The Straits Budget, 12 August 1909

Total Pages: 25
1 25 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES.” VOL LXIII. NO. 2687. Singapore, Thursday, August 12,1909. ESTABLISHED OVER MALE A CttfTW Price 25 cents
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  • 239 1 leaders— Courting Schoolrooms 12 Great Britain’s Budget 12-18 Pot Upon Trial 18 Sir Robert Hart 1814 Personality in Politics 14 Words of Wisdom ...14-16 Local an d G*n*ral— Legislative Council 1 Balloonist's Ordeal 8 Municipal Board 4 Anglo-Siamese Treaty 4 Collapse of Premises 4 The Opium Question
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  • 656 1 The Governor’s Deputy, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., presided, on Friday afternoon, at a meeting of the Legislative Council, at which there were also present:—The AttorneyGeneral, Mr. W. J. Napier; the Colonial Engineer, Col Murray; the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. J. O. Anthonie Mr.
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  • 116 1 Mr. F. Rodriguez, assistant surgeon, who lias been on long leave in England, returned to Penang by the N. L. liulow with Mrs. Rodriguez. He relieves Mr. F. W. F. Clarke, who proeeodH to Singapore. Speaking of assistant surgeons reminds the Pinang Gazette that Mr. M.
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  • 62 1 The report of the general manager ot Salak South Limited for .July says —The machinery worked 498 hours. Clean ore won 850.08 piculs. I luring the whole month hardly anything else but overburden was treated. Water, heavily charged with slimes, hitherto caused serious trouble to the smooth
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  • 1052 3 M r j B. Carruthers, who is now in the uv«t Indies where he accepted an appointat Trinidad, has issued his report on in the Federated Malay States Srioe 1908. It is a most interesting
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  • 221 3 Id tbo course of bin administration report on Negri Sembilan, for 1908, Mr. D. G. Campbell, tbe British Resident, says Applications for land from Kuropeans were less numerous than in 1907. The setback in tbe rubber market during that year
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  • 230 3 An Knglishman who is touring Java giving balloon performances with a parachute and trapeze went through a thrilling adventure, the other day, at a place called Pati. A native holding one of the ropes failed to let it go
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  • 139 3 Mr. Johannes Lerron, chief engineer of the Dutch steamer Japarra, prosecuted a Java nese fireman in the third magistrate's coart, on Tuesday, on a charge of assaulting him at 4 a.m. on Sunday. Accused explained that the chief struck him first in the eye and he returned the
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  • 144 3 The out-turn of dry rubber from the Malacca Rubber Plantations for Jnly is 21,000 lbs. against 4,780 lbs. for the corresponding month last year. The total production for the first seven months of this year was 106,500 lbs., compared with 19,340 lbs. for the period last year.
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  • 60 3 Messrs. F. W. Barker and Co. inform us that the output of dry rubber from Sandy croft Hstate for tbe month of July was 5.782 lbs. making a total to date of 24.592 lbs. We understand that tho directors of the Sandycroft Rubber Co., Ltd., have
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  • 502 5 .r B mie of Wednesday we printed the 3 paragraph from the Hongkong foll r i« being freely stated in ,)all .y rtin.' circles that we are to have a loC& ipt P toJtnight in
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  • 141 5 Mr .T. 1>. Carrnthers, ex director of and (iovertiment Botanist, J\M. S., in his report for 190H, says: I take this opportunity of thanking my colleagues in the department, many planters and others *ho have helped rue in my work. I regret leaving Malaya
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  • 327 5 Further evidence was taken in the case against Hadji Hassan, a Javanese, who was before the secoud magistrate, on Wednesday, for preliminary enquiry into an allegation of having attempted to murder a Sikh bullockcart driver named Tal Singh by stabbing him in
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  • 130 5 Five hundred and fifty-five natives of the Punjab presented themselves for enlistment in the Malay States Guides last year, asainst 447 in P)ll7, 411 in 1906, 482 in 1005 552 in 1904. 050 in 1000,504 in 1902.030 in 1901 and 356 in 1900. Of the 555,
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  • 104 5 Among the investing public in Holland exception is being taken to the hindrances put by government in the way of mining in Netherlands India, especially in South i Sumatra where rich gold fields are being developed. The government, for instance, does nothing towards opening up the
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  • 36 5 The sum spent on the Johore State Railway last year amounted to $2,984,657.78, compared with *1,494,5.19.40 spent during l'.K)7, making the total expenditure to Decernber 'll, 1908, amount to $10,767,456.55 on 120} miles.
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  • 190 5 The Government are taking over the manufacture and sale of opium for Johore as well as for Singapore and Malacca, from January 1 next, the farmers remaining in control at Penang for the present. Mr. F. M.
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  • 164 5 Mr. Gerald Struys, of Tanjong Pagar, was before the second magistrate, on Friday on a charge of wrongful confinement of Mr. John (iush, of Messrs. M. S. Martin and Co. Mr. (iush stated that be intercepted a letter between accused and Mrs. Gush and went to
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  • 137 5 Tan Koon Hong, a cashier in the employ of the Chartered Bank, was again before th* fourth magistrate, on Friday, tor a continuation of the hearing of the charge brought against him by Mr. Noor Moharned liashim, Malay interpreter at the police courts, of criminal
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  • 87 5 The annual Naval trooping season commences in the middle of this month and goes on till the middle of October. This year the majority of the vessels are to meet at Colombo for recommissioning and exchanging of crews. There are three or four ships of the
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  • 615 6 The preliminary enquiry into allegations of criminal breach ot trust in respect of municipal funds, made against Mr. M. A. Vobiu, exclerk-in-charge, water dept., municipal offices, was resumed before the third magistrate, on Thursday. Mr. j’orkins appeared for the prosecution and Mr.
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  • 316 6 The holidays rather interfered with business, but now that they are over renewed activity in rubbers at advancing rates is the order of the day, and the slightest demand at once pushes prices up considerably. Rubber. Our local companies are at
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  • 165 6 The following statement occurs in the report of tho late Mr. Spooner regarding the F. M. S. Uailway :—There were 19 fatal accidents during 1908. In three of those ca*es the individuals were railway employees, the others were trespassers. In all cases where an
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  • 100 6 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell, the registrar of births and deaths, shows that during the week ended July 31, 181 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a deathrate of HH.9I per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 29 deaths, dysentery 15, bronchitis
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  • 368 6 Farther evidence was taken rm i at the Assizes, in the ease of Termok A "i boy employe.) on the l>utcb'u„„ i''” 1 don Bosch, who is cliareed with ao J a fireman on board the ship on Juno she
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  • 139 6 It is expected that the cost of the proposed trans-Australian railway line villbt betw< en JC3,000 and JL' 1,000 per mile. 1 lie engineering difficulties are not great, the steepest grade being one in 80. not one in 20 as previously stated.
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  • 98 6 The cash account of the Singapore ing Club for the half year ending dune .V--has been issued. The balance in the *io on Ist January was *.->,798. General receipt-, have been *20,359, subscriptions 56,880. bor.-c entrance fees *3,930, aud jockeys rn n l 1 *4,303. These and
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  • 672 7 t T Cavelier by train from Johore Bharu J ;L aS| bound for the F. M. S. and possibly, must not imagine that he is going to H'anything very startling in the matter of It i« a tale of
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  • 13 7 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 443 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The decision recently given in the case of Broadley v. Howarth Erskine, Ltd., which was adverse to the plaintiff is, I understand, likely to come before the appeal court, so the matter still being sub judice comments on all tho
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  • 118 7 In his annual report lor Perak for 190 H, the British Resident pays a well-deserved tribute to the chiefs of his staff in the following words. Perak is very fortunate in the possession of very experienced district officers, and it would be difficult to find men more
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  • 77 7 It is evident that no time is to be wasted by those responsible for the construction of the railway through Siamese Malaya, says the Pinang Gazette, for we learn that the first consignment of a thousand tons of rails is due to arrive in Penang in January, and
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  • 634 7 Mr. W. A. Graham, Resident General and Adviser, Keiantan, has issued his report on the State of Keiantan for the period February 15, 1907 to February 4, 1908. He says:— The general condition of the State and of
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  • 1082 8 Quite a sensational item cropped up at the me-eting of the Legislative Council on Friday afternoon, following Mr. Napier's proposition that the Mnnicipal Amendment Bill be read a Hecond time. Mr. Fort rose and, after expressing regret
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  • 136 8 (I’lioM l)ru Ow n Cokukspondf.xt.) Malacca, August 7. To-day the assizes are finished and Justice Sercombe Smith returns to Singapore by the Kinta on Sunday evening. This time the assizes have been very short indeed, lasting from Tuesday to Saturday. There were only two cases of absorbing interest
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  • 59 8 The following are the returns of the Inch Kenneth Rubber Estatos, Ltd., for July:— The dry rubber harvested was 0,500 lbs. Last year the amount for July was 825 lbs. The dry rubber for the first seven months of 1009 is 02,205 lbs. and for
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  • 295 8 (Fkom Our Own,,,., p ''tßanu, August <i. Ills Excellency the limb Sir John Anderson, G.C.M G lanrhu*** the Sea Mew yesterday and for “t'n tim a Uo »««»ent XT ir&w. e day visitt ll,B SELSttT they (ommaodur
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  • 103 8 Miss K. A. Massey has compiled and published a guide to firms and agencies io Hongkong, with a classified list and four map'.. It is well printed ou art paper, neatly bound, and reflects much cr* dit on the printers, the China Mail oflice. In addition
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  • 69 8 It is said that a certain Singapore merchant has offered to buy up the Kwong 1 Cement Factory for $1,000,000 and that■ a certain foreign firm has offer jd sldO,o than this for its acquisition, says the tarn correspondent of the China mail. 1 V, be a great
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  • 973 10 At a mooting of the Legislative Council, on Friday afternoon, Mr. Napier laid on tbo table tbo report of proceedings of tbe select committee of tbe Council apjx>inted on June 11, to consider tbe question ox postponing tbe carrying out of certain
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  • 162 10 Chanceller James R. Day, of Syracuse (N. Y.) University, who passed through Singapore, a few months ago, writes an account of his travels to Zion’s Herald, of Boston, Mass. Among other things he says: —Penang, like Ceylon, is beautiful. It has great schools. We ought not to
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  • 40 10 Messrs. F. W. Barker and Co. inform us the output of clean dry ore from the mine of the Kinta Association for the month of July was: —Mine, 162 piculs Tribute 550 piculs; Total 712 piculs.
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  • 538 10 The arrenth ordinary Beneral the Singapore Cold Storage Co Luf" 1 held at the Singapore Kxchangc at' to-day. Mr. K A. Steven* and there were fourteen shareholdersp”'*'' rho minutes of tl.e previous meeting biZ, been read by tile secretary, Mr.
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  • 92 10 The Sarawak Gazette of August 2, says. The general farms have been let to Messrs Cheah Teow Eang and Khaw Joo Choe. at present holders of Singapore Farms, for a Deriod of three years from Ist .January, STamonthly rent of *BB 000. The present Farmers, Messrs. Khoo
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  • 1074 11 We took a rather adverse tone about the kaowning flotation because we were at a to understand how the Linggi directors, ■bo bought in January, should be so eager to nell in July. Mr. Henry T. Brice charges them with having made
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  • 88 11 An advance statement of weight of block tin and tin ore exported during the months of January to July, 1909, and of duty collected thereon, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year shows 1909. Total. Piculs.
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  • 37 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 7. The Planters’ Stores Agency learns through its London office that the average price of No. 1 plantation Para rubber is 86 pence (7/2) per lb.
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  • 295 11 (From Ouk Own Cokkf.mconuknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 7. The application for bait made by Mr. H. N. h errors, on behalf of Towkay Yap Hod Chin, who was arrested io connection with the recent fight at Puda temple, was
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  • 134 11 The Rev. F. B. Meyer writes to a corres pendent hero, that he is in good health and bright spirits after some arduous work in China. Writing under date of July 23, from Mokhanshan, Hangchaw, he says he does not mean to let his Singapore friends
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  • 166 11 Mr. Kelway Bamber, the Government Chemist of Ceylon, is paying a flying visit to the F. M. S. Mr. Bamber’s work with regard to rubber is well known, but the Malay Mail recalls the facts that he is the discoverer ot the cause
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1293 12 —Straits Times, August 5. We read the other day that a new subject had been included in the curriculum of the girls’ secondary schools in Japan. With sublime directness it is described in the simple, all comprehending term of “Courtship and is defined as a course of instruction
      —Straits Times, August 5.  -  1,293 words
    • 1165 12 —Straits Times, August 6. u OU k f th h Uo,d Geor e attacked something aUin to C Bta ?e8 ot ite through the House of Coupons, aod are a good many of its proposals still opcn Z the strong objection that the, may have a
      ,—Straits Times, August 6.  -  1,165 words
    • 1277 13 —Straits Times, August 7. Perhaps the most natural thing for us to do as journalists would be to make a resounding protest against Dr. Fowlie’s motion about 1 secret sittings of the Municipal Commission. and warmly praise the action of Mr. Broadrick in having given his casting
      .—Straits Times, August 7.  -  1,277 words
    • 1191 13 Straits Times, August 9. If Sir Robert Hart’s physical condition permitted him to do so, we have no doubt that the ex-Inspector General of Chinese Customs would gladly return to China. He lived there too long to bo quite happy anywhere else, but a man who has
      Straits Times, August 9.  -  1,191 words
    • 1097 14 —Straits Times, August 10. The Review of Reviews has been endeavouring to collect impressions formed by members of the Imperial Press Conference on the leading public men they have had an opportunity of meeting and hearing. It is curious to notice that in nineteen replies Mr. Balfour
      —Straits Times, August 10.  -  1,097 words
    • 1125 14 even then most cautiously.—Straits Times, August 11. We are glad to see that the Governs uttered a few words of wisdom in the cour* of his speech at the formal opening of tb*» Penang Agri-Horticultural Show on Monday although we doubt whether much attention will bo paid
      even then most cautiously.—Straits Times, August 11.  -  1,125 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 91 12 The pontfree prtra of the Straits Times ia #HS i year The post free price of the Straits hud/fet is $l4 a yearIt is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same propor* tinnate rate as for a year. The Straits HuJgrt
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  • 26 12 DEATH. Nonius. —At the Oeneral Hospital, Singapore, ou August 6, Alice Mary Vincent Norris, elder daughter of the late Lieut. Walter Norris, Madras Commissariat Department. m
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  • 964 15 The Rabat output for July was 1*51 piculs. The Tronoh output for July was 8,800 piculs. It is notified that the port of Bangkok is declared infected owing to the existence of plague. It takes from 4$ to 6 days to convey goods by bullock-cart from Kuala Kubu
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  • 500 16 Miss KvanH has arrived from Malacca for a few woekh’ holiday in Singapore. Capt. A. k. J. Dewar, assist tot superintendent of police, Singapore, has bad his leave extended. Mr. A. Harr, locomotive engine-driver, F. M. S. Railways, has been appointed locomotive foreman in the place of
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  • 344 16 The special tribunal appointed to judge slave dealing cases met at Cairo, on July 6, to try the charges against several slave dealers and persons accused of having bought slaves. Mr. Walter Bond, Vice-Pre-sident of the Native Court of Appeal, presided,
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  • 310 16 Visitors to Johoro seldom see anything beyond the local Monte Carlo and the lesser gambling places, the hotel, the mosque, the outside of the prison, the tigers, when there are any in the cages just alongside the prison, and
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  • 477 16 The directors of this company k. submited to the shareholders 2SiaSiS£^ i,l 1 J SS As shown by the accounts the gross profil on dredging account for 1908 isXlO 1077 V From this must be deducted :-Cust of nistenng the company’s
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  • 112 16 A singular case of murder and suicide is reported from Malang in A r JICI I, r given in the Sourabiya Handelsbla that one Mathysen, a livery stable keeper there, ran the risk of a fine m the polio* court, and began selling dog carts an on
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 863 18 Cricket. 5. C. C. v. Municipality. On tbo S. C. C. ground, on Saturday, there wan a cricket match between the home Clnb and a team of Municipal employees, which was won by the former. Without the 69 runs of finiil Galistan, the Municipal team would have
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    • 476 18 The Walker Cup. In Friday’s shooting for the Walker Cup the following scores were made. Miss Gunn 34 Mrs. Howes 33 Miss Kerr 33 Mrs. Mauldon 33 Mrs. Learmont 32 Mrs. Abrams 31 Total 196 The nsual weekly shoot by the members of the Penang Ladies' Rifle Club
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    • 518 18 Another View of Local Meeting*. Dealing with the points raised in connection with the recent Penang race meeting the Malay Mail says, inter alia:— For the lit© of us, we cannot see any moral difference between betting with a book maker and on the tote. There are differences
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    • 591 19 Singapore Club Gold Medal. The competitions for the 1908 gold modal m j tlio August medal were played on Saturday and Sunday, aud wore wou by D. W. Kcid with the tine net score of 73. The ball wet .p W as won by G. H. Stratton with the
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    • 94 19 M. F. A. Junior Competition. The Shahrul Katnnr and the .linrikislia team played off their tie at Beach Road, on Tuesday, before a largo crowd of spectators. In the first period scoring proved difficult to both sides, though the Shahrul Kamar had the better of the game. (hi
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    • 88 19 I Sherwood Foresters Win. In the final of the Madras Hockey i Tournament on July 31, the Sherwood Foresters, who were formerly in Singapore, beat the Royal Fusiliers after an excellent game by two goals to one. The Fusiliers scored iu the first fite miuutes. Later the Foresters equalised
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  • 142 19 Lord Kitchener on leaving India this month will proceed direct to China and thence to Japan. Ho will afterwards return to Sinagapore and steadier to \usfcra!ia. After his mission to the Commonwealth lias been accomplished ho will go to New Zealand and then proceed home.
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  • 366 19 Licensing Rubber Dealers. (From Our Spkcial Corrkscondknt.) Penang. August 10. A meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya was hold to day at tie* Agri Horticultural Show under the presidency of Mr. Malcolm Cumming. Tn the course of his mmrks. Rio 4’hairman criticised
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  • 176 19 There was a very delightful dance at the Tanglin Club on Friday, the host and hostess being Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. Fancy dress was worn, and the Club house, most charmingly decorated, presented a lovely picture of varied colouring and quaint costume when the guests bail
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  • 1726 20 London, August 4. Mr. Buchanan. I nder Secretary of State for India, replying to Mr. Keir j Hardie in the Houso of Commons, said the Government was considering how to make some recognition of the heroism of hr. Laloaca in endeavouring to save Colonel Sir Cur/.on Wyllie. M.
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  • 835 21 Berlin, August 4. M Catalonia there is a movement on foot Government 3, it alr tl*e y Ministerial Council, President C.llinrea and M. Pichon gave a satisfactory s anation of the Czar's tour, which, they atoed was undertaken for the purpose »f establishing the European position more <
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  • 250 21 Friday, August 27, is to be a great day with the local Y. M. C. A. Invitations are now being issued for the laying of the corner stone of the new building, which takes place on the site at Stamford Road, that afternoon at 5
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  • 294 21 In his report for the period February 1907 to February 1908, Mr. W. A. Graham, resident commissioner and adviser, Kelantan, says:—The receipts of the revenue department on account of mineral duty amounted for the year to 97,858.8 25, an incroase of 981
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  • 363 21 (From Our Own Corrrhpondknt.) Malacca, August 10. Malacca celebrated Coronation Day by a cricket match against the staff of the Johore Rubber Lands, Ltd., Muar, assisted by Mr. Hastings Rhodes and five local Malays. H. E. Burgess captained the Johore side, the Rev. F. G. Swindell, the Malaccaites.
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  • Shipping in Port.
    • 315 23 August 4 r Aj eaTt Urit str, Hudson, Calcutta, Paterson Blit «tr, Morrell. Ko.nUo. gteanjbbip Coy 5 lady Weld Brit. str. Cobb, Malacoa, Straits Steam bip Coy h,rrib..t, Siam Btr. Jessen, Bangkok, East Asiatic Coy 6 Sim Brit str. Binns, Shanghai, Katz Bros lightning, Brit str, Gentles, Hongkong,
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    • 410 23 August 4 fc'n Yong Sena, Brit str, Patembang Hat Nam, Ilrit atr. Muar and Malacca Cei/im U iru, Jap ►t-, Colomb j an Bombay t'liiiu M«ru Jap Htr. Antwerp via p rla bin a, Brit atr, Teluk Anson via porta idji, Dnt atr, B. Papan h)*hi Maru Jrtp -tr,
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  • 273 23 Per P. and O. steamer Moroa, connecting with the steamer Devanha, at Colombo, due August IX —Mr. O. C. Gillan, Mr. P. R. Hall, Mr. F. Toynbee, Mr. J. Kenwick, Mr. C. H. Mnnro. Mr. J. Young, Mr. H. C. Colvin, Mr. K J
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  • 252 23 Singapore, August 11, 1909. PRODUCE. Gambier 10 421 do (Cnbe No. 1) unpicked 18 70 Copra Bali 9.00 do Pontianak 830 Pepper. Black layers 11 62| do White 1% ,,18 00 Sago Floor Sarawak 8 271 do Brunei No. 1 8.10 Pearl Sago 4.25 Coffee Bali 58
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  • 168 23 Eight native grooms, belonging to Harmstou’sCircus, were arrested early this morning for assault and battery in the Russian Concession, by tho Russian Police, says tho China Critic (Tientsin) of July 22. A free fight appears to have tiken place between Borowski’s
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 219 24 tfr 11V -«CW a« RDS r r> The Physician's I Con lor Goal, end Grevel. ■s. The XTniteml Su>meoh, He* Sour Kructi of the r for Bsgular Uss. MAGNESIA Si V-TT MgWjj m; —I THE MAKELR8 OF THE 8ILBNT r V LET Provide the purchaser with a Guarantee d workmanship
      219 words
    • 562 24 PARALYSIS OP THE BLADDER Mr. A. Oillott. of The Gardens, Sandlin# Park, Hythe, Kent, England, wrote os on April 29, 1906, describing his terrible suffering from paralysis of the bladder, and of his wonderful recovery through using Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. The case being one of snob exceptional hi* tereat,
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 248 25 ASK FOR Schweitzer's c yyir ir- Guaranteed an absolutgly pure Cocoa. Used in the Royal palaces of England, Germany, Russia, Greece, Denmark, etc., etc. inf.. SOLD EVERYWHERETo INVESTORS! Land Properties Inspected aod Reported upon, Soils Examined, Estates Visited, Work Supervised, Valuations Made, Esti- mates Drawn up by E. Mathieu, Agriculturist,
      248 words
    • 356 25 The only Mediclm of the kind warden n uer tipcat 6 at the Calcutta Exhibition, RCQI8Tf RED. Dr. LALOR’S r m to on, Mark momum HA8 THE LARGEST SALE Of ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN For forty years has maintained iu world-wide reputation at the Beet and’ only safe reliable Phosphoric
      356 words