The Straits Budget, 2 February 1911

Total Pages: 23
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2764 Singapore, Thursday, February, 2, 1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTOS* Price 25 cents.
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  • 200 1 LEADKHS Tlie lVclaration of London Id The Freaks of Genius 10 Further Postponed 10*11 An Outpost of Empire 11 A Wail From the West H Local \m* Gknkkal— Local and Personal 1 Legislative Council 2-4 The Harbour Works 4 Burns Niclit Pianoforte Hccital Municipal Commissioners Farewell to
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  • 1819 1 The Christmas mail from India consisted of two thousand bags. During Christmas week London dealt with 24 million letters. A normal vo'k is 14 millions, there was evid< nc' of congestion, for Indian letters which reached London at two o clock on tl o Saturday morning were
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  • 917 5 The blast o’ Januar’ wind that attends on Burns Nicht at home is wanting in Singapore unless one’s imagination is coutent with a gusty electric fan at the back of one's neck as a substitute. Still, Burns Nicht is Burns Nicht, at
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  • 278 5 In their weekly share circular, Messrs, h raser and Co., state: —A considerable improvement has taken place since last mail with higher prices, generally, in all sections of the market. Rubber shares have advanced sharply in sympathy with a rise in
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  • 213 5 Monsieur Jacques Pintel, a Russian holder of the premier prix of the Paris Conservatoire, arrived from Shanghai on January 26 on the English Mail ami left for home next morning. He came out to the East with Madame Calve’s concert party and when in Singapore a few w
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  • 186 5 The Hon. \V. C. Micliell presided at the twelfth annual meeting of the Singapore Polo Club, held in the Exchange, on January 26, others present including Major Geddes, Capt. A. Elliot Cooper, l)r. Saunicr, Dr. C. Werner and Messrs. C. Emerson, G. E. Venning Thomas, 1). Y.
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  • 379 5 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners w r as held on January 27. Mr. F. .J. Hallifax presided and thero were also present Dr. Murray Robertson, Dr. Croucher, Messrs. J. Carapiet, Tan Khoam Hock, W. Peacock, A. M. S. Augullia, and Chia
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  • 168 5 There was a very large gathering of members of the Singapore Cricket and Golf Clubs at the farewell dinner to Sir Arthur Young in tho Singapore Club on January 27. Mr. G.P. Owen took the chair, and the health of the guest was proposed by
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  • 162 5 While Mrs. Stevens of Teluk Anson was out driving on January 21 with a lady friend, the horse suddenly took fright ami bolted down the Batak Rabit Road. The reins gave way and upon turning the corner leading into the road dow n to the
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  • 96 5 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during the week ending January 21, there were 242 deaths, giving a ratio per millc of population of 4.4.1H. Malarial fever accounted for lf> deaths, phthisis 22, convulsions 2*5, beri beri It),
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  • 176 5 Two Morions oases of criminal broach of tniHfc were mentioned in the third police court on January 27, Mr. Robinson on the bench. Mr. Gaunt appeared to prosecute a Chinaman named Koh Eng Hoh, living at 70 Amoy Street, against
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  • 219 5 Among the numerous pickpockets who have I been busy of late collecting the wherewithal 1 for tin* suitable celebration of the New Year there is one who will not enjoy the fruits I of his lalniur. He was captured, it is pleasant to learn, by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 PROPERTY SALES. Old Singapore Estates Disposed of By Auction. The following Singaporeproperties belonging to the estates of Catchick Moses (deceased) and Katchkatoun Aristarkies Sarkies (deceased) were disused of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.’s sale-room on January ‘24: Dwelling house 11 l)hohy (ihuut, area 20,182 square feet, freehold, part
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  • 13 6 [Tlio Straits Times is not responsible for the opinioiiH of its correspondents.!
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  • 263 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Kir, —We have all read no doubt of the ter riblo disaster w hich occurred in one of Lan cashire's fatuous coal districts and, syni pathising as I do with the suffered, it was a real treat to think
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  • 340 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In fairness to the large audience of Chinese and other Asiatics, allow me to say that it was most regrettable that the resolutions, prepared by the Straits Settlements Assoc nit ion, were not translated into Chinese or
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  • 112 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I should he glad if you will kindly make it known through the medium of your pa|s*r that I have already started a subscription list towards the belief Fund" and have received a number of contributions. I am closing
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  • 105 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. So, May I lake the liberty to suggest salt and eraeki is us dutiable articles in addition to those alrcad) suggested. b is |n-ihaps not generally known that in the Whole Of Asia salt is taxed. India anil "V t,M ,NS
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  • 168 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Audit this momentous question there is at the present time a most amusing <iovci mm lit proclamation posted upon various trees etc. in the Colony. It contains a naive clause to the effect that |H*ople (it
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  • 155 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, As I was passing Cross Street at about H o’clock this morning, I saw a motor car driven by a Euro|H:an doctor, and it seems that a band cart drawn by a Chinese coolie was in the way. Thereupon
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  • 1442 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, < >ne cannot help wondering at Captain Stov« ll s letter in your issue of the 2Jrd inst. Surely if he thought his knowledge of local tides placed him in a position to give exjiert opinion as to where
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  • 148 6 To the Editor of the; Straits 1 iines. Si,- With refiwnce to Mr. .1. Wilrony ((i.eiy the Daily Mail OvewoM Ml"'“wLv is Singapore (Free Trade) more expenaive U> live in than .lava (Protec“"’rhe'eaptien on title pa(!e of John Hull ia a Hintpiiarly nppmpriaU. answer: The world
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  • 217 6 The Scotsmen in Malacca are nothing if not enthusiastic, and after celebrating the day of their Patron Saint last November by giving their first St. Andrew’s dinner, they took the opportunity on January 2'» of celebrating the anniversary of the birth of their national poet by
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  • 216 6 A general meeting of the congregation of St. Andrew’s Cathedral w ill Ik* held in the Victoria Memorial Hall, at 5-30 p.m. on Monday, February 6, to elect committees and inaugurate the Cathedral CJlee Society. The reasons w hich have Its 1 to the projtosal are enumerated
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  • 217 6 Pocket-picking is alarmingly rife in Singapoie just now. Several cases have come up in the police courts recently but one so serious as a case which occurred on January 2,1. but in which the criminal has not yet been traced. A towkay, of 5 Cecil Street, went to
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  • 1040 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-.May I once again trespass upon your space The sjwech of Major-General Stephenson in the Council on January 27 appears to me tp Ik* likely to cause a good deal of
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  • 526 7 Mr. A. W. Westcrhout, merchant, of Change Alley, has sued Mr. J.Chaffonjou, contractor, of Pulau Boelaug, to recover the sum of SI,0(H), the case being heard before Mr. Justice Fisher in the Supreme Court, ou January 25. According to the statement of claim,
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  • 125 7 Promotion to the generals’ list docs not come very often to those from the ranks; but the case of Maj.-Geu. W. R. Robertson, V. C. 8., D. S. just promoted to that rank after 22 years’ commissioned service, is unique. Gen. Robertson, who is commandant
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  • 799 7 The atory of the Pulau Obin murder waa related to the second magistrate, Mr. Acton, on January 26. Two coolies, Ngang Thye and Lee Chiew, were charged with the crime. Mr. Edmonds, D. P. P„ conducted the; cast* for the
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  • 70 7 Mr. Mahomed Hanill, ovri’Hocr of the Penang Hotanioal (iiinltiiiH, proceeds on an orchid-hunting Expedition to the Lanokawi Islands early next niontli. These islands, wliieli have been recently acquired Irom Kedah, are lieine fast cleared for rubber planline and unless the orchid limiter m ikes hast*' before the
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  • 237 7 On January 29, the F. M. S. Govern* incut yacht Seabelle left Singapore for a short sea trip, having on board His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, G. C. M. G., (’apt.
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    • 68 7 Tanglin Club Championship. The bowling chatnpionHhip of tlic Tanglin Club for 1911 waa decided on .Tanuary 24, when Mr. E. R. Thomas won with the good Hcore of 7H9. Appended are the full scores E. U. Thoniaa 789 A. G. Harrington 761 H. M. Cantrell 649 W. Lowther Kemp
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  • 178 7 The ease witli which the minor public Hcrvant can Ik; personated by the unscrupulous is made evident by the number of cases of the kind that come into court. A typical case was tried by Mr. Firmstone on January 26, when a Teochew was charged with |>crsonating
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  • 112 7 The Chinese New Year celebrations commenced with the usual festivities on Sunday night and have been continued with tho usual ceremonies. Hatties Museum was besieged on January 510 with crowds of gaudily attired Chinese of all ages and descriptions who inspected the numerous exhibits with much interest,
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  • 62 7 Following is the. result of crushing operations at Haul) for the four weeks ending January 28: llukit Koman stone crushed tons, gold obtained 200 ounces, average per ton 1.67 dwt. Itukit Malacca: Stone crushed 1.***** tons, gold obtained 22H ounces, average per ton I’.aO dwt. Mr. 11. C.
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 69 8 (Fkum Ouk Own Cokhkhi*ondknt.) Hongkong, .Innnary 26. Tim charge against (leorgo A. itavcnhill, accountant, residing at <l, Morrison Mill Hoad, for that ki«* on divers dales Ix'twecn July 20 and December 111, 1010, lx*ing then employed hy the (Canadian Pacific Hallway l)o„ an casliii r, feloniously did emhi
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    • 105 8 (Kao ()ua Own Cokkkhi*ondknt.) Penang, danuary 20. Will'll the ease of M. S. owail, charged with for* e.ime 111 1 at the assizes to day. Counsel lor the accused objected on technical grounds to lurther proceedings. Alter h -.-al argument. t in- judge ad journed the trial
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    • 97 8 (Fitow (lei: Own Coiii{ksi*ondknti. Penang, January 27. The pqtci'M by P. and (I. mail show that, among the New Year honours, the King’s police medal is bestowed upon Mr. W. A. Ciisoadon. Inspector General o! Police, whose services are stated to be Genet.ills distinguished and of
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    • 515 8 (I’iiom oi a Own Coiikksi’ondknt.i Kuala Lumpur, January 27. Tin •re was a fair attendance at the start of the second day’s races of the Selangor Turf Club. Light showers fell after the liltli race. The attendance was licttcr later in the afternoon. The results were as follow:
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    • 185 8 (Fiiom Out OWN Coiibkhi*oni»kntJ Kuala Lumpur, January 2H. At a public meeting held at the Kesidcncy yesterday evening to consider schemes for a memorial to the late Line Kdward, there were thirty thiee jkisoiis present, inch.dine Mr. It. O. Watson, who presided. 11l the course of
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    • 278 8 iFi:om Oi k Own (’ Kuala Lumpur, .January -‘50. The cricket match lietween the oloiiy and the F.M.S. opened here to day. I In* Slate* won the toss and put the Colony in. I lie scores at close of play were as follows: Tiik Colony l*r Inninos.
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    • 98 8 A correspondent informs us that after an unbtvourable report by Messrs. Osborn and i Impel, the Klian Bbaru Tin and Gold I respecting Syndicate did not exercise its "pfion. ’I lie property i* situate at Tnpii, and ,t ,H Ni,, i* 1 l,lt it isM ilin
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    • 499 8 (From Oi k Own Coukksponpknt.) Kota Bahru, January 26. A mooring buoy is being fixed in the Kelantan harbour, which will be of gtva service to steamers loading or discharging cargo during the N. E. monsoon. I p to the present, steamers lying off the port have
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    • 150 8 There are twenty-three cases set for hearing during the February sitting of the Supreme Court including two in admiralty jurisdiction, the Eastern Shipping Company Ltd., versus the Straits Steam Ship Company Ltd.; and the Kukub Rubber Estates Ltd., against the steam launch, the Busso. Other suits include
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    • 181 8 It is officially stated that the Kiel submarine disaster was due to water from some unexplained cause flooding the engine-room, entering at a point where the ventilation tula* is fixed in the side of the vessel. Theoblimie position of the boat upset the acid in the
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  • 510 8 Tele*'rams to Hongkong indicate the great alarm which has boon caused in North China by reason of the serious nature of the plaguo outbreak. It has spread with alarming rapidity and the mortality is tomb e. The disease
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  • 140 8 Ilu* B. X. B. Herald rejiorts that a serious amok ease occurred on Teluk Bukan estate on December 19, resulting in the wounding of Messrs, hid wards and Skinner. A Sulu coolie hn\ inga grudge against his mandore
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  • 132 8 1 he Liberal papers, including the Westminster Gazette, indicate that there will bo a p«nt\ in the new Parliament optioned to increases in the Xavy estimates, says a London telegram of January 25. It is pro><i > e that there w ill he an important debate thereon.
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  • 56 10 Dalky. On January 2H, at 4.1, IVinscp Street, Singa|>orc, Hit' wifi; of Albert L. A. Daley, of a daughter. Pk.kt. On Ilet-ember .'ll. at Kegent’* Park, Mary. daughter of late .1. Pt#*t, of Itatavia. Hot gt'AHD. On January 111. at Kost-neath, 4, Wilkie I toad, Singa|>ort*, tin- wifn of
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1102 10 boon asccriaimtl. Straits Times, .Iannary 26. After many months, a suspicion Liiat tin f fovernment was prepare*l to ratify the Hcclarution of London lias produced one of those |Mipnlar outbursts wliieli lielie the that the I'ress is no longer a |mwcr id (Ireat llritain. 'l’rtily the
      boon asccriaimtl. Straits Times, .Iannary 26.  -  1,102 words
    • 942 10 —Straits Times, January 27. Almost wc are; inclined to quamd with Mr. Whitolaw liciel for his discourse on Lord Uyron at I'niversity Cedle-ge-. Nottingham. He went to the place so nearly associated with the, subject of his address and unlike Baalam la* vent to bless, hut
      —Straits Times, January 27.  -  942 words
    • 1211 10 —Straits Times, January 28. In the face of the strong expressions of public opinion, ami in the face, also, of the reasons specifically laid before the Legislative Council itself, it was impossible to go on with the Income Tax Bill. It is hung up. therefore, until the Government
      —Straits Times, January 28.  -  1,211 words
    • 1062 11 Empire’** insurance.—StraitH Times, January 81. A few months ago we quoted from some very able articles in an Indian journal, and drew attention to the importance assigned to Singapore by their writer. The same idea seems to have been taken up in the Morning Post, and
      Empire’** insurance.—StraitH Times, January 81.  -  1,062 words
    • 1108 11 —Straits Times, February 1. Sir Frank Swettenhaui has sent an exceedingly interesting letter to our contemporary the Malay Mail on what he calls the abolition "of the Hesident Generalship. All journalists, like poets, are allowed a certain licence in the use of words, either because
      —Straits Times, February 1.  -  1,108 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 Post fr*« price of the Slrailt Times la |BH a year. The poet free price of the Slrailt UuJgei it $l4 a year. It ia ot neceaaerv to auhacribe for a year. The aubacriptiona for ahorter periods are at the aame proportionate rate aa for a year. SlreW* Budget can
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  • 37 10 DKATIi. ('lakkk. At Victoria Street, Government Outdoor DiH|K-nsary, Smga|K>rc, on January 90, at 12.40 p.m., Augusta Jessie C'huke, widow of the late Francis Clarke. Funeral cortege will leave the Dis|>ensiwy at f p.m., today, January J I.
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  • 78 11 The annual settlement which takes place amonu the Chinese community at the end of the Chinese year passed otT last week end very satisfactorily. The settlement affects only dealings between Chiuese houses, not dealings with Kuropcau firms, but it is usually an extensive affair. Money, however,
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  • 1526 13 London, January 25. A Vionua telegram says the explanatory statement on the Austrian Navy estimates points out that the increase in the Navy is duo to the necessity of maintaining an open seaway for Austrian commerce, and for tho protection of the coastline, whose importance has been increased
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  • 693 13 Berlin, January 25. The Kiautschau report for 1910 says the whole trade was the same as in tho previous year. Tho commercial crisis in China has been overcome, although some of the Chinese firms are still, perhaps, in difficulties. Private housebuilding has increased, and progress is reported in
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  • 457 13 Information has reached Hongkong from Haiphong which indicates that the construetional work on the mills at Vietri for the Tonkin Pulp and Paper Company is being rapidly pushed farword. It is exacted that tliey will soon be ready for
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  • 250 13 The Commonwealth Bureau of Census has issued tin* following figures showing tho estimated |H>pulation of Australia on Sep* tcmher 00, *****, and the estimated increase for the quarter ended on thatdate New South Wales. —Males 874,790, females 770,7. r >H; total,
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 317 14 January SI Da Kerens, Dut. air., Deooher, Batavia, The Ship* Age dot, Ltd. Kueichow, Brit, atr., Forgth, Swatow, W. Manafield. D. van Twiat, Dot. atr., Wiakel Batavia, The Ships Agency, Ltd. Mahidol, Siam atr, Svarrer, Bangkok, East Asiatic Coy. Ltd. Cliumpon, Siam atr, Haan, Copenhagen, East Asiatic y. Ltd.
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    • 217 14 January 25 Inverclyde, lirii. ntr., Penang and Now York Toaa Mum, Jap. Htr., Hongkong and Japan AndaDg Siam. str., Hangkok via porta Fau Sang. Brit str, Penang and Calcutta fWong Koi, Oor. Htr., Saigon 26 Cbmnpon. Siam Htr, Ktngkrk OracliUH, Hrit. Htr., Sydooy ?ia ports Kwong Ei g. Ger
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  • 796 14 In Some Recollections, contributml to the Cornhill Magazine, Mrs. W. Y. Sellar draws on her unpublished store of Kdinhurgh reini- niseences. She giv< s some inte resting details concerning Lord Liste r’s career after taking
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  • 247 14 Sinoapork, Fkbroary 1, 191L EXCHANGE. On London—Bank 4 m/s 2 /^t Demand 2/4 fir Private*6 m/s 2/4*} do 8 m/s 2/4} On Gskmany—Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/s 244 do 6 m/s 240* On Francs-Bank d/d 295 Private 8 m/s 2991 do 6 m/s 808$ On India
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  • 974 14 Sinoapork, Fkkruary 1, 1911 MINING. taue Value Buyers Sellers 10 10 Belat Tin 4 90 5 00 10 10 Bruang 6.00 6 60 10 10 Brunch Hyd 6 00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.75 XI XI KintoTin 1700 17 60 XI XI Kledang Tin l.fO 2 00
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 39 15 “Three and 1869 Vintage. I I THEMOST FAMOUS FRENCH I FOR AIT'dESCROTIONS OF ESjjiL' I Champagne j I Samples and Prioea from I CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND COMPANY, Wine and Spirit Merchant*, 1 SOLE AGENTS. I —i— m^mmm ||mm||mhmmp|i fHHHIMNWVIM^VMHHMIHMIRHHIHI^^
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 559 16 I*'.'-* F433 V ERSKINE. LD And Contraotops, Singapore; I win mm ipr GAS engine and suction gas plant. < (HUM ABLE FOR AN t TUR\01TB, COKE, CHARCOAL AND OTHER KIIBL8). m .•f-y-v* i' o V S9S.WSL r T B !SV 'V<o VrA, V i-i -n J P «rw L»-V* HI
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 549 17 February 2, 1911 the straits budget Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuild E8TATE TOOLS. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. took*. Prompt Delivery PROPRIETORS OF THE “PAT’ TAPPlNO KNIFK BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st I’RIZh AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, y* Coolie Lines, etc., etc. BaSimsten and
      549 words