The Straits Budget, 5 August 1909

Total Pages: 23
1 23 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL LXIII. NO. 2686. Singapore, Thursday, August 5,1909. ESTABUSHI0 OVER HALF A CEffTW Price 25 cents
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  • 245 1 leaders— Warring Against War JO Papor Perfection ...10-11 Spaniard and Moor 11 Morals and Money ...1112 The Railway Loan 12 The Czar at Cowes 12-18 Local and Gknkkal— Japanese-Korean Convention 2 The New Territories 2 Labuan Notes 8 Correspondence 8 Mobilization Manoeuvres 8 Canton’B Ex-Viceroy 8 Hongkong’s
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  • 818 1 On Friday, morning a full beuch of judges, consisting of the Chief Justice (Sir W. Hyndman-Jones), Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton and Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, sat at the Supreme Court to consider a point arising from the recent trial of five Chinese
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  • 122 1 Mr. C. P. Johnstoue, iho customs efli -nr, at Carnarvon, Perth, in the last week of June, captured Ah Sing, a Chinaman, who has been long suspected of securing opium from the Singapore boats. Bt fore nightfall, some liouth prior to the arrival of the Minderoo,
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  • 369 3 Tbe earner Haldo". now m No. 2 dock at i hbows plainly the fury of the K she met cu the 14th and 15th inst., W t!, 0 S C. Morning Post, of July 22. ulr awuiags have been blown away,
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  • 95 3 On Friday, Mr. Colm*n continued the preliminary enquiry into allegations of breach of trust that have been provisionally framed by the Municipality to serve the basis of the inquiry into M. A. Tobin's case. Mr. Perkinß conducted the enquiry for
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  • 126 3 ffrho* Ouk Own Cokkkspondknt.) Labnan, July 27. A few days ago lnsp. Nolan found a boa, nicely coiled and fast asleep, in the back verandah of his quarters. He promptly despatched it with a shot gun. The snake about 12 or 13 feet long. a recent visit to
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  • 13 3 [Tbe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 671 3 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —There was much of the greatest value in your article on the death-rate in Singapore in Mondays's issue; many of the reasons given for the present shameful state of affairs, to which Excellency the Governor has called
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  • 362 3 W-hiJo Singapore slept peacefully in its bed last Monday night and the following morning bloodless warfare was waged in the extensive area ot country lying between Bukit Panjuug and the Taugliu district, this being the finale of the field operations in which the
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  • 195 3 (Kkow On* Own Coxhchinindunt.) Hongkong, July 31. Chang Jen-Chun, the ex viceroy of the Liang Hwang, had a very popular send off al Canton. He arrived at Hongkong yestorday, and is the guest of His Excellency tho Governor Sir F. IJ. Lngard,
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  • 909 7 c.tarHsy, Dr. Ooonetilleke appeared Mr Howard in response to a citation the instance of Dr. McDowell, f 0 to exp'ain laDHuage contained in w'Jr'addressed to the complainant to the iithat defendant would bring to the notice Vi„
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  • 342 7 (From Our Own Correspondknt.) Renkalis, July 30. Yesterday, the wife of Mr. Wee Tan, of Beukalis, was buried. Mr. Wee Tan is the father of the partners in the firm of Wee Brothers’ Steamship Co., of Singapore. All the ships, except one, belonging to this firm, were sent
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  • 397 7 Rubber continues to advance steadily in pric*, and the shares are in consequence now reaching levels that the most sanguine hardly anticipated a short time back, with the result thst most available money is being invested in stocks which besides giving
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  • 30 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpnr, July 30. Dr. J. L. Niven, house surgeon, European Hospital, has resigned from the service of the F. M. S. Government.
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  • 122 7 Attention has been called in Holland to a new method of adulterating pepper. Bitter experience has taught the public to be distrustful of ground spices; and consumers prefer to buy the article in the original form. The frauds meet this by taking the pepper grains in hand, and
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  • 62 10 Cantekll —Gardinkr At St. Andrew* Cathedra), Singapore, on July 81, Herbert Meredith, third Hon of the late William Cantrell. Esq, Enginoor-in-Chief, Ceylon Public Works Dept., and of Mrs. Cantrell of Bedford, to Aileoo Mario, elder daughter of E A. Gardiner, Esq Chief Police Officer, and Mrs. Gardiner, of Singapore.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1138 10 for forming sound judgments.—Straits Times, July 29. Spain presents at tbo moment a somewhat curious spectacle. To mark their hatred of a foreign war the people are engaging in what gradually develops into war at home. It is not the fault of their King or his Ministers
      for forming sound judgments.—Straits Times, July 29.  -  1,138 words
    • 1079 10 purifying the interior.—Straits Times, July 80. We have been spending a few strenuous moments skimming through the 351 clauses of the draft ordinance to amend and consolidate the law with regard to Municipalities in the Straits Settlements.” A long familiarity with municipal laws at home makes us tolerant
      purifying the interior.—Straits Times, July 80.  -  1,079 words
    • 1140 11 —Straits TitUHH, .Inly 31. When we wrote a few days ago on the strange (spectacle of a nation warring with itself while a savage enemy dealt deadly blows at one of its outposts, we did not know the terrible magnitude of the disaster that had befallen the
      —Straits TitUHH, .Inly 31.  -  1,140 words
    • 1088 11 i.—Stra»t« TimcH, 2. In it quite moral to live eornfortab’y on dividends earned by a company which may obtain a good deal of its business by what, if strictly analysed, would have to be described as false pretences? Is it moral to accept ten per cent, when
      i.—Stra»t« TimcH, 2.  -  1,088 words
    • 1042 12 -Straits Now that fie full text of the agreement between the Government of the Federated Malay States and the Government of Siam has been published, we may assume that there will be an end of tho carping that has taken place on financial aspects of the AngloSiamose
      -Straits  -  1,042 words
    • 1265 12 —-ww„ UJUDl VCkl ~~MraitH Times, August 4. The Czar s visit to Cowes ought not to u desenbed as a political event. It little more than the fact that Russia have improved sufficiently to the monarch and his consort to enjoy a few of the
      —-ww„ UJUDl VCkl ~~MraitH Times, August 4.  -  1,265 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 The puiitfree price of the Straits Times $aS J®* r The po»t free price of the Straits Budget ia $l4 a year. It it not necessary to aubscribe for a year. The subscriptions for ahorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a vear. The Straits Budget can
      90 words

  • 613 13 Siam is a splendid country for cattle-graz-‘ak’ an raising, and it is a matter of great •importance to see that the breed is not remarks a Bangkok exchange. j< r< H a constant and increasing drain on l? f l ßlc of the country, tho prime animals iog
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  • 472 13 Mr. J. P. Masters, M. 8., has been appointed a medical officer in the Straits Settlements. Mr. K. E. Harmer is to be an assistant superintendent of police in the Straits Settlements. Capt. F. A. Brown, for over twenty years an employee of the Hongkong and Kowloon
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  • 288 15 M Oi k Own Corukspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 3. Tho following have been invited to repro!t the Federated Malay States in the rl cket match as-aiDßt the Colony at Penanu, lit week:—K. Bradbery (captain), K. B. tannon. A.C. Corbetta, M. 11.
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  • 323 15 With a view to aid the funds of the local society of St. Vincent de Paul, an institution >sbich exists for the purpose of relieving the poor, a charity bazaar was held on Tnesday at the Victoria Memorial Hall,
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  • 514 15 (From Our Own Corrkspondent.) Penang, Jnly 29. The weather was tine for the second day's racing and the attendance was better. Rain threatened but did not fall, but the going was soft. Griffin handicap (six furlongs). Crieffitc 9.7, 1; Dame Marion 8.12, 2; Bata Kawan 9.7,3. Won by
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  • 89 15 lladji llassan, a Javanese, was before the second magistrate, this morning, for preliminary enquiry into an allegation of having attempted to murder a Sikh bullockcart driver named Tal Singh by stabbing him in the chest while ho was asloep. Mr. F. M. Chopard appeared for tho defence.
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  • 168 15 i From Odk Corukspondknt.) Kuala Lumpnr, July 29. The Rubber Growers’ Company has contracted in Colombo for the forward sale of No. 1 Rubber from Kemsey Estate, Selangor, during 1910, at six shillings per pound. This is a record for Colombo. London
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  • 92 15 White ants and tlioir destructive inroads upon all manner of construction timber, a Manila paper says, are becoming a grave problem to the insular government, contractors, business concerns, and in fact, every proj>erty holder in Manila and other parts of the islands. Ever since the honeycombed
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  • 138 15 It will bo a surprise to most people in Singapore to learn that within the past few years the district of Sclitar, from the Government Bungalow towards the sea, has been largely planted out with rubber, with large patches between the Kallang waterworks and tho police
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  • 148 15 Tho nows of the death of Mr. H. W. Fraser, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, will be received with genuine regret by his many friends in this colony, says the Hongkong Daily Press. Mr. Fraser joined tho head office staff in 1892, and
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  • Sporting Intelligence. NOTES IN GENERAL.
    • 1196 16 5. C. C. Tournament. The cricket toamaiuent match, Merchants v The Rest, begun on Saturday last, was completed on .July on the Esplanade, and provided quite an exciting finish —certainly more exciting than the superior contest proC tiding the same day at Manchester. When plumps were drawn on Saturday,
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    • 665 16 Jans/. > XI. Ist Innings. o. m, K. V. D. Parsons h i v i A. W. Bevan 8 3 24 F. W. Stretton 2.2 1 H. Peake 2 0 6 j Jansz’s XI. 2nd Innings. G. R. Home 7 0 2h > V. 1). Parsons 8 0
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    • 447 17 Reppel Qolf Club. The result of the second round for the President’s Prize, for 1909, is as follows:— K. P. Binnie beat D. Noble 4 up aod 8, A. B. Cameron beat W. B. Taylor 8 up and 6, K. 0. Swan beat J. B. Murray 2 up and
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    • 320 17 5. C. C. v. 5. R. C. A team of the S. R. C. met a scratch eleven of the S. C. C. in a soccer match on the latter’s ground, on Thursday. The game was slow iu the first half, and there was no scoring till about
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    • 306 17 The Douglas Osborne Shield. The shield presented by Mr. F. Douglas Osborne for competition among F. M. S. rifle shooting teams has arrived and is now hanging in the billiard room of the Selangor club, Kuala Lumpur. The design is both haudsome and novel. The shield is composed
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    • 78 17 5. C, C. v. R. G. A. and R. E. A combined team of the R G.A. and R.E. met an eleven of the S.C.C. at hockey on the Esplanade, on Tuesday. In the first half, play was more or less even and the teams scored one goal each.
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    • 46 17 Tanglin Club. The July competition at the Tanglia Clnb resulted as follows:— W. Lowther Kemp 768 60—828 S. Dunn 641 160 801 H. Freeman 740 20 760 J. Robertson 655 80 735 E. A. Cleaver 527 170 697 F. E. Woraley Taylor 587 100 687
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  • 164 17 On June 12, the residence of a trader named Boi Gu Ku, in Thomson ltd., was broken into and two pillows, an opium pipe and a blanket were stolen. The thief was traced to Jobore, where the property was recovered from a pawnshop and a coolie lodging
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  • 181 17 Yarn Sara is a Chinese doe f or whoso office is at 114 South Bridge R »ad. His grateful patients presented him with four valuable signboards, from time to time, as he accomplished cures for them. Tnese signboards eventually found their way into the possession of Chop
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  • 2006 18 London, July 28. In the Houho of Commons, on the Colonial Office vote, Mr. Laidlaw urged a uniform policy in dealing with the opium trade in the Colonien, and recommended pressure on the Hongkong administration to suppress opium dens. Col. Seely said that all the divans in Hongkong
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  • 738 19 Berlin, July 28. Serious street fighting ha* taken place at Barcelona. Further Spanish losscr are roported from Mellila. M. Latham made a second attempt to crogH the Channel from Calais to Dover, but fell into the sea when quite near Dover. The Czar will meet the Sultan at
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  • 215 19 Tan Ki Peng, of Teluk Blangah, is a con tractor who supplies meat and fowls to the employees of the Pulan Brani Smelting Works On the night of July 22, at about 11 o'clock, he was aroused by
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  • 279 19 Mr. Justice Woodward has heard a case, at the Taiping Assizes, in which Lye Choon, a life-sentenced convict in tbe local prison, was charged with wonnding, with the intent to kill, a fellow convict, who had given evidence against him when he was
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  • Shipping in Port.
    • 502 21 July 28 T rnn Brit str, Olifent, Hongkong, P Simons i P n, Bdt Str. Binns, Shanghai, Katz Bros Kumpel, Bangkok. B. M.yer 29 Q G. Dut 8tr Meinerz Palembang, Hock Seng Rij h < f Sarnw k, Bar str, Barton, Sarawak. One Ewe Hai Rxtichi M«ru, Jap str,
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    • 525 21 Ju y 28 Dovre, Nor atr, Bangkok T res 1. Brit str, Macas ar via ports hiitna, Brit str, P. Swettenham and Penang Qu(d<i, Brit s’r, Calcutta Re>uloe Bri str, Hongkong anl Japan H n Yung Seng Brit atr, Palembang Yugal't, Siam atr, Bangkok via ports Ayuthia, Brit str,
      525 words
  • 245 21 Singapore, August 4, 1909. PRODUCE. Gam bier buyers t 9.90 do (Cube No. 1) anpicked 18.AO Copra Bali 8 80 do Pontianak 8 20 Pepper, Black 11.60 do White *'1 18 90 Sago Flour Sarawak 8 27$ do Brunei No. I 8.10 Pearl Sago 4 26 Coffee
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  • 242 21 Mrs. Ernest Schulz was attacked by an unknown Filipino at her home in Malacanan, Manila, on July 10, and only hor bravery and natural physical strength saved her from serious injury. Mrs. Schulz was sleeping and the man gained
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 373 22 Tbs Physician's 111 I k Ik 1 bH |fl V I |l| Ours for Oout, J Rheumatic sad Oravsl. The Universal Remedy for Aridity of the 1 Stomaeh, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most Sour KrootetioM, Biliou. AfwUou. KflKti.e Apriaot T The Best Preventive^^X n> Jinary medicines begin at the
      373 words
    • 303 22 TO END THE TORMENT OF PILES. Nothing is more tormenting than piles They make work almost impossible. It is agonising to move or sit down. Piles are dangerous, too, because if neglected they often lead to fistula. If you have piles-itch-ing, bleeding or protruding—the earlier yon begin with Dou's Ointment
      303 words
    • 312 22 8KETGHE8 ft 8T0NE8 OF ft* MALAYA. f ft A few copies of the “STRAITS ANNUALS FOR THE YEAR*****-7 •fa still in stock and may to obtained at a clearing price of 25 cento each from Ilia StraitH Times Office, Singapore or from our agents as under:— Messrs. JOHN LITTLE CO.,
      312 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 260 23 ASK FOR Schweitzer’s Cocoatina Guaranteed an absolutely pure Cocoa. Used in the Royal palaces of England, Germany, Russia, Ghreeoe, Denmark, etc., etc. SOLD EVERYWHERE. To INVESTORS! Land Properties Inspected and Reported npon, Soils Exatnined, Estates Visited, Work Super* vised, Valuations Made, Estimates Drawn up by E. Mathieu, Agriculturist, Singapore, Author
      260 words
    • 426 23 LEA PERRINS K, yXifww.Vi'.iiwg; SAUCE Assists digestion and gives a delightful piquancy and flavour to all MEAT DISHES, SOUPS, FISH, CHEESE. CURRIES, CAME. POULTRY and 8AUDS. The Original Genuine Worcestershire. By Royai Warrant to M.M Th£ ing. Tto only Madicfna of the kind award on a vartlficate at tha Calcutta
      426 words