The Straits Budget, 26 August 1909

Total Pages: 23
1 23 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXIII. NO. 2689. Singapore, Thursday, August 26,1909. ESTABLISHED OVER HALE A CIHTWN Price 25 cents
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  • 252 1 leaders Britain and .lapan 10 The American Way ...10-11 Municipal Singapore 11 Ksform and Revenue ...11-12 Licences and Revenue 12 Britain’s Gold Reserve ...12-18 Local and General Anderson Bridge 2 Correspondence 3 Hongkong's Coffers 8 Imperial Defence 3 Death of Tuan Syed Abdullah 8 The Church in
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  • 699 1 Mr. E. A. Gardiner, chief police officer, told the third magistrate, on Saturday, of a raid he, Mr. Harmer, assistant supt. of police, and a number of othors, made on the premises at No. H, Stanley St., at 9.40
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  • 133 1 A bankrupt named Arooruugam Sinnayah was prosecuted by Mr. Beatty, acting official assignee, in the district court, on Saturday, on two charges. It was alleged that after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition against him. he concealed a debt due Ahna Roona Ahna Mootoo Carpen Chetty
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  • 13 3 flbe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 338 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir —I have been led to believe that the SiD 'apore police force is an efficient body. I at q quite prepared to accept this as a fact, aui to sleep peacefully on my bed at night, knowing that my
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  • 306 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I see that your Kuala Lumpur contemporary questions the wisdom of holding next year’s Agri-Horticultural Show in Singapore—a decision which was come to at a meeting of the standing committee of tl e function lately held in Penang —and thinks
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  • 226 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of Saturday I see a paragraph in connection with motor syn-ns, and 1 learn that there is a possibility of the police prohibiting the use of syrens. W bile admitting that the syren screech is very disconcerting
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  • 401 3 It is an open secret says the S. C. Morning Post, that the next triennial term of the Opium Farm will involve a loss to the Colony of $400,000 in revenue. It seems incredible that the Government should not have taken the right
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  • 80 3 thkOM Ol'H (lw\ CoKkKSFONDKM.J London, August 22. The Birmingham Post hears that the Imperial Defence Commission has decided that Bombay shall be converted in£o a first clahh naval station. It has been decided, also, to overhaul the
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  • 77 3 Death of Tuan Syed Abdullah at Alor Star. (From Oi'it Own Cokkksimindknt.) Penang, August 23 The Pinang (ia/ette announces the death, at Alor Star, Kedah, on Friday, of Tuan Syed Abdullah, the State Treasurer. The deceased gentleman was a courtly Malay of the old school, and was highly respected
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  • 55 3 Market Dull with Downward Tendency. (Fuo.m Oitk Own Cokkkhfondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 21. The Planters StoreH Agency has received a wire stating that the price of plantation No. 1 is 90 pence (7/6) per lb. Harpers havo received a wire stating that the share market is dull, and
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  • 245 3 Li Ah Leong, a Holland Koad resident, was convicted of housebreaking in the dis triefc court before Mr. Howard, on Monday afternoon, and sentenced to a year’s rigorous imprisonment, lie objected to leaving the court and got down on his knees before the judge with his forehead
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  • 520 5 Sir West Ridgeway presided at the general inerting of the Straits Settlements (Bertam) Rubber Co., and pointed out that the prohpectus estimates of production and profits tad been exceeded. The number of trees planted to March 81 last was 315
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  • 135 5 The equine inhabitants of Singapore are on strike, that is to say they have a grievance, which is no less than the motor car syren that has come into hucli common use lately. The horses do not object to tho not anpleasant honk-honk of the common
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  • 217 5 Though not ho well attended as its predecessor, the dance given in the Volunteer Drill Hall, on Friday was a pleasant function, thanks to the arrangements made by the Volunteer Club, of which Sergt. Wightwick is honorary secretary. The hall
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  • 246 5 It is reported that the Tienpingshan silver mine in Kueihsien, Kwangsi, is one of the richest mines in that province, and lately Taotais Huang Hsi-chu’an and Lin Shih-chi accompanied Mr. Yung, mining engineer, and others
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  • 113 5 Dr. Falshaw, the government veterinary surgeon, gave expert evidence in the third magistrate’s court, on Saturday, against a man named Tan Wan, who was charged with cruelty to animals in skinning live frog«, which w r ere b“ing prepared for food. The doctor stated that great pain
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  • 337 5 The third magistrate resumed, on Friday afternoon, the preliminary enquiry into allegations of criminal breach of trust as a public servant against M. A. Tobin, formerly head clerk, water department, Municipality. Mr. Perkins appeared for the prosocution and Mr. Campbell for the
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  • 143 5 The man whose body was fonnd in tho Stamford Canal nearly opposite tho Museum, on Saturday morning, has been identified as A. J. Muttukisna, a Ceylon Tamil of excellent education and considerable ability, lie was formerly a clerk in the Kastcrn
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  • 70 5 Rajah lirooke, on leaving Sarawak for Kngland, has authorised the Hon. 11. R. A. Day to bo his deputy to attend to all outside correspondence and to administer the government until tho Rajah Muda returns from Kngland. During their absence th«-ro will be a pro Run assembly appointed
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  • 637 7 the fortnightly meeting of the Municipal (0 nimis«i..nor» held od Friday afternoon, were present Messrs. Broadrick (Presi i .nt in the chair, Carapiet, Macbean, Dar- irc Peacock, Carver, Ong Tek Lim, Watkins and Dr. Fowlie with the Municipal v ineer. Mr. Peirce,
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  • 462 7 that this would not mean a repetition of the Kalang tunnel affair. The President:—He has got to complete 20 acres before be is paid anything, and he has to find 91.000 security. The Municipal Engineer having stated that the tender was quite satisfied he could do the work for the
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  • 160 7 The remains of the late Mr. Chas. Warnford Lock,who died at Bandarawella, on Saturday, .July 30, were conveyed to Nuwara Kliya by the train leaving Bandarawella at 12 30 p.rn. A hearse met the train at Nanuoya at 4
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  • 365 7 Our market has uot yet regained its former level, aud business during the past week ha~ been somewhat quieter, although auy shares offering at cheap rates have in most cases been immediately snapped up. The tact that London also appears ready
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  • 119 7 If puny little Kuala Kangsar Was large enough to accommodate all cotm-rs for its show, says the Perak Pioneer, bigTaiping is surely large enough, and it is more central than Singapore, where it is rumoured the next show is likely to be held. Besides, two consecutive
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  • 93 7 A Kedah correspondent writes 1 1 with regret I have to record the death near Chinge of Mr. F. Inglis. F. K. G. S.. head master. High School, Promo town, Burma. Me is said to have been Buffering from melancholia, and whh anxious to meet
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  • 101 10 Kinsky —Loom. —At St. James Church, Sea Point, on .July 29, Arnold Kinsey, late of London, and youngest son of William Kinsey, of Singapore, to Voilet Lydia .lessie, second daughter pf the late Alexander Logie, of Cape Town. Chaplin--Douoal. —On duly 29, at St. Columba’s, Pont Street, by the
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1119 10 Straits 1 lines, August 1<*. There was a semi-official tone about the telegram we published yesterday from Reuter in reference to an allegation that Australia and Canada were combining in naval policy as a safeguard against what haH become known aH tho “Japanese Peril.’’ Because the colonies
      ' Straits 1 lines, August 1<*.  -  1,119 words
    • 1167 10 -Straits Times, August‘20. We do not like the American wav of tiling. Almost invariably it has a vulgarity and impudence in it that iars moderately sensitive nerves. This has be the case in a very marked degree in CO l nection with the Hankow Railway loan Americans
      . -Straits Times, August‘20.  -  1,167 words
    • 1095 11 ignorance and negligence prevail.- StraiU Times, August 21. It is to be presumed that, in the proper quarters, some attention is being given to the constitution of the commission of inquiry &gt;nto the municipal administration of Singapore which was moved for, by Mr. Fort, and agreed to, at
      ignorance and negligence prevail.- StraiU Times, August 21.  -  1,095 words
    • 1196 11 reveuue balauco with expenditure).—StraitH TiiacH, Augunt 23. lu a month or two wo may expect to have 1 an official statement as to the progress that has been made with arrangements for taking j over the manufacture and sale of opium in this colony. The farming system
      reveuue balauco with expenditure).—StraitH TiiacH, Augunt 23.  -  1,196 words
    • 1110 12 —Straits Times, August 24. Since we wrote, yesterday, on tho subject of our revenue under the impending changes in the opium policy of this colony, we have had an opportunity of reading a report of the discussion in the Hongkong Legislative Council on a proposal to make
      —Straits Times, August 24.  -  1,110 words
    • 1067 12 disturbing public coutidence. —Straits Times, August 25. A committee of the London Chamber of Commerce haH been sitting for Rome time past to consider the question of the gold reserve held in England, and it has come U the conclusion that the present position is not satisfactory.
      disturbing public coutidence.—Straits Times, August 25.  -  1,067 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 to« pontfree price of the Straits Times i« a year The poet free price of the Strutts Hudget is $l4 a year. It not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods arc at the same proper* Donate rate as for a year. Tke Straits Hwlget can
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  • 76 10 DEATHS. Zkhnokh. —On August 20, at Singapore, Jane, widow of the late Rev. J. L. /chndcr, of Sarawak. Funeral this afternoon, at 6.15 p m., at Bukit Tirnah. Bainskiook. —On July 25, at West I fulwich, Capt. Bainbridge, late Commander, steamer Miyasaki Maru. Waknkokd Lock. —At Baudarawella. Ceylon, after eight
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  • 562 13 Perak is policed with a contingent of 1,225 officers and men. Education in Perak cost 5125,694, or about Sltt per unit of 4 average attendance, last year. Gunong Kerbgu, in Kinta, is said to be the highest peak in the Malay peninsula, being 7,160 ft. high. The population
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  • 582 13 The Rev. W. E. Horley sails from England on September 10. I ho Rev. J. A. B. Cook, of the Presbyterian Church of England, has accepted to become a Patron of the Indian Christian Association, Singapore. Mr. J. R. Innes, Judicial Commissioner, r. M. S., has been
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 259 16 S. R. C. v. Medical School. On the Recreation Club ground, on Saturday, there was a match between the home club and the Medical School, the former making much the better showing. Details follow: S. R. C. O. Scharenguivel c Lee b do Silva 20 G.
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    • 641 16 Malacca L. R. C. At the*weekly shoot of the Malacca Ladies’ Rifle Club, held on the 18th iust.. the scoring was as follows: Miss I. M. Williams 29 Mrs. li. Williams 28 Mrs. Holden 27 Mrs. Evans 21 Mrs. Darby 20 Miss Holden 18 Ladies' Shoot. The members
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    • 256 16 Y. M. C. A. v. I. Co. Middlesex Regt. A match was played at the police ground, on Tuesday afternoon, between elevens representing the Y. M. C. A. and I Co. Middlesex regiment. The young men, whose displays of dribbling and passing were better than their opponents, attacked
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    • 554 16 Scots v. The Rest. There u »■&gt; evil p i rit □K over attempts to correct error, the press and checkmating then, attempt was made to circumvent' tUt sp,r,t the other day, yet it as usuah Bu we try again. In the Scote V. Ibe Rest foursomes match Sir
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    • 682 17 c. C. Tournament. The committee of the S. C. C. have decid1 to add a further event to the autumn awn tennis tournament, to be called the Veterans’ Single Handicap. The usual entry ts are now available at the club for "‘nature by members who wish to take
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    • 120 17 New Boats for Singapore. A few days ago two new fours, built by Serle, of Putney, to the order of the Singapore Rowing Club, arrived from home, and gave satisfaction to those few enthusiastic boatmen who take advantage of the privileges of the Club. They appear to be excellent
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  • 2104 18 London, August 18. Replying to a scries of questions concerning the Tientsin-Pukow Railway put by Mr. Wintcrton in the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey stated that there was no reason to believe that Article 18 of the agreement was not being fairly carried. The irregularity regarding the
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  • 620 19 Berlin, August 18. The Sultan has agreed that on the occasion of the Czar passing through tho Dardanelles on his way to tho Mediterranean, the accompanying men of-war from the Black Sea may pass through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles with their full armaments. The Powers have landed
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  • 55 19 Penang appears to he doing a line in precious stones. During the second quarter of 1909 $lO,OOO worth were imported into that S*‘ttlement as against &gt;0 worth into Singapore. The same period year the total value import* d was only 51 5) &gt;O. Moreover, this year
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  • 275 19 Messrs. Barker and Co. inform ns that the whole of the capital (S2SO,(XX) in 25,000 $lO shares) in the Batang Benar Kubbcr Co. has been taken up, although tho list was not to close until noon on Saturday, 2Hth inst. This
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  • 34 19 (From Our Own Corrkhpondknt.) Kuala Lutupur, August 24. The Sandayan Estate, Negri Sembilan, has been Moated in London, with a capital of £40,000. One thousand acres of the property is planted.
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  • 149 19 The Malay Mail thinks, and we ontirei? agree with our contemporary, says tho l'eralc Pioneer, that tho judge’s comments and reasons for their decisions ought to be published during the show. This might mean hard work for some, but additional judges might be called in, and tho
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  • 111 19 Mr. N. It. Crum-Ewing has accepted tho presidentship of the Klang United Association. The following, therefore, form tho committee for the year ending .Inly 31, I'.jlU: Mr. N. It. Crum Ewing (president), Mr. D. It. Amerasekero (vice-president), Mr. A. Milhuiicn (lion, secretary and trea surer) and Messrs.
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  • Shipping in Port.
    • 567 21 Auguit 18 ch -r Tai. Ger atr, Mollermann, Swatow, Behn Me' er Mai, Ger atr, Schmalfuaa, Bangkok, Behn Meyer g.,,i Goem, Dut atr, Brugama, Anamba Ialanda Ships Agency Sa H„, Bickmert, Dot atr, Friea, Pnlo Samb e, Asiatic Petroleum Vjo- Brit atr, Martin, London, P. A O. Coy Sardinia,
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    • 513 21 August 18 Reich f nbach Gor Btr Hamburg via porta Yugala Siam Btr, Bangkok via ports Tsintau Ger Btr, Bangkok Kintna, Brit str. P. Swottenham and Penang 19 Miyazaki Maru, Jap ntr. 11 ngk ug and Japan A'oft-f, Ger Btr, Bangkok Hun l io- g, I)ut str, Cotio via
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  • 251 21 Singapore, August 25, 1900. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers 1050 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 14 12* Copra Bali 8 70 do Pontianak 8.10 Pepper, Black buyers 11.62* do White 5* 18.75 I Sago Flour Sarawak 8 20 do Brunei No. 1 8.10 Pearl Sago 4 25 Coffee Bali
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  • 169 21 It is ii tiler stool that the composition of the commission which Government in appointing to enquire into the municipal administration fit Singapore is practically decided upon The final choice of members in not known at the moment, but an official announcement of the membership and of
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 362 22 T I The for of the U.iJaiiJim '2*» The Physic ian’i Cure for Goal, Rheumatic Gout end Gravel. Safest and moei Effective Aperient for Reffular Use. I ti VJliI: rfr*,'.;. jjA'eekVrt MAGNESIA ■*ii.' mma THE MAKERS OF THE SILENT SIDDELEY Provide llie purchaser with a Guarantee of workmanship and material
      362 words
    • 71 22 1 8T. ANDREW'S HOUSE A Char oh of Knglaaa Boarding Boon to i •WfiMi Mi luHitB boy* who Ms* lo kMrad the aohooh of the place. Application' lo bo mode the Bonn Mooter, 81 tedno i 8oom or to Iho Colonial Chaplain. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. W. J. Garcia, Piano and
      71 words
    • 340 22 GRATEFUL mother Tells how Doan's Backachc Kionby Pills saved hbb Son’s Lit*. Mrs. B. Tier, of. 102, Newlaod Road, Worthing, Kurland, Hays:— “I don't knots now to thank you enough, lor your Dotsk Backache Kidney Pills have actually saved the life of my sou Arthur, aged 14. Arthur s illness
      340 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 234 23 ASK FOR Schweitzer’s Guarantied an abtolutely pure Cocoa. Used in the Royal palaces of England, Germany, Russia, Greece, Denmark, etc., etc. 80LD BVPRYWHBBF. To INVESTORS! Land Properties Inspected and Reported upon, Soils Examined, Estates Visited, Work Super- &gt; vised, Valuations Made, Estimates Drawn up by E. Mathieu, Agriculturist, Singapore, Author
      234 words
    • 310 23 Tko only I Udlelno of tho kind awarded RtOlSTEREO. a certificate at th» Calcutta exhibition, 1883-4. ope Trade MarDr. LALOR’S nun non HA8 THE LARGE8T SALE OF ANY PH08PH0RIC MEDICINE IN •n the able *er, ’id The ■"*ep Tac» Eyei Non* nent the WO D. «n*rci«im effect! are shev first
      310 words