The Straits Budget, 16 February 1911

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXV NO. 2766 Singapore, Thursday, February, 16, 1911. ESTABLISHED OVU NAIF A CENTUM Price 25 cents.
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  • 239 1 LEADERS— What arc Profits? 10 Was Indragiri Sold 10 Payment of Members ...10*11 The Ethics of Noise 11 Invasion Impossible 11 Panama Fortifications 11-1*2 Local and General— Local and Personal 1 Legislative Council 2 Rattles Museum and Library 2 Girls’ Friendly Society 2 Agri-Horticultural Show 2 Tragedy
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  • 1683 1 Sir Hubert Laidlaw sailed hence for Egypt on February 14, in the 1*. and O. Nubia, ho lie will not be present at the opening of the new Y.M.C.A buildings, lie was not able to visit, in the interests of the London Missionary Society, Peking, Hankow and
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  • 1160 3 Tho members of the Amateur Drawing Association held a dinner in the Adelphi Hotel in honour of the society’s first anniversary, on February 11. The company was a Homewhat cosmopolitan one, presided over by Bishop Oldham, and it included the American Consul
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  • 268 3 Chinese New Year celebrations are generally attended with tires of a more or less serious character and, at one time, incendiarism was pretty rife in the Colony. Energetic efforts on the part of the brigade and the police soon put
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  • 166 3 The Follies, who concluded their season in Singapore on February 10, leave the Colony with the knowledge that their visit has been a boon and a blessing to men,” as the wellknown advertisement runs. Their last performance had less of the boisterous humour of some of their
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  • 117 3 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during the week ending February 4, there were 219 deaths, giving a ratio per mille of population of 89.07. Malarial fever accounted for 45 deaths, phthisis 20, convulsions 10, beri-beri 24, bronchitis
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  • 505 3 Singft|)ore did not evince over-much anxiety to be present at the Musical Kennedy s’ opening i»erformanccon February 18. Theaudience was not half as big as the excellence of the show would warrant, but of those who were present it can safely
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  • 245 3 The members of the Moslem Association have given a dinner in honour of Mr. A. M. S. Angullia who was recently nominated by H. E. the Governor as the first Mohamcdan Municipal Commissioner. The rooms were tastefully decorated in accordance with European style and the following gentlemen were
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  • 23 3 The output of tin ore from the mines of the Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd., for January, is 647.04 piculs.
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  • 258 3 In thoir weokly share circular, Messrs. Frasor and Co. Htato :—At tlio clone of a very steady week we have but slight alterations to make in the prices of shares, with the exception of local Industrials, some of which have advanced
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  • 165 3 There hcciim little doubt that the Straits Settlements will be represented by officers and men of the Singapore and I'enang Volunteer CorpH at the Coronation celebrations in London in June. The final selection has not so far been made, though preference will be given to those at
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  • 281 3 The first Hitting of the nineteenth session of the Malaysia Annual Conference of tlio MetliodiHt Episcopal Church was held on February 11, bishop W. F. Oldham presiding. After a brief aervice, the bishop gave one of his characteristic addresses, full of cheer and good counsel, and then
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  • 71 3 A European named Henry Liddicoat, employed in the Government Monopolies Department, was arrested on February H,at the instance of Mr. F. M. baddeley, on threo separate charges of theft. The offences are alleged to have been committed in licenced opium shops on February 10 and 11, and Liddicoat
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  • 13 4 [Tin* Straits Times in not responsible for the opinions of itH corres|x>ndents.]
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  • 1410 4 To the: Keliteir of the: StraitH Timem. Rir,--Afte;r suffering, with tho re:st of tho ooiiiiuunity, tho noisy disexnuforts of tho opening elays of tho Chiuoao Now 1 oar, I w»ih awakened at mieluight on Monday hy deafening iioihoh of oriwkor and bombfiring in all dirootionw round my
    1,410 words
  • 276 4 To tin; Kditor of tlie Straits Times. Sir,—In your issue of the 1st inst. there appeared an article to the HTeet that the general meeting of the Singapore Catholic I'uucrul Association had l>een postjHmed to the 15th inst. and this, 1 1mto state, was occasioned owino to
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  • 543 4 To the Editor of tho StraitH Times. Sir,—Not unfrequently does ono eome across the word Kling in tho newspapers of Singapore. This term is considered by some iM'ople to be a suitable alternative for the v ord Indian," but it never strikes them that while the latter
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  • 91 4 Wo aro given to understand that Mr. Kuller, a well-known Dutch aviator, who has Mown at Houen, Bordeaux, Milan and other places, will arrive here by the Dutch mail steamer duo on the 21st iust. and will bring with him two Antoinette aeroplanes. Negotiations are now in
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  • 119 4 "bile the Dutch mail steamer Honing \\illem III, which arrived from Europe at the same time as the 1*. and outward mail <»n February II, was leaving Tanjong ag.u wharf in the afternoon for Batavia, she '•an on a shoal near the middle channel and remained fast
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    • 482 4 Singapore Qolf Club. On Saturday, the 11th inst.. plav in the iwstixmed gold medal competition, 1910, will take place, and on the same day and the Sunday following the February monthly mesial will be played for. The following are the draws for the Club championship and handicap sweepstake, respectively.
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    • 273 4 S. C. C. Tournament. 1 he Telegraph representatives and those °I the merchants finished their match in the S. C. C. tournament on the Esplanade, on February 11, the former securing ail easy win over the latter. The scores were Mkkcuams.— H. W. Noon h. McKay 5, B. Tj.
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  • 482 5 (From a Corrp.srondknt.) Batavia, February 11. The Gazette of the Netherlands India G overniuent contains the following official st atement: The Sultan of lthio, though rejxjatedly warned by the Government, has refused to fulfil his obligations and
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  • 827 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I shall feel much obliged if you could spare space in your valuable paper for the following account of the circumstances attending my receut deposition, in reply to the official announcement
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  • 312 5 In its Metal Trade Review of January 14, the Globe says, under the head of tin.—Last week closed at AT79 os. cash, X‘179 os. three months. This week closed at £188 10s. cash, £188 Pis. 6d. three months. The quantity that
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  • 63 5 (From Our Own Gorrrspondrnt.) Penang, February 8. Mr. Justice Thornton has granted a habeas corpus order on the Governor of Singapore gaol calling upon him to show cause why Syed Mohamod bin Mocin, who is at present detained on a warrant for extradition at Netherlands
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  • 42 5 (From Our Own Corrkspondk.nt.) Penang, February 8. The Court of Ap{>eal has reserved judgment in the tin cases, iu which Messrs. Strauss and Co., London, and Messrs. Behr and Co., Penang, were plaintiffs, and a number of Chinese merchants defendants.
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  • 120 5 (From Our Own Corrkspondk.nt.) Penang, February 11. In the Cow’an case, the Court of Appeal has decided, by a majority of two to one, that no appeal lies against the magistrates' order of committal. The three judges are now deliberating on the question whether there is a
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  • 560 5 There is a very interesting appreciation of Scotsmen by a Chinaman in the World's Chinese Students’ Journal. It gives the Impressions of Aberdeen of Siow Thye Lee, who was a student at Aberdeen University. Aberdeen, like Oxford or Cambridge,
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  • 544 5 In his recent book on tho Prevention of Malaria, Major llouuld Kohm makoH a computation of the economic loss which is caused by malarial fever in the inland of Mauritius, which in a faint indication of the enormous damage
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  • 124 5 In a letter written to a friend just before tlio Terra Nova quitted Lyttelton for the Antarctic regions, Captain Scott, the commander of the new expedition which it is hoped will reach the South Pole, said: —1 am glad at such a time as this to bo
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  • 125 5 At the first general meeting of the Ulu Johan Mining Syndicate, Ltd., held in Ipohon Monday last, the manager, Mr. Deseraques, stated that the preliminary operations of opening up the mine commenced soon after the incorporation of the syndicate. Arrangements have been made to secure a
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  • 22 10 Hithskli,.— At Argyll,” Kampong Bahru Hoad, Singapore, on February H, to Mr. and Mnt. J. Mr.A. Bussell, a hou. Both well.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1044 10 the profit account. —Straits Timcis, February 9. Wo hooiii to hear a good many of our readers saying What an alisurd question when they read tlie line above this article. I'rofits, of oourne, are understood by everybody, and are just the oppoaito of Iohhch. Nevertheless the rjueMtion
      the profit account.—Straits Timcis, February 9.  -  1,044 words
    • 1031 10 Straits Times, February 10. It is necessary to restrain a natural feeling of indignation in dealing with tho disclosures about Indragiri estate. It does not seem |M)Hsible to doubt that the (icrson Burchardt, who was vendor and subsequent manager of the property, was an extraordinary obstinate fool,
      Straits Times, February 10.  -  1,031 words
    • 1156 10 StraifcH Times, February 11. It appears to be quite probable that before the end of the present year the payment of State salaries to members of Parliament will be incorporated in the British political system. We regret the fact on sentimental rather than on practical grounds. It
      StraifcH Times, February 11.  -  1,156 words
    • 1062 11 and mutual consideration.—Straits Times, February 18. We have given a good doal of freedom tately to correspondents who very bitterly protest against the cracker firing which is one of the features of the Chinese New Year celebrations. There is some cause of complaint, no doubt, but
      and mutual consideration.—Straits Times, February 18.  -  1,062 words
    • 1134 11 Sir Arthur Wilson ignores. Straits Times, February 14. We have just been reading Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson’s reply to certain questions addressed to him by Mr. Haldane, the Minister for War. Sir Arthur is First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, and represents the consensus of opinion of his
      Sir Arthur Wilson ignores. Straits Times, February 14.  -  1,134 words
    • 1112 11 of |Milicy are to Is* expected. —Straits Times, February If*. It does not matter very much to us out here whether the Panama Canal is fortifies! or left, like the Sue/. Canal, an open world highway. It is about the same distance from Singapore to the Canal whether
      of |Milicy are to Is* expected.—Straits Times, February If*.  -  1,112 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 89 10 Ib« Post treo price of the Strath Timri I" 7»H.r. The poet free price of the Strain HuJgtt it Si 4 It ta ot neceeaarv to euhecribe for i year. The subecriptione for shorter period* ere ai the wmt proportionate rate a* for a year. The Strain Hmigrt can he
      89 words
  • 24 10 DEATH. McNaiic -On January 1H, at Proa ton, Brighton, Madalona, widow of late J. F. A. McNair, C.M.O., Major K.A., retired; aged l-t yearn.
    24 words

  • 272 12 HOTEL PROPRIETOR SUMMONED. Counsel Declares That Local Law is A Hass.” The difficulties of a hotel manager s job were cx|Kiundcd in tin* District Court, on February la, during the hearing of a ease; against Nlr. J.Carapiet, of the Adelphi Hotel, wlio had lieen summoned to ap|>ear on a charge
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  • 242 12 A. well-attended meeting of the Anti-Opium Society was held, on Fehruayy 14, at the society's preniiseH in Middle Koa<l, Dr. S. in presiding. Bishop Oldham said tliat the strong pro-opium sentiment was not with the Chinese, but with some of the not-too- wisely-opin ion uttering* Englishmen, and
    242 words
  • 1006 12 The Colonial < Journal otTors some (l ,„ni(>ut oil tin* recent Municipal Enquiry in Singiuiore ami says tin* report ot tin l oin mission has, naturally enough. made a deep impression in the Colony, ami has a considerable interest
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  • 390 12 The annual general meeting of the Straits branch of the Hoyal Asiatic Society is called to bo held at the Baffles Library ou Wednesday next, at 5 when the following report of the council w ill be submitted
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  • 133 12 Flying the Italian fiag. the gunboat Piemonte entered port on February 13, after a trip across the Indian Ocean from Italian Somaliland and Aden. She is commanded by Captain Orturo Cavassa, and during her stay here she will probably be placed in dry-dock to have her hull
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  • 141 12 Hie question of delay in handling shipping business at Port Swettunhaiu is dealt with in a leading article by the Malay Mail which, in conclusion, remarks: We have always maintained, and our opinion is shared by many who should be in a position to judgo that
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  • 1477 13 London, February 8. The Australian billiard player, Gray, has made a record break of 1402 in a match against Diggle. The printer of the journal Liberator, whose editor has been sent to prison for libel on the King, has refused to continue printing the paper. He has informed
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  • 442 13 Borlin, February 8. The Kaiser will not visit Rome either on his journey to or from Corfu. With a military airship a trip was niado j from Gotha to Metz in twolvo hours. Everything went smoothly Berlin, February 9. The Kaiser is suffering from a slight cold. The
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  • 181 13 The Standard Oil Company of America has replied to the recent action of the Royal Dutch Shell Combine in securing a number of Glasgow-owned vessels to carry petrol from United States ports to China and Japan by chartering nearly
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  • 69 13 The First Lord of Admiralty has informed Mr. G. F. Holder, K.C., M. I’, for Chatham, that no difficulty or delay should have arisen in paying compensation to members of the ship’s company of the wrecked cruiser Bod ford for the loss of their effects, lie adds
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  • 806 13 Physiologists claim that growth from in fancy to old age is a process of gradual ossitication and that the stiffness of age is caused by the deposits of calcareous matter or earthy salts. Therefore, a diet
    806 words

  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 291 14 February 8 Delhi, Brit, sir Bradshaw, Shanghai, I’ a Yugala, BriJ. str., Jenson, Bangkok, Kant Asiatic Coy. 9 Atniral Niolly, Fol). htr., Brnouf, Haiphong, Moino Comte Slavonia, Oor. str., Peter, Hongkong, Bohn Moyer Hirario Marti, Jap. Htr. Frasers, London. Paterson Simons Argenfols, Ger. str Yolkruann, Vladivostok, Pate rson SiiuonH
      291 words
    • 231 14 February I Hild, Nor. str., Bangkok I’racliatipok, Siam, str., Bangkok via portH Ambria, (kr. str., Yokohama 9 Indramayo, Brit. Ntr., Busan Prot« silauH. Brit. str.. London and Liverpool Aruiral Niolly, Fob. str, Dunkirk via poits ISofala, Brit, str, Haugoou and Calcutta Vorwacrts, Auh htr, Japan via porta Argunfols, (kr.
      231 words
  • 547 14 III. Whitby, m mi entertaining volume. The Makers of Men. denis with the greatest and West of men. lie selects forty men whom h<‘ considers to lm* the cream of the human i«u <. and analyses their physical,
    547 words
  • 179 14 W alking is not merely moving two legs rhythmically over certain intervals of ground. It is the primal and the* only way to know the world, the deliberate entering into an inheritance, whose parts are wind and weather, sky and prospect, men and animals, and all
    179 words
  • 237 14 SlNUAPORK, FEBRUARY 15, 1611. exchange. On London- Hank 4 m/s 2 /*d Domand 2 4 w Private ft m/s do 3 m/s 2/4J3 On Grumany Bank d/d 240 Private 3 m/a 244 On Franck Baok d/d 295 Private 8 m/8 299} On India—Bank T. T. 474 Private
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  • 1036 14 Sinoaporh, Frbruary 15, 1911 MINING. l=Hue y Value ftj Buyers Sellers 10 10 Bclat Tin 5 25 5 85 10 10 Bruang 6.00 6 50 10 10 Brusch Hyd 5 GO 10 10 Kanaboi l.f.O 1 75 XI £1 Kiuta Tin 17 00 17 60 Xi XlKledangTin
    1,036 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 547 15 M. V'U, J ll/i J I J I O i Ilf* I Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders I ESTATE T00L8. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. Laptfe Stock**. Prompt Delivery PROPRIETORS OF THE “PAT” TAPPING KNIFE BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery A WARDED.1st I’RIZK AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke
      547 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 323 16 ‘i:, m &Hr i' Jut •OUI AOSMTS FOR HORNnY'l ;*> i GAS ENGINE AND SUCTION GAS PLANT. (SUITABLE FOR ANTHRACITE, COKE, CHARCOAL AND OTHER FUELS). Kr h t.v- tV A NOW IN U8E SW'rXW r > vi sa A*5“> T. ‘-i. > ■*3r y,» >-5fi3nr -i TV Oik n JM
      323 words
    • 201 16 57? ■Z'% Vi/, ’^y i 5^ >-s V-' ofc p OMi < e. 2V tr y ;V >5 /'y y .< v P.OYAL fo>- ANIMALS S00 //ia Elhmen E.F.A. Booklet UNIVERSAL for HUMAN.USr See the El Ilmen R.E.P. Booklet found enclosed with bottles of ELLIMAN'3 THE NAME IS ELLIMAN PAIN
      201 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.