The Straits Budget, 19 August 1909

Total Pages: 25
1 25 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE ‘STRAITS TIMES!” VOL. LXIII. NO. 2688. Singapore, Thursday, August 19,1909. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTUAr Price 25 cents
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  • 230 1 leaders—- Second Rubber 1*2 External and Internal ...12-18 The Hard Cane of Crete... 13 Chinese Brains 1314 Lord Kitchener'! Task 14 Linggi and Kamuning ...1415 Local and Gknkkal— Legislative Council 1 The Governor in Penang 1 Agri-Horticultural Show ...2, 3-4 The .Jungle Burning Fatality 4 Registrar-Generals Births
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  • 657 1 The Governor’s Deputy, Sir Arthur Young, K. C. M. G., presided, on Friday afternoon, at a meeting of the Legislative Council, at which there were also present:—The Attorney-General, Mr. W. J. Napier; the i Colonial Engineer, Mr. A.
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  • 116 1 (Fkom Oi;h Own CokkksI'Onpknt.) Penang, August II. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, G. 0. M. G., yesterday visited Province Wellesley with 5lr. R. N. Mland. Resident Councillor, and the inspecting senior district officer and a Public Works depart
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  • 1629 3 Some Description of the Exhibits. Some preliminary details of the show have already been sent to you, but it was then impossible to refer to exhibits, for the simple reason that they were not there. The customary question of the visitor is, where is
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  • 1379 3 Penang, August 12. Fine weather prevailed yesterday, and the Agri-Horticultural Show was better attended than on the two preceding days. Miss Anderson presented the prizes in the afternoon. The cup valued at 1150, presented by the Planters’ Association of Malaya to the exhibitor winning the greatest number of
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  • 238 4 The B. N. B. Herald, of 3rd inst., says:— Fuller particulars are now to hand as to the death of Mr. Kershaw. It appears tbat on July 13, Mr. Kershaw took charge of one gang of coolies and
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  • 159 4 R. M. C. L. Litchemanan C’hetty sued A Sinnayah and C. M. Kumaroo in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justico,on Thursday for $1,500 as principal and interest alleged to bo due on a promissory note. Mr. Mundell appeared for the plaintiff. As first defendant is
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  • 711 5 In August last year, the Straits cricket leven defeated the States representatives, at Singapore, by seven wickets. On August at |> e nang, the similar match pertained very much to the Dature of a damp squib. The men of the States
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  • 153 5 A complimentary dinner was given on July 21, at the Trocadero Restaurant to Mr. J. B. Carruthcrs, late Director of Agriculture, Selangor, F. M. S„ by a few friends in London. The following were present:—Mr. Gilbert F. Traill (in the chair), Mr. A. S.
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  • 62 5 (From Ouk Own Corkkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 11. Towkay Yap Hon Chin was taken before a magistrate privately, this afternoon, and it is understood that if lie satisfies his Worship he will be released on his own bond and two sureties. Kuala Lumpur, August 12. The towkay
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  • 136 5 Puah Hok prosecuted three other Chinese in the district court, on Monday on a charge of causing him grievous hurt. Tho names of tho accused were Lim Kow, Lim Mi, and Lim Chuan. Mr. Cooper appeared for tho prosecution and Mr. Campbell for the defence. Complainant
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  • 524 5 Sir Gordon Voules, presiding at the general meeting, of the Kepong (Malay) Rubber Co., said their present manager, Mr. Dunbar Fraser, estimated the company’s production for 1909 at 14,000 lbs. of robber, and, con sidering that in the 14 weeks during which tapping
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  • 101 5 John Lewis Byon, alias Tait, Grant, Hartley and SimpHon, was charged boforo the chief preHidency magistrate at Calcutta, with bad livelihood. Ho had lived in nearly every hotel and boarding house in the city and was being pressed to pay the bills. Ho declared all
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  • 434 7 D K. McDowells annual report on kh 'registration of births and deaths in Straits Settlements for the year 190 h wL laid on the table at the Legislative rnuncil meeting, on Friday afternoon. From ilia it is gathered that the mean esti--1 ‘‘Lh
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  • 185 7 In the course of an account of the celebrations at Kaub, on the 9th met., a correspondent of the Malay Mail writes Punctually at 10 a.m. sports were commenced, and were most keenly contested until noon, when all adjourned for
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  • 460 7 The London and China Express referring to Pahang Consols Co says A circular to the. shareholders states that owing to the very unfavourable telegrams received from Mr. Nicbolls, the sub-manager in charge during the manager’s absence, the directors think it advisable to at
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  • 136 7 At St. George's church, Penang, on Tues day, Mr. George Napier Magill, Manager of Blackwater Estate, Klang, Selangor, and son of Mr. William Napier Magill, of Killucan, Ireland, was married to Isabelle Emily, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Tom Gibson. The bride was given away by
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  • 313 7 Sorgt. Ford prosecuted a Tamil named Sabapathy in the third magistrate’s court, on Friday afternoon, on a charge of enticing away Acliikanu, the wife of Madava Naidu, on July 9. Mr. Chopard appeared for the defence. Complainant, a bullock cart
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  • 179 7 In the aunual report oa the Public Works Department for 190 H, it is noted that the convalescent government bungalows in Sing apore were in fair demand during the year. Changi was occupied ou 121 days, Seletar on 114 days. Bukit Timah bungalow was occupied on lift
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  • 116 7 Plantation rubber is expected to total 4,000 tons thia year or, way, one-eighteenth of the whole output, says a wire in the Ceylon Observer. With 2,4ft3,2.71 lbs. for the half-year, or 1,100 tons, exported by the Malay States, and 527, 63H lbs. or 23.7 tons sent from
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  • 41 12 I*atom. —On August 12, at 157, Middle Ko&d, Singapore, the wife of S. ColliuH Baton, of a daughter. Indian papcrH please copy. Crank. —On August 13, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wifte of C. S. Crane, of a daughter.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1250 12 Straits Times, August 12. The world is getting along pretty comfortably without our help—even the Turks and Greeks are looking as if they might fall on each other’s necks with something softer than swords —and so we need not make profuse apologies for a return to rubber.
      ■ Straits Times, August 12.  -  1,250 words
    • 1088 12 future of the British Empire.—Straits Times, ingust 13. Sir Edward Grey put the case for Ore* Britain’s monster Budget very neatly th* other day when he said that it waH “k provide security against external agressioa and internal discontent.” These are th* two great purposes at which
      future of the British Empire.—Straits Times, ingust 13.  -  1,088 words
    • 1134 13 sweets of freodom.—Straits Times, August 14. At any moment wo may hear that Turkish troops have been set in motion, and that tney are rapidly advancing towards Athens. That this should be the case is not parti* •ularly creditable to the Turks, who allowed Bosnia
      sweets of freodom.—Straits Times, August 14.  -  1,134 words
    • 1164 13 than he has yet expounded.—Straits Timea, August 16. Lord William Cecil would be an unworthy son of a distinguished father if he did not possess generosity, perception, and groat candour. He would not be a Church of England clergyman if these qualities had not b«*on subjected to a
      than he has yet expounded.—Straits Timea, August 16.  -  1,164 words
    • 1066 14 guarantee of peace.—Straits Times, August 17. We do not know enough about the details of the arrangement made with Lord Kitchener to say with absolute confidence whether the last phase of Imperial Defence policy represents high wisdom or the reverse. That the youngest of our Field Marshals
      guarantee of peace.—Straits Times, August 17.  -  1,066 words
    • 1224 14 ordinary comprehension.—Straits Times, August 18. When we heard in July that the Linggi directors bad reversed the policy they avowed in January, we looked around for an expla* nation, and finding none that quite fitted into the known facts, were half inclined to think that these good
      ordinary comprehension.—Straits Times, August 18.  -  1,224 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 91 12 The poet free price of the Straits Times is $.'*8 a year The pout free price of the Straits budget is $14 year. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Straits budget
      91 words
  • 104 12 DEATHS. Marsh. —On August 18, at bis residence, 40-1, Mackenzie Road, Singapore, .John Arthur Marsh, son of the late James Abercrombie Marsh (late Chief Tamil Inter* preter, Supreme Court, Singapore), aged 55 years. Rangoon and Indian papers please copy. Hill. —On August 14, at Newchwang, China, Eleanor Marie, youngest daughter
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  • 418 15 The Rev. C. J. Ferguson-Davie will be consecrated Bishop of Singapore on St. Bartholomew’s Day, August 24. Mr. Gostwyck, of the Municipal Engineer’s department, has recently been indisposed, and on medical advice is shortly taking a trip home. Dr. Mugliston, lately colonial surgeon, Penang, is said to
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  • 541 15 Saigon is declared infected owing to the existence of plague. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank has just bought a piece of land at Batavia, on which banking offices will be erected. The nett return from the Serondah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., for July was 314 piculs of dry
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1136 18 Singapore Golf Club. Arrangements have now been made for the fouresomes competition, under match play conditions, for a cup presented by Messrs. Rhodes and Millard. Forty-two players have entered in couples, and ten of these couples have to play off in the first round as follows,
      1,136 words
    • 463 18 Walker Trophy. The result of the shoot for the Walk,* trophy for August is as follows Taiping 201 l>enan 197 Singapore 196 JP? h 195 Selangor (< jna (larrison, L.R.C. Singapore 170 Seromban Lower Perak jija The following are leading for tho trophy which will bo retainod by
      463 words
    • 229 19 5 C. C. v. P. W. D. On the S. C. C. ground, on Saturday, the home club played cricket against a P. W. D. icam. winning by a very handsome margin. Details follow: s. c. c. I w. Hadden b Coelho 6 y C. Oregson b Pearse 2
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    • 284 19 Many people have been wondering what bas been the trouble in connection with the unking of cylinders for the new sea wall close to Johnston’s Pier. For several months the contractors devoted their energies to work at this spot, with no outward and risible signs of progress
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    • 524 19 ist Test England Won by io wkts. and Australia q wkts. 3rd Australia 126 runs. 4th Drawn. 5th Drawn. iFho.i Ook Shkcial Cokresponuknt.) London, August 11. Fifteen thousand enthusiastic
      524 words

  • 2079 20 London, August 11. The Italian aeronaut, Captain Spelterini with three passengers, has crooned the A 1 pH in a balloon from Chamonix. He reached a maximum height of 17,000 foet. Sir Kdward Grey, speaking at Locda, defended the Budget, which he said waa juat and reasonable. Ita purpom
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  • 743 21 Berlin, August 11. The Fremdenblatt announces the arrival of King Edward at Marienbad, and says that there is no ill-feeling between the sovereigns of England and Austria. There is, the journal says, a movement on foot for reconstituting the relations of the two countries on a friendly basis.
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  • 13 21 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 207 21 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I notice that tho Cinematograph Co. are still advertising Bertha’s Little Tootsies picture as on show. If any of the police have been in the show since this film was first put on it does not say much for their idoa
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  • 48 21 (From Our Own Corkbspo.ndknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 17. News has been received hero that the Rev. C. J. Ferguson. Davie, tho new Bishop of Singapore, will bo consecrated in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, on Tuesday, and enthroned in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, about November 25.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 251 21 Property Sales. The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co’s, saleroom, on Tuesday, No. 852 Victoria St. 1,907 feet, statutory grant, quit rent 82, monthly rent 880. Said bin Salim Badjabir, 88,200. No. 853 Victoria St. 1,921 feet, statutory grant, quit rent 82, monthly rent
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  • Shipping in Port.
    • 560 23 August ll shmin, Writ atr, Cole, Delagoa Bay, Guthrie Cov Ltd A z jlel, Fch str, Codet, Dalny, P. Simons juntralien, Fch str, Rignier, Marseilles, M.M. H(/ng Moh, Brit str, Bainbridge, Amoy, Wee l jriDian Nebe, Russ str, Weinberg, Nikolaevsk, Borneo Coy O.Daendels, Dot str, Pool, Batavia, Ships Agency
      560 words
    • 458 23 August ii I Benlawert, Brit str, Hongkong and Japan Chakrabong*, Siam str, Bangkok via ports j La Snjne Fch str, Batavia Auntralien, Fch str, Yokohama via ports Breiz Izel, Fch str, Port Said f.o. fCambytet, Brit str, T. Priok (Java) Sam Sang, Brit sir, Penang and Calcutta a f
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  • 252 23 Sinoapors, August 18, 1009. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers I 11.124 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 14 12| Copra Bali 8 75 do Pontianak 8.10 Pepper, Black 12 00 do White 5% buyers 18.25 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.20 do Brunei No. 1 8.10 Pearl Sago 4.25 Coffee BaU 28.00
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  • 182 23 Jan bin Abdullah was before the .second magistrate, on Tuesday, on a charge of having murdered a Uokien named Cheng Ah Oek by breaking his skull with a spanner, and thereby causing instant death, on April 7 last. Dr. Ellis, Supt. of the insane Asylum, soon
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 172 24 i. y.l I lor urv?/ Gout :< ol iif.'Y »{£i c ;<u i n r? k-Elta.. _*> .'is v ’»;c fcr- :j XiLJgCSMt a 5 A r- xj mi m vw ?rv* 'V, V.HBID4C8I, MSS OF Prom SLEEP MDIGRSTIOI BILIOUSNESS i hiilthy BEECI <vtll qalckly •f MAM'S lUwdONI Of to
      172 words
    • 509 24 SWOLLEN ENORMOUSLY WITH DROPSY. Oallows or Wmu Tafpcd A».v. Mn. Ellen J. PorriU, of 20, Kiln Reed. Loo( Ommtcj, Dewsbory, Baglesd. my., My Ulneee begee in (be wiater of 190*. I Ant aotioud cruel paiaa in the region of tin kidney*, end many a tfaaa after aa attack of almoat
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 248 25 ASK FOR Schweitzer’s Guarantetd an dbtolutely pure Cocoa Used in the Royal palaces of England, Germany, Russia, Greece, Denmark, etc., etc. 80LD EVERYWHERE. To INVESTORS! Land Properties Inspected and Reported npon, Soils Examined, Estates Visited, Work Supervised, Valuations Made, Esti* mates Drawn up by wv E. Mathiau, Agriculturist, Singapore, Author
      248 words
    • 459 25 I EL" ff 'SkT VTjSit. By Royal Warrant to H.M. THE KINO. vatgives a delightfully appetizing flavour to Meat Dishes, Fish, Soup, Game, Cheese id Salad, and assists digestion. fJBmr and Genuine Worcestershire. IB00I n» co// Utdicina of the kind awarden a certi/lcalt at the Calcutta Inhibition, 1883 4 open
      459 words