The Straits Budget, 4 May 1911

Total Pages: 22
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2777 Singapore, Thursday, May 4,1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CIHTJST Price 25 Cents.
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  • 230 1 LEADERS— Ships Tliat Sink 10 The Rajah Revokes 10 Doctors Differ 10-11 Government Monopolies 11 Singai>ore Sewer Problems 11 Chinese Restlessness ...11-12 Local and Gkkeral— Local and Personal 1 The Government Monopolies 2 The Motor Car Mishap 2 Chinese Revolutionists 2 Japanese Royalties Arrive 2 The Edward
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  • 1622 1 The intended consecration of the Tamil Church at Neboug Tehal did not take place. At the last moment, states the Taiping paper, it was discovered that some difficulty existed affecting the title to the church site, and the Bishop of Singapore felt himself compelled to postpone consecration
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  • 554 3 Following are the entries for the Spring meeting this month FI88T DAY. Tuesday May 9. 1. Thk Opening Stakes. Bolster, Darby Dale, Tom Lees, Prince Plausible, Chanticleer, Marano, Para King, Brani, Spont, Cantos, Bowliill, Honeyliear. 2. Thk Lawn Stakks. Billet Doux,
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  • 347 3 We hear on good authority says the Malay Mail, that Government has acceded to the request of the committee of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce that an Advisory Board be constituted for Port Swettcnham. This news will lx) received
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  • 136 3 The Superintendent of the Census forwards j the following statement of the imputation of the Colony, subject to final corrections:— Census Census 1901 1911. Singapore Municipality 195,948 259,578 Country 23,047 48,700 Christmas Island 704 1,369 Cocos Island 645 74H
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  • 82 3 The French Government, states a London telegram of the 13th inst., has prepared a scheme for linking up by wireless telegraphy its colonial possessions, including Algeria. West Africa, equatorial Africa, the Somali coast and Madagascar. There will be a central station at Saigon communicating with Pondicherry, Singapore,
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  • 275 3 One of the most determined murders perpetrated in Singapore for many years occurred ou April 27, in River Valley Hoad, when a Javanese was stabbed to death and a friend, who proved to be a police constable in
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  • 206 3 We are indebted to an expert in such matters for the material of a reply to Nautical Enquirer" whoso letter appmrod on April 29. The expert tells us that investigations held into shipping casualties ;ii British possessions abroad are not conducted under section 188 of the Merchant
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  • 186 3 Under the auspices of the Chinese Christian Association a meeting of Straits Chinese was hold on April 28 to consider a motion that “a Municipal Cemetery for the Chinese community be forthwith provided.” In moving the motion, Mr. Scow Poh Long claimed that the present burial-grounds
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  • 128 3 In connection with the vote of $50,000 for expenditure in the three Settlements of the Colony for the festivities in celebration of the coming coronation, it is of interest to note that on the occasion of the crowning of the late King, in August, 1902, the Government
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  • 402 3 On the afternoon, of April 2'.l il« new build* ing for the Chinese Presbyterian ('htirch wan dedicated at Paya Lobar. There wan a largo attendance of Chinese, fully two hundred, of whom about one half were women and children. A
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  • 219 3 There was a gratifyiuj» outturn of residents of Kuala Lumpur, including the Chief Secretary to Government, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., and the acting British Resident, Mr..). Anthonis/, at the railway, station on April 27 to witness the departure of Major Hubhack and tho members of the F.M.S.
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  • 187 3 The following appointments were notified in the F.M.S. Gazette: lI.K. K. L. Brock--1 man, c.m.u., to administer the Government iof S. S. and to l>o High Commissioner for F.M.S. during the absence of Sir John Anderson, G.C.M.G.; Mr. W. If. H. Chanpel and Mr. E. B. Skinner to
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  • 575 6 A great deal of anxiety has l»eon created in tlio Colony by tin- iu:wh that tin- Pucific Mail Steamship Company's steamer, the Asia, has gone ashore on Finger Hock, hoiiio 1(M) miles Hontli of Shanghai, says tlu:
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  • 165 6 The late Mr. Francis Barnitt, of Worcester, who has left a fortune of £llB,OOO, was not only a member of the famous firm of Worcester Sauce makers— Messrs. Lea anil l’errins but was also a director of the Worcester Porcelain Company. Partners in the sauce firm
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  • 104 6 Thirty-two cases have been fixed for hearing in the Supreme Court, this month, and include the interpleader issue in re the British I lorn is> Para Rubber Company v. •1. Reyzoux Ktdir anil another and Carl Held, claimant, Chicw Why Koh and Tan Chee Chuun v. the
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    • 88 6 S.L.R.A. Monthly Spoon. The members of the Singapore Ladies Kifle Association competed for the monthly H|>ooi), on April 27 when the following scores were returned H'cap Total Mrs. Parsons 56 plus .8 63.2 Mrs. Millar 47 .8 61.4 Miss Klimmot 40 .8 61.2 Mrs. Tyler 41 .8 60.2
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    • 151 6 Rest v. Telegraphs. Some good play was witnessed on the Esplanade, on April 29, when the Telegraphs met the Rest of the Club and won by six wickets. The scores were Rest of Club. A. Xchuder c—b Gray 4, H. W. Beven c Wishart b Gray 6, Capt. Rooke
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    • 97 6 Garrison Football League. The results in the'Garrison football league up to April 30, were as uuder:— T S s 1 .8 1 if Cn J Q Cm 78th Co. R.G.A. 5 2 0 3 7 I) Buffs 5 3 2 0 6 41st R. E. 5 2 12 6
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  • 197 6 A correspondent of the Overseas Daily Mail rts'-alls an accident at Hongkong in the following letter :—I notice that a contingent of ten officers and non-commissioned officers of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps will attend the Coronation celebrations in June. It may interest your readers
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  • 131 6 After fighting against Red Indians and on board the Kearsage when it destroyed the Alabama, working in a powder factory, sailing round the world, and surviving the San Francisco earthquake, James Winslow received his first injury in Omaha the other day by slipping on a banana peel.
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 117 6 (From Our Own Corrispondent). Penang, April 20. The death has occurred of Mr. Koh Seaug Tat, J. P„ of Edinburgh House, at the age of 80 years. He was a member of one of the oldest Chinese families of Penang, where he was born and educated. He
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    • 42 6 (Fkom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 2. Owing to greater activity in immigration, the British India Company is sending an extra steamer, the Fultala, with estate coolies from Negapatam, which is due here on Friday. She returns direct.
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    • 50 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 2. The Tongkah Tin Co.’s output in April was 1,546 piculs, making 4,295 piculs for four months against 6,646 piculs in 1910. and 1,698 piculs in 1909. The April output has only been exceeded twice, viz., in August ami October, 1910.
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    • 144 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 2. In a sjieeial article on tin, the Pinang Gazette says that the April consumption was as follows: —Cnited Kingdom 1,100 tons. Continent 2,000, America 8,100, a total of 6,200 tons. The visible supply on May 1 was 14,440 tons. The
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    • 93 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 27. A provisional programme of the coronation celebrations here includes the following functions: Thursday, .June 22: Parade, church services, adoption of an address to His Majesty and despatch of a telegram to London, children’s fete, daylight fireworks, a
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    • 39 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 27. There will lie a meeting of the Federal Council here on May 8, when the chief business to come under discussion will be the Tamil Immigrants Fund Enactment.
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    • 27 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 2. At the annual meeting of the Federal Dispensary, a dividend of 15 per cent, was declared.
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    • 65 6 (From ()i:k Own Correspondent.) Shanghai, April 28. The* latest news concerning the Pacific mail Hteumship Asia, which was totally n rocked at Finger Pock, in the Taichow Islands, (hiring a dense fog on Sunday morning last, is that she has boon looted by Chinese. J
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  • 587 6 Although Hongkong telegrams state that the recent rioting at Canton has developed somewhat seriously, the trouble is probably no more than one of those spasmodic attempts to overthrow the present dynasty which have characterised bmvadoes of the Kwang
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  • 222 6 A very destructive fire occurred in the Nauklai quarter yesterday, writes a Mergin correspondent of the Rangoon Gazette on April 10. Thousands of people are left homeless and destitute, deprived of almost every thing they possessed. About three to foui hundred houses were entirely burnt and
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  • 635 9 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co. write from 60, Old Broad Street, E. C., on April 6: Gold. —About £700,000 arrived in l>ar gold. Of this, XT79,000 was reserved for India, and the remainder, with the exception of that required for
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  • 208 9 The Commanding Officer of the Malay states Guides, in his annual report for 1910, says the regiment lias kept fairly well up to strength throughout the year. On December 'll, there wero three buglers over-strength, two privates under-strength and three Ihitish officers under-strength. Tho discipline of
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  • 1448 9 The following article is taken from the Glasgow Herald whore it appeared over the pseudonym Audrey de Haven There is no more delightful time to be active in the East than between the hours of 5 and 8 a.m. It is then, with the dew of sloep still laving
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  • 375 9 At a meeting of the Legislative Council on April 20, the Hon. E. A. Hcwett asked the following question standing in his name: With regard to the installation and operation of a station for wireless telegraphy in this colony, and
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  • 338 9 Public opinion in South Africa in an strong ftH it is in Singapore—both arc ugainst the shipping rings affecting their respective countries, remarks tlie Times of Ceylon. There have been froquent telegrams of late describing the enactments passed by
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  • 334 9 An outHtation correspondent of the Sara* wak Gazette sends the following account oI a mysterious boast said to bo in his district:—Coming down river in a launch the other day I was discussing shooting with a Milano chief,
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  • 118 9 Government plans for the reception of tho King and Queen at Hornhay provide for erecting a temporary building of handsome design on tho A|xillo Runder where tho presentations will is; made. Their Majesties will proceed to a kiosk facing the amphitheatre capable of accommodating .'l,OOO
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  • 17 10 Day. —Op April 17, at Boxhillon-Sea, the Wife of R. 11. I*’. Day, of a daughter.
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  • 38 10 Doit kit v Kknnkdy. At St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singa|>ore, on April 25, hy the Itov. Archdeacon Izard, George Oscar Dorrity, ol Kota Halim, Kelantan, to Evelyn linjic Kennedy, widow of the late Alexander George Kennedy of London.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 974 10 large Hcale for the purpose of invasion.— Straits Times, April 27. Germany's new plan for a submarine that is to carry at least one quick-firing gun is takeu as a suggestion of the coming time when warships will In; Guilt on the submarine principle. They will not
      large Hcale for the purpose of invasion.— Straits Times, April 27.  -  974 words
    • 1043 10 rule outflit to be restored.—Straits Tiuiea April 28. Wo have had occasion once or twice to refer to the manner in which the interests of the people in Sarawak have been sacrificed lately. Why the Rajah gave a group of American speculators a monopoly of all the
      rule outflit to be restored.—Straits Tiuiea April 28.  -  1,043 words
    • 1132 10 ont suspecting that he shares them.—Straits Times, April 29. Our knowledge of sanitary engineering some what superficial, and probably there are local wits who will say that there is ne occasion to apologise, as in this respect it does not differ from our knowledge on other matters. What
      ont suspecting that he shares them.—Straits Times, April 29.  -  1,132 words
    • 1042 11 —Straits Times, May 1. When it was proposed to abolish the Opium Farm system and substitute a Government Department to work the monopoly, we expressed certain misgivings about the result. It is but right, therefore, that we should take the opportunity presented by publication of the first annual
      —Straits Times, May 1.  -  1,042 words
    • 1046 11 —StraitH TimoH, May 2. o publish to-day a letter from ono who is by no means ill qualified to express technical views on the subject which occupied the attention of the Singapore Municipal Board last Friday. The pith of that letter is a suggestion that, before granting
      .—StraitH TimoH, May 2.  -  1,046 words
    • 1114 11 fort! she realizes her full |>otentittlity Straits Times, May H. It in possible that we are wrong, but we do not belicvo that the rising at Canton is much more than a mere paltry local squabble, of which we shall hoar nothing more after a few days have
      fort! she realizes her full |>otentittlity ?— Straits Times, May H.  -  1,114 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 91 10 Tb« Port fr«« ;>ric«of the Strain Times U $3B ft year. The po»t free price of the Straili Budget it fl 4 year It it not necettery to tubtcribe for t year. The tubacription* for shorter period* are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year. The Straits Budget
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  • 362 12 The third Assizes of the year were opened at flic Supreme Court, on May 2, before Mr. Justice Fisher. Yeo Chian Chin was indicted with having unlawfully returned from banishment. He admitted the offence, but said his intention was
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  • 142 12 Mr. H. C. Robinson's 1910 report upon the F.M.B. Museums states:—Considerable progress has been made with the preparation of the three volumes on the vertebrate fauna of the Malay Peninsula. That on tho reptiles and amphibia by Mr. G. A. Boulenger is well advanced and
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  • 14 12 Correspondence The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. 1
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  • 120 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —We notice that at the meeting of the Legislative Council held on Saturday last, when discussing the Liquors Ordinauoe Amendment Hill, the statement was made by the acting Colonial Secretary (on the subject of duty on clarets) that
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  • 509 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The “Poll” game is getting verv common nowadays and is played by nearly all classes of jieople. “Poll” is a Chinese game consisting of a square brass case with a red and white dice inside the case. There
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  • 34 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Why was Johnston’s Pier painted just before a largo ixirtion of it was to be pulled down Oh for that business Government! Yours, etc., Bottomlky.
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  • 642 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. From time to time one hears arguments amongst members of the seagoing community here, as to the qualifications required to make men holding Master manner’s certificates eligible to sit on Board of 1 rade enquiries in this iwrt. I have
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  • 302 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —As an interested spectator, who for somo years past has watched the question of Singapore's sewerage when from time to time it has come before the public, I was astonished to read in your report of Friday’s meeting of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 94 12 Property Sales. The following Singapore proportion wore disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.'s saleroom on May 2Leasehold land for 999 years, area 5,521 square foot annual quit rent 94.60, together with the dwelling house .U Sungei I toad and the brick and tile roof cattle shod known
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  • 1925 13 Reuter's Telegrams London, April 26. Berlin telegrams say the Pan-German Rlioinisjhe W estfaelischo Zeitung says if France seriously resists the German demand for partition of Morocco she must bear the responsibility of war. To prevent wounding the susceptibilities of Amorioans, especially in view of the present good relations, the Canadian
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  • 752 13 Berlin, April 26. There is no alarming news from Morocco. Tlic first French column will arrive at Fez at the earliest on May 8. General Moinior’s proclamation to the Moroccan people points out that the advance of troops me ans no occupation of territory but only protection of
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  • 240 13 On April 1, the White Star liner Olympia was successfully docked at Belfast, when the new paving dock was formally opened, Thousands of people witnessed the interesting event. The spectators included Lord and Lady Pirrio, Lord Justice Cherry, and Mr. Justfco Boyd. The mammoth liner crossed the
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 276 14 April tl Slang Oboon, Brit, sir., Larkins, Amoy, Talk L*e Goan Olwm* Bril. Btr. White, Pladjoe, Asiatic Petroleum Kin»nok, Brit, str., Baetens, Shanghai, W. tlanstt* H Creaoent. HM. rru. sir., Stroatfield, Hong kon*. 8. N Officer Nile, B it. Mir, D tide. London, P. AO. Coy FrrinM*, Gir. str.,
      276 words
    • 237 14 April SI Borneo, Bril, str., Antwerp via porta Bt. Patrick, Brit, str., New York Clara Jphs' n, Ger. str., P. Laut Hilioti- Dut. str., Pladjoe I foment us, Brit, sir., Antwerp via porta tCioisirjf, Ger. str„ Bangkok Lama, Brit, str., P. Swettenham A Penang 17 Daisbnrg, Ger. str,, Hamburg
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  • 691 14 The following passengers are bookod homeward I*. A O. Per Assaye, connecting at Colombo with Moroa, sailing May 6. —Mr. H. P. Clodd, Mr. M. Duncan, Mr. A. E. Stivon, Mr. T. K. Caldecott, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Moore, Miss Moore, Mr. FI. A. Watson, Mr. Cochrano,
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  • 100 14 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that during the week ending April 22* there- wore 805 deaths, giving a ratio per mille of population of 54.41. Malarial fever accounted for 56 deaths, phthisis 45, convulsions 81, heri-ben ‘22, bronchitis
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  • 249 14 SiNOAPoan, May 8, 1911. EXCHANGE. On London —Bank 4 m/s 2/4& Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4 4 J do 8 m/s 2/4| On Oibmany—Bank d/d 2884 Private 8 m/s 2424 On Fhanci—Bank d/d 2944 Private 8 m/s 299 On India—Bank T. T. 1744 Private 80 d/s
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  • 965 14 SwoAPoaa, May 8, 1911. MINING. IssueS ValuenJ Bayers Sellers 10 10 Belat Tin 5.70 6,00 10 10 Brnang 5.00 6 50 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 6.00 6 00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.06 127 £1 £1 KintaTin 17.00 18.00 £1 £1 Kiedang Tin 1.60 2 00 10 10
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 576 15 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders E8TATE T00L8. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. bookfli* Prompt Delivery* PROPRIETORS OF THE PAT" TAPPING KNIFE. BKRTRAM'M Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. V. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Efttitxmtoa and dr signs free. LARGE STOCKS HELD
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1335 1 A number of shares in which local investors are interested are not quoted in local share lists, and there are occasionally wido margins between quotations here and in London We qnote below the best available
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    • 116 2 London and Simoai'Oßß Rubbkk I*uicich 1 GBNKBAL New Rubber Issues New Serondah Rubber Co. t (Lubber IteniH I.a hour Difficulties at Margui 4 Sarawak Affairs 1 Ad Option Dispute F.M.S. Rubber Kx]K>rt l>uty Sendayan (F.M.S.) Kubbbor Co. 4 The Rubber Industry •"> Malacca Rubber Auction *> Labour for Malaya
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    • 110 2 (From Ouk Cokuksi' Colombo, April 2H. Tho announcement of the final dividend of Linggi Plantations is expected daily. It is possible that it may amount to 125 per cent. A subsidiary Linggi company will shortly be placed on the market. Shareholders will have
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    • 171 2 (FitOM Oon Own Cokkksi'ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 26. The Planters' Stores and Agency have received a telegram from London giving the following prices of rubber Sheet and Biscuit Is. lid. Fine Crepe* ss. Id. Best Scrap 4s. 9d. Hark Scrap 3s. lOd. Scrap Untreated 3s. 9d. Kainbong
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    • 1993 2 The second annual ordinary general meeting of the shareholders ox tho Serdang Central Plantations, Limited, was held on April 5. at tho offices of the company, 50,, Kastchcap. London, E.C., Mr. W. I*, de n. Maclurcu (chairman of
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    • 731 2 The following notices of new flotations are taken from The Times Tho Singapore Fuitcd Rubber Plantations (Limited) has a capital of .£225,000, divided into 2,250,000 shares of 2s. each. The present issue consists of 490,000 shares at par. Of the remaining
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    • 2199 3 The third ordinary general meeting e>f the; I Glenshiel Rubber Kstutes Company, Limited, j was held oil April at Winchester House. 1 Old Broad street, E.C., Mr. K. L. Hamilton (tin; chairman) presiding. The secretary (Mr. Percy E. L.
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    • 942 3 Dr. F. A. O. Travers, as chairman, signs the following rejiort ou tho New Scrcudah Co., to Ik* presented at the first annual general meeting at Kuala Lumpur on May 5: Out of the balance of profit and loss account,
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    • 33 3 (Fiiom A Corrkhpondrnt.) Colombo, April 20. London cables that tho Consolidated Malay Rubber Co. in paying a final dividend of r >o per cent., making 100 por cent, for tho year.
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    • 291 3 Mr. William K. Vaz, eldest hod of Captain I*. Vaz, Iiuh arrived in Ipoli from Sitiuwan to take charge of the Dursum Bortam Gojx'ng Itoail. Many small rubber estates round and alxnit tin* Kuala Kangsar Kailway station are to lie formed into a big estate of uearly 350
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    • 1360 4 Thu fifth ordinary annual general mooting til the shareholders of the Damansara (Selangor) Kuhber Company, Limit**], was held at tlie Jsmdon Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, K.C., on April 5, Mr. W. P. Metcalf*; (chairman of tin;
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    • 183 4 Says tho Mergui correspondent of a Rangoon paper :—Several newly acquired can cessions about these parts for rubber cultivation are being felled and cleared for planting during the coming W'et weather, aud the Indian and Burmese coolies are in great demand even at enhanced rates of
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    • 174 4 The annual general meeting of the Changkat Scrdang Estates, Limited, was called for noon on April 28, when tho directors’ report aud accounts for the year ended January 81, were to be submitted. Mr. C. Emerson, the chairman, who was to have presided, was detained iu Malacca.
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    • 865 4 T1k« price to hr paid by the Malavsian Manufacturing Co., of Goebilt, Sarawak, for the Jelutoug offered to them by collectors in tlieir Sarawak concession was tlie subject 1 of a notification published in the Sarawak
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    • 650 4 lu tlic Supreme Court, on April 27, Mr Justice Fisher continued the hearing of the action brought by Mr. F. Drage against Messrs. Mauleffiuch, Orton and Company to recover the sum of $8,838 w hich ho alleged
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    • 60 4 The prices for the period from April 28 to May 11, inclusive, of cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable iu the F.M.S on an ad valorem basis are as under: per picul. Sheet and biscuit $250 Fine crepe 260 Best scrap in crepe form
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    • 73 4 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. advise us that they are in receipt of a cable from the Score taries of the Sendayan F.M.S. Rubber Co., Ltd., informing them that the directors have decided to make a call of 2s. per share, which will make the shares fully
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    • 1419 5 >Ir. W. M. Sime presided at the soexmd ordinary general meeting of Pajam, Limited, held at noon, on May 1, at Gresham House. Formal business having been transacted, The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts,
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    • 760 5 Directors Invited to Forego Their Fees. In the afternoon, the second ordinary meeting of shareholders in Pantai, Ltd., was held at Gresham House, Mr. W. M. Sime again presiding. The notice calling the meeting and tho minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed, The Chairman
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    • 448 5 Messrs Barlow Give Reasons For Their Action Messrs. Barlow and Co. inform us that they have addressed the following letter to Messrs. Derrick and Co., Secretaries, Pajam Limited, in reference to certain statements made at the meeting of that company: Pajam Limitkd. Dear Sirs,— At the annual
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    • 406 5 From the London and China Express of April 7, we take the following:— The market for Para ha* been irregular, with little business passing, and prices are lowor. Hard Fine on the spot and April-May delivery i* quoted 6h. value
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    • 298 5 The fourth annual report of the Sungei Choh Rubber Kstato Company, Limited, stated that the crop of rubber hocu red during 1910 amounted to 68,*****)8. Of thin quantity 46,782 lb». were obtaineil from the 142 acres originally planted in 1008-5, the yield from this area thus averaging 828
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    • 1516 6 Tho directors of the Selangor ihihbcr Company re|x»rt for the year to December 81 last that during the year 80 acres south and 100 tecros north of the railway were planted with rubber. The growth all
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    • 20 6 (From Our Own Courksi*ondknt.) Colombo, April 29. The Merton Pubhcr Estate announces a dividend of ten per cent.
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    • 25 6 (From Our Own Oorrkscondknt). Colombo, May 2. I’lu Hantau pays a further dividend of 5 per cent., making 25 per cent, in all.
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    • 78 6 (From Our Own Corrksi*ondknt.) Colombo, May 2. Further details are to hand from London of the Linggi subsidiary company. It is named the Port Dickson Lukert Rubber Estates and will have a capital of two million Morins with a present issue of 700,000 Morins, 500,000 Morins being
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    • 37 6 The following prices woro realized on the sale ot rubber at the Malacca auction mart on Saturday:— Firm shoot $268 per picul. Park erc|)e IHI String scrap 150 The bidding was. as usual, keen.
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    • 378 6 (Kicom On it Special Cokkksponmsnt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 00. The; annual nlooting of the Planters Association of Malaya took place at the Masonic Hall to day, when Mr. Skinner was voted to the chair in place of
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    • 951 6 Mr. L. H. Clayton. Superintendent of Immigrants, supplies us with a report of a meeting of the Immigration Committee held at the Government Offices, Penang, on April 24, when there were present: the Superintendent of Indian Immigrants (chairman), the Principal
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    • 40 6 (Fi:om On: Own* Cokrkspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 26. An I poll telegram says that the local paper is authoritatively informed that the Dutch authorities are about to recommence granting permits to recruit. Javanese coolies for Aialaya.
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    • 141 6 Malacca I lubber Plantations.—7o,ooolb. Sungci Huaya (Sumatra) Rubber o. 2.01.> lb. Total for first ton months of financial year 9,875 lb. Singapore Para I lubber Estate. —6,1001 b. Allagar Rubber Estates. 8,880 lb. Alor Ga jah Estate.—49o lb. Ayer Panas Estate.—2,ol6 lb. Pantai Estate.—Bl6 lb. See Kee
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