu Advocate of India) are being freelv built just now on foundations of a successful draw in the Derby Sweep, and from all that one hears these castles are almost
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  • 157 6 The American papers chronicle a number of achievements in wireless telegraphy. The experimenters, who have been conducting trials by night witli highflying kites, at San h rancisco, claim to have picked up calls from San Juan, Porto Rico, Washington, Key West. Colon, Guantanamo, and the Japanese station
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  • 18 8 Plumpton. —On May 4, at llollycroft, Stevens Hoad, Singapore, the wif»*of Morville E. I’lumpton. of a daughter.
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  • 42 8 Wkib—l 'imu’likoot-Sandkkm. —On April 29, at the Stadt House, Malacca, by tho Itcv. AV III. liunciiiiati, u.i» M Edmund George Harri Hon Weir, c.m., m.k.c.s., of Malacca, to Wdliamiiia Proudfoot-Sanders, older daughter of the late William Proudfoothanders, of Moffat, DuinfricHhire, Scotland.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1064 8 Straits Times. May 4. One of the items of business which will come before a meeting of the New Sercndah Hubbcr Company to-morrow is to discuss pro|M>salH to refloat the company on a sterling basis." The company was formed in March, 1910, to take over a property
      Straits Times. May 4.  -  1,064 words
    • 995 8 Straits Times. May 5. We see from the telegraniH to hand during the past day or two that the House of Commons is slowly progressing with the Veto Bill. Little more than formal stages remain to be dealt with, and then the Hill will pass through the
      Straits Times. May 5.  -  995 words
    • 1024 8 .—Straits Times, May 6. It has boon said that the most interesting part of Viscount Goschen's life is that which has been omitted from the hiography prepared by the Hon. Arthur D. Elliot. The part in question was that during which he was in closest and most confidential
      .—Straits Times, May 6.  -  1,024 words
    • 1155 9 —Straits Times, May 8. It may be taken as a sign of the times that the great measure of national insurance against sickness, incapacity, and unemployment has boon received with general approval hy all classes in Great Britain. Mr. Lloyd George merits hearty congratulation on the hold and
      —Straits Times, May 8.  -  1,155 words
    • 1019 9 Straits Times, May 9. Although wo read recently of three boys armed with knives, revolvers and other weapons setting out from Samarang in a small boat resolved to see the world, it is somewhat humiliating to find that the spirit of ndventuro is quenched in
      Straits Times, May 9.  -  1,019 words
    • 1061 9 Straits Times, May 10. lie would be a bold man who von tured to assert that China is within mcasur ablo distauce of becoming a Power capable of defending herself against organised military force whether European or Japanese—or of assuming the role of Yellow Terrorist to the w'orld
      Straits Times, May 10.  -  1,061 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 90 8 Ib« Po«t lr«« pric«of th Straits Times la ISO a jraar Th* Poa* fr*e price of the Straits Budget it $l4 a year. It it not neceaaarv to •übecribe for a year. The aubecnptiona for ahorter perioda are at the aame proportionate rate aa for a year. The Straits Budget
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  • 58 8 DEATH. Houston. On May 4, at Bintang House, Singajiore, May 4, Florence Ruby, the dearly beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Houston, in her second year. Deeply regretted. Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Kohkkts. At Tavoy, Lower Burma, of enteric fever, Benjamin (Joorge Roberts, of
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  • 399 10 The description of the wreck of the Asia.: published in our issue of April 26, says the I N. C. Daily News, contained a brief but significant reference to the fact that one of the crew of the ill-fated vessel
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  • 89 10 I lie fine luill at the .M.C.A, rooms in Orchard I toad was packtd to overflowing, on May 1), when the first musical evening of the present session was given. The programme, arranged by Mr. Salzmann, included instrumental and vocal items, most of which were heartily encored.
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 125 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 3. In the Supremo Court, to-day,Mr. Sproule, the Solicitor-General, speaking on behalf of the bar, welcomed Mr. Justice Ebden whom, he said, nearly all- their colleagues had known before in Penang and the F.M.S., or by repute. Mr. Ebden when ou
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    • 90 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 4. Ou the arrival here of the Kamo Maru with Prince ami Princess Fushimi, Dr. Isliii and several other members of the Youn«j .Japanese Association boarded the liner and welcomed Their imperial Highnesses, to whom they presented a basket of
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    • 50 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 10. Mr. Maximilian Meiseh, formerly employed by the Eastern Smeltiug Company as an assistant engineer, is suing the company for $600 salary in lieu of notice, aud is also claiming damages for alleged wrongful aud illegal dismissal. The case is proceeding.
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    • 46 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang May 11. The filial of the Football Cup tie was watched by au immense crowd ami proved to be a most strenuous game, tho Chinese Recreation Club eveutuaily boating the Penang Cricket Club by one goal to nil.
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    • 41 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. May 7. The adjourned general meeting of the Selangor Club wais held on Saturday evening. Mr. Anthonisz, the Resident of Selangor, presided. The accounts and estimates wore passed with but little discussion.
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    • 124 10 i From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 8. The Chief Secretary, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., presided at a meeting of the Federal Council held to-day. The chief business was consideration of the Tamil Immigration Fund Enactment. A certificate of urgency was produced and the bill, which
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    • 125 10 tbitoM Our Own Correspondent.) Tvuala Lumpur, May 9. A remarkable story of the gang robbery which took place at Gcmas on March 5 last was related at the Sercmban Assizes before the Judicial Commissioner, Mr. Sercombe Smith, yesterday. Twenty-one Chinese are charged. '1 he evidence of Malay
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    • 223 10 Singapore Ladies* Rifle Association. Tho following are the May 8cores the Walker Trophy fired for on Mav 4 Balestier: J aT Mrs. Fisher 29 Mrs. Goldie 27 Miss Kerr 26 Mrs. Ager 26 Mrs. Parsons 25 Miss Klimmct 23 Total 156 The following are the results in the
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    • 198 10 home Results. The following were English football results on April 30: English League, First Division.—Bury 1, Sheffield United 1; Notts County 0, Wool wioh Arsenal 2; Bristol City 0, Kverton 1; Sheffield Wednesday 2, Oldham Athletic 0: Newcastle United 3, Manchester City 3; Middlesbrough 2, Blackburn Rovers 3; Preston
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    • 140 10 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The S.L.G.C. men’s medal for April was won by Mr. Melville. The following cards were returned: T. A. Melville .‘17 -f 50 14 73 A. Crcery 42 45 7 80 C. A. Leggatt 47 42 8 81 F. M. Buddcley 43 52 14 81 K.
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  • 1710 11 London, May 8. Teheran telegrams say the Mojliss has passed the bank loan bill, for which argency was refused a few days ago, after a prolonged and vehement discussion. It is understood that negotiations are in progress between Russia and Persia for the construction of a railway from
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  • 1142 11 Berlin, May 8. The Kaiser has arrived in Germany. He departa for England on the 14th inst., and on the 16th will be present at the unveiling of the monument to Queen Victoria, and atudinner at Buckingham Palace, where the leaders of London Society will be present. On
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  • 136 11 The funeral has taken place at ISataviaof f Mac( lowii n, the unfortiniatc jockey, whose mount, I’ommery, was brought down with him while in the thick of the field during the First Trillin I luce at the last Hatavia meetini4 f*n the ‘2oth ult. Kverything possihlo
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 252 12 May 1 Pangan, Siam, str., Gabr. Copenhagen, E. Asiatic Coy Atsuta Maru, Jap. str., Thompson, London, P. Simons Dilwara, Brit, str., Hodgson, Calcutta, Boustead Hong Wan I, Brit, str., Hainswortb, Swatow, Wee Bio Senogambia, Ger. str Eckhorn, Yokohama, Behn Meyer 4 Berarty, Brit. str.. Saschet, London, P. Simona A.
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    • 239 12 May 5 Kkaterinoslav, Rue. str., Vladivostok De Klerk, Dut, str., Muntok Banka ports Japan, Brit, str., Penang A Calcutta IQoiloa, Brit str., Calcutta Hong Wan I, Brit, str., Penang Titan, Brit, sti., Pacific, via ports Atsuta Maru, Jap. str, Hongkong Japan Darius, Brit, str., Sourabaya Melbourne A Sydney Pangan,
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  • 565 12 The following passengers are booked homeward: P. A O. Per Sioilia, sailing May 28. -Mr* Floury, Mr. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cope and infant, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Wolferstan, Miss Daly, Mrs. Thompson Robinson. Mr. Mager, Mr. van Someren, Mrs. Huiley, Miss Taylor,
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  • 223 12 At first glance, wrote the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, on April 7, tliero does not seem to be much connection between the Chinaman'H queue and the Manchester trade, but 1 was informed to-day by a representative of a Manchester firm who has just
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  • 245 12 Hingaporm, May 10, 1911. EXCHANGE. On London—Bank 4 m/s 2 /4* Demand 2 /4^ Private 6 m/B 2/4 \l do 8 m/s 2,4 On Gikmany—Bank d/d 238* Private 8 m/s 242* On Franc*—Bank d/d 294* Private 8 m/s 299 On India—Bank T. T. 174* Private 80 d/s
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  • 943 12 SiKQAPoaa, May 10, 1911. MINING. Issue IS Valuej! Bayers Sellers 10 10 Belat Tin 5.75 6,00 10 10 Bruang 4.00 5 00 10 10 Bruseh Hyd. 5.00 6 00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.05 120 £1 £1 KintaTin 17.00 18.00 £1 £1 Kledang Tin 1.60 2 00 10
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 308 13 1 IS* *•>' MLI AOINTS FOR •"-•<3 «S' y- i 3RSS KgfpSsSgaE**; WMSwk.'v. ’i>Ta£fcsiW»j GAS ENGINE AND SUCTION GAS PLANT. (SUITABLE FOB ANTHRACITE, COKE, CHARCOAL AND OTHER FUELS). HOW III USE ON NUMER0U8 E8TATE8. ■v wt''. ''vTi V' V. A: JW* B*fi 8UGCE88. 'i tT* I ->V*. M 1 I
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 263 14 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders, ESTATE TOOLS. STORES AND REQUISITES. Siooktt. Prompt Delivery. proprietors or the -pat** tapping knife BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL* SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses. Coolie Lines, etc., etc. LARGE STOCKS HELD of Pumps, Piping, Barbed Wire, Tanks.
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